Kippax Ash Tree: Ofsted praise for 'ambitious' Leeds primary school after ratings turnaround

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

An 'ambitious” Leeds primary school has been praised by Ofsted inspectors after completing a ratings turnaround.

Kippax Ash Tree Primary School, located in Gibson Lane, Kippax, was rated Good in all five inspected categories – the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision. It completed a ratings turnaround for the school, part of the Brigshaw Learning Partnership, after it was rated as Requires Improvement during a 2021 inspection. The education watchdog said: “Pupils in this school ‘stride with pride’.

” Ofsted highlighted pupil behaviour as 'kind and considerate', with staff praised for setting high standards and working hard to improve the attendance of pupils. The school’s curriculum is described as both “ambitious and rigorous”. Leaders have made sure that, as pupils move through the school, it is clear what they will learn and why. The report added: “Since the last inspection, leaders have made improvements to the curriculum. This is ambitious and well thought out.


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