How To Have An Actually Productive Argument, According To Lawyers

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Caroline Bologna is a senior reporter covering a variety of lifestyle topics at HuffPost. Based in New York, she is a New Orleans native and graduate of Brown University.

Catherine Falls Commercial via Getty ImagesAny argument can get heated, especially during an election cycle. Whether people are dealing with a personal dispute or engaging in a political debate, emotions often run high and impede the ability to make progress or reach an understanding.

, founder of Ottinger Law Firm. “Instead, people just want to make their point, so you have two people talking at each other but neither one is listening.”When we don’t truly listen to each other, we don’t understand each other. So try to stop talking and just listen ― even if you don’t like what you’re hearing.

“The ultimate goal of an argument is to persuade the other side to understand your case, not just to create noise, so the way you convey your thoughts matters,” Chinitz said.“Using a calm voice helps ensure you are heard,” Chinitz said. “The other side may ultimately still not agree with you, but they must listen to you, just as you should listen to them.”“Clarity is key,” Lord said.


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