Call for same-sex education in primaries

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Every child should be 'empowered to be the people that they want to be' Teachers are calling for same-sex relationships education to be made compulsory in UK primary schools

It called for the union to lobby the government and opposition parties to strengthen Relationship and Sex Education guidance so that teaching about Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender relationships becomes statutory in both primary and secondary schools.Tanveer Hammeed, a delegate from Leeds, said:"RSE education needs to be for all, it needs to be inclusive, it needs to go through primary to secondary schools - no ifs, no buts.

Teachers also expressed concerns about a return to the days when councils, and therefore schools, were banned from promoting homosexuality in any mainstream school. But the guidance leaves head teachers to decide exactly what to teach and when. They also have to take into account the religious background of all pupils when planning it.


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This is mental, it's 2019 the vast majority of people in the uk care either way. However encouraging children to experiment with sex in any way is deplorable, if you teach kids about relationships it should be from a family perspective mum dad kids. Simple.

Teach them at secondary that its oksy and they will be supported but primary is too young let them be kids let them have fun and live a fufillibng childhood. Teen years are so stressful dont start it any earlier

Why are Teachers pushing for this instead of parents or both?

Let kids be kids, parents look after the Kids and Teachers start concentrating on teaching. May be old skool but it works stoptheworld snowflakes

Children should be empowered to be children without 'politically correct' adult prejudice being forced on them. Leave the children alone.

If the narrow minded religious Muslim parents can’t bear it then get out of the UK, otherwise accept our value!

Oh for goodness sake teach the 3 Rs first. They leave school & can’t spell, do mental arithmetic or manage to hold a conversation. This says alot about the teachers we now have!

P..p..p... primary? :O

Every child should be 'protected from sexual perverts to be people God wants them to be' Other 99.9% of Teachers are calling for same-sex relationships education to be kept as far away from UK primary schools as possible. 🤔Surely only a paedophile would target little boys?


Wow, the ill-informed, ignorant and reactionary are really out in force on this thread.


The state does not own the children Parents bring up their children in the way they believe they should go and the values they follow Otherwise parents who don’t accept the states changing values will have to tell their children not to listen to their teachers.

Grooming by teachers in our schools. Empowered. You mean brainwashed

Nooooo. Basics and fundamentals at School. Not indoctrination and filth. Is Britain '1984' or 'Brave New World'? Funnily enough, maybe both.

Let primary school kids be kids! Stop forcing sex and relationships into their consciousness. Teachers should focus on the basic jobs of teaching. Let same-sex parents do their parenting jobs of explaining the relationship to their kids!

Where i live the kids never seem to be in school anyway half day Wednesday half day Friday I didn’t feel I got enough out of school being there every day at least I learnt things for the real world. Not


Don’t you think they are a bit young for that? It’s a personal choice, but certainly not something to teach youngsters unless you want to eradicate the human race!

Maybe teaching them how to read/ write and how to manage funds is more important than worshipping deities and where to stick ones own genitalia?

Why is sex orientation so important in a school? Don't you think is something pervert? At school is better to learn subjects not with whom to go to bed to

Evangelism, it’s the only solution to this sort of depraved thinking. Churches need to return to open public meetings where the word of God can be preached and spread. Only through evangelizing Jesus Christ crucified will this sort of thinking stop.

Unless they want to be mass murderers, that would be bad

Ok. So how about to educate your childen be a Communist?

Thank fuck I've dodged a major bullet 😂

This as got to be stoped

This is a form of grooming and brainwashing...

You won’t just create a whole generation of accepting all types of relationships robots you know. Once they get out & about and explore the dorks themselves peer groups/ own experiences will decided what they will/won’t accept. Pointless loony left agenda idea

A lot of people are missing the point here. We’ve been teaching maths/English science for years - doesn’t mean to say we all remember it & use it. If this ludicrous idea gets rolled out what’s to say the kids 5/10/15 yrs down line haven’t made own mind up & don’t accept it then?

Please just keep subjects away from sex! Humans can discover this “same Sex” themselves without “guidance “!! Not difficult!Especially today when all one hears about is trans,gays,lesbians , young kids know!just know!!The Times

Liberal Socialism equals the end of rational thought.

And here it is. Compulsory. It was only a matter of time until the equality and diversity police came to batter down your door and force you to submit to the new regime, under threat of fine and imprisonment.

Ridiculous. They should focus on getting the basics right.

It is atrocious that school teachers are being allowed to indoctrinate children according to their own sexual orientation. A teacher’s job is to strictly teach according to the academic curriculum and not to arrogate to themselves the role of parents.

I disagree , sex education should start from the first year of comprehensive not before . For goodness sake allow children to be children , there’s plenty of time to educate them in more serious matters .

In history big civilizations tend to fall apart from inside because of moral degradation. Nobody conquered them. They just disappeared. We can now see the very beginning of our end.

Is this the Establishment trying to reduce the Population by default!

Let kids be kids please! 🙄🙄🙄

For ffs let children be children.


In the 40’s when I was in Primary Girls only school life was exciting. We thought boys were fantastic /love was a special private thing! We girls(and boys) found sex ourselves it was a fantastic magical experience please do not spoil it!The Times

Why don't the parents just teach their kids this Or is it just easier to stick them in front of an IPad or games console

The world is bloody doomed. We are so PC it hurts

If religion isn't allowed to be taught in school why should homosexuality or any kind of sexuality be taught

The worry is they are teaching the next generation with this meaningless boxxox

Of course it should be taught. But at what age?

does a young child even think about this stuff ? let them be kids.

So through, intimdation and creation of fear to speak out this will become part of the lesson plan.

1/ What shouldn’t be taught in schools is religious studies. It’s not educational & has caused nothing but misery for generations. Religion doesn’t teach anything positive except intolerance, suppression, bullying, hatred, murder, sexual abuse, genital mutilation, fear, & greed.

No teach the basics first. Too many children going to secondary school unable to read and write properly stop forcing adult issues on children.

Why does anyone question the need to celebrate relationships in all their diversity? Nobody is teaching kids about sex, just that some people have 2 mums or 2 dads or one of each or a mum or a dad. Why is this a problem? My 6 yr old understands & accepts this, it’s simple! 🌈

Hey, teacher leave those kids alone !

Whether this is correct or not, I am glad teachers didn’t give in in the face of completely unreasonable and immoral protests from some parents because it goes against their ‘holy book’

This country is falling apart

Left wing teachers have got a clear field here - except for the Muslim Community and there is the problem. The left in Britain are on the side of all things Muslim - Palestine, Hamas, Hezbollah, Shamima Begum & all the folk who throw Gay people off high buildings. See the snag?

ALL of the people complaining about this would have been spitting chips a couple of weeks ago about Muslims complaining about this.. the lack of sel-reflection and awareness is staggering

Let's get real equality on the table first, if it's compulsory for one child then it's compulsory for all, no opt outs on grounds of 'faith' and curriculum for EVERY school and home school.

Thought teachers were over worked?

I’m with the Muslims on this one

The world is crazy.. defo crazy. Schools should stick to education and leave morality for parents to decide. Parents should teach tolerance along with moral/social insight..

If you’re not homophobic why wouldn’t you want this?

Your confusing the children by teaching this shit , Just teach them the core subjects and get over yourselves, Have you thought that maybe parents dont want the kids to be taught this.

Homosexuality and transgenderism are both predicated on a lie. There is no ‘born this way’. Human beings are born heterosexual - fact. Transient gender identities are just a mental delusion that is being forced down on normal sane people and now children. Despicable.

These so called teachers are supposed to teach children not put their twisted views on life into their heads.

We should be teaching our children to celebrate difference. Learning about something isn't going to confuse you, it is going to enlighten you. Change starts with our children. 100% support.

Not the job of schools.

The world has truly gone mad can’t we let children just be children instead of brainwashing them the from ever younger ages !!!!

See this type of crap is why more and more people are hating the LGBTQ community..just becouse yall decide be gay yall think every one should want to and should accept it ...yall are just trying to take over arnt ya

I respect anyone with their choice whether same sex or else, however I do not think this is necessary in primary school, there’s no need.

Dude really these are kids not sex objects shouldnt be learning to be gay or any kind of sex unless sex ed ...that's it ..there kids stop trying to sexualize them if there parent's want them to know they will teach them. ..see the LGBT community is trying to force it stop

Here's a controversial idea... LET CHILDREN BE CHILDREN. LET PARENTS BE PARENTS. BAN EARLY TESTS, SATS OR WHATEVER THEY ARE CALLED THESE DAYS. Important education & relevance starts at secondary school. They'll have you reading sex Ed into the womb next.

It's getting absolutely pathetic now, children are innocent at that age. These topics shouldn't be spoken till there in junior school if at all. I wouldnt want to know about two males and 2 females giving each other a touch wash. I am being sensitive on twitter.

This is sick. Part of their agenda to invert and confuse the next generations. Corrupt evil,satanic. It will only get worse

Oh for christ sake!

Education helps combat confusion, i think the adults 1st need to be educated

Not this again. Consenting adults can do as they please in their romantic/sexual lives, it’s nobody else’s business. But if you want to subject my children to this propaganda we’re going to have a very big problem.

It’s not needed at 5 years old though. 10 or 11 maybe.

Teachers are there to teach not indoctrinate

If no one comments in the first place, kids will accept it as is.

Kids should not be taught this. Gays and trans push for this, what about people who are religious? Gays have been discriminated but now there the ones doing it to religious people. Funny how people are more vile, stabbing, crazy weather at a time when people believe less in god

Should be the parents choice to teach there kids that. Not for the school to confuse them at a young age and tell them they can be what ever they want even if that thought never crossed the child’s mind.

This pretty much sums it up. Why so threatened?

Have a day off.

Sooner rather than later, I hope.

Why do these idiots want to impose their stupid life style on young ones and others, we don't have a problem with them being gay so long they don't make gayism a subject for discussion in school and in communities...

Teachers are always complaining they're overworked. What will they drop to teach homosexualism

It should be.

Its not a “teachers” purpose to teach morals or beliefs. They should be concentrating on teaching subjects that are actually usable in the world to make a living. It’s about time parents stood up to these agendas that have nothing to do with education.

This rides rough shod over people's religious beliefs. Why should people be forced to teach their children things that go against their consciences? This does not empower these people to 'be the people they want to be'. It should be enough to learn to respect one another, end of.

Children in primary schools do not need this information they are too young. It will be more likely to confuse them than 'empower' them.

This idea is total madness and they shouldn't call themselves teachers. No way in the world should children that young be introduced to this depravity. Its not normal and never will be. Absolutely disgusting.

I'm taking my kids out of these lessons and if I get a fine or a criminal record it's a risk I'm willing to take. They are MY children not the states.

Not with my grand children you wont! I'll home school, to avoid these perverted laws they want to bring out! Why would they want to teach this and not about Banking or the Economy?


Leave kids alone. It is not right for teachers to get involved in sexual orientation at such a young age. You’re just going to confuse them and push them into decisions they may later regret.

Oh grow up my grandaughter does not even know her favourite colour at the age of 8,teach them to read first

THE DAFT ENGLISH , NHS BURNS MONEY , BILLIONS WASTED ON SCROUNGERS FAT DOCTORS , ALL TIED , LONG TERM UN EMPLOYED NEEDS CERT , WHAT MED IS HE OR SHE ON SO EASY , A DOCS CERT PAY 420 pounds per week on top of free rent . and they have access to food bank . council estates .


It's not down to teachers to decide what sex education need to be told to my children, it's down to me and my wife. Sex education starts at home in a family conversation, not In a classroom.

Teachers ? Really ?

Concentrate on teaching the basics such as reading writing and maths. Sex education of any kind can wait till secondary school. I personally find this all a bit perverse. Let kids have a childhood for godsake

Naff off...we dont want our innocent kids filled with your uktra 'liberal' twisted sexual relations claptrap. They'll learn in good time, from science, Health education, parents and friends. The age of consent is 16!

No, you can let folk do want they want and that’s but don’t force your beliefs on me and like minded . Same sex belief is not for everyone , don’t force it and we don’t criticise it.

I often feel sorry for teachers. They’re there to teach yet are supposed to be social workers, and aware of allergies, diabetes, asthma etc, and overloaded with paperwork. Then some spunk trumpet comes out with bollocks like this.

What a load of bollocks. Let kids grow up,there is no need for sex education until at least secondary school


Personally I’d rather the teachers focused on trying to help my child to write, something that I’m having to do myself as they do not.

Shouldn’t they just be taught math, English etc first and leave sex education for them to find out the natural way - wahay


Islamist bride where are you?

Not homophobic groups. Islamic groups.

Can’t we just let kids grow up first

State control taking a further step. All children to be indoctrinated even if they have only been on this earth under 10 years!

Perhaps they can teach them to read and write first?

When can they be children?

good idea lets scrap Maths & English to make way for it, then they will all be too uneducated to 'be the people that they want to be'

Teachers and Parents should teach to children to study the National Constitution and primary Laws, for first. It is the true mission of the Internet, if the Web should used for the BEST!

School is meant to help kids understand the world around them, and same-sex relationships are a part of that world. This shouldn’t even have to be a debate

No one’s going to shove a homosexual down my throat🤣

Considering many of today's children have 2 moms or 2 dads, why would anyone have an issue with teaching their children about same sex couples? Do people have a problem with teaching children tolerance before they are old enough to know what bigotry is?

As long as their views are left wing...

I am all for my children being taught you can love who you want no matter their sex. I have already taught them this so they have an open mind when growing up and that we have a lot of friends who are gay so they just see it as normal life.

'Teachers are calling for same-sex relationships education to be made compulsory in UK primary schools' You actually mean SOME teachers. There are plenty others who would think differently. Very crafty with your wording as usual BBC.

Yet another factor in BROKEN BROKEN Britain. Left Wing ranting and demands yet again. It's what the parents want they should teach. Not personal leftie cravings.

That's it, confuse and twist little minds so that they think everything that is normally abnormal and disgust is now normal and acceptable!! It's called indoctrination and brainwashing.. NOT to be confused with education!!

How is this not liberal fascism, pushing their ideologies and beliefs on to society and if you dear question it you are labelled a pariah of society.

Load of bull

Kids should be kids END of they dont need this stop forcing issues onto them

Marxist brain washing

That maybe what some teachers think but what do the children think? I don't think they give shit they just want to be children so stop the badgering.

Bollocks,stop corrupting the children and stealing their innocence.

I was always taught that two don’t go into one

No. If this happens parents will refuse to send their children to school and educate at home instead.

Parents should have absolute power, the state should stay clear of telling people how to live their lives. Have we learned nothing from the cake case

No problems if kids can hardly read and write by the time they get to secondary school, but all fine if they know about LGBT?

Every child should be able to aspire to be head of state, without having to be born into any particular, privileged family.

What's all this , curriculum distortion another kind of ''Brexit''. You do that and you will not need any ''Brexit'' , pretty effective way to cut immigration, best deterrent ever.

Less than 2% of our population I believe fall into this category yet the demands to be influential at a young age does not hang well with me, should a 'distant' religion request the same consideration imagine the outcry

It's a part of life and living and of being human so what is the problem?

The word 'empowered' is just a PC buzzword. If someone is gay or trans nobody is stopping them being that when they grow up, but why waste valuable hours that you could be learning something that is actually useful to know?

The polls say different.

Your confusing the children by teaching this shit , Just teach them the core subjects and get over yourselves, Have your thought that maybe parents dont want the kids to be taught this.

Arnt they always complaining about being over worked ? .Leave this to parents .

I won’t give my child to the school if it’s like this I’ll give him home teaching

What age are they talking about tho, maybe 9/10 onwards I could understand but not the very young, far rather the very young were taught that they can speak out if anyone tries to touch them inappropriately

Can you just let my son just bloody grow up first, I don't want him taught anything like that that's my job as a parent, just stick to teaching them how to read and write first.

Which teachers? I haven’t heard any demands about this? And also wouldn’t it be better for students who do want to go down the course of LGBT to learn about it for themselves instead of being forced to learn it in school? What about religious kids?

Hope you people we keep this madness in your country and region alone ? Your school your country not our business... But let it stay over there.... Education gone wrong

Can’t believe some of the small-minded, homophobic, ill-educated crap that’s being spouted on this string. Children aren’t sweet, innocent uninformed beings, they are wise and interested and have the right to have a complete, balanced picture of the world they live in.

Maybe if children were taught that there’s nothing wrong with being gay, then it wouldn’t give the bullies ammunition.

Let them grow up first for gods sake!

That's right force.others beliefs and feelings on innocent children, let them grow.up and make their own decisions, they don't know about racism or sexualities unless it's forced onto them.lets keep it that way, it's not homophobia it's having a normal childhood, simple

Let the innocent minds be. What level of perversion makes anyone think it's fine to teach a child about this kind of stuff? Teach children to love each other...done.

Maybe islam can do what Christianity has failed to do, and protect children.

Excellent idea

Let's ram adult shit into their minds while they are young so that they can be just as woke as the teacher that never left school either.

We live in the 21st century kid's need to know about same sex relationship's and see nothing wrong with it none education bread's hate no one should prefer that ..

Secondary schoolkids - maybe. Primary school kids - no, that 's indoctrination. Very dubious teachers calling for this! Allow them to grow up normally before you start manipulating them.

So why should kids be taught sexuality ? Let them be kids and grow for themselves! And then they decide or feel what they want to be ! Indoctrination of the gay community within children is absolutely sick !

Do these snowflakes ever stop to think about the crazy mixed up kids they willl end up with

To the people saying “let kids be kids”...we are. They are teaching them that lgbt relationships exist and are ok, it’s not a how-to guide . Don’t let your personal fears cloud your judgement.

I find it very difficult to believe that any actual teachers are calling for this...

Let them be kids and enjoy their childhood, it's gone far to soon nowdays, stop ramming other beliefs and feelings down their throats and let them learn naturally like we did.

I wish teachers would teach kids to read, write and do their sums.

Dont condone such actions from the state government for enforcing such policies upon teachers to teach primary school education that the pupils need to be transgender or gay/lesbian. Children are born sexless and think about it, it is not natural for humans to be gay or lesbian.

How’s that going in Muslim areas?

Maybe teachers could think about teaching kids to read and write and not to stab each other first.

FFS what's wrong with a Peter and Jane book, and just letting kids be kids for a few years. If they are interested, they will ask, that's what kids do. They will have a tough enough time when they are adults, let them get there on natures timeline.

Making the fringe appear normal! Kids however, will figure it out but why expose them to deviancy!

Kids should be taught how to think, not what to think.


The unwitting foot-soldiers of civilizational degradation 👲 CulturalMarxism

Secondary schools, yes, but talking to little kids about sex is pretty much grooming.

Teachers ought to concentrate on getting the basics right first.

🎙 no bloody way - Men have relationships with Woman END OF!

Get back to teaching the basics for goodness sake! No wonder we lag behind countries like Singapore!

I remember dad telling me how babies were made...when I was about 5yo. Think I'm still slightly traumatised. Do Kids really need to know where to stick the willy?

Sick batserds

More divisive agenda driven bollox and misinformation. 🤡🤡 SocialEngineering

Kids just take this stuff with a pinch of salt, they just rightfully accept it as a part of life. It's some of the parents who have the problem.

Education is the best policy. The older generations are a lost cause sadly. Give it a about 40-50 years and we might eradicate homophobia for good. Fingers crossed.

The teachers calling for same-sex relationships education to be made compulsory must be gays. Gays are about to take over every aspect of our lives, forcing their weird, depraved and ungodly ways on us. They must be resisted.

I'm all for education but not for indoctrination

Religion, LGBT, etc do not teach until they can form their own opinions. Their little brains are like sponges and do not need to know this for their early development.

Depends what they’re being taught, if it’s two daddies can make a baby and it’s perfectly natural then no. If it’s two men want to spend their life together and that’s ok, then yes.

SICK of the Left/EU/Remainer RUBBISH! Every child should be a CHILD; NOT a pawn for the sick, twisted Left's agenda to destroy our Christian values! Let children be just that, children. Heaven help us all. The Left is pure evil. They don't give a toss what damage they cause.

What if they want to be a fraudster? Or, even worse, a politician.

Pass me the sick bag

Brainwashing. Kids need the three rs not this abomination

I wish I had been taught this at secondary school, let alone primary school.

Why do we need this exactly?

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