'I’m a firm believer in starting small and dreaming very big' | The Guardian Nigeria News - Nigeria and World News

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

“Entrepreneurship is a full time job, especially when you are a start-up. You eat, drink, sleep and dream your new business.” Nigeria Entrepreneurship StartUp Business

Certified from Gastronimicum, Agde and Le Notre in France and The Taste Lab in the United Kingdom, Peju wants to launch a training school for aspiring chefs, baking enthusiasts and home cooks. In this interview, this ardent Manchester United fan talks about dumping Microbiology for dessert making, turning a huge business mistake into a best seller and three things women-owned businesses must do and avoid to stay successful.

You were once a 9-5 employee for over five years, what would you say is the difference between entrepreneurship and full-time employment? You have a business idea, it looks good on paper and we run with it without adequate checks, research and even proper training on know-how. We start, then get stuck and eventually throw in the towel until the next best thing comes along. Access to funds is also another big problem.

The whole process took about 24 months from inception to product testing, sourcing packaging and licensing from NAFDAC. We rolled out and gradually started retailing in stores. We were stocked in about 22 stores in Lagos and Abuja then we hit a brick wall. I think it was largely because we had lapses in our marketing strategy and supply change management.

As a former business strategist, briefly tell us three basic things women must do/avoid when running a business?


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