New Liberal MP wants 'both sides' of climate change debate taught at schools

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School children should hear a diverse range of views in the classroom, including from climate change advocates as well as sceptics, a new Liberal MP says.

Australian school children should hear from both climate change scientists and climate change sceptics, a new Coalition MP believes.The small business owner says the greatest gift of being human is free choice, arguing"indoctrination of any type robs our children of this gift".

"When I hear a school principal stand up at school in assembly and say: 'If this government doesn't do anything about climate change the world will end in 2030', I get angry.""We simply believe that we need to look after this magnificent planet because it's the right thing to do, not because a scientist or extremist scared us into it," he said on Wednesday.

Mr Young said the electorate of Longman has 12,000 small businesses, and the absence of big corporate companies creates the area's sense of community.


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I think the prime minster is leading to both sides of other debates he is slay

Or just the science?

Rubbish schools should teach actual science not skepticism funded by big polluters

SBS NO children should be taught the correct science. If they then chose to deny that, that's their prerogative.

By “both sides” he means the overwhelming scientific view on one side and nonsense on the other. We try nit to teach kids nonsense. Otherwise they grow up to be Libs.

It’s NOT a debate!! Teach science.

How about we just teach them actual science? Novel idea, I know.

Afraid schools are left wing think tanks, like most educational institutions. They all need a good scourging.

Finally!!!!!!! Adds a new layer to the idea of making an informed decision !!!!!

Climate change is not a ‘view’

Maybe he’s onto something. With the amount of people rejecting what is being taught at school they might just become believers.

Kids can't sit or pass a simple general knowledge test. Results have gone backwards for years. No ability for critical thinking. Just communist indoctrination. Asian parents know that only the 3 R's matter. Everything else is just a waste of your child's mind. Very smart. auspol

He's right!

Cant they get the loony, fact free view of the universe during scripture ? What next - astrology classes ?


Maybe an HSC course on paranormal activity?

Are you fucking kidding me

Balancing science with non science makes a poor education. We value knowledge over opinion so no thanks.

Children should learn our constitution

Nah, you don’t put total BS views in the classroom. Teach kids to question everything and to research yes. But don’t give validity to stupidity!

Well, that's pretty much it now for TV News channels. was my last hope 🤷‍♂️

Absolute cookery with this lot of far-right religious zealots. It's not enough to empty the coffers, they need to fuck up Australian education for a generation.

So RE should include Satanism?

Correct. Why isn't this already the normal procedure?

There is no 'both sides'! That's total BS! The science is there. It's a fact. And the fact that both Poles are melting, Europe is having a summer that is breaking temp records, our country is completely dry should make idiot sceptics wake up! The earth is seriously screwed!

Has to be evidence based.

So 'views' are good science? Who would have thought

Except that you cant present both sides as equal. Most scientists agree with human influenced global warming. So for every denier you would need 9.5 scientists in support to speak in schools. They wouldn't learn anything else

Including religion and creationism, round earth and flat earth, telling the truth and many things that’d need to be covered if that applied to all subjects 😂

From where do the Liberals find these bright sparks?

If you think this is 'news' that's really sad. If you think it's an abomination, delete your account.


The factual side and the non-factual side too? Why?

Maybe there still is hope for democratic government.

Most climate change views are pushed through an awkward marriage of green left political & capitalist rent seeking narratives. There are a rapidly increasing number of scientists who are questioning the validity of ACCC. Let’s not be afraid to hear opposing views.

Why does he have a flat earther relative looking for a job?

How about we just teach them facts rather than ideological bs with no scientific credibility!

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the classroom with climate change skeptics talking to primary school children. The skeptics wouldn't stand a chance. Kids can be extremely brutal when it comes to asking insightful questions and they have a very high BS monitor.

What’s a “climate change advocate”?

No! School children should be taught the scientific method in school and FACTS!

Because the truth is in front of our faces and we're sick of the bullshit.

Get some racists and Nazis in there as well while you're at it.

OMG. The children should be learning how to read and write, when they grow up they can fight you politicians.



Terry Young good man!

Both sides and the middle would be good. Actual sustainable solutions too, although the kids probably already know these.

Good luck I’ve been listening to teachers indoctrinating the Global warming, Climate change, Climate emergency garbage for 10 years - at least

Cue outraged drips in three, two, one...

If pseudoscience & claptrap (viz climate change denialism) is introduced into classrooms, it needs to be shown to be fakery. Students need FakeNews radar; this could teach them proper scepticism over such claims.

I think it should be the other way the moment most of it is pro Climate Change.The impact of solar cycles understated.

The science has been settled for decades. There is no debate. Time for action. Start by removing subsidies for fossil fuels.

Finally a politician prepared to speak out against the current brainwashing.

Bradthinks71 Correct. Teach them HOW to think not what to think. Teach them how to research.

Better to teach them about the pros and cons of robodebt.

Thank you people of Queensland

Our children should here the facts not hysteria

Yes- Longman- that bastion of intellectual progress and ideas!

How about being taught about finance at an early age

does that mean the Australian government will employ atheist teachers to all Christian schools to teach their view of creation ? or will ScomoPM's National/Liberal coalition be one sided !!!

No. I'm a biology teacher and teach environmental studies. I won't be teaching the fabled 'other side of the story'. Neither will anyone else be allowed to.

LyndaFrench19 The thin edge of the wedge.

Climate change is not a free speech issue nor a ‘debate’. The influence of parental views & choice is overlooked by these MP’s. It’s unfair to make schools the staging ground for an ideological war. Similar to Creationism vs Evolution in the US. Insidious RW agenda at the fore.

Just dumb. The debate is over. Please don't do this SBS. After the ABC was murdered you are our last hope at MSM giving us a fair view.

IT IS NOT A DEBATE. climatechange

Why do we give airtime to ignorance and nonsense?

Sceptics do not believe things without proof. As there is ample evidence in support of anthropogenic climate change, and arguments against are easily disproven, any genuine sceptic will be supporting the ACC argument.

Great he wants fantasy taught along side with reality. Where does this end, a weeks worth of education on the flat earth, a week worth of the Norse creation legends, let the kids decide what is real. What’s the harm, other than our children’s future.

Your future is literally in our hands you will be the ones forced to clean it up because we are too busy filling our pockets and feeding our egos but hey let's teach you the lies we tell ourselves to get to sleep at night. The most boring useless science fiction class ever.


No such thing as a climate sceptic just a fuckwit

Heaven forbid schooling should teach critical thinking....that would fly in the face of their actual purpose of mass indoctrination

Fine. A wide range of religious views, environmental views, political views, gender preference views.... and all the alternative views to yours, fool.


I'm sure he's fine with also having his children hear from anti-vaxxers, flat-eathers, militant atheists, moon landing conspiracy theorists and people who still believe in Santa too, right?

why do LNP politicians have problems with facts and science being taught in schools ? auspol

Sure. Via empiric quantitative analysis.

This isn't an opinion with 'sides'? It's facts. Let's implement Fairness Doctrine like previously in US. Made a mess by giving extremists equal airtime, not reporting facts. Let's leave out what they will gain (coal $$) & instead care for environment, animals, & all people.

With Scomo in charge everything is going to turn to crap.


False equivalence.


Ignorance is from lack of education, not from a well informed and broad based education which is based on the latest known facts of the era

There is no ‘other side’! The science is in!


There are no both sides. There is fact, and then there's paranoid delusion. Is this shitheel seriously proposing we teach kids conspiracy theories? Let's start with the secret conspiracy by Jews to subvert world finances. What do you say, JoshFrydenberg?

Can we teach both sides of the round Earth debate too? 🧐

What about both sides of the ‘round earth’ debate?

And the idiots who voted him in should then be exempt from receiving any future funding due to climate change impacts.

Cptjohnno Expect to see him on qanda with alan jones and poryene hansin.

If this hypocrite doesn't want kids indoctrinated, get religious education off the state school curriculum. Facts are facts, leave the mumbo-jumbo out of it.

Firemonkey991 GARBAGE. Children are owed TRUTH. Popular opinion IS NOT science. There is no peer among climate scientists in disagreement. The science is established.

At last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why ? The science is settled. fedupwiththesemorons

Oh dear/ read your Bible- Revelation, hot/ hotter- hottest= climate change

Longman went from such a hardworking sensible MP in Susan Lamb to this guy. What have you done Longman.

yes, lets hear from both sides - science .... versus blind stupidity and ignorance

Pauline Hanson preferences got this idiot elected. At least the previous LNP member believed in Climate Change. Qld you have stuffed this country.

Of course! You have to know your opponents arguments to win the debate. This is common sense!

As long as the sceptical view is based on peer reviewed science.

just let children be happy till they are teens realise eveythings fucked and never forgive any of us for the wreck we left behind for them

Duh Terry. It's science

the kids are already excited, school excursion to a coal mine, above and below ground, survivors will get to go on the csg excursion. no responsibility will be held for children who get sick after excursions. oil well tours will occur after deforestation tours.

Schools teach facts in science so sorry the view of skeptics is irrelevant

Not when 99% of scientists say it's real and 1% don't

Sure, if allocated correctly. 2% of classroom time can be provided for skeptics and 98% for science.

So we’re not to tell children the truth about Climate Change. Perhaps we should also teach them that the biblical Creation story was factual. That would probably satisfy this guy.

I suppose that we can expect to hear the good points of murder, rape and stealing as well. FFs what drivel is this. If you want coal and energy companies to bribe you, just come out with it. You don't have to corrupt kids minds with your bull shit.

Yeah, and along with mathematicians they should also hear from people who just make shit up.

I haven’t read the article provided because my bloody fucking boiled at the title. This is outrageously unacceptable and makes me embarrassed to be Australian, again! The ‘new liberal MP’ has no place in government.

I wonder if he thinks there should be diverse views of, say, the multiplication tables, or the periodic table.

As long as they explain that the sceptics are clearly wrong based on the scientific evidence. Useful debate on cognitive dissonance

Can you please, for the love of all that is right and true, report on this in a way that is critical of blatant stupidity and wrongness?

There is no other side

I think Terry is a bit of a dill

Why should they hear from climate change sceptics, given they are about 1% of climate scientists? Do we have to teach flat earth theories as well? What about beliefs that the earth is only 6,000 years old?

If the media stopped publicising this idiocy, it would fade away.

Sorry this is NOT news. It is utter crap! auspol

Not this both sides shit again😡🤬

Only if we can hear gravity and centrifugal forces sceptics too. SackMorrison auspol

Yeah why not...totally snow with 'NON- science.' Industrial Revolution had it easy.

What 'both sides'? There isn't a credible opposing argument to Climate Change. It's happening. There is irrefutable proof of it happening. Creationism is claptrap, and should be banned.

Will we be inviting flat-earthers into the classroom too?

Excellent. I assume religious instruction will now include classes supporting a godless view of the universe?

There is no 'both sides' FFS. There is the evidence, and a bunch of people who dispute it with no proof whatsoever. ClimateEmergency auspol


Bullsh1t. An opinion contrary to established fact does not deserve a platform.

Completely irresponsible - please stop validating this rubbish by reporting on it as though it's a serious matter.

SBS Yep, I agree. My Year 3 kids are always told to think for themselves. We also look at the facts and listen to experts not just anyone with an opinion.

Great. Also include flat earth studies, anti Vax, abstinence. Bugger actual knowledge!

Does he want us to believe the earth is flat too?

There's a debate?

You mean scientists vs charlatans?

Sorry, my children will only learn science. No one tells me what my children shall learn. Fuck the system!

children should hear the views of people that believe smoking is good for them

What about teaching them the earths flat too?

Uh, no. Seems this weeks opinion piece on hearing “both sides” was quite timely:

Well then they should also learn about Pastafarians Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which also explains climate change.... And the world wide decline of pirates.

Yeah he wants to 'teach' them climate change isn't happening.

One day in the not too distant future this kind of attitude, and the casual reporting of it without pointing out he’s wrong will be considered a failure of duty of care to children.

THERE IS NOT 2 SIDES. It is science.

Jasonsmumr By that logic we should also teach flat-earthism, astrology and numerology.

I don't suppose anyone could explain that we are not entitled to an opinion on a matter of fact, either it is or it isn't, it does or it doesn't, it did or it didn't.

SBS Children need to be taught facts and not false claims. If he wants to dumb his children down then so be it. But he has no right to dumb other people's children down. Not everyone wants to be a LiberalAus MP

What? The true side AND the RWNJ fantasy?

Let’s hope so.

Of course. Students should be taught to analyse a range of perspectives and data to form their own evaluative judgements/conclusions. This develops students’ higher order thinking skills.


How are these people elected?

I guess those that don't believe the holocaust happend too just how far do you go? It is okay to say no your a being a pin head.

An opinion when attempting to unsettle fact and science is propaganda and the classroom is no place for it.

SBS Oh no!....not another climate change story!...when are people going to. Get over this shit!

There is no 'both sides' - 95% of scientists who study climate change agree that humanity is having a significant effect auspol

In unrelated news: 'Climate change could be making us fatter, dumber and more depressed: report' QED

Where does the LNP find them?

sounds fair to me since the entire farce was made up by The Club of Rome...

MSMWatchdog2013 Stop publishing this shit FFS

Probably a good idea. 'And kids it is important to know that policy and legislation is held up by idiots in power who believe this isn't real'

MSMWatchdog2013 Yeah and cigarettes dont cause lung cancer. The tobacco companies wanted you to believe that to.

MSMWatchdog2013 When the kids are brighter than the policitians.

Can we teach the “stork view” on reproduction?

SBS There aren’t both sides. There is arrogance and ignorance , and there is science, facts ,and truth.

how about a socratic dialogue on the matter?

.No way!!!! ENOUGH if this anti science BULLSHIT! they'll be insisting on Creationism next!!!


This guy is a gifted politician already. Seeking out the problems , finding the wrong ones and applying the wrong solution. genius dunning-kruger auspol

The amount of people against children hearing diverse range of views to draw conclusions from is frightening

They should be taught the truth. University is the place to debate the differences, not impressionable young children at school.

You can have your own opinions....what you can't have is your own facts

What about we just teach kids the climate change science in schools. Not opinions.

Perhaps the flat earthers should get equal time too.

well why doesn't this surprise...this is the society we have is now open to political debate ....christ we are dumb


Well said. About time someone sheds a bit of common sense on Climate. Kids should never be 'brain washed' by leftists pro gay teachers that state their thoughts as a must and single out kids that don't agree with them.

How did Australia re-elect these corrupt morons

Children should here from qualified climate scientists not activists or skeptics

This is culpable in paroting climate denial propaganda at a time when tipping points are approaching fast and getting close, especially in the Arctic - media have an ethical responsibility to keep the public properly informed on all serious threats affecting them

and perhaps flat earth theories

Just. No. Climate Change deniers should be hung, drawn and quartered. And that's just for starters.

What would the esteemed Liberal member say of the diverse view of say the following subject being taught, 'That the Holocaust is a Hoax', there would be uproar.

seems we're back to the 'alternative facts' argument again🙄

These morons should be held directly responsible for failing to act on the climate emergency! The evidence is now overwhelming and incontrovertible!! Climate Criminals the lot of them!! 🤬🤬🤬

Nope. Don't waste their time telling them lies. We'll end up like America, where home-schooled ninnies vote for Trump.

sceptism is an important part of the scientific method....

So we will have the subject Anti-Science taught alongside Science? I don’t think so.

Get at them when they’re young and vulnerable, manipulate, indoctrinate. 80% female teachers churning out generations of dysfunction.

Are they going to be told which one is scientific and which one is a load of clap-trap?

Bit of a one-sided story, though...

Careful now. They'll be learning how to evaluate information for accuracy and relevance next. Can't have that. Might end up with a whole generation of potential voters who see through divisive MSM bullshit, instead of blindly accepting the IPA propaganda and Murdoch Kool-Aid ...

How can you teach scepticism if it's nothing but a view! It doesn't exist, it's not a science I know the title of the curriculum for this 'how to be a flog', I bet LiberalAus will hand these out personally

Teach them how to read and write would be better

also in the new science curriculum 'is the earth really round?' 'dinosaurs and people - how they lived side by side', 'gravity - the alternative facts' and 'vaccinations - are they necessary?' LNPfail

SBS While we are at it...Why don't we teach them flat earth as well?

Spell your name PM

i didn't think it was debatable anymore, i think it is happening, glaciers are melting, record temperatures in europe, wild-fires in Siberia; is this not climate change?

Why bother printing this rubbish.


Bollocks. They should be taught the science. Which is irrefutable.

There's no debate. Idiot.

MSMWatchdog2013 And cancer should be treated with crystals and harmonic water. Or something.

SBS So long as the sketics are qualified and have good quality peer reviewed scientific work backing them up.... Or are we talking crackpots with a YouTube account :)

SBS Do they even science ?🙄

The Liberal MP believes that if we teach students that science is real, we should also teach them that science is fake. Let's extend that shall we? We have maths, let's have fake maths. Teach students that 1 + 1 = 4. 5 x 5 = 12,239. What a great use of time and resources!

So your going to teach children that climate change is not real while the world burns around them... Wtf

I'm fearful of a govt, driven by Prophets for Profits ideologies & loopy religious anti-science zealots, actually rewriting the curriculum, again!

Sounds fair. So for every 99 classes where its highlighted that temperatures are rising and some aspect of that is our fault there will be 1 class where its just scepticism...

Wow. Check the article. I suspect this guy may be a supporter of ‘intelligent design’ too. (Read up on what happened in ‘science classes’ in some American schools.) Not everything needs ‘a diverse view’. 😡

From those indoctrinated by the IPA fruit loops championing 'Western Civilisation Studies ' & an Anti-Science brigade we now have MPs who see Scientific evidence as a collection of opinions & vague perspectives. Follow the trail of $$$$ to massive busine$$ interests behind this.


What's this, liberals are being backwards? no waaaaiiiii...

And fill students minds with garbage rather than facts? No doubt this is driven by the idiocies of a religious agenda.

Should children be taught that maybe no-one has ever landed on the moon and that it is all a conspiracy? auspol

From non scientific views? That is ridiculous. Maybe they should be taught tax law that reflects a just society and not heavily influenced by the rich?

Haha, idiots

I am ashamed and apologetic, on behalf of the constituents of Longman.

fuck no

Can we also have folk with different opinions on maths

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