Possible South Bay Union School District school closures frustrate parents

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Central Elementary News

Declining Student Enrollment,Nestor Language Academy,South Bay Union School District

Laura Acevedo joined the ABC 10News team in April 2017 as a reporter and multimedia journalist.

SAN DIEGO — Parents from a school in Nestor came out in strong numbers to oppose the district’s possible plans to restructure and consolidate several schools. The district says final plans are still months, if not years away.

"It wasn’t on the plan, they want to divide us, and for us, it was very shocking because it was never spoken," says Mayra Gutierrez, a mom of two children at the school. "I think nerve-racking how three options were presented and then out of the blue there was a fourth option," says Fernanda Rios, another mom with two kids at the school.

However, parents said the initial plans didn’t split Nestor; instead, they moved them as a whole to another campus.


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