Parents urged to vaccinate their kids against measles ahead of the new school year

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U.S. health officials have identified six active measles outbreaks and a record number of cases since the disease's eradication in the country in 2000. 'In the communities where the outbreaks happened in the U.S., in every single one of those outbreaks, those were a result of parents choosing

As kids return to school, health officials are urging parents to vaccinate their kids before they step through the schoolhouse doors.

While it’s up to parents to make sure their children are vaccinated, some states and school systems have taken the additional step of barring children who aren’t immunized from attending class. That law – like all other state laws that ban religious exemptions – still allow for medical exemptions to vaccines, though that tends to only come up in very rare situations when children have a proven earlier allergy to vaccines or are receiving special treatment, such as chemotherapy. Just last week, a state Supreme Court judge upheld the law after a challenge, making it the first school year where the religious exemption is not in place in New York at the start of a school year.

"We are working with the Department of Health to ensure all our policies are aligned to this new law, and we have communicated updates to families and educators," she said. "If parents are living in communities with low vaccination rates, it’s certainly worth asking the school what the vaccination rate is," he said.

Laurie Combe, the president of the National Association of School Nurses, pointed to the story of Mary Pappas, a school nurse in New York who was the one to first uncover the swine flu cluster in the state and alerted the Centers for Disease Control.


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Parents urged to vaccinate their kids against measles ahead of the new school yearThe new school year is starting as there are six active outbreaks and after months where recent records for the number of measles cases in the U.S. have broken records This shouldn't even be optional for parents. Schools should be allowed to turn away any kid who isn't vaccinated imo Vaccines are mandatory here now for schools. Should be everywhere.
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