Professors at Colorado’s law schools rethink curriculum amid “revolutionary” Supreme Court decisions

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Professors from Colorado’s two law schools, at CU Boulder and the University of Denver, told The Denver Post everyone is spending the summer preparing for a fall semester of uncertainty and l…

Jonathan Skinner-Thompson, Associate Professor at Colorado Law, poses for portrait at Wolf Law Building in Boulder, Colorado on Wednesday, July 14, 2024. in Boulder plans to beef up lectures on current events, likely starting with the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity and a discussion of the legalities of presidential impeachment, all in hopes of providing a more foundational understanding of the current political climate.

That’s always happened to some degree, said Kevin Lynch, the executive associate dean for academic affairs at DU’s Forty years ago, environmental groups brought a case to the Supreme Court challenging a Reagan administration effort to relax power plant and factory regulations. The Supreme Court ruled that judges should play a limited, deferential role when evaluating the actions of agency experts who interpreted ambiguous statutes.

The current court’s overruling of the Chevron case is expected to have large implications for the country; the Biden administration’s top Supreme Court lawyer warned it would be anFor law students, it means what they learned in administrative law classes last year is likely no longer accurate, Lynch said.“Will we still require it if the Supreme Court dismantles the administrative state and there are no longer agencies or they’re dramatically scaled back?” Lynch said.


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