Meet A Prehistoric ‘Mega-Raptor’–Found, Fossilized, In This Cave In South Australia

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Prehistoric Raptor Discovery News

Mega-Raptor Fossil Findings,Dynatoaetus Pachyosteus Unveiling,Victoria Fossil Cave Discovery

I am an American evolutionary biologist, based at Rutgers University, where I specialize in biodiversity, evolution, and genomics. Drop me a note, here. Thanks for your readership and support.

team of scientists in Victoria Fossil Cave at Naracoorte, South Australia. Here’s what to know about this exciting find.Biologists and paleontologists have long wondered why Australia has fewer large birds of prey than other continents.

North America, too, has a broader diversity of large avian predators. The bald eagle and the golden eagle are perhaps the two most well-known examples, but there are others–such as the white tailed eagle, the harpy eagle and the solitary eagle, not to mention a handful of large scavenging vultures such as the turkey vulture, black vulture and California condor., however, is changing this narrative.


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