White House proposes caps on student loan borrowing

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

The Trump administration is proposing new limits on student borrowing as part of a broader plan to curb the cost of college. The plan says Congress should put a cap on federal student loans to prevent borrowers from taking on unmanageable debt.

FILE - In this Feb. 7, 2019, file photo, Ivanka Trump speaks during a roundtable on the Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington. President Donald Trump’s 2020 budget proposal will include $100 million for a global women’s fund spearheaded by his daughter Ivanka Trump.

White House officials announced the plan Monday amid a list of education priorities as Congress sets out to overhaul the Higher Education Act.


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Just like Trump’s Millions in Deutsch Bank debt? Aka Russian money. It’s all about him being able to borrow millions but screw the little people.

Let’s see what the overhaul does before we jump to conclusions. I feel bad for my peers that have huge debt and nothing to show for it

robbystarbuck Look at the idiots taking on the debt for gender studies or other USELESS studies. Congress change the way colleges do their work. Yeah, there should be more REAL world stuff going on in the Higher learning institutions. But, I dont think that will happen.

The loan can NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AS FAR AS BEING PAID OFF BECAUSE IT GROWS OUT OF SIGHT and the debt never ends. There needs to be a serious investigation of loans which began at $13,000 & ultimately & presently at $60,000. Student loans have yielded MANY OWNERS GREAT RET

Continued: They have conned on student loans as we found in multiple branches of Gov. Theft/Fraud following Obama Admin. They use many excuses such 'the loan was sold & we have no past records' and the principle keep climbing....THEN...we can not find the records of orig loan.

brookefoxnews So basically the president is limiting the amount students can receive that's not going to help them in their education it's going to mean they're going to have to drop classes because they can't afford to text books that are overpriced just like the course is

The idea is to curb the growth of tuition rates. Because the money is do readily available, the colleges take advantage and raise the rates. It’s the same with health insurance: because the insurance companies pay for everything the costs are extremely high.

good idea.. i was young and immature thinking i could borrow the max per yr.. i screwed my credit!! KIDS ONLY BORROW WHAT U NEED.. not the max pls!!

Sounds like this administration cares more about banks getting stiffed on student loans than young people not being able to afford college programs.

Yet Trump can borrow as much as he likes then DEFAULT ON HIS LOANS. Kushner can’t pay his bills on 666 5th Ave. Who lent him the $$$$?and how much

So....NO education, then?

Whatever happened to a four year college degree in four years! We should never give money to the student because they use it for other things. AND...I know because ....My son did!!

Frankly, I'd cut it down to size.

But I question though a nefarious Donald reason JoyceWhiteVance if capping educ. loans will only allow the alt rich to afford higher degrees, therefore power? Agree that it is problem, just question solution coming from Trump; am I becoming paranoid?

So poor kids go to cheap colleges, rich kids get to go to whatever institution their parents pay for. And what exactly would be the difference to today‘s system? I mean, do you see a favorable difference for the kids of the real average Americans? Anyone?

The other major advantage, of course, is keeping more people in more debt to private banks, longer. Wonder who benefits from that?

Another right wing attack on intellectualism & higher ed. Why? Education is the enemy of tyranny. They fear intelligence and analysis and the institutions which create & foster in-depth inquiry. The more ignorant the people, the easier to control. Ignorance=fear=hate=division.

Privatize student loans again and remove or limit the lender's bankruptcy protection. We'll find out really fast which degrees the market considers having a good chance of paying back student loans, and how much actuary's think each degree or student should be lent.

Absolutely! I totally agree.


Maybe Ivanka can past her face on my son’s body to help me pay for his college education.

Keep em stupid.

This is a way to keep poor kids out of college. Just vote Democrat, your student loans will go away

If she and Betsy are in favor of this there has to be something in it for them. I don't trust either one.

Can’t they just eat cake?

I propose MAGA caps on students

Also let’s go back to admission by merit because if you Deserve to be there and had to work for it you are more likely to take it seriously rather than a reason to party hardy. Let’s make American education great again, able to compete with nations that don’t coddle their young!

Or....just make college more affordable. Crazy idea I know, rather indenture a subset of our society who don’t have the finances to fund their education. AOC CoryBooker

Here is a better idea: find and promote college programmes with high employment outcomes and are beneficial to the economic needs of the country (such as filling role shortages), while providing reward subsidies for graduates who remain in the country after completion. /1

Because the government knows what is best for us, right?

How about the university's co- sign the tuition loans for the students they accept and educate for the various fields.

I doubt trump would lower the price of a condo if the proposed buyer couldn’t get a loan for the full amount.

How about you limit the cost of a Degree instead.

This is just dumb! If you put limits on student loans, most students won’t be able to finish their schooling. They’ll be stopped in the middle of getting their degree, still owe the money, with no degree! How about putting limits on tuition!?!? This must have been Ivanka’s idea.

Half the loan. Half the debt. Half the education. Brilliant.

Like the only reason people get loans is because they can’t afford it and why can’t they afford it? Well because college is expensive as hell. If you wanna continue studying and get a job you have to have a lot of money +

Federal student loans have always been capped, this is to cap the federal parent & graduate loans. These loans already require a credit check & most of the private bank loans have better interest rates.

MissNadia619 Ummm last time I checked we weren’t doing much more than paying tuition and getting half way to a degree of aid is capped will only put someone into greater debt. This is class war fare and must be stopped.

So only the wealthy will be able to attend college,that what it sounds like.


loisquick Or...we could make college more affordable so kids don’t have to become indentured servants to pay for it

Instead the parents are asked to take on the debt so their students can attend overpriced colleges because they are sold the idea there is no future or jobs without college education! We are losing trades slowly and colleges have become money pits to pay for college sports.

How is it progress to let secret society run people into the ground and have student loans default?

Sounds like a great way to keep poor people poor. Wow just wow. It’s in plain site.

So only kids with wealthy parents can get law degree, medical, or MBA

Why not per credit cost control, then a student loan cap makes sense

It seems what they are saying is that they'll limit what you can borrow from the federal government but you can always go and borrow more from the bank at a higher interest-rate

YES! Finally! This is the core of the problem with student loan debt and education in general. It’s too cheap and colleges aren’t incentivized to lower cost. They’re incentivized to raise them.

This is first & long overdue effort to put some actual pressure on schools to control costs that the loan program allowed to rise unabated causing massive student debt. RULE: 'Free' money will cause costs to rise. Another example of gov failure. Making 'friends' rich too? Good?

From all of the trumps who paid to get into school, these are the last ppl that should have a say in college loans!

realDonaldTrump and who does this help exactly? And how does this make College more attainable or affordable

Just4Tits How about maybe school shouldn’t be so fucking expensive

How about stopping the surging tuition, worse than big Pharma - Price controls need to be implmented, Sad.

Sooo no more doctors then? The only people who will be able to afford it w/loan caps will be the rich who don't need to work anyway 😂😂😂. 'Kids can't afford college for specialized careers, and we will lose our rich donators if we lower costs - lets try giving them less money!'

It's scary how many people in here don't understand that college is so expensive because of the lack of a loan cap..maybe go back to highschool economics before coming on twitter

PardesSeleh Pull federal funding and make college compete like businesses... Because that's what they are... Businesses. Competition will drive down price. As will the shedding of useless programs and degrees that don't result in an employable degree... Here's looking at you gender studies.

It’s a Bobble Head Barbie proposal from Daddy’s little girl Pricess Ivanka. Empty and vacuous as usual.

And their expert spokesperson on this subject is Ivanka Trump

.... now that Trump U was put out of business by regulators.... excessive debt was okay until then.

Maybe we should all borrow from Deutsche Bank. They'll loan to anyone, regardless of their ability to repay.

Surely only the wealthy deserve to go to college. SMDH

There is very little reason college costs as much as it does

I didn't think we'd find it, but this is just as stupid as No Child Left Behind (cutting funding for under-performing schools).

Your family is capped for dumb ideas

Loans for ONLY the wealthy.

A cap should be put on college loans AND on MORTGAGES and AUTOMOBILE loans. In the 1970's 20 years was the maximum home mortgage length. In the 1980's 4 years was the maximum automobile loan period. Nothing has changed other than inflation. Icreasing loan periods keeps costs up.

SerenityNow4796 ALL LOANS NEED TO BE BASED ON ABILITY TO REPAY. If grades are below average, NO LOAN.


These 'proposals' are actually signals to the banking/education lobbyists that its time to come pay their vig. He is not interested in lowering cost of education. This is like saying put a cap on credit card balances to shore up household savings. Never happen in a million years.

Better yet get out of the student loan business altogether. Gubmint guarantee of loans is what has escalated the cost.

Sound policy. The board of directors at my bank won't loan me more money than I could reasonably pay back.

Oh my! How on earth did millions of us ever survive working hard to go to the college of our choice?

Note the White House’s reasoning is based on their “belief” in the root cause - not based on actual data - typical Trumpian logic!

This is like saying you'll lower the price of gas by telling people not to drive so much.

So that makes college cheaper? Or just college for the rich?

less education for non rich people what a wonderful PLAN

Just another way to keep poor people from being educated. They want to keep them dumb and pliable.

What the hell are these then? Sure look like caps are already in place.

trump's co-conspirators don't want anyone but the wealthy to be able to afford college. The fact that regurgitated this bull-shit 'reason' is proof of their blatant bias. This is a deliberate and direct attack on poor and middle class people.

So that you wont be able to pay the principle down and the interest will eat you alive. Seriously? Ask yourselves this: 'does anyone having anything to do with Traitor trump give a shit about me, this country or anything other than the almighty dollar?'

love this.

Who says what? 👀😳 Not the man who inflated his worth to get bank loans that he couldn't afford. 🤦🏽‍♀️ You can't make this 💩 up.

because he didn't have to borrow from his Daddy -- it was just handed to him.

Bad idea fed limit on student debt it leaves the rich to do as they will and the poor and middle class not permitted to borrow to the limits that they need to get the education that they so desire . If a student is willing to take the chance then let them . ED free .

They should cap how much fake Indians get paid per class. Send that 300k to a reservation where they could put it to good use in there schools

Make sure only richer kids can go to college, right GOP?

Put a cap on these high rolls spending and wasting our money on joy rides

Says the king of bankruptcy court.

Awesome, so instead if low-interest federal loans, students will be forced to take out high-interest private loans. 45 again looking out for his corporate friends. Disgusting and dishonest.

Or....just follow me for a second...lower the cost of college.

Preevent collidge det. Stay stoopid.

College is worthless. Go to a vocational school. Learn a trade and rebuild America with that knowledge. If not, more of the masses will be brainwashed with taxpayer dollars. Stop the funding now! Let them fail

So only the rich get educated? It's how they want us. Ignorant and poor.

The problem is not the borrowing It is that these schools charge far too much for classes, books and fees. They are paying professors and administrators exorbitant amounts to teach 2 or 3 hours a day. When the government backed the loans the schools ran wild.

realDonaldTrump GeraldoRivera this plan is evil. It will prevent brilliant blue collar children from ever being able to succeed. Resist

All student debt is unmanageable if you can't find a job.

So 'curb the cost of college' doesn't refer to student cost...Its the cost to banks and investors. Plus, why have lots of educated-poor people that understand things like facts?

Trump blames students for rising college costs, proposes to cap their ability to borrow money to pay tuition.

Can you please forgive the rest of my student loan Someone I’ve been paying on it for 19 years.

Obviously the only way to cut the rise in tuition is to force the wealthy to pay for it

Unmanageable debt? Remind me, how many times has Trump gone bankrupt?

Even as tuition rates rise.

'Limited government' 🤔

In the short run, this would be a windfall for the private banks that are already only too happy to lend way too much $$ to uninformed students & their equally naive parents. In the long run, it would probably kill dozens of private colleges & universities.

Borrowing limit: $100,000 over four years. Cost of four years of school: $125,000.

The structure of the college system is broken and outdated. How a subsidized education system is so expensive is the the question. A move to online courses should lower the cost significantly but does it?

This Trump admin. that includes DeVos, & you are disingenuous & have no relevant experience and knowledge of the Public & after K12 education systems and needs. With this you are going to put students all over our nation at risk. 'Limiting education is the worst thing you can do.

How dumb is this? So only the rich will be able to pay for higher education?

So only rich kids can go to college? Sounds perfectly Trumpian.

“Take food away and you’ll be less hungry.” Oh, I see. You’re just stupid.

In other words, disable full loans for students who are not rich?

While they are at it, maybe they should consider a cap on Kushner & Trump borrowing. They have an awful lot of it themselves!

Um, there is a cap.

Another way to say that college is not for everyone.

How about bringing the cost of higher education down?

Colleges must reduce costs cut salaries of staff

care_myers Great idea!

Young voters -- you're up. Time to speak.

White house is now 1 source for terrible news on earth. Congratties

How to keep the poor out and make sure only a loaded kids get in 101

Hell let's screw the lower and middle class...only people able to have an education is the one's mommy and Daddy pay for them to get into... literally 😉

“I love the poorly educated” - Donald Trump

That doesn’t solve the problem though, only moves it. So now loans would be found somewhere else, or Americans would become less educated. Sigh

So only rich kids can go to the good expensive schools?

this seems like a pretty anti-free market way to go about addressing the problem

Yes. Unmanageable debt. Unless you know a few Russian oligarchs!

Same story different day — an America that works for and caters to the wealthy.

Typical, they are trying to attack this very real problem from the ass end.

I actually think that’s a good idea

So only half-rich students can afford college. Perfect that you put entitled Ivanka Trump, “first daughter” of fake billionaire as the face of it.


So.... only rich kids can go to college... sounds legit

We will soon run out of young Doctors Nurses Teachers Like in most Dictatorships 😡😡😡

How about instead of limiting and pushing those who want to get an education, you actually address the cost of education and place limits on that? Just when you think realDonaldTrump can't propose something more idiotic, he comes through and lowers the bar. TrumpIsADisgrace

This administration is dumbing down. We want our best and brightest to go on to professional grad schools. We want America to have the doctorates. Trump is making us go backwards and we don't like this direction. He said he loves the uneducated.

How Trumpian. Instead of addressing the cost of education, limit the ability to pay for it.😡

Can't get into too much debt paying for school if you can't go to school

Oh my god

Trump and his administration are unfit, unqualified, incompetent and ignorant. They are determined to hurt Americans in every way possible.

It was when Congress increased the caps that higher ed responded with raising tuition. This would be a good rollback. tuition studentloan college HigherEducationAct

He wants to push these kids to take out private loans.

About time. Colleges would then have to stop raising tuition to ridiculous amounts.

It is more equitable to allow ALL federal borrowers have their undergraduate debt wiped clean after 180 months of repayment. Public Service Loan Forgiveness could result in larger government, more unionized labour, and a plethora of highly paid Think Tank wonks.

That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

...and it continues, higher education is for the rich. Next will be, poorer areas and families would benefit more from work labor camps than schools...that are not performing.

Taking on unmanageable debt... He should talk.

Who has the authority to do this? Can it be done through executive order or does it have to have congressional approval? Cc waltshaub

So instead of trying to make it easier for people to afford college they are making it so poor ppl can't even get a loan for it just so Trump can take data out of context and claim to be fixing the student debt problem.

OR we could regulate tuition again.

Everyone is saying that this hurts students. In the sense that the money wasn't theirs to begin with I suppose it does. However, colleges have been doing nothing but raising tuition as we raise assistance. It's clearly been a colossal failure.

Trump showing once again that he knows nothing about student loans and the cost of a college education. There are all ready limits on federal student loans, forcing students and their parents to take out personal loans. How many doctors will we have if this is passed?

Eliminate loan forgiveness for public service? WTF? Loan forgiveness after 180 months is not as good.

This would absolutely decrease costs of college tuition because only rich families will be able to afford it. College universities would have no choice but to reduce tuition. Supply vs demand. There also needs to be a drastic reduction in student loan interest rates for college

Sure thing buddy. But first, let’s cap your ability to take on new loans.

The Trump administration is putting a ban on loans, but there’s no ban tuition? 🤔

How about capping student tuition?

Well then how the hell are people going to get the money to go to college?

Make all colleges liable for loans over a certain default rate. They’ll reevaluate degrees that have no real world benefit and ability to be repaid.

davidenrich⁩ story. someone does like loans. Enrich is the go-to reporter on all things Deutsche Bank & Trump and you can see why here. … via NYTimes

There should be more work opportunities for kids in school. Or do a tour in the military for the GI Bill

How dare they suggest people borrow only what they can pay back?

Colleges followed housing. When Clinton eased housing loans, housing costs sky-rocketed. When Obama eased college loans, college tuitions sky-rocketed. What has government NOT screwed up

healthcare4safe Let's instead change rules of bankruptcy forgiveness. If you defraud your clients, investors, or financial partners out of millions of dollars you no longer get to receive forgiveness for your debt. That will save our nation more than going after students wanting a better life.

It sounds more like capping a person’s opportunity to go to college.

Umm that makes absolutely NO sense!!! None! It’s the kind of stupid nonsensical crap this WH does

How about lowering the cost of college instead?

How about rolling back rhe interest tate to 1.5%... The recently increased rate of 3% is hurting our students and enruching our bankers

Has anyone ever mentioned that since Obama admin pushed banks out and took student loans over the cost of college has doubled? Govt makes it far too easy to borrow and encourages colleges to keep raising tuition because govt loans will always cover them! Corruption!

And the wealthy Trump/evangelical party members once again add to the security of their ruling elite by ensuring the poor and middle class have no access to higher education. The uneducated cheer and celebrate Trump's desire to keep their children oppressed.

Uh, no. It’s to prevent anyone but their own from getting a decent education. This has been the Koch Brothers raison d’être for years.


ColumbiaBugle How about capping the cost of tuition instead. Universities are taking advantage of kids

Let the college finance the students

Let’s do it the way socialists would do it. Limit the amount universities can charge a student if they need to get a loan. And limit the profs salaries so that school is affordable again. Maybe the lefty profs would change their tune

My daughter owes 10,000 on college loans for education degree..has 2 boys,works 2 jobs, and never got an educational job. DOE took her IRS check of 5,000 and will still owe 10,000 with the 20% rate. Will never get it paid. Goes up every month.

Good News....

Vote people. Vote. Vote them out. It's a family business up there right now. Vote. Vote them out.

How about capping student loans at 1/2% interest rates so people can actualy afford to repay them?

Republicans have to keep people uneducated so they’ll keep voting for them.

stop giving money to university professors who then support the liberal movement and educate the elite to run the swamp

So only the rich can attend?

trump administration - the system is broken- so let’s restrict student funding to make sure only the affluent with be able to afford a college education.

Germany with an N

Why! After all, they are grown adults. Who entered into financial contracts on their own free will.

Sounds like a good idea seeing how students or their parents can’t seem to manage their money.

College tuition seems to magically rise proportionate to the amount of federal and private aid available. It's almost as if they see more money available and decide to raise the price of tuition while also putting up more buildings.

Because colleges will lower tuition if students can’t borrow? This is so absolutely stupid it’s painful.

Yes! 👍🏻 This financial aid scam is driving the cost of higher education.

The government controlling how much debt we can take on to acquire an education? *Surely* the conservatives and Libertarians will be up in arms over this, what with the rational & consistent worldview they hold...

I thought the GOP was against the GOV picking winners and losers? In other words, Fake Students like realDonaldTrump and his spawn can still buy their way into top schools but less fortunate students who didn't receive millions from daddy are blocked.

Why don’t they just replace “maga” with “f*ck poor people” and be done with it.

Um...maybe start by capping how much universities charge instead of capping how much students can borrow?!

Supported by the privileged crook Ivanka Trump raises big red flags because, well, she is a crook!

Good idea.

Donald Trump, himself, has lived the high life off unmanageable debt.

Lower the cost of education?

They should put caps on it!!! Too many kids get over these head borrowing for it. If you don't think you can pay it back, don't borrow that much. I know I had to pay all my debt back. Or work first, some company's will help you with your college finances!

Dumb plan. I hope this never happens.

Maybe a cap on tuitions for a 5 year period! At the rate we are going, kids end up in serious debt, living with relatives afterwards, and their income after college becomes a poverty wage after paying off loans!

Then perhaps student would get an education. Instead of taking garbage indoctrination courses, they don't need. College would stop being a breeding ground for malcontent Socialist/Communist. Who think others should work, just to give their money to those who won't.

Which means in english, less educated Americans, got it!

This is the idea of the overly botoxed, clueless biatch who's never had to pay her own way for anything.

The system is completely broken. Students take loans to cover high tuition costs. Universities then raise tuition since they don’t have to worry about not getting paid. Students then take more loans. Tuition raises again. More loans. It’s a broken system.

Why not intervene & make college more affordable instead? Oh wait, you made your wealth on fraud, deception & greed.

Shouldn't they start with colleges charging so much? This is ridiculous

One very simple way for a student to reduce school borrowing is to use the GI Bill. Might even narrow the focus on a career.

Student loans fell into the same trap as everything else the government has funded without constraint - corruption. Obama's fault

ColumbiaBugle howz about totally rturning student loans to the private sector too?

Brilliant move, idiots You are effectively taking higher education off the table for millions of people. Not everyone has hundreds of thousands of dollars stashed in the top drawer of their bureau just waiting on a rainy day.

sasssmoore how about dropping interest rates or extending the terms of the loan? This will cause more dropouts or more private loans with higher rates.

...then make tuition at all schools affordable and not for the wealthy.

Coming from the guy, who lied to banks inflating his net worth so he could borrow more money, with a history of bankruptcies & defaulting on his loans.

Or is their plan to have more people go uneducated? This has classism written all over it. Dictators often affect their subjects ability to get an education, even closing down universities. This could be a means to an end.

Spider2248 This might be something I agree on.

As the FreeStuff brigades have been crying about the stupid amount of debt they agreed to, this is not an unexpected response. CarefulWhatYouAskFor

Brought to you by someone with a personal history of defaulting on loans and/or declaring bankruptcy.

There is a theory out there that an abundance of available money (loans) allows colleges to drive up tuition. I don’t know if this is true for private schools, but state schools have had to make up for funding cuts over the past 35 yrs, so don’t see how this proposal helps.

So - students would get a partial degree (or none at all) with federal loans and will be on their own to cobble together money to finish their degree? Or are they being pushed to online Universities? Is the administration looking at a VOUCHER PLAN?

How’s about they let you file bankruptcy from student loans. It’s really not that hard to get done.

So... only the wealthy deserve a good education? 😡😣

BRILLIANT! Take away a kid’s ability to attend college and the whole fake news student loan crisis disappears!

Donald Trump suggesting people shouldn’t be able to take out loans they can’t repay really is peak Donald Trump.

Trump should know about unmanageable debt. His business career is littered with it.

DMRevans ...preventing the poor from getting a college education, especially in the universities that provide the pipelines to Congress, Governorships, Wall Street, and courts. BLMNational staceyabrams RepCummings

Part of the Trump/Putin plan to make America dumber so they & billionaire cronies can grift more w/out challenge. The focus should be on why colleges & universities over the last 30 years have raised tuition & fees far beyond the cost of living & abuse non-profit status.

So basically he wants to make it so that the middle class can’t go to college?


They don't want 'those' people cluttering up college campuses after they have bribed their childrens' way into a slot they don't deserve.

It’s about time!! The only winners here are the colleges and universities.

So don’t go to college is what this says. It’s a typical wealthy persons idea!

Yes. Finally.

How soon do we hear the plan is that students can borrow from their parents' Social Security?

Socialism by Ivanka so only the rich can afford college!

Watch Tucker Carlson show that aired 3/18/19. Best ideas ever.

Oh, the irony! Don the Con wanted a loan from Deutsche Bank that he couldn't afford so he lied about his worth (to buy the Bills). Now he wants to HELP college students with unmanageable debt.

Or just they could just cap tuition at universities? Smh

Students can work 30-40 hours a week and still attend college— unless Mommy and Daddy don’t want them to work or they are “unwilling to work!” College debt can be much less with this method! How do I know this? I WORKED AND SAVED FOR COLLEGE! Babies— snowflakes!

Code for don’t let poor people go to to college and rise up against them.

Bartenders cut off a person who has obviously had one or 10 too many.

It will also force universities to lower the tuition.

Toi khong vay ai ca. Tai sao toi phai vay khi gan nhu cac Chinh Phu dang thieu no toi. No la vo ly

In other words to further advance privilege for the privileged who don't have to worry about taking out loans to get an education. VarsityBlues of a different sort. But the GOPTaxScam GOP Don't Care About Us TuesdayThoughts

Many successful people do not go to college. If it is overpriced most likely it is overrated.

That’s going to shake the establishment to its core

BoneheadedPOTUS antistudentAntiPoorAntiPeaceAntiCommonsensePoorlittlDONNIEsatan What a solution to student loan crisis! Blame the victim. Very predictable mafioso boss

You're doing it wrong, AP.

To prevent borrowers from attending college or university to better educate themselves, to ensure America never again get's this close to being flushed down the shitter as it is, today. 🤨

Great, but the problem lies in the college/ university infrastructure itself. The whole notion of 4 yrs and degrees is outdated, large campuses are impressive but also outdated, and high paid tenured professors is a crime. The drop out rate the 1st year is about 50%, also a joke.

Just further evidence of the Plutocracy consolidating power.

-how about the government just gets out of it altogether and then let's put money and budget management back in our schools so students are taught how not to take on massive debt for degrees in underwater basket weaving!

How about forgiving student debt? How about free college How about they stop raising tuition because federal aid doesn’t increase! Without student loans most kids can’t go to college! Student debt is real and no way out for them

How about making college more affordable? Idk, seems like lowering the actual cost could help with the amount of debt one would aquire.

Great idea for the corrupt billionaires who don’t need loans to attend Universities.. Crime money suffices..

Go back to 1996 with the hope credits from Clinton administration. College administrators immediately raised the tuition levels to swallow up those credits.

So more of, Lets not help folks get educated, but rather, lets eliminate everyone not rich from secondary education, and no biggie, we are destroying public education, so the poor wont be able to get in anyway. And you wonder why we are all for gouging the rich.

What’s with the hair?

Need to have Govt. payments go directly to school not to student--which a number use for something slse

There should be a cap. You can’t borrow an unlimited amount of money to buy a home which is a real asset. And yes, work should be done to lower tuition.

Finally! You should never be able to borrow too much, especially when you get a degree that is not useful in the job market!

This doesn’t help students get an education. This will lead to a greater push for free college.

Literally the worst solution to this problem

I don’t think that that is what Americans meant by “reducing student loan debt”!

Agreed!! Tell me one 18yo who has ever budgeted and understands what getting in debt for over 100-500k means? Stop Government involvement and tuition will drop by thousands because there is no guaranteed money. Economics 101

The plan is to make people less educated.. That's the plan. Seriously ap - stop peddling this administration's bs

I see. Don’t make education more affordable instead limit availability of funds.

TryMyFitness Which should have been the case from the beginning so millions of people who choose college, or are talked into it, aren't swimming in debt.

It will stop millions of underprivileged from receiving a higher education. The current administration’s latest attempt at dumbing down America!

Here is the problem. Everyone in these comments seems to think this is about elite colleges. Princeton for ex is free tuition if you make 160k, free all under 65k. Public state colleges are 120k for 4 years. The problem is states stopped funding public college properly.

Umm, here is the plan on loans. No where does it cap student loans. The AP article suggest there may have been talks to cap loans according to academic path. By whom? The title is misleading. The plan seems better for students. Read & decide.

Omg. Really smart. Only the wealthy will get into those $50k a year schools. But they are already in the Ivies.

Get Ivanka's face off social media.

Government lones should only go to class's of science and engineering. Then only be payed after the class is passed. All liberal shit the kid needs to pay.

It seems the current administration wants the driven, intelligent people to NOT be educated or enlightened. You know, like the GOP's base of supporters. 'We don't want no edge-ew-ca-tion' much?

How about a cap on CEO salaries? A cap on tax cuts for the rich? A cap on corporate tax cuts?

Utterly restrictive unless tuition costs are reduced by the same percentage.

Education should be FREEEEEEEE!

Kids dont need a cap, they need interest free loans from the government.

Sounds like nanny state telling people what they can and can’t do.


How about the government get out completely from the student loan program. Where the hell is this in the Constitution? We need to get back to basics or we are going to fall apart even more then we have already. Fund the military and post office in the Constitution ONLY.

They're trying to create more laborers, fewer college grads.

That's not going to cap the cost of college, that will just make college unreachable for more people.

Trump is worried about unmanageable debt? I thought that was his business model.

The government is about 69 years too late!

Good! And break the business model of higher “education,” as well.

What an idiotic 'fix' from the regime that has given us such unmanageable debit via a tax scam bill that it now wants to gut Americans' earned benefits.

Relax, this is from a man who thinks a ‘small’ loan is a million dollars.

Smart. Every time borrowing limits go up,colleges raise their prices.

Zero would be a good cap number

Making America ignorant again.

There is already an aggregate limit that barely covers the costs as is. Why not request schools to lower the tuition? Why is it always about the poor having to sacrifice?

Stop the loans from the government and make the University Endowment funds finance the education they give. Make them put skin in the game. Poor education and failure in the work place from nonessential degrees will change this culture

Tell the whole story. FakeNews

Right, so anyone who wants to get ahead in life but cannot donate a building can only pay for half their education...brilliant idea

No. A good first step is to put an all encompassing definition around the word tuition. Schools have to stop racking up secondary and tertiary costs on everything. One price for everything for transparency’s sake.

In other news, the trump administration is proposing limits on the amount of healthcare one can receive in order curb the cost of medical treatment. Seriously, this is a supremely stupid 'solution.'

Limited government

So instead of actually doing anything to lower the cost of college, they've decided to make it harder for poor students to go at all. I guess when you spend thousands in bribes, you don't want to risk your kid hanging with poor people.

Make more people stupid so they bote republican!

Medical students who become doctors frequently graduate with huge debt.I’m assuming ppl in other grad-programs do GOP suggesting we cut funding for these ppl who don’t have daddy’s who donate to Penn to get us admitted&waive ed cost?

So, more loans needed from private (predatory) lenders, then?

College costs have to come down. Both my kids got $25K off the $63K cost/yr of these colleges which is just so expensive (& the parents pay with savings & loans) SenWarren had the idea of 0% interest which is a great start

As usual we penalize the customer not the vendor. It’s the federal government logic that gets us in trouble

I'm really looking forward to never seeing Ivanka Antoinette's ridiculous fake face & hair ever again.

And make it more difficult to get loans. Not everyone must go to four yrs of leftist indoctrination and partying!

Most college kids I know use that money to live on. Let them go to CC for two years and work part time as I did . kids need to learn the value of earning a way. I support the Cap on student loans as well as the interest rates on these loans . A financial planning class too.

How does that address the rising cost of college tuition?

Can't get into debt if you don't get student loans and never go to college and can't get a good job and end up homeless!

Better yet, get the government out of the student debt market.

JonLemire Next, a cap on breathing out to reduce carbon emissions.

students are stupid......

These IDIOTS need to stop making policy. They are NOT smart enough, despite their parents having bribed their way into top schools.

How much of a bribe did every institution of higher learning accept so that Don J., Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka could get admission? And how many truly brilliant children from disadvantaged situations were turned away? Travesty

They should regulate the excessive college tuitions. You guys love regulation. Always shouting big pharma. Big agri. Well this is big education. The schools need to reduce prices. Colleges shouldn’t b more than $20000 a year. No education is worth more than that.

So...go into debt but make it impossible to complete your degree so you can get a good paying job to pay it back? Terrible idea. Terrible people.

So when a college student has no job, jets off to football games and Exotic spring break locations, parties relentlessly, etc. that should all fall under “college is expensive”? realityhurts

Sure works for Rich white families who have all the money in the world.

The amount of low IQ individuals in the comment section is quite overwhelming. Anyone that doesn’t see how this will help probably believes socialism so good.

They could also make university education free, paid by general taxation. But, of course, we cannot afford it:

So - instead of curbing costs, they are letting people borrow less? Siri, what’s the opposite of “aspirational?”

Sooo.... kids from poor families just don’t get to go to college at all, regardless of talent or merit. How very .... feudal. Honestly, this admin never ceases to repulse me.

Unfortunately, I think they believe that education is a privilege for the rich and anyone who can’t afford it should be relegated to blue collar jobs. It’s classic suppression. Just like minorities voting, women not having a say about their bodies, Mexicans being bad people, etc

Try looking at the outrageous cost to go to college.

Why not put a cap on college costs instead!!?

How about making efforts to restore Pell Grants?

Kris_Sacrebleu So the guy who’s repeatedly filed bankruptcy is lecturing about too much debt? Gosh, maybe he can teach us about how to get loans from foreign lenders 🤷🏻‍♀️

If parents and colleges won’t be responsible. Let’s make sure the government and banks are.

These mutherfockers. They don't try to hide their depravity and selfishness and zeal to keep Americans uneducated and ignorant -- easier to manipulate.

Banks dont lend money on worthless cars yet the govt grants loans for feminist studies.

This from the worst BORROWER on the planet! These grifters committed bank fraud to get a 2 Billion dollar loan, and they have the nerve to put limits on student loans. May they all rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.

The war on education continues apace.

A$$ backwards proposal

Instead Govt should make education cheaper to encourage more students to aspire to do graduation and higher studies. Otherwise, lot of dropouts take place because of very high education cost below graduation level in US.

This is certainly a solution. Like so many policies from this administration, it completely misses the problem and instead tackles a symptom. Absolutely useless.

Maybe this will discourage people from studying things that will be useless in the job market or in very low demand eg gender studies

You stoplending in hopes colleges will drop tuition? They lie. They want parents to go to the big banks (their friends) to get loans now

A broken clock is right twice a day.

Trump University was a scam, and this is, too.

ahahahaha TrumpFascism Orwellian policies ... aha should be deemed how to keep Americans stupid.

Whoever came up with this genius plan graduated from Trump University, obviously.

Wow, that's the pot calling the kettle black. This man made a living being in debt and never paying it back.

Put a cap on the interest rate instead, and allow more flexibility.

$1.5T in student loans so far.Curb the loan=Another great idea from the Trump Administration.

Isn’t the bulk of debt from private loans? This just hurts people.

Because $20 should be enough for them to begin college, then drop out because they can't afford it. Knowledge is over-rated.

So, since a Bogu$ Trump U failed the Irrational Narci$$i$t wants everyone punished!

Ummm but wouldn’t that preclude some from fulfilling their educational aspirations? Are they saying unless your rich enough you can’t pursue higher educational goals?

So poor people don't get to go to school...got it.

Sounds like a way to discourage the poor from getting a better education.

Capping student debt merely means once the student meets the cap they can’t complete their education. How is that helpful!!!!

Reagan did this too. He went after student loans. This is complete bs. Another knock to the poor, working and middle class. electionshaveconsequences

Who in the fuck is she? She isn't qualified to feed my dog.

This administration is disgusting an all that is associated with them

This is actually very smart. Schools will just raise tuition to take what they can. It’s the schools that are overpriced causing this

Colleges have become more about generating revenue than providing education. The money these schools bring in from athletics and boosters is being misused. Should be used to reduce tuition/provide more scholarships. Too much money 'slipping through the cracks'

The whole higher education system needs to be redone. It has become a complete joke. We are producing a lot of in debt kids with degrees in worthless studies.

And prevent them from completing their education!! Thats bollocks!

newtgingrich tried to quash access to higher education in the mid-90s by ending/limiting the Pell Grant and FAFSA. That was the moment I became a Democrat. The gop actually wanted fewer people to go to college because they thought it turned them into TheDemocrats. MaxBoot

That’s a great idea

How does this 'curb' the cost of college?

JacquiHeinrich Finally something that makes sense. College is a rip off due to Administrative costs.

Long overdue. The student loan racket must end now.

gregproughyaho1 I’d like to see the trump kids SAT scores. I’m pretty certain daddy had to pay off Georgetown and UPenn to get them in. There’s no way they got in on their own merits.

So they will limit where certain people go to school or how far the continue their education. Only the wealthy get further ahead.

BWIT_Consortium Absolutely nonsensical. Rather than make college education more affordable, they will give the students less💰by curbing fed loans. This will hurt poor students. Or maybe they expect them to get the rest of the 💵 from DeutscheBank? Bet side deals given the WH is grifters haven.

Prevent them from taking on too much debt? 🤨 Well there is a novel idea! Colleges educate people but fail to teach them what too much debt will do to them after college! Its insanity! The banks NEED us in debt, it’s how they make money! But don’t teach that either!

Yet another area the government needs to get out of. Government involvement is what drove the cost up so high to begin with. lessgovernment

But that's Obamas legacy. Screwing us for the corporations and banks.

I wish this shit was around before I sunk $100k+ into a bachelor’s degree. Adolescent kids shouldn’t be able to take out large sums of money for an education they think they need. I speak this with an open mind to solutions

Literally reshaping society. Preventing people from progressing. Creating an underclass and aristocracy.

Sooo.... the Trump solution is to eliminate opportunity for poor & middle class people. Got it.

That sound stupid on the surface.

'Personal responsibility' a foreign concept to this generation.

They want America to turn into a neo-feudal state where only the kids of the rich can seek higher education. Another epic fail from a group who have done nothing but fail since they cut a deal w the devil in Moscow.

Just nuke the federal loan system from orbit. Universities will figure out their priorities aren't admin salaries really fast.

So then they go to banks for unsecured personal loans at higher rates?

If a college wants to pay Elizabeth Warren $350,000 to teach one class, or pay 11 million dollars for diversity Department, it should not be funded by loans guaranteed through the government. One cut the costs Two teach math in high school

It’s an attack on colleges, because that’s where the people get educated and begin to see the rich robbing the poor.

The irony of a Trump trying to put a limit on people’s borrowing to stop them from taking on unmanageable amounts of debt is just too much for me to handle right now

No, that’s not the answer! Dummies!

So just rich white kids get to go to college now Imbeciles.

This is fucked up.

How about lowering the cost of college education?

More Trump deflection. How about the universities involved in the latest admissions scandal pony up some serious cash to help pay off the debt that truly deserving students have accumulated while paying ridiculous tuition fees and then admit only qualified students going forward.

I'm torn on this one. I have 3 degrees, the tuition did these was probably in the ball park of $150k, but my actual loans are ~$350k. It's really the interest and extra money required for housing and paying bills while you study that gets you in the end.

Here's a novel idea. Incent businesses to hire college students part time and offer not only real world experience but tuition assistance programs to help not only offset College expenses but also the experience gap.


Great plan. Let's make college even more unaffordable so kids can't even get higher education. We already have a nation of willfully uninformed and poor dummies that consistently vote against their own interest. Gee. I wonder which party this policy will benefit more? GOP evil!!

therealest007 Maybe, the Trump Dump should focus on the interest rates attached the student loans vs the amount of money.. So with this idea, they'll allow you loans for two years vs four? Dumb idea

Agree 1000%

If they could afford to give a trillion to ppl don’t need it, the government should be giving that money to education instead. If doctors, lawyers, etc. didn’t have enormous loans to pay back they wouldn’t have to charge enormous rates. Everyone would benefit.

Someone should have set limits on Trump's debts. WTH?!?

This is like blaming insurance companies for the increased cost of healthcare Why does college cost so much?

Adding competition in the education market will bring costs down. The internet provides a wonder tool for doing that. The government should establish guidelines for establishing such an industry, since building more schools to meet the growing demand is to costly.

wymynrus This is perfectly moronic.

Government is the problem, government is the solution.

Please, let’s limit her mouth!

soulUtionsTim Ivanka wants to be President. They are giving her policy tryouts so she has the chops when she runs for President. We must devoid her of this narcissistic dream.

So that means only the rich can get an education? That sounds Trumpish to me.

no limits on trump's borrowing though... the anti education agenda... heil shitler...

What a fuckin RUSE! Shooting the victims of unbridled GREED is what the WH is planning! Colleges establish the cost of tuition and rm&brd...not the students! This WH plan is exactly the reason college education should be FREE! Once again US gov't is punishing the victims!

I have a better one congress should pass a resolution making college more affordable rather than setting limits on how much a student can barrow

Kris_Sacrebleu Bekause making kollege affordable is too much of a kommon sense thing to do

Ivanka's a piece of dog s***

This doesn't reduce the cost of tuition, it will simply make education more out of reach for people that are not wealthy. So fucking evil.

SaraCarterDC Make the colleges provide and guarantee half the loan so they have skin in the game!

How about dealing with the root cause, the cost of education, instead of treating the symptoms and treating them badly at that. I'd be fired for not doing a root cause analysis and implementing a fix.

Borrowers need the ability to file for bankruptcy - which seems fair since the president did so 4 times.

Can’t wait to see how this is spun into orange man still bad

Except members of Congress all get free loans for their kids! Corruption GOPCorruption

Unless you are rich or lie to Deutsche Bank about your assets, right?!

Now there is a twist of socialism. Let’s government control the amounts you can borrow to get an education. So it would limit who can get an education. Wealthy elites rule. Jesus

What needs to happen is a cap needs to be put on these COLLEGES and UNIV in this nation bec they are out of control and answer to no one. Put tuition caps on these darn institutions asap DonaldTrump

I find it really hard to believe that a massive amount of jobs go unfilled because of no qualified applicant. Becuz what? they are unwilling to train so they just go without that important position?

I wish Fred Trump had put a cap on his son's borrowing. We might now have someone in the WH who knows something about taking responsibility.

Notice, financial aid isn’t mentioned. Or bringing down tuition costs. This is designed to keep poor people from top schools.

Another step in Trump family/admin's efforts to hand U.S. over to wealthiest Americans, while destroying middle class & belief in the American dream. Success thru hard work? 🤣 If GOP voters weren't so comfortable voting against their own interests, this might impact 2020 elec.

Yeah, we don’t want too many educated people out ther, they might learn critical thinking skills and god forbid, cast their votes based on verifiable facts.

How does this Daughter/Wife, Grifter have any right or station to propose or suggest policy for Anyone!

Kris_Sacrebleu How about a camp on interest rates?

The sheer entitlement of the Trump administration--headed by deadbeat borrower/inflater of assets in chief--wanting to cap student loan borrowing is incomprehensible.

How about we make college smart again and stop indoctrination on the kids and slow adults

Stop the government backed loan guarantees and college tuition will drop precipitously.

Forgive the debt and make all the banks we bailed out pay for it!

I like it realDonaldTrump VP WhiteHouse

More proof of Trump bullshit. Limit the students so they can't complete their education. No limits on the lenders who are predators. realDonaldTrump gave money to get Ivanka into college just like Papa Trump did for him. Jared Kushner, too. They are frauds from head to toe.

So students can only afford 1/2 of an education.

cryborg They want dumb people

This must happen.

So yeah I mean maybe the 'unintended effect' would be that poorer individuals would have to go to state or community college and some might be altogether excluded. Rich would pay less, face easier entrance ( reduced demand for ed ) and poor individuals another burden...

Put caps on borrowers like tRump and all his cronies

But what happens to poor students who can only attend these institutions by incurring debt?

The government took over the student loan and before we knew it, you could borrow $100,000.00 a year and schools were raising tuition to hoard the influx of money. It’s like the mortgage scam of the 80’s. Shameful

People who wouldn’t qualify for a $200k home loan (with house as collateral) qualify for $200k student loan debt, no collateral. This never made sense to me - except you can’t walk away from the student loan. Follow the money, I suppose...🤔

So stupidly rich folks only get to go to expensive programs ? Best and brightest will leave US. That must be their plan, nepotistic Barbie

Cost of College..

The WhiteHouse is proposing 'a cap on federal student loans to prevent borrowers from taking on unmanageable debt.' The POTUS has multiple bankruptcies!!! realDonaldTrump is the poster boy of 'unmanageable debt'!!!

So if you can't pay 2 mil$ to get a degree, GTH

Why is there Ivanka's photo? Can't see the relevance but maybe there is.

This does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to curb the cost of higher education. It merely ensures that only the kids of the über-wealthy can afford to attend the most expensive schools. What HOGWASH!

They had better run that by Betsy deVos. Her for-profit college businesses will not be happy about this.

What will students do if they’re admitted into an institution for which they don’t have the $ ? Let me guess, should they give up their seat to some brat whose parents will pay for them to get in?! I’m sure there is more to this I don’t know about. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I hope they cap how much a school can charge too.

IvankaTrump, giving them less money will decrease their debt but not competing their degree will not get them a job to pay off the bills. math commonsense.

Well, realDonaldTrump, IvankaTrump, and jaredkushner — this could’ve been Jared if his parents hadn’t had the means to give Harvard $2.5 mil to ensure his acceptance. EnormousStudentDebt

Kris_Sacrebleu How about proposing new limits on how high you can inflate your net worth to Deutschebank in order to get a loan.

And what exactly do Betty and and Ivanka know about that? What freakin jokeshow/ deflection this is🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

Will also prevent students from going to college...BetsyDeVosED

At first it was only an assumption that these folks were idiots. Now they have provided substantiation. Amazing!

Gonna bet Deutsche Bank wishes it had enacted such a policy on the Trump Crime Syndicate many, many years ago

It is the tuition that is the issue. Offer less $ when tuition will increase most likely? Stupid.

How about putting a cap on how much colleges can charge?

They should put a cap on tuition costs.

Completely misses the root cause, and once again uses general public as pawns. Also, beware the 180 month repayment Trojan Horse buried in the story.

Top schools for those with wealthy parents. More Division.

One guy has trouble making it in college and he wants to ruin it for everyone else.

So... limiting what students can borrow instead of getting tuition costs down? Only rich people will get degrees.

Why does IvankaTrump think it is the students problem for the debt and not the schools charging so much? College cost need to go down, class like diversity are a waste of money, and we should not be giving any financial aid to illegal aliens or foreigners.

This will restrict collage students from getting thier degree in a timely matter or even at all most kids don't have rich daddy to pay thier tuition so the poor kid gets screwed again


How about putting a cap colleges and universities over charging students for tuition!

Got to get those Universities as close to free as possible. Need to audit those institutions

So only the wealthy will be able to afford college? How does that plan work? Trump is just going to reduce the pot of money available for students that really need it. I call BS.

How about we also end the ridiculous notion that every kid should go to college too?

This from the clown who borrowed until he couldn't find anyone to lend him money. Makes sense... if he can't do it, then nobody can. His whole fucking life is borrowed.

But that doesn’t prevent colleges from charging ridiculous amounts of money

Very right , Americans have been sold debt to the level that they themselves could cause the country an economic crunch without external help . This has drastically affected the quality of life since one graduates into delve and lives in it most of their lives

Try lowering the costs of college so kids and families don’t have to go into debt up to their eyeballs

Kris_Sacrebleu So, how exactly do they become doctors, lawyers, scientists... wait... oh I see. Brilliant.

Makes sense. Trump has banker friends who would benefit from this. Also, not only is this absurd, it’s a simplistic idea facing a complex solution. Many things make college more exspensive but here are just a few:

Great. Keep students with lesser means from graduating from college. *sarcasm*. How about if the government stops getting rich off of students who can’t otherwise afford a college education by lowering the interest rates on student loans.

How about reigning in the universities that drive up their tuition fees as well?

About time common sense returns! Too many students are starting life with debt they’re not prepared to pay handle! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

All I ever wanted to be was a doctor. My dad worked for a living. I got a full academic scholarship for undergrad but taking on massive educational debt was the only way I could go to medical school. I’ll be paying it off until I die but you cannot shut that door.

So like everyone should get half a degree?

Because, according to Trump, only rich kids deserve to go to college. So much for everyone can succeed in this country. Make America Great Again (but only for the 1%ers.)

Finally a smart idea to lower costs.

and they send her to remind everyone she can't be pundit. Her release is caucus. What do you think narrows for consumption then? Arguments for base or the original intent to deliver a pundit to announce rivalry against none other than Harvard. do someone. Quoted.

Yeah that’s the answer, restrict access to money, they just waste it on education

Kris_Sacrebleu How the fuck does that help? Fucking idiots. Denying govt help doesn't keep students out of debt, it keeps them out of college. CorruptGOP wants us all sick, scared, and stupid. An educated populace will see through their bullshit and VoteThemOut

DO IT! They use their book advances to buy weed.

Kris_Sacrebleu Which will keep all of the middle class & poor kids out of college! 🖕🏻Trump, DeVos & the whole administration!

Limiting the amount of debt isn’t the solution. It’ll just increase the gap btwn the wealthy who can afford college & everyone else who can’t. Free college & Liam reimbursement is the real solution.

It would prevent kids from going out of state to schools at 4 to 5 times the cost of in-state schools. These are so few degrees that require a student to go out of state for college.

Kris_Sacrebleu Exactly how you don’t compete in a global market.

Fkn assholes don't understand how long it takes and how expensive it is to become a doctor, lawyer or any other Ph.D. SOB

semanadrea Why not address the fucking fraudulent rich people that have bought their kids into college, too close to home?

Kris_Sacrebleu Put a cap on grocery bills while you’re at it.

How about instead of spending the weekend drinking and partying, get a job and work. It's not hard. Prioritize what is important. Believe me it works. It would of been nice to enjoy those things but instead I was out of debt a few years after school.

Lower the interest rate on govt loans.

Capping student loans doesn’t help education. Make education affordable. Or get the Real Housewives to pay for it

So, the solution is to make college impossible

Do I have this straight. It is removing access to the loans rather than capping rates and predatory practices? Or addressing growth of tuition as states pay less. College for the rich only!

How in the actual fuck does reducing the amount of money available for student loans reduce the cost of college? All that does is reduce the amount of money one can spend/borrow for expensive colleges. Republicans are duplicitous, disingenuous assholes.

Which will lower the cost of tuition, because schools will no longer be able to trick us into furthering ourselves into debt. Smart move IvankaTrump!

Kris_Sacrebleu Isn’t that the nanny state that the GOP detests? Isn’t this more regulation that the GOP hates? What’s the real story? Is this another GOP attack on education?

Or...and here me out. Let a academic and social performance determine what schools and financial options a student can realistically seek. Of course this would have probably kept Yrump and Kushner out of their schools.

Yeah this really makes sense.....you can go to school half way. How about reducing tutition? Stupid idea!

Kris_Sacrebleu We should put a cap on tax payer funded junkets to Mar-a-Lago and other lavish trips.

From the guy who has borrowed billions of dollars from banks and never paid any of it back...

What is he calling it? The No More need for Laughlin crime Bill?

randydrsmith Bigly smart! That’ll reelee help prepull finish them thar deegreez

These are the same people who want to eliminate regulations on payday lenders and other extremely high interest lenders. Screw them

In other words, IvankaTrump is making sure YOUR kids will go to vo tech, while her offspring will follow Daddy to Harvard.

Someone needs to reign in the cost of college, period! $1,300 for books for one semester is ridiculous! Renting is a joke! They don’t need a new edition every semester! Nothing short of racketeering!


I think that's a little bass ackwards!

Thus, once again, guaranteeing only rich white kids being able to attend college.

So only rich kids get to go to college?

Say what? That’s your solution?

GREAT! This is perfect to keep the cost for rich people down by denying access to any poor or economically challenged individuals! WIN! WIN!!!

Kris_Sacrebleu Trump also plans to reduce FHA loans to lower home prices; WIC subsidies to lower food prices; and National Flood Insurance payments to reduce the damage from floods and national emergencies. Next up: reducing the military to lower the risk of wars. (Yeah, right.)

These billionaire elitist Trump family & administration members are so unbelievably out of touch. Clueless

“Make sure the poors don’t overreach” is some Trumpian bullshit.

Kris_Sacrebleu No way Congress even looks at this. Every vote counts. It matters that the Dems took the House back. Now in 2020, let's take it all back.

Is the government going to make up the difference?

Only the rich will be college educated

Well duh!

No, this is to keep kids from GOING to college. This is about keeping people uneducated.

So....prevent needy individuals from going to college?

Kris_Sacrebleu Since when is Ivanka Trump the face that represents the White House

Kris_Sacrebleu Excuse me. Didn't DT proudly claim he was the king of debt; he loved debt?

The reason for all the over borrowing is because the government took over the loan program Folks were much more hesitant to default to a bank And that’s why tuitions tripled

We should demand CAPS on college/higher ed tuition and fees! Like health care costs...they can not continue to spiral out of reach. Most of their buildings are likely paid for by now! We have supported many of the institutions with TP dollars and grants. No more gratis GIFTS!

So only people whose parents can afford to make up the difference will be able to finish college. This is the dumbest idea I’ve heard today. How about reduce cost of college? How about raising minimum wage? How about paid programs to work off student debt?

Kris_Sacrebleu This feels like 1% backlash to the college entrance scam. I mean there would be more spots if less poor ppl had even less access to funds to pay tuition. Phuck them.

Of course! Why solve the real problem? Only the rich deserve an education.

Make school affordable and no state barriers.

Or, you could save money by pulling promised loan money to Puerto Rico. Not federal aid...LOAN MONEY. Oh wait, you did that already. Pardon me if I'm not dazzled by this pathetic excuse of an administration's solutions to the college loan crisis. Go Trump University!

semester costs 10k I can only borrow 4K now 2 keep debt low OH SHIT I’m 6grand short NO COLLEGE for me real plan is keep ppl dumb resist

How about instead they put a limit on the cost of higher education.

Sic only the rich will go to college

can we do this with our national debt then

trump has NEVER spplied this limit concept to his own effing loans- it is NO SOLUTION at sll IvankaTrump

I bet this was Ivanka who cooked this idiocy up, she is so not self aware enough to even know she has NO idea what regular life is for the vast majority of Americans. I just really hate these ppl and their idiot base of irrational white rage 🤬

How compassionate of them!

Practical and realistic.

WOW! Who came up with that Ivanka 🤨unbelievable!

What does any of the Trump children know about borrowing money to pay for college?

What also worries me here is the professions which take at least 8 years to complete certification/degree. What should be also addressed is the exhorbant amount of money universities charge and the ridi ileus salaries of faculty.

So, now only the wealthy, who don't need those pesky student loans, now get to attend college, don't have to mingle with the peasants. How droll. 😠

Does that include his family

Will drive college costs down. Smart move.


Cut the amount, that’ll solve the problem 🤦🏻‍♀️.

Making universities co-sign student loans is another great idea. I Universities constantly lobby for jobs and careers to require their 'training' so they should be on the hook as much as the students for their graduates to be able to succeed in the fields they are trained.

1st Lower interest rates. 2nd Start accruing rates after graduation. Capping will only increase the distribution of wealth and create a shortage of specialized fields.

So. Out. Of. Touch!

Excellent idea. Colleges charge whatever because they know there’s no borrowing limit.

I’d get rid of the student loans altogether. Why should the taxpayers have to foot the bill?

If the Goverment had not gone into the college loan business, college wouldn’t cost so much. Goverment just gave away money and schools just kept raising the price of tuition.

Of course they’ve proposed this. They don’t want a smarter America but a less informed one. Get rid of the trumpanoffs

GloriaSeattleWA I thought conservatives wanted less government interference in the lives of Americans. Why not look at tuition costs, or repayment options or subsidies or tax credits for certain fields like medicine or environmental or computer science?

I remember fondly the days when you actually had to be smart to get in. This is a manufactured by greed problem with an easy solution.

How about instead you force the colleges to LOWER the cost of tution? My mom got her BSN at the mere price of $75 a class per quarter.

But no mention of reigning in predatory private loans!? Of course not.

Lower still.

Honestly, what does Ivanka know about anything? Anything?

Now private loans can make up the difference 🙃🙃

No one should spend 70,000 on liberal arts and gender studies anyway.

I guess thos family can cheat their way thru but honest people cannot borrow and get educated wow. Real scum bags

That's the way to go Mr Man in the WH after you PAID for your children Education. Not Smart enough.

That is stupid! How about reducing the cost of college so more people can go!

Good, apparently the kids and their parents can’t figure it out and they are all wanting to be relieved of the debt, time to manage the situation

I’ll withhold judgment until the full width of the broader plan is revealed.

This is so absurd, on so many levels. Free markets? Haha. This is more socialists and stupid than trying make college more accessible by other means.

How about lowering the interest rate? When a college graduate is expected to be a higher tax rate than banks, homeowners, car loans - it’s ridiculous!!

Doesn’t seem feasible.

It's unmanageable because Lenders are taking advantage with high capitalizing interest! Can you cap that! Corruption Greed StudenLoanCrisis SenSanders

Well that is just pure STUPIDITY!

RealCryBabyNews All part of the GOP / Libertarian agenda to create a permanent underclass.


This is horrible and will only lead to a larger majority of wealthy students while those from lower income families will be unable to pay tuition. A better plan is putting a cap on the cost of tuition, making higher education more affordable and accessible.

I love all the folks who complain about the amount of crushing student debt and then don’t like a Trump suggesting a limit on the crushing amount of debt.


SOLVED Student loans should be paid back by taking %10 of the students pay after they graduate until it's repaid, at a low fixed interest rate. Whatever the job, whatever the pay. simple

Quit giving them a free pass

So you can have two years of college not four.... interesting.....

Is this for real? A 4 year old could list the reasons this is ridiculous.

The trump administration is wholly unable to solve any issue whatsoever. None. Until he’s gone we are in purgatory.

How exactly will students pay for college without loans that cover them through graduation?! Or is college just for the wealthiest? Another power and opportunity grab. Focus on lowering the cost of college and financially supporting high achieving students, similar to athletes.

So instead of a policy to actually make college more affordable for more people his plan is to make it more inaccessible for more people. What a big fail.

There is evil motive behind all of this.

The Trump administration would like you to know that it's not that university education is too expensive, it's that you're too poor.

This really makes my blood boil.


Cool. Then they will be forced to get private loans with super high interest rates and raise their debt even more. Awesome!

When governments subsidize things the providers move to capture as much of the subsidy as they can!

Says the White House admin who has 'taken on' trillions of debt on behalf of US Citizens for generations to come. *I believe every student has the right to take on as much debt as they want to pursue their education/profession/dream. Why does govn have the right 2 restrict us?

The out of control cost of college are the tuitions. That’s the reason people borrow so heavily, realDonaldTrump. Why don’t you put a cap on, or give an incentive for reduced tuitions if you really want to reduce debt?

Colleges must share the responsibility of increasing costs which kills students. I read the 1 expense to colleges is land acquisition & building followed by salaries/benefits

.So now only rich kids can become lawyers, doctors, veterinarians.... ThanksTrump ThanksIvanka

How about limiting what schools charge for tuition?

How about we do something radical and follow Bernie's idea to make public colleges and universities tuition free so students don't have to go into debt?

I wouldn't mind a cap on loans if public universities have a cap on tuition, and the state would pay the difference. If tuition is capped 100 bucks/year (for ez math) and the loan cap is 300 dollars, the student gets 300 dollars and pays the school and the state pays the rest

Just like: having most San Francisco-area residents unable to qualify for home loans has really lowered home prices here. Well no, but at least it’s kept ppl from incurring huge mortgages & ya can’t get loans for the high rents, so the non-rich have NO housing debt. Yeah: win-win


Also.... Anybody who doesn't understand the real problem shouldn't bash anyone providing solutions. Problem? Fed loans MUST be paid, barring extreme conditions, so what did your high-and-mighty places of 'education' do? Ramp-up tuition costs as high as they could...

Why take fee loan knowing that your degree in diversity and inclusion ain’t going to set you up for a successful career? Then go on CNN Democrat town hall and cry about lack of opportunities and seek federal loan forgiveness. Jesus.

Once all the poor, qualified people can’t take out loans, the rich people won’t have to pay people off to cheat their way in!

Wait, just hold on there privileged people .... Isn't this the opposite of what should be done. WHY PROTECT COLLEGES ....SHOULDN'T YOU BE TELLING THEM TO REDUCE TUITION. WHY DO YOUR SOLUTIONS ALWAYS EXCLUDE THE BUSINESS ENTITY. ITS MESSED UP!

Classic Republican strategy. Don't go after the root cause of the problem which is egregious college tuition, tell kids to pull up yourself up by yur boot straps and don't borrow as much. Once again, a policy that 'wealth' isn't burdened with .... GTFOH! .....

Makes skipping college even better

realDonaldTrump has created a monster! No one wants her advice! No one asked for her advice! She has no idea what working/poor parents go through so our children can attend college. She hasn’t asked & I doubt she can even read! IvankaTrump stay outta grown women’s business

Sensible! Liberal radicals would have you believe this is outrageous and that, well.... Free. Free. Free! [Of course nothing is free]

Instead of putting a cap on the money, make it free like every other f*cking country does except ours. We are a total disgrace.

Agree. Colleges have gone on a spending spree and have passed the costs onto students and their families without any valuable benefit. What point is it to have a degree that cost $280k when you can only be a barista at Starbucks making $15 an hour?

Such a faux Republican thought. Restrict access to education by limiting loans available vs. actually correcting a market run rampant where education has become cost-prohibitive. Same bullshit as healthcare. No, Republicans, the market does not/will not correct itself. myth

How is this supposed to lower the cost of college? Is this illogical? I don’t get it.

Was this Barbie’s idea?

PardesSeleh It’s just plain sad that this isn’t part of the prequal process already. No one with a $40k income can get a loan for a million dollar house. Why would anyone studying for a career that pays the same be extended massive amounts of money they can never repay? It’s absurd.

Anyone thought about the high rate of delinquent accounts? They actually have to garnish the wages of ones that became doctors and lawyers. Look at Stacey Abram. She did not pay her loans back and then abused the system for even more.

For a president who lives off borrowing from banks, on a grand scale, I find this laughable.


Hopefully Congress will not follow through with this BS.

Good idea. Many of them use the money for other things like apartment rentals when in fact they could stay home & not spend that money.

So again only the wealthy can afford it.... how about look at the tuition? An educated workforce is far greater then a few 1%ers

There are a lot of ways to make higher education more accessible to more people. That's not the goal of the GOP... they want you ignorant and in indebted bc an ignorant person is easier to control, and an indebted population means they make more money. Self- serving proposal.

How could we trust the Trump family to handle $$$?

When the govt guaranteed college for everyone that’s what caused the rise in tuition. This is long overdue.

Taking on debt has never concerned him before

About time

I will be against it if more than half of the degrees involves actual learning or research. So in this regard, screw student loans and screw free college for all.

Long overdue but must target country club universities as well as capping student debt.

Why not go the full hog and just abolish college?

Why is she involved in any policy making? No experience, no knowledge and no understanding of the real world.!!!

No, it's not about the loans or the students' ability to repay them. It's all about keeping the masses from going to college. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it really is *still* a pig.

How about putting limits and caps on tuition costs 'to prevent borrowers from taking on unmanageable debt'?

Were they drunk when they thought this up? Like, actually talked to kids going to school to see what thru actually need to get through?

PardesSeleh So only the elite will be able to afford school as they have the cash or will schools be forced to lower their rates?

I agree !

Are they capping tuitions accordingly or nah

Someone needs to manage the runaway debt.

So keep the poor uneducated. That strategy has been tried before in the past - not successfully.

Trump...the financial genius.

This is going to limit access to people to higher education

Let’s do caps on wealth and profits instead. Reallocate funds more appropriately

Keep the little people poor and uneducated. It’s the Rich Republican mantra.

Is the Trump administration incapable of fixing the root causes of problems?

Isn’t that special? What would u know about any of it?

His stupidity is astounding.

Soooo Trump Administration working in making Advanced Education for the rich only

Americans are proposing new limits on treason, and think Ivanka should spend the rest of her days in prison. treason ivankathecunt entitledcriminal MoneyLaundering azerbaijan traitortrash

Beyond stupid recommendation. Only a wealthy, entitled individual who's parent bought them an education to the University of their choice would come up with this solution.

It's almost like the government shouldn't of nationalized student loans.

This will make only the wealthy be able to go to college. How about limiting how much colleges can charge

In other words, the Trump Administration will curb student debt by making sure no one who needs loans can go to school.

Yes, because that’s the problem.

Just more $$$ they want to take away from Working Americans and give to the Wealthy, including themselves.

Some goddamn sense

THEN MANY CANT GO TO COLLEGE!!!! This is just another part of how they want to create a class system. No education = no opportunity. Then they can hold a certain % of the population down and create more wealth for these greedy scum bags.

PardesSeleh TuckerCarlson had some GREAT ideas on tonight's show. Colleges need to guarantee these loans - not WeThePeople.

So only the rich get an education. We need to end these MFs now.

The student loan bubble will be the new Enron. Colleges getting fat off free federal $$ with ZERO accountability. Add the society notion kids MUST go to college; earn a useless Liberal Arts degree and $50K in debt. Welcome to Starbucks, can I take your order?

God forbid we try no to extremely low interest rates instead of gouging the living hell out of people trying to better themselves by going to college. The fucking nerve of people.

Maybe if going to college wasn't so expensive, students wouldn't have to borrow so much. The colleges themselves don't care. They increase costs & tell students to borrow if they can't afford it. They have no incentives to make it affordable. It's a taxpayer-driven scam.

Who is to say what’s unmanageable? So what if you take 10 years to pay it off, if you have a job and future.

Well that’s one major part of the problem.

Trump has no room to breathe!

Too many going to college. Too many with the latest i-phone while taking out student loans. If the kids can’t get the money they won’t be able to spend it. Perhaps they will choose a better degree if they have to work hard to get it. It’s too easy for kids to make bad choices.

This is bad for private colleges. It will put them out of business.

PardesSeleh Yes this is a start. Next we need to prevent borrowing for liberal arts degrees or only offer loans based on economic data on that major and the ability to pay post grad

juella_ The number one reason why tuition is so expensive is availability to student loans. Iease of availability to loans is also the reason why houses and cars are so expensive too.

How about low interest loans?

PardesSeleh I propose either .5% or 1% interest on student loan debt. Want to help students pay debt back? Stop charging them 6-7% interest.

We aren’t going to listen to that idiot.

bozzione . It’s the policy of the wealthy It is easier to control a population that is uneducated The Uneducated tend to vote Republican In other words Keep em Stupid Pregnant and Barefoot That’s the GOP way

PardesSeleh Might work. Student loan programs are linked to the exponential rise in tuition. If there’s a cap, schools may adjust accordingly. The problem is state funded schools charging outrageous amounts. What do they do with all that money?

How about the liberal left wing trash that runs & teaches U.S. University's give up their salaries+ adopt the socialist policies they promote. All only get paid a sliding scale from poverty line to U.S. median income! Wow suddenly tuition would be almost free- wacko elitists🤪🤪

Trump LOVES the uneducated, so...

PardesSeleh It’s a good start.

Just undo the federal takeover of student loans.

Keep em poor and stupid, right IvankaTrump ? That way they can just make shoes and work in your new massage parlors

What not curb the costs of college? Or increase grants and scholarships? Why make college only for rich kids?

Yep keep them stupid so they never question the corruption.

In related news: realDonaldTrump IvankaTrump have found a new way to prevent poor people from getting a good degree.

Good, that half a degree outta really help manage the remaining debt 🙄

Effectively stopping all but the wealthy from attending college.

A further action to keep higher education for only the rich.

This is stupid. So a person can only go to college until the money runs out? How insane is that?

bozzione . It’s the policy of the wealthy It is easier to control a population that is uneducated The Uneducated tend to vote Republican It’s better than gerrymandering

There is a cap already. So they’re trying to put a cap on it, they’re trying to reduce the cap.

Trump is dismantling the middle class at an epic pace. He wants the 1% and everyone else.

How about Federal student loans may only be used at universities that comply with (yet to be written) Federal guidelines that determine pricing and stipulate that business model must be self-financing non-profit.

Because only rich people who can buy there way into college should be afforded a higher education...

TuckerCarlson Here you the administration is taking this on. How about someone from the administration to discuss this from their POV

This another con job by this Administration. This will not reduce the cost of a college education, it only push people away.

It’s not complicated. If the government subsidizes it, the cost will go up. Why did Tesla price go down when subsidy was removed? Why is college cost outpacing inflation? Ditto health care?

Education is the future of a country and the GOP wants to limit it. GOP the party of stupid

How about we refinance everyone’s loans at 3% - that would dramatically reduce the amount of debt that students have.SenGillibrand

How about capping tuition?

That just makes college less affordable, for Christ’s sake.

Every TheDemocrats candidate should be ON THIS.

That’s a good start.

So—you just drop out in the middle of your senior year if you hit the cap? That makes no sense. Make college more affordable and lower the student loan interest rates. Sheesh.

Only the Trump administration would be thick enough to see the dysfunctional higher educational system in this country, and think, “those middle class kids are causing a real problem here!”

He is the LAST person to dictate debt to anyone.

Right. Then they can’t afford to finish college. Assholes.

Is this administration also going to lower the cost of college so that it is accessible to every student regardless of economic means?

aj_barbaris Trying to keep poor people out of college

How about a cap on tuition charges

The spoiled brat of wealth and means is going to show the peasants how less money for school is a good thing...got it.

Keep em dumb is the GOP motto! That’s how fascism works....

So education is for the rich? Good job Republicans.... ugh

So basically they are saying keep em poor and stupid. Just how the gop leaders like em!

Something tells me Trump is somehow connected to private loans and this is why they want this. Scum family!

When a private college triples their tuition; not because anything at the school costs that much more to justify it.. but because parents like to brag about how much they are spending... you have issues. Sure enough, once they raised it, applications increased significantly.

The real reason is not that they’re worried abt debt. They’re terrified of an educated citizenry that sees thru their shenanigans. If the real purpose is to reduce debt, there are other ways to do it

IvankaTrump have you seen this?

Isn't he just special. Concern for us little people. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

This already exist tho

'Be best'

In other words: Fuck the poor!

So essentially stack the deck against students who can’t afford college? Take away their ability to borrow? Tamp them down even further from reaching their goals? Keep the oppressed in their place? GOP is despicable.

JoyceWhiteVance Wait a minute. Doesn’t trump have a history of obscene debt? Is he still actively pursuing more obscene debt for his tower project(s)? What’s wrong with this picture?

So only the wealthy can go to college? How does this help anyone? They need to lower the costs not limit borrowing!

I bet it will not harm Devos' family student loan business💩

So that once again, only the wealthy can prosper.

So, basically, if you're poor, forget a decent education.

Caps will have to mean that NOBODY can go to college.

How about regulating how much these thieving universities charge per year! They are the real crooks! 30-50k a year is so fucking ridiculous! All these colleges are worth billions bec of all the money they steal every year from innocent kids!

He wants everyone as stupid as he & his family are!

That’s right. Don’t mind that our universities don’t do what they can to cut expenses, but throw the responsibility on students.

Punishment for the poor?

Hmm maybe a better idea would be to curb the living expenses? Also maybe programs to help students with fiscal responsibility? Nah we’ll just restrict their ability to cover anything.

This from the same entitled blond bimbo who says that Americans don't want a guaranteed living wage. She has never gone hungry in her entire privileged life and she makes that ridiculous statement.

I can think of two things that would hands down create more relief for students. 1) defer student loan interest from accruing on any loans until after the student graduates. 2) dramatically low interest rates so students are not crippled by this debt. Neither will pass with GOP

Love this idea!!!!

This is Devos' way of making it harder for lower income to get higher education.

Wow, now you can get half a degree for the price of half a degree. Brilliant!

These niggas tripping tripping

That’s backwards thinking girl

Sounds like Ivanka is trying to make sure no underlings get into top colleges. Way to keep it white and rich, Ivanka! (Have fun in prison.)

Gotta keep them dumb

How about a cap on student tuition instead?

Especially for useless liberal art degrees

Spoken like rich people who have no idea

Oh but not the institutions themselves who charge an a and a leg ?

So the most expensive schools will be solely for the rich, white folks? Yea. That's not a white nationalist idea at all.

Ivanka is not an elected official. She is also under investigation. She is a fraud capitalizing on nepotism, which still matters.

Colleges know that the Government will loan whatever money they set the tuition at. they have been ripping off students for many years now. It's about time a President puts an end to it. He should also limit what Majors are eligible for the money - no more Gender Studies degrees!

Who asked you? Anything, ever?

They’ve clearly never met someone who has taken out a student loan

So only fairly 🙈rich kids can borrow what they need for the best schools


It doesn't make college more affordable if the costs stay the same or continue to increase. What an utterly ridiculous claim.

Has anyone checked to see how much the private-school loan industry donated to Trump, his family or his hotels? They do nothing for the poor unless it benefits them more.

Federal student loans should be capped at 0. If you cant get a private loan then get a job.

This will not curb the COST of college, this action will just make college accessible for those who can pay outright. In other words, now college will be for the rich only. Nice work trump....

The stupidity of this plan on its face is jaw dropping.

One thing they are right about is modernizing and streamlining education. Four year degrees can be done in 2-3. We need to focus on the skills more and the general studies requirements less. They are just repeating high school curriculum freshman year.

So out of touch and penalizing students. Yes College expensive, I get that, I have 2 there now. But you want college only for the wealthy? You know, like the Trumps or Kushners who build a library or something. How about the cap on tuition costs though ?

how does this help kids if the cost of higher ed doesn't decrease?

So the head football coach at University of Iowa - a big ten school- makes $1.7 million per year. You all want to know where the travesty is in higher education? Oh I know athletics bring in huge income too but he makes more then the governor of our state. Something's wrong...

What people don't seem to realize is that if schools didn't have all these huge guaranteed federal loans, they wouldn't be able to get away with charging students so much. This is actually a smart strategy.

The Idea that a Trump would be trying to control “unmanageable” debt has to to be galaxy brain hilarious

This sounds as asinine as paying for child care with retirement savings.

If I want to work hard + pay off my education I should be able to achieve my lifes calling based on my commitment, work ethics, intelligence not on my family's purse strings + power friends. Taking away our free-will to achieve is what dictators + demons do.

Limiting borrowing will make college unaffordable



So only rich people could afford college?

But all the students don't have daddies who will buy them an education like Trump did.

This sounds like freeing up space for rich people’s kids.

Has this boring I.T. got clearance yet or is she still an interloper in the WH?

Let them eat cake!

Any corresponding increase in Pell grants? Reduction of interest rates on federal loans? Additional forgiveness programs? Or do the president* & Betsy DeVos simply want fewer low & moderate income Americans receiving college educations?

Or decide who could receive an education and how educated they will become.

Omg so that’s the answer? How STUPID. Why not figure out why colleges are explosively more expensive? Why is my bachelor degree from some of the same teachers now 50% more than when I attended?

Typical republican response, let’s limit the amount of money they can have.

Problem = solved

So preventing poor kids from attaining high level degrees can destroy their futures and potential? Yep, definitely a Trump policy.

I was going to tweet how I really feel about Ivanka, but it would put me in Tweetmo for sure. Needless to say it had to do with carnal knowledge and certain species of canines

Got to find a way to get colleges to control costs. They can do it but right now they do not want to do it and see little competitive pressure to reform. Not sure controlling borrowing limit will do it. Think an alternative to college path, use of community colleges, etc. better

Wtf would they do, wash dishes for the remainder?

It was student loans that propelled the cost of tutition up. Why charge 15/k a year when you can charge 30/k and the government will meet that demand. Guaranteed if 15/k a year max was all you could get schools would drop tutition to meet it. But capping tuition is way better.

This has to be one of the most immoral proposals I have heard out of this Administration. And given what else they have proposed, that is a fairly low bar.

So, then they'd have to go to the banks. He really hates this country.

Attack on science, education, and rational thinking ensues.

Then only the very rich are going to college Maybe this is so the cheating CEOs won’t have to face embarrassment for cheating. Their kids won’t face competition

Yes. And there should be a review each year on your course of study leading to a well paying job.

Trump Wants University Tuitions Priced To Keep The Riff Raff Out. Only The Privileged Should Receive A University Education. Riiiiiiight!

Here's an idea. Why doesn't the federal and state governments re-establish funding to their state colleges. Make collage more affordable. This is stupid. It's like reducing gun deaths nationwide by removing everyone's fingers.

Prevent students from attending college you mean. How else do you keep a class of mindless worker bees

Finally, someone with a brain.

Someone's gonna make a ton on money off of them!

Who is the financial Cretan who came up with this brilliant cover to bring society back to the stone ages. Let me guess, IvankaTrump or maybe BetsyDeVosED?

Free college education.

I guess that's so only the extremely wealthy can pay for a college education. That's to increase the size of his base. Most of them did not go to college.

Like they should put a cap on presidential golfing.....at his own resorts....

How about a cap on the COST of tuition?


Most in state schools are still affordable. Stay with mom and dad, get a job and pay your 12 grand a year. These people with student loan debt over 60k with a degree in gender studies is ridiculous. Parents should step in and give some guidance.

MonicaRivpin Let's put a cork up tRump's ass and wait for the implosion.

All students or just the brown ones?

Now they want to make it harder for kids to get a good education. So it will allow them to get good paying jobs after schooling. Not many good paying jobs without college! SMH, when does it end!

College is overrated in the real world of job execution and productivity

That is the dumbest logic I’ve ever heard how about making student loans reasonable why is the interest rate 6.8%!!!

When did students start borrowing more than what they needed to complete their degree?

Who does that hurt? The poor and the middle class. It's not a plan for colleges to lower their cost.

What about dealing with the cost, so they wouldn’t have to borrow so much

So not only we have high interest rate, not only we already have so much debt that some people are never able to pay it off, and not only that the value of a college degree is decreasing but now you want to make it even harder than it already is to afford college.

Or finishing a degree.

and then using the money for cars and traveling

SteveGrzanich Unmanageable debt? Are they serious? You mean like a $500 million dollar loan to Jared for his failed real estate project? Physician, heal thyself!

Bring down tuition costs! How about that for an idea instead of limiting the less fortunate. Stupidest idea ever!

The party that hates big govt & complains about too much regulation now wants to tell Americans how much they can borrow.

There’s goes the plan, if Congress has to set the cap, it’s never going to happen. We all know how dysfunctional our Congress is. Out of touch

Only the wealthy are entitled to higher education according to the assholes in this corrupt administration. Talk about putting lipstick on a 🐖

So they are excluding folks who cannot afford undergrad and graduate degrees. They are the Worst. GFY Ivanka who got everything bc of her grandpa.

In other words: 'Silly! College is for rich people!'

lol...so give less federal dollars to students to go to sxhools for their own good...sounds like classic Trump idiot ideology


That is...counterproductive.

This isn’t the right answer to unmanageable student loan debt. Try again, trump admin.

How does this curb cost at all It just curbs who can pay for it.

Also keeps the bright, poor student out of college. Keep it for the cheating rich bastards who don’t know how to work

The trumpadmin. Always leadingfrombehind. This AFTER they try to make it harder for students to sue predatory lenders and harder for students to go after predatory for-profit schools. shameonthissham


This “solution” highlights the problem but doesn’t actually fix the problem. Instead it incites division and warped conclusions assuming the aim is to separate those of means from those without. So many on both sides of the aisle are almost getting it right though lol

Leave it to a moron like Trump to think limiting loan amounts will lower tuition costs.

Who within the trump administration is proposing this?

I don’t hate this. Probably not exactly the tactic I would prefer, but this will hopefully force universities to actually control their budgets and reduce overall costs for students

christi9441241 DaveRamsey

You did it! You found the cause of the problem! Students borrowing too much, that's it! Congrats! It couldn't be colleges charging too much or making students take ridiculous classes to finish a bachelor's degree? Glad we have our stable genius to figure this out!

That’s a least a place to start the conversation...

Um, we have to take out larger loans because the cost per credit is so damn high. All that will do is make college unattainable for about 80-90% of people.

atrios Nixon price caps

He’s trying to keep the elite schools for the elite families. This is blatantly unAmerican!

Instead of canceling the student debt or forcing the colleges to low the tuitions, you put a cap on the amount of money that can be borrowed, so you’re basically telling the students that cannot afford some colleges because they cannot even borrow enough money.

This is like cutting off a leg to fix a broken ankle, IvankaTrump. WTF?

Big government acting like our parents.

None of the trumps would last 6 months in the America 99% of us live in.

So when the cost of their degree is more than the loans they can get, then what?

Anyone want to bet that Ivanka will be opening a privately funded student loan business soon?

Eliminate Student Loans

Or we could make education affordable.

A larger part of the problem is the interest being charged on these loans. I have 3 children with loans from 6-7.8 %! Also, could you direct some help to the middle class? We don’t make enough to pay for our kids tuition, but make too much to get any help except loans.

how about just making college free pay extra taxes on it especially those documented down saying hey I went to school have us pay a little bit and everything like that if necessary and then make college free for everybody like the rest of the goddamn world.

TAX THE 1% AMERICAN BILLIONAIRES more to manage the national debt!

So, colleges are going to go on a money diet cuz there are limits. SMDH.

Yes remember it's your fault it's not bullshit institutions like trumpuniversity or places like universityofphoenix that fucked over vets and incoming students by lying to them.

Seriously? This will only serve to curb students attending college. And let's talk about unmanageable debt......IvankaTrump, Jared Kushner for starters.

tomasrabago1 In other words, the trump administration wants to make sure that no one but the wealthy are educated.

The White House is club med. and that's about it.

So many young people won’t be able to go to college. Trump administration literally want less educated country. Not making anything great.

At bottom, maybe by reducing the loans more students will be compelled to go to in-state public universities, rather than private institutions or out-of-state public universities. States used to spend $s on higher ed, rather than cut taxes & shift cost to student tuition.

Why don’t they do something to lower the cost of a decent education?

Trump is so BIG on micromanaging...jeez he can barely handle his own finances now he's encroaching on other people's college bound kids. Keep your nose out of other people's business TRUMP!

So what happen if their tuition exceeds the cap? These people are just idiots!

That still doesn’t stop loan companies from exploiting needy students.

How does that curb the cost of college?

Limiting student borrowing that matches the cost of college will just open the door for unscrupulous borrowing. This bullshit idea could only come from silver spoon kids who haven't any flipping idea how hard it is to get through college without family financial support.

Defunding education. This administration is a prime example of the consequences of a less educated citizenry. All according to plan. Slash department of education budgets. Make college more unaffordable. Demonize educated people and call them “elitists.” Create an indebted class.


MattMurph24 With rising college tuition, this will hurt poor and minority students. The biggest threat to income inequality is education. This is what happens when oligarchy is in charge of government.

Rather than make college affordable, just block poor people. Got it.

So, Trump's administration is going to decide who can go to college now? I thought the GOP was for LESS government? I am beyond confused...

Jesus Christ. Let colleges increase tuition rates and cut the amount kids can get to pay it. Add rise of AI taking menial jobs and So much for upward mobility. I think it’s deliberate to keep PoC and poorer whites on the bottom of the food chain.

Maybe help make college not an unmanageable expense.

He does love the uneducated. This here plan is a way to 'keep 'em stupid.' I hate this mother*)$!U

If anything going on in Africa?

More supply side logic, ugh

This can’t be good

So putting a cap on how much they can borrow means colleges will lower their fees? Can we do that with the auto industry too so I can finally afford a Ferrari?

Need to find ways to make the overall cost of college less rather then, cap loan amounts

Trump’s 2020 budget calls for $7.1 billion in cuts to education, cutely titled “A Budget for a Better America.” I’d call it “A Budget for American Oligarchs Who Want to Lower Career Aspirations for America’s Youth.”

Really? And are they also going to find a wash to increase scholarships and grants and decrease costs of tuition and books so don’t have to take out so many loans? Or way over the top interest rates on loans?

YES...or at least tie the loans to courses of study which have a high probability of resulting in a well paying job POTUS

Is this GOP code for “keep them stupid”.

Congress should cap the tuition of any school that gets public funding, too, then. The cost of tuition has increased from an average cost of $1410 in 1971 to $20,150 in 2017. Income, on the other hand, has stagnated.

Oh, for God’s sake.

How much did Wall Street and bank industry donate to his re-election campaign to put that through? (Parents will still borrow money but if federal loans are not available, they’ll borrow from commercial lenders.)

The party of “Small government”. How about government look into why the cost of a higher education continues to spiral out of control instead.

This is the most backward ass plan...

Why dont we prevent colleges that get any federal funding from putting that money into the pockets of politicians and PACS. Also, why are peoe like Randi Weingarten frm AFT, making over a 1/2 MILLION dollars. If admin were not making near a million $, tuition less, teach pay more

So their idea of solving the student debt crisis is to *not let* poor students borrow enough money to pay tuition? Gee IvankaTrump then only rich people will be able to afford a college education. Oh. Guess that is the point, since only the “uneducated” voted for Trump.

Lower the tuition rates

That is SMART!!!

Open Borders, New Green Deal and Loan Forgiveness is what the Democrats are selling for 2020.

100% agree! Especially for degrees that have zero ROI

That’s one way to prevent minorities from getting educated. We see what you’re doing there.

How about lowering the interest rates

Why are we having to look at Traitor Barbie with this article?

This is the most bass-ackward approach to the student debt issue I’ve ever seen. How about managing the exorbitant costs of tuition, books, housing?

All this fool’s administration does is cut money from every beneficial program so that he can feed more funds into that stupid wall. No logic whatsoever. It’s already hard as it is going to school wth

How about making the colleges low their tuition. So kids wouldn't have to borrow so much.

tax the rich comes to mind

So you know all that bs Liberals have talked about? Well this man realDonaldTrump is actually doing it. Remember who to thank for doing something about loans. It wasn’t BernieSanders or SenatorWarren! LiberalHypocrisy LiberalismIsAMentalDisease LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

frankmottek Ivanka found something to do?

How about dropping the interest rate? Or not charging interest on the interest? This doesn’t seem helpful for those who cannot afford higher education

IvankaTrump if you’re going to stick your nose into the issue how about u devote some effort to making the COSTS more affordable as opposed to limiting and thereby pricing out people? You my dear are the last person who should be making policy on a topic u know NOTHING ABOUT.

Ridiculous. ImpeachTrumpPence

Watch the Universities scream bloody murder. This will make them get competitive or parish. We need this now!

These people are idiots.

That’s what they did during medieval times, take money and resources from the poor villagers to educate and eat and use the money to help 1 single narcissistic family build walls and torture chambers to make themselves feel safe. Crazy.

That does absolutely nothing to curb the cost of college. All it does is keep people from going to college.

The price to go to college needs to come down. You aren’t getting your money’s worth. You don’t even get an education. Some of the dumbest people I know have degrees. Bring the costs down and the loan amounts will come down.

So the answer isn't to make college more affordable, but to restrict access to those who can't afford it? Brilliant! This will further widen the income disparity in our country.

My student loans weren't worth the education I was given. I no longer support higher education in this country. The teachers and professors have limited personal knowledge and never had a teacher who properly graded my work. Regis University is the worst.

That is ass backwards... Reopen bankruptcy protections for all student loans again (Trump uses bankruptcy laws regularly)

c_nancyr And this has to do with the WH, why?

So those that need to borrow are shit out of luck but those with wealth no problem. How about we look for ways to bring down the costs so everyone who has the will/aptitude can attend? Such BS

Gee why not LOWER THE COST OF COLLEGE INSTEAD?!? What a stupid idea!

What the shit. Limiting people’s opportunity now?

How is that supposed to curb the cost of college? Why not put a cap on how much tuition a college could charge

Please get them out office quickly... before one of these asinine ideas of little princess sticks.

Better yet, put a limit on tuitions! Why colleges with billions in endowments in the bank need to charge $70,000 a yr tuition fee? It’s a license to steal

Because she and the administration have such genuine understanding of what it is to be a working class family in America - where earning a degree (including post graduate) & a chance to earn a good living - is possible only with student loans. And this is their best idea Ugh.

Wonderful idea, I'm thinking a cap of 10K year would be great....

Education reserved for only those with financial means... Wow! This admin never misses a chance to be so 'on brand'... Thinking that the amount that people 'have to' borrow to go to College is the problem is cringeworthy... cc: SenateDems HouseDemocrats

Somebody should've put a limit on bowers, if you had four bankruptcies, you must go to Russia for money.

Soooooo, they just wont get to go to college? That should work great since the vast majority of companies in America at minimum, require a college education.

That sounds counterintuitive- and it is exactly what they want- to make it harder to be educated

Republicans want the country uneducated. They need more followers

This is actually rad. Excited for the prices of all the things I can’t afford to come down because I can’t afford them.

So us in the middle who can’t get grants and I certainly can’t make college charge me less somehow...now I can’t take a fkn loan? Maybe give all the federal funds you have cut back to colleges then the tuition wouldn’t be $50k ....deal?

Tone deaf Trump.

What? The CAP should be on the cost for Universities and on lenders interest rates.

They want to keep tRump’s cult cronies as stupid as tRump is so they won’t read and realize what a buffoon tRump is. Remember he said, “ I love the uneducated!” They want to limit student loans 🤮. They don’t give a shit about debt, look what they’ve done to our national debt!


The making of a dumber and ignorant younger Americans. How about lowering the costs of college so debt would be avoided.

If they were saying they wanted to lower the cost of a college education, it would be one thing. That's not what this is... again the Trump Administration is trying to restrict a college education to only the rich and well-off. This is NOT what America stands for!

Why, so only the kids of the white rich folks can go to school. This has a direct impact on people of color, the middle class and poor. Can you say indentured servants.

There you go! Now make education unattainable for even more people! These students turn into important members of our society- teachers, scientists, healthcare providers.

Great — sooooo only rich people go to college — or are you adding more scholarships (cough) (as if)

In the wake of the admissions indictments, Trump announces plan to keep college accessible to the wealthy.

Exactly how is that gonna keep costs down? It just makes the student liable for more debt... SMDH

Honestly. I never believed Trump could do so much damage in four years. He creates chaos with everything he touches, and limiting student loan will only reduce the number of college students not the debt. Imbecile.

What an evil Nazi

Funny, i thought for years that Congress was attempting to make college affordable for all. Oh right, Republicans don't like that.

Which means they can't finish their education. Well done ivanka! 😠😈

This is as brilliant as the tariffs.

More dumbing down of America by the self-proclaimed stable geniuses with fake high IQs! IvankaTrump

In other words, further limit their education, rather than addressing the issue of college being too expensive for many.

So now only the rich get to attend college?

Six million solutions to this problem and what do they do? The one thing that's NOT FUCKING HELPFUL.

They're also putting a hight limit on people who apply for loans. They'll have a pole next to the entrance with a sign that reads, 'If you're shorter than this pole you cannot apply for a student loan.'

That only works if you cap the tuition. If not you keep people from going to certain schools because they can't get the money.

Did the replace Sarah Sanders as White House stenographer?

But that doesn’t do anything to the cost of college

Unmanageable for whom?

That's the problem with America is that someone like me has asked for help so long now and still ignored so I'm never going to get better and neither will America

And if you actually read the article you would understand it is also about lowering the cost of the schools.. but I know.. headliners and everyone reacts

They sure are bossy for people who claim to be all about freedom

I have to wonder if DeVos has divested herself of her interest in organizations profiting from student loans. Just wondering!

I think there should be reparations for college students.

College degrees are a great filter. The dumber the degree the quicker you can get to the next applicant with actual knowledge and experience.

The one thing nobody wants is educated poor people.

Oh yea. Because Ivanka really understands what struggling students are going through. 🙄 Seriously? TrumpCrimeFamily IvankaTrump

So only rich kids can go to college with the tuition that keep rising every semester this president planning to destroy middle class & poor for the benefit of rich ,Democrats should block that route Blue wave 2020

So, they’re going to prevent the majority of the country’s population from going to college. Sounds like something an authoritarian regime would do. So, on point.

Good. They are doing the right thing here.

This will just prevent kids from going to school. Put a cap on tuition!

How about encouraging trade schools at high school levels and encouraging on the job training? College is a waste of time for most professions. The same skills can be taught on the job!

How about lowering the amount that has to be financed ?

Cap on student debt? Is this an Ivanka idea? How 'bout a cap on interest rate instead?

Imagine... capping the currently endless supply of cash available to jobless 18 year olds. So, colleges would actually have to compete for students based on these $$ limits?

It’s policies like this that I support but I can’t stand by and support a racist, sexist, narcissistic bigot. Sorry but nope. I would rather slide down a razor blade. 🔥

Yes perfect sense and should’ve happened a long time ago

Great solution, geniuses!

This is to keep people from going to college, not curb costs.

Wow solution this White House come up with is pure amateur with no deep thoughts into a problem.

This is like telling people they aren’t allowed to borrow more than $25k to buy a house. Only the wealthy would own a house.

Theres always been a max on the amount of Stafford loans that can be outstanding at one time. Wtf is this madness?


Just how does that curb the cost of college? All it does is curb the people that can go to college. Now, curb the COST of college, you might have something. Encourage/reward corporate tuition reimbursement programs with those hefty tax cuts they just got back?

Join the military, get free education.

Can you believe Ivanka Trump is making policy? Omg

So they think only rich people should go to expensive private colleges. Thought Republicans were about less government control but this sounds like keeping poor people out of expensive schools if they are willing to accept the debt.

This Administration... I’m too angry to respond further.

There already is a cap on federal loans. They can only borrow $5500 their first year. They have to go to Parent or private loans for the rest. How about you talk to colleges about the cost of tuition rising out of control? Most private colleges are in the $70k range now.

OMG!!! Another joke of a plan! This would prohibit me y from ever being able to graduate from colllege/ university.

OMG - come on. Economics 101. You curb the cost of college by cutting college costs. And you report this like it has any kind of logic or validity at all? WTF is the matter with you, ? I guess you're not to be trusted either, are you?

How about the fed puts a cap on the amount institutions can charge so anyone can go anywhere they want.

So less school because we think it’ll be too crippling but we won’t do anything about cost of school or the interest rates

It’s because Trump and his goons most likely want to pocket the money. They don’t care about student debt. It’s all about lining their greedy asses

Just like health care, they want to make it available only for those who can afford it.

They literally already do that. If it takes you 5 years, like most people take to complete a bachelors degree, you’ll run out of federal loans in year 4, which is why so many take high interest rate private loans. The entire thing is a racket and is a huge burden on our economy.

JonLemire What do these people know about managing debt. How many bankruptcies is Trump proud of?

This... will not curb the cost of college & the Trump administration knows it. This is just another way for the Trump administration to promote discrimination against the poor.

It’s their plan to increase the divide between rich and poor. These rich ingrates just don’t get it.

JonLemire How about addressing the extremely high cost of education so students won’t need a 30 year mortgage to pay for it 👍

The rapid rise in college tuition costs corresponds with the rising availability of federal student loan dollars. Colleges will continue to raise tuition, without any regard for salaries/income, student debt at graduation or reasonable inflation, unless the spigot is turned off.

Let’s cap the cost of tuition while you’re at it 🙄

Ah, so now even more people would have less access to higher education 🤔🧨

To prevent the middle class from attending college? To force US college to rely on Chinese government funding? So colleges accept more Chinese students instead of Americans?

IvankaTrump once again, has anyone ever did a complete audit on college expense? Colleges take in millions from sports, alumni and tax breaks. So why does a student have to pay 50 grand for a shared dorm room and garbage food. Look no further than salaries and administration.

How about University’s not gouging students you Dotard realDonaldTrFan POTUS

How about the government gets out of the business of making a profit off students and creating indentured servants how about free tuition for two year colleges or trade/vocational schools and no interest loans for students for four year and higher

Yes, people are irresponsible!

Hmmm....I wish they'd give me less money on my paycheck so my grocery bill, car insurance and mortgage payments would go down too.

Ultimately, who does this eliminate from attending college? The wealthy or the poor? What is .realDonaldTrump’s real reason for addressing the issue in this manner? Why not subsidize education instead of limiting access? Is it because an informed citizenry scares the .GOP?

11 years too late! the 2008 student loan crisis was done to create another opportunity for the BANKERS to siphon wealth from the poor! No one went to jail during the largest bank heist in American history We thought POTUS would Drain the Swamp and lock them up!

By doing this, are they limiting access for lower/middle class to upper level income jobs?

The problem is accessibility to loans which created sky high tuition. Let’s also drop those parking fees down. Ridiculous.

Sounds vaguely socialist...

GOP keep on giving .... to the top % while taking away from the majority. 🤔tax reform, student loans, fake emergency wall, healthcare

As if he cares about students’ debt. POTUS doesn’t want poor people to get best education.

Of course Ivanka’s stupid face is in the picture for this idiotic plan. Sweetie, we’re not as stupid as you. The universities and the banks are the problem. Of course this plan guarantees that they havenots will continue to have naught.

That should make it easier for rich white kids to get an education.

So only the rich will be able to go to college? How about investing in affordable higher education options?

Maybe it's time to curb the billions paid to professor for saleries, to make collage more affordable!

Federal student loans are college profit subsidies. Eliminate federal loans and colleges will have to reduce tuition cost to match consumer ability to pay.

So in other words, screw middle America again. So much winning...

real_farmacist The only way the GOP can push their narrative is by making it harder to pursue a college degree, sad.

No, it's to discourage education.

How about a 'cap' on soaring costs.....

So poor kids won’t be able to get advanced degrees. Awesome. I hate these people.

So they only want the wealthy to be able to afford college?

So instead of lowering the cost of higher education, he wants to make sure that people who can't afford it won't ever be able to afford it. What a fantastic idea. He's sure got a large 'uh-brain.'

His family borrowed a ton from banks who are they to cap any form of borrowing!!!

They are just trying to force people into private lending lol.

Trump administration out of touch

Try it Congress, it will end your careers.

Good, so many leave college deep in debt and no job, co workers deep in debt their wages garnished as soon as they start work. But then again it’s the university counselors that mislead them to get higher degrees when the jobs were or are scarce.

President Pumpkin plan to keep as many people as possible from getting an education.

Sounds like it will make it harder for those that can't afford college to get in. Oh wait maybe their parents can pay to play their way in.

I suppose constricting the supply of money may force prices down, but I suspect it’ll be like a game of chicken to see who blinks first, and it may take years before universities cave if enough customers (students) choose cheaper schools

What is one expected to do when you don’t qualify for Federal/ State loans/ Grants. 85%of scholarships are for minority’s - cost of public school- in state tuition - is over $150,000 for four years in California

joyzucker WTF? Once again Tinkerbell is clueless

Obviously... he loves the poorly educated & the GOP needs them.

About time

And it it’s not enough to get through college...what happens?

So they can be uneducated and under employed just the way the GOP wants it. Why not make education affordable and accessible for everyone!

Does this have to go through Congress? Some democrat is going to have the biggest mess to clean up ever🙈

That doesn’t make sense. It’s actually penalizing students and doesn’t address the actual issue of the cost of college.

Maybe ask why crappy colleges charge so much Maybe 🤔

Why is his creepy, lazy daughter in the picture? Is she still drinking the way she used to?

And thereby making it even more difficult for people of modest means to access elite institutions. This is just another way the rich are tryin not to circle their wagons to keep poors and browns out.

Why do we have to take loans to send our kids through college while my tax dollars pay for illegals to get college free?

So Ivanka came up with the plan to make sure only rich people will be able to attend prestigious/ expensive schools? And then camouflaged it as cubing cost?

The only capping the Trump Administration should be implementing is the 'Deficit'.


So who makes up the difference?

If this leads to LOWERING the cost of college tuition, great, because THAT'S WHY loans are so HIGH. Once the government got involved, schools increased their tuition AND administration pay...

That will keep the morons out.

Does anyone else sees the irony here? Schools are getting more expensive, here... have less money to pay for it. What the fuck?

Let’s make college more affordable! Work with institutuaions to lower tuition costs...no. Decrease interest rates on loans...no. Develop a long-term match program with institutions that trades civil service for tuition...no Reduce loan $$ so people can’t afford college...yes.

It would lead to private loans which is in the interest of folks like Betsy Devos

“on federal student loans”. The Banks would win here


I could get behind this as I have 99k in student loans right now. Thankfully I had a major I can make money in and not something stupid like gender studies

Oh, ok. So that means college will be available only to the wealthy. That’s their goal. All good things and all comfort to the wealthy, and everyone one else can stuff it.

I wouldn’t have my career without the massive debt that came with it. This is not a solution. This all but guarantees poorer families can’t afford to send their kids to college. Again, policy to hurt the poor. Disgusting.


Hiw about lowering the cost of tuition. It is disgusting that young people get stuck with hi debt with hi interest too

So they’ll just charge more for the people who can afford it. This isn’t going to cause colleges to lower costs.

Is there an idea too stupid for theses clowns to suggest? FFS how many more examples do you need that the GOP is only for the mostly white wealthy? They have no interest to move the country forward.

Do they think colleges will charge less? Do many logic flaws, they need to go back to school.

Yes! That way only the 1% will be able to attain advanced degrees and eventually govern the rest of us. Just think no school,no house,no car,no health insurance just lots of guns. Wow, the GOP dream sounds so exciting!

This will FORCE SCHOOLS to lower their tuition to keep their enrollment. Brilliant move.

Trump trying to keep the less wealthy uneducated - because then they are more likely to fall for his BS.

So only rich people can afford college? Got it.

Sounds like a common sense plan regardless of who proposes it

Well this is just the dumbest thing I’ve read today.

How about making the loans dischargeable in bankruptcy court ?

Seems like a good way to weed out the 'undesirables'. We definitely wouldn't want poor people, POC, or anyone who doesn't come from a 'good' family muddying up the Trumpian gene pool.

Really? More Internecive Thinking From WhiteHouse! BlackLivesMatter Indivisible WomensMarch2019

OMG. If this is the answer, what was the real question? How do we keep the poor uneducated?

There are already caps on federally guaranteed student loans.

No kidding; everyone can not afford to drive a Mercedes nor go to a private university for $60,000 a year. Strapping a kid majoring in history with 6 figure debt is not a kindness. Need to account for where the money is going, tuition not boob jobs and booze.

IvankaTrump So basically only the wealthy can go to the good expenive schools after they cheat on their entrance exams. Got it. Sounds about WHITE VanKKKy. racists WhiteSupremacy TrumpCrimeSyndicate


sorry but that seems like an overstep of the govt...what about less government republicans ...hmmm...also - these people take serious risks to get ahead...thats now part of the american dream

I figured those bitching about people leaving college with huge debts would now be the same saying Trump is trying to keep people from affording college. Spoiler alert: There will never be free college. No money fo it. Something has to be done to save people from themselves.

As per usual they push a stupid, lazy solution to remedy a symptom, rather than putting time and effort into finding a cure for the disease. And, I’m sure there is some money-making angle to it as well.

Maybe there should be more universities like College of the Ozarks where it is tough to get in, BUT the kids actually have jobs on campus and that pays for their college. They grow their own food, etc. It would be the best life learning for them.

Cernovich Government fixing the problem they created in the first place.. just get and keep government out of everything please

Well, considering universities have raised the costs of tuition by 1100%, other things, but Crom only knows how much, something needs to be done. They do all this while sitting on BILLIONS in endowments.

At the same time, these universities need to have only the curriculum absolutely necessary to get a degree. We don’t need classes on determining why Hillary lost, etc. Since parents won’t do it, maybe teach kids how to work.

You can start by getting the Government 100% out of the process, rates will fall overnight.

Why not lower and cap the APR?

Also keeps the peasants out of our “elite” bought & paid for universities. Convenient.

They want only the rich to be educated.

Uhm. Trying to have your uneducated class i see?

Cernovich Cap the loans to that of in-state tuition. Children going out of state to a school because it has a big football stadium and a pool is NO reason to go out of state and pay double for no good reason.

If airhead celebrities with I.Q's of bagels can buy their kid's way into college with 1100 SAT scores and not flunk out, how valuable is a college education really?

The replies to this article is a great example of why Finance/Economics 101 should be a mandatory class in high school.

it's not the goverments job to regulate what someone spends. If they are stupid enough to take larger loans then they need to pay it back. IT IS CALLED RESPONSIBILTY

This is just code for: Lets keep all the poor people and minorities out of college.

How bout a cap on the price of education it don’t cost that much to teach

Students take out loans, have a good time, and then beg they be forgiven. How about taking some responsibility for your actions.

Am I the only one that’s disturbed by this chick having anything to do with the White House. Disgusting !!!!

Solid plan. The primary cause of the quick rise in college costs is the availability of secure loans.

Won’t curb the cost of college; How stupid is this administration. It will only make it more difficult for people of low means to go to college at all.

I believe this is called “Common Sense”.

So that the kids then run out of allowable “debt” and have to drop out to enter the workforce in debt withOUT a degree? Genius.

How about requiring colleges and universities to lower their admission costs. Why does college education out pace inflation , wages and GDP? The real problem is the cost of college tuition. It should be capped.

Great idea. Less people getting brainwashed by the looney lib professors. 👍

The government thinks college kids can’t manage their money, but Pelosi wants 16 year olds to be able to vote? WTF?

OMG! Limiting the amount or quality of education is sure to keep the masses uneducated. I guess we'll only see rich people succeeding. While we are at it, why don't we limit the houses people can buy so that their mortgages aren't too high! CreatingProblemsIsNotTheSolution

Unless the costs that create the initial need to borrow are addressed first, these caps will solve nothing. Just setting borrowing caps and not addressing underlying problem will just reduce access to education for low income students. StudentLoans

How about cost caps for tuition?

The problem is the cost vs the return on investment. Starting salaries don’t justify the cost of a degree. Then there is interest on private loans. On top of not having many options for repayment like you do for the federal loans, which are generally capped at $5k.

So the government tells you the limit you can spend on education? Isn't that the opposite of socialism. GOP used to be the party of less government intrusion and taxes, so much for that.

I believe the best way to go about it is using high school for economic literacy and opting for college if it is a viable economic option. They make it seem like college is the only option but most people that go to college end up broke anyway. College is a business.

Start by kicking all the predatory lenders OFF campus. No kid needs a 29% credit card to rack up bar tabs

What a dumb idea. That will just keep more kids from being able to go to school. This man is a fool.

Make college more affordable!

That’s like limiting breathing of polluted air. Treat the issue of insane college costs. I hate entitled people.

The only reason student loan debt is unmanageable is because it costs a fortune to go to school. Tuition needs to come down.

Obama did a wonderful job in limiting money distribution . The changes were broad and common sense. For-profit schools were also held accountable and some shut down for their deceitful recruitment. I am interested in reading details of new from clueless one.

Cernovich No one elected SemiSocialist Ivanka. Remove moral hazards in Ed by dismantlling the Dept of Ed if you are serious about saving America.

Simple analogy. If government backed car loans for $250,000 then Toyota Carollas would cost $250,000.

Gotta keep the poor man down. Love realDonaldTrump

How about we put a cap on wealth and make college affordable?

Let’s not make college cheaper, let’s prevent students from getting an education all together....because that’s beneficial for them

You cant get in debt if you cant go right?

Cap the rate on the loans. They are predatory in ability to raise rates.

Ivanka is woking herself into a semi Socialist

Yea... that’s not the answer.

morgfair Go to a second or third tier college if you don't want to pay the price. Havard Yale NYU Stanford etc are all too expensive.

So only the wealthy can get PHDs?

How does not letting them borrow money help the ridiculous cost of school? Once again totally missed the mark

Do pay instructors so much.

So pushing Ivanka huh...

Not a bad idea.

Of course more communism keep social classes No education for the poor.

Ending discretionary spending (including Frat membership) would lower considerably...

Force colleges to lower tuition fees R&B

If people can’t borrow so much schools will have to lower their tuition or no one will go which will hurt their bottom line.

I don't believe this is the reason for the proposal. Creating barriers to higher education seems more realistic.


Oh let’s just reduce equal opportunities by letting only those with deep pockets get a higher education. Fuk that noise

If they want to 'curb' the cost of college, REDUCE the cost of college instead limiting methods of payment for college.

This from the family that paid millions to get their kids in college because they can get away with it.Just cuz they weren’t named in the latest scam does not mean they didn’t do it. Meanwhile-our kids can’t get in or if lucky and do-we can’t get the $. Nice🤬

Who’s going to tell the colleges and universities to start charging less? This is one way to keep people from affording higher education.

RealJamesWoods IngrahamAngle foxandfriends if true this is absurd and an attempt to mislead. The hidden goal here is to protect banks or lenders from big defaults. Student debt properly handled is vital for lower income groups. Or lower education costs, hmmm.

Right but no caps on what colleges can charge so the only way to afford education is if you're rich or take private loans...DonTheCon


If the government would have done this decades ago the cost of college would be a lot less today.

I’d go in a different direction; link student loan rates, repayment schedules and forgiveness programs to the economic viability of the degree. So, if you’re majoring in a high-demand discipline such as engineering, nursing, accounting, IT, etc., you get a lower interest rate,

Smart move

This is a great idea. Make costs come down. They have gotten out of control

I disagree.

This is a great first step. Follow up steps include force Univ to grant tuition to bright kids that cannot afford it. Take away tax breaks for college donations. Community college is always affordable, tech schools as well.

So...... the government stopping free enterprise and individual responsibility In other words.... GOPplatform

How about making college affordable? What a crazy idea!!

If you plan in going to college. Make a plan, save some money, get a summer-time job, party a little less, a two or three years old phone is just good enough.......... that's called a sacrifice for your future.

How does that help with the cost of school?

Smart move

But Jared can borrow BILLIONS from Saudi Arabia to finance his buildings....

Fewer people for me to indoctrinate. Damn.

Or better yet, get the goddamn government out of the business of “hooking” students on college debt.

Maybe they should cap tuition

Shut down the Dept of Education. Watch how fast a Degree becomes affordable!

This is in step with the Religious Reichs demand for the dumbing down of America. It will be permitting a stranglehold on education so that the truth is never known. It is the magic recipe many religions used in the past to control their 'flocking' members.

How about the admin not put our country into unmanageable debt? potus has bankrupted how many times now?

No this is real news. Just ask johnoliver tuckercarlsonfuckshisroomba

Uh, short sighted much? How about we stop trying to band aid our problems and actually try to heal the problems at the root?

Start by not charging 18 year old kids with no credit 10% interest!

A cap on loans will ensure only the wealthy can afford college! This will do nothing but increase the divide between rich and poor. What has realDonaldTrump done for the working class other than create more low paying jobs for them to work at?

Oh sure tell them sorry about the MASTERS and PHD you only qualify for a associate degree

Won’t that limit the options for higher education based on how much one can pay out of pocket up front?

Nice idea. Is the difference beyond the cap waived off?

Instead of making it harder for some to go to college why not look at curbing tuition rates?

potus is the LAST person to limit any person’s capacity to borrow! He who has outstanding loans & vendor payments in excess of $1billion, and his children who owe at least a $Billions as well!!! MindYourOwnLoans

brookefoxnews A men

How about just making college less expensive.

'to prevent borrowers from taking on unmanageable debt' Hmmmmm...

So they will just have to go without eating so they can pay for college. Instead of doing something about high costs they have just punished the students for paying it. This makes no sense to me.


And in the current job situation with the requirement for a degree those people would be forced out of the market.

Is this their way of making only the rich be able to get educated!!

So now Trump is being an expert financial adviser add that to his resume.. no one borrows more than needed

Hmmmm, how about capping the hours cost instead?!!!!!

Great idea! The student debt crisis needs to be fixed. Far too many kids pursuing worthless degrees.

How about investigating college’s on their high fees which keep increasing...

Ivanka as the face of cutting student financial options for college?

The Republican plan for America: keep them poor, sick AND ignorant. Easier to control...

That's a good start but Higher Ed needs to have some skin in the game. Maybe they should accept some of the risk. And stop letting students borrow for other expenses.

That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard since I scrolled past 45’s last tweet

Business How about caps on what colleges charge?

What? And if they need the money ? ...

So student loan is the problem not the high price of education from school that have no problem taking bribes in order to allow rich kids like Trump into their school, what a world.

Sounds logical

Wait wouldn't it be better if the schools charged less so we wouldn't have to borrow more? This just makes it hard to afford school because school tuition is expensive

Another way to keep Americans dumb...just like the Republican like them to be!

There already is a cap. Around $56K for undergrad. Those going for a second bachelor's do not get access to Pell grants. Does anyone research?

It’s an interesting proposal, but that may led students to get private loans at extreme interest rates (SallieMae ) or drop out.

And that would widen the gap between those who c$n and those c$nt. Why not lower the cost of college!

More out-of-touch solutions from out-of-touch morons. This is a joke.

Good How do you think the 2008 economic collapse happened? Banks handing out loans like free candy.

So, only the ultra wealthy will be able to educate their kids. America's new serfdom

NEWSFLASH: the limits should be on college tuitions, NOT on borrowing! Putting limits on borrowing is another form of white privilege, not too far from the ‘Varsity Blues’ investigation, as this would leave only those with money being able to attend colleges/universities.

Gee, just like any other 'loan' in the land...

The incessant attack on education continues as it benefits the GOP. The proof of this lies inTrumps 38% approval rating.

That’s all well and good, until you need more money to complete your education and the government won’t give you any. You then need to max out your credit cards, if you haven’t done that already. As usual, a well thought out plan from a bunch of rich people.

That’s great - set the cap at 0. Watch the cost of tuition plummet.

Look who is overseeing this..a woman who has never paid for a day of college not to mention has no idea the pains kids go through finding ways to pay for college. She is an idiot.

OR... collage will be for rich people only!!! SafetyPinDaily

Cap what colleges charge and go back to the Federal Student Loans that only charge 3%interest. That is all my student loan cost, in the 1970s. That was one of the biggest draws was the very low interest rate

Once people were convinced that they were lesser citizens without a college degree it came down to simple Supply and Demand. Colleges can keep raising tuition if people want to keep spending 250K for a bachelor of arts degree.

This is objectively a good law. This doesn't cap how much people can borrow, it just caps how much the federal government itself is willing to loan in the way of interest-deferred and subsidized loans. It also adds limits on the % of monthly income can be demanded by lenders.

Price controls. The centralized economy is coming.

So the choice is either get a higher interest private loan or not get one's degree. No, that doesn't resolve the problem.

i thought conservatives wanted less gov intervention? youre basically telling people what to do. meanwhile national debt skyrocketing.

It’s about time! Or just make it possible to get out of the loans by declaring bankruptcy.

So the rising cost of higher education isn’t the issue? It’s the borrowing to pay for it? Wow! Really?

Money should be loaned only for courses that lead to jobs and not indoctrination classes. Also a 3.0 GPA should be mandatory

real_farmacist Putting a limit will limit the bribes the colleges and Betsy Devos can take though.

Go after the cost of tuition, not our ability to get a loan. The real issue is the cost. Fix the cost and the lian issue fixes itself.

Good. Education is a rip-off

They should. Limits are much higher than what it cost to go and young people bury themselves just because they can get it.

A student loan is an investment. Stop offering majors that have no financial ability to pay it back.

sounds like socialism - using government policy to control prices of education. /s How about instead allowing students to go bankrupt which they used to be able to do...right that stops the banks from attaching their paychecks for the rest of their lives.

It is all unmanageable. But this....From a trust fund baby. Smh.

Get rid of Sallie Mae and the problem goes away. No bank in their right mind would loan an 18 yr old 200k to receive a liberal arts degree.

Here's an idea...why don't we lower the cost of COLLEGE&$ FREAKING MORONS!!!

Amazing. Finally SOMEONE is addressing college debt.


This will have no effect on the cost of college, it will only further the gap between the rich and the poor, and impede the ability of the poor to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. President Rich Get Richer strikes again.

This is the most half assed solution possible. In other words, exactly what I would expect from an administration full of out of touch billionaires.

Anyone who comes out of school with so much debt in a field that doesn’t pay deserves no sympathy.

Cap college cost not student loans!😠

Further limiting the poor and middle class from getting a college education!

Get the federal government out of the student loan business altogether and watch the cost of tuition go down. Colleges right now have incentive to charge ludicrous prices per semester knowning the government will back the loans

Give the programs back to the banks where they should have been all along.

Sure.. blame the students for wanting an education... and not the colleges/universities that pour BILLIONS into their football/basketball program, have million dollar administrations the expenses that go along.

The cap should be on the college..... A 20k cap means community college. Murica!

How about making student loans based in actual business decisions by the banks? If the degree is for bullshit subject, and no JOBS exist to make payment possible, don't lend on it

How about lowering the cost of a college education...

This is wrong ! Cap colleges not the people learning !

morgfair So less people are educated? Fix the real problem...the cost of a higher education!

Wanna be dictators don't want an educated public. Harder to control.

smart to create a subprime college loan market. jobs creation baby.

In other words they'll simply limit the number of people able to go to college. The very dumbing down of a Nation. Colleges will not lower their admissions costs because of this.

So they'll stop funding public education then cap the amount of debt a student can take on and keep US from getting a college education as well? Jesus Christ. tRump loves the ignorant.

They seem so out of touch. Reduce the cost and that will reduce the loan amount.

That is true Big Brother!

And then what? Borrow the rest from Daddy?

A great idea.... don’t pay for useless classes

With celebrity kids not even having a GPA to be admitted into college but they graduate with prestigious degrees, it is more than apparent these schools aren’t teaching our kids anything. But they are scamming our tax money while they hold tens of billions in savings. Fix it!

You mean, 'that denies them an education'.

That’s not the cure

Terrible idea....take a look at the costs of tuition and room and board. If that was lower, then loans would be lower. My children received scholarships, did work study jobs, I contributed as they still have college loans.

AMEN ! The PROBLEM IS OUTRAGEOUS TUITION COSTS BY BigAcademia - It’s EducationCollusion They Know that Gullible Students and their Stupid Parents Will Borrow Endlessly and Claim they Don’t Understand What the Word “LOAN” means..

JonLemire So as to keep the working class in their place?

Fucking brilliant..... so instead of finding a way to make college more affordable, let’s cap the amount of money people can borrow. So how are middle income familys supposed to send their kids to med school? Law school?

Sounds like a way for the rich to stay in school and for the poor to drop out. It’s up to the borrower to know their limit, not a universal cap.

A) There already is a cap B) It’s unmanageable C) I wish I knew that shit a long time ago and I would have picked up a trade skill instead.

The problem that should be addressed is why is so over priced? Not to mention OoS costs v in state ones. Did I mention people going for useless degrees? If your paying more for college than you’ll make in 2 years salary (5 yrs in) then trade school it or don’t go.

How 'caring'...remove people's choice to climb out of the coal mine. Hey, here's an idea.....lower the cost of education for everyone, or even make it free!! Blind the application process so 'donations of a new wing' don't help dumbos get in just cos daddy's rich and corrupt.

Better, the federal government should NOT be in the student loan business. Let Universities work with banks to provide funding for their educational services like any other business. I am for 100% student loan forgiveness if congress abolishes future funding indefinitely.

Smartest idea I heard in a long while!! College used to be affordable until the Feds got in the Student lending business! and just like that the Dumocraps turn gold into crap again!

Coming from a rich family that had plenty of money to pay!

The problem is the cost of education!

People responding don't seem to understand the issue. College is expensive because government has been guaranteeing loans. Colleges saw this as a gravy train and raised costs at an astronomical rate. Remove the guarantee and competition will force costs back in line.

That’s one way to approach it, I guess. 🙄

Will existing borrower have to change repayment plans?

college not a right.......your not entitled to be given a degree you EARN your way to college

real_farmacist Only those wealthy enough to bribe their way in deserve a college degree

Agree, and colleges should get in trouble for gouging students.

Indeed. The President MUST act to make sure only the wealthy have access to the education needed to succeed and thrive in the modern economy!!

Colleges know that fed student loans are 100% guaranteed by the gov. to put it ,Gov subsidized colleges and thats why tuitions been going up. its about money.....they should do this like buying a car, check your financials and see if you can pay for it. college is a choice

Maybe Deutsche Bank will start a lending program for folks who can't get loans stateside.

How about bribes? Cap on those?

This is not normal

🤦🏻‍♂️ why not lowering the excessive tuittion fees many have to pay?

There is no such thing as a low interest student loan!

onthewise This will not reduce the exorbitant amount the colleges charge. It will simply prevent more people from going to college.

This will make colleges cheaper. Colleges charge on how much they know they can get you to pay. As soon as the Gi bill changed and upped what the Gov would pay in 2 years from 21,000 to 42,000 my school raised the cost from 21 to 42,000 cuz they knew they could get the money.

How about reworking the outrageous EFC’s that result from the FAFSA That in turn cause the need for massive loan amounts to cover the massive tuition prices. FAFSA already caps federal sub/unsubsidized student loan amounts - leaving need for other higher interest loans.

But nothing about the skyrocketing cost of college..makes sense 🙄

Now just forgive student loans from no child left behind days to now. They loans were a scam they destroyed ppl livelihoods, it enslaves you to the gov, you can never forgive student loans, or file bankruptcy etc..

Soooo Brainiac IvankaTrump came up with this one. Allow Colleges to continue to insanely charge those needing an affordable education... Cap how much of an education they would be able afford. Wait what?

Finally, common sense. They should be cracking down on these schools which are run by socialists and charge students an arm and a leg for everything.

Let me guess who is involved in that ONE loan payback company. It wouldn’t be BetsyDeVos would it?

I have 2 college students now and both have scholarships AND student loans. If you put cap on the loans, HOW DO YOU EXPECT THEM TO PAY FOR THEIR EDUCATION TO COMPLETION? Not everyone can afford to buy their kids education and most students work as well.Geez this admin is dumb!

cotey_mary Poor people don't get educated. Just say it.

So, students just stop going after their second year then? How about these colleges lower their tuition 1986 it was $416 for my first quarter of tuition. By the time I left it was $1400 approximately. In 5 years professor salary didn't increase that much, or taxes etc.

Are they also proposing lowering the cost of college?

JonLemire Is lowering the cost of college part of the plan, if not, what's the difference?

How stupid

200k debt for left handed puppetry degrees is an insane practice that we are all underwriting. Choosing private universities over in state, state schools is asinine for anyone who is having to borrow.

JonLemire So, basically, what they're saying is it if you don't have enough money you can't go to college. Only those with wealth get to go. They want to block low income people from going to college.

For Military in 2017, taxpayers in the United States are paying $647 billion. Here's what those tax dollars could have paid for instead: ➜ 19.48 million Scholarships for University Students for 4 Years

Herbert_L_Reed I suggested this years ago. The federal government does all the lending, to people with no immediate source of repayment. Which the regulators would close a bank down for doing.

The rich won’t need to cheat anymore. Only they will be able to attend those schools. We know who Trump cares about.

Can't they just get the rest of the money from their rich parents?

PersuasivePR From 'The Trumpian Department of Very Good Ideas'

When I buy a car, there’ll be no engine.

Trump will fix your school loan problems by making sure you don't go to school.

Um... We already have a cap on how much we can borrow. There's also a cap on how much you can take out per academic year

Schools should also stop charging unmanageable prices for education.

😂Leave it to the WH to constantly find the worst possible way to “address “ a problem.

This boils down to only the upper 5 percent will be able to afford college.

lwsimo777_1954 70% are using the loans for other things

That is f'd up!

And while you're at it 😩maybe they should also stop giving themselves raises and shower the rich with even more money while fucking the taxpayer's thur cutting their tax refunds to pay for passing out money to themselves and rich people. Just a thought 👍

So, what Einstein in the WH came up with this proposal? Ivanka? 🤨

The only way this will make sense is if the cost of college/tertiary education is reduced. Otherwise if borrowing is capped but costs remains the same, ppl still cannot afford it.

This is beyond idiocy even for this administration.

They can also put a cap on professor’s salaries and eliminate unnecessary fees on tuition invoices.

kshaw58 Maybe lowering the interest on loans and making business loans easier to get would be a better solution.

Yes!! Now let’s see how “needs blind” these colleges truly are when they have to foot the bill

kshaw58 How can they determine what is manageable debt?

They already do! That’s why I can’t finish getting my degree now.

Then only wealthy people will be able to attend colllege. This is an end to class mobility in the USA.

How does it curb the cost of college to say you can't borrow more? That doesn't curb the cost of the education, it only cuts your ability to borrow. This isn't a 'fix' for the problem of college costs.

Hey this is going to be a crazier idea.. how about making colleges more affordable so students don’t have to borrow as much.. I don’t know it sounds crazy..but maybe that’ll curb student loan debt.. I know it’s out there

That'll keep the poor and middle class from getting too big for their britches and going to high-priced private schools.....

The don’t want anymore lawyers or doctors. They can import third world doctors, and lawyers are not good to republicans in general.

In other news, the Trump administration is also proposing new limits on hourly wages as part of a broader plan to curb the cost of living. GTFOH with this

JonLemire The same Trump who was sued and had to close his Trump University scam?

The reason schools charge so much is because the loans are so accessible. If spots in incoming classes are empty because of cost, prices will drop. Ivy League schools with endowments in the billions keep raising tuition knowing federal need based grants and student loans on way

Caps on loans? Terrible. Cap on repayment plan monthly payments? Good idea.

THETXEMBASSY There also needs to be a balance on tuition increase.

1)To all the idiots that dont understand, if people cannot get enough in student loans to pay the outrageous tuitions at these private universities, the average cost of tuition will be forced to come down to be in line with the new caps on loans. This will help students come out

Cernovich That seems more sensible than making college free, which is impossible.

Great, about time bid ed is put on a diet.

Cap college tuition

So deny thousands of kids a college degree because they and their parents can not fund the gap? Genius what took so long to figure this out?

Wait, what?!!!!

So only the rich can afford to go to school and become a doctor?

Let's make sure only rich kids get that expensive education.

They should be matched to the market. job openings, cost verses payout and get the government out of the way.

Anither idiotic decision coming from an inexperienced, misinformed, Administration who underperformed educationally & whose parents donations brought their way to get into elite colleges/universities when they weren't accepted!!

Sure limit the amount poor people can borrow. It will open more spaces at the top for the 1% whose kids don't qualify, but then who will buy all the buildings?

excellent initiative... may get rid of needing a degree to flip burgers

An excellent start!

The College scam system monopoly should be addressed. It's all a scam, students are buying the name of the school. Essentially a brand or label. If it is the info is accurate, knowledge is equal no matter the source. Why should it vary in cost?

College lobbyists will say “Hell no!”

And keep the poor out of the best schools? Makes total sense, coming from this administration.

This might make sense if the topic was car loans... doesn’t make sense for education. The cost of higher education is to high because most colleges/universities have layers upon layers of erroneous, redundant personnel/operations. Simplify that if you want tuition to go down.

Why not just make the cost of college cheaper? Oh because they’ll lose money that way.

Just remember the Donald Knows Best he knows more than all the generals he knows more then all the economists in the world

Power grab. Let’s make it too expensive since for everyone to attend and move the working class further down

How about limiting the tax payer/government backed loan to $0 as well. The rest will take care of itself.

That sounds like a half brain half ass version of what is needed. Can’t say I’m surprised given the administration’s out of touch connection with 98% of the planet.

The daughter of the guy who ran a college scam has some ideas about college loans. Normal person: 'That seems fishy...' Guy In Barrel: 'Someone doesn't know econ 101!'

Get the government out of colleges and loans

What if they capped tuition costs instead so people had to take out fewer loans? 🤔

'The Trump administration is proposing new limits on student borrowing as part of a broader plan to curb the cost of college.' - Just a thought, but how about Price Controls, just like with Prescription Drugs!? Some Colleges have huge Endowment Funds, yet Tuition keeps going up?

How about putting a cap on tuition instead. Jesus what a stupid policy. Limit the students. Great plan.

JonLemire There should be a limit to trump debt.

Cap interest rates instead!

This will force students to take out Private Loans and *gasp* who stands to benefit from that? Good ole Betsy Devos. Imagine that... manipulating the rules for self gain. Not sure where she got that idea from....🙄

The same 'administration' that whines about the creation of a 'nanny state?' 🙄

Instead of promising free college and putting that burden on tax payers who already paid for college - the focus should be on colleges and asking why is it so expensive and what are you getting out of it. Same goes for healthcare costs

EamonJavers So much wrong with this—focusing on punitive, nanny-state measures on individuals instead of tackling the larger systemic issues, which include largely unrestrained for-profit colleges like Trump University.

After four years without a bachelors degree, they should not be allowed! Two times the entry salary of the jobs they can get with their major, would also be reasonable!

When rich & priveledge try to enforce their reality on the rral world..

Is it a confidence that most Unoversity and Schools charge exactly the amount of money the Federal Government will lend?

Oh cool. Let’s pass laws so poor people can never go to college again!

And cap the number of average Americans able to attend due to affordability. Only the wealthy will go to college. RealDonaldTrump

Really want to keep folks down don’t they

The trump motto, 'Let's keep America down and dumb and poor. Education should be more affordable. The problem for most people is the cost; the debt is the side affect. Don't fall for this con job strategy.

And this a week after a scandal exposing preferred treatment of the wealthy in college admissions. Their solution is to make it more difficult for poor & middle class people to attend college.

This plan to cap loans makes as much sense as the President's budget. Who is the economic adviser that came up with these DOA lemons?

JonLemire No limit only on Russian loans...

Then how the hell can most afford college?

JonLemire Yup, that'll work. Only those with $$ will be educated just the way Trump would like it. They can just buy degrees and never go.

Uh oh. But what will all the progressive 👊🏿 & 🦄 do?

lLadyBing I gave Ivanka's father too much money for either of them to be wise or experienced enough to ask the obvious question, 'What happens when the borrowing cap is less than the cost of the education?' Despite public opinion she is not the brightest of my grandchildren.

And this is only on the agenda now because...

This is fine assuming colleges will be fine taking less tuition. (They won't be)

um.... how does this make sense in any way? why not... lower.... college tuition? oh right, nothing trump does makes sense.

Does realDonaldTrump understand how to manage debt?

And stop them from getting a degree because of the cost? I’m confused.

How about a cap on how much colleges cam charge students trying to improve their lives?

So, only rich people can or should go to college now?

The problem is post high school education is exponentially too expensive for average Americans. Trumps solution, take the option of higher education away entirely. Make it like health care. If you can't afford it, you don't get it.

How about ZERO lending by the federal gov for anything? (excepting declared war). Most university endowments are enormous and can easily allow the university to provide financing. (maybe they'll be more careful about the prospect of being paid back too?)

This is fantastic. Tuition has risen *because* student loan debt is essentially uncapped. If you cap the debt, colleges will be forced to adjust accordingly and stop tuition hikes. It's the correct move, and if you push against it simply because you hate Trump, shame on you.

Great 👍 now the colleges will have to reduce their eye gouging tuition rates...LoL

Why not associate the loan amount with the income potential of the major the student is enrolled in? Or associate the payback rate by major and impose limitations on borrowing for the majors with the lowest payback rates?

How about eliminating for profit education.

real_farmacist This is not an entirely unreasonable idea. Businesses charge what the market can bear. Placing caps on loans AND limiting foreign students will force schools to compete. ALSO caps on non citizens that get full ride and scholarship even in private schools.

Yeah because all of us debt ridden, student loan burdened, trying to pay for too high tuition working class folks are taking up spaces that the rich need to bribe their entitled low ambitioned offspring into.

Cernovich In private lending, it's called 'fiduciary responsibility' and the legal doctrine evolves from the 1980's farm-crisis years when banks eagerly over-extended farmers and then called the notes, bankrupting many. Once a couple multi-million-dollar suits went the debtors' way ...

How is it possible for this administration to be on the wrong side of everything? All this would accomplish is to dissuade poorer people to even go to school, and increase the number of private, high interest loans. Student loan debt is a huge problem, but this ain't the answer.

Who really believes this line of thinking 🤔 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

And then you can't finish your degree. Genius.

It's all unmanageable. Every single penny.

RyanGirdusky So only the wealthy can go. Must be a better way to handle this unless what it does is force the colleges to change their business model-become more affordable to keep more students. Tough situation.

Nothing like forcing them to go to loan companies where the interest is far worse for them

I notice the source is 'White House officials' until the last paragraph, where Ivanka is named. Must be her [crappy] idea.

what about borrowing caps for hmmmm I don’t know...real estate dealings with enemies of the US.

Put a cap? Who’s paying the difference? Rich parents? Another loan at a higher rate. Capitalism at it’s best.

JonLemire SenDuckworth realDonaldTrump SenSchumer SenWarren SpeakerPelosi tedlieu IvankaTrump When your daddy is Trump, you did not have to worry about tuitions!!!

Wonderful idea and it may help stop the escalating costs of college tuition also. It's a thought to keep kids out of debt they can never overcome.

They really don't understand basic math, do they?

Good! I support that. Students loans are destroying America. I don’t like Trump but I agree with this

In other words, college in the United States is for the rich and privileged only. MAGA NOT!!!!

Would make some sense. Student debt is crippling recent graduates. But are there other ways to accomplish the same thing?

Just shows you what idiots know about education.

Only the rich will have college degrees.

If the cost of college isn't changing all this will mean that students either won't be able to go at all or will have to take numerous loans out from different lenders to cover the expenses.


real_farmacist Anyone want to say Plutocracy now? I am sitting here at my daughters school at this moment. It is a small college that is SUFFERING TO STAY OPEN. TeamPelosi if this gets through I will be the one to roast you like chicken. 🤬 TrumpBudget

Gotta love Ivanka trumping a plan that has no applicability to her reality lolz

So the problem seems to be you have to be rich enough to get higher education, to further your ambitions, and to exploit your talents otw you’re stuck! Meritocracy, the American dream, hard work aren’t in synch with reps

This would only work if the theory that education costs only rise due to the availability of cheap financing turns out to be true. If not, it means there will be countless middle and working class students who lack the means or access to credit necessary to attend college.

So to help the students, they are willing to hurt their futures?

But making college education more accessible and affordable, that's out of the question. Pathetic.

How about not letting colleges build 50-100 million dollar buildings every year. Just makes overhead higher, which is footed to the student. A majority of classes are online now anyhow. Crazy that people can't seem to grasp that college is a racket...

Cernovich Any thoughts on driving the tuition charges down?

JonLemire Great. Millions of student borrowers who won’t finish their degree and get that job to pay off that debt.

How about universal college education for those that want it, trade schools, community colleges and state colleges. The only requirement is that you pass your classes, failure is a dismissal from the program. eattherich

JonLemire Backwards thinking. How about making college education more affordable!

Trump loves the poorly educated...

Crazy thought.... has anyone thought of regulating college tuition and exenses so it is, I dunno, accessible to the average student?

THETXEMBASSY Like responsible banks used to do.

Trump doesn’t believe in education so why not continue financially oppressing those who are seeking to better themselves. He likes obedient slaves not educated minds

Perhaps they should start with the interest rates on the loans. The debt might not be as unmanageable if students were able to actually pay it back.

Good idea as long as the cap is higher for certain programs where earning potential is higher. And no cap once admitted to more valuable graduate and professional schools. Makes sense.

She shouldn’t be in charge of anything.

Soooo, in other words, a gift to the banks making private student loans? Sounds about Trump.

I don't think that's the result it's going to have.

So therefore if u don’t have cash on hand you don’t deserve to go to a good college

Typically when government puts caps on anything, it turns out to be a failure

Cernovich Or they could just take a basic personal finance class.

All places of higher learning will be disbanded and become schools for pastry chefs- so the Trumps can let us all eat cake. These people are D-U-M dum. 😉

WTF? Limiting the loans won't curb the cost of college, it just curbs the number of people who can afford it. What a single bell!

There should be caps on federal and private loans

Can we also cap loans to criminal real estate developers?

12.5% cap who can afford that? My son is struggling with 6%!

You mean I can’t have beats headphones and a supreme hoodie to match my Mac book pro!

real_farmacist Nah the tuition needs to be cheaper. I owe $97,000 and have twins that are seniors that want to go to college. I gave them the advice that I should’ve listened to. Go to a community college first since it’s cheaper and transfer to a university later.

About time! Hoping that US Congress will pass it.

The problem is irreversible. Colleges jacked up tuition rates because lenders were willing to pay them more and more money with loans. Why get 10,000 when they can charge 30,000 and get that? This idea works if you can schools to reduce tuition costs, but that won’t happen.

Yessssss! This is the only way to make college costs cheaper

How about we curb unnecessary government spending first. Like trips to MarALago

More and more this Administration and the GOP's agenda seems to be the economic genocide of the American middle class. They are creating a new class of poor. And we know they've never given a damn about the poor

morgfair College isn't worth the money. Because the cost has been intentionally driven up.

Basically they are trying to control what type of school a student can go to based on economic background, ensuring elite schools are out of reach.

How to keep opportunities out of hands of many....limit leverage of loans...45 borrowed to hilt then bankrupt

Cernovich Long over due. Government interference in student loans without limit have encouraged universities to price gouge.

that's a new idea...does it come with a frank discussion with universities about over-charging?

FazlrahmanR Total backwards thinking from the TrumpCrime Admin. I would expect nothing less from them. KeepEmUneducated NeverGOP

RyanGirdusky Uh college tuition is already an unmanageable debt, so the loans will be too.

Yea like trump casinos

I can’t believe I’m agreeing with a Trump admin move. There’s a first time for everything.

Do they even understand the problem? Not one of them has ever had to worry about student loans! This is jyst another way that TRUMP is hurting the average citizen, and ONLY caring about his rich BUDFIES who will benifit from higher personal loans! What is this destructive plan?

So those who need it the most suffer the most?

Maybe they can go the Trump college

So fewer ppl go to college keeping America ignorant and following the Cult of IQ45.

Cernovich Why not lower the interest rates This is dumb.

In the meantime, someone will have to fill the gap. That means taking on unconventional financing or delaying the completion of school. Maybe prospective employers could step in, but this will make it more difficult to reach the higher paying jobs for many students.

Because god forbid they lower tuitions instead.

Great Idea, so only the wealthy should be able to buy a degree.

Your maximum loan offer should directly related to the marketability of your major. People are stupid to take out 100k in debt for a degree in Bagpiping. But it’s offered so they do. Debt is your fault.

How about cutting the actual cost of college rather than my ability to pay for it with a loan?


Question, will this, in turn, decrease the cost of college in general?

The loans should be aggressively pursued for collection!

no doubt universities pushed for easy money so they could jack up tuition to raise salaries, higher more teacher to lighten their load of classes, higher more administration to lighten that load, etc. disgusts me.

That’s your solution? Really?

This country is going backwards in more ways than one...now it's college. They're determined for us to go back to the days where only the rich could afford college. Just another way to keep the ultra rich way above the majority of this country.

You can tell from the comments which people know how economics work and those who don't.

Maybe the Liberal universities preaching Socialism should pay their professors less, and in turn charge less to get in. The gov’t student loan program is excessively taken advantage of.

“Hey, you know that idea that makes a lot of sense? Well, if we just do the opposite of that, then we’re good.” said the Trump administration speaking on pretty much every policy initiative it has ever considered.

so let me get it... if the bank tells me I can't borrow a million to buy a home in NYC that will ' CURB THE COST ' of homes in the area

Macheter0 What will it do to help make trade schools, colleges, and universities affordable for all but the rich? I'm not seeing how this will help young Americans get the education needed for all those 'good, high paying' jobs the GOP crows about.

OR...maybe they could just make college more affordable...lol

What do you mean I can't take out a $150,000 loan out to buy this 2004 Honda Odyssey with a list price of $3400 and a NADA value of $1950? You just want poor people to not be able to drive.

Dumbest proposal yet! So higher education is too expensive; Instead of working to make education more affordable, their idea is to reduce available loans!

For godssake, it's about time something is done. There are billions of TAXPAYERS' dollars that are NOT being paid back...ever.

The issue is the COST of higher ed. Putting a cap on the amount borrowed is a bandaid. Regulate the rapidly rising cost of higher ed. Also, a cap will impact graduation rates. Can’t finish w/out $ for final courses. Lastly, why is upper admin expanding w/6 figure salaries

They have it backwards! But that’s standard for this administration 😝

How bout they just forgive all Student Debt and make college more affordable or free; like other countries even if it raises our taxes a little more!!!

Eliminate students loans all together. Tuition prices will drop immediately.

rhonda_harbison She’s talking about denying loans to “ certain “ folks, right? People are responsible for their own actions-right?


Something tells me this will only serve to drive more studentloan borrowing to private financial institutions away from Nelnet

Cernovich Finally!

How does this help? Legitimately curious

Cernovich This is a joke, right?

Let’s prevent the poor from getting an education. Great idea...

Uhhh, how about capping the colleges instead of the students.


'And by limiting how much money people can spend on food, fewer people will go into debt, just to eat...' It will not even cross their minds how stupid that plan is.

Kind of missing the point, but hey.

More important IMO- higher ed accountability for product delivered, but then again this from the guy who fleeced folk through Trump U

Did Ivanka & trump invest in a new school loan company? Because funds will be found somewhere - just likely more expensive. This is ridiculous. The government should be funneling more money into education - it's about innovation & economy growth. Instead, it's 'keep 'em stupid'

rhonda_harbison She THINKs we dont see through her BS, or is she that stupid. We have to assume not- she’s dangerous as her king

I agree that something needs to be done about college debt, but only allowing the rich to attend expensive schools isn't how to do it.

Reduce the cost of college.

annnnnnnnd not make college affordable? Wow!

Meaning poorer ppl (black/brown) won’t be able to go to college

How does that curb the cost of college? It just locks out those that can’t afford the extortionate fees.

Instead of limiting costs they limit financing. Seriously this is the most backward stupid group of people on the entire planet. DOCTORS: 'too many people are getting cuts!' Drumps: 'we need to limit bandaids to solve this cuts problem' god what an idiot.

How about putting caps on tuition, ya dimwits?

All the people hating on this plan fail to realize that the government giving students uncapped loans is what got us into this mess in the first place. University’s kept on raising tuition because they knew the gov’t would just write a check for whatever the amount.

What? This makes zero sense. Limit who can afford to go to college, in order to cut costs?

Of course that’s their solution. Why would they care if poor people are unable to go to college as a result? Knowledge is an obstacle for the Trumper to overcome, not something to seek.

So instead of it having to go into a ton of debt to go to college it’ll just be impossible for some people to go to college. Gotcha.

Yay more ineffective half-measures that do nothing to address the real issue. This will most likely keep people from going to school.

Translation: you can not improve your lives, only the privilege rich can attend college

Meanwhile making it easier for predatory lenders to operate.

And all it's going to do is limit access to higher education to the rich. Fuck off, Donnie. Cap how much colleges can charge. THAT would ACTUALLY expand access.

Or just, you know, regulate all Universities that receive federal funding to not allow their tuition costs to be ridiculous, like every other civilized country on the planet...

There are a lot of people out there with huge loans and useless degrees. I see their point.

morgfair Or we could return to the days when college was basically tuition free, you know. It happened before. It can happen again.

The cost of education in this country is INSANE!! The middle class has the least amount of access to grant funding and assumes the greatest amount of student debt because making ends meet is still a challenge for most. Education is a luxury only afforded to the wealthy.

Donald Trump is evil. Fortunately, Democrats will fix the problem and make college available to everybody without big loans.

So nothing about the INCREASED COST of college, the for profit predatory “colleges”. TRump plan is to limit federal loans... to make it harder to get a degree. Dumbest President ever wants to get America stupid.

morgfair Why do I feel like this is just a way to limit access to top education to those without wealth

First of all, these are the people who had the fraud university. Secondly, why would anyone take advice from people who never had to worry about taking out student loans. Finally, it could increase the time to graduate and have students in more debt with expensive private loans.

Why not a cap on tuition and boarding fees

Why are you including a picture of someone completely unqualified and irrelevant to the issue of student debt and financing in this news release? So unnecessary to imply some form of credibility to this person on this important news

Really, give them less but the price keeps going up. Makes perfect sense!

Education and fees need to be lowered first. Not just the amount you are allowed to borrowed. Where did she go to school again? Part of Hollywood school acceptance?


How about reducing the cost of college since it’s outrageous

Long overdue. Another great idea from President Trump. You’re welcome America.

Oh thank you Jesus usedgov. The system has lost its way. The disconnect of education to market value is tragic.

Quite a Trumpian spin, AP. Did you just type up the talking points the WH sent you?

In other words only the rich will be allowed to get loans for college

Yes! Because it IS possible to work while in school to help alleviate the debt you incur.

parents would love that, hehe

From the morons in the WH who’ve never had to use student loans to go to college. Rich privilege ignorance!

Putting the cart before the horse. Curb the college costs first and then you can look at the loans.

Could it be retroactive?

That's actually a good idea. Cost of college is out of control

You poors can't pay for college without loans? I know how to fix that, give you less loans! Ha take that Socialism

Oh look rich white kids only ones going to college. Shocker

So the same administration that is limiting immigration and restricting green cards for foreign doctors, wants to make it even harder for Americans to complete college and med school? Sounds like a plan.

AngelaKrebs444 So less can afford school

So NOT the solution to the problem. 🙄

. Oh Damn, That Is Just Window Dressing. Bernie Has A Better Plan... BERNIE IS BEST - BERNIE IS NEXT... BERNIE - 2020. . .

Why not just cap the cost of college and kill two birds with one stone!

This administration wants an American caste system

Going after the students...not the best idea.

There's already a cap on federal aid iirc.

ya, what about people going to graduate school (exTREmeLy expensive) or going to medical school, or trying to get their PhD’s? It’s impossible to pay for any of that without extensive loans or huge grants from the schools.

Not. Helpful.

Not every person needs to go to college. It’s mostly a scam to lock young people into a mountain of debt. And then a politician comes along and promises to pay off that debt if you vote for them.

As long as it's reasonable, sure. Not sure why people think 18 year olds need to be taking out $200k in debt.

Then they will switch to private loans where sharks like Trump's buddies are waiting to grab all these poor saps future earnings.

Another dumb idea from an IdiotRegime

That’s not one sided at all, smh

Maybe that helps lower the cost for these private institutions. You can’t take blood from a stone.

But what about the actual cost of colleges? Capping loans is only going to ensure that low-income students still can't get in.

Borrow enough to not be able to finish? Just like a home remodeling loan...

Um, that won’t change the cost of college. College will still cost the same. EconClassDropouts

The high cost of education is exceeded only by the high cost of ignorance. Basic college education should be government-funded FreeTuition now.

This will make it worse, as more students are forced to take out private loans with higher and variable interest rates. Want to help? Subsidize more loans, and regulate tuition and administrative pay.

The debt wouldn't be so unmanageable if the tuition wasn't so unreasonable. The problem isn't people borrowing excessive amounts for fun, it's schools charging excessive amounts for profit.

Kick em while their down.

it means if you don't have liquid money to use in your college expenses then they will screw you out of college completely by denying you the right to apply for these college loans.... Y'all got scammed again

Do Pay-Day loans next.

I see first hand every day how students take on more debt than they will ever pay back.

That’s not the answer!

“We won’t make school more affordable, but we will make sure only the rich kids can get in!” What a useless bunch of ingrates this administration is.

Then cap tuition hikes as well

Keep Americans Dumber

Another backward financial plan from the billionaires. Whether Liz Warren wins the nomination or not, Congress needs to implement her tax proposals.

Following that, there will be a cap on how many puppies we’re allowed to save in a year.

This is simply to make it harder for poor people to attend college and get ahead

Simple solution. No student loan money for liberal arts or business degrees, which are almost worthless at this point. . STEM and health care loans only.

This is backwards. Because cost is so high we aren't going to loan you the money? Try lowering the cost. Of course no impact on the wealthy.

Agreed. Force colleges to cut costs or go under.

How about a cap on buying a congressman?

We'll just buy our way in, right POTUS

Food is too expensive, people need to stop buying so much bread.

that's the issue, is it? 😒😤

Loan shark

Do they literally ever think? This is surface-level bullshittery.


'Young Americans are having difficulty affording college.' 'Well, have we tried giving them less money?'

What an idiotic idea

Prices will fall once colleges realize their gravy train of unchecked loans dries up.

It won’t because private lenders will still lend to cover the gap. So it’ll be more expensive debt.

Nice. Shutting poor kids out of college.

here's an idea, let the educational slaves file BK like the president on student loan sharks or stupidity paying $70K for an art degree


This ain’t it Tbh it doesn’t matter Trump is going to lose in 2020

How is that going to help?

Can't have the poors getting educated.

And prevent poor students from being able to afford college. There's always something evil in everything the Trump's do.

Limits on borrowing. Just like the Trump family.

Just more class separation and leaving the poor behind. Not the solution

That makes sense

the administration of trump is a crap

Problem - Congress- caring enough to their jobs.

That's one way to keep colleges available to only the rich.


Seems reasonable

OR....how about making college affordable?

Absolutely...I paid for my college myself

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