More student loan borrowers carry six-figure balances

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

She has $500,000 in student loans, as more borrowers are saddled with six-figure balances.

loves her job as a pharmacy manager at Walgreens. But to study at the University of Oklahoma to become a doctor of pharmacy, she borrowed more than $310,000, and said the debt has limited her options. A few years ago, when she tried to buy a car, she said, more than 11 banks denied her a loan.Balancing other bills is a challenge. "I just never imagined being a professional who still lives paycheck to paycheck," she said.

Then he suggests paying off your loans with the highest interest rates first, to save money in the long run. "The name of the game is paying the least amount over time," said Betsy Mayotte, the president of The Institute of Student Loan Advisors, a nonprofit that helps student loan borrowers with free advice and dispute resolution.she said, you can figure out the best repayment plan for you. For example, income-driven repayment plans cap your monthly bill at a portion of your earnings.


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My experience with student loans came from the rental houses in my PUD. About half of the 68 houses are rented to students and visiting with them I found that most had student loans. Almost to the one they drove late model or new BMW or Mercedes cars. Hmmm?

Nautrapathic Medicine? Somewhere along the path of growing up, she lost basic finance 101! Get realistic about your goals & what the market is. Not everyone kid can program video games just because they play them! Banks will lend, that is what they do.

I’m getting tired of this story and that dumb ass look on her face. The face only someone $500k in student loan debt could make.

How many times is this going to be news? Wow, it’s been posted more than 10x already 🤦‍♂️. We all already knows she’s not that bright for having that large sum of a loan, unless she’s a brain surgeon. But if she’s not any type of surgeon, then she’s just not smart. Done, next.


Keep reposting this great message for parents and for their college bound children; don’t go to a private school and waste $500K on something that will never make that back. She could have learned acupuncture by learning Mandarin and flying to China.

Reposting story from last week? Slow Trump bashing news day🤔

So you can’t qualify for a home or car in college but you can get a loan for more than 500,000 dollars. Who is this stupid to loan this kind of money to a student

Who borrows 500,000? Not my problem. Bank should never ever loan money to someone without a job strong enough to pay it back.

Poor thing, let’s all give her half a million dollars. Hell, make it an even million.

This is a repeat from a couple weeks ago. Stop

Seems like someone had too much fun in school and doesn’t know finances.

Shes smiling on the outside but slowly dying on the inside.

How many times are you going to post this

audit audit audit - guaranteed it was not all spent on school.

Does this story ever go away?

The number of times this has been posted by CNBC too numerous to count. Easy to determine CNBC agenda.

Y’all keep reposting this shit imma fight you

Time for a loan audit



Whomp whomp


And should homeowners who are “saddled” with 6 figure balances, that they, too, chose to be responsible for as people w/student debt did, have their debt forgiven? ENOUGH!

/ No person should be denied further education by the Costs £ of attending a University as the more people educated adds to whichever Country they are Citizen off ! Which is happening in the U.K today ?

Are we using someone who is an accupuncturist and went through a doctoral education for it as an example of people making rational high education decisions and coming up with shocking debt. average salary of accupuncturist under 60K what made her think she could payoff this debt

OK fine! studentloan forgiveness if COLLEGES front it, no taxpayers. The High School grad factory worker- so NOT liable for selling expensive collegiate experiences yielding disproportionately low income to pay loans when/if they graduate in a *6 yr average* today's magicbeans

Looking at the schools Tuition and fees should would have to go 10 years toaccumulate that much debt!! ?

That's her problem. She borrowed the money.

She is not very bright, guess education didn't take. The schools and banks aren't very bright either. What a scam!

Well I hope she is a doctor.

So let's pay it off for her, e u kidding

That’s her fault for being uneducated financially. She screwed over herself and her future kids who will have to carry that debt cause I doubt she can pay it off. Irresponsible.

Liz Warren should just write her a check.

One: gets a naturopathic degree for $0.5M. Two: Wants to borrow even more in a risky business. Three: Wants to borrow even more for buying a house. And that should be subsidized by who?

This is a really, really bad example. It screams bad choices and bad financial planning. There are real problems with student debt. This one case is not exemplifying it.

I wonder who FORCED HER to take on all that useless debt and take that useless major? Oh that’s right! Nobody

Sounds like bad choices on her behalf

That’s her Effen problem I went to a 2 year tech school because I knew I couldn’t afford to go to a university she should grow up!🤦‍♂️

Naturopathic medicine and acupuncture? I could become a full-on Haitian Voodoo Priest for a fraction of that expense!

That’s what happens when u live off your student loans for 8 years. Oh and get a not so great degree in something nobody makes money on

This is from July. Why are you tweeting about it again now? Go squeeze one out.

Rename them slaves with a paper rating their ability to serve from A-E

What moron borrows $500,000 to go to college… And then gets a job that pays $40,000 a year and expects to be able to pay this off… She needs to go to an economics class and learn basic budgeting…

She didn't know that huge debt was going to impact her life? Every time I signed student loans I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew. The answer is to stop borrowing and wait to go to college. The demand for the colleges will decrease and then prices will drop.

Keep running this story. This is the fourth time I've seen it. She's still an idiot and no one wants to vote for crazy Bernie except those who want something for free.

I mean was the cost hidden? Did she not know it was going to be that much? If it was impossible to forecast I get it but I doubt it was.

pay it

She better have at least one PH.D.

Math and practicality evidently is not her strong subject, there are only a few careers can handle a loan such as that. Educated but not a lick of common sense.

With 500k I’m sure she has all kind of master degrees. Hope she’s making that amount per year that will be no problem to pay it off

Who many times are you going to post the same exact article.

Can’t fix stupid 🤪

How many more times is CNBC going to post this example of very poor budgeting, planning and curriculum selection?

She is irresponsible

She chose poorly. However the university school system in the U.S. corrupt, preying on kids and parents with the promise of a great future with a B.A. Degree. We need plumbers, welders, mechanics, electrician, from low cost tech colleges. Engineers, scientists from universities.

How many times are you going to run this same article?

Should of made better financial decisions. My wife (family physician) left school with $250k in student loan debt and paid it off in 4 years. Good financial planning and responsibility is the key.

So what !!!! Work and pay it off !!!


She looks dumb enough for that to be true.

It would be nice if interest didn’t start to accrue until payment was due.

Who cares?

She deserves to be in debt for her life

And How is that my problem? How is that a problem for anyone but her? Why would the 'system' lend her money when she can't pay it back. Perhaps we should make it harder to qualify for student loans?

They knew what they were signing up for.....

Obviously she is not smart enough to have a degree


she needs to be responsible for her actions and pay down her debt. Or not, but it has nothing to do with me. studentloans

Where the hell did she go to school? Better get to work.

Not one person feels sorry for her..PLEASE STOP TWEETING THIS SAME STORY EVERY OTHER DAY!!

I think the reporting of these issues would be better served by examining their incomes versus student debt. If a student is $499 in debt but a brain surgeon with of an income with $500 income, it wouldn’t take long to retire the debt.

Where did she go cost that much? Why not scholarship? She could have shopped around much cheaper schools. Not smart.

Many loans are used to fund living expenses while “students” choose not to work even part-time. Classroom time is 20 hours per week. Sleeping 56. Eating 25. So like they’re studying 67 hours per week & 87 on semester break. Loan forgiveness is the worst kind of welfare

Please stop with this article. I would be embarrassed but then again I would have never got in this situation.

She should go on the dole.

Makes no difference. They have never paid their own way so why start now.

Useless degrees- she chose she pay

the liberal way!

Why would you pay that much for schooling? Stupidity!

Irresponsible behavior

Me at $366,000.00 and since graduating w a BA in 2008, have made a grand total of $33,000.00 in all in over a decade. I allowed myself to get scammed! I will die a student loan debt slave. Oh btw, 70% is interest! Prob, 65% of the 1.5 Trillion owed is Interest!

It’s a shame all that education and no financial acumen

No one did research on payback? Run your life like a business understand the ROI before spending money or committing to a loan

She had s choice to go to a less expensive college. Not our problem

She is just stupid to run up that kind of debt. Why is this allowed?

Christmas cake

500,000? It's called private colleges.

Boohoo! YOU took out the loan! Suck it up...

Its called she was an idiot with her choices in education.

For half a million dollars she could have become a real doctor, not a pretend one.

Can’t b empathetic on this one. Don’t agree to a contract that u can’t or have no intention of honoring.These people knew the risks prior as well as the salaries they’d earn in their particular field.I was taught 2pay your own way &if u can’t afford it u don’t buy it.

Clearly proper English wasn't part of her curriculum. Maybe borrow a few more dollars & learn the correct use of 'effects' & 'affects'.

Choices can bite you the butt. I wish them all well. I don't think their debts should be completely written off but I do think there should some path fot them, over time, to get these debts behind them.

Can we raise her interest rate to subsidize more corporate tax cuts?

She looks like a big girl to me. She took them, she can pay them back!

Sue the school

Third time you’ve posted this. Third time I said “what an idiot”

I don’t understand how someone can borrow that much. Are we trying to dumb down the population by making it prohibitively expensive? We need an overhaul of our values. We need AndrewYang with his solutions! MATH

And every semester she signed on the line to borrow more money she could never pay back. Maybe she should have taken a few finance classes first. We shouldn’t bail out stupid.

She signed the loan. Not my problem.

I’ll tell yo what my dad told me when I asked how I’d pay for college: “That’s a Y.P. Situation right there.” (Your Problem) Should’ve researched what she’d actually get paid with those degrees.

Why do you keeping posting this?

Sorry about her luck.

seriously? How often do you rehash stories? Same thing...every couple of days.

That 1/2 Million degree in transgender studies just doesn't pay back as much as HS Shop 101 does In Today's economy does it?

It's sad that someone this stupid could enroll in any university.

I don't feel sorry for her--that's just stupid.

college is worthless unless you are in STEM - go to trade school instead

Did this poor woman understand her stupidity would be retweeted weekly for all eternity ?

Why would she borrow that much? You take out the loan, you sign the paper, you're an adult deal with it.

These stories are ridiculous and an attempt to promote the idea that we should pay for her college. How about use some common sense and go to a more affordable college and work your way through

It's all about choice you choose to go you pay.

Here’s a brilliant idea — stop taking loans that aren’t practical

Why would she possibly let herself get in that much debt? Are they teaching Math in schools still 🤦🏻‍♀️

How many times you gonna blast this fat chick

She's screwed


Damn that sucks

Just impossible ... unless she lived high on the hog for 8 years in college.!

Say I bought a house that was more than I can afford can someone help me pay for it

What a poor choice! She should have studied common sense first.. oh wait they don’t teach that stuff!!

I suppose now she thinks the world owes her a a big chunk of more money to start her business? Wel, news flash money doesn’t buy success!

But she knows all the artists from the Broke period.

Professional students! With bullshit degrees!

She’ll be making $15 per hour...


It's not good but was the running tab a secret? Wtf.

Armed services will pay that off. 250k in student debt forgiveness.

Had a friend who was forced to continue schooling because she couldn’t pay off the loans. She actually died before she ever stopped going to school. She was in her 50s.

And you want me to pay for her stupidity?!

Gonna Take NIRP to save ‘em

I sorry, was she forced to take a student loan? The bank forced me to take mortgage if I wanted to live in my house, now I'm saddled.

why do you make her the poster child for student loan debt? She doesn’t help the point - she really is the poster child for bad decisions the rest of us should have to shoulder.

Pay your debts


She is An idiot for. Holding up that debt. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her?hahah. Yeah right.

She made poor decisions.

Why is she smiling?

Student loan debt is ballooning and a crisis, but maybe the example of a person who took out $500k in loans for a bullshit pseudoscience medical degree from a private college isn't the best option to show that even ppl who got more marketable degrees are having trouble repaying

nothing to worry about here.... caught caught

'Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69'

Poor personal choices. Be accountable


Not my problem! Go to a college you can afford, live within your means. She is dumb to borrow that much

For everyone saying how did the balance get that high: Interest. My loan balance is more that what I borrowed AND have already paid back. Student loans rates are not the same rates as bank loans or mortgages. Many jobs require Masters+ to earn a decent salary.

People are saddled with lots of debts, like a home mortgage. What's your point ? They made a choice and signed for loans, now they need to pay them back.

I’ve read this like 10x already in the past 2 months lmao 🤣. Move on to something else please.

It’s not expensive to know stuff. It’s expensive to prove it.

If U take out $500,000 for school debt. YOU may be stupid👀🤡

So she chose to take out loans for education she wanted? Why did she take out so much money? Did she research what those jobs would pay? Did someone force her to take out the money? She chose to take out the money, without being forced by anyone, she wanted these degrees.

Sounds like colleges should lower tuition, and maybe people should cut down on the amount of school they attend. Try getting out get a job pay down some of your loan finish school while working. That's how so many in the past did it.

Oh! Let my taxes pay for idiotic decisions please!

And she didn’t learn a damn thing.

She looks dumb enough for that to be true.

It’s that time of the week again when CNBC runs this article trying to get us to feel sorry for an adult who made stupid decisions. Remember stupid decisions by you don’t constitute an emergency on our part. If you pay there off I want a refund of all I have paid for my family.


If you paid it you owe it. But...if the schools misrepresented the product they are selling they may be liable. You know who's not liable? Me. Taxpayers

How many times are you to tweet this story? Hasn’t anything else happened in the world the last two weeks?

Should have studied Nursing.

We’re supposed to feel sorry for their lack of financial knowledge and basically taking advantage of the government student loan program?

She should have listened to Dave Ramsey

Suck it up chose

or leave the country with their student loans to live in their country quite comfortably. $500,000 why would the government allow that much money too this person?

For the love of God, stop running this article!!! It’s like the tenth time!!! fakenews oldnews notnews

Feel ya girl

Well get busy paying it back,she must be very smart and I’m sure she is making big money with that high price education.

Her choice ... and not a very smart one

Too damn bad. Decisions have consequences.

..... her FAULT!

Seems to me this has appeared at least three or four times. Why?

Another idiot with a staggering loan that SHE obtained. The government should get out of the loan business. Who would loan this amount to someone that cannot pay it back? Her loan, her responsibility. BTW NO indoctrination is worth 1/2 million

Why did she borrow $500K with no plan on how to pay it back. Education can’t correct stupid.

I believe we all should be able to claim bankruptcy for student loans. But for that, you should be barred from ever participating in that field of study for life. Can't pay for your car? We take it back. There needs to be accountability.

How many times does CNBC have to post the same exact story? Is is a slow news day again?

been duped by liberal educators and pols! education is an expensive liberal brainwashing

Everyone running for the Dem nomination is promising to pay the loans off. The next person will need to promise to pay them off and give her money for her trouble.

Dont worry only those freedom of travel equal protections domestically positions declare ownership certifications jurisdictions enact consequence as clearly show power of knowledge followthebouncingball i,,A WALmart jmartNYT obituaries scartscomm TROYUnews apple mgtowing

1. The government should be in the student loan business. This has push up tuitions. 2. Student loans should be discharable in bankruptcy. Let’s fix these two things and get higher ed financing back on track.

Poor planning and borrowing on your part is your problem NOT taxpayers! Get a job Suck it up Pay off your school loan

...and it's undischargeable at 7-9% per annum...

Can i run your twitter account? Really, hire me because whoever you have keeps tweeting the same god awful stories. Again, nobody cares that she made a poor choice. Dont care about the 30 year old that retired early too🤷‍♂️

This is old news from July. Why does it get tweeted so often? Someone wants their loan paid off?


Can somebody please stop this ridiculous story from constantly popping up in my Twitter feed? Please? And when you're at it, get rid of the Paul Krugman smorgasbord recession story? Pretty please?

Look at her, she was meant to work in a restaurant. Why all the meaningless education?

Well then she sucks as a person and is part of the problem. This is the same crap that happened w subprime mortgages. Why aren’t Dodd frank underwriting standards introduced to student debt?

It is her fault. And the government

Please note while people are in college many choose not to work at all. “Student loans” are used for every living expenses. Many choose not to curtail activities. Student loan forgiveness is repackaged welfare

'Saddled with' makes it sound like this was involuntary?

NOW she thinks about StudentLoanDebt? Why was she not thinking about it when she took the loans? LifeLessons

Who’s fault is that!

And somebody should go to jail

Stop. Tweeting. This.

Repost .. why do you keep reposting this

audit what it was spent on - students use $$ for other things besides school...

The most important line - average student debt is 30,000. Most will spend more than that on an auto loan. If you are too dumb to understand that a large debt will affect your life in a negative way, perhaps you are too dumb for college. Learn form others mistakes.

This dope spent half a million dollars on a pseudoscience degree from a quack university. No one should feel bad. Smart move, “Doctor.” Maybe you can heal your debt with natural oils.

Choices have consequences....masters in acupuncture? Should’ve been a plumber or electrician.

Degree in Naturopathic medicine & phd in acupuncture.

'are saddled' makes it sound like they had no choice in the matter. End government student loans now.

Talk about a school taking advantage of a friggin idiot. I would never hire someone that stupid.

Well, isn’t she the smartest PhD in the room?

Is there such a thing... as over educated

That is ridiculous. What happened to paying your way thru college and getting the education you can afford.

Thanks for the re-re-re-recycled story

She has moe degrees then a thermometer 🌡!!

She made stupid irresponsible choices. At which point did she stop and ask herself, “maybe this is to much money to borrow”.

Well she borrowed it, so she better get to work and pay that shit back. Tax payers should not pay for these peoples stupidity to rack up that much debt.

Pay your own student loans don't burden other people to pay the bill for college leave taxpayers alone

Did you think college was free?

So...? Pay it back

When are we going to start a conversation about WHY universities are charging so much? Isn’t that the real issue?

She studied 'how to go broke in the XXI century'

Look at the economics of how stupid these people are: 1. 4 years college, $100,000 in debt, $50,000 a year job. 2. 3 months of CDL school, $4000 in debt, $90,000 a year job

A loan is a loan. Homeowners are often saddled with six-figure debt over 15 or 30 years and you don't see them complaining... You don't want to pay off a loan don't take one out to begin with...

Start working.

No sheepskin is worth half a million in debt. This 'everyone must have a college degree' scam must end.

Crazy and what would she make first year in salary ?

For God’s sake, don’t blame her for borrowing a ridiculous amount of money. Blame others. Blame the system. But don’t blame her.

This type of debt is ridiculous and why can’t you discharge student loan debt in chapter 7 bankruptcy? This women should have never accumulated this type of debt in the first place if a corporation was liable for the loans.

Let markets work, say no

Poor judgment on her part if she took a loan she couldn't afford to pay back

She has a “doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture”. I think she chose poorly.

She went a half million in debt studying quackery. Whose fault is that exactly? Not quite the ideal poster child for concerns about student loan debt.

The only reason colleges get away with charging this much is the government student loan racket.

She'll live with parents till they die as she don't have a bit of responsibility. $500K loans. She stupid crazy.

Where are y’all going to college? The university of Memphis cost like 5k a semester. Come on down. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Why does this same story keep being posted? Everyone knows this is what happens when you defer your loans.

Extremely levered investment in an asset with (presumably, since this an article) highly variable payoffs. Who’s worse - the unskilled investor, or the shyster university that took the other side of the trade?

I am sorry, but how is that my problem as a tax payer. When exacurate in taking studet loans and not pick the right major, this means you made the wrong decision and should be held responsible for it!

Does this pathetic story ever go away or is it a zombie?

That’s a “You” problem!

Why would u borrow that much money for anything but a home ?!

She should have never been allowed to borrow that much money! Student debt is not the problem. It’s the non secured loan process that is the issue! Clean that up & this problem will go away!

She probably should have made better decisions.

Those loans could make you a doctor and a lawyer if used correctly

Professional student hoping Lizzy wins the election so she doesn’t have to pay it back. Make the grocery clerk pay it off. 🙄

This is the second time I have seen this story.

Who signed her loan documents again? Oh yeah, she did. That makes it HER responsibility, and no one else's. ChoicesHaveConsequences

How many damn degrees did she get?

That was stupid

Well, she could take the Humpty-Trumpty experience and DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!! 🤓

Who’s fault is that ? Her own if there is no ROI !


Are we supposed to feel sorry, sympathy, scared?

The problem is that people borrow money they cannot possibly pay back, and lenders lend money they will never get back, and schools get paid money to provide a service that people don’t need. It’s wrong.

Caveat Emptor.

She got a Master's in Acupuncture for God's sake. She deserves to have that much debt. I have no sympathy for dumb asses who attend college and get degrees in things that barely translate to the outside world. My Master's cost 80k and I paid it off so should you.

It's worth it.

Who had the audacity to lend her that much $$$? Unless her job pays that much per year. This is almost criminal to pay that much for education.

CNBC Socialist=Dem=Liberal news, only a fool would loan this kind of money for a student loan.

She’s a snake oil salesman. Borrowed $500k to learn how to screw people over, she gets what she has coming

Seems. A. Bit. Steep.

Masters in ACUPUNCTURE!! I initially assumed 8 yrs of med school /residency /fellowship. Should’ve attended community college and state schools. Debt can’t always be avoided. Huge debt was your choice. Play the Lottery.

Naturopathy and acupuncture. Both GARBAGE pseudoscience. Get a doctorate in astrology too while you're at it, let me know my horoscope

Stupid move if she did borrow that much! But I bet story is not accurate

Too damn bad.

I don’t even know how you run up a bill like that! Where she going Harvard

Why do you keep running this story? Nobody has sympathy for her

Think coaching would have helped? If you desire to go to An Ivy league school, You get Ivy league debt. A education is A education. Study where you can afford.

Why is AROD borrowing for student loans?

She chose to have those student loans

Please, enough of this story. This woman made her own choices about her degrees, those schools and the associated costs. Just like cardiovascular surgeons, veterinarians, journalists, firefighters and others make their choice about their careers and associated costs. Enough...

This is where you get confused ... she wittingly and willfully entered into an agreement to borrow money and pay back the loan. Not my problem even remotely.

She has that much because she made horrible decisions about her schooling and her future. On what planet is a Masters in Acupuncture going to do anything for you? Stop posting this garbage over and over again.

500K 🙄

Wait, the leftists blamed the private sector and made federal government took over the student debts program, and now the student debt is a giant crisis, but we are supposed to let the leftists take over the healthcare and the country? No thanks

Why is she smiling? I'd be pissed.

They should have taken some finance classes before burying themselves in that kind of debt. Taxpayers should not be responsible for an individual’s bad decisions.

Stop republishing this

Her choice

She might as well got a degree in Latin

Why not profile a teacher as opposed to a snake oil salesmen with a degree in pseudoscience?

Who’s fault is that...?

How is it that so many graduates are able to complete their education with reasonable or no debt and have marketable degrees? I suppose they worked hard in addition to studying and had common sense.

Damn that's on you

She took out the loans so it’s completely her issue. I don’t feel badly for her.

Signed it. Pay for it.

Soon as I read “master’s in acupuncture from Bastyr University” I understood the jokes on us

This is not partisan, students need to think this through. Unless it’s medicine - the return most likely will never be worth the debt. Establishing some education and regulation on these loans will be the most instant and effective policy.

These people are idiots. No sympathy for someone voluntarily racking up that kind of debt. Completely irresponsible

Good luck to her I hope she got her money’s worth of education 🙈🙈

500k!!!!! Woahhh😳😳😳

I know college is very expensive these days, but anyone who runs up half a million in debt to get tnrough it just isn't very bright..

Crazy situation to be in☹️

It is a degree in pseudoscience.

Only way to solve the student loan crisis is to make universities responsible for the debt if there is a default. Watch how fast prices go down.

Just proof education doesn't buy you smarts or common since.

Shocking that someone that stupid would get into college.

naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture, she deserves that bill to pay on her own. Went for a crackpot degree get a crackpot bill.


I knew a chic who told me her family deaerves welfair because 'the government never created a job for her mom's degree in women's studies' Feminism is cultural brain damage

Stop sharing this story, unless you are trying to point out how stupid she was racking up all that debt for multiple degrees in a field that doesn't pay squat. She would have been better off with a BS in Business.

We'll pay for her freeloading.

How in the hell do u have 1/2 million in student loans. I went to college for 4 years and then back to complete my masters and had 20k in loans.

She is an adult and made her decisions as an adult. No sympathy here. Move along.

There's no excuse to be a half million dollars in debt from student loans. On the other hand, these stories have working class students who are trying to attend low cost state run colleges frightened to accept needed loans they need to survive in 4 year programs. Cut it out.

She deserves everything she brought upon herself. In the words of a famous person “stupid is as stupid does.”

Hopefully whichever journalist wrote this tweet for you has a far smaller student loan because that’s a horribly worded sentence.

'Borrowers are saddled.' Let's try this with active voice: 'People borrowed money.' And, I should add, seem shocked that they are asked to pay it back.

some idiot lent her half a million for a degree in homeopathic and acupuncture. I don’t feel sorry for either party.

Give me a break! She has poor judgment.

She chose this.

I'm not p paying for her stupidity.

How in the hell do you have 500k in student loans... like what?!! Isn’t there a point in time where you realize you’re never ever going to be able to pay that off? If you ask me, that’s on her. Poor money management. It all goes back to our terrible early education system.

And you think taxpayers should pay for her bad choices in life? Uh, No we shouldn't ..


Their being forced to take out student loans at gun point. The NRA should be responsible for student loans.

No one made her incur this debt. It was her personal decision to do so. Why should the taxpayers pay for her bad choices

I think CNBC should have to pay for this

Why is this crap reposted ?

She is not smart enough to have a college degree

Not smart.

How many times are you guys gonna tweet this story? GettingOld

I read this article and I’m quite skeptic how a person gets to half a Million. Why these universities do not check and approve beforehand the affordability of these loans and these atrocious amounts and take some responsibility.

But does she pay $2.50 for coffee? That's the only story that matters.

Screaming recession

Nobody forced her to take that much in loans. Take some responsibility. Also on the lenders, they really need to do a better job of limiting how much they'll give out.

This lady sucks at life

Did she sign the loan agreement(s) to borrow the money? Did she spend the money? Did she have a choice of a less expensive school? If you borrow the money, you should be responsible to pay it back. As a tax payer, I should not be responsible for your debt.

Anyone taking out student loans should be required to take a personal finance class offered by an entity independent of the institution charging these outrageous sums. This. Has. To. Stop.

Most collage students go to collage to party. FACT

There’s no reason A-Rod should have student loans like that

This particular story is getting really old. It will always be her fault and responsibility and no one else’s. Typical of people these days who can’t take an ounce of personal responsibility.

I guess she passed on the finance class on the way to that doctorate.

What kind of job was she expecting when she signed those loans?

Who’s fault is that? Sure as hell isn’t the taxpayers who the dems want to pay for her education.

By the number of times this has been posted here, she must be a slow learner.

Her debt. Her problem.

How is this even allowed. At a certain point the person has a mental disorder or is too stupid to even know what they’re doing.

Why would she take out $500,000 in loans? Did she actually do any math to determine if she could pay it off and if it would be worth it?

So why agree to borrow it if you can’t handle returning the money? Seems like the same precept as any other loan from mortgage to the rest.

Anyone with that much in student loans sure didn't learn much about personal finance.

Why does CNBC keep posting this outlier type article. What is their agenda?

Not sure you used the most sympathetic examples here. The most valuable aspect of doctoral process is learning how to learn. So, if your degree doesn’t pay, go learn something that pays. If you can’t, then you haven’t learned anything.

And for 4-7 years she lived like a princess

She put the saddle on her own back.

So as they say, she has no longer a problem, those who lent her that money have it 😎

500K in student loan debt. She may be educated but she’s surely stupid.

If anyone had sold investment plans with as little risk disclosure universities and professors do when selling investments in their education plans, and then the investments had soured, he would probably be trotting away to prison.

Never should give that big of a loan. They just give money out sometimes

No sympathy here, she knew what she was signing.

I hope they catch the person who did this to her? Wait, wut? Nevermind.

No avocado toast for her.

College doesn’t cost half a million dollars. Sell your crazy somewhere else

I struggle to believe a doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture equates to 500,000 price tag.

What an idiot

I feel no need to help her. Her own stupidity for taking out this amount in loans and the same with those who kept lending to her. She will probably just file bankruptcy anyways so she can walk away from her responsibilities. You signed the papers you pay back the loans!

Please quit reposting this story. She is the worst example of people crying about student loans. I have absolutely no sympathy for her, and those like her shouldn’t have their debt forgiven. Honestly, a masters in accupuncture? Fly to China and learn it for cheaper

WooHoo! Vote democrat & they will pay those loans off for ya!

so when some one is disabled how can any one ignore and not give to the student want to be, there is very little and not help for them,

the person in the photo took out a half a million in student loans for a degree in homeopathy and acupuncture. The lender deserves to be defaulted on and the person in the photo is a ding dong for thinking it was a good idea

I wonder who she’s voting for...


What crept into her head at each 50k threshold? Personal responsibility.... at some point we have accept responsibility for our decisions.

She can pay it back, she needs to get a practice going and generate 300k-500k in revenue and I think she’s good

Student debt is the rare issue where you feel less sympathy when presented with the story of a specific person who’s struggling. How could you not realize this was a bad idea?

Okay, I could go buy a Lamborghini Gollardo and my payment would be $17K a month. Lamborghini wouldn’t be at fault, I would be for borrowing more money than I can afford to pay back and living outside of my means.


Nobody can save her stupidity

Anybody that would borrow a half a million dollars of student loan to get a college degree is stupid. Pay for it yourself. And what idiot at the bank would allow somebody to borrow that much money.

Please stop sharing this one-off story of a woman who spent a fortune on a degree for a low paying job. She is the poster child of stupidity, not of they typical student loan borrower.

Sounds like a personal problem 😐

Maybe u should have paid attention to the re-payment terms ..

Dumb investment.

why should the everyday tax payer pay for people who choose to spend their lives in academia rather than getting out into the workforce

Not my problem.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for her. She did the dance; now pay the piper. It’s her own fault she’s in debt.

Because you can take out s Loan, doesn’t mean you have to,, each person chooses to take our loans rather than get a menial job to help out during College,, that’s her damn choice,, 2nd no one should be able to borrow 500,000 with no hope of paying it back,,

Stupid choices

She spent half a million dollars on moronic useless degrees.

She CHOSE to borrow that money, for a worthless degree, that will never make enough to pay back the loans she sought and accepted of her own free will She defrauded the loan companies - she knew she had no plan to ever pay them back.

Don’t forget to charge her the interest!! If she don’t pay; “Lock Her Up”. No sympathy.

Needed 500k to learn idiocy

After $500,000 in schooling the most important lesson learned is if you take out a loan you actually have to pay it back.....

Seriously cnbc - this article should be about STUPID decisions. How many people make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year with a doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University? It’s like getting a Bachelor’s in basketweaving!

I’m sorry, but what kind of fool takes out $500,000 in college loans!?!?! No matter how to look at it, that’s just a BAD business investment 95-99% of the time.

WTH kind of education cost half a million? Socialism!

PolitixGal Why would anyone barrow that much unless they knew they were studying something that would easily pay it back. I know physicians who start with big debts but they pay them off.

I have a student loan for $500,000 for a doctrine in basket weaving! CALL ME DOCTOR WHEN ADDRESSING ME AND PAY MY LOANS!

She should move in with her Mom and take the bus

She made bad decisions. So are you promoting the responsible people pay for her folly?

Bastyr University? $500,000? Wtf?

Nobodies fault but theie own.

ElishaBokman This is not someone who took out a loan to pay for real college and got hit with the interest before they could earn enough after graduation. She borrowed half a million dollars to pay woo scammers. Should we start forgiving loans people take out to pay Nigerian princes, too?


All she did was avoid real life as long as possible, Hoping that if she stayed in her safe space it wouldn’t come knocking but guess what it does.

And she’s responsible for paying it back

Can not possibly be college educated with that kind of debt load. That’s dumb.

This is criminal.

This is not the mark of a smart person.

'’The name of the game is paying the least amount over time,’ said Betsy Mayotte.” No shit

I didn't go to college I went to a tech school. A Pell Grant paid for my classes, mileage and meals. I graduated with a certificate that allowed me to get a job making $60,000+ a year.

And who told or forced anyone to take student loans out? That’s right NOBODY, it’s called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY try it sometime

'Please pay for my stupid bad decisions' - everyone 'Yeah people, pay for them' - CNBC

Tell you what I'll pitch in some money for her tuition costs, but only if it's for economics classes.

Get a job

I hope it’s a good degree. It’s hard to monetize a bad decision. I reap no reward from her good decisions, and no penalty from bad ones. This is all in you.

She signed and committed to the loan, no one forced her! I worked FT and went to college FT as a window, paid back my loans! Step up to the plate little girl, you made the bed now lie in it!

So she doesn’t know how to budget - or say “no” to an offer?

Graduates of real medical schools, who are preparing to have careers in authentic ( not “naturopathic” ) medicine, graduate with an average debt of about $200,000. So how can you rack up half a million in debt for a degree in bogus medicine?

She borrowed the money. Elizabeth Warren will reimburse her.


NotreDameSteveJ Nothing in life is free. When someone buys you lunch... they paid for it with the money they earned. It’s not a hard concept. Both of my kids understand that money doesn’t grow on trees and no one gets stuff for free. You have to say no. It’s called parenting.

Then don’t take out six figures 🤷🏻‍♂️

If I had 1/10 of this amount in debt when I graduated from college I would beg you not to print my name or my story. The idea that anyone would gladly tell the story of their breathtaking idiocy to be printed for a national news story is appalling.

500k ? If I paid that much for school I think I’d be expected to be smart enough to figure out a business to go into to make that loan worth it. It sounds like she borrowed money to pay for a lot more than book learning.

Sorry, no free lunch. She knew what she was getting in to. She should join a practice and start paying that money back. Geez.

You know she chose that right? And signed on the dotted line?

If she didn’t major in brain surgery, get a masters in brain surgery and a ph.d in brain surgery I have no sympathy for her.

Oh well,then pick a career that you gonna make money in the pay back your loan. Its not my problem you got 6 figure loan. Maybe you should pick a career in college that would make you some type of money. But the old saying is it's not all about money. 2 day it is.

Considering she got a degree in naturopathic medicine, which according to Wikipedia “is a form of alternative medicine that employs an array of pseudoscientific practices,” it’s probably good that she can’t get a business loan - she can’t recommend people against getting vaccines

Old loon

“Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69.” I. Just. Can’t.

And she chose to go to college

Sucks to be her

Um. HELLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You are going to work for 40 years just to pay off your loan. Maybe. Working at Walmart for 40 years? Wayyyyy ahead.

Why is it my problem?

Seems like some stupid life choices were made. She borrowed it, she can pay it back. It’s called personal responsibility.

Who could have possibly seen this coming?

The university that gave her the useless degree should eat the cost, and she should be the midnight cleaning lady for said university. This will solve the problem.

Hey, we live in the modern world where men and woman are equal, right? She should have taken a course in plumbing where her debt would be under $20k and earning north of $40k annually.

Why didnt the school warn her before she took the loan? They new her degree is worth nothing?

Life certainly is tough when you're unable to do the simple math of cost versus potential benefits. Did she (and most likely her parents both) fall for getting a very high price degree for a low-paying job field? That is neither the fault of the government nor the rest of us.

And I took out a 6 figure mortgage. So is the country responsible for my debt?

You literally could not have picked a worse example, holy hell. You know that countries that do have free university don't actually offer joke degrees in quackery, right?

The average student loan debt is $30,000 - about the price of a very modest car. This person is a doctor and there’s a discussion about forgiving her debt? Ridiculous. Just another politician talking point to divide people and the media contributes.

liberal ideology is destroying academia. this wackadoodle is $500k in debt for her quack degree. taxpayers shouldn't foot the bill for this BS

It’s NOT taxpayers problem “educated” people make EXTREMELY poor decisions.

Why would I feel sorry for someone who spent half a million dollars getting a master's degree? College isn't that expensive- obviously her lifestyle in college is responsible. Who would loan anyone that much money for college?

We don't feel bad for her at all!

This is her fault and her problem

Can't fix stupid

She wanted the degrees why Was she dumb enough to not research her earnings ratio to her cost of degrees? Should she not be responsible for her choices

This is not some unfortunate student being trapped by bad loan practice. This is fraud! Too many kids nowadays are defrauding the federal government because of easy money. People need to be held accountable for this.

$50k In college debt I can understand. $500k for a debatable career is financial suicide.

NO ONE forced her to take out the loan pay your damn debt and don't dump it on me my kids and grandkids as taxpayers

Cancelling her debt might only enable her personal financial mismanagement.

To bad. Get better courses. And kids who don’t take more than 4 yrs. And they work while they go.

Huh what is the major that is $500,000.00 ? Oh clothes . Eating, car, apartment, drinking , parties, hmmmmm what college is $125, 000.00 per semester .? Which one?

You borrow money, YOU PAY IT BACK

By that logic I should go out and get a brand new car, $250,000 house, and fully furnish it and expect others to pay for it. If I'm not mistaken as with any other loan, student or otherwise, you sign an agreement that you are responsible to pay in full.

perhaps if she went to work to pay back the debt she would not owe so much. What were her grades and lets get a full accounting of what she did with all that money. Is she a professional student just living off the student loan program? Investigate the borrowers!

The government take over of student loans has caused the skyrocketing rise in tuition. Don't ask me to pay for this idiots stupidity. Another example of how knowledge doesn't equal Intelligence.

Just twon questions. How did she get $500,000 in loans for a pseudoscience degree? Who put a gun to her head & made her take out the loan?

Did someone put a gun to her head and make her take out the loan? I know 3 people who attend college on their own dime. The work to put themselves through college. One is in his internship as a Doctor. They work all Summer and spring break to put themselves through college.

Saddled? No one forced her to take out loans. Once the government stuck it’s nose into college education, it open the doors for colleges to raise tuition through the roof because they have a never ending supply of money. I would think you Einstein’s would’ve figure that out

while she might be an idiot for getting 500k debt, we must ask, why is the education costing 500k. i am not saying it should be free, but half a million dollars seems a bit steep.

that's just plain stupid and you can't fix stupid at any cost

She is a moron for taking on that debt for acupuncture. Clearly school can't teach common sense and that is a shame, because now we have to hear about how this moron is an example of the burden of student loans.

Not to slam her but she must be stupid. I know MD's with much less debt. So we should pay for her stupidity?

Idiots who need to pay their debts. They signed, knew what they were getting into.

Sounds like a bad decision she made to me. What's your point? No one is ever forced to go to college or borrow the money to do it. People get their own self in debts and the taxpayers or the government is not responsible for their bad choices.

Bet she wants to make 6 figures.

5 million a year for a college football coach and the president of the college you're paying for they're salaries that's why students get charged so much expansion of the college kids pay for.Sorry you got fooled into easy college money college doesn't make you smart life does

She signed the papers, right?

500,000 for what kind of education let me guess climate control something you can't get a job in right study dirt samples 15,000 you can get certified welder and command 35 per hour I'm a welder trade you make more then college and not get robbed by college you pay for sports pay

That's her own damn fault, are we always going to pay off people's bad decisions?

A master's in accupuncture and and I'm supposed to what...besides be grateful I'm not that stupid.

Half million dollars? For what PHD? At what school? Ninety percent of these kids have wasted time and money for worthless degrees. I have zero sympathy for her.

How about this the US government stops backing all student loans. Allow all student loans to be cleared by Bankruptcy. That will stop this problem. Also why has tution skyrocketed since 1960.

She should’ve chosen a different school then. Loans are on her not the taxpayer to cover.

With all that education she should be able to do simple math that showed her “investment” wasn’t going to pay off.

Why is there an article? She should be ashamed and hide

That debt for a masters in accupuncture? Now you know why this won’t be taken seriously.

$500k in debt for an acupuncture degree? You can’t fix stupid.

Yeah I don’t give a shit.

My daughter was a straight A student in high school. That got her scholarships to college. What academic scholarships didn't cover her mother and I paid. She graduated magna with NO DEBT. C students taking underwater basket weaving shouldn't be covered by tax payers.

That's her fault. Who would be dumb enough to incur that much in school loans? Not my problem. I'm not paying for her stupidity.

Gee......Community College could have been paid out of pocket. Apparently she chose a college way out of her price bad she couldn’t study common sense.

I'm confused $500k / 8 years is $62.5k. The annual tuition at this school for a BS is $27k, for a Masters is $30k, for doctorate is $36k. By my math, that is $240k in tuition for her education. Why did she take out over $500k in student loans?

A half million dollar debt for homeopathic medicine and acupuncture? What was she thinking?

Dr in quackery. Maybe not as smart as should be. You have to look at your earning potential that your degree will provide. Also, letting the government get in the student loan business is the culprit. Everything they touch except air traffic control is a disaster

She has a master's in acupuncture... really?

How many years has she been going to school? Is she a professional student? Smh

Did she take a math class?

Who spends a half Million dollars on an Acupuncture degree⁉️ Why should taxpayers be on the hook for this idiotic decision⁉️🤔

Her problem...not ours!

Sorry loser. Starve

Thanks for proving why we shouldn’t pay off student loans. I looked at Bastyr. At most she should be out $125,000 for her ahem “doctorate” in snake oil sales. Considering she went to college in an area where a house cost $600,000 you would think she’d find a better field.

How many PhDs does she have? Get to work, honey!

Why shouldn’t she be able to repay her debt? After all, she is a “Dr”!

She’s not “saddled” with anything—she made a conscious choice to apply for these loans

Radical idea... set up a school teaching acupuncture. Charge accordingly.

For what? Gender studies?

What, are we supposed to feel sorry for her? This was stupidity. Not just on her part, also the banks that made the loans. Does NO ONE have any economic sense?

I worked and paid my own way through College and as an adult went at night for my Masters. Not one can be done.

We have a pathway to free college. Its called the armed services! Unfortunately you Will have to work for it! LazyLibs

Guess who’s fault that is......ZERO pity given.

she borrowed the money and like every loan she has to pay it back ,,sorry if reality se in on her

$500,000 in loans? For what? For over 10 or more years of college? That's unusual. This is the first I've ever heard of having an extreme loan.

Truly sad that she didn't take a simple course as a freshman called Personal Financial Management! When I attended the University of North Dakota; it was mandatory for all students to take a PFM course the first semester attended. Specifically for people like her.

That's what 10 YEARS in college will do for you!

She’s the one benefiting. She made the decision. She’s responsible. Talk to the schools where she chose to attend - sounds like costs are way out of line.

Did she ever stop to think that perhaps 500k in student loans was a poor investment This woman is an idiot. Period.

No state colleges with rom? No job?

Please weigh in Wu_Tang_Finance

College can’t fix stupid

And she's still to stupid to get a good paying job.

Wow, how many years has she been a student 😳

I think it's irresponsible to go to a private college and major in things like philosophy. Anything the tax payers pay for should be needed majors.. Math, science, engineering. I know teachers who are 200,000 in debt, but were well aware of teaching salaries

Do you take all the pills in the bottle at once, or do you follow the directions?

$500K should have given her enough knowledge to be making a salary of nearly that figure/year, if she chose her field wisely. My son, with help of scholarships and company co-op schooling earned an engineering degree and was debt free in a year! Write a plan BEFORE starting!

I know doctors who graduate medical school w high debt but banks will lend to them because they anticipate high incomes with support repayment. If she got turned down for a business loan it means d banks did not view her degree as a viable moneymaker. Poor decision on her part.

Why? Is somebody forcing them to borrow? We do have more unfilled jobs than we do unemployed people. Why aren’t policies that insure we have more jobs than unemployed persons a better strategy than encouraging Americans to go into debt? Just asking.

The main problem with stupidity is it is expensive. People should be able to renegotiate terms or pay down early, sure, but forgive a half mil because they are stupid and make other payers foot the bill? Let the payers have some say in the contract first.

What the fuck did she go to school for that cost her half a million ?

College tuition increases 2-3x inflation rate. Let's look into that & make college more affordable & teach kids about the price to earnings ratio.

She made the choice!! I want pay backs for paying for 4 years for my son! I went to school on scholarships that I earned!!!!

We need to eliminate the essay requirement for universities & require potential students to submit a financial plan/budget based on their degree. She reminds me of many I went to school with who used their student loan to borrow to buy brand new cars, clothes, & non necessities.

Who’s fault is that? I’m confused.

Sounds like someone made a very bad financial decision...

How in the Hell do you get $500,000. in student loans. Loaning this amount is outrages.

At 25k/year undergrad & 36k/yr grad -$14k/yr scholarships/grants her loans should have been closer to $100-200k. Average US naturopathic medical salary $90k (prob more for Dr). = I don't want to pay for future 1%ers ed/fun. Do the math. Avg debt = car cost. She overspent.

They signed for the loan, not me. I'm not paying for a debt someone else agreed to pay.

Pay your bill

This idiot made the rest of us with student debt feel better about ourselves.

You are solving the problem as someone with a boat leaking, who only wants to pump the water out without plugging the hole ...

My dear God in heaven, how many times do we have to hear about this woman? Give it a rest!

How about taking up Tarot Card reading? Problem solved with the extra earned income that dovetails nicely with your career.

2 years of general ed at your local Community College is around $10,000. Then transfer to the school u want a degree from. It’s not as fun as screwing a bunch coeds and living the dorms, but It’ll save you about $50,000.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren is cashing a $400,000 paycheck for teaching one class...

She signed the paperwork and did this to herself. NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY

Bastyr University is 5 miles from me. Naturopathic doctorate tuition is $36K/yr. The only way someone could turn that into $500K in college debt is if they’re doing more with the loans than school ... A perfect example of why college shouldn’t be “free.”

She bought a degree but seems she paid more than she should have given the earnings potential. She made a mistake. But she'll survive. I don't see why it's anyone else's problem.

PolitixGal There are natural consequences to financial decisions. Your financial obligations are yours just like your degree.

If her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture ran her HALF A MILLION, they saw her coming.

Student loan defaults should be treated like other loan defaults. Financial institutions took a risk lending to students and they should follow the same procedures when a borrow defaults on other loan types. It’s not the responsibility of taxpayers.

She should have worked like I did while going to college. I have no student loans & a college degree paid in full. I’m not paying for someone else to sit on their ass and rack up debt when I worked mine off!

I didn’t got to college because I couldn’t afford it, I went to work instead Do I get 500k for being smart? Or do only the unintelligent & poorly educated get to reap that benefit? Are you trying to sell this as a special needs case? Maybe she can call disability & make a case

Gee, I took out loans for college, a mortgage and my SUV and guess what, THAT MEANS I HAVE TO PAY IT BACK. If CNBC feels that bad about these irresponsible ADULTS taking out loans they have no intention of paying back, maybe CNBC should step in AND PAY THEM OFF.

PolitixGal How in the world can she rack up .5 million in student loans? In college for 20 years?

So, her Wimyens Studies degree is doing her a great service, huh?

PolitixGal This woman is a complete idiot, but so are the people who approved her loans. How does that work?

Her actions have consequences. She could have accomplished the same thing for much less. Her choice her responsibility

We did she sign up for such stupidity?

So the point is that she is an enormous nincompoop?

Too. F'ing. Bad.

PolitixGal That is what happens when your choice is to pay for college—nothing is free

That’s ridiculous. She made bad financial decisions she’ll have to pay herself

PolitixGal You borrowed you pay it back

How stupid are you people. Ever thought about working your way through school? And don't say it can't be done. I know a few who have/are doing it. One is becoming a lawyer.

So what!! Was she totally unaware of how much everything costs? If so she’s even dumber than this article suggests

Pay your bills.

These numbers don't add up. Shouldn't this be investigated as grand theft or fraud?

That's her own damn fault.

Can we all agree she isn't responsible? Stop spending on which you don't have. Problem solved.

Free college?

Still got her health, I hope.

Is she a doctor?

Half a million dollars in student loans? For what? And, why was she allowed to obtain such a high amount in student loans? There needs to be more control, regulation over this!!

Saddled? Did someone force her to take out $500k in student loans?

Sounds like she made a bunch of bad choices. Borrowed a bunch of money to get educated for a career that wouldn’t allow her to pay back those loans. That’s not how it works.

Nonsense. Lots of people have that much debt with mortgages and auto loans, etc. They sure as hell aren’t in poverty as long as they continue to make the payments.

Needs to be a required class in Highschool. Teacher states: “If you make a loan you have to pay the loan with interest. Questions?” Do the same thing every day for at least a quarter

She seems pretty stupid.

GinnyOBrien7 Just a ploy to get votes for them Demwits

The University saw her coming from a mile away.

GinnyOBrien7 She she racked up a shit ton of debt to be a pharmacy tech at walgreens, then blames HER debt/decision for not becoming a doctor on the loans she accepted responsibility for🤔

Sounds like a DUMBASS to me

How about you people actually investigate these places? I can tell you off hand. Them making you take classes that you don't need for a degree. 6 Digit pay for professors that teach 1 or 2 classes, spindthrift with beautification projects, and paying elaborate speaker fees.

Your on your own lady. You incurred this debt, now be responsible and pay it. Your problem, not ours.

What about home loans and car loans? They’ll be next on the list of promised “free stuff.”

You take out the loan you pay the loan, that's that.

Or for peoples loans to be made null in void.

She knew what she was signing up for. No one forced her to take that route. If you are that smart, you would research the cost of education, potential income, and best ways to get the education affordably.

Boo frickin hoo! If you can’t work your way thru school then you shouldn’t be going to school! Many of us did it and are student loan free! So sick of their BS excuses. I will not pay my taxes for free college for illegals! Never

Cry me a river. They agreed to pay the money back when they took out the loans. My daughter graduated debt free. She WORKED while in college. Is the government going to give her back all her hard earned college money? No.

I don’t want to pay stupid people’s student debt. Obviously buying her books and sending her to school didn’t “learn” her financial responsibility.

The key word is “borrowers”. Nobody pushed them to make that decision other then maybe the schools themselves. Are you holding them responsible for charging hundreds of thousands for useless degrees? BuyerBeware

It's not like she finished all her years of education and then they told her what she'd owe.

She’s not too bright, is she? I borrow only what I can afford to pay back, even then I avoid debt as much as possible. The Bible says the borrower is “subject” to the lender. I avoid borrowing for that reason, & I CERTAINLY don’t want to be subject to someone else’s poor choices.

The school that offers her degrees should be shut down.

Then your article should have cantered around the consequences of making poor choices.

Well then she is an idiot and should own it

Hey ! Is this the best you can come up with? Do some research on Baystr Univ she 1st before posting a weak news article about the student loan crises!

$500K for naturopathic and acupuncture diplomas. The Universities are making easy money giving away make believe degrees🤔

So we need to pay for Rent , food , pot , drinking alcohol and parties ! How about all the people that paid or couldn't afford college ? If one person gets $500,000 then everyone gets $500,000 !

that’s what she gets for majoring in some unicorn fart shit. I made better life choices 🦄💨💨💨

We paid for our daughter’s 6 yr college education, I’m not paying for everyone else’s! We scraped & saved to do that for her, we’re just middle class!

Saddled? She incurred the debt, thus she owns it!

Choices..... no one forces others to enter college with student loans.. Nough said

Everyone talking about medical costs and attacking ins companies and pharma but no one saying a thing about university presidents or board of regents that have allowed costs to skyrocket. Their only solution is 'make it free'! 'Free' will just make it more expensive.

Libra5405 The go after the schools which are over priced for them to cancel her debt. The cost of education needs to be controlled. Make the universities co-sign loans.

Choices have consequences. AND The government needs to get out of the loan business. That is exactly when prices for college sky rocketed.

What kind of idiot takes out half a million dollars in student loans?

Is she running PayPal? No sense not to run up such high debt? Thanks CNBC for informing students on the perils of student debt and better options over the years. Of course that didn’t happen

Not our fault she's too dumb to not read and comprehend what a contract says before signing it. Enjoy that useless degree. Should've went to a trade school.

Apparently she was a career college student.

No one forced her to take on All that student debt. Choices have consequences.

Is she even working? Sounds like she is a professional student? She should have to pay it ALL.

Is this believable?!

My law degree cost 9 times less than her doctorate in whatever that degree is which I refused to google!

Exactly how did this happen, can you say professional student!

Student loans are misused from party money to clothing. I hope she is not in the finance field because I wouldn’t want her handling my money.

But if you choose to go into trade, study to get certified and get an apprenticeship instead you're 'uneducated' and 'on the wrong side of history'.

Who wants a doctor to treat them knowing that doctor has made such catastrophically poor financial decisions? This is another example of the Millennial generation being unable to critically think.

A masters in acupuncture and $500k in debt. She has a serious thinking disorder

*blink* Knowing what your education is worth versus the amount you will eventually make if you're top-tier in your industry is pretty fundamental to making educational decisions...

I’m just gonna leave this here... 🤔

She used those loans for more than just school. Guaranteed! I saw this with my college roommates when I was in school. Flat screens, vacations, engagement rings, furniture, etc. It took me 6 years to graduate with a BS. Worked and picked a college I could afford.

Get a job and start paying it off the Adult way.

1/2M for some degrees in quackery from some university I’ve never heard of? Have fun...

...are you serious right now?

Eat ratio, hacks.

She needs to be put down, and her organs harvested to repay the loan.

So the reat of US have to pay? We never signed as co loan application...its no fogiving some one else will have to pay according to the left

And who should be responsible for that. American taxpayers? Apparently college did not make her smarter.

Oh, and let me guess, this demlibidiot wants me to pay for it. Stupid Stupid Stupid STUPID making playing idiotic decisions, then blame OTHERS, and expect us to pay. Ridiculous. You loons shouldn’t give this fool any exposure. And yet..🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Either she has money or her parents do. Can’t see loans being approved without some kind of collateral since the career path wasn’t going to pay enough .

Suck it up butter cup. I can't help it that you made stupid decisions .

The more money pumped into those schools the more education costs. It's a transfer payment system to schools with students acting as the conduit for the transfer. They're being fleeced and it needs to stop. Schools are over-enrolled, devaluing degrees while endowments explode.

Life is about choices, if you don’t have a plan your choice could keep you buried in debt.

Simple solution is to quit borrowing money you have no way to pay back.

Haha. she's stupid

She must be a liberal, nobody else can be this freaking dumb, can they?

She doesn’t look sad?!

I want to know what her major is, Why it cost so much? What's her official job now?

Sounds like she has made a career of going to school...Apparently no classes in Mathematics...🤔

Bastyr's programs teach and research topics that are considered pseudoscience and quackery by the scientific and medical communities. Quackwatch, a group against health fraud, put Bastyr University on its list of 'questionable organizations” is 'accredited but not recommended'

Maybe she should have taken classes that would have actually been beneficial in getting her a career that would be able to pay that off. A Masters in “Gender Studies” probably ain’t the best idea!

Her choice, her responsibility. Period

Nobody pays my Bill's and I'm DISABLED so what makes her so special that we should pay hers the debt she is in is her fault not ours and not our responsibility sorry for her bad luck but it's her problem at the end of the day!!!

Can you say part time job?

I'm sorry: $500K for degrees in ACUPUNCTURE AND NATUROPATHY? You just lost any sympathy I had for her or for your 'news' outlet.

1)she looks old as shit. 2)500,00 is a lot of money for loans...she better get to working.

Obviously something else going on here, that figure is way too high!

And who is irresponsible now? Let’s blame the government because she kept borrowing money?. I don’t think so. She is responsible for HER own ignorance. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Not my fault. She took out the loans, she should pay.

Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69. Had to search for what that was:

Well I borrowed a million to get a PhD in advanced Dungeon Mastering from Dungeons & Dragons University, I’m working as an assistant fry cook, and I can’t afford to pay my student loans. This is a national crisis, I’m voting Democrat because others should pay for my stupidity.

Shows how stupid this woman is to out massive amounts of loans. Take responsibility for your choices. SocialismSucks SocialismKills

I don’t care.

So, no body forced her to go to school or finance attendance with loans! Tough!

Let me guess, Women’s studies and art history. And yes, I mean to sound flip.

Some people use 💳 some people use student loans to require depth

Forced college. Interesting 🤔

It’s time to get a job, huh?

What idiot incurs $500, 000 in debt?

She borrowed, she signed for the loans, she took on the responsibility. My daughter, mother of 2, paid back hers while working 2 jobs and living within her means.

All that Education and she’s STILL stupid enough to borrow that much money with no plans for how to pay it back.

I would almost guarantee that mandating term limits in Congress will pay for 50% college loans in a decade. That said, in the normal business world, if loans can’t be repaid, loans aren’t provided. There is a science to these transactions. Where is the disconnect?

Not my problem. She borrowed it. She needs to pay it back.

Why is that my fault or fiscal responsibility?

It's no one's fault but hers. Blaming the government for her foolishness is stupid.

Well. If she want to take her degree in advanced basket weaving that on her. She took on the loan and she made her decision based on her own choices. No one I am sure made her do anything she did not want to do. Now lots of folks like her want others to pay for their choices

Did someone force her to do this? has apparently never heard of the concept of Personal Responsibility.

Don’t borrow money you can’t pay back!!

Don't 'saddle' yourself with debt if you can't pay it back. There's your solution.

Didn’t she take a course in common sense or economics?

Lol A masters in acupunctre? Same useless type degrees as gender studies, etc. Get a degree that is usefull. And pay back your loans. I am not paying for your stupidity. MAGA

The student loans cited were granted in support of Doctoral Degrees. That is over and above a simple BA from a college. I do not agree with forgiving student loans nor free College for all, but I am doubly against forgiving advanced degree loans.

Anybody who takes out that amount of money for any sort of education is a fool.

I’m saddled with a home loan, can they pay that off for me too? Oh and a truck loan too? Around $250,000

Maybe she shouldn't have accepted the loan. I bet she has a degree in philosophy or basket weaving and can't believe theirs no job openings.

Yea and a PhD making 6 figures a year but wants working ppl like me to pay her bill. NO THANKS!! I didn’t force my neighbor to buy a boat he can’t afford!

And this is news how ? Shows she is not smart at all and she wasted her money.

They should have been more intelligent and learned basic budgeting in school. Who in the world would rack up this much school debt. Completely irresponsible...

Yeah don't feel sorry for her. She evidently isn't smart enough to even be allowed to go to college if she couldn't compute potential earnings with loan repayment. Felt so fun going to school, vacationing, not working but now...what? She has to pay for it? This country is mean.

So she made a choice that is black and white -- a half a million in student loans is huge ... choose another path or accept the consequences of your decision. If I bought a half a million dollar house should I expect others to pay?

Bad decisions by others...shouldn’t cost my family money. Spend too much on a house? Not my problem.

You have to be a special kind of idiot to rack up $500k in student loans. And why would a lender keep issuing new debt?

Bad choices for her and lenders. Barring any catastrophic life changes, one should never borrow more than one can realistically expect to repay. Do a follow up story on overspending by her school(s).

“She was just peacefully grazing when they corralled her, roped her, then saddled her with $5000,000 in student loans”

How much was spent on living while going to school . People believe they can go to school only and live off those loans which doesn't seem fiscal to me .

Rather than putting taxpayers on the hook, debtors should claw back the money from the universities and colleges which saddled them to begin with.

That’s her problem not mine! She knew what she was getting into when she took out the loan. I guess she should have went to a Junior College and then transferred to and in state university for way less money. Choices NotMyProblem

MsTessa Good luck to her in the future 👩‍✈️👩‍💻👩‍🍳👩🏼‍🔬

We have mortgages, car payments are you concerned for us? I want mine paid off too.

Another example of liberals created the problem this time it’s high cost of education and now say they will fix the problem. Wake up, people.

She did this she needs to own it!

She could have been a real doctor and a lawyer for that amount of money.

Ten followers!!!! Hahahahaha

Sorry, but I don't feel sorry for people who borrow excessive amounts with no plan to repay it, and using these using as the poster for sympathy has the opposite effect on people who live within their means.

The face of an idiot. We also need to jail those that took advantage of an idiot by loaning her the money.

Those students were idiots to borrow that much - it was their own decision - live with it

What is your point? She knowingly borrowed the money.

Who in their right mind would take out a half million dollar loan and have no plan to pay it back. That’s just stupid.

'Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69' What a moron, getting $500k in debt for a double degree in quackery

Well maybe she should have studied something that would have translated into a job. There are more jobs in this country than people to fill them. Stop studying stupid things and learn how to do a job.

Obviously she never took a economics class.

That’s because she is an idiot who signed a contract to borrow more money than she could rationally afford to pay back. She is STUPID. She isn’t saddled with anything. She borrowed the money voluntarily.

You do know that way to many of these “Students” get these loans in lieu of jobs. They use these “Loans” for spending in stupid shit NOT school

She was not forced to go to college or take the loans. Stop trying to turn these people into victims of the banks. They are victims of their own ignorance, caused by the schools they attended, and the over priced colleges they attended.

Guess that’s what happens when the government takes over something. Usually most people know that whenever they borrow money they EVENTUALLY HAVE TO REPAY. As far as I know, that simple concept hasn’t changed

i borrowed a $1million to open a lemonade stand and I only sell 2 glasses of lemonade a day - now I can't get a credit card to charge my Hawaii vacation - can some liberal get the government to help me out....

This just solidifies my opinion that these people didn’t have enough intelligence for an advanced education in the first place.

A better question is “Why has higher education soared more than tenfold above inflation?” Who is asking THAT question? This person chose to take on this debt ... not my problem.

$500k in 'education' didn't make her intelligent.

Sad she has: doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture. Maybe she NOT good at what she does & BAD in business! We educated her & now she needs 2 repay the loans. We didn’t force her into that field.

so i should have to pay for her stupidity?

She is an idiot for taking out $500,000 in loans. It’s not my responsibility or the American tax payers responsibility to pay her debt.

And she should pay every penny back. $500k? Only the gov would lend this much money to one person for school. And they want to run healthcare.

This is how moronic LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder and naturopathy will not help it. Your screwed no one is paying your debt. Trump2020LandslideVictory

I wonder who forced her into borrowing this money for useless degrees? If she did it of her own free will, she needs to live with the consequences.

And how is that my problem?

We need 2 understand why she has so much in Student loans... 1st quest; WHY were they approved... 2nd: WHAT degrees does she have? 3rd WHAT is her career? Then we know what happened, why & CAN FIX the problems... We need 2 stop pointing the finger & start fixing the problems!!!

Moron voluntarily accumulates $500k in student loans for low paying job* Fixed the headline for you

The problem is they use the loans to go on vacation all over the world then cry because they can't pay it back just sick

I did not force them too, be dumb assses with their debt. Nobody paid my student loans back but me. I had a job when I went to school. Only took out what I could pay back. No student loan forgiveness. Be aan adult,pay it back yourselves.

Sounds like she has a problem and should've thought about that before accruing that debt. Her debts are not the taxpayers problem.

The headline should include the idiotic decision she made for her Major.

she has made terrible, irresponsible life choices.

Why did you do that asshole what’s your majors I hope majors.

I got a BS and an MD from state schools for a whopping $4800 total tuition. Why does a degree in naturopathic medicine and one in acupuncture literally cost 100x as much 30 years later?

Who’s fault is that? You incur the debt you pay it! I have 3 children that have gone to college, they have no debt, they paid for it thru military and their grades! I don’t feel sorry for this person dumb enough to run up $500,000 in debt with no plan or responsibility!

it thought this was a good idea?

You only buy what you can afford

Then she is stupid beyond words.

Then colleges should lower tuitions, offer scholarships by ending ridiculous salaries for professors. Students should consider trade schools then work while taking classes to earn degrees. Jr. College for first two years, then on line classes or last two years at university.

I’m going with professional student. notmyproblem

For a junk PhD and MS, not my fault she made bad life choices!

Not a very smart student!

This is stupid / the governemt should stop like real banks would. Christ even expensive schools are 25-30K a year right How the hell does anyone think taking out or allowing these loans is a good use? Clearly the $500K was wasted on an idiot here

No sympathy. You signed and bought it. Pay it.

She should have chosen a less expensive education one she could have afforded not 500 k that’s just stupid why should anyone else have to pay for her ignorance Most get a wonderful education less than 100 k

She made that decision not us. She is responsible for her actions. What happens when rich people decide to take money out the bank and burn it. You can't take from people and give to others it's wrong

She should have made better life choices. Not my problem

I had the same situation, I worked hard, did a couple of financial moves and paid of money student loans....Raiman noodles are a shame here !!!

I am saddled with a mortgage payment...choices...

Bad choices

The left always wants responsible hard working citizens to pick up the tab for those who make poor choices. They also enable them with government programs. The left has no grasp of math or basic econ..

Well, those loans were a poor choice. Period. I didnt make that choice, and my taxes should not even be considered in paying her, or anyone else's loans off. I worked, got scholarships and made through college without them. It was hard, but my responsibility.

what type of education do you spend $500,000 on and then can not get a job? The fact that it cost her $500,000 IS the problem

Double the interest rates for student loans to pay for reparations

Maybe stop pretending all degrees are equal? 'Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69' This degree's likely value on the market is near zero. Can't say that of an CS degree from MIT

Sad to see taking this stand after many years of championing financial wisdom and knowledge! A generation of wise, diligent & successful investors exists today who studied, learned their craft not from schools or colleges, but from financial hosts & guests seen on CNBC Sad

These loans seem to have gotten out of control since Obama legislation gave Government control of Student Borrowing. Partially to fund Obamacare

Her post grad degree costs only $265,000. What was the other $235,000 for?

A doctor in “naturopathic medicine”. Well, that should say it all. And I wonder if she went on any spring breaks with some of that loan?

Sympathy? None.

She knew she had to pay the loan back! It's her problem, not mine!

How did she not know she had this much in loans?

Even if she did pay the $500K, when she got a job, she would take out a $600K mortgage, so she could live in a house, in a city that was overtaxed by democrats. If she could'nt pay the mortgage, should we forgive her debt, and give her a house? No, of course not.

If this headline is true, she is a moron or, brilliant, at this point. Either way it is nobody’s problem but hers.

Personal responsibility. Her choice. Live with it.

She did this of her own free will!!! I don’t feel sorry for her!!!

Seriously if you are going to go into debt for your education, get value for money, ensure your future job is a good return on investment & pay it off ASAP. This does not appear to be close to a wise choice. The College appears to have suckered her in.

Sounds like she made some bad financial decisions.

Goes to show you NO Amount of Money can Fix STUPID!

Getting a doctorate and a masters in pseudoscience. Smart kid. Student loans aren't forced upon you. You agree to take every dollar of that unsecured debt. I have a bachelors and a masters and paid off my small amount of loans years ago because I worked the entire time.

This is the fleecing of America, what colleges and universities charge is outrageous and a racket....what professors are being paid is truly the fleecing of America. And Furthermore go to a college you can afford.

I'm saddled with a 6 figure mortgage, you gonna pay that too?

My guess is she didn’t study finance

$500,000?! Sorry. It’s her own dumbass fault for going to a school that cost that much. Go to a state school. Damn.

That’s her responsibility and no one else’s. I paid my loans back. I shouldn’t have to help pay hers too.

What degree cost 500k in loans

I’m sure not all of that went to tuition, but went to lifestyle like the majority of student loan borrowers do. New cars,’s free money. BeResponsible

.That's her own stupid choice! Why should I have to help her make more stupid choices in life? Where are her parents? Ask them for the money.

^^^^ Idiot

What did these people think was going to happen to the debt they incurred? You borrowed, you pay back. Simple.

People choose to take out loans for automobiles, for homes, for college. Those decisions must be wisely made by responsible people. I refuse to pay for someone else's irresponsible decision.

Anybody who takes out that much in student loans, is an idiot, and deserves to be in debt the rest of their life.

Sounds like a stupid person that debtors shouldn’t have lended money to

She made very bad financial choices. End of story. She needs a financial advisor to help her figure it out.

I do not want to be responsible for bailing people out of school loan debt when they made bad decisions. If you bail them out every time, they never learn and making bad decisions becomes a habit.

Maybe someone shouldn’t have given her the loan in the first place and maybe she might have thought about how she was going to pay for it? stupidity

The college should be sued for running a confidence game. I’m sure they helped her secure the loans

Who’s fault is that?

, did you actually think people were going to be sympathetic here?

If she was stupid enough to rack up 1/2 million in student loans without a plan to pay it back maybe she is too stupid to go to college in the first place.

She should take out another loan, get some cosmetic surgery and try to snag a rich guy.

Get a job?

She's not very bright is she

Wiping out all student debt without structural change would get us back to the same state in about 15 years, ceteris paribus. But with the foreknowledge that debt incurred will be debt forgiven by precedent, borrowing should accelerate and it will be much quicker than 15 years

Sucks to be her!

If the taxpayer is going to be put on the hook for her stupidity the taxpayer should be able to say “No” to the next idiot like her to come along and seek 500k of education spending.

She saddled herself. Not my problem nor is it anyone else’s problem. Bottom line is that she wants others to be responsible for her poor financial decisions.

She got a degree in acupuncture!!! How stupid was she to borrow this much money for a worthless degree? It’s completely her own fault.

Decisions have consequences. Make stupid choices, get stupid results. Or, go to a community college or tech school, learn a trade, and get a real job! FixedIt

What kind of idiot puts themself half a million in debt at age 22? She’s proof that college is not for everyone.

So this moron spends $500,000 and 8 years in school for a job that pays maybe $80,000 a year and she wants to be bailed out? This is exactly the problem. The government should NOT be guaranteeing any student loans. Watch what happens then.

If you are going to borrow that much for your education you’ve got to command the kind of salary to pay it back. trump2020 TWGRP

She CHOSE to get the loan. It’s HER responsibility to pay it back.

Why is it nobody ever asks why college is so expensive. Do proffesors really need to make 100k to 300k a yr ? Seriously.

It’s her problem not ours I didn’t pay for my daughters education so why should I pay for hers.

If we’re going to forgive student loans, we can’t treat this travesty and a $40k debt on a nursing degree the same way...

Why is someone who studied acupuncture stayed in college for 8 years and amassed $500k in debt? That's completely idiotic. She made her choice, now she must lice with it.

If politicians are so willing to either forgive student loan debt or make college and health care free, then shouldn't they do the same with houses, cars and credit cards? The individual chose to take on the debt. The individual needs to pay it back.

Who loaned an unskilled/uneducated person money? Oh wait, the govt backed the loan. Why did this person seek out loans for $1/2 million? Oh wait, no worries, the govt will help me if I decide to be irresponsible & untrustworthy.

More proof that 'educated' does not mean 'intelligent.'

How did I manage to get through school with a single $1000 loan? The andwer may surprise you

My half brother literally worked every other smeester to pay for the next semester to attend a good college. He now has a very high paying job and lives in a huge mansion. It can be done. Also, a plumber should not have to pay for another's college bills.

She's an idiot. Not my responsibility to pay for her bad decisions.

Sounds like a case of not wanting to take responsibility for your actions to me.

Can’t one learn this kind of bs online for like 100 times less?

If you are trying to convince me that people make poor decisions then you’ve done your job. If you are trying to convince me those poor decisions should be subsidized then try again.


Guess the middle class should cover her debt, that's the thinking of dimms!

Unbelievable! She racks up over a half million (which she still after 8 yrs?) and expects others to pay it?

Nice leather seats...🤔

Nobody paid for mine. I'm not paying for theirs.

She should not have straddled herself with debt she knew she could not repay. Government should not reward her irresponsible decision.

Not many people would go that far in debt for a degree that does not pay very well. Sounds like she was just too lazy to get educated in something that will pay the bills. Her fault not ours, the taxpayer.

Did she not know something before getting the debt. Of course not. Reap what you sow. Don’t blame others

No reason for this. You can go to top schools for $30k a year very easily. She is to blame plus a system that allows her to borrow this amount. There should be no bailout for this but changes need to be made. Maybe no interest for 5 years after graduation& limits on amount

I say we give the $500,000 to people that didn’t rack up unsustainable student debt. I didn’t go to college, I worked my ass off, and I don’t owe a lender. Pay me for not being irresponsible.

That’s their own fault. Why take a loan like that from a loan shark knowing you can’t pay it back. Someone ought to start breaking some legs then see how fast the crisis stops. That’s what loan sharks do right?

Tough lesson on return on investment...not my problem...

Not my frekin problem. People are retarded and thieves to rack up that much debt for an education that will never allow them to pay or back. Yall can take that student loan garbage outa here cause we ain’t paying for jack!!

What a crock she hasn't worked in her field for 8 years did she think her debt was going to go down as she continued to add to it. My oh my it's called working and paying it off. Many people get their doctorate while working. Being a professional student will not pay the bills.

SPOILER: Those loans include a MASTERS and a DOCTORATE. (We're not even going to discuss the choices in majors.) 'Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69.'

Tell the real truth Liberal arts student with no training for anything

This young woman is another example why we need Dave Ramsey courses in high school before graduation. To borrow $500,000 4 degree in acupuncture and natural medicine is a clear sign of financial illiteracy


Maybe they should get job first and pay as you go. I went to college. You know how many kids get student loans and use that money for cars apartment. Etc. not all who have loans went to schools

So you’re saying that before she received her overvalued and overpriced education she was to stupid to realize she would have to repay her loans, but now that’s she so smart she realizes she has to pay back the overpriced & overvalued loans? Well ignorance is bliss

They borrowed, spent and reaped the benefits.

No one asked you to major in Acupuncture. Let's hope you don't take out another 500,000 to major in facial masks

A Masters. In Acupuncture. Are you actually messing with us right now?

Nobody forced her to take the money

I’m sure she’s smart enough to figure out how to pay for it.

“The average college graduate leaves school $30,000 in the red today, up from $10,000 in the 1990s.” If you decide to sign up for $470 000 more of debt than the average college graduate, it’s your choice; don’t expect tax payers to pay your bill; it was your decision.

Worse than a loan for degree in AA atudies

She made a bad choice. What if I bought a house I really can't afford? My bad choice - should the rest of the country pay my mortgage?

Did she minor in bleeding & leeches?

Why would she pursue such insipid degrees that offer no ROI at such a high cost? You make your bed, you lie in it.

She is a fool for school. BS degrees that never make money are ubiquitous in the modern University; gender studies, art history, political science, leisure studies, etc. We don't subsidize STUPID & Lazy BernieSanders . I paid undergrad & Grad schools for my kids and myself.

Cry me a river... She has a doctorate and a Masters. Maybe stop complaining and start working. Pay off your debt.

She is responsible, not society

Tell me why I should become responsible for another person’s irresponsibility

Just took out a loan for a car yesterday. Could use some help with the payments. When do I see your check?

A licensed plumber makes more than $70,000 and the vast majority have no student debt because they were paid to learn as an apprentice.

Morons should not be allowed to get useless degrees in nonsense that will not provide gainful employment. If you choose to borrow money to study a useless degree then you should have to pay it back yourself. YOU took the loan for stupid reasons. That is a life lesson. Learn it.

No sympathy...go to a school you can afford. This is just being irresponsible.

And whose fault is that?

It s what they get for getting worthless degrees. I paid by student loans off they can too. Don’t buy expensive things. Balance a budget.

If she has $500k in student loans the department of Justice should investigate FRAUD!

What education cost $500,000? What expenses would occur to cause this? Gouging is what it is. That is absolutely ridiculous.

And you think she is smart? 🤣😂

I bought a 10 million dollar home. I think it’s too expensive, will you pay it off for me?

Wonder if she’s ever stopped to consider paying off some of the loans BEFORE adding to them? Only an idiot does that.

It’s like she borrowed easy money and spent it frivolously— kinda like the subprime mortgage debacle.

Then don't go to a college that charges that much!

When you are being robbed, wouldn't it be wise to prosecute the robbers? College may be the worst scam in American history!

So maybe you should of thought about what you could afford before spending money you didn't have. It's your problem not the taxpayer, go into a field you can make a living at.

I have a mortgage.. can I get a bailout?

Fiscal responsibility, at some point this person failed to seek employment and remained in college a decade longer. Why should I pay for more then 1 degree?

Get Government out of the tuition loan guarantee biz.

Perhaps she needed to research the average pay of an Acupuncture Physician ($80,000) and then compare the cost vs return on investment ratio prior to signing loans for $500,000.

I want oceanfront property. I’m going to sign loan docs for a $2MM loan. I can’t afford to pay it back, but I want to see the ocean every morning when I wake up. It’s okay though, taxpayers will pay my debt. Why stop at student debt? Pay off my mortgage, credit cards...

Sounds like SHE made the desision to get the loans and she willingly signed on the dotted line. She could have gone to a more affordable school or chosen a career that pays better. All in all, it was her choice.

If her degree(s) won't allow her to pay back what she borrowed, not trying to be unkind here, she is not that smart.

We cant just forgive principles but the interest is the issue. realDonaldTrump can we forgive the interest of all current fed college loans, give people 10yrs 0%APR to pay them off w/ 70% of all previously paid interest going to the principle? Rates should have never been 12%

Masters in acupuncture? I guess that’s a marketable skill!

She is irresponsible to have that much debt and politicians are even more irresponsible if they want the American taxpayer to pay off the bills of individuals that choose to have student loans.

Where was this article in 2009 when I graduated

Sounds like she lived off her student loans. Got some shit degree and now is crying because they actually expect to be paid back. She should have thought about that.

How about everyone pay their own debts, that'll work.

did you verify all this loan money was used for 'schooling' Many years ago while in college, my brother in law qualified for a low interest school loan, took it and bought a truck.

I am Elisha should do what the rest of us did and get a second job, rather than running to the beach as often as possible. At a certain point we all have to grow up and realize life isn’t one big vacation everyone else has to pay for

And? Why is this my problem?

1) her parents saved not even a dollar for her education? 2)She couldn’t find any scholarships? 3) She didn’t work at all during college/grad school/doctoral program to pay down this debt 4) What are her monthly payments $100? None of this story makes sense and this is on her

Socialism prescribes equal outcomes, which makes the concept of ‘personal responsibility’ a thing of the past.

Student loans hold zero accountability I used mine 25 yrs ago to buy a car!!! TAP and college loans sb paid straight to the school

A Master's Degree in Acupuncture? Dang it Takes $500,000 for What? Why does Acupuncturists Need a Master's Degree? She's getting Everything a Real Person, Who Seeks a Master's Degree in Acupuncture Deserves.

How does anyone amass $500,000 in student loans? In theory if you spend that much on your education, you should be able to make it back tenfold. I know I didn't ask that much so why should I pay it for someone else? Only borrow what you can afford to pay back.

Cluster of moronic decisions and Mr/s taxpayer foots the bill When did that happen ....Look at the degrees she's taken and tell me why should anyone bother....Let me guess , she's a lefty dumbocrat.....

She borrowed half a million dollars for a career that pays much less than 100k per annum. Not anyone's fault but hers

'She wanted to open her own medical practice(...)' if you want to open a medical practice, maybe study medicine, not fucking acupuncture.

Let me get this straight.. she borrowed $500,000 to get a degree in... wait for it... acupuncture (!!) and now she wants the taxpayers to bail her out? GTFO.

That picture of her really captures what a clueless idiot she is. Tell the photog good job. Wait is that a selfie? Maybe she picked the wrong field. $500k more and she has a promising career.

Anyone who borrows 500K to study acupuncture is an idiot.

If she has $500,000 in student loans, she is too stupid to be educated.

Their problem is greed. If you can’t afford something, don’t buy it.

Army will pay off your school loans! Join up !

Don't take out loans you are unable to repay

Could that be because college administrative staff and all college salaries are out of control.

So if My taxes are used to cover student loans, am I then able to use the services of those whose loans my money “forgave?”

Nobody forced her to make the choices that led her to the loans. Her problem, not anyone else’s.

I refuse to pay for anyone's college debts! The Democrats will lose the election over this alone!!! I dont give a crap about anyones college debt. We all had it and paid it off. Its called growing up! Doesn't matter how much it is ! It was there decisions not ours to pay for!!!

What led to their divorce is he was married to an idiot who went into debt taking a curriculum that would never make her enough to pay it off.... and now it is someone else’s fault?

No Loan CNBC Business News Everybody My Carn SBI Bank Account SBI Bank New Garia Sir Nagar Branch 07679 Sttuf Mr Rabin Das No Loan Your Job Cock Salary Rs 15.500 Thousand Only Government Jod Loan All right Mr Rabin Das Okay SBI Bank

People who become doctors and lawyers don't accumulate that much loan debt combined.

Hahaha, and a master's degree in acupuncture made sense? She should have minored in finger painting too.

Not very smart. I guess the University was not for her. Some peoples children!

She paid 499,322.69 and got a worthless doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and a master's in acupuncture...from an even more worthless college called Bastyr University. I’ll bet she plays all the carnival games and thinks she will have an advantage over the house..


Self-inflicted wound. Borrow the money pay it back. Don’t borrow it don’t have to pay it back. Simples

It's already been said a few times, but a masters in acupuncture for 500k... yeah this person needs financial advice and a psychological exam

Go to a bank and tell them how much you want to borrow and what your major will be. This person would be shown the door. The Govt: Sure! Here you go, borrow as much as you want!

I need help in education sector

And not one ounce of commonsense

So because she was dumb enough to spend half a mill on her education, we're supposed to eat the debt? No thanks. Schools charge ridiculous rates, start there.

Are you a parody account?

DaveRamsey ROI was way in the negative here. Unfortunely, there’s lots of stupid here! People need to be taught the total money make over in high school


Guess we can't blame the colleges for this, right? Do the colleges need to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to ewarren got pd for teaching 1 class? With the recent events on college admissions by the rich, and the left, what's to be expected...the greedy left

Useless beggar

Moron! I wonder how much actually went toward education? Studies show that many use college loan money for non educational purposes such as car purchases, vacations, etc...

What stupid institution let her borrow $500,000 with no job and no collateral? Oh the federal government. The same institution that is 20,000,000,000,000 in debt.

This makes me think we should bring back debtors prison...

Colleges and universities need to be held responsible for this chicanery.

I would rather pay reparations than pay off student debt.

She should have chosen a better field to go into, like one that paid well.

How is that even possible? My gf is an actual doctor and doesn’t have $500K in student loans.

Foolish What happened to working your way through college if you cannot afford tuition? Now you want the poor saps that worked while she was partying to pay her debt? Don’t think so 😏

She seems to be driving around in a pretty nice car.

Wow. That there is a very special kind of stupid. Let me guess, she wants those of us who aren't college idiots to pay for her debt?

So we should pay for their decision right?

Choice is a thing.

Did she Major in a degree that would pay enough to cover the debt? Did she Major in a degree that has employment opportunities? Or did she Major in something useless?

1). Don’t borrow what you can’t pay back; 2). If you work for government Federal, and some State positions, for ten years, your student loans are zeroed-out.

I know REAL doctors who get a white coat for half of that...

And this is my fault? Not just no, but hell no.

And she should be the one to pay those loans back. If you can’t handle the consequences of your actions, don’t act.

She’s a great argument for why student loans shouldn’t be forgiven.


growingaway She made that choice - and the field she wanted to work in. She signed the papers and knew what she’d make as a result. She should have gone into politics and taken money from the people instead, like Congress does.

Then why don’t you start a go fund me for them

Are we going to bail out people who blow money on roulette in Vegas too? This is poor judgement. Her fault and now she has to live with her foolishness.

Personal Responsibility. Your choices no one forced you to borrow outrageous loans. For ANY reason

Good, at least she and other people will learn that to not pay for pseudo medicine degree, i vote no support for her

Let me guess. Gender studies major

And thats somehow my fault?

O now we are going to talk about this shit.They have been stealin my money for yrs and still are.

Should went to trade school. I know electricians and plumbers that are making over $200k a year just a few years out as contractors.

They should of taught her what a terrible idea that was

Seems as though she didn’t think this through.

Don’t go to school

Why aren’t the institutions of learning responsible? The OU grad must have taken out loans to maintain her lifestyle...why didn’t she have a job in school to defray costs? Young people are short term thinkers! Who in right mind would loan 19 yo with no job $?

We should use federal student loan guarantee budget to pay off deadbeat BernieBro debts. Then axe the programs... WinWin for America. We don't have to foot the bill for BernieSanders' scofflaws anymore, and for-profit colleges actually have to earn an honest living...

WTF was she thinking. Sounds like a nutcase.

If you choose to become a witch doctor there’s only so much I can feel sorry for you

$500K?! Just stop!

so? That's her personal debt she chose to pile on herself. Only she is responsible. PAY IT

Dumbass should've learned a trade instead. She could've commanded a 6 figure salary and had zero student debt. But, HER degree means HER debt. Not my problem.

She has to be an idiot. Who approved these loans? They should be held accountable too. Unbelievable

Anybody thinking that volunteering to rack up $500,000 in student loans is a good idea does not have enough business sense to be attending college. The folks passing out these loans should not allow anyone to borrow this kind of money either.

Cam she leave the country?

Not my problem!

Just a suggestion cut up every credit card she has, buy a reliable used vehicle, make coffee at home, stop dining out, turn off cable, TV sux anyway, go to a Dani Johnson event, she'll teach you how to get OUT OF DEBT pretty quickly.

She majored in fake medicine

So I’m have a mil in debt because I got the medical equivalent of an astrology degree in astrophysics and I want the American taxpayer to bail me out.

She went to school for Naturopathy and Accupuncture? Please tell me she anti-vax.

She is a professional student.

Seems like she chose the wrong type of education...

How the fuck is that even possible?

It’s not the taxpayers problem that she chose poorly.

Don't live beyond your means. I didn't go to college because I couldn't afford it. I ended up making $60k a year as an office administrator.


My masters degree cost $20k & I paid it off myself with the money I made from the job I actually got after I graduated. Why should I have to pay off her ridiculous loans when I made good decisions & she willingly made shitty ones?

Was her signature forged? Is this about some kind of identity theft that put her into that much debt? If not, she is 100% liable.

That's because she's stupid.

Was the underwater basket weaving class full? YOU took the loans, YOU pay them off.

Tough shit!

Who held the gun to her head?

Follow the money. Who is behind this racket?

You want the ' high life' whilst studying then you pay a price. Earn a living alongside your studies will mitigate the amount of debt.!!!

Millions of Americans, including women and virtually all minorities, are saddled w/ $100,000+ loans... Should they all be forgiven?

I've been saddled with a million dollar mortage. Can someone please take care of that for me? Thanks.

She CHOSE to go into that absurd level a debt! She has only herself to blame for such incredibly irresponsible choices.

In useless degrees.

So I should be taxed even more to subsidize this nonsense?

If privately liable and bankruptcy is on the table, can you think of any bank that would fund those loans? I barely got a car loan in colllege. Wtf

I can't even imagine borrowing 500,000 dollars and then expecting the tax payers to pay it off for them. WTF! Sorry she was using this money for more then school. Sorry you have to pay for your dumb mistakes! Pay it!

What an idiot. Not 1 penny of my tax dollars to bail out idiots deciding to spend money like this. Ridiculous.

This was the wrong person to concentrate on for point out a very real issue.

Did they make her sign a contract forcing her to take all that debt and then take a job that makes 70k a year? If not then this sure sounds like a her problem and not an us problem.

You will not see any sympathy from me...Her dumbass should have went to community college for 2 years then transfer, then find work study job, live in a tripple.....Her situation sounds like she went to get a doctorate in english literature.

Are you trying to locate the next poster child for stupidity?

So go be an electrician or plumber the.

Borrowing 500k in student loans was greedy and irresponsible of her. How much was spent on actual tuition, and how much on living high on the hog for a few years? She chose these consequences herself. Let her pay the minimums on her low interest loans for the rest of her life.

Don’t High Schools teach financial literacy anymore?

It's her own goddamn fault.

To bad the Government gave a person with poor financial choices money that ruined her life. The answer is not for the government to steal money from people because they created a problem

We can and should make college and other post HS education more affordable but that doesn't necessarily mean we bail out everyone for foolish decisions.

I have almost $500k debt on my Maserati and Ferrari and now cannot get a loan to buy the Bentley GT I want. I am struggling to make my current payments. Will CNBC please write a sympathy piece on my situation without once mentioning that I did this to myself with poor decisions?

She is an idiot for taking out so many student loans. Clearly, she wasn’t a math major.

So many students borrow more than they need, then use the extra for tattoos, concerts, and booze. I’m not voting for anyone who would use my tax dollars to subsidize their good time!

I wonder what she would have studied and majored in if she had to use her own money? For $500 grand, she could have been a brain surgeon. I hear Macdonalds is offering $15 min wage..

Hey Where’s SuzeOrmanShow when you need her?

I think loans should be given based on the projected income of the student with a given major. If what you choose doesn’t allow you enough of a loan pick another that will allow you to make money needed to pay back

Shoulda went to community college.

Were you guys trying to roast this lady for her extreme stupidity in the most passive aggressive way possible? Because if you read it that way it’s a great article.

Sue the colleges. Problem solved...

It is really stupid to borrow that much money. We are supposed to bail them out because they made poor choices? Stupid should hurt. And they are “educated.”

You can’t fix stupid, even with a college degree.

She is an idiot. Why should I pay her debts? 🤔

Saddled? You make it sound like someone else put that burden on her! It was her CHOICE! She signed those loan papers! Why would you borrow money you could never repay? 🙄🙄

She spent it, she pays it back

She got ripped off by her “school.”

Best example of a campaign against wiping student loan debt I have seen. Proves the point that many student loans are simply bad decisions by idiots.

This lady needs a kick in the ass for borrowing $500K for an education. Colleges shouldn’t offer stupid degrees like history of music and art history and acupuncture or the effects of ecstasy on masturbation (ok I made that one up). But since they do, kids shouldn’t major in them

Don't try and earn bs degrees that don't pay well while taking loans from stupid expensive 'colleges'

She didn’t think that out very well. This kind of debt is dumb.

Choices matter.

She has a doctorate in anti ax, a masters in acupuncture. Who the hell thought those would ever pay enough to justify a half million dollars in loans?

She had to go through and sign more paperwork to get that $$ than to buy a house. It's very clear about your responsibility to pay it back.

Those degrees are cons, not education in evidence-based medical practices.

So know this is a problem!

Holy fck, did she party 24/7 or buy a house to live during her studies. College failed her, the system failed her for letting her be so stupid, and her own brain failed her. Never once did she sit and think after the first 100k?

That's her problem. She should have got a degree in something other than Gender studies. So she could get an actual job.

Stupid people spending money they don't have for jobs that can't repay them reasonably. We don't have a student loan issue, we have a lack of education on practical economics in our high school system.

Well she better wish she wins a Powerball to pay off that shit.

She borrowed half a million to not even become a fake doctor?

She borrowed- she needs to pay it back. Not our problem.

Anybody that has $500K of student loan balances shouldn’t have been allowed to go to college!

At some point you’ve got to question the sanity of the lender...

WTF...?!? Half a mil on that quackery & we are supposed to feel not only sorry for her but bail out people that are this ridiculously gullible or become professional students & expect us to subsidize their lack of growing up...?

Boo hoo. Not my problem

Natural healing and 500K? What was she thinking?

So is this a story about stupid life choices? Cause that’s what it is, and, no, they should NOT be forgiven

Well a quick google search of what her salary would he with her degree would have told her that taking that much out in loans was a stupid choice.

So she took out loans voluntarily in the amount of 1/2 a million dollars and doesn't have a degree that's employable so she has to start her own business but can't because of her debt. Why is this a sob story? This is an example of fiscal idiocy.

I can’t believe Trump and the Republicans made her go to school and stuff!!! Shame shame shame!!!

her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69. Ok: Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that employs an array of pseudoscientific practices branded as 'natural' IDIOT

'saddled' ... as in the bank saddled me with this loan for the car i bought. ... as in this restaurant saddled me with this receipt and expected payment for the delicious denver omelette i ate. Accountability, where art thou!!

Time to pay the piper !


she should have chosen a profession that would pay off a $500,000 student loan. And, she can work more than one job to pay off *her* loan.

Can’t wait to get a student loan once they do wipe out student debt. I’m not even using it for school. Going to be wiped out anyway. Thanks merica

Why do colleges offer courses on alternative medicines?

How in the? Obviously not majoring in business or economics.

Did someone force her against her will to take out loans for more than she will ever be able pay back? She’s clearly stupid.

Fucking acupuncture

A disaster of her own making. You should never go into debt for graduate school unless you have a plan to leverage that degree into a financially successful career.

I hate when student loan debt just hit someone by accident like that. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. My thoughts and prayer for this lady.


I like how the people they used as examples are complaining about being unable to BORROW more money to start a business or buy a car. Why the hell would anyone lend them more money that can’t possibly pay back That’s not how this works! It’s their own fault!

Sounds like she shouldn't have taken out 500k in loans. She should have gotten better jobs with each increase in her exp and made payments. My financial irresponsibility is no one's problem but my own. Why should I take responsibility for hers?

💁🏻‍♀️did she let this happen? This plainly unaccountably to me. Her education failed her. Why should I pay for her stupidity? Who in God’s Grace mentored this person into poverty? And...I have worked none stop since the age of 14....are u asking me to pay for her educational?

We will never pay for this, because once they figure out we will pay for it they'll likely add living expenses and cars, vacations and whatever their little hearts desire, HELL NO

Her fault!

A holistic dr/acupuncture person makes around 27k-127k on average per year..assuming she is the shit and depending on many other things. Dumb ass.

How is this our fault? She borrowed it, she needs to pay it back...period!

How much do I get if she admits how much she didnt spend on actual school costs

“Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69.” There’s the first problem...

It was her decision to take on the loans. I could have gone back to college to pick up a masters but I knew I couldn’t afford it. It’s her problem.

How do you have 500k in student loans unless you're a professional student taking loans for living support while going to school for many many years. What career would have justified this loan amount ? None. No intention of paying back.

If someone spent this kind of money for an education I hope they landed a hell of a high paying job or they were dumber than dirt to spend this amount of money without an apprenticeship. No comment sense.

So we are responsible for her that what I’m hearing?

Are we supposed to feel bad for her? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Its idiocy to expect everyone else to pay for her bad decisions.

Ok I was going to be sympathetic but that’s $500,000 in naturopathy and acupuncture. You could’ve spent that money and became a real Doctor.

Democrat Politicians are always trying to give away what does not belong to democrat politician's to give away and will guarantee that no financial institution will loan any student anything ever again not even lunch money banks that are owed will file for bankruptcy


And with this article she ended her medical career

Educated beyond her intelligence.

Well a heart surgeon or other Doctor with similar training should have no issues paying that off. That is what she got for $500,000 isn’t it? Oh wait, she spent all that on a degree in essential oils application? Well........


Why would she do this to herself?

OK she chose to borrow the money. She can pay it back! I paid back my school loans!!

Who ? cares ?

And we're supposed to feel sorry? Nope, it's called individual responsibility, if you have that much student debt, I hope you picked a career field that is relevant, and not saturated!

People like her somehow feel entitled. Quite frankly don't take out loans you CANNOT pay back. Taxpayers aren't your bank.

Take a job or two and pay it off in time. Discipline!

So.... They didn't work during evil to pay off the debt or borrow less.... They bought a house abs a cat they shouldn't have bought but wanted to feel 'successful' with material things knowing they had this debt... And are TERRIBLE at managing their money. NO SCHOOL LOAN BAILOUT!

Sounds like she should have picked a cheaper school...or gotten a job after her first degree.

😂😂 $500k for a masters in acupuncture OUCH 😉

Why is it my fault she isn’t very smart?

Join my club please. Who else is in debt?

If she joined the military she could have gotten the GI bill and not have worried. Most financial situations are created by the individual stupid is as stupid does

THEY chose to take on the loans, THEY need to pay it back. Can't afford the Schools? choose a CHEAPER school. Degree won't result in the ability to pay it back? Should have chosen a degree that actually pays well. I PAID MY LOANS BACK. It's called personal responsibility.

They take Student loans and then forget they were LOANS Or maybe their high school education sucked so bad they don't understand the definition of LOAN

Well...that was dumb.


This is a terrible example.

So individuals with no “higher” education and potentially making far less money are going to be saddled with paying her debt? Dafug?

Obama was going to pick up the tab... where is he?


This is insanity!

Pay your own damn fecking bills.

These colleges that have courses priced way to high for a Liberal one sided teaching style, can we even call it teaching now? Too much money, especially when these so called schools are subsidized Subsidies for any school or company that brings in millions should be a crime!

Money management should be a required course in High school

It’s her own fault. She signed and chose her career path

Just here for that fabulous ratio.

Financial success hint: Only buy what you can afford. That way, you'll keep out of debt and work for yourself, not for someone else. Personal debt is, in essence, enslaving yourself to someone.

Woke2008 too easy to borrow on no collateral no credit history- some will abuse the easy money for sure

Person voluntarily takes on a boat load of debt for dumb degree now wants others to pay for it. Um, no. You knew the debt you were getting into, deal with it yourself.

Oh well, she knew what she was doing. You take out a loan, you pay it back. Simple.

If you borrow the money- pay the money back. Why should someone else be saddled with their debt?

Did she complete any course?

This is ludicrous! Now she is waiting for Saunders and Warren to forgive her tuition debt.

Here is a suggestion! Seek out Senator Warren and Senator Sanders to pay off your loans because they are so kind hearted! They want you to own that private practice business! You have proven that you would be a great business wizard!😁's a thought! She made the choice to further education! I commend her for that! She needs to quit whining about her debt and pay it off like the rest of us! If she wanted a free ride for education she should have joined the military and earned her GI Bill.

This is why we need financial literacy immersed throughout the curriculum in middle school thru college

No mention of why they picked the schools they went to. It seems to me they needed to make better choices. Pick a cheap school for core classes & transfer. Get in-state tuition and maybe go to a smaller school. People and their bad choices should not be my responsibility.

Why let a terrible decision go public this way?

Half a mil for a masters in acupuncture is bad financial planning and careless spending. Really bad

Can we see her transcripts and living expenses for the last 5 years. THAT would be a story. Right now all you've got is a victim. But that's all you ever want to write about isn't it?

The only point this story proves is that this person is absolutely terrible at math. She shouldn’t be complaining, she should be embarrassed. Who borrows $500K+ for a job that earns less than $90K per year at top salary rate Good lord...that’s lunacy.

Thats what an unmarketable degree in Woman’s Studies gets you.

That's her own fault,

That’s her dumb fault

I'm supposed to feel bad and pay off her bad decisions? No on both counts.

Professional students are not mine, or America's, problem. You chose to go to school, you agree to the tuition you pay the damn bill. I am no more going to pay for their tuition as I would pay my neighbors truck payment. They entered an agreement for repayment. Honor it.

Don’t worry about it. The liberals will pay it off

She made stupid life choices. Sucks to be her. How about advocate for teaching high school students about doing a cost benefit analysis on their future education? What do you want to be, how much will it cost, and what kind of a salary can you make? MakeBetterLifeChoices

There are so many like her. I remember reading about this lady crying the blues because she owed 250k on her religious studies degree from NYU. She could only land a 17 dollar an hour job with it. I will never support these people not having to pay what they agreed to pay !

Why She really need to see a mental health professional..

Is she Democrat? Tell her to talk to TheFed I hear they like to pay off loans of $500,000+ maybe they'll make a deal for her Soul. cc: POTUS realhublife _hublette

Not the taxpayers problem!! In this case college only made her dumber not smarter!! And I would also blame the student loan program for loaning someone that much to begin with!!

Ridiculous! Why didn’t she take some online courses? Totally irresponsible. Could have worked part time.

Obviously, she slept through her basic classes that dispensed common sense! “Oh! I’m in a hole so let me make it bigger”! The American Taxpayer con only emphasizes so much then it’s just stupidity!

How is this not some form of extreme gambling, she could have bought stock or property, but no she choose an overpriced education that might pay it self back. The average drug addict makes better life choices.

She chose the profession and to take out the loan. Sorry, pay it back.

Well she did so voluntarily so what’s the issue? If I run up $500K in credit card debt are you going to pity me? SMH

She knew what she was getting in to

Dumb people tax

People should understand earning capacity for their degrees and loan companies should only limit loans based on degree. Simple math. Like spending on credit card when you can’t pay. Not taxpayers problem.

This is not an example of a student loan problem. This is an example of a stupid person problem.

Look at her degrees...she's an idiot! the real story is how someone this stupid was accepted into college.

What kind of moron borrows $500K to get a worthless Masters degree in acupuncture? The average cost of a year at Harvard is $66,900. $500K is 7 1/2 years at the most expensive school in the nation. Her husband left because she’s crazy irresponsible not cuz of the debt?

That loan cannot be for school alone. Medical doctors have those types of debt.

Can’t fix stupid 🤷‍♂️

That's her own silly decision; we shouldn't have to pay for it.

Sometimes you just have to let a dumbass deal with the consequences of bad decisions....

C’mon degree in plant med & masters in sticking ppl with needles cost $500,000. She’s not that bright and that’s not my prob.

“Saddled with” She chose to borrow half a million dollars to get a degree in acupuncture. That’s not anyone but her and idiot lenders.

She blew 1/2 a million on education, has the ability to make $200k per year in her field, making that debt go away in under 6 years but she wants people who make $10 an hour to pay her debts for her? Not happening. Never happening!

500k to have a degree in acupuncture? She got screwed. lame

Did you ask why she incurred so much debt for a pseudo science degree? Why would someone loan for that, why did she think it wise to borrow so much Her bad decision is the problem , the so called “school” is the problem, get govt out of school loans will help too

This was just idiotic.

Goes to prove the K-12 education run by liberals teaches students nothing about debt!! Apparently lenders are morons too!!

I’m fine with you bailing her out if you give me 500,000 dollars.

500k? That’s just dumb on her part.

Her choice. Not my problem.

She’s an irresponsible moron . Tax payers aren’t going to bail her out if her bad decisions!

So she had the CHOICE to go to college & accrue HUGE debts OR get a TRADE where you get PAID to learn. Actions have consequences, she made her choice now she gets to PAY for them 🙄🙄

She made the choice to take on the debt. She should live with the consequences. On another note why would she be allowed to take on that much debt. There should be a limit to all applicants. Let's say a max of 50K


How did you decide on her? She is a witch doctor who is going to rip people off under the guise medicine.

I hope she gets a high 6 figure salary......

She better get busy and get another job. Cancel those eyelash appointments. I’m the bond holder. Pay me

She can pay it off since she took out these loans! dumbass

Professional student.

I'll bet most of the money went to lifestyle choices than education.

What the heck is wrong with her for getting herself in that position? I have zero sympathy for her, that's pure insanity. You borrowed it, you pay it back.

Seriously? The only reason anyone would have $500k in student loans is if he/she were an absolute idiot! These are the idiots I would demand to pay back every penny. Stupidity doesn’t deserve a break.

At some point, I would have said “I cannot afford this class.”

Nobody put a gun to her head to take out more money than most homes cost.i don't feel the slightest bit sorry

Who the HELL takes out $500,000 in student loans unless you are a medical doctor that will be a surgeon

These people are morons. 500k for a master's in acupuncture?

soniapmajors CNBC = FAKE NEWS

People are allowed to make dumb choices. They can’t, however, choose to opt out of the consequences of their bad choices. This person obviously made a series of exceptionally dumb choices. But no one forced her to do so.

~ Life is about Choices!

And the Democrats want us to pay for morons like her to go to college

Same boat here. Loans and mortgage and medical bills! I will never pay off my school loans and my degree means nothing to my job!

500 grand would start one hell of a small business.

Not my fault...stupidity runs deep with this one.

They should really make it to where people can declare bankruptcy on student loan debt. Then people with useless majors wouldn’t be able to get loans. And universities would either lower their cost for certain courses or replace them with practical useful certificates.

So her bad decisions should impact my life? F that.

Probably not a good career move to be a never ending student financed by the public purse. By all means stay at University for as long as you like but pay for it yourself

Anyone who borrows $600k for a Degree that pays $70k a year don’t deserve being bailed out! Stupid!

That’s a little something I like to call yo’ problem.

She should have taken an economics or accounting class or two. She borrowed the money and she should pay back the money.

She is a damn fool. And a fool and their money are soon parted.

How was this idiot allowed in any higher education institution? What did she spend all that money on? I'm glad people have an opportunity to go to college, but choose a degree which will allow you to pay off your loans. No one should expect others to pay for your stupidity.

And how is that my fault?

One must be quite stupid to borrow $300K to become a doctor of pharmaceutical sciences and end up working as a pharmacy manager. Perhaps a bachelor degree would suffice to achieve such “summit”.

What’s the solution ?

Rofl that's the best irony ever....'naturopathic' and 'medicine' in the same sentence. Maybe if she went to school and got a degree in something that doesn't equate to 'witch-doctor' she wouldn't be in this mess. Ezekiel Stephan is dead because of this 'naturopathic' bullshit.

Caveat Emptor

She’s the one who decided to go into debt so she’s the one who gets to pay it off

Would be interesting to see total outstanding student debt by institution responsible. Somehow the generating 'universities' are staying out of the narrative.

Damn!! Wtf is she smiling about!! That's crazy!!


How much was total tuition and books? Deduct that from professors who taught those courses. That will stop this scam.

She wasn't 'saddled' with debt. She applied for and assumed that debt. She literally asked for it. That's half a million dollars she irresponsibly borrowed, and the Democrats want to forgive that debt at my expense... and I paid my way through an affordable college debt free.

Maybe they should have chosen a different school? My debt after Ivy League college was 60k in 2004. What in the world did they spend this insane amount of money on?

She’s not very bright obviously

MAGA2ARIGHTS Why is this my problem?

She signed the paperwork

I have to pay back my loans. Why should we be held accountable for her debt.

2 things - Ed. all levels needs to abolish “Tenure” which adds to cost of Ed. with no responsibility assumed. Many of these students borrowed $$ to live a good life w/o thought of paying off! Had 4 kids w 9 Degrees/paid off loans/paid off their houses/ no debt Responsible Ind.!

How do you get $500,000 in student loans? There are caps on how much you can borrow according to the level of degree. Is there some sort of super PhD I’m unaware of?


Are people really this stupid, how did she even get accepted into a University?

I’m sorry. What kind of idiot borrows a half million for college?

NotMyDebt I didn't cosign your student loans.

Hold am I supposed to care? Or am I supposed to help this dumb twat? Because I don't care and I refuse to help. This is exactly why the Government should get out of lending for College. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that a Bank would have made that loan.

500k is enough for a luxurious house in the suburbs. It is stupid take that amount of loan without getting something in return. We should not pay people that had made a bad financial decision. Being responsible financially is a skill that lots of Americans lack these days.

I hope she is dr with those kind of bills. How many times did she flunk and have to take the class again

Can you say personal responsibility!

The only people who are responsible for paying for her loan are the people that signed for her loan.

Who knew that a masters in acupuncture wouldn’t generate enough income to pay for itself...well most normal people knew that. Start as an acupuncturist and when that’s paid off, move up to a masters.

Sounds like she needs to find a good job to me!

This is a two way scam. Colleges are ripping kids off and banks are enabling it. But also the borrower can be a dumbass and major in useless subjects instead of anything that has real earning potential. There should be more emphasis on trade or technical schools.

'Naturopathic' medicine? Master's in acupuncture? Bastyr University? Caveat emptor, .

But thankfully the Democrats will pay them off for her

You borrowed you pay.

Hope she gets what she deserves

Maybe work experience is better than student experience.

MAGA2ARIGHTS In other words she went for an education she couldn't afford. People have choices and if you make a mistake you pay. She could have went to a cheaper college.

Well she signed at the dotted line. Hope she studied Medicine or Law.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Reckless spending

She probably should have taken at least one cost analysis class.

Her choice to sign the paperwork. NOT my responsibility to pay her responsibilities!

Not my problem , I don’t care

If what you say is true, why are you as media not going after the University education system for price gouging tuition & fees on tall these students, not directing and preparing them for real careers in the work force, not so many degrees that do not deliver good jobs?

That wasn’t very smart

What does this have to do with me?

I couldn’t pay for my own kids to go to college. I’m certainly not paying hers off.

She needs to find a really good job😂. I imagine she borrowed the absolute maximum she could have for several years. She didn’t work while she was a student. Did she expect by some miracle, she wouldn’t have to pay it back? She’s gonna vote for Bernie. Why wouldn’t she? Dumb.

Sounds like their problem. Make better choices.

And why should her debt be forgiven?

I can’t believe those horrible lenders would trick her into taking out loans that she would be unable to pay off...

Why is her irresponsible actions my issue 🤦‍♀️

Fun fact: the military offers a free college education.

That doesn’t make her a victim. It makes her a deadbeat. No one forced her to get the loans.

School loans personal choice.. no money? Community college, state u after that.. college doesnt have to bankrupt but bad decisions can get you there.

Student loan debt is a choice... Y not wipe out medical debt DemDebate DemocraticDebates DemDebates

So, why should this be my problem?

She is a fool.

What I learned from AOC is, she mentored her friend who wanted and end up going to a prestigious University and end up with a degree and a $250,000 debt. Maybe its just me but if you can’t afford a University chose one that you can afford. And work during the summer, it’ll help.

Sucks to make poor decisions, huh..

$500k? At what point does a sane person recognize it’s a bad idea?

Buy Bitcoin

That’s her fault for choosing to spend so much money. It’s not fair to expect anyone to bail her out.

Perhaps the right thing to do here is for people seeking a college degree to reconsider that plan? If I can't buy a Ferrari, I always have the option of buying a Focus. Used if necessary. And then there is always the trades.

I never took out a student loan. I make low 6 figures. I worked my ass off. Boo hoo for her. She could have taken that 500k and started several businesses.

Here’s someone that’s not smart, she can’t have my money for her bad decisions

What on earth possessed her to do such a stupid thing? She had better start digging herself out of the mess she created.

If she has a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and is an acupuncturist, she should be able to make at least half $1 million a year. The story probably goes that she spends three months a year with yogis in India so she can’t pay back her debt.

to stupid to talk about....maybe she needs learn to code

At her school's website tuition is 31K per year for masters (typically 2 years) and 43K per year for doctorate. This means if she spent 6 add'l years on doc, that's 250K plus 62K, (still ridiculous for a 70K/year gig) and still nowhere near the 500K she took out in loans.

If she borrowed that amount, she is not educated enough for a college degree. Foolish.

If my mortgage isn’t your problem neither is your student loan!!! If you racked up half a mil in student debt then you’re obviously irresponsible with money & majored in the wrong subject. Should have focused on basic economics instead.

I paid mine back. She can pay hers back too with her $500,000 education.

Why would she take that much out?

Tough shit, pay your debts

Well I knew one that kept her entire family mom/dad teenage brother on student loans, while she went to law school.

Perhaps she would have been better served studying lesbian dance theory

Who the hell is stupid enough to take out $500,000 in student loans? I mean, really? That’s her problem - certainly not ours. 🔥

She's an idiot. Why is this news on CNBC?

And why should all of us or even the government pay it off for her. This is the best example of the idiacy of our student loan process, no bank, or person, for that matter would give anyone 500k unsecured for college ed, the schools should eat what she and others can't pay

They chose to borrow the money, and they should earn enough to payback their debt!

Great! Another professional student who has no desire to get a job and repay her loans.

Hahaha and she's educated? I need to see proof. I knew 2 people that went to college for 15 years and 12 years, their trust funds paid all living expenses while in school full time.

The country don't need to do anything about students loan debt

Saddled? She saddled herself with this debt. Stupid

Stupid degrees for which loans should not be offered. No sympathy.

How can anyone have that much students loans, how about cutting all students loans off at 100000.00 that how you fix the problem

Just graduated my 3rd son - who is $19,000 in debt. First paid off his $32k in 3 years and 2nd paid off his $26k in 2 years. Itscall intelligent money management. 3rd wants to get his masters but not until he can afford it.

She is a naturopath so that debt is karma

viptandon Her fault- she owes-

Piss poor planning doesn’t equal cuddling. NO, NO AND NO

Think of what she would have spent if she had studied actual medicine...

She wasn't forced. Her choice, her debt.

Is someone holding a gun to their heads? Maybe their first class should have been basic finance, where the concept of ROI is taught...

Even if she had zero debt, I wouldn’t give her a loan to start a business. She’s no where near capable of running any type of business. Who in their right mind owes a half a million dollars for a degree in Acupuncture?

Exactly Quit Borrowing and Get a Job! Anyone who cannot get a job in THIS ECONOMY will NEVER work anytime!! realDonaldTrump Socialists

But her degree in women’s studies will prove to be invaluable

It was a LOAN when she borrowed it. Be responsible for the debt YOU create.

Half a mill? How long did she go to school?

Friends of my kids have applied for multiple grad school loans, deferring payments until they graduate. These folks are in their mid-30's now and have use the funds for honeymoons, cars and house downpayments. Why should my kids, who paid off their loans, have to pay for others?

RichardTBurnett Well if that much student loan she would have to have a really good education so she ought to be able to get a good enough job to be able to pay that back or what was the point in spending that much money to get the education

Start paying back

Nobody forced her to take a student loan and to continue taking them. This was her decision and should be her responsibility, NOT TaxPayers!

She is an idiot! Along with anyone else who borroythat much ! It is not necessary to get a degree.

Half a million for a degree - in acupuncture. Who in their right mind would sign on that dotted line? Her ex dodged a bullet.

Her bad financial planning has nothing to do with me. Keep your hands off MY money.

You might wanna check your sources there, Scoop 🤣🤣🤣 this is a fake account. Journalist, my ass.

Not my problem

You pay for it or call stupid what it is. Stupid.

That's her fault

Her problem not ours. I paid my loans back, she has too as well.

Spent how many years in college

If she couldnt afford it She shouldnt have done it

MAGA2ARIGHTS Then she is utterly stupid, lazy, and a poor decision maker...

Not my problem

Perhaps she should have made better life choices.

The government is in bed with big colleges because those schools indoctrinate the kids who go there, in liberalism.

Jesus, take some personal responsibility and think your life through before getting that far into debt.

Take government out of it.

Because her Doctorate is trash 😂

She signed the promissory note. No one else. Literally no one else. She signed with full knowledge of the costs. No one else.

She did it fully expecting someone would pay it off for her.

She signed the loans. Why should we care?

Why did she take out a half a million dollars in student loans is the question.

Who are the lunatics spending $250,000 + to become naturopaths? How is this a thing at all?

She made that choice no sympathy from me

WHAT? Then what about my two children I put through college? Do I get a refund?

This is insane, who ever loaned her this much money should be responsible for this.

She took out the loans, I didn't

This only proves she is not only stupid beyond belief...she is also grossly irresponsible

It is a choice

Who the hell told her to rack up $500,000 in student loans? That's on her. The rest of us don't need to take ownership of her stupidity. At any point in her journey did she stop to think maybe it wasn't such a great idea, like say around the two hundred dollar mark? GTFO

Maybe should have pursued a true medical degree

$500k for naturopathic medicine and acupuncture! GTFO with that stupidity.

This sounds like she was irresponsible in her career choice and allowed a college to manipulate her. She chose to go into debt.

Why did she choose to do that, and why should I have to pick up the tab?

I hear these stories and wonder, who's that stupid to flush $500k for a dubious degree? Tragically, I now know....

She is the one who made the decision to sign for and take out those loans, no one else. She is responsible for paying them back.

How much jail time does this equal?

SaveAslave Um that was her choice. If you cant pay it off, dont take out the loan. Pretty simple.

And whose fault is that?

That’s her problem and she has to pay it off all by herself.

Make great McDo servers

Wow. I’m guessing she wasn’t a finance or economics major. Sounds like she should get to work paying the debts she chose to create rather than waiting for the rest of us to bail her out. Not my debt, not my problem.

This person is Not Smart. This is not indicative of a systemic crisis, and it's certainly not an indicator that I should bail her out. I worked my way through college and then busted butt to pay off my loans. Real Life (tm) is hard. Deal and quitcherbitchin.

I am not paying for her loans


Tell her it’s time to leave school and get a job. How old is she anyway


That’s some stupid decision-making right there.

Even if she were a real doctor, she’d never pay that back. This is just a moron being duped by “higher” education con men.

I hope she chose a high paying profession in order to pay back her debt...

My nephew accumulated $125k has a masters degree in politics science and minor in English. He is selling cell phones for a living. Point! I dont feel sorry for anyone who makes bad educational decisions. The world needs welders, plumbers, teachers, tradesmen and women.

And the democrats want you to pay them off for her.

Stupid is as stupid does NotOurProblem

Ignorant students + predatory banking is draining us dry!!! Stop The Madness!!!!!

I worked full time, married with a kid to my degree and had zero debt when I graduated. $500k in debt for a fake medical degree that she will never get a job in.

She should have stopped borrowing after the first loan she couldn’t repay.

Why should I pay for her choices? I shouldn’t. I have my master’s—paid for it myself. My son is pursuing his PhD—paying for it himself. We’re far from rich. It can be done.

She knew she’d have to pay it back when she borrowed it, just like I did.

She spent $500K for a degree in bullshit? Boo-hoo.

They borrowed the money to get their higher education to make more money and improve their lives above others that opted to not to borrow that money. There’s still a debt that must be paid by someone? Are they going to share their new life profits if freed from the debt?

An advaced degree in Acupuncture that cost $500,000.00 who in their right mind would not have seen this financial train wreck coming? Soory, I have no sympathy, pay your debts

Borrows $500k and she’s basically qualified to do nothing? Now it’s our problem? No thanks. You are on your own. What is accupuncture pay per procedure? Better get busy lady and pay your bills.

And she has zero responsibility for this right? Everyone who pays taxes should correct her idiotic life choices.

Seems she would have benefited more by a class or two in financial literacy. HigherEducation =/= Automatic FinancialHealth ReturnOnInvestment is sound concept in deciding investment of time & intellectual resources Ursury is not a sound system in which to bank your future.

How about no debt, college degree, 10K in savings frugal and homeless

PLEASE ASK HOW MANY OF THE SO-CALLED DACA/DREAMERS GOT STUDENT LOANS !! AND THEY have had ALL the education from kindergarten all the way THROUGH THE UNIVERSITY!!!! SEVERAL ON EACH FAMILY !! MY children,nieces,nephews myself I couldn't buy my house until I PAID MY STUDENT LOAN!

I don't care she should have made better choices.

She's a thief.

Why did she take out that much in loans?

She thinks she’s worth it..... She needs to pay back every penny! You can’t fix stupid!

She likely took an all expense 6 years, room board, books at some fancy college for a degree in gender studies. She never had any intention of paying the loan. Tax payers will take care of it.

All this just to stick needles in people.

She may have an education. But she is totally f ing stupid. Probably had no intention of ever paying it back. Professional students need to pay their own debts.

ElishaBokman What are you going to school for? Should have saved, or not get in that much debt! Do you have a job?

How did someone this stupid even get into college?

I understand student loans are outrageous, but how about people look at the average yearly income of their degree before going and signing their soul to the devil to pay for it? If your degree won't lead to huge income, go get it at a more reasonably priced university.

Who in the hell needs a half a million dollars in school loans? Sound to me like she was living off of them. A professional student.

If that’s the case she’s too stupid for a good job and thusly won’t need her degree to work at Macy’s. 😂

That’s her problem. It’s not my responsibility to pay for her poor decisions in life. When you pay for your mistakes you learn not to do them again.

What on God’s green earth made you think that taking on that much debt was a good idea?

She should just declare herself to be an illegal alien and boom the taxpayers pick up the tab

Why not force the institutions that preyed on her to pay her students loans and take a write off ? I hear SenWarren and SenKamalaHarris rail about big business not paying their fair share. Why should big Edu be any different?

Honestly, accumulating 500k in student loans is more a sign of stupidly and foolishness than it is intelligence No matter what income you earn over the first ten years, you will be crippled. Even a young brain surgeon would feel the weight of the payments on 500k


Tough. You made bad decisions. Learn from it. It’s called experience. I co-oped through engineering school and graduated debt free. It’s called sacrifice and hard work. University did not have a Starbucks, a climbing wall, spa, pool, or others. Class was 5 1/2 days a week.

Quit borrowing!!!!

Why did she take more loans than she could payback? She needs to pay that because I'm not.

Good grief. . .

Not my problem.

Wtf? Sounds like she has mental health issues.

Can’t cure stupid.

How the hell is this my problem?

Looks like she better start sticking some asses, and pay that voluntary loan back as a normal person would. The acupuncture market is booming.

I just finished putting three kids through college without loans. I worked extra, used my savings and raided my 401k thereby postponing my retirement. It cost me a little north of $300K. I will be expecting my reimbursement check from the other tax payers. They owe me!!!

So get a job and pay for it like me and millions of others have. If you don't want to or expect to pay for your own college, then don't go to college. Learn a trade or other skill. Do community service! Many have even prospered without college due to great work ethic and drive!

Tisk, tisk. That's a staggering amount of money to barrow. Whomever continued to lend it (oh the government, you say), should be banned from granting loans. The people who took the money are responsible to pay it back. It doesn't grow on trees you know.

She looks like a crazy liberal. No one forced her to take out the loans. Pay it back

Will we forgive mortgages next? Really, which debt will be next? This is dumb. Don't wanna pay it back? Don't borrow it.

So if she gets her loans written off, do my husband and I get back the $50k we paid off for his student loans? What do I get for graduating with no student loan debt?

She is an idiot! Who in their right mind commits to a $100k+ purchase without having a plan to pay for it? A democrat I presume....

Yet the government gladly loaned her money and the universities gladly took it with no ROI potential for her majors.

$500K in student loans? That’s not even possible, is it? Let’s nominate her to head the Fed!

You realize, you are showcasing just how ridiculously stupid this person is, right? Riiiigght

That is her choice

Who in their right mind borrows $500,000 to go to college, how many years was she going to school with out working just borrowing. She wants others to pay for her lack of financial common sense.

Life is all about choices. Noone twisted her arm.

How many European vacations did she take with that borrowed money?

She is a lazy idiot that borrowed the MAX, ie not just tuition money, but all that extra money so she wouldn't have to struggle...this is on her.

Nobody forced her to borrow the money. Personal Responsibility, something liberals have little of

Well you should have married a rich guy. This is what happens to following a stupid dream! Broke dumb and Broke.

How is this my problem? Who goes $500,000 in debt to be an acupuncturist?

Sounds like she made a bad choice of school and or degree.

That’s HER problem.

Sounds like this woman made some terrible financial decisions. No one to blame but her.

So her 1/2 million dollar debt made it harder for her to get MORE LOANS? How surprising

It's a crime to put a gun to someone's head and force them to sign loan documents. JustSaying

She looks pretty dumb.

I shouldn't have to pay for her poor choices. If you're gonna piss off that much money in student loans, at least have a real MD behind your name instead of being a quack.

MAGA2ARIGHTS Many of us had large loans and paid them off with our success...other got it done in other ways! This method should always be the one used. Gov’t take over of college is a huge mistake...we will all suffer!

If they don't want to be in debt, then don't borrow money! Nobody's forcing them to. THEIR debt, not ours, THEY can pay it!

So what! That's her problem! She borrowed it. She pays it! Period!

NOBODY held a gun to her head and made her take out all those loans! She made up her own mind and made the decision herself to get the loans. She and only her should be held accountable for paying back HER loan. We are not responsible for what SHE chose to do!


She put herself into debt. She’s required to pay off that debt. Not my damn problem.

Her friggin fault not mine!!I paid my loans off!

Proving college education isn’t worth it if they’re still that dumb.

Is She Brain Surgeon? How do you do that?

Cause and Effect, and Rational Thought must be out of season for the past decade or so 🤪

MAGA2ARIGHTS I had no idea there were roaming gangs of student-loan underwriter's, randomly terrorizing ('saddling') unsuspecting students with six-figure debt loads... THIS MUST BE STOPPED!!

She could have become an actual M.D for 100k or so. Imagine, 500k to study acupuncture. 😂

Jeeeeeezzzz. All that money on education and she still can't do math.

Got all those degrees and shit for brains in common sense.

Smart husband

Whose decision was that? Typically, people sign up for the debts they incur. Sounds like not my problem...unless my credit card debt is somehow her problem? I don't think my debt is someone else's problem.

500k in student loans yet school clearly isn’t helping you learn to make the right decisions. I ended up with $28,000 in loans and paid it off in two years after I graduated. I worked at 4am for 6 hours every day and paid school off as I went. Why can’t everyone do the same?

Well look at her stupid degree. I shouldn’t have to pay for her to get a degree like that

Why is it always about the debt and the amount? Why is it never about how much colleges charge?

Education should never be this expensive.

MAGA2ARIGHTS Sorry but anyone who has over $100k in loans, much less $500k, is a dumbass. Memo to people: don't borrow what you can't pay back. Memo to govt: stop loaning money to people who can't pay it back ... and don't even think of canceling that debt. It's taxpayer money.

MAGA2ARIGHTS This is her fault. You buy what you can afford. So damn dumb

MAGA2ARIGHTS And all this time I thought one had to be intelligent to attend college.

Her choice her debt! Welcome to the real world!

Well universities maybe want to cut back on the cost

“Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69.” An actual medical degree would have cost her less. Instead she has a half million in debt for a degree in herbs, and needles.

Democrats are 1/2 responsible for carelessly issuing the predatory loans. The students that signed on the dotted line deserve the other 1/2 of the blame. Democrats are demanding the 2/3 of Americans without a degree give money to the irresponsible few that do.

One example, the woman has $350K in loans but probably earns over $100k with her doctor of pharmacy. So struggle with a modest lifestyle and pay off the debt in 8 years. She’ll she will be killing it after that.

There's probably more to the story like her spending habits. There always is.

“Saddled” as if anyone carrying student debt is a victim. Guess what? You don’t have to take out loans you idiots! It’s an investment. If what you’re getting a degree in won’t return enough to pay off the loan then you’re a moron for making an obviously bad investment 🤷🏻‍♂️

My bills are my responsibility and no one else's is. People's debts are their responsibility not mine.

Who n the world would lend this women half a million dollars to attend classes?

Umm no. This is pathetic. Voluntarily takes out 1/2 a mil in loans to get a degree for a job in which she knows she will probably never make enough money to pay it off is just blatantly irresponsible. She deserves all the debt shes drowning in.

The degrees she got ARE GARBAGE.

What college did she go to that she racked up $600k debt?

'This woman did something really stupid. Now you should pay for her dumb decisions' - CNBC Who used to have some credibility.

Was she going to a top school? Maybe she should've thought about that before willfully taking on the debt!

Pay them off like everyone else!!

Why does she have 500,000 in student loans. Is she a career stundent? Hopefully she will start working and the only one who will benefit from her degree is her. I’m paying for her to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

You're spotlighting a quack to try to prove a point about her voluntary debt? Please. She deserves all the hard knocks she gets for her colossal stupidity. Surprised she didn't double major with Crystal Cleansing or some other BS degree from a fake school.

It was her choice so its her responsibility 100%. Absolutely no pity.

So. We’re just supposed to forgive debt? Someone gonna forgive my mortgage 😳🙄

SO whats your point Is it a usless college education cost too much? OR is it our K through 12 education system hasn't taught proper use of and respect for credit

First lesson in adulthood. A loan is not a gift.

So the real story is that this student was robbed? She studied alternative woo woo medicine, and was bilked out if 500k in the process.

Too bad. So sad.

As a parent of 3 kids 22,18,&16 I wonder why these kids have debt. My kids were capped out at $7500. Then they told me to get parent plus loans. I am still trying to figure out how to pay. So far the 22 has $14000. Still 1 1/2 to go.

Why do you take out that much in a loan if you can't pay it back? our school system is failing to teach our kids basic math and responsibility

Cheese and RICE! 500K? I don’t care if that was a degree in cold fusion, you need SCHOOLING not college if get that deep, but what do you expect? Idiots are saying “vote for me and I’ll pay off that loan!” Problem; Mpls. Tent City DOUBLED in size when City brought up free housing

Why don’t we promote the GI bill college is almost free to veterans. This has been available for over fifty years.

But she signed for it. Period. End of story.

Tell you what.. when I can pick their degrees and school for them as well as what they eat drink and wear during their “education” we will talk. Until then, you’re so f***ing smart with 500k degree figure your own life out. Bet she has had how many 1k phones as well.

Her choice.

We should just forgive all her student loan debt.. clearly it’s not her fault LiberalismIsAMentalDisease freetuition idiot free

If she racked up that much of a bill without the means to pay it back then she's failed at college and is dumber than a box of rocks!

Are there any journalists left? $500,000 equates to ELEVEN YEARS even at the current PRINCETON tuition rate ($45,320). And presumably she's paid SOMETHING so it was even higher? Have you seen her loan statements? And her psychiatric evaluation? B.S. alarm ringing off the hook!

Six figures?!!! Who kept lending her money?! Just like a mortgage, there needs to be a limit to what you can borrow

Well, two clicks and I figured out the problem. Make dumb choices pay crazy prices.

I can emphasize, I can. We all knew the cost when we signed the dotted line. Many took responsibility for our actions, sacrificed and paid it off. “Be not slothful in business.” “Pay your honest and just debt.”

FOOL. Don't expect me and other tax paying Americans to bail you out!

You could buy a nice house or two for $500k

She should’ve thought of that before she borrowed all that goddamn money

I don’t feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to pay 500K for a degree in Naturopathic medicine.🙄

How the hell do you get half a million in student loans.Go for 12 years.

Honestly I don’t feel bad for her one bit. She deserves to pay this stupid tax for the rest of her life. Hopefully she doesn’t procreate and pass on her idiocy to the next generation.

She should have never borrowed that much in the first place. This problem belongs to her and the institution that loaned it to her...nobody else.

Did she not understand that eventually the loans would have to be repaid.


Typical Democrat voter.

azcentral my girlfriend's daughter in CA has $300,000. Student loan debt. She partied hard on that money. I paid for my own college expenses and that of two of my children. I don't expect to pay for stupid choices. High college debt. Stupidity!

I’m sorry this lady is an idiot. At some point sane people would have said no way. She ran the debt up she should pay it.

Who at CNBC thought it would be good idea to try to make this twit spending 100's of thousands getting junk degrees sympathetic? Are we in real world supposed to feel sorry for her bc she wasted yrs & half a million on nonsense? Seriously this is why ppl laugh at 'progressives'.

There are less expensive good reputable schools, tuition reimbursement programs, scholarships, the option to pay as you go. Do not make the American tax payers pay for other’s willful choices.

Not very smart for an “educated” person. Probably should have taken a business class somewhere along the line.

come on now... why choose an expense university when you cant afford it? And whats the end goal when you KNOW youll be a work-slave the rest of ur life.

If we had $500,000 in credit card debt we would be considered a loser so what's the difference?

Student loans? the question is, is it worth it? The interests on the loans are very high and continues to pile up. Many students were not aware of it. Students loans office should explain to students like the bank does before loans are given please.

Is she a dancer ? 1000$ a day

Her choice.....🙄 So who twisted her arm? HerDebtHerProblem

Another example of a human so stupid that we all pray no procreation so as not to further pollute the gene pool. StudentDebt

If you can’t afford it you can’t go.

Maybe she should practice personal responsibility, instead of taking on loans she could never pay back.

So she has 2 degrees that when combined have a national average salary of $133 thousand, maybe you should do a little research and pick jobs that are in higher demand

worst example ever, half a million dollars for acupuncture and natural alternative medicine 😂😂😂😂don’t u need math skills at all for either one ?😂😂all those classes and not one in business? NEXT!

I know it is popular to flame this woman. But, what type of system have we created that even allows this to happen? Government is enabling people's bad ideas.

That’s her damn fault. Period.

Half a mil for a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and a master's in acupuncture? Wow, someone soaked her but good.

Then go get a job with that degree. In the TRUMP Economy a great paying job is pretty easy to find.

Why should people steal my time and money from my children, for someone else’s stupidity? Taxes = Time people.

She has no one to blame but herself

Actions have consequences in life. Our family including the 4 daughters that got their degrees worked their asses off to pay for college and focused on degrees they wanted and would get them jobs. Actions have consequences in life including accountability for ones decisions.

American public shouldn't have to pay for her or anyone else's bad decisions. I couldn't afford 4 years of college so why should I pay for hers

Anyone who spends a nickel on this sham medicine deserves what the get. I feel sorry for her though, she got conned.

So who were the idiots that would give them a loan that exceeds their income repayment ability?

What idiot would go into so much debt. And why does a degree cost $500,000

Why? Why do people buy too much house? Why do people buy cars they can’t afford? Credit Cards do not supply free money....on and on and on...

millions have paid back there loans and so can this person. No one is saddle with a 6 figure balance now your out right lying.

Dear Lord, must we pay for people’s bad decisions and inability to engage in cognitive thought processes?

For what degree?

Her debt slavery was well earned. Who are we to take that away from her.

And that's my fault,. apparently

Hmmm, I'm not paying for HER education + God only knows what else...

She missed out on the tarot statistics for another 100k$

Where did the money go? We should investigate these colleges and government for this tragic situation.

That is NOT the taxpayers problem..

I remember wanting to study acting in college but then my working-class mother insisted I study computer engineering. I think the assumption was that I'd have a decent chance paying back my student loans if I studied something for which there was a job market. Valid assumption.


Are you people nuts? She knew what she was getting herself into! She'll just have to sit in debter,s prison!!! No bodies twisting her arm to do it!!!

She picked the wrong degrees! A real doctor could pay that Back

If she took any humanities major, that's her problem, not mine!

Sounds dumb to me. Why are you telling me this...where do I come in?

Idiotic. Also why are colleges charging so much for worthless degrees?

What is her degree? A Doctor


Did she sign the documents? Did anyone force her to sign? Is she not going to make high six figures as a salary when she’s a Dr. ? Shut up.

And that should be my problem.

Good luck with that!

So why did she borrow that much money?

This idiotic article doesn’t realize that this is the EXACT type of person who will be highlighted by people who are against this student loan grift.

what type of moron borrows 1/2 million dollars-other than to buy real estate?

college education is an investment decision Made by Adults, so is student loan. If you fail to get returns, it's your own fault. Don't you dare to rob me because of your failure!

Why are people allowed to borrow so much? This makes absolutely no sense. The universities are working with the government to rob taxpayers by hoping we pay for people’s “education”.

They should require basic finance as part of every degree curriculum.

RedBaronUSA1 Tough cheese to the silly twit!

I'd bet she's deferred her loans in lieu of making even small payments so far, just waiting for forgiveness legislation or anything to get out of paying them. Probably had zero intentions of paying them back to begin with. I have ZERO pity for her.

So what!!! It was their choice to take the loan. I don’t understand what people are complaining about. If you are complaining about the cost of tuition, blame the schools. Don’t make tax payers bail these losers out with loan forgiveness

500 k for what.

We should probably not force people to go to college at gunpoint.

Then she shouldn’t have borrowed it

This article is ridiculous. (financial Entertainment for illiterate plebs) finds the dumbest person with the highest loan & the most worthless degree to trivialize a real problem that puts us at a global disadvantage. Cool story

W T F. She been a student for decades? Apparently the University did not deliver on her success.

Maybe high schools should focus more on providing mandatory economics classes so these kids will understand what they are signing up for with these student loans. I'm tired of the whining.

she should have thought things over better before getting into that amount of debt. It was her decision, so yeah, now she has to deal w/it.We are paying my husband's student debt down, but even w/the master's program it is far less than hers, & he got a great job, so it's cool.


Obviously, she should have gone to a school she could afford.

Saddled? Really? Saddled? Didn't she sign on the dotted line all by herself? Or maybe the government held a gun to her head.

She must be dumber than a brick.

When she was buying gucci and Versace with the loans ,what was she thinking.?other people went to college with less debt.


And it is her fault for making bad decisions and poor choices! Why should I be responsible to pay for her bad decisions? LiberalLogic insanity LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

A degree that costs more than a house? When does common sense kick in? Unless you're going to be a specialized surgeon or some top notch CEO, that is absolutely absurd. But.. let's blame college loans for people's bad decisions.

She should have moved to Cuba and got her degree there. I hear they don’t have tuition and their medicine is better than ours.

Blame her. Blame the school. But don’t blame ME or any other American for HER choices. She signed the loan papers. She is responsible. Period.

She used the money to buy Gucci and Versace..let her pay.

Bad decisions have consequences.

Pay your debt, I won’t be paying yours.

Don't borrow what you can't pay for. Especially for low value things

“Where’d you go to college?” “The most expensive place I could find!”

I bet it was those damn dark psychic forces.


She has a PhD in something or other, but flunked out of common sense middle school.

Shouldn’t the question be why do these liberal run colleges charge so much while their endowments go untouched?

Imagine prices inflating when the government starts supplying loans. Colleges are gouging students.

Zero. ZERO sympathy. What kind of gross irresponsibility is this?

How’d she get a brand new car with a half million dollars in outstanding debt

That things bad decisions aren't my problem. pay your debts

How sad 😥... She asked for it... She got it..


Is she a medical doctor?

What degree costs that much and what is the return on that investment?

I made some”questionable”investments. Thought they’d make me rich?🤷‍♂️Now I’m broke. Can you help me out?😉

Stupid decision to borrow money she can’t afford to pay back. Why should the public be punished for her own decision? She didn’t ask the public if she could go to school now she wants the public to pay for it? Dang, there isn’t a cure for stupidity!

She made really dumb mistakes in her life. There are people who deserve help more than someone who just decided to not live by there means. This is no different than huge credit card debt over shoes The homeless deserve much more attention than these idiots.

This wasn't an issue for her until payback time! BeResponsible

$500,000.00 for degrees in naturopathy and acupuncture? She deserves to be divorced and in debt for the rest of her life for making such stupid decisions. Why should anyone except her pay for something so useless? Next time you might want to find a sympathetic subject.

Wow...she made some dumb decisions.

Forcing others to pay a bill she freely and probably happily incurred is slavery. Stealing is still stealing and the bills are hers to pay.

mistrmeh_ca frankdedomiseur Simonlevrai007

Kool. I didn’t borrow 500,000 and I work hard to feed my family and keep the roof over our heads. Don’t even f’n think about asking me (making me) pay her debt.

What’s her degree social work?

Woman goes into debt for half a million dollars for degrees in quackery. I don’t feel one bit sorry for her. This is the kind of shit democrats want working people to pay for. Fuck that

So a young guy goes out and buys a Ferrari. And he works at Walmart. After doing so he realizes that he can't afford the $17,000 a month car loan payments. THAT'S MY RESPONSIBILITY?

Feminist/American culture tells women they need to go to college and not have children. Women go deep in debt. They work through their reproductive window and don't have children. They become miserable, mindless consumers. Big money wins.

Not my problem

Okay Elisha, time to start acting responsibly. Here's where you start

Her choice in a free society..... student loans have been nationalized so who allowed her to get that much money Govt

I cannot feel sorry for someone who has student loans that exceed my mortgage! She probably drives a nicer car and has a newer phone than I do. How about some personal responsibility?

Never took out loans. Worked my ass off during college (inc night jobs), went in-state, lived super cheap. Want to talk about fairness? If loans are just forgiven, unfair to me that I went without for 4 years while slaving away when I could’ve lived it up and been forgiven later

Real medical school would have been cheaper.

Something more to the story. Those degrees didn’t cost her $500,000.

Okay it seems this lady was trying to get a masters in acupuncture. And she didn't go to Japan or China. She wanted to be broke. I don't feel sorry for her one bit. when people make a responsible decisions like these they deserve what they get. Acupuncture TF

Stop being a life long student. I paid my student loan, pay off yours!!!

She will pay 100% of the principal plus interest and has to accept it like an adult. It gets 'forgiven' by direct transfers from her bank account.

Shes should make better decisions

$500,000, holy crap! Maybe she should have taken more economics classes and less gender studies. Her bad decisions are not my responsibility to pay for. I paid 100% of my college.

Not my problem...she should’ve taken a class in money management/debt load

'Saddled'... As if she's a horse who had these loans forced onto her back... jfc

I’m just curious why it’s anyone’s responsibility to pay for another persons education. Why is it someone can go to school and rack up this much debt, and then complain. It was their choice. Also the same people charging so much for education at state level, say it should be free

The first example is terrible—she is literally a quack. For the second, don’t PharmD’s have internships or the likely allow for earning money while in school? And are they not well paid relative to most other professions of similar training?

I could borrow a million dollars for a house then complain I can’t afford it. Is anyone paying for that.

That proves you can’t educate the stupid out either

And this is what the government wants tax payers to pay for. I'm sorry,but this is exactly why we should not.

Get a job and pay off your one put a gun to your head and made you take the money!

I'm sorry WHO made decision to take on that much debt? No one is FORCED to take on HUGE DEBT. You have to sign mountains of 'I accept responsibility to pay back this loan' docs, attend meeting & sign MORE docs accepting debt. thesepeoplearestupid

Why on earth would anyone sign for that much unsecured debt. My taxes should not bail out student debt.

Is she stupid? Who takes out that much in student loans. She went to too expensive schools then.

doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture Bwahahahahaha Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

We are all responsible for our own choices. Something liberals just don’t understand.

“Saddled” as if it just randomly happened. No One forced them to take out the loans🙄

This is the problem with “free” education. More people will get more degrees, often in useless areas, and it will be a double tap to the economy - a fortune in government spending generating people who contribute nothing to the economy and ask for more benefits. Death spiral.

Not my problem she blew her money on a useless liberal arts degree that she uses to destroy society.

My son had six figures. He’s paying his loans off rapidly. We’ve helped a bit. Sorry. They signed for the loans. They are responsible. I paid 27k for my own education.

People who make decisions to go into college debt are NOT under my financial responsibility. EVER

Sounds like she made a huge mistake. Guess she'll learn from it

Did anyone Force her to sign the loan?

A half million dollars of debt to be a doctor in quack medicine and i should feel bad for her or agree my tax dollars should wipe out her debt why exactly?

Too bad how

That is a personal choice she made to have that much debt. When will you learn COLLEGE IS NOT A RIGHT.

Student debt is the responsibility of the student.

No sympathy

Then she’s a very poor decision maker. That’s stupid

“doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture” Well that’s her problem.

Hey, I can’t afford your debt either. Only one of us is responsible for it, though.

Why don't you ask why college and universities charge so much? People who can't afford to pay off the debt THEY SIGNED UP FOR when they entered college shouldn't ask working class to pay for it. I wasn't there when she asked for these outrageous loans and I'm not paying it off

Bwahaha how the fuk do you rack up $500k worth of debt studying medicinal plants and acupuncture!?! She deserves the hurt this $500k of debt will bring to her.

could have got those degrees online for $ 99.99

Totally self inflicted. When is someone going to address the fact is cost that much for school to begin with? Might be time to look st the schools not the banks.

Borrowing responsibility is a good start. Getting a real degree is another.

I’d say she is Not smart enough to be MY Doctor if she cannot figure out how to minimize the loans taken out. And she will likely charge 400.00-500.00 an hour for her services...more able to pay off the loans than most!

She's clearly an idiot.

So you're saying she's not that smart?

It’s not my problem that’s she’s stupid.

Why did she borrow so much money to pursue a degree in a field that pays so little? I'm trying to feel sorry for her, but I don't

I took out a 10th of that and in retrospect which I had never borrowed a damn dime. She made a very bad decision. Best of luck to her.

Yeah..that’s her own fault.

Decisions have consequences.

Hey I have an idea, how about this:

I have $0 student loans. Doesn't stop the phone calls wanting to help me understand my 'new' options for repayment 😂

The problem is government shouldn't be supporting people borrowing a half a million dollars to get a PHD is fake medicine. End the entire student loan program

Bokman is a particularly terrible example to use for this article. Forgiving debt on undergraduate degrees. Sure. Forgiving 6-figure debt on advance professional degrees or for-profit certification programs. Not feeling it so much.

Half a million in student loans? So, she never took a math class? And just because you have a piece of paper that says you have knowledge doesn’t mean you have intelligence.

There is no way my tax dollars should pay off this type of poor judgement.

And well ... she is an idiot ... my hard earned dollars should not be re-distributed to people that make dumb decisions w/ their own money and lives - this is called “taking personal responsibility” no one FORCED her to take out $500,000 in loans OnYouOwnDumbass

If we agree that $500,000 for an education is a rip-off, why do we blame the bank to lent the money instead of the universities that ripped off the consumer?

Yes- so let’s put this person’s incredibly stupid decisions on the back of taxpayers.

She may be the poster child that kills Dem’s student loan forgiveness aspirations!

Student loans a scam America loves scamming the ppl

Don’t go to a school you can’t afford Don’t stay in college too long Don’t borrow more than you can afford to pay back

So she is a scam artist lying about income and ability to pay for student loans and debt was not disclosed to get more loans

Idiot class sure was expensive!

PS: Be sure to tell her we’re laughing AT her, not with her. She SIGNED on the dotted line. No one forced her to be a moron. And the “Masters in Acupuncture” means we’re laughing harder. PAY YOUR OWN DEBT, DING DONG!

Did she know how much the courses cost? Did she sign the loan docs? Did she get the education? Yes. She made an agreement & she received the benefits of that agreement up front. Now she wants somebody else to pay for her decisions which she alone receives the benefits. Be better

Dunno about fake news, but that ratio is real enough 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Too Judge Judy would say, she ate the steak!

Who gave this woman loans? I worked two full time jobs and raised 4 teens while getting my degrees. I shopped at Aldi’s and thrift stores, sold my engagement ring, did whatever it took to make sure I paid my bills and stayed out of debt. She’s responsible for her bad choices.

It just goes to show going to college doesn’t make you smarter. Anyone who goes into ridiculous college debt knowing what a scam college loans are, is stupid beyond belief and should quit whining.Also if they think the Democraps will erase their college debt if elected is insane.

Her own fault 🤷🏽‍♂️

I think they should arrest immediately whoever forced her to take out those loans! This is ridiculous! 🤯

She saddled that horse. She can ride it. Next time maybe she’ll stop and think before she signs the loan agreement, but I doubt it.

So after half a million dollar education she’s still not smart. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂

Your maudlin headline backfired. Pity parties are never well-attended.

And much of it is not used on education.

Half a million for fake 'naturopathic medicine' and acupuncture degree. Whomever charged her for these degrees should be put in jail. It's snake oil.

'Saddled...' It's almost as if someone put a gun to their heads and said borrow half a million for this useless'll be a doctor, just not a wealthy one.

Gee too bad shoulda gone to skilled trades. Are we supposed to feel sorry for people that borrow beyond their means?

Who put a gun to her head to sign on the dotted line? Guess what, I have student loans too. Probably will be paying those until I'm dead. That's nobody's responsibility but mine.

That’s on her and is literally no one else’s problem.

She made bad choices. Why should American taxpayers be forced to bail her out?

Actions have Consequences.

Her fault ... not that of tax payers or GOP! Clearly TheDemocrats run the education business. Dems in Congress u set BarackObama put it under government control. They are to blame. SenWarren


She is paying for 'administrators' who do nothing to help her degree. They are remoras, simply drawing a salary for showing up. Fire them, people!

So making yourself famous by telling everyone about your poor financial decisions is the thing to do now huh? Zero sympathy for her or anyone else who gets way over their head in debt...whether student or any other kind. Dig yourself out!

Nothing more than irresponsibility

It’s amazing how one idiot can bring us all together. Everyone is in agreement that no one else should be on the hook for this dipshits unnecessary debt

After 13yrs of post high school training I came out owing $100-200,00. Paid it off in less than 10yrs because I knew the degree I was getting would allow me to do it. ( An M.D.)

Where did the money go? Too many blow it on homes & vehicles. Moron libs want to wipe out college debt without questioning what it was used for. Not taxpayers problem. pay it back.

Someone should audit that and find out how much went to tuition and housing and how much went to financing a lifestyle where she was living WAY BEYOND her means while attending school.

Don’t borrow money you can’t pay back. Is it that hard to figure out?

Let’s punish everyone bc this lady is an idiot with no fiscal sense. Dems and their media.....

Well, sounds to me like she’s pretty much an idiot. I don’t feel sorry for any of these people. They made their choice, signed the loan paperwork, and took the money. Now they can pay the money back.

Education costs have escalated too much in recent years, but no one forced any of these individuals to take out loans to pay for degrees that don't guarantee ROI. Have to make smarter life decisions.

She blew most of that money on bs not college.

$500k. For an acupuncture degree. That’s pure stupidity.

Huh, so this 'doctor' of 'naturopathic medicine' and wanted a Masters 'acupuncture' was so dumb, she paid for a degree that a Medical Doctor or D.O. who would be paid essentially much more and more job availability. No. I'm not paying loans for stupid people. Good grief

C’mon it’s another disreputable “news” station

So she’s a terrible decision maker, no clue about finances.... do we need to bail out stupid people?

Play stupid games,win stupid prizes. notmydebt

Wtf kind of degree did she get?

looks like a nice car she's driving too..

She took loans she couldn't afford for pointless degrees in fields that will never allow her to make the repayments, and this is our problem how, exactly? STOP financing things you cant afford - its not rocket science.

Explain to me how my child is almost a graduate w/ a Bachelors in a well paying field & has had 0 loans/debt and had 0 college savings? Ohhhhh wait! SHE WORKS, applied for scholarships, and FAFSA....she is doing it the RESPONSIBLE WAY! Time to take responsibility, people!!!

What kind of job do you get that pays enough money to pay off $500,000 In college debt think the only person that would do that would be student hiding from the real world and work and now wants someone to pay off their 500k party debt

'Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69.' I'm sorry, she has degrees in quackery. Why in the world should taxpayers support this?

Oh also 1/2 that debt is owed by her husband. Sorry she's a doctor. They charge buckets of money.

Their own decision. Sheeple.

That’s called bring an idiot .......

All you need to read from the article...

Hopefully she doesn't breed.

I missed them building all those Naturopathy Factories all over town.

I have a hard time feeling sorry for these folks. It was their idea and now they get to pay the bills. Tough nuggies

How is that MY fault again?

Tough. She should have stopped, paid some off. NOT MY PROBLEM

Tough darts.

Don’t go to school if you can’t afford it then

My God! And we are supposed to feel sorry for her and pay it off for her?

And me, a non-college grad who pulled up my bootstraps and made lemonade out of lemons, is supposed to bail her out? In what universe do you people live?

Many people carry six figure mortgages. Perhaps people who live in apartments should pay that off.

In what world does taking out that kind of debt make sense for that degree?

No sympathy from me. She signed the loan papers she owes the money, she should pay what she owes.

How much does someone in her field make, on average, annually? How much are living expenses in the real world (rent, insurance, food, phone, car etc)? What is the repayment scedule for $500,000 student loans? Maybe a math class would've been a wise choice at some point?!

Who qualifies for $500 k in loans? This sounds wrong on so many different levels.

That's on her.

Can't afford it? Don't sign up for it. Jesus, people.

500,000 in student loans and the dementotards answer is to forgive her debt, nscrew taxpayers? Utterly immoral. Let's force the banks to forgive every mortgage because we say it's the right thing to do for struggling Americans? Fat freaking chance of that ever happening!

She borrowed half a million dollars, and she wants the person who chose not to go to college because it was too expensive to foot her bills? This is a disgusting wealth redistribution push, where people want those with less money to pay the expenses of those with more.

She should have taken a personal finance class in high school.

Maybe she shouldn’t have taken out all those loans? No profession necessitates $500k in student loans. She WANTED to take on that debt. Now be a big girl and pay up.

Maybe pick an actual profession?

If she is looking for sympathy, look in the dictionary. Its between shit and syphilis.

Should have went to welding school....would have been making serious cash day one!!

MaryMlclvdogs First of all, someone with $500K in student loans would either have to be in residency after medical school or obscenely foolish. One can get through college and work, many of us did just that not to be saddled w/ big loan debt after graduation.

How is she ' saddled with debt' that she willingly took out? I made some iffy investments and was saddled with debt, I paid it off.

She got a degree in naturopathic medicine that cost her $500,000. She’s a moron. It’s not my problem that natural selection applies in finance too.

Don’t buy what you aren’t prepared to pay for. It’s a simple part of life. And it works.

It’s her fault No one else’s

Her choice, not ours. Her responsibility, not ours.

Hey DocBastard how much did you pay for your actual medical degree?

So as a professional student she just kept borrowing and now that she’s done, she can’t make enough money to pay it off. Too bad, too sad. Not my problem to bail you out of your stupidity

Sue the school for price gouging! Looks like you are driving a nice car.

Gov't should get out of student loans; let colleges and universities finance it. If they give students a good education, the grads will be able to pay back. You will see a drop in many liberal art subjects for sure.

My wife moved to America, learned English and is a practicing physician and only has $180k in loans. What the hell was she spending the money on? This is on her.

If CNBC or she was looking for sympathy, you’ll not find it here or in their comment section 😂😂

She must be a dr then

She made bad decisions. Not my fault.

I’m sorry but I have no sympathy for these people. They are adults and understood the requirements and yet chose to take on the debt. This is their responsibility, no one else’s.

I have no sympathy for people with advanced degrees because they have advanced salaries to go along with the advanced debt. They need to pay their debts.

She’s pretty old .. how many decades did it take her ?

This idiot majored in some garbage studies that aren't worth anything and I'm supposed to feel bad? This fool shouldn't be trusted with anything related to adulthood

That's her problem! Stupid! You don't take on that kind of debt without a plan to repay! Should have learned that in high school!

Did someone FORCE her to sign for those student loans? Or did she make that personal choice? 🤔

She will retire (in 30 years) owing more principal than she owes now. Too bad she didn’t have a parent (or a teacher) that taught basic personal finance and the “value” of an education. Notice, I didn’t write “cost”?

Bad case of her fault!!

I call that idiots on parade

That grin tells you she doesn't give a s**t because she thinks she is going to be bailed out.

She SIGNED THE LOAN and agreed to the TERMS!

I went to a state university, drove a beater, and was frugal with spending! NoDebt

Her choice.

She took out the loans she could not afford. It’s on her and she needs to pay up. No sorrow for her. She made poor choices and will pay the piper.

My parents are idiots that knew nothing about loans. They said I had to go to college or else. I was an idiot when I was 18, and I trusted my parents. I thought I was doing the right thing - so now I am screwed for life. So many of us my age are though, so at least I'm not alone.

That's wonderful, I spent over 100k on my bachelors, then quite a bit for my masters, which I paid for in cash. Guess I'm superman.

Half a million dollars for a doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture.

So they borrow a half-million dollars of somebody else’s money and don’t find a $100,000/year job that will make them a multi-millionaire in four years. Who do they think they are, politicians?

Who forced her to go into debt?

Why did she sign the loan docs? Assume there must have been some coercion.

Could we see what she bought with the $500K? So, no job during college? Come on, we are not dumb.

Why did she take out so much? Crazy

Good Lesson: Don't be Jim...


She also paid 400k for house that is actually worth 150 on the market because she over paid for a dump she just had to have Guess we should help all people who make dumb choices Reparations for morons.. I can see Bernie running with this

I think the colleges are guilty of Highway Robbery and the students are guilty of getting questionable degrees.

gloriapbuchanan Who in the hell goes to a college that cost $500,000 and borrow the money to go there, then bith about it!! Dumb!! If you can't afford it, go to a less expense College.

She makes bad decisions and that's somehow MY problem to fix? No thank you.

Somebody needs to make better choices...

So, she’s to stupid to have a degree? Pay up, you borrowed it.

In my 20s I met many students who used 30-50% of their loans for tuition, books etc., and they lived off the surplus so they could party instead of work 2-3 part-time jobs to support themselves... i.e. Living expenses! Don't blame it all on tuition folks.

$500,000 in education obv didnt make her smart......

No one has ever been saddled with student loan debt. They filled out applications and begged to borrow the money knowing they would have to pay it back.

I’m sorry, but this is on her and her awful decision making skills.

Some people are just beyond help.

One year of college cost my 19 year old $30k, that school was short lived as she realized what a HUGE & COSTLY mistake that was. She’s now attending a CUNY for under $8,000 a year.

NTuropathic medicine folks. How many people have heard of this?

You don't have the money to go to college. Either don't go or borrow and pay off your loans the rest of us....

How old is she?

You'd think she would have googled her potential salary before taking on that debt!

Better get started paying it back then!

In the world of liberal insanity no one is ever responsible for their own life choices.

Is there one college in this country that provides an education worth that kind of money. The answer is NO. Not one college! Buyer beware.

Getting degrees for a $20,000 year job

'Saddled'. SMH Loaded Language No one forced these borrowers to take out loans. Acquiring 1/2 a million dollars in student loan debt?!! Not very Smart.

Why in the world would anyone take a half a million-dollar loan for those degrees? It makes NO sense.

Someone held a Gun to their Heads and said 'Sign Here'! LMAO

That makes no sense, what was her major? This shows why college is a sham.

Umm? She chose to continue her education via loans. Time to pay the piper.

I have $499,999 left on my home loan...can I call it student loan? Help?

'Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69.'

And just what has she accomplished and who is backing her loans. Just for the hell of it What the Fuk is she studying?

Maybe they shouldn’t sign the loan? Personal responsibility then taking my money to solve another’s problem

That’s a tough spot to be in. But if we bail out reckless student debt, we will just get more reckless student debt.

couldnt she have just learned to poke people with needles on YouTube? If you’re stupid enough to pay 500000 dollars to learn acupuncture, maybe you deserve whatever is coming to you.

She borrowed, she pays it back, PERIOD!

I think she needed a basic economics course in budgeting.

How stupid can you get

Sounds like a personal problem..... sure glad I don’t have to share her irresponsible pursuit of being a professional student

She's a very foolish woman. And she wants ME and my family to help her pay it off? She and CNBC can BOTH kiss my ass!

Well isn’t she stupid.

Was she forced to do this or did she make this choice on her own?

Further proof that LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

Good example for why the government shouldn’t be involved in student loans

Well, that was stupid. 🙄

Her bad choices shouldn’t be my responsibility

Poor choices lends you in debt!

So why would someone pay 1/2 million for a degree that pay less than 100k? Sounds like a bad decision to me

Do they call these people millennials?

She is a moron and should have taken a math or finance class before agreeing to these loans

I don’t go to restaurants I can’t afford, I don’t buy purses I can’t afford, I don’t take courses I can’t afford. Life can actually be that simple

Take an economics or finance class next time... 💁🏻‍♀️

Why That’s more than someone who goes to medical school

What a dummy

That's her fault...who the hell a doctorate in holistic medicine?

$500k for a master's in acupuncture? Really? Sorry but there is no cure for Stupid? 🤦‍♂️😜🤷‍♂️


She choose to take out those loans and majored in a field that has a max pay of $30,000 p/y. Plus, she probably has a car loan she can’t afford, but she really needed that expensive car! I don’t feel bad for these people.

Very simple: Don’t buy it if you can’t afford it!

How is that our problem? We didn’t force her to get into debt. That was a choice. How about my choice to NOT pay for your stupid mistake.

This situation is entirely self-inflicted. It would be irresponsible to bail her out. It’s her life lesson, not the public’s.

I supposed to feel sorry for someone that made horrible choices? Who studies this crap?

She must have been living high on the hog during her school days!

Because she was stupid and took out those loans!!!! Why should I pay for her irresponsibility This is idiocy!!

She went into that much debt to get a degree in Naturopathic medicine and acupuncture? Foolish. the taxpayer shouldn’t be on the hook for that...

Whose fault is that? Not ours.

'Doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture?' Are these even scientific disciplines? I think not.

What an idiot. I would never put myself in that financial situation.

And I’m supposed to pay for her education? Heck no

This is being reported like she had no idea she had a loan to pay back.

Why on earth was she ALLOWED to get $500k in student loans? That’s absurd!! Beyond that, didn’t this adult, and I use that word casually, wonder how she would ever pay that money back?

Living the highlife?

So the government is in control of the student loans for several years now why can't they adjust interest rates and help these folks out because erasing that debt just means redistributing it to those who didn't get that education and it's not right

Does she have 3 PhD's?

Is she a doctor? With a specialty? She’ll make enough $ to pay that off in no time.

Oh well. She should have been smart and not racked up 6 figures for college. I paid my loans, my children graduated worked paid off their loans. It is called adulthood.

The un-indicted co-conspirator in this crime is the federal government that guarantees the loans that the banks unwisely give to these people. The banks would never give these risky loans without that federal guarantee.

What a stupidass. Please explain how it’s fair for her to expect others will pay for her idiocy?

lilhaycraft maybe some of those overpaid, leftist-indoctrinating professors will pitch in and donate to reduce this ridiculous debt that gov't caused by loans which increased demand and artificially drove up tuition price... libs never learn about cause and effect...

Maybe the headline should read ...financially inept individual has a lot of debt to pay off.

Most universities are public in Europe. And more particularly in France. Lots of people study courses like sociology, european civilization and arts or the History of apple pies in Albanese Middle Age... In the end, they never graduate and go unemployed.

I do not want to be held responsible for her educational debts.

I did 2 years of community college while working full time, transferred to a 4-yr school.and held two jobs. Tell me again what I owe this moron?

So whose fault is that...hers. She elected to take on that debt. No one forced her. Paying it back is squarely her responsibility, no one else’s.

Then she’s wayyyy too stupid to go to college in the first place.

Our K-12 public school system needs a house cleaning. Those teachers are not educating students in real world facts, fiscal responsibility, and creating intelligence so they don't make dumb decisions (like going n2 debt they can't pay back)

You will struggle to find someone with more education who has less wisdom. At what point does someone step in and issue a 5150 on these people?

Another example that intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing.

The high cost of indoctrination. Thanks to Affordable Care Act the US government in its infinite wisdom decided owning student loan debt was profitable. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mack, Sallie Mae are the encroachment of Socialism.

She could have gotten any degree 10 times over in Belgium with food and lodging for that amount.

She saddled herself.

Oh yeah and the Dems are promising to pay off those loans hoping you'll go sign a contract loan, and then they won't ever pay for it. Just a Dem talking point! ----Lie!

So! They took it. A percentage of it was possibly extra so that they could go to school without needing/worrying about working. It is not free money. Many people work and pay for school as they go.

She obviously decided to live on her student loan, which was never for that purpose. Time to pay the piper

Not my problem. I refuse to pay for someone else’s mistakes. And I bet this borrower didn’t use all that money on education. F out of here with this crap.

CNBC, since you have lots of money, and you appear to be so concerned for her, you pay her student loans. It's not my responsibility.

Psst, The Obama administration took over college loans, And all the colleges are run by liberals, You know, The ones who say their going to pay off your debt, If you vote for them (wink wink) Suckers VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

Her bad life choices are not my problem

It’s fools like her who keep College pricey. If they had less students some colleges would drop tuition

Is she voting for Bernie?

That’s just plain dumb for an even dumber degree. Not my problem!

That look on her face says 'I'm the type of moron who would take on $500k in debt without ever being able to pay it back'. It's called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Maybe she should take a course or two in Math and Economics.

Moron... banks can eat it if she can pay it... they loaned her the money

'her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture' - congratulations, you played yourself! What a rube.

Before ppl take out a student loan, they need to compare their future expected earnings against the monthly loan payment to ensure they can afford it. Shouldn’t take out a loan any greater than they can comfortably afford ... considering expected future rent, car payments, etc.

Let me guess and she works at some place like Costco or HEB, or better yet doesn’t have a job cause she keeps getting told she is over qualified.

How much did she think she'd make coming out of college? It seems like she didn't think it all the way through.

Great case against student debt forgiveness right here

That doesn't sound very smart. I wouldn't have done that.

Borrowed and spent $500,000 and didn’t learn the lesson about holes. Sorry, not sorry.

She’s a career student and needs to pay her own way. I’m ok with lowering the interest rate on college loans but not forgiving them.

The real problem is the Government needs to get out of the banking business. As long as it's a revenue stream it will continue to be exploited.

Not my problem

If you don’t pay a loan for 20 years... how old is this student? Real degree, real job?

I’m saddled with a $265,000 mortgage. I demand that the government relieve me of this burden. But I get to keep the house.

College: $500,000 Choosing not to rack up $500k in debt once you realize the commie liberal controlled education system in America intentionally omits financial education because schools are for only one thing, producing mindless, democrat voting, worker bees: Priceless FIRE

LOL. '...doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture from Bastyr University...' Seems to me she should have taken an accounting class, or statistics. It's proof that a college education is not necessarily a measurement of intelligence.

How did she get a loan worth $500,000 dollars? Did she go to a private school. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of to go into debt over a student loan. What was she smoking, didn't she think she would have to pay it back?

That’s on her!!!

What’s that saying? Oh ya—TOO BAD ☹️

Simple the interest....borrower is required to pay the principal! It'll make you a better person in the end!

What breed of moron runs up $500k in student loan debt with no way to pay it back?

What did she do, get four PhD’s If you rack up that much debt without the ability to pay it back swiftly, YOU’RE TOO DUMB FOR COLLEGE.

I have zero. Make better life choices and when you make a bad one, realize it’s a YOU problem and stop relying on others to help.

She has a MD in acupuncture! And can’t afford to open her own clinic cause her loan. Them Obamacare reimbursement rates aren’t doing so well for her I guess. I thought if you like your acupuncturist you can keep it!

Why are people allowed to take out staggering loans that all parties involved know can’t be paid back A bank would ask for collateral to give a 20,000 business loan

It’s called personal responsibility....something your parents and our education system no longer teach.

You broke it, you bought it. Tough shit.

Should have planned that better. Why in the heck should the tax payers be saddled with her bad decisions?

College is a scam. You pay to have yourself brainwashed so you can get a certificate that confirms you have been properly brainwashed by an accepted brainwashing facility.

That's a 'YP' not an 'MP'.

If you’re going to push yet another Democrat talking point, maybe don’t lead with this fiscally inept basket weaver.

Didn’t have to get past the first paragraph to say eff her and her $500k of debt. Stupid ass degrees.

Why would she take on so much debt for a job that does not provide an ROI? Why didn't she go to a less expensive school? Zero sympathy for her.

Her choice

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Went to grad school twice. Good schools too. I worked and went in the evening. My employer paid a portion and I paid the rest. I know of fellow students that lived large traveling, buying new cars, living alone in very nice apartments. They didn’t control their costs. Time to pay

First blame the colleges for paying instructors like Elizabeth Warren $400k for teaching a class & charging astronomical rates. But no one forced this woman to take on that kind of debt. This is her responsibility alone to pay this back. She wanted what she wanted.

Good thing community colleges are now going to bachelor degrees. $500k to do acupuncture & naturopath?Smart? If it is govt paid, nobody has to be smart bc it will paid for. Do what u want when u want. Learn responsibility later. We need more affordable choices not a free for all

Liberals want 16 year olds to vote because their smart enough‼️NOT

Did you bother to ask WHY she has 500,000 in loans?

As w many things in life, you want to know who's responsible for your problems, go take a long look in the mirror. Whether it's debt, gambling, alcoholism, staying in bad relationship it's on YOU! I worked 5 years to pay off my student loans. We saved $$, our kids grad debt free!

Degree or not, she’s not very smart 🙄

U chose to accept the terms of the loan? Y not go to a less expensive college?

Her fault

Im wondering to all you idiots who can't understand... these that make their own 'life choices'... if they didn't, who would be your dr? You have no problem going to them when you are sick yet you think they should have years of debt to help you?

Why on Earth would anyone borrow half a million for the opportunity to make half a million?

Not so smart. Work your way through, like most ppl. If these loans are forgiven🥴 what about ppl who paid their loans back? What do they get!

it's OUTRAGEOUS what the liberals have allowed the university's to become!

WTF, they chose to go to college, I don’t want to pay for indoctrination camps, because that’s what colleges are now, that was their decision and their dept not the taxpayers🤬

What's the point here?

When buying a home. Lenders look at the value of the home and your ability to repay the loan. Perhaps student loans should do the same. Only loan an amount that can reasonably be expected to be paid back based on the value of the degree.

Her decision. Her responsibility. Millions of people are saddled with mortgages. What's your point?

Pseudo science, and high on Quackwatch’s list.

Choices in life have consequences. Democrats want hard working Americans to pay for her choices. I don't think so. VoteRepublican2020

And how exactly did this happen? Who forced this woman to take on half a million in debt? And why in the fuck should I be responsible for her debt? I've lived a frugal life, and lived within my means, but yet I'm expected to pay this irresponsible woman's debts? Oh..fuck that

Education at that level is a choice. You signed on the dotted line you figure out how to pay it off, the rest of us are.

Why would she do something so dumb? If you can't afford college, go to a community college, work or study part time til you're able to pay for college. Don't just borrow an exorbitant amount and expect that someday, someone will let you off from your reponsibility of paying! DUMB

So what. Don’t really care.

Colleges should pay off all the Bank Loans of Students who attended their College with their Endowment Funds

No one should be able to borrow that much money for a bogus degree.

“It limits my options!” Well yeah! What did you think debt would do There are trade offs in life. She made her decision now she has to live with it. “But life is so unfair!”

Her stupidity is nobody else's problem.

Not sure hereybutbate you trying to get me feeling sorry for someone who takes out a half million dollars in student loans? Instead maybe we should cap loan amounts for morons.

Her poor choices to seek degrees in low paying jobs are not everyone else’s burden. She could have spent a fraction of that $499k on becoming an x-Ray tech, nurse, or other medical professional and been debt free.

She has a masters in acupuncture and we’re supposed to pay off her loan? Wow.

Her choice, her problem

How do you spend 500k on education? Yikes😂

She is the one who borrowed the money. Why should I have my taxes raised to pay her debt? Personal accountability.

She sounds personally irresponsible.

She spent half a million learning acupuncture. How is it our fault she made such stupid decisions?

Generally people who sadly themselves with large amounts of debt don’t make good financial choices and therefore it is a surprise that they don’t know how to deal with it? Our schools,are more concerned about social justice then teaching our kids to make good financial decisions

Sorry, but using the most obscene and extreme example you can find as a story topic is why people have issues with the media.

We seem to have a generation that can’t do simple math. And now they want the rest of us to help. Too bad , so sad!

How was it they thought that was a smart thing to do? I thought they were supposed to be the brightest of the brightest?

Article says “The average college graduate leaves school $30,000 in the red” and her debt is $500,000 for naturopathic field? Come on. There are many economical options in education if it’s required for a job/field: community colleges, state colleges, short-term training programs

I have zero sympathy for her making a terrible life choice.

Make bad choices in life. Pay the price. Oops

This is absurd. She is completely responsible for that debt and more than likely she used loans to live on and pay rent etc. You have to be held fiscally responsible for your decisions and acceptance of loan money.

How is that even possible?

Her problem she made the debt

“[Bastyr students] take classes with the same names as medical school courses, but pseudoscience and nonsensical information is integrated into every course.” — Britt Marie Hermes Liz Warren, Kamala Harris, and Bernie want to stick taxpayers with the bill for this nonsense!

Student loans have gotten out of hand since the government took over student loans. Now Democrats want us to bail out people who git bad degrees and won't work just because they gave them a loan.

This is modern day slavery. So basically she became a slave to the corporate companies. Now she has to work for the rest of her life to pay her masters.

What is a loan? You borrow money and then you pay the money back. I’m sick of the politicians who don’t understand this

All this does is prove you don't have to be smart to go to college

This should be illegal. This lady should never have been able to borrow this much money. Put her in jail until she pays back every penny

After her Bachelor's in Horse Massage.

Bet she lived fairly well while she racked up that debt/

“More than 11 banks denied her a car loan” maybe stop after the first one so it won’t fuck your credit even more? Plus if 1 bank says no, they all will.

This is why NBC is fakenews. How much of that loan went actually to pay for textbooks and tuition. We need answers.

And...? She’s healthy & young.

This is why I advocate for more trade schools. Let's get Americans back into making stuff ourselves.

They put that saddle on themselves.

'Saddled with' as in signed for. They made to loan, what did they think Government guaranteed loan means the government pays?

Another reason not to date this woman

She invested her time and money in a ridiculous joke degree! This article should be ridiculing her naivete not the false idea that she is a victim.

So I should bail out someone that was stupid enough to take $500k in student loans, for ACUPUNCTURE!? GTFOH.

Good grief. These two women highlighted in the article must have had decent cognitive abilities to get into the programs they were in, but did they not even consider things like interest and ROI? I’m one of the jerks who doesn’t feel badly for them.

Tuff shit.

What an idiot. haha... $500K.

Well that was a bad investment

🤔... no

What kind of freaking degree costs $500k? If she spent that much for a degree that has no job prospects commensurate with the costs she voluntarily incurred, that was her choice.

I have zero sympathy. If you can't afford the degrees, you should not go into debt to the tune of half a million dollars. These were graduate degrees and she isn't too smart if she can't figure out that she could not afford it.

It shouldn't cost that much to Liberally indocrtinate such a weak mind. I think colleges are scalping those poor weak minded students.

Only under hyper-capitalism are heavy loans for education the rule for poor students. On initial careers banks heaps debt from the get go.💰📖 uspolitics

In what body painting? I didn't tell her it was a good idea to take out a loan, I'm sure as hell not paying for it! Fake news strikes again.

let me guess: feminine studies major?

That’s her problem not mine

More fake news from the bullshitter or bullshit news cnbc! NotMyDebt BadChoicesEqualBadDebt

And somehow I'm supposed to foot the bill cuz they don't want to? These people signed a contract to borrow money for an education I don't care if they sign the contract to borrow money to buy a damn submarine they signed the contract not me THEY owe the debt not me.

Yeah, she made bad decisions.

Waste of money Her fault not America's

Meanwhile Elizabeth Warren charged 400k to teach a class

You pay the price for your bad financial decisions.

Guess there’s not as much of a market out there for Feminist Drum Weaving Through Interpretative Dance as she thought. I see a McD’s in her future.

How about they get a marketable degree. Don't go to an outrageously expensive college for a liberal arts degree and live outside your means just because you got a loan for that amount

Pay off your debts deadbeat.

That’s her own dumb fault

She must have giant earning potential now, right? If not, she's an idiot with a bunch of degrees and no money for the rest of her life.

Goes to show education doesn't equal intelligence. No sympathy here.

Why doesn’t the left believe in taking responsibility for their own actions?

FULLDEFENCE Are u saying it is my fault that she chose to go to school and have to pay for her own education?

Community college; last two years at an AFFORDABLE school. Or go into the military . My son has given 5 years of his life to his country and he is getting his college paid for. Suck it up buttercup. We don’t owe you a thing!!!

She sure is stupid. She could have started at many jobs right out of high school and taken no debt. At this point have $0 in student loans & lots of savings $500,000 in student loans is her problem especially if she has a doctorate

Not my problem. Change the laws so that people with unmanageable student loan debt can dismiss it through bankruptcy, instead of exempting it like they do now. SenWarren realDonaldTrump

She spent half a million dollars on college and doesn’t know the difference between “effect” and “affect.”

A stupid woman. We taxpayers are not going to pay the price for the stupid decisions of others. This is no different from people who buy houses they can't afford.

This is worse than the 'success' story about the girl that paid her loans off because her parents gave her the money hahahahaha.

No one is going to pay off your student loans. It is just talking points of politicians. It wouldn’t be fair to all the people who paid their loans off or never went to college.

I’m not responsible for others’ terrible choices. Get your hand out of my wallet.

Did they ever find the guy who held the gun to her head?

Schools should be 'handling' IT themselves They are a 'Business / endowments & etc

People like this lady, liberal Democrat for sure, are too busy accusing financially responsible people of being racists to come up with a plan to pay for acupuncture school. Democrats are idiots.

Btw did you apply and qualify for that loan? Yeah then nobody saddled you with anything you made your decision now live up to it.

Sounds like she’s not that smart for getting in that much debt for a education

She could not afford that much and she knew it. Borrowing that much is clearly putting the cart before the horse and hoping for the best. She dug herself into this hole she needs to dig herself back out

How about we start treating universities like the wealth transfer scams they are.

You don’t need a degree from a fancy-shmancy college to be successful. Where you went to college may have some bearing on getting your first job; after that, your next boss will likely be more interested in what you did at your last job than where you went to college.

She signed the loan contracts, so it is her problem and not the tax payer's. Anyway, get rid of that Howard Stern hairdo.

How smart can you be to rack up that kind of debt? College didn't and won't help her😇

She should be 'saddled' and bitted. 🐎


Not my problem. I’ve got my own loans to pay off.

Would you let someone that stupid treat you?

I have no student loans so I’ll just take the $500,000 handout. In small bills.

That's pretty stupid. Who sells a 500k education? Maybe try Community College.

Did they hold a gun to her head and force her to accept the loans?

don't borrow more than you can payback..... (i had to type that?)

True ignorance!

My god, the cost if that double major in dance and basket weaving sure add up. But don’t worry, vote for a democrat. They will steal it from the hard working people and give it to the irresponsible.

Acupuncture? Naturopathy? For $500,000 she could have become a REAL doctor and not have these problems. NoSympathy

And this is old news. Stop with the rinse and repeat already.

But these people read and signed papers. Thats no different than others that borrowed money for things they wanted or needed. Wouldn’t talking to public schools that take government subsidies be the first direction to go on this issue? Why discriminate against others that borrow?

That's her problem. She probably went to a liberal arts college her major was Klingon opera now she can't find a job.

It is a sad thing/debt gov't should NOT be in IT 😎

A fool and her money. And the dems expect me to bail her out of her failed decisions?

Her responsibility, signature, and commitment to repay. Are we going to start paying off $1M mortgages too? Because we deserve to live in a home we couldn’t afford to begin with? 🤦‍♀️... enough already....

Too bad, pay what you owe...

I work construction have most of my life, except for the 12 years I spent being a Marine. I could not afford college and dam sure didn't want to go into debt. What makes these political hacks think I'm going to stand by and let them steal from me for there mistakes.

So, I have to pay more taxes because of her bad decisions?

STOP TAKING OUT LOANS YOU MORON!!!!! is it really that hard to be personally responsible? Lol good lord 🤣🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

She made a conscious decision to take those loans, Harry. Why should tre government bail her out?

Her debts are not my nor anyone else’s problem. They belong 100% to her.

She got a doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture with $500K. Who in the world told her that the ROI on that would be positive?! Her TERRIBLE decision is NOT my problem, sorry, it just simply is not.

Okaaaay... it was her choice to incur the debt. What do you want from us, we have our on problems to deal with? Also, please make sure people understand that the FED entered to student lending business in 2010 as a bolt on to Obamacare.

Dont borrow money you can't pay back. Problem solved

Student loans should be capped at an amount commensurate with the expected salary of the degree pursued.

I don't have that much debt including my house!!! (pretty much my only debt). What a dumb individual.

Hmmm....leather seats and a sunroof. I know where $50,000 in style.

Not my problem. She created her mess. Not my responsibility. Buck up.

She had choices, no one made her take those loans! She chose her University. The banks Kent the money! Now they don’t want to pay it back! They want taxpayers to pay off their loans! Ahh No Thanks

That was her choice. Her poor decision making is not my problem and I refuse to pay for her debt with my tax money. She should have planned better.

People really are dumb. At some point she should’ve done a google search and think “how will I pay off this debt when the average salary for a naturopathic physician in the US is around $73,960 per year. The Phamacist is much better $127k per year! The answer, you can’t!

How about some personal responsibility. My mortgage is too much. How about Democrats pay that off for me too!

500k 🧐 Really? Fail. That is all.

She would have been better off going straight into the work force, a trade school, or an on the job learning program. We are products of our choices not victims of our circumstances.

Ummmm...hey genius ...don't borrow half a million dollars you can't afford. Thus is the kind of shit we are supposed to bail out? People borrowing this kind of money for this? It's a hard NO.

Thank you for making the case that taxpayers shouldn't bail out student loans.

Don’t sign for a loan you can’t pay 🤷‍♀️

She should have taken a class that covered personal financial management.

As I tell my teenager all the time, 'Adult actions have adult consequences.'

She applied for the loans, right?

They need to rescind all of her degrees. She's proven herself to be too stupid for the title 'college graduate'.

Liberals are never responsible for their choices....and apparently not their debt, either.

Not my problem.....go get a job

Can't fix stupid.

Pick a valid field of study then.

Her fault. Don’t care. Report REAL NEWS!

Dems: 'All you who are training your new manager must also pay for his college education. Also, those who never owned slaves must give money to people who were never slaves and those whose unions fought for health care must give it up in favor of those who came here illegally.'

I expect everyone who borrows money voluntarily to pay it back with interest. A loan is not a gift.

There are few professions that are worth that kind of debt load.

Tough shit! Not paying for her poor choices! Cry me a friggin river 🤣

Schools get the cash, banks repackage and sell the loans to Freddie and Fanny, taxpayers pay after blackhole rips in economy. This lady has been grifted big time.Could have bought a few textbooks and had an apprenticeship, a yurt and her own land/private healing center for 40k

How in the hell do you get 500,000 in loans. Did she go to school for 25 years?

She accepted them. Not MY problem. I’m raising a family & have my own kids to take care of. She’s not one of them. ✌🏻

She agreed to the loan, right? Then she has to pay it back. This is the least newsworthy article ever written.

My careless financial decisions are everyone else’s responsibility.

What school did she go to? Why, is this my fault? Perhaps someone at some point her her life should have done an intervention, and taught her about borrowing and spending.

If you borrow $500k to be an acupuncturist, I fail to see where I have any obligation other than to point and laugh.

Was she forced, coerced, defrauded into signing for those loans? Did she borrow the money and sign an agreement to repay the loan? It's her loan to repay. Most adults have loans to repay. I don't expect, and never DEMAND, that others pay mine for me!

'doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture' She spent 500 grand on pseudo-science that can actually endanger and harm patients. That's solely her own fault. I have $0 in student loans.

Headline should read “ This idiot racked up $500k in student loans”.

Sounds like she’s been deferring them for years. It’s not out physical responsibility to bail her out. Should have gotten a degree that’s useful. Claims to be a doctor. Doctors make a lot of money.

$500k to get a degree that should Read “Hippy”? She’s been on drugs since day one.

This person is an object lesson in how NOT to do higher education

Sounds like she made bad life decisions. Everyone else should not have to pay for her choices.

I had $50,000 in debt. I chose to go to school in my hometown. Lived with my parents for a while. Had a part time job. When i was done school i got a full time job. To pay off my debts i worked a SECOND JOB before we had kids. Paid off my debt in 6 yrs. Be smart. Work hard.

Zero sympathy. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! These people sign for these stupid loans.


I’m saddled with a $500,000 mortgage. care to pay that off? It would really stimulate the economy.

She chose poorly.

Obviously, she's made some horrible decisions along the way.

Poor lil white girls.

One freshman level finance course would have taught her that this was a stupid idea.

The problem is that she was allowed to run up this debt. If she had to go through a regular loan process NO BANK would ever have allowed her to get this far in debt. They would have rejected her request.

For a Masters degree in feline yarn ball interactions I’d venture.

Stop taking loans you can’t afford!

Too bad they do not teach personal responsibility.

I have no student loan debt because I worked while in college, went to a college I could afford, lived on a very strict budget, and got a return on investment because I chose a career that was in demand.

Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that employs an array of pseudoscientific practices. She is a moron who is paying big because she wanted to be a professional student of nothing useful or marketable.

Bell curve...

Let’s tell it like it is folks!! Universities have increased the cost of a college education so the faculty and Administration can live a luxurious life. Students are living above their means such as paying auto loans, clothing, luxuries they should not be paying with loans

6 years major in ' Hands up don't shoot studies ' with a minor in toxic masculinity and can't get a good job. I am not giving her a dime.

What morons who does that to themselves!

Then even with all that 'education', she's one big DOPE. Who in their right mind would pay that much for ANY education? Why do the taxpayers have to pay for her insanely bad decision making when it comes to her finances?

I’ll reserve judgement until I see her personal finances. Where does she live? What vehicle does she drive? How does she spend your disposable income?

I have a useful AAS degree with 0 debt and I make well above the median salary for where I live. Choose good career fields idiots!

Adolescent never learned meaning of choice and consequences. Bailout denied.

It's called a loan. Money she borrowed that she knew she would have to pay back. I don't feel sorry for her.

Not my problem. Very dumb tweet if you are attempting to boost support for the goofy democratic platform for 2020.

This woman was allowed to borrow that money in spite of the fact that she is an idiot. Fits my definition of a useless eater. I bet she is a Lefty. She is responsible for own debt, but whoever approved those loans should also be made to make payments back. Irresponsible both ways

Let me guess, the 2/3rds of population who didnt go to college should pay for her decisions...

This results when public schools no longer teach basic arithmetic, and tell students what to think instead of how to think. I'll bet $10 to a donut hole, she never heard of 'R.O.I.'

Who in the world lent that much? Was there a co-signer? 😶

I'm saddled with a $300k mortgage, please bail me out it's crushing my soul, and hurting my feelings

Forget who takes out half a million in loans. Who gives out that much in loans? Drs who specialize maybe but half a mil? That’s money this dope never had any intention of paying. When the payment booklet arrived, then she cries the rich should pay!

If only there was a little bit of paperwork explaining how loans work and something she could look over and SIGN before they saddled her with that debt.....if only.....

With a $500,000 education you ought to be able to figure it out!! For now, please get your hand out of my pocket.

Just like the IMMIGRANTS, not the taxpayer's problem.

Maybe don’t switch majors 8 times, maybe get through college in less than 12 years, maybe work while you’re in college, maybe find a cheaper school, maybe don’t borrow to pay rent & go to Paris & buy a new car, Starbucks & sushi every day... Fake news.

so she racks up $500K in loan debt & never along the way does she consider how that kind of debt is going to affect her & it's now OUR problem?

I owe the government a cool quarter of a million for my med school loans, and I will march on Washington to prevent the progs from forgiving this fraudster's 'educational' loans. My God.

Big deal. She should pay them off. Who signed for the loans?

All because liberalism has taken over almost all of higher education

doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69. corman141 😂😂😂

Could part of the problem be that the guaranteed loans have driven up the cost for education?.. Some professors teach one class a semester and make $400,000 a year… Really? All I can say is choose your degree wisely… Maybe pay as you go?

She may be college educated, but that much debt is not smart!

She sounds pretty ignorant for a sound equally as ignorant for trying to pawn the blame and responsibility on to someone else!

And that was completely her decision and now her fault and problem. No one should bail her out she knew what she was getting into when she signed.

Clearly wasn't a degree in economics, or anything useful.

She needs to just go on Shark Tank or play the Lottery at this point.....

Acupuncture Got it

She should be working not studying.

I love it - she wanted to open her own medical practice but couldn’t because of her debt Or maybe she couldn’t open a medical practice because she’s not a doctor!

tough for her. She should've thought of that when she was choosing her courses of study. All the info for Student loans is given upfront. Maybe she should have started with a reading course.

Dont worry....if the liberals/socialists have their way it will all be taken care. By who we arent sure but it wont be her.

Choices have consequences. Community college is an option... no college is an option. STOP PRETENDING EXPENSIVE COLLEGES ARE A MANDATORY DEBT CRISIS!

Yeah what an absolute mess she has made for herself. She made the decision. She pays the consequences.

Not my problem.

There should be a restriction on the amount of money you can borrow for a degree relative to the expected income of said degree. As an aside, I wouldn't be opposed to assisted or even taxpayer funded degrees for teachers. Absolutely necessary and not highly compensated.

How this isn't her own fault?

Take it up with the university that offered those useless classes and her...not the taxpayer!

There appears to be a lot of young people with a degree, enormous debt and absolutely no common sense. The Narcissistic Era advances.

fiGUrE iT oUt . . .

I'm supposed to cry for her because she chose to take out debt on an overpriced education program? When I chose a different path that didn't result in college debt but was harder? No. Not even a little. Not ever.

She borrowed the money It's her debt Now she needs to start paying it back

The coming student loan crisis was manufactured by the banks and supported by Democrats. We will not bail the banks out this time but rather sell all their assets and use that money to give to the victims. The banks tried to scam us again so fu*k em.

1/2 Omitted from the article...what are their incomes and other debt they have (credit cards especially)? Credit card debt can hurt your ability to borrow because it gives the perception you are living outside your means.

Mandatory counseling for all college students who want to take out loans...eyes wide open on what they are about to do.

The face of a Democrat. No debt is too big.

And others of us worked full time while going to college almost full time and graduated with no financial debt and money in the bank.

hahahahahah. could have avoided all that by serving in the military maybe working during college. maybe not spend more then you make. it falls on the person

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to spend half a million dollars of someone else’s money on... education.


This women is a fool. I have zero sympathy.

What idiot would take out a six figure debt on anything other than a house? Who the f*ck would lend that kind of money for this nonsense?

Living high on borrowed dimes..

Make debtor’s prisons great again

Big mistake. She should have gone for the phrenology program.

does this mean I can submit to the government all my expenses I incurred working my way through college so I didn't have massive debt? do I get a rebate for the 30% taxes I paid as a single wage earner? that sounds as fair as this drivel.

She made the decision to go into debt. No one forced her.

Who the hell cracks up 500k in student loans?

Who cares, she made her 'choice' now live with it

Good grief. She got bad advice.

500,000 worth of student loans FORCED on her.... Give it up! Not my problem, and not my expense. Get the FederalGovernment out of student loans and wAtch how quickly the prices drop.

Sounds like she needed a class on Educational Return on Investment..this is self inflicted..sorry no sympathy

Then why did she go to an expensive college?

What did she major in? She must be making tons of money and should be able to afford paying for her educational loan.

That doesn’t sound like my problem. beresponsibleforyourself

Cost benefit training would be beneficial

This is everybody else's problem how?


Maybe she shouldn’t have spent so much on a masters degree in acupuncture.

Stupidity should be handled in a Darwinesque fashion

Oh please...just stop the stupidity. A person makes choices. You live with those choices and the consequences. Your debt and your fault.

She knew what she was getting into when she signed on the dotted line.

It's called free choice. I paid my college debt as the majority have and she can pay hers. I'm not willing to pay 90% tax rate so Democrats can give away free shit to buy off stupid voters who don't realize taxpayers get the bill.

This woman’s stupidity aside, this is a government created problem. Do you think a bank would give someone 500k with no collateral and virtually no chance of getting their money back? Would colleges keep raising tuition if it wasn’t so easy to get loans?

I have a 6 figure mortgage loan, will that be forgiven or paid for by the government?

The generation of everyone gets a trophy 🙄

Must be because she is racist.

Not Americas problem!! When you sign on the dotted line you pay it back yourself!! Be a grown-up!!!

Who forced her to take these loans?!?!?!

Cause they are idiots

It always blows my mind... student loans are a “crisis”.... what about mortgages... u know another VOLUNTARY loan no less virtuous than a student loan. Why student loans of all voluntary loans? Answer, don’t give unqualified people money, privatize loans & based credit..sorry!!

Sounds like a personal problem

Hopefully Democrats will waive all of her debt. Congrats!

This is a repeat by CNB of an out of the ordinary ridiculous situation. Careful planning would have produced a different outcome as is the case in many student loan balance situations.

Derp I didn’t know $500,000 would be hard to pay back.

Now lay out actual numbers over $50,000. Small percentage who in most cases now have six figure income. This one was lunacy based on potential income.

So? That's what she CHOSE.

What I hear you saying is, “JFC people are stupid to take loans they can’t afford.” There should be a critical thinking and means test before you can get a student loan. Or people could use one of the few programs that’s called the GI Bill.

and we are supposed to pay for her lack of knowledge on basic economics? Hell no. I have my own bills to pay

Key word ''borrowers''. You act as if this were thrust upon them without their consent. 🤷

She made the wrong choices. Her own fault.

Stop being a life time student. No one should spend that much money for college. I will NOT be responsible for other people's debts. If she is this irresponsible she deserves to be in debt. PAY YOUR OWN BILLS.

What the he’ll is she studying? She’s insane to have done that. Now she probably expects taxpayers to foot the bill, twice!

Nobody forced her to borrow that much.

She saddled herself with debt while majoring in acupuncture, which doesn’t cost $500k, which means most of the debt came from living large (most college students live meagerly), and now the bill is due. Anecdotal stories of foolish outliers shouldn’t drive policy.

Was her career path going to provide her with the income to payoff the loans plus interest? Did she think about that when she took out the loans?

She’s the one who took out the loans!

You have to be an idiot to sign your name to $500k in loans when you have no idea how you will repay them.

500,000? Yeah, she's just stupid. And that huge loan didn't help. She can pay that herself,just like when people pay off thier house loan.

They put the saddle on themselves. Nothing was forced on these people.

Why aren’t we pressuring colleges to cap or lower costs?

Saddled as in a horse to forcibly carry a rider? No, no, no. Borrowing money you won’t be able to repay is not the lender’s fault. Don’t expect taxpayers to fund irresponsible & money clueless entitled parasites. We don’t owe you an education. We owe you nothing! Grow up!

You should probably disclose to those who read/watch your programs that 500k loans are not just tuition & housing but living expenses that encourage people not to work. Government interference created this problem.

Might as well borrow more.

Piss poor decisions 🤷🤦

Maybe we should ask why stupid college cost so much in the first place.

Not everyone can be a doctor.

Sorry, this really posses me off that this is somehow my problem she’s a dolt.

You didn’t think you were spending money when you took that loan? Which school accepted you? Because you seem pretty dumb... aaaaah lower acceptance scores, lend to those students, gov will bail you out when dummy can’t pay you back anyways. Classic

Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture. Though not knocking either, only a total fool would believe they could build a fortune from that and even a bigger fool would pay $500K for it. What’s the details? How long was she a student and how many times did she change majors?

Absurd amount of money. Foolish woman. Pay up.

If you spend that much on college wouldn't you have a degree that would make money?

Then she is stupid. Pay your loans.

not my problem , I paid for my education , so can she .


Grad school will do that. Turned out to be not so good of an investment? Because let's face it, that is what she did. Gambled on her future. And lost.

Probably has a phd in pottery

Who does this to themselves? This is beyond wreckless. And to think that I graduated from college debt free.

My daughter pays for her own schooling two classes at a time. She’s going for business management, and works as a sales manager to pay for it. Will she get reimbursed?

Why would you take out half a million dollars in student loans?

She asked for and accepted the loan(s). They were not forced on her. An important element of a good and functional society is for individuals to always take responsibility for their own actions. Self-induced victimhood helps create societal atrophy.

See Dave Ramsey

I wonder if the government takeover of the student loan program had something to do with the cost increases? Perhaps a news organization can show us how government interference over decades impacted the cost. Government involvement ruins everything it touches.

Not my problem. SHE took out the loans. SHE can pay them back.

Not my problem. Need to start teaching responsibility again.

Together, my wife and I have 2 undergrads, a mba, and doctorate. We’ve raised 3 children in the process. And I worked and paid off the debt as it came in. Not too hard when you prioritize.

Deal with it like we all did! WTF? So the American tax payer can *eat* the debt (burden) up with tax payer dollars? BULLSHIT!!! Get it together millenials! There's a thing in life called fiscal responsibility. Learn it. No trophies for 2nd place in the real world. Geez!

Average salary for naturopathic medicine practitioner is less than $100k. And now she owes half a mil. Ironic part is you can learn it all online for free. There are no trade secrets in naturopathic medicine.

Heck, with the average salary for college professors at $152,000 now days, she could go teach for a few years and pay it all back.

How stupid does someone have to be to do that? Maybe college wasn’t the best choice for her.

'Saddled' 😂

Sounds like a “lender” issue. Much like encouraging unqualified people to take out mortgages in the lead-up to the Great Recession.

So? How's that my problem?

The fastest way to get out of student loan debt is to pay it back It worked for me It worked for millions before her

With interestshe will payout over 1M. She has fortite her financial future and her family’s. This is the result of big education partnering with big government.

Any business person that denies they’d charge as much as they can for their product if they found out people can pay the price no matter high it gets is lying.

Wait so she decided to go all the way and get a PhD and accepted every load they gave her and complaints about it now?! I signed for my student loans and planning on paying them all back! I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for my loans helping me pay for school!

“I’m gonna rack up half a mill in stupid debt... I mean student debt. All to get a doctorate so I can work in a tiny little nincompoop market... I mean niche market. Why aren’t these degrees paying my bills?!”

If you can’t afford the loan don’t take out the loan.

WeWillNotPayYourDebt Meritocracy OurFreedomsAreNotOptional

If I had it to give, I would give it to her.

'naturopathic medicine and... acupuncture' The debt for that pile of shit is well deserved.

The extremely inflated tuitions that these universities are charging is absolutely obscene.

Naturopathic medicine and acupuncture? Oh man you just can’t make this stuff up anymore. Her debts are HER problem.

She made a poor financial decision. She should look into loan forgiveness programs and start working to pay off her debt 💁🏻‍♀️

'Warren's plan would forgive student debt up to $50,000; Sander's would erase it all'. NO, they would assign student debt to every US taxpayer who has already paid their own/children's college debt or who didn't get to go to college because THEY couldn't afford it (either).

Saddled? No, she’s a woman who likes to choose, my guess, and she chose to take out loans and promised to pay them back! She needs to keep her promise and nobody needs to bail her out! Get a job and start being a responsible citizen! And stop whining!

Not the Peopels problem! She wanted her education and knew what it meant when she borrowed the money. Too Bad! so Sad! Shouldn’t have signed on the dotted line! payyourownbills igotmyownbills whyshouldioayyours youshouldntpaymine NO MAGA KAG TRUMP2020 realDonaldTrump

She has a degree in acupuncture. WTF do you do with a degree in acupuncture and alternative medicine? Maybe benandjerrys is hiring?

$500k? How many PHD’s does she have?

She asked to borrow money from people.

FULLDEFENCE Choices have consequences

By their own choosing. How stupid do you have to be to put yourself in that much debt. NotMyFaultNotMyDebt

$500k to basically become an acupuncturist?! Foolish.

If she has $500,000 in student loans, she’s an irresponsible idiot. She neeeds to learn some hard life lessons. The first being that she is solely responsible for the consequences of the choices she’s made.

Who knew you couldn't pay off a half million dollar loan doing acupuncture?

Here's some advice: Don't do that. You're welcome.

She should have taken an economic class her first year. This type of Debt is so very irresponsible and nobodies flat but hers. Banks would not have given her these loans, but the Government Education system did.

So she makes bad choices and other people have to bail her out? No thanks

And I paid my student loans off without the help of the government or tax payers. Don’t want to owe 6 figures in student debt? Then the solution is simple...don’t rack up 6 figures in student debt.

No one forced her to borrow $. This was her choice and, like me, she can pay off her debt herself. I’m not bailing out these morons who get in over their heads by being eternal college kids or majoring in worthless fields. Get a job - pay it off yourself - not my responsibility


Going to a school where you will be graduating with $500k student debt and a degree that won’t get you the kind of job where you can pay that money back is just a poor choice. As for the others in the article... welcome to real life. They are called student LOANS for a reason.

'...doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture...' Tough finding a good-paying job when you have multiple degrees in quack medicine.

She’s incredibly stupid and that’s on her..

I have a six figure mortgage, I think the government should pay it off.

And she's a sap. No one needs to have that much tuition debt. And no, we're not bailing her out of her narcissistic incompetence.

500k? How is that even possible?

Lol dummy

A masters in acupuncture?!? Hahaha this is why we need to teach basic finance and ROI classes in high school.

Her fault not mine.

She's an idiot who should repay every cent she borrowed and your point?

do these people understand what a loan is? It isn't a gift. You chose to take that money knowing you would have to pay it back. Don't feel least bit sorry. It's just like anyone who takes a big loan for a car or house they can't afford. Not my problem you have debt problems

I’m not paying for her ridiculous degree.

A great example of why this push for Medicare for All would destabilize the Healthcare Industry, Doctors and Nurses couldn’t afford high student loans on what Medicare pays.

She went to a quack university. No way taxpayers should bail her out for her stupidity.

Be RESPONSIBLE I guarantee she is a DEMOCRAT

🤣🤣🤣 I owe '0' and will not pay hers, yours, or anybody elses!

Not my problem

If this idiot raked up $500,000 in student loans she doesn’t deserve a degree from any college.

If only people would stop borrowing obscene amounts of money they will never be able to pay back...

Her fault.

The college offers a financially unviable degree at a ridiculously inflated tuition cost. The US Gov't approves the loan. Please explain how this is the responsibility of US taxpayers. We'll wait.

And she still looks stupid.

They should put a pister of this in front of every Student. Aide dept at every college... But no... I paid for mine working and going to School part time ... .

Damn government twisted her arm to sign for the money.


Since I only spent $200 on my degree can I get $498,800 for being the smarter person? RewardSmartThinking

I bought a $2 million home but could only afford a mortgage on a $250k home. Someone needs to pay the difference not me! Smh

We read incessantly how college-educated people are quite a bit smarter than those without college educations. It's amazing, but the only non-college-educated people I know with a half-million in debt are running nice private companies, and that debt is corporate.

So being irresponsible and taking out huge loans is the rest of America's problem how?

Maaaaybe ask the colleges and university why the price is so high and they are selling junk degrees

And who's fault was that? Hers ! Why does anybody need to spend 500,000 on a education?

If they were stupid enough to run up that debt by attending these useless brainwashing institutions, this is their KARMA!!!

At what age will be free of student debt before she can start a normal life? Only in America!

Maybe that Liberal Arts degree was not the best idea. But hey at least you’re woke.🤷🏽‍♂️

Her choice! Not mine

And I should pay off her debts because why?

Make better choices, people! This surge of VICTIMHOOD on the Left is nauseating. I joined the Army Reserves AND worked full time to get my college degree. If you can’t afford it, go plan B!!!! You should not be my burden. Period.

Who’s forcing these people to take out $300K and $500K in student loans? There are plenty of good paying careers that don’t require that much debt.

Imagine paying 500,000. just to become an indoctrinated lemming who thinks exactly like some who paid 0?

Idiots with degrees in French Poetry and $150,000 debt in student loans are not my problem... Work at McDonald's, if they will hire someone that stupid...

She’s an idiot for narrowing that much money and now wanting someone else to pay for it! You dug that hole, now you dig your way out...

500k in student loan debt. 1. How is this my problem 2. She's a moron for racking it up in the first place. 3. Lesson for idiots like this......NOT EVERYONE IS MEANT TO GO TO COLLEGE!

Should have taken some economics classes.

Just because you go to college doesn't mean you're not stupid

I went to a really good university. I saw 'her' running around campus all the time being a pin cushion

That's on her - tell her next time to get a major with a job at the end that will pay off her loans. We the taxpayers are not responsible for her carelessness.

Work more jobs. Be responsible. We, adults, have all had to do it.

'Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69.' I'll assume she didn't see this coming.

I know people that had six figure student loan debts, but it was with a high paying end job in mind. One of them works at Goldman Sachs and makes over seven figures, and the other is an executive at Lockheed Martin. Spending $500K to become an acupuncturist? That's on her.

Gosh, make better informed choices.

So her poor decisions are now our responsibility?

No one forced her to do that . She has to pay it back.

What a load of garbage! Modern day astrology and pseudoscience degrees don’t make you smart or reliable Pay your bills!

What kind of stupid would borrow that amount without a plan to pay it back?

Awwww poor baby.

Her/their problem. Not mine. My family was responsible. We went to schools we could afford and worked our way through even if it took longer.

WHY would anyone commit financial suicide like that?!?

This article literally says that her student loans are keeping her from being able to take out other loans... Why the hell would anybody give you a loan when you think you shouldn’t have to pay back the ones you already took?

Who’s stupid enough to borrow that amount of money?

All of her own doing. Tell her maybe, just maybe, they should take responsibility for their own actions.

A master's in acupuncture and a PhD in naturopathic medicine.....

No sympathy here. I know someone who graduated with $250K in debt, but he's a neurosurgeon who makes $250K or more a year now.

If you dont want 500k in student loans then choose a different career path. Easy.

What’s her degree in?

I pay my loans regardless of what it’s for. A car, house, school whatever. When you get a loan YOU sign the paperwork and accept the terms and payments. Why now is this everyone else’s problem? They make it very clear you have to pay it back with interest. That’s how it works 🙄

I doubt that she had a job while in college. These kids get loans and live off of them too.

Was math beyond her understanding?

What an idiot to borrow so much. And what institution in their right mind would lend that much to her? Totally irresponsible.

If you take out a loan to pay for college, you should be required to take a course in personal finance. As an acupuncturist, she will never be able to pay off a $500,000 loan. You make your bed (of needles), you lie in it.

Shouldn’t have been stupid enough to borrow that much money

500k? for an accupuncture degree? She deserves to live in a Van by a river while she pays every last penny back. Decisions have consequences, dumb decisions have BIG consequences. How much endowment does the College have? Maybe they can pay it off for her?

For that cost, should of been a real doctor instead of a loon

Sounds like a personal problem

Seems like at around.... idk 450k maybe.. you'd start to question if this was the correct path.

Don't bury the lead.

That's her own fault.

'Today, for her doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture from Bastyr University, she owes $499,322.69.' 🤣🤣🤣🤣naturopathic medicine🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Fake news. NOBODY told her to go into debt. She choose to take the loan. If you can’t afford it, DONT BORROW IT!

$500k 😂🤦‍♂️

You make choices in life. You have to own them. She made bad choices, I’m not going to pay for them.

Her bad choices. Her responsibility.

If she chose to finance all of her living expenses on top of her education I have no sympathy for her. I worked throughout college and was very frugal. She obviously wasn’t.

No sympathy here...So were baby boomers, going through a recession, with interest rates at the time up above 18% in some circumstances. We managed 2 make it through all of that, paying off ALL of r loans etc...they can too. It called taking responsibility for your own decisions

I guess she was not a math major

She is an adult. She borrowed the money. She needs to pay it back.

Now go make money and pay it back.

I have a six figure mortgage. Somebody wanna pay that off too?

Instead of fighting for forgiveness of student loan, why don’t they lobby the politicians in DC for a very cheap interest instead. There’s no such thing as free lunch.

The government deciding to back student loans was criminal corruption. Tuition will keep going up forever because they have our education system indoctrinating everyone into thinking they have to go into massive debt

Should have become an electrician or plumber or mechanic or any trade and skipped college. If you can’t afford college, don’t go until you can.... don’t expect other people to pay for it or anything you do. Duh!

What an idiot could’ve bought a house.

These students are agreeing to the terms of these LOANS prior to receiving them. By definition, a loan is a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest. This is your responsibility to pay it all back w/ interest! I paid mine!

Tough. Pay your own way. All that expensive education should teach you how.

'doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine' Why would anyone care that she's in that much debt for the study of quackery? The entire point of naturopathic medicine is to scam money out of people who don't know better, it's nice to see she was similarly scammed, frankly.

Go to less expensive schools and get a degree with market value. Problem solved

That’s her problem, not the taxpayers’.

Why would anyone loan a STUDENT that kind of money? It’s idiotic and doomed to fail. Just like the housing bubble. Who will get the blame?

'naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture'

Saddled.? She took the loans out to get an Education like you buy a car, home, or washer. She knew full well what she was doing. The Education brings a income that is higher than those without a college degree. She pays the loan back like the rest of us. Dems buy votes!

Did Her Degree have any Prospect of a Well Paying Career?

Did someone hold a gun to her head and make her take those loans? No. She chose to do it and she gets the responsibility of paying it back. Next question - how much of that went to car payments and vacations?

Nobody read this clickbait—she saddled herself with all that debt for acupuncture degrees, she’s not emblematic of the real systemic problem we have

That was her choice to take responsibility for her debt, not the tax payers.

Who the hell has $500k in student loans? She knowingly accepted the terms. Sorry, not feeling sorry for this one.

WTH She willing put herself in that debilitating amount of debt. Did she even bother to research what a person with those degrees would make? So smart and yet so, so freaking dumb. Not our problem!! Be smarter with your decision making.

She should have taken an economics class. Dumbass

That’s her own fault. notmydebt payyourowndebt youborrowedyoupay ImNotPayingYourDebt

& it's all in gender studies

When some idiot kid gets themselves in this much debt with a useless degree 👇

I sure hope she’s a brain surgeon. Oh, and by the way, I’m not bailing you out. You made a lot of very poor decisions to put your soon the position..... your first bad decision- trusting in academia.

Maybe someone should teach children actual math before they make such idiotic decisions, or is that sexist?

In her case, she should have been smarter about her degree choice and how she can use it to repay the loans. Generally speaking, more people should consider trade schools.

She knew about the loan, it’s voluntary: not being forced to go to an expensive college! Hey, I don’t want to pay for my mortgage, actually cheaper than the $500k.

“doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University,”. Ummmmm....

That's why I never got loans, and why I have only been able to afford to pay for one or two classes at a time, and why I will probably not finish my degree for at least 10 years... 😋

someone lied to her

Now get a job and pay it off with that fancy degree dumbass. 🖕🏻if you think your loans should be wiped clean cause you’re too lazy to pay it off. And 🖕🏻 the politicians using that as a platform to gain votes for power.

“Saddled?” No one burdens someone with a loan. A loan is an OPPORTUNITY not something someone else DOES to you. A person CHOOSES to incur debt; at that time, in order to secure the loan they PROMISE to PAY IT BACK. Whose fault is that? The borrower or the lender? Responsibility

I would rather my tax dollars go to buy 100 $5000 used cars to give to people that can’t afford a car so they can have a steady job than to one person who spent 500k on acupuncture.


marimacint I have a degree that i paid for myself. She went to college to make more money. Let her psy off her own loan. Restructure the loan to makenitbeasier to pay off. Irresponsible behavior

These people make an agreement, to pay at a future date, these exorbitant amounts. Their decision to go to a big fancy, expensive school is in no way anyone else’s responsibility. If u can’t afford it, go to a more reasonably priced school or work hard enough for a scholarship

$500,000 ..... this broad needs to pay every single dollar with interest. How in the world does she rack up this kind of debt? A deal is a deal, pay up honey.

Too bad for her. She must have gone to school for 10 years and came out a doctor. Not a common debt for many students.

Hey I have $35,000 in debt for my truck too, can I add that into all this? No? I’m responsible for it because I willingly took out the loan? Oh ok...

These articles never address the service companies like Navient. Someone please look into why the Department of Education is affiliated with Navient, formerly Sallie Mae.

SeanBarkey waah waaah waaah

Why, what education is worth 500k, and why would any institution loan 500k for an education.

Attention employers. This person is irresponsible. Do not hire.

A tale of two dummies: the borrower and the lender. Both are complicit in the con and the rest of us will have to pay for their folly. Maybe I should say a tale of 3 dummies. Add in there the American public who continue to enable politicians who support this can job.

Steveonomics Unless there’s a marketable position for her degrees that pays on average around $200K, she F’d up.

I'm sorry, but this is not the fault of the citizenry. This was her own poor judgement. When my wife and I went to undergrad and graduate school we made sound choices for our education. Including comparing and contrasting costs of different schools. This is her own damn fault.

Borrowers saddle themselves with such debt deserve to pay back every penny they borrowed.

This woman is either stupid or stupid depending on what stupid thing this stupid woman was perpetuating.

What kind of degree did this student get? $500k should be a Doctorate and a Huge job.

My son has over 250k in student loans and abandoned his earned medical school studies and masters in hospital administration and trying something else! He says he knows what he is doing!

A lesson from the 1950's .. Never borrow money! If you do, have a strong plan for paying it back! Lesson from the 1970's .. Borrow only when you must. Have a plan. First step is a good job. Lesson from 2019 .. Borrow all you can, don't worry. Taxpayers will bail you out!

If you sign loan paperwork guess what? You are responsible for that loan. Not me.

She has 500k in loans? Investigate her!

Who's fault? Government took over student loan's under Obama. Liberal government started indoctrinating our professors and students! Students contractually agreed to these unfair college fees and got these ridiculous lib arts degrees! Government started the problem, CAN'T FIX IT!

Hope you get a good job.

I can’t handle the loan on my Ferrari and I don’t feel like paying it. Can the taxayers pay it for me?

Has multiple degrees. Dumb as a rock.

A doctorate in acupuncture for half a million sounds like a bargain.

What part of the word 'loan' do people not understand? What am I missing? Google it, perhaps that will help understanding it better? And no where does it say 'if you don't think it's fair after you have used this loan you don't have to pay the loan back'.


Education can fix ignorance, but not stupidity. She'll be paying on that until she dies. Then, her heirs will owe the balance.

Did she do this against her will? I don’t care if her student debt is $100,000. We don’t have to pay for other people’s bad decisions. Please pay the remainder of my mortgage off so I can have a free house.

Yeah, make smarter choices and not at someone else’s expense.

Doctors accumulate over $200k in student debt. That’s ok! Their salary will pay it off pretty quick! But anyone else carrying that much debt is an imbecile!

Just because you are accepted to a college, doesn't mean you can spend like a drunken sailor. I don't care about her self-made problems. NotOnMyBack

She’s a snake oil salesman. If a scammer is the best example you can come up with then I’m not too concerned that there is a real problem.

I wouldn't hire someone with $500,000 in student loans unless they could explain the business case/ROI to me. Otherwise, it's just bad judgement and careless spending.

A Masters in acupuncture, seriously? They need to learn simple math to see they can’t afford it. At least pick a viable profession and a school that’s affordable. No one is entitled an expensive education they can’t afford.

Wait. So we're supposed to feel bad about her student loans when she was trying to sign up for more loans? On top of these student loans she wanted to apply for business loans?

No excuse, who gave you $500k in student loans? Ridiculous. You signed the papers, you pay them back....

The issue is colleges and what they charge. They're are also colleges out there that she vigils have gone to and paid a lot less. These were her choices and not my problem.


Who cares! Not my problem! This idiot needs to pay back her own debt obligations.

Did she sign in the dotted line? Yes? Tough noogies.

And she signe up for every dollar of it.

Not my problem.


Audit to see what all spent on - guarantee not all towards school

Obviously a waste of money.

They are “saddled” by their own choosing. Gmafb.

I looked up the tuition for these programs and as best I can tell it’s about $300,000. Did she pay the bare minimum for 8 years and the interest has ballooned her amount owed to $500,000? Also, for this type of degree, there are much cheaper programs.

Here is a simple solution. Don't borrow money you can't afford to pay back. Listen to Dave Ramsey

That Master's degree obviously didn't include any accounting classes.

😂 “degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture”

Sounds like legalized theft with zero accountability.

Theater major?

Her stupidity is not my problem

This is insane when you can literally learn a ton of in-demand, high-paying skills online. For free. No you can’t become a doctor...but machine learning, programming, CRM, accounting, finance, data analysis.....

I feel so bad for her and I look forward to paying my own money for her idiotic mistakes freecollege I’m sure she’s an amazing acupuncture tech making $15 an hour by now.

I’m sorry ... but where is the personal accountability? Any student that accepts one student loan should have to attend a tuition free course on the implications of loans and how to limit debt. Where are the colleges in this discussion BTW?

I’d understand if she was a real doctor... but she got a doctorate in acupuncture and naturopathy 🤦🏼‍♂️... im asking Elizabeth Warren not to forgive the debt of any morons. This is a moron. Morooooooon

Did you read what she spent $500k on Master in acupuncture Come on really? And now you want my tax dollars paying for something that is totally useless because you're some left wing nut job that's not smart enough to get a real job? Oh hell no.

Do I have to get a bunch more likes for the same answer to the same story again? She is not a horse. She decided to be saddled. We learn by our mistakes- not by what we are gifted. A free ride for bad choices leads to poverty for all. The freeloader whistling all the way.

How smart is that 🙈🙈🙈🙈

Did she learn anything 🤓📚

How much does she make a year with that degree?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

We have six figures student loans. We willingly obtained those loans to pay for higher education and we are going to repay them in full. Is that considered to be wrong in 2019? 🤔

So? Pretty sure nobody forced her to take that loan. It’s not my problem as a tax-payer.

If you can't afford the school dont go OR go to one you love that has more reasonable tuition. And DON'T reply that none exist.

She. Accepted. The. Loan.

You can’t fix stupid

That's to bad , would she like me to take on HER RESPONSIBILITY and send a check.

And she willingly agreed to that amount for a loan. Not my fault or problem.

Research how broke they are on Facebook. New homes, vacations in Mexico...... I call bull.

This was her choice. Not mine

Not. My. Problem.

How can she have borrowed that much?

Their choice. Many of us made other choices. No sympathy and don’t use the hard earned tax dollars from others to bail out people who made bad decisions. Aren’t these people “educated?”

Chin up

She is not smart enough to have a degree

How? How?

You just ran this same story the other day. It is important though that people not be so dumb. More important that they don’t let their kids get in this stupid position. Our education system should be teaching kids the basics very young to stay OUT IF DEBT & live in their means.

Give me a break. No tax dollars to bail out idiots like this.

Here are people going into a professions with their eyes wide open. Research before you follow your passion and understand you will have to pay your debts.

She is stupid to borrow that much, not my problem

Keep re-running same story. Simply can not feel sorry for someone who voluntarily takes on such debt. Responsibility lies with the borrower, the school and anyone who tries to justify that this high level of debt can ever be worth it

Couldn’t afford it, couldn’t go; end of my story. In the past we were once accountable for our actions. For the any liberal socialist media to expect us to feel for these crazy career students just proves how out of touch they are with the working people. Her stupidity, not ours!

If you are looking for sympathy you came to the wrong forum. Got through college with hard work, night classes, no debt.

FOOL. 500k? If she thought she was going to have a career that was worth it to bury herself that deep in the hole before earning $1 then she’s not that smart and her “educators” are even less smart for walking her off that plank

Sounds like a personal problem to me.

And she knowingly signed for each one of them. Now pay it back.

500k?! Where the hell did she go? Hows that even possible?!

Bottom line: 1. Party less. 2. Listen in class. 3. Study. 4. Pass 1st time round. 5. Do degree in shortest time possible.

Did any of you read the article and see her areas of study? I mean, come on.

Why did she keep taking money she couldnt pay back? Stupid

Not MY problem! Lack of self control and can’t do simple math does not constitute an emergency on my part. Grow up and go get a second job!

OK if you are a neurosurgeon.

She must be a masochist

Sorry but I have zero sympathy for someone who willingly borrowed $500k and now is upset they’ve got to pay it back!! Zero!! And if the govt just forgives her borrowing $500k that’s a joke!!

Seriously? She wasted 500k on Naturapathic medicine and acupuncture? Another foolish individual choosing a foolish doctorate. That’s ALL her responsibility. She chose her path every step of the way.

So...You a church...Spend your own money...public Universities are we’re you go if can’t afford it...same education for majority of students Some cases better..though barely...realDonaldTrump

if you’re dumb enough to give somebody half a mil in loans for a degree in homeopathy and acupuncture you shouldn’t be surprised when they default

Maybe she should’ve enlisted for military service like us non college going students. I am a veteran and am only 200,000 dollars in debt. Silly liberals and there fancy educations.

The fact that a school offers a Doctorate in Homeopathic medicine, and, even more ridiculously, a Masters in Acupuncture, is hilarious. Even more so is that someone would pay that much for those degrees. Actual medical school doesn’t cost that much if you do it right.

She’s a thief

For a degree in Acupuncture! She deserves to be straddled with debt.

The unrecognized value of Career Counselors...? (Cost Avoidance..?)

I don't feel too sorry for this one.

Why were they still lending her money? They could have stopped after the first 200k.

Student debt was a big subject in the Democrats recent debates. But what never gets discussed is WHY does college cost so much? Democrats like to crow about profits of big businesses, but what about the amount of cash universities haul in? Look 👀 at the endowments they have!

How was she able to borrow that amount with no collateral? Banks fault and I’m not bailing banks out.

Such tweets from a business news agency really makes u wonder why do you even follow them.

Half a mil? For that? Not very bright

I'd like to buy a Maserati but can't afford the loan. See it's easy.

Who made the decision to borrow? It's called taking responsibility and it's a great life lesson.

Dont take loans that you cant pay back.

Hurr durr, went $500,000 in debt for a degree in women's studies. Oops! Taxpayers should bail her out.

That’s her fault.

Totally a non issue. Don’t put yourself in that situation and you won’t have the debt. Or, colleges should charge less. chargeless

That will never be paid, and why should anybody have to bail out the stupid lender, the school or the student. Insert government, and stuff like this happpens

Heeeey, how did you get my student loan balance

$50k In forgiveness isn’t gonna help here... especially if the interest rate situation is not being addressed SenWarren ewarren

Somebody's master's degree definetly wasn't in accounting.

You can't fix stupid.

If she borrowed 1/2 mil, she better be a physician, and doesn't have a problem.

No one held a gun to her head when she agreed to the loans. There's a price to be paid in life for making poor decisions. Looks like she's going to be paying for a l-o-n-g time.

Then she’s as dumb as a box of hammers, going screwed by the school who ran up that bill and she got what she asked for. Period—WTF were her Parents?

Career student living large off of student loans

She should have stopped going to school at that point 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🗣️

She is a complete fool to assimilate that much debt for college. She obviously learned NOTHING

Are you highlighting how stupid she was to take out $500,000 in student loans? FakeNews

Sad, we can’t have nice things for a long time.

In top of that she married a putz who didn't understand or care about his vows.

Audit her loan balance - most students also use for cars, travel, clothing, entertainment

There's a few things that can be done as long as its a federal loan. Borrower Defense to Repayment, Debt Consolidation, or just ignore it until expiration of life. Federal Student Loans can't be transferred to next of kin.

She borrowed $310k initially & it went up to $500k overtime... obviously she deferred it for years & it collected a ton of interest. This is what it looks like when people sign up without researching first, then ignore the financial responsibility for prolonged period of time.

How many times you gonna retweet this SAME headline, with 1 of 2 graphics? It’s either this bar graph or her face, every time. Time for a new social media manager,

Every med student: extreme right hand edge of chart.

So the government should save her from poor life choices?

Sounds like her husband had the right idea to bail before she takes the ship down as a professional student with limited potential for earning. Why get a job when you can be good at going to school?

Key word: her. She signed the contract, she took and used the money, and now SHE must pay it back. It’s something that is simple to understand

Is the $500,000 because the loans were deferred? Students should not have the option to defer. This is where loan balances balloon out of control because interest still accrues, yet students can defer for several years. Bad, bad idea.

Bo’s called personal responsibility....they were an adult and made a choice. My kids went to community college and state schools, lived at home and held part time jobs.. they have no debt and good jobs after graduation

No one made her take out $500k in student loans.

Make stupid decisions and you will have stupid outcomes.

Govt needs to cap loans for certain degrees. Should be somewhat tied to earnings potential.

Absolutely no one but her made this choice for her and her inability to reason should not cost me money. 100% her responsibility and not ours! Grow up, get a 2nd job but don’t expect us to fix YOUR problem.

She should have measured cost versus reward. If you become a heart surgeon, $500k may be ok. But it does not sound she made the right decision. Is her fault if she cannot pay it back. Not tax payers or investors.

sounds like she should have taken economics classes in high school

She must be one hell of an acupuncturist

They problem is the colleges and out of control tuition. There are reasonable priced college's but these people Choose to go to one they can't afford. This isn't MY issue.

Brilliant. Spend half a million for a 40k a year job.

My mortgage identifies as a student loan

Why would anyone be so dumb to overspend that much on something like a degree with an uncertain return? Boggles the mind

I think to avoid a lot of these issues you have to either cap how much one can borrow or at some point you need to realize that the debt will limit your choices in life. I am not sure it is fair that one person should just be able to wipe 400k away that easy!


It's not like someone was buying a home or car that could be repossessed... $500,000 ... what where lender and lender thinking? FinancialResponsibility


It is time to make college affordable like in Germany and many industrialized countries. US capitalism is failing.

Her stupidity is not anyone else’s problem!!

well the education she got should make her invaluable in the market

Didn’t ewarren teach 1 class as an Indian for $400k?

She has a masters in acupuncture... hahahahaha

Her poor decisions are her responsibility.

Are you implying that I should feel responsible for her irresponsibility?

mr_jettlife sounds like Warrenton bill

Who who made her take this loan? She was obviously forced to take on this debt!

Stupid article about irresponsible people and their self-inflicted problems.

Predatory lending!!!!!

Obama implemented new student loan policies in 2010 and this is the result. His legacy.

Why did she borrow more than she could pay back? What is the ROI? These crooked colleges better not get their politicians to stick me with the bill! It’s extortion!

So? What gun was held to her head forcing her to sign her name. I guess to be anyone of any self-esteem anymore, once needs to be a victim.

Elisha's story probably won't advance the push for tuition rebates....only guessing though. LMAO.

She spent half a million on getting a masters in acupuncture and her doctorate in naturopathic medicine (“self-healing” practice tied in herbal medicine). Can’t say I’m shedding too many tears for the example you decided to focus on.



I hate when I'm forced to take out loans for $500,000

An IGNORANT person

Tell her that she is going to have to wait to get in line with everyone else the U.S. Federal Government and it's various business entities have screwed out of their $!

BANQUE MISR OF EGYPT Swift code. BMISEGCX140 3810001000000470 3810330000003163

To lazy to work .

She asked for it. Time to pay the Piper ! $$$$

How does one get to be a half million in debt? What school was this. She must have been in school 5-7 years. 🤣🤣changed majors?

What about the person who didn't go to college. Got a job has a family and took out a mortgage. Do we pay that off too?

She saddled herself.

The face of bad choices.

What kind of college cost $500,000 'In Time'

In my neighborhood, people have tons of debts. But they have Masters in Hiding and Evasion.

The best idea is to make student loans interest free...principal only. After all, arent these students an investment in America's future? No bank or govt entity needs to make money on these loans.

I worked over 25 years & have no credit card debt or student loans. If Democrats reward fiscal irresponsiblity to forgive $500,000 in student loans, then the responsible ones should get $500,000 cash to be fair. It's about good choices decisions. No bailouts for student loans!


Next job, tending bar with AOC!


Very Bold to take that much loan.

When someone chooses to go in debt they must determine a way out of debt. The reason to go to college is to prepare for your future. Hope she enjoyed her college years.

There is no way. She'll have to work the rest of her life to pay it off. Hope she enjoyed her college years.

Its their own fault for fucks sake

Vow! How many colleges has she attended?

Why on earth would somebody without a job borrow $500,000? More importantly, why would anybody lend such a staggering amount?

What did she go to school for? Was she paying on a smaller amount that grew? There’s more to this story 🤔

I’m sorry but pick a less expensive school, find grants, etc. Yes, college is increasingly expensive, but students also have to be realistic.

She wanted us to pay for her to be a professional student. We (taxpayers) supported a lifestyle, not an education.

She chose to take out $500k in loans. If she can't pay it back that's on her. This was a B/S story the last 3 times you posted it.


Good no one forced her tosign

She’s a FOOL


She should have taken a economic class , acupuncture degree? Come on really and you want me the taxpayer to pay for your bad choices? I don't think so.

Nobody should borrow any money unless he/she has the willpower and capacity to repay their debts. Booy meets girl: 'You are gorgeous'. How much student loan do you owe? $ 50.000 ! 'No thanks. ' Next.......

Looks like she was able to land a nice car with a sunroof. $500k in student debt affords you nice things.

...doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture.... How stupid can you be? Is there a large market for those professions nation wide? No. People, use your damn brain when selecting a major/career.

A doctorate in woowoo medicine? She deserves that debt.

Who cares. Figure it out

She decided school would be her career? Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for her foolish decisions

WINNER! For the Most Money Wasted on the Most Worthless Degree!

The fact that she was able to take out half a million in student loans is disgusting! Shows just how money hungry and corrupt the system is! LOANSHARKS

That’s her fault my family paid our school loans off how about be more responsible and go to a school you can afford

Education is a business. Period. Not saying it should be free, but look to who owns the debt. Good way to put people into debt serfdom.


The face of stupidity

Why should I feel bad? She was dumb enough to take these loans, knowing they had to be paid off.

Sorry, but why would anyone take on $500,000 of debt based on an idealist view of what their degree was worth. It’s time to educate folks on the ramifications of excess debt. Do not provide a free pass.

Boo how

Both women highlighted work in healthcare. They are servants of public good. Lambasting them for sin of going to school to provide services is, quite frankly, disturbing. 'It's called buying a better car. I bought my car and haven't gotten in a car wreck, so they can f-off'

Those degrees are like peeing in a pair of brown pants, you get a good warm feeling but no body notices.

Let's see. My oldest has a Master's in AAE, a fantastic job, took 5 years and graduated with zero college debt. It's doable.

One more time this month to complete the square.

Her face is like “kill me already”

What an idiot. Don't take out half a million in loans unless you're going to be a highly-paid doctor!

Everyone think about this before assuming students should have their debt forgiven.

A highly educated idiot... Congrats - now pay your debts.

Idiot, have a nice life in debt.

Let me's not her fault

Retweeting the same story? Still don’t feel bad for this persons situation based on poor choices.

If you rack up a half million bucks in student loans you fail all school

Yeah don’t do that

What a moron. $500,000 in debt for a pseudoscience degree.

Doesn’t live in Germany

That was reckless and there should be a total student loan cap.

Maybe she should go back to school and get a degree in an actual subject such as Teletubby anatomy.

Deport her she’s worthless

I went to an acupuncturist a couple of times. $75 per 30 min visit. I don’t see the math on borrowing a half a million to make $150 an hour.

And what were you thinking when you signed on for all that debt....?

If the story does not take hold, just keep recycling for content.

Not too bright!

Based on how old she looks it appears she has made going to school a job and now it’s time to pay the piper. I knew a couple of people that did this.. the poop hits the fan when the run out of classes to take.

A Marine private of mine bought a car with 32% interest loan. I forced the dealership to accept the car and cancel the loan. Morale of the story: dont pay for something you cant afford

A 'doctorate' in homeopathy med. & acupuncture. How much is the avg. pay in either field But I bet she 'passed' Econ 101 (RoR, interest), like AOC. Unfort, she/they VOTE .

Well either she is making big money because of her stellar education, or she is a complete moron. I'm going with the latter.

She's a sucker

Acupuncture? This lady is not too bright😬

Can’t fix stupid.... can’t you see the cost benefit analysis you should never have made such a terrible life choice... bail yourself out.

Maybe she should’ve re-thought her choices. Her bad choices aren’t my (our) problem.

She could have also went to a community school....people do have other options you know lol

Pay up !

When she got past $100000 you would of think she would of stopped and thought maybe THIS ISNT THE BEST IDEA

That was a personal choice. I am not responsible for her decisions.

She should start cleaning houses and make a ton of cash

You don’t have to go to college to make six figures a year. Try trades work. It a hurting industry. If your not afraid to work, you will make a great living.

She sounds pretty stupid.

and we are to feel sorry? She went to school to get an education, did it work out for her? Maybe she should have thought about it before signing the paper? I dont owe her anything

I thought my balance was high but you top mine—prayers for deliverance from this huge error in judgment on our part

The next financial crisis when former students don’t pay their education loans

If you spend 500k on a degree in naturopathic medicine and a master’s in acupuncture, there is no one else to blame but you. con

I don’t know how 500k is possible unless you go to school for 10 years and don’t pay a single penny along the way...

As dumb as this article is, you have to ask why it exists? Could it be to support the democrat presidential candidates? This is propaganda.

COLLEGES should be SUED. Why aren't they required to provide APPRAISALS of the degrees being financed? It's fraud. COLLEGES should FUND their own loans, too. GOV shouldn't fund loans for Degrees not in demand & don't appraise. GOV requires appraisals for VA, why not students?

Who the f-ck takes out half a million in student loans?! Let me guess. She clearly wasn't a finance major.

Stop borrowing money to pay for college.

WOW, how long was she in school?

Why is college so expensive? Why do some college presidents make 6 figures?

$500k for a degree? Horrible degree path and zero common sense does not equal a taxpayers bailout.

And, your point is? Tenure and the government take over of the student loan system are the primary reasons college tuition has increased more than anything else over the last 15 years.

Convinces me that we have no business forgiving student debts.

Don’t ask this Native taxpayer to pay for her choices.


Did it take her 20 years to get a Bachelors degree?

She should not get one penny of taxpayers’ dollars for that grand mistake.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Hopefully the ROI is there. If so, great. If not, her own damn fault.

Maybe she should have pursued a degree in something that can earn money?

I bet she's voting for a democrat!

hmmm...I was just thinking..What kind of vehicle is she driving?

What an idiot🤣

Who the hell gets $500k in student loans first of all? And why the fuck is it my job to pay it back for her?

Did these people do zero work up front on the debt they were taking on vs the pay they would receive upon graduation? Why are they seemingly shocked?

Advanced degree in acupuncture. Lol!

'Bought a yacht and two sports cars. Owes $500,000'...Don't care. Really don't care. I can spend a few weeks on YouTube and learn as much as she did.

If she's got half a million dollars in student loans, it's her own damn fault.

Fake news

How the hell does anyone give a freaking half million bucks to a college kids for anything God dam. You will never get out of debt. Even at 1000 a month with no interest that’s over 40 years to pay off.

This is a ridiculous headline for a stupid article. You let people borrow all the money they want, then we are supposed to feel sorry for their poor decisions.

How many times you gonna run this stupid story. ?

Wanna fix the debt crisis... stop allowing shit like this! studentloans should not exist if you are actually paying for it, not skipping class, doing the work, and making on honors. Why not pay some down! GPA collegelife grants Scholarships NationalDebt WallStreet

One of the biggest modern day scams in America

Tough luck, pay back the money

Why? $500k. Not my fault.

And whose fault is that? Ask the colleges. Why don’t you lefties get uoset about colleges gouging these young kids into unlimited debt. Colleges are the purveyors of excessive debt right out of the gate. Way to suppress the young

Her choice. Personal accountability. This is another reason why your ratings suck


Those ignorant enough to accumulate such a debt are responsible for paying the debt back. I don't start projects at my house until I can afford what the project will cost.

there needs to be an audit on what it was spent on - students use for cars, travel, food and entertainment....

She knew what she was doing when she had to apply for her financing every semester. She will need to get creative in order to pay it off but that’s for her to do. Quit looking for handouts. Not my responsibility.

half million for a fake doctor degree

Well you can’t pay for a working brain.

When I grow up, I wanna be a fire truck.

Dumb as a ROCK

Not cheap learn killer skills become sovereign alwayschoice knowyourvalue entire world grids degreed function lookUdid retail relationships match debt no lazy desperate selfish attempt fail test chronicle licensed bonded provider confident ability environment integrity

What kind of education did she spend it on

Pass your subjects first time round, party less, get degree in shortest time possible and work.

It's easy to educate yourself online today. No need to destroy $500k. Thats insane

What’s the most expensive school. I wanna be. That guy

More than 11 banks is that 12 then?

Who are the irresponsible nitwits who loaned her half a million dollars?

What fool spends 500K on college? Just she was not an econ major.

Omfg you’re rolling this out again?! Stop with the garbage tweets. Your poor broadcast talent probably threatening to jump ship over this. Where you at jimcramer SaraEisen carlquintanilla JoeSquawk davidfaber

What school/degree can you possible get a degree in that will cost your family half MILLION dollars?!


May be forced to take a job.

No reason for that much student loan debt, hard lesson. Pay it back instead of buying a house or, a second house or, traveling in your old age, whatever. Idiot.

Her debt. Her fault.


Imagine if she studied real medicine...

'doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture'.....ffs

You think this is likely to improve “decision” making when those that repaonsjbky worked their ass off to pay their debt are giving free rides to those who haven’t? Dumb liberals

Her choice, don't make it my problem or I will get nasty

Who could have guessed that “doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture” was not as good an investment in college fees as something in actual medicine?

She must’ve partied every weekend...$500k?!?!?

“Saddled with debt”? Nobody forced these people to assume any financial position. Go get that dream job they studied for and pay back the obligation. Don’t saddle the taxpayers

Did she get a doctorate in how to get bankrupt?

What did she ask your network for $10,000 against the balance to doxx this level of stupidity?

This must be so hard on them. I wonder why no one has asked if they are prepared to work multiple jobs or side hustle to pay this off. Some of us had to do it to still have a future.

She’s a fool who needs to take responsibility.

She is clearly an a-hole. End of story.

500k loans? She’s not very smart then lmao 🤣.

If she thinks I’m paying it back for her she missed the class on gtfo.

If you spend $500,000 on a masters in acupuncture you deserve to go bankrupt. Good grief.

You shouldn't be buying 'other' stuff until these loans are paid down.

Is that amount compiled interest Over the long years since she left school ? Why has she not even made an attempt to pay back anything ? Loans need to be mean tested from now on

I made the same point last week at some point they money or debts will have to paid back or state goes bankrupt.

Now who’s fault is that? Colleges can charge whatever they want given the expectations that kids should go to college and the better the college the better the career. Colleges are the criminals here.

90k is her average salary for naturopathic medicine. live with your parents for 6 years, pay off your loans, and eat rice and beans. you will feel better at the end that you took control over your debt.

I suppose she has a degree in the social arts ? The only job she can get is at the 7 11

Who lowered the requirements? Who loaned her the money? Who made the money available? Who told her it was a good idea? Lying Liberal Lunatics. I feel a little sorry for her. Now the LLL wants to forgive her debt. That was the plan all along!

Should have majored in common sense.


professional students they call them..

This idiot is so dumb that she wants to borrow even more money to start her “medical” practice (naturopaths are not doctors) but can’t get a loan. Good! She doesn’t need anymore debt. Ignorance like her’s is the reason 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck!

Tuition up 3000% in 30 years= government involvement

Apparently no one told her the cost over her over-priced education until it was completed? Poor soul.

It’s moronic to borrow a half a million dollars for worthless degrees in naturopathy & acupuncture because it’s pseudoscientific nonsense and naturopaths are not doctors. She is an idiot and does not deserve to be bailed out. No one does.

Maybe her education shouldn't have lasted 20 years...500K? BS.

She should do what all the other doctors in debt are doing... Just charge people for an opioid prescription and start writing away.

No one can be that stupid

This is why financial literacy classes should be a mandatory subject in school. The earlier the better.

It is important that irresponsible borrowers, such as this woman, never see their debts paid off with taxpayer funds.

Should have went to a cheaper university

She must be an idiot then


Pls stop taking out loans you can't repay.

You don’t spend $500k on that. What did she really blow her money on? I’m sure she lived large. For a while at least.

And I’m suppose to feel sorry for her? Um, nope!!

Surely the real story here is the buried part: 'doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture.' Why is no one calling BS on this crazy mumbo-jumbo?

But she has a nice smile....👍

Hahhahaha. What a dumbass.

Personal Responsibility. Not even once kids. Kamala and Bernie got u covered.

Declare bankruptcy and start over.

Saddled with? Horses don’t agree to be saddled. She is not a horse. She made the decision herself. Giving ppl a free ride teaches them nothing good & many bad things. How many will now waltz in to bad mortgages etc? ‘If I screw up its ok- others will work to pay for me’.

So her inability to reason with maturity and common sense should cost others money. Give me a freaking break! If you pay theirs off you had better reimburse me for ALL I have paid on my wife and kids educations and I mean immediately.

Student debt plan, how about your learn something that allows you to pay your debts.

Fraud. Her degree is in FRAUD. And one of the worst kinds of fraud. Naturopaths are either delusional, or more typically, professional scam artists. Gonna have to try harder to get any sympathy out of me

That was her choice. Don't make America pay for her choices.

Keep spending fam KamalaHarris gotchu

No one held a gun to her head.

so what..taxpayers are supposed bail out an idiot?

Having a formal education after learning to read and write is useless for most. The number one thing you hear after getting a job in your degree field 'Forget what you learned in school we are going to teach you how it works in the real world.'

You can’t fix stupid

I have 0 debt and a good major It's called 'being responsible/planning ahead'. Try it.

A doctorate in Natureopathy and a masters in acupuncture.

That's no one's fault but her own.

Not even gonna click on it

And millions of Americans have over $500,000 in debt for the purchase of a home. Why forgive one debt and not the other? SecretaryRoss GOPLeader senatemajldr marcorubio SenRickScott realDonaldTrump GOPChairwoman

Who forced them to borrow?

Pay your debts, lady... Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.💁🏼‍♂️

You could have had 2 of these

Horrible decision maker

You have to be uneducated to rack up this much student loan debt.

Free everything for everyone, we’re entitled

So get more loans? 😐

Why did “she” borrow so much money.? Why did she agree to the loan terms.?

Better get a good job. I’m not paying for it. I paid for my own schooling with a lot of sacrifice from my family.

Yep! AND ALL OF THOSE CALCULATIONS were available BEFORE the money was borrowed! And she still CHOSE to do it!

People make choices in life. Obviously some of those are bad. Borrowing these amounts for a college education that has lower cost alternatives is so unnecessary. And for someone to think that is a good idea makes one wonder what they did with all they borrowed.


Half a million student, come on folks, something is very wrong here... somewhere, someone is making a hell of a lot of money...🤔

$500k to become doctor of acupuncture? She knew what she was going to make. This lady is dumb. Which is why her husbands divorced her. $500k is what it costs to be a medical doctor. Lol

Did she consider state schools possibly more in line with her budget ? Students need financial training regarding debt & credit. I hope she has great earning capability for taking on so much debt.

All you clowns better understand the demidiots plan. If you make under $100,000 a year the max they are offering to pay off with our money is $50,000. They aren’t saying that because they want all the clowns to think your entire amount will be paid off. Read it ask questions.

Another old article.


Just as with houses, if you can’t afford it, you shouldn’t be taking that much of a loan

Sucks for her.

that is outrageous! What is she going to school for.... Law or Medicine or STEM? Who would allow someone to rack up this amount of debt anyways? Also, is it private or federal loans? One more thing, she better have a good GPA! studentloans

Apparently she was NOT smart enough to be in college in the first place -- especially if she could not figure out that when she takes out a loan, she must repay it. Or couldn't she read and/or understand the terms and conditions She proves that college is NOT for everyone.

I’ve learned on YouTube and free podcasts the exact same things they teach you in those schools.... And yes, you can still get the interviews. It’s not the name on the piece of paper, it’s how hard you work and get along with others, and how you handle failure.

Most Dr’s can handle that. This isn’t that uncommon.

Can't cure stupid - even with all that education.

And Liz Warren thinks waitstaff, Publix, Walmart employees should 'all pitch in' to bail her out?

$4500 after tax, per month, huh? Potential salaries per placement agencies:

Poor choices...Hard lessons learned.

She is not alone.

She needs to run for Congress. Lobbyist money will pay off her loan if she votes their way.

CNBC keeps repeating this tweet

Don’t blame anyone but the person who signed their name on the document! I can’t and will not feel sorry for someone who does this. It’s rather ignorant and stupid to go that far in debt for a piece of paper. So know their bad judgement and immaturity is somehow our fault.

I guess she shoulda thought about that when she signed the papers.

I ask this: Why would anyone ever loan a student a half a million dollars?

She borrowed the money- what was she thinking? A Dr Of Natureopathy? Is the College for profit?I never heard of it. She should have realized that this would be almost impossible to pay back. Starting your own practice costs tons of money. Does anyone even hire these 'Drs'

That is HER fault.

Maybe she should have chosen a school she could afford?

This has to stop. It has to stop.

Not our responsibility.

No sympathy. Didn’t they teach math in her school? Someone gets in debt to get a degree in basket weaving or some shit like that and they can forget about me caring.

i do not like where this is going

Apparently her education didn’t give her common sense...

Not if the wrong people get elected! Her bill will be $0.00! And the people who don't have one will pay for it!

So many of us don't see the real difference between investment and consumer spendings. You may start with passive investments like Forex /Bitcoin you can do it with small monthly amounts to generate income and learn first lessons with investing.

Did she attend Trump University?

This is like saying you saved a ton of money On your car insurance by fleeing from the scene

OMG! MyDebtFreeJourney

This happens when colleges spend too much money on sports infrastructure and tournament. Need to fix this model first.

Doesn’t seem like you should borrow $500k for school. 🤷🏼‍♂️

What sort of idiot takes on debt like that without knowing in advance that the education she will obtain will more than cover the investment? THAT is NOT society's problem. It's hers. Maybe she should have gone into a different field, or attended a less expensive college?

DaveRamsey you wanna talk to her? Or should I?

Only a moron would allow themselves to incur this much student loan debt.

My mortgage is over 350k. That’s around 3k per month. Who will relieve me of that debt

$500,000 student loans? She’s either going to end up a lawyer making $500 an hour, or this $500,000 covered 3 kids!

At some point we run out of other people’s money to pay for dumb decisions made by people who don’t take personal responsibility for their actions

“doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture” lmfao

Proof you can’t cure ignorance with education! Why in the hell would someone borrow $500k for education. There are much less expensive alternatives that provide a great education.

Tuition is high so Elizabeth Sitting Bull Warren can be paid $350,000 per year for 1 hour of work per week.

What fool would run up that kind of debt?

How can the government be so foolish to loan a college student $500k. How can that amount be spent on college?

Maybe they choose the wrong career and/or the wrong school.

She was stupid

Who is stupid enough to guarantee teenagers 6 figure loans? Oh, that would be the government

Don’t go to medical school unless you have a plan to pay the bill.

Why in the hell didn't she stop

You can look at her ignorant face and in 2 seconds realize it’s screaming train wreck

How the heck do you rack up half a million dollars in student debt

She agreed to every dime

If the government didn’t back the student loans, banks wouldn’t make them. If banks wouldn’t loan the money, published tuition rates would go down. Then colleges wouldn’t have as much money for fancy gyms and administrator salaries and they could just teach classes

lol doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University. she should pay back every dime


She’s dumb to get herself into that mess.

Who is the terrible person who forced her to take out those loans? Must have been the devil. I went to state school and paid as i went the last two years so i wouldnt be buried in debt. Self responsibility, a lost character trait!

What about my PhD in telepathy from Alpha Centauri Alternative College?

Possibly a student should take a course in high school called debt and equity

How many years of what degrees a person could have $500,000 student loan?

Hey I believe nobody forced her for the loans and I am sure she had time to read the fine print. Why / How are the taxpayers liable for bailout?

Cry me a river . Personal accountability. Make better decisions.

And the US tax payer should cover this? Elizabeth Warren is a joke. Why should we pay for someone’s bad decisions?

Here is the deal. You take out a loan and you promise to pay it back. It's that simple.

What a great country we have to allow us to dream and obtain goals....Sounds like this was the $chool'$ be$t $tudent! Why are all of these schools that have vast foundations not making the loans and investing in their students? Frustrated, I work & lernd personal responsibility

She should get a sugar daddy

She had counciling before signing those. She knew what she was doing and everyone else shouldn’t have to pay for them just because the democrats want to buy votes.

did anyone force her to borrow all that money? Did she have other school choices that were less expensive? In other words, anyone that borrows should be responsible to repay their debt regardless of what it was used for.

Sucks to be Her then

The Federal government should not insure these loans. It’s ludicrous.

Personal responsibility...not my problem. Some of us had to work and pay as we went to college. It may of took over 7 years

If she had made $20 as an intern according to AOC’s plan she could have paid for all of her school in straight cash

“... doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture from Bastyr University.” How about some personal responsibility for the degrees people choose AND accountability from the “University” on tuition/fees? College is not an inalienable or civil right.

She needs to do a grab.....she needs to file bankruptcy and try to challenge the code section and show she is unduly burdened

This is an example of natural selection.

Wow for Acupuncture? Yikes

Half a million dollars worth of education! She better be making that much in a year to make up for monthly payments.


I hope she's smart. It wouldn't seem so.

Not blaming borrowers but there are 2 sides to this was money spent and also some For profit Universities need to be held accountable for the rates they charge and borrowers need to decide cost/benefit of borrowing

Zero (0) sympathy for that much! Go to community college and work your way through.

What did she learn?

She had to have a co-signer in order to borrow that much, unless she was already working and making a decent income, I had to co-sign for my daughter and she didn’t have this type of balance

There was a time when even good schools were quite affordable. My Dad paid his way through Eastern Michigan working part time. The whole idea of going into debt for an education is dumb. The government should never have gotten involved in it.

She’ll never pay that back

If the majority are interests, she should have known when she signed up. If that’s close to how much she borrowed, it’s for her to pay it back. We all pay our debts. Normal student loan gets no exception. Be responsible for yourself!

Which lessons will we learn? A. Stop borrowing money or B. Just dump it on the taxpayers. If you think education is expensive now wait till it’s free.

Where do I sign up for 9%?

All the people in this article had options. They chose to go to very expensive schools. They chose to keep borrowing more and more money. They’re victims of their own financial stupidity. It’s not the taxpayer’s responsibility to bail them out. Let this be a lesson to others.

Pass subjects first time round. Complete degree/s within shortest possible time. Party less.

Could’ve happened to me, but I switched schools to finish sooner and enter the workforce 100% after working and going to school both full time. Better to make money and pay down loans.

Should the students have to give back houses and cars they bought with the student loan if forgiven?

bryant1962pnw Maybe she should have attended a couple of economic and math classes with that half a million. Good god.

Is her ability to resolve, constrain or absolve her student through public service?

Why do never see the cost of education questioned, only how we are going to excuse irresponsible behavior.

It’s called taking a break from school to work full time in multiple jobs. I worked three jobs at one point. Guess what? Zero liability. I have a PhD in economics

Big loan, big payment. What’s the story here?

For a degree that has no meaning, and no job opportunities

That’s not the tax payers problem

We should be asking why is the cost of education so high? What is your earning power in a chosen profession? I attended community college then a four year state college. As bowsers we need to make good choices. I didn’t expect to have my college loan forgiven or reduced.

This is not America’s problem, this is her problem due to her choices.

Stop posting this. The woman took a half million dollars in loans to work in a fringe-career where she MIGHT make $100K/yr. This is entirely her own stupidity.

So what? Nobody forced her to take these loans! Now pay your tab!

No one cares! Don’t take out the loans if you can’t pay them back! Plenty of affordable schools out there.

She should have chose wisely.

$500k for school?!? That’s one heck of a long party. Time to get a job and pay those bills like the rest of us.

You did find the best possible example of someone who makes terrible choices. A doctorate in pseudoscience (even wikipedia calls it that) and a masters acupuncture for $500K. How could anyone think that will pay back? Bank should have told her no.

Mandatory personal financial planning courses for all first year college students. Basic knowledge on how loans work, interest, cost benefit analysis. Not complex stuff. Also, the schools need to be held accountable their role in all of this.

What is her profession?

Selfmade i,,device SoleCollector expertisematter present art business Harvard_Press'platform'Wharton'environment'alwayschoice LoyolaMarymount standardnews Fidelity MagicBusIO .us'our'dhsGOV signhere clickhere chronicle delusional theory apple unions'good person'

Interesting that replies here tend to “blame” borrower. Why is this debt nondischargable (1) as opposed to others? Lenders at some risk would behave better. $310k for a state school?! There is no regulatory pressure on price because of (1). Taxing debt forgiveness?! TaxScam

Get the government out of backing loans!!! It is one of the reasons tuition is so high.

$500,000 to a school no one has heard of. Did they not offer a few business classes she could have taken?

Her IQ must be 98

It's easy to buy something when you get to pay it off later. It's the same reason people get in over their head w/credit card debt. There are so many ways to cut your educational expenses, yet these people just sign on the dotted line for another loan.

The Democratic Party, the Party if 'A handful of gimmies and a mouthful of wants.' No one should be required to meet their obligations,.just dump it on someone else.

The Democrats have no principles. They support voiding a legally binding agreement whereby both parties agreed to the loan amount and the payment terms.

student loans are given and no one tracks what the money is used for - students use it to go to school BUT ALSO on concerts, out to restaurants, clothing etc.

So what...she agreed to the loan and should be the person to pay it back. It’s simple don’t enter into a loan you can’t afford.

This is a contrived (losing) political issue. Very few on the left or right empathize with the borrower.

Who spends 8 years to get two laughable degrees? She is the poster child for NO taxpayer funded debt bailout.

She's an idiot, but who loaned it to her in the first place?

Perhaps the government should consider paying off all auto loans.

Well they, she shouldn’t have borrowed that much now should she Go to a cheaper college! I work two jobs to help pay for college for my son!!! Be responsible

Two words: defer it

*Voluntarily enters into legally-binding loan. *Cries she must now pay back loan.

At least she's edge u Granpa use to say. Broke and edge u kated, Granpa.

Her degree is in left handed puppetry

Using extreme examples does not give a true picture. According to this article average grad owes $30K. They will likely spend more than that on an auto purchase.

Maybe she shouldn't have taken out a half million dollar loan...........just a thought.

She received a half a million dollar education and still doesn't know how a loan works. Wow!

She signed on the bottom line of the loan application because she didn’t want to use the other choices available. What has happened to personal choices?

Sounds like she shouldn't of taken on such a massive loan?

Which was her choice to take on. Stop punishing the rest of us by raising our taxes to pay for stupid people.


Support a tuition rebate program, not Student Debt Forgiveness. SDF discriminates against students who were able to pay their tuition through working part-time and summer jobs, who lived at home to cut living expenses, who worked until they could afford to go to school.

Don’t these people monitor their debt rising. Take some responsibility for your actions like most sensible people.

Here lives rich man with deep pockets. ;) Lets talk with beautiful womens. You make me happy and i pay your student loan... Good tits are good thing with talk sessions, little bit horny too. Rest of is our secret!!! Once again John Wacker solve the worlds problems ;)

Call Bernie, AOC KamalaHarris

Hopefully she is doctor or a surgeon

Wonder how much of their debt was actually used for their education? Many students use their college loans for other things. Besides what kind of person goes in debt a half million dollars without a plan to pay for it?

Oh no, i feel for her. God help her, imo

You do not sign one loan for $500,000. You keep going back and knowing each time you’ll be responsible to repay that amount. It’s not like a lottery and you drew the loan amount for 2 doctors!!

Was she not aware of accumulating liabilities as she signed off on the loans?

Pay your debts they are yours!!!!

She lies to people, pretending to be a doctor.

Preaching to the choir. But, I’m very thankful that I was able to go to college. My parents couldn’t pay to send me. If not for student loans, I couldn’t have gone.

Why do that to yourself?

She should sue the school for selling her a 500k worthless piece of paper.

is there a more realistic approach to education than a loan size equal to purchasing a home, a home that acrually keeps ones family safe and protected for decades upon decades and is an appreciating asset. Have we lost our way about the purpose of education?

big deal

Her problem and fault

That’s like 5 used Lamborghinis what in the damn world hahahaha

As if she magically took on these loans. I’m sorry I gave zero sympathy for people who take on this debt.

All the education in the world can’t fix stupid.

Steveonomics The average person that ATTENDED college and that HAS student loans has a balance of ~$27,000. The average person that FINISHED college and that HAS student loans has a balance of ~$6,000. These numbers don't include those that have paid off their loans.

A highly leveraged investment in a degree (apparently) unlikely to generate income sufficient to amortize the debt. This was never discussed at the outset? University unaware? Claw it out of the University , and watch foolish majors/degrees disappear.

These people are incredibly stupid. Why do you make them out to be victims? No different then someone racking up 500k gambling. Idiots.

That makes them dumb

Pay for it

Stop trying to push the. Democratic agenda that the rest of America should be responsible for her choices.

Vow! It’s more like a scandal.

What the point of this tweet and article? professional students who get caught up in the scam that is the university industrial machine. Now they want us to subsidize them even more? Lemme guess, A generated crisis by Wallstreet banking to bailout universities and loan sharks?

Get a job n start paying it back nothing is free

why is her inability to manage her finances coming before me as a problem to be solved? studentloans

That’s quite an achievement .

All I can say is debt forgiveness will not fix stupid. We put our daughter through a private university and her total tuition, fees, living expenses and books did not exceed $225K.

Okay but how do you even get to that point before you say, maybe I don't need to go to college?

Perhaps she should have taken a couple of finance courses. A simple cost/benefit analysis would have been beneficial.

Poor decision on her part

Oh hell no

She is a Dr.? Stay away.

If she has $500,000 in loans she can’t be to bright. Sucker, pay your bills. Hahahahah

And all these people are clamoring for more government in college even though governments involvement is exactly what's caused these high tuitions. $500k though? This woman did this to herself. And Ms, I love my pharmacist job but it cost me $350k? Again, her fault.

How? She has to be crazy to sign a note for that much money. The bank has to be crazy for loaning her that much money.

Paid all that money To a school most people have never heard of. Didn’t know acupuncture was that lucrative. And you want to vote to cancel this person’s loans? You’re nucking futs

These bastards are screwing the tax payer.

She went for a degree in do you make a living to repay the loans ?

I can relate

What an idiot for accepting these loans

Obviously she never intended to pay it back, but our dumb fk government just keeps on handing out loans. And when the left leaning colleges know they’re getting all this money, they’ll keep on raising tuition fees. Great plan!

I’m sorry but it’s your own fault you have 500,000 in student loans

Who cares! You picked the degree and to get a doctorate in a worthless field of study. Just a little advice. Go to junior college for your 1st 60 hrs, work while you take your last 60 hours, graduate and work to save money for your advanced degrees. Use you freaking head!

Liberals are proposing we pay for her bad decisions

Poor choices have consequences!

If you can't pay don't go. Saddle the country with your debt. No way!

She made some incredibly poor decisions. I support some student loan relief and working to get tuition down so people can afford to send their kids to college. I DO NOT support bailing irresponsible people like her out.

How do your rack up 500K worth of students loan doing something which won't give you same returns. I did my masters in Software engineering in one of the costliest private university in United States. While it cost $60,000 paid that off in three years.

My empathy for her

She chose poorly.

Wow can I go to school and charge up 500k and then make Americans pay for it? Haha

Proof that college is not a cure for stupidity

These children do not understand how to manage money. The fault: the nationalization of the student loan program and the virtual unrestricted granting of loans.

That's HER FAULT. And it's the Obama's admin stuck their nose in where it didn't belong. Not any other taxpayer's burden to clean up what Gov't beurocrats did. Make them PERSONALLY responsible. Each and every one of them. Barnes_Law can indiv Congress members be sued?

Steveonomics . I smell a rat. .

This is poor decision making on her part and no one should be allowed to borrow this kind of money for college. I’m sending my son to a community college for 2 years and he can transfer (like I did).

It’s stupid to take on debt like that. I’m was poor as hell and cash flowed all but $3,700.00. Read a Dave Ramsey book moron

mattstaggs Whose fault is that?

She chose poorly and I don't care. She entered into that debt as an adult and should've understood the ramifications.

I have a relative who's child is starting college in 2020. Every college they consider think they are crazy for considering costs and worrying about future debts. They are similar to car salesmen, selling over priced cars to those who are worried about affording them.

When a country stops valuing continuing education, it will slide into oblivion. The GI Bill after WW2 made the US the country it is today with an increased standard of living envied around the world. Yet we seem to never realize the long term payback in current times.

This is all tied directly back to the Dems who, over the years, made available gross sums of money to less than credit-worthy 17-20 year olds in the name of “Social Justice.” How just is it , now?

Steveonomics She signed the papers. It's her debt to cary.

It’s crazy they had these loans forced on them and didn’t make a decision to go into debt

Well I guess when you major in gender studies and you think there are 572 different ones it can get a bit pricey

Well she is dumb

Poor thing was a little slow to join the real world.

I am in support of fair and reasonable eduction costs where you obtain the knowledge that will get you a good paying job. It’s the cost of eduction that needs to be addressed not free money or loan forgiveness.

I have six figure mortgage are you and your liberal buddies going to cry me out of debt because I incurred debt in my name for a place to live instead of a degree without a job?

Just how stupid are these college students? This is what happens when the children are brought up with no consequences to their actions !!!

I take it she never learned return on investment while accumulating all that debt?

If some people have their way, free education is going to be expensive.

I will probably have to change my tax status and try out the not filing income taxes angle.

Quit borrowing....

She doesn’t sound very bright if she did that.

It’s not because the schooling costs that much it’s because most borrow money not only for school but for living expenses while they are in school. You can’t drive a BMW, live in a fancy condo on school loans. They need to live frugally while in school.

a bank will loan you just enough to hang yourself. it's up to you to say No.

Why are people allowed unlimited student loans?

Asking all americans to pay for other people’s student debt is extremely unfair. Some never had debt. Some never went to college. But all have to pay it? This is not like medical bills. I hope they think about this carefully.

Still all the stupid surveys keep telling falsehoods that these young people can retire by age 30, 40 so misleading. I simply ignored these various publications lacking in common sense, purpose and honesty. I simply cannot understand why published such falsehoods. Why?

Many of these borrowers have used the funds for vacations, cars and many other items. Not just tuition.

Why should I be saddled with this dipshits decision making?

And for sure, she is in the category of being a young person. These young folks under what mixed messaging name branding we want to call them, are starting work life with huge college financial challenge, that can stay with them to age 40 / 50.

My mortgage identifies as a student loan.

Poor decisions?

You can’t fix stupid no should we.

I feel like maybe she could have squeezed in a finance class or two?

It's a contract, nowhere in that contract does it say I will help pay for her debt

It her choice and decision. All of us can do the same and start crying after. I could have gone to Harvard, put the nice degree on my desk and then ask others to pay for my decision while at the same time, getting into Harvard club every day

THAT IS THE PROBLEM, POS people like her that never intended to pay it back, and have an insufficient potential to ever pay it back.

Stupidity should not be rewarded

And let me guess...she's a sociology major.

Produce receipts for tuition, books..etc that 500k paid before a taxpayer is forced to buyout student loans. I have known folks to use student loan money for non-school expenses such advacations to include plane tickets, clothing and other personal items.

It use to be about getting an education, now it is about making a profit for the lender, it would be okay if the lender hired some of these people they are ripping off

Study in Australia, the official government site for international students, gives the typical annual tuition fees for international graduate students as: Master's degree AU$20,000 (US$14,400) to $37,000 (US$26,600); Doctoral degree – AU$14,000 (US$10,060) to $37,000 (US$26,600)

Knowingly, willingly entered into borrowing arrangements. Don’t see how bailing them out fixes any of the underlying problems of funding higher education.

You made a decision to go that deep in debt without a plan to repay your obligations. I have $400k in combined student loans and repaid every cent. So do I get a refund because I chose a career path that allowed me to make the money to repay and not be a shitbag.

That is her problem not mine or anyone elses.

A sucker born every day. Poor financial decisions don’t merit a bail out.

Does anyone put a gun to anyone’s head to get themselves in this much debt? She and others make these decisions knowing they will be in debt

Three things. First, she is an idiot. Second, so are the people that loaned her the money. And third, the taxpayers will end up paying this idiots loans off.

If she regrets her choices then she should have made different choices. It's not like an educated person is too stupid to know what they were doing.

Why bother with colleges, their pricing themselves out of the market. Take the tuition money sell covered calls and retire, if you have the discipline for it.

Is it a stretch to think the's not voting for Trump?

I bought a $500k house but only make $15 an hour. I can’t afford it. Help.

No dialogue for white collar crime... 'American Greed'.... Hood rats that steal a big gulp at the 7-11, gets more news coverage👎🤬

500k for acupuncture and essential oils, they saw her coming and didn’t use any lube either

She spent $500k on an acupuncture degree? Poster child for bad life decisions right here. Should have become an actual doctor, costs the same and pays much better

I have multiple car loans, can the government help me out?

Alternatively headline : Woman makes very bad college and financial decisions and thinks someone else should pay for it.

500 grand? Where did she attend...Harvard?

You wouldn’t be approved to buy a $500k house with no income. Why do we allow people to accumulate $500k student loan debt in a degree that will never allow them to successfully pay back the debt?!

No sympathy here. She knew what she was getting into. I met my reponsibities with my kids education. Do I get retroactive payments?

Smart as hell; Get your education first & worry about paying back later.

Finish your degrees in the shortest possible time. Stop failing- pass subjects first time round.

That ARod?

She did medicin ? With phd ? Nice testcase SenSanders

Shame on all parties involved.

Bet she borrowed all of it from US Government under some Obama program. Just another ill conceived Government f--ked up Program thanks to worst President ever Obama

I would say she needs a job paying a minimum of 250 k per year.Good luck !

What a waste yute

Who’s fault is that? Didn’t she learn arithmetic anywhere?

Get the government out of student loans and this won’t happen! Tuition prices have skyrocketed since the government got involved.

That much money should get PHD at Stanford, ridiculous, I am not paying her bills

Vote for Bernie Sanders or Warren and your debt is gone!

Thx CNBC for pointing out what a college educated, financial illiterate deadbeat looks like.

Embarrassing! With this ridiculous picture in her car... CNBC is almost poking fun at her!

Stop the Interest on the Loan...

She is an idiot and never learned to live within her means

... and remember ... these people vote. Scary.

Why would you admit to such stupidity publicly ?

Maybe not get a degree in Witchdoctoring

No one else’s responsibility to pay for her bad decision but hers. She chose to saddle herself with student loans....forgiving debt isn’t forgivness; it will just shift responsibiltyto pay to everyone else.

Possibly we should be teaching a class on debt and equity

Wow. Who spends $500k to learn about essential oils and acupuncture?

I don’t how to respond to how dumb it is to take out 500k in student loans. Wtf

If anyone had sold investment plans with as little risk disclosure/signaling, as what universities, colleges and professors do when selling an investment in their education plans, and the investment had soured, he would probably be trotting away to prison

Subtitle 'No Amout of Education Will Fix Stupid'

Thats gonna take a lot of needle holes to repay

Ridiculous that you can borrow this much money without collateral. This sets so many up for life long financial misery. But they chose to spend it, and get economic benefit from it, so every cent should be paid back. Our taxes shouldn't subsidize forgiveness of others' loans.

So....that’s MY problem?

More proof that going to college doesnt make you smart

She should have stopped drinking the 'koolaide' at $5k, IMO

This is about as ridiculous as it gets. Stupid on the lenders part and either stupid or deceptive on the students part. This would appear to border on highly questionable activity.

She was just stupid. Next. socialismsucks

She chose poorly

She made a bad decision. Why should other bail her out? In fact why is this even a story?

The Cloward and Piven Strategy requires that the capitalist system be overloaded. She's doing her part.

Acupuncture? They must have put a needle in her brain.

Zero sympathy. She went to school for a doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master's in acupuncture. These ppl are absolute idiots. Don't want the debt don't go to school for dumbass degrees.

Did they arrest the person yet that forced her to take out those student loans?

She is an outlier. Average person has $30,000 in student loans.

But that masters in Accupuncture is sure to pay for itself.....

Naturopathic and acupuncture put you 500k in debt?! LOL someone made money

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