Should history be compulsory for Junior Cert students?

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Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Minister for Education Joe McHugh is considering reinstating history as a core subject. Two education observers offer the case for and against

Through various ministers the NCCA has remained in place, and, indeed, has carried out some very valuable work, particularly on the curriculum and the assessment of the various State examinations.

Yes of course that was all very important and very interesting. But much more than that, it is only by studying history that we learn who we are, where we have come from, what our antecedents were like, what led to the various major movements, both nationally and internationally, in history, and, more importantly, what is to become of us in the future.

In that way many more students will carry it on into Leaving Cert, and so will enjoy at that level a marvellous discovery in the mind of all that has been and all that can be. I’ll retain my last cheer for when Joe finally confirms he has reviewed the proposal from the NCCA, and he has disagreed with its proposal, and has decided to keep history as a core subject at Junior Cert level.‘There’s no evidence that making any subject compulsory supports the quality of learning“Draw what you see, not what you think you see” is advice an art teacher would give a beginner.

In curriculum design we tend to make the same mistakes. We are so familiar with what we think a school programme should look like that we don’t question the “embedded symbols”. But the alarm expressed at the “dropping” of history betrays a deficit in accuracy, in evidence and in the process of adolescent learning.

What the NCCA is trying to do at Junior Cycle is to set out a national framework, guided by clear statements of learning, within which schools and teachers will have some professional discretion.


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World history.

100%! Yes!


Yes, it teaches students about the wider world. The challenges of the past that brought us to where we are. The mistakes that must be learned and not repeated. Other cultures, architecture, atrocities, achievements. Yes. It’s what makes us curious, it opens our eyes...

Enjoyed both articles and can see merits on each side. Pity Mary O'Rourke, in making the case for History to be compulsory, did not explain why she didn't do it when she was Minister for Education. What has happened since to change her mind?


(2/2) then by the senior cycle they can pick what they’re most interested in therefore they’ll do well. Rather than forcing them to do something they might not like which will result in a bad result. If I wanted to learn about history I’ll go and do it myself.

(1/2) I feel like the whole system should change. How about we nurture student’s interests and give them freedom to explore during the junior cycle and not make anything compulsory as they may not be interested in it.

YES. Absolutely.


Yes all children deserve to hear about the bravery and sacrifices made by our ancestors so that they could enjoy living in a free Ireland

How can you know what shaped you and your country and who you are if you don't do history? Look at UK They haven't a clue regarding commonwealth immigration and think they can stop all immigration through Brexit.

Nah, sure the past has nothing to teach us that Netflix can't make a thrilling new series about, have you seen Murder Mountain? Although, according to the History Channel, there were aliens at the first thanksgiving so i dunno . . .

Yes, to sharing our progress, mistakes and innovations. Yes to contextualising our present predicaments. Yes to the development of critical analysis and empathetic research. Yes to History for ALL Junior Certificate students.


Assumed it was. Was at my school

Without a shadow of a doubt yes!!


Nah, sure it isn't compulsory in England and they're doing great, right? right?

Yes. The likes of PaudieOKeeffe1 and others wouldn't be the same people today without having studied history in school.


Yes. Primary school history only covers the base layers, there is so much more to learn and everybody needs to know the past to be able to move forward and not end up going in circles.

Definitely Yes

100% yes !!!!!!

YES...end of

'Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it'

Yes! And Geography!

Yes. It was compulsory in my secondary school and I couldn’t believe it wasn’t in others.

Maybe if educators used modern technology and made history more interactive and fun then students would learn that history gives us the building bocks for the future and helps define us as a nation and also our place on the global stage.

Junior and Leaving cert..

Definitely, history is very important

Awareness of history and geography are both important for producing well-rounded, informed, and eco-responsible adults who understand that actions have consequences.

No question, yes it should be compulsory. The skills that are learned from studying history are so important.


Fuck yes it should

Yes. Unequivocally.

1) Home ec 2) Personal financial management 3) Relationships, sexuality, mental wellness 4) Critical thinking, debating, politics

Yes Yes Yes

Yes, history should be compulsory for Junior Cert students.

Depends. Are they taking about the everlasting Christian Bros version of it? History has a tendency to be use bybtate educators to form identity. Proceed w/caution.

ImagesLimerick Of course. Also senior cycle. Plus physical and social geography

Yes, we need History so our children dont grow up ignorant like some other countries children. Irish History is fasicinanting. World History is mind blowing, of course a teacher passionate about it will help.

I don't think anything should be compulsory excepth maths, PE and home economics. Certainly not Irish.

absolutely necessary to combat the mass media and restore an Irish Identity as part of Europe. I absolutely bless the people who taught me Irish and European History until I was 14.

Yes, yes, yes!!

Yes. Most definitely. If you don't understand the past , learn about it, then you're destined to repeat the mistakes that were made in that past

Who is even pushing for geography and history to be non-compulsory? Everyone I see is in favor of keeping them

Absolutely both history and geography both vitally important subjects more absolute madness from the so called powers that be!

Yes. Geography too

ainefromderry History is a cornerstone in any Education Process!Unfortunately the US example of 'Keep em Dumb,Keeps em Mum' is spreading!It should be compulsory!



If ya don't know your history, ya don't know the direction of your thinks


Yes it definitely should be because school is the only place they will learn about it

Yes I thing so history is very important 2pme life

definitely yes


Yes most definitely

Yes 100%!!! And for leaving cert also!!! One of the most important things to be taught in school!!!

Irish history should be compulsory for UK schools WhiteWash



100% yes. In Italy, history is an obligatory subject for all 3 years of middle school and 5 years of high school. I always say never play Trivial Pursuit with an Italian who has been through that system!! It connects to so much more than just what happened in the past.

Omg yes! Look at all the idiots in the world at the moment who are trying to repeat past mistakes

Yes yes and yes.

IrishLitTimes And geography. And civics.

IrishLitTimes Yes.

Teaches core key analytical principles of primary and secondary sources, bias and propaganda, in addition to what may have happened, reasons and interpretation. These are core skills required for all people... especially in an age of 'alt-facts', 'fake news' and the rest

Absolutely. It’s essential that the young people of Ireland understand the world they live in & the hard earned fight fought for the country they live in. Also, pub quizzes rely on JC History. How else would I know that Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztecs?!

Without knowing history we know nothing about who we are or anybody else for that matter.

Revoke art and music before history or geography. What exactly do we want children to get out of school?

It was when I did it in 2009, I went on the get a B in leaving cert history thanks to an amazing teacher. I’m disabled and through illness and surgery, missed a lot of school but she helped me quite a bit to get my work done. It’s an important subject which should be compulsory

Certainly. I believe History and Geography should be compulsory at JC level for the creation of well rounded educated and informed Irish citizens. At LC level then they should be option- but compulsory for schools to give the option. My current school doesn’t give the option.



Yes...approaching a seminal time in local and national history...if we don’t learn and benefit from our history, we will be lost

Fear of patriotism. Can't be having inspired proud Irish youths looking out for their country that isn't nice 🙄

100% it should. Irish history is part of us and where we came from.

Irish History

Yes the history of this brilliant beautiful country who had fought for centuries for freedom should not be erased just to sell the country out to globalists for a sack of cash !


Yes.... The instant the government withdraws history you should know your nation is under a regime. Big trouble lies ahead.


A balanced view of history yes ,delivered by teachers who are not bile filled anglophobes .

Surely we can teach history without having a compulsory exam! Visit places of interest, do history projects, put on a play, watch good movies. Seems more valuable that an exam for everyone whether they like it or not.

Of f***ing course!

Rhetorical question I’d have thought.

YES!!! No exceptions!


Yes. Essential to have basic National, European and World history education and understanding. Otherwise Brexit and Trump happens.

Of course it should be.


Are you kidding? How could you deny the junior cert kids of 50 yrs time the hilarity of Brexit?!

One can’t know one’s position in the world without knowing how present conditions have evolved. Geography also a must. Apart from travel decisions based on geographical knowledge, how might one even complete a crossword?



Of course for God's sake. A country that doesn't know its own history and that of its neighbours is on the road to no town

Dear Should the question even need to be asked?

Fine Gael and Labour took History off it for a reason God forbid kids learn that this is a Catholic country which belongs to the Irish people and not to Brussels, Apple and Direct Provision tycoons


Without doubt

seantkeenan Yes if you don't know your history your identity is weakened

Yes. Instead of Irish



Of course !!

Stop making people do what they don’t want to do! Of course everyone should learn history but compulsion breeds contempt and hatred! Look at our lovely but widely hated Irish Language!

What a ridiculous question. Of course!


Yes. Otherwise how can we learn from past mistakes?

Yes! And Geography




100% Yes!

Yes! As a historian & aspiring secondary school teacher. The world around us, how we got here, our political systems & society don't make sense without history. Not forgetting geography! History & geography are so interlinked & are so vital to understanding the world around us

All I can say is The Famine. The Famine. The Famine.

Is that even a question? History is and always will be a vital part of any education


Yes 100%, of native ways, culture and who we are has already been watered down more than a pub pint at last orders, why does stuff like English literature get out before history? We need to know about the past so we can focus on the future

May I present Exhibit A


Open to correction but think it's the first time I've seen someone in media putting their head above parapit to think it shouldn't be compulsory. It's been a very stilted debate thus far.

SrTz7Yo3O6SqGpq Not the tripe they teach in schools.

EamonReilly_com Yes !

Absolutely yes Yes yes.



If you don’t know where you come from, you can’t know where you are headed!


YES, no question about it

As a geologist who is trained to see everything that is, as a product of everything that was, I don’t quite understand the point of the question. Yes. Also philosophy, classics in an ideal world. Latin/Greek would definitely have been useful for science purposes....


renshai1001 Fluent Gaeilge should be compulsory to anyone who want's to be employed by the Civil Service and who want's to stand for election.

Also couldn't believe that in some schools the choice was between art and science! And that science wasn't compulsory !!!

Yes, absolutely.

Absolutely - not just Irish history, but in a European and global context to best comprehend events.


Yes because then they can have more intelligent arguments.

Yes, without a doubt

Is this a fucking real question?!

Yes. Next question.


The sub-heading is inaccurate; in this debate this fact is rarely pointed out: 'History has never been a compulsory subject for all students: ETB (vocational) schools and community and comprehensive schools have regulations that do not include history as a compulsory subject.'

Yes 100%, it’s optional in the UK and look how that turned out.


Absolutely Yes.

Absolutely YES !! History is essentially a social study and vital in the preparation for future active citizenship.

Absolutely it should.

No subject should be off the table at that level

Yes ... for all exams .


Do we even need to ask? Of course it should be.

Absolutely yes. How can we interpret anything if we don’t know where we’ve come from?!?


UCCHistory Yes.


Of course.


There is probably evidence from the past and wise quotes to suggest yes, but i wouldn't know. oh, if only I'd studied history

Yes. Mary O’Rourke is right. I can’t even believe this is even a possibility. History is everything. It’s how we came to be where we are and our history influences decisions made. “Those who who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it” - George Santayana

Er, yes. Look what's happening in the UK.

Yes absolutely - we need to know the past so we can learn from it - the positives and the negatives


Yes and Geography

who's story are we talking about?

ailbeoreilly Yes. This shouldn’t even be a question.

Yes please

Yes. Definitely. You don’t have to love it. You do have to know it.

Yes, we need to ensure Irish youngster can keep 'double fist' DanielJHannan informed.

Yes! Coding should be integrated with science and maths. No need to have students spending 5 years coding.

Yes it should


100%. And that's The Irish Times.

100% we don't want to end up in brexit thickoville like the noisy neighbours


The reason behind the holocaust concentration camps now being museums/ memorials is so to constantly educate and remind so it never happens again! The basic importance of history

Unbiased history should be compulsory for everyone in the world. There is no greater lesson than the follies of the past.

Where can I sign the petition?

Yes 100%.


To junior cert. Yes But it is not an easy subject to learn for alot of students. Ultimately children should know about the dangers of Facism and Socialism. It must be taught objectively and not imbued with a leftist slant.



Yes yes yes

History, especially our own, is very important. It’s not just about donning a 1916 jersey every 100-years. It’s about recognising, upholding and maintaining the high standards that our predecessors fought and, lived & died for.

I would say definitely


Definitely. History is the basic human story.

Yes! Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it!


Yes yes yes

Yes. Bigger question is who should make the decision. Unless one takes into consideration the ripple effect of learning certain subjects and the level you maybe shouldn't be involved. The real effect of history, geography, economics etc cannot be reflected in employment stats.

Yes.Double down in fact.

A federal Europe won’t allow this. Governer Leo will be told to stop stamp it out.

Absolutely yes

Absolutely yes.

Absolutely. If we don't know how we got here, how will we know how to move on?


Of course

History should be compulsory for EVERYONE!!! take a look around the world and see the consequences of historical ignorance,, also across the water and in our own back yards ,,

Gan amhras.

On a related aside should we forget of FineGael s historic links with the blue shirts?


If you don't learn from the past, how can you move forward in life?



Yes other wise we don't know where we came from and all the people who made lreland what is is

How can we have our identity without knowing about our past and who we are? Yes to history.

Yes 100%!! True history, include women too, my history books didn't!

He who controls the present will control the past, he who controls the past will control the future. Orwell was correct so yes History should be compulsory for Junior Cert



Please, please rescind this awful decision. It's vital. (Also Geography).


Yes absolutely



Yes, it should absolutely be compulsory for so many reasons!




As should ancient history and Latin !!

Yes, of course! History is about everything.



100%. Mary O’Rourke explains it very well.



Yes. History is so important. It not only explains how we got here but also helps students to understand that things aren't simple and there are multiple sides to every story. Something that is more important than ever in today's reactionary social media obsessed society.

Yes. And I'd make it compulsory at Leaving Cert level too. As someone once said, history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme. And it's not a nursery rhyme.

Yes! Across Europe, we see how populists prey on ignorance. A teacher in France told me she has 14 year olds who have never heard of De Gaulle, although appareently one thought pupil De Gaulle was some guy who had built an airport in Paris 🙄

Yes 100%. Everybody should have some general knowledge of his/her country’s history, and how we got to where we are today.

Very much yes

Of course!

Yes. Make Irish optional.

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