A conservative activist was punched in the face at UC Berkeley. The response enraged the right.

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Some argued that the attack garnered what they perceive as a delayed response from the police and university.

window.havePowaBoot=true; By Katie Mettler Katie Mettler Reporter covering breaking news and features Email Bio Follow February 27 at 10:00 AM Activist Hayden Williams was recruiting students for a grass-roots conservative organization at the University of California at Berkeley last week when he was confronted by two men, one of whom pushed him repeatedly and punched him in the face.

The two men began cursing, Williams said, before one became physically aggressive. “At that moment, I knew this might be a troublesome situation,” Williams told Fox Business, “so I took out my phone and started recording right then.” Nearby, another student began recording, too, capturing on video the escalating violence. The videos show a man wearing a backpack and black clothes shove Williams repeatedly and then punch him in the face.


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Damn right it did and we will assure every perpetrator is brought to justice. The double standard has ended. Anyone causing harm to others must be brought to justice. Void of political agenda, race, ethnicity, religion or gender. Free speech isn’t punching someone in the face.

At least it really happened, unlike the Jussie Smollett hoax


Are you trying to start a cival war? Would that be good for paper sales..amazon better get some control here...

Enraged the right? Really?

Implying it didn't enrage the left, which is more indicative of their violent hatred than anything. This is not normal.

This article was awful

“But is normal to the left”.... just had to finish your headline

But you guys are perfectly fine with it, I see.

While I don’t think violence is the answer, the victim’s presence is a deliberate provocation.

go bears

Say no more..... Dissenter getongab FakeMedia

Has the suspect been arrested?

You mean how the media delayed reporting it and then reported it as 'allegedly' when they jump on every reported assault on left wing people with 100% belief?

Silly rabbit, radical left a has RIGHT to harass/assault (Be sure to say 'harris' not 'har ass' or you may get punched as well). For yea, verily, is it not written in the chronicles of group thought, think like us...OR ELSE! WE'RE IN CONTROL HERE, shut the F**K up in cheap seats.


Better question, 'Why do you think it wasn't?' Or is justice only for those on the Left now? Don't bother answering. We already know you're without shame.

The pouncy right is so full of rage. Every little thing seems to make them pounce: taking weeks to arrest a documented assaulter, media lying about gentle Indian elders, being the p r firm for a no-name, D-list actor hate hoaxer. Clearly the right has no restraint. Must pounce.

The lack of response enraged anyone in their right mind. Fixed it for you. Has anyone told you you’re the Washington Post?

The left hates video evidence.

Whoever wrote this headline: Learn to code.

A Qatari asset was killed in a Saudi embassy. The response enraged the WaPo.

So you covered this a week after it happened. How quickly did you 'pounce' on the JussieSmollett hoax?

'Objectivity dies in darkness.' And now you know why the media's approval ratings are lower than Congress'.

Republicans pounce on anti right wing violence

You wonder why Trump is successful in attacking the Media? Ask no more.

White kid in MAGA hat smiles and its the end of the world. This kid punches someone in the face and its not a big deal.

The ignorance of fakenewswapo and the remainder of the fakenewsmsm enraged us more - thanks for doubling down on STUPIDITY!

The lack of a response was what enraged is. We're literally under attack.

In other words is not enraged about it. The left is not enraged about it. Liberals only care about themselves.

Evidently you approve 😠 why?

So violence toward anyone is ok now?

Just the right?

Why didn't wapo put up a clear picture of the assailant? Trying to hide his identity, maybe.

You mean lack of response, what’s next lefty kills conservative the world yawns?

Let me guess, he was asking for it because of what he was wearing?

Here is a new title for you if you want to try and limit your immense bias and tell the truth. 'Hate crime perpetrated against conservative college student: A story of how unprompted acts of violence have become commonplace in today's America.'

uhhh, are you saying that it was OK to sucker punch him because his views are different? you are a very biased media outlet - we get it - but you are condoning physical violence against anyone who does not support the left? F**K off.

Stupid right-wingers. Always pouncing.

Leftists, did this enrage you

Need a new tag for this type of response. hatepass

Isn't one week's worth of crickets a delayed response? It wasn't the response that enraged the right, it was the lack of response. You can't get a single fact straight and you just can't understand normal thinking.

it should have enraged everyone, because unprovoked assault is outrageous. covering for the person that committed the assault and refusing to identify them is outrageous. Berkeley is a very dangerous place if you're not a radical leftist.

I mean so did the assault

Let’s pretend the victim here was a employee. Would the headline, writing and lack of outrage of a hate crime on video be the same? I think not. You people are despicable.

but not the left? we aren't allowed to have a difference of opinion, without fearing violence. THAT is fascism

Of course the media is biased towards liberals

Rushing towards the fire again huh ? Freaking pathetic.

That headline...

Oh ok, so they can defend a dude getting punched. Ok fair enough. Oh and they liked and defended a man running over a crowd of protesters, and killing a person in the process? And I haven’t heard much out of them about the MAGA bomber. HMMMMM.... 🤨

Leftist leadership encouraged this shit. Elected officials even. There have been over 400 hate crime hoaxes meant to smear the right. How is the right supposed to feel you worthless pieces of S**T ? 😡😡😡

The lack of response from MSM enraged the right.

have they identified the perp yet...?

You guys aren’t even trying anymore.

Shame on the conservative’s face for violating the personal space of this nice leftist’s fist.

Good Hit Him Harder

How dare we get upset about people getting punched in the face for having an unpopular opinion. Our bad.

I have a friend I want you to meet last name Sherlock first name No sh*t

Given Bazo’s pending divorce these poor bastards at WaPo better start looking for jobs bc layoffs are probably right around the corner - great thing is given this Trump economy & Bezos history of pay, they should be able to easily replace their $12/hr jobs

How about it enraged anyone who is not ok with being punched in the face for exercising their first amendment rights to assembly and free speech? Should be all AMERICANS... oh wait...

What. This incident should enrage all.

In case your company hasn't made it clear enough how hypocritical and bigoted they are, wait until you read this! If that attacker wore a hat of a certain color, the media would be going balls to the wall on the Twump impeachment campaign.

Someone get punched from the right and the republiCUNTS go crazy. When the right kills people from the left or MAGA SHIT send bombs and plan mass killings, complete silence. AMAZING!!

Why is a left or right call? So you are you saying it should only enrage the right ? Your divisiveness is showing

Imagine this in reversal. “Democrat Jusie Smollet was attacked in Chicago. The response enraged the left”. Never going to happen.

Damn washington post, y'all need to stop making excuses for these domestic terrorists.

Normal people should be outraged.

The take away from this headline is Democrats weren't angry. They were fine with this.

Did it “enrage” you too? It should have.

Wait, conservatives are scared that Americans hate them? The only thing worse than a socialist is a conservative.

You see the left and media think it's ok when the right gets assaulted? If not then you're blind. Notice they only make a huge deal if the ledt gets attacked which turn out to be hoaxes.

What should enrage everyone is how your rag covered this story compared to how you covered Smollett, Covington, Buzzfeed fake stories, etc.

we now live in a world where Onion headlines contain more truth than the established news media

Shouldn’t everyone be outraged?

Just the right? Idiots

Would WaPo be enraged if one of their reporters was 'punched' in the face?

It's quite clear that conservative was blatantly using his face to try and break the other guy's fist!! This cannot be tolerated!!!

Maybe you should do a story called, 'Infants born under a pro-choice regime, murdered. Conservatives outraged.'

the right. I'd say it enraged anyone that's not a scumbag.

The attack should have infuriated anyone. But by all means use it to attack “the right”.

Enemy of the people. We don’t need further proof.

So gratifying to know that you folks are being sued for slander. What a malicious, immature piece of *journalism*..next time, hon, farm it out to a junior high school newspaper which would be more intellectually mature and honest.

“Conservatives pounce on aggravated assault”

I’m sure there was good people on both sides of the incident.

I just wanted to see a slip-counter right cross and a KO’d bully but I’m a justice fan.

Just to further emphasize the obvious ridiculousness of this headline, replace “conservative activist” with any of the left’s favorite intersectional groups and “right” with “left”. That story would not be run in a million years.

Hmmm seems right. But let’s not forget how the left acted with kids and a hoax hate crime.

Funny if the political roles were reversed you losers would be having a melt down and calling for a virtual lynching but your not biased at all

There were fine people on both sides.

How obvious are you trying to show your bias?

REALLY? So now conservatives cannot be considered human? They must be labeled? Did you write “Liberal Jussie Lied”?

I would think anyone, regardless of their political affiliation, would be outraged. And if you're one of the sickos that actually applaudes this type of behavior - youhaveissues and no heart. Shameonyou for such a biased headline.

While the left celebrated.

Let’s ask the Dreamer kid who got sent back to Mexico after growing up in Iowa what he thinks-oh right we can’t cause he was murdered there.

It should outrage everyone... the fact it doesn't, shows just what monsters liberals truly are

carlos829 Bullying and physical assault should enrage everyone not just 'the right'. Bias much?

WaPo, that description says way more about the Left than it does the Right but I’m guessing your staff is just to enmeshed in leftist dogma to realize it


Republicans “pounce”

Wow! No wonder you are being sued. You just refuse to tell the truth in any story.

Public assault...

“The response”? Nice writing,

Democrats punch Republicans pounce

An actor faked being assaulted in Chicago. The response from the left was unhinged

'Enraged the right....' ? Should most normal citizens be.

Wow this onion parody outlet is funny!

Funny to see the right complain but they’re ok with the thousands of acts of violence that their illegitimate president had caused.

Nice ratio you have going here.

'Conservatives Pounce.'


The response to violence should enrage any human.

This is your headline. sucks.

I’m not giving you $1 to read this horseshit. Save the clickbait for a sucker.

Why would it not enrage everyone?

You mean lack of response

You've become a parody of yourselves. I honestly can't tell if your actually trying to be a serious news outlet anymore. If I see one of your reporters I'll remember how you apparently don't think punching someone warrants rage. 🙂

Too bad a girl being ran over and by a white nationalists didn't enrage everyone. Getting angry at anger is the wrong path to follow.

Kind of true, I mean attacking someone to try and silence their political views is literally the definition of political terrorism but as long as its the Left it is cool according to the media.

Unbiased news....

An attendee at a Trump rally was punched in the face. A BBC reporter at avTrump rally was assaulted. The right was not enraged.

That's why you go buy the biggest can of mace and use it

Hate crime . By definition

Too bad. One incident after scores of terrorist or terrorist-like attacks, hate crimes by conservatives on children, Jews, blacks, Muslims, LGBT or others.

This is exactly wht you are TheEnemyOfThePeople

So, you're tacitly endorsing violence then? WaPo endorses violence! Spread the word.

You mean the NONresponse from the left wing media is what was outrageous, right?

Anyone else notice that neither the victim nor the perpetrator were students?

There are schmucks. On both sides

It should enrage everyone.

The response should outrage everyone


Enraged? You simply cant publish anything without propagandizing. The 'right' is accustomed to the violence of leftists and the hypocrisy in reactions.

Why doesn't it enrage any American. That person had has parents. Did you see that punch it made me hurt. Oh TrumpDerangementSyndrome allows crazy liberals to assault people because they are triggered by a red hat or just the fact there are opposing views arrestTheIdiot

The attacker didn’t even go to school there!

Liberal fascism is in action

No the out of control violent left is what enraged the right. we have come to expect the non response from officials and the media.

I don’t even agree with Republicans and you all make me want to fucking become one 🙄

So it’s ok to hit somebody on the face to give a black eye, just because we don’t agree with them?

WaPo for this nonsense you deserve the ratio here. Shame!

Y’all gonna need a lot of fainting couches... jeez...I guess I grew up in a different experience. I’ve learned a lot in my life by getting punched. Is the dude dead? I dont care if it’s a liberal, a conservative, or a independent... sometimes people get themselves punched.

Divisive headlines likes this helps no one. Everybody is enraged when violence happens.

WP is garbage.

Oh my the post woke up!! Lets ignore until we have to say something. Liberal rag.


*16 YO student ‘smirks’*. - Left (based on seconds of video) he should be punched and beat up! *Conservative actually punched in the face after be verbally and physically assaulted. - ‘Right enraged’ after no arrest a week later. Seriously! What’s wrong with you!!

Enraged because a conservative was punched... ScrewOff

How many times have peaceful protesters been attacked by right-wing nut jobs or have government agents like cops attack them with military style Force I have time.

Why would this only enrage the right? It should enrage everyone

Education is a liberal action! Stay off our campuses.

Shouldn't assault enrage everyone, irregardless of party?

Last time I checked, punching someone in the face not in self defence was a crime.

'Conservative Activist'? You mean KKK?

It didn’t enrage the left because to them, some people aren’t people.

Duh... This should enrage everyone and should have nothing to do with political affiliation.

You just don’t get it. Are you blind to your bias or is this intentional? The story should not be the “Rage” of the Right but the violence of the Left. The media is biased and corrupt. It’s just awful.

That should enrage all, regardless of political affiliation.

Wouldn’t any American who believes in the first amendment be enraged? What a stupid headline.

It should enrage anyone It is assault. Assault has no political designation.

Enraged anyone who cares about freedom of speech

US at breaking point because the media continues to elevate the ideas of deplorables.Just because someone takes a position does not mean they should be heard and respected. This is the secret to the alt right's success. The media keeps indulging them instead of denouncing them.

As American democracy screeches to a halt and teeters on destruction, our media continues with the narrative that racist, misogynistic ideologues should have standing. At this point, anyone who supports this president or the alt right should be ignored, not elevated.

Are you kidding? 'Assault & Battery occurred on UCB, was video taped with a clear picture of the perpetrator....The victim and his supporters are upset because no arrests have been made...' There fixed it for you. FYI, with Headlines like this, please do NOT cover rapes...

Probably because unlike all the left wing hoaxes this actually happened

People upset someone was physically attacked due to their political beliefs? Of course they are, violence for political motives is called terrorism so why wouldn’t they be? Fucking , lose their grapes over a smirking teen but physical assaults are cool. Pathetic.

I'm not on the right and it enraged me 🙋🏻‍♂️ call me a fuddy duddy but not a huge fan of political violence. Or any violence really, outside areas of defense or consent


I suppose you fucking tools think ‘days’ is an acceptable response time to a violent fascist attack “Within days, university leaders had condemned the attack,...”

Everyone should be outraged by this act. No matter how much we disagree with what someone has say. We must defend their right to free speach, or lose all our rights to free speach.

Is this ratio for your awful partisanship after an assault part of the rage?

I think more of this is coming. Hide your caps MAGA.

It enraged people with morals, are you saying only the right have morals ? Weird flex but ok.

Well thank god they weren't smirking at him or the media would have been all over this shit. facepalm

It enraged people with morals, are you saying out the right have morals ? Weird flex but ok.

So the Post has completely given up on straight reporting.

Better be glad it wasn’t me he tried to punch cause your headline would be completely different. Libtard bullies are my specialty.

Not worth the crap read; behind a pay-wall.

Anyone who wasn't enraged is an enemy of the people. And decency. And what is right.

'The Washington Post Democratic Party Propaganda response hypocritically downplaying violence against conservatives enraged the right' - There I fixed your headline WP.... Let me know when you go back to be journalists

Punched in the face? How about Viciously attacked as in a hate crime due to his political views.

enraged the right?!?! we should all be upset. This isn't complicated. Shame on you WaPo

Have to say, 'enraged' was one I didn't see coming from the 'Republicans pounce/seize/attack' front…

Thats due to the liberal crap and garbage these young schmucks are being taught these days

When you're a right your right, while when you're a left your left behind.

The response should enrage everyone

Hey! No fair! I wanted to ‘pounce’.

This perpetrator guy deserves a ramrod shoved up his you know where

How come universities have African and African American studies but nothing on other profound historical periods and legacies that shaped our Western culture and civilization such as the Renaissance?

A product of the crap they are being taught from an early age that constantly makes minorities and women to be victims while they are not taught anything about the fountain and spring of Western Civilization and culture

As a conservative, shouldn't he just fight back and punch the labral on to the ground to get over the argument ? As a conservative, shouldn't him feel ashamed that he didn't even prepare well to get into the enemy's backyard? Conservative has no right to be naive to avoid hatred

Something is really wrong with liberals

This was written in an incredibly detached, unconcerned, non-empathetic way. You get a sense the writer feels the reaction of conservatives and non leftist media is a little excessive or even incorrect. I’d say this is a “you need to understand why he was angry & repent” reaction

Imagine a maga hat conservative punching a liberal. No doubt the WAPO would have a different attitude.

Tweets like these are literally how Democracy Dies in Darkness.


Since you are the moral authority, how should conservatives have felt about this incident? We desperately need your moral guidance

So essentially the 2 males who got into an argument that resulted in a fisticuffs, weren't UCBerkeley students, and had no business soliciting students on that campus. Most college campuses don't allow solicitation by outside civilian non-students w/o campus admin's permission.

In America we should have different political views but also be best of friends . Violence over political views is anti American. Its not what Americans do.

“The response enraged the right” umm it should enrage EVERYONE! Someone thought they had the right to punch (physically assault) someone simply cause they had a different opinion. That’s all he had.. a different opinion! How is that normal behaviour?

If this headline doesn't define today's media, pretty sure they don't even see it anymore.

Umm it should enrage everyone regardless of party.

violence only escalates both sides and it is never going to solve any differences. But yet it will continue.

I wonder if the thinks about *why* its subscriptions are dwindling to a slow trickle. JournalismIsDead

was punched by whom? a MOB democrat, there are plenty of them!

What does it take to enrage you? Smiling?

More pouncing, less reporting i see.

“The right” How dumb do you take people?

This is literally the most disgusting headline I've ever written. How do you people seriously wonder why the President calls you fake news?!

'Conservatives Pounce' yet again. You 'journalists' are a joke.

If a white guy in a MAGA hat punched a black liberal activist what would the headline read?

This is why half the country wouldn't care if you disappeared.

Why do I get the feeling the guy doing the punching in the black shirt is a journalist major? And the response should enrage any normal human being.

Not all hero’s wear capes.

Where is their outrage when people of color are attacked by non-minorities. I hear crickets. Hypocrites. Can’t have it both ways.

... and the Center-Right. ... aaaand the Center-Left (where I and probably most non-fanatical ideological Liberals sit)

What happened to your newspaper being civil, fair, and righteous? Why are you stooping this low to justify the bully? Have you lost you consience? Have you no shame?

And the left was ok with it?

I feel like this says more about the state of the Left than anything.

Woof. This ratio...

You're going to have to work harder than that to take SethAMandel's ratio trophy.

Not the Onion. I had to check!

Violence is not the answer! Remember MLK and during black history month. C’mon, be better than this.

No one else know about it.

Democracy dies at UCBerkeley

Exhibit 543 as to WaPos bias.

Of course. Everything...or nothing...manages to enrage the grievance junkies on the right these days.

Did I read this right? Only the right was enraged by this assault? Am I to believe the MSM and the left are okay with violently assaulting people with opposing political views?

*Republicans pounce. Idk how you guys do it, but still twist to republicans pouncing. Just crazy

This is basically 'Republicans pounce that the media doesn't pounce'

You're not winning over moderates and independents with this bs

Should enrage All Americans, no?

This really happened! Not a hoax. Video from 3 angles before, during & after. No financial motive of victim nor relationship (personal check) with attacker. 1A

“But the response time, campus activists argued, was insufficient.” Slow response time happens in many, many cases of all kinds. Do we know that someone is purposely delaying an arrest, motivated by political reasons? Nope, we don’t.

wretchardthecat Should they have been happy?

That guy is totally out of line to assault anyone and should face consequences. But this is not a hate crime—the other man wasn’t assaulted based on a core element of his identity related to a historically marginalized group.

The fake Jussie hoax enraged the left, but that wasn’t the headline was it?

That's because the criminal was not arrested.

Should enrage anyone and everyone!! The fact that you don’t call that out tells me all I needed to hear. fakenews

The story should read, “Jackass not taught to keep his hands to himself, punches kid in the face for difference of opinion. Libs think it’s cool, conservatives not so much.”


So what your saying is that the left was outraged by this and you admit that you didn’t push this story. The only reason your running it now is to point out outrage by one side and not that it was an actual physical assault. How sick and low class.

This is TheBabylonBee worthy. This may be the best 'Republicans Pounce' headline ever written. My mouth is agape, and I'm feeling the agape love tonight in this Twittersphere.

It is a matter of time before they start fighting back.

“...enraged the right”. Every thinking person regardless of political persuasion (including those at the Washington Post) should be outraged.

It didn’t enrage you?

Wow Washington post is also trash . good to know

That the Left isn't enraged, too, says all one needs to know about the Left.

dLet's give WaPo a hand: Conservatives... ambushed? attacked? bounded? jumped? sprung? struck? surged? swooped?

Should enrage any sane American.

This happens all the time. No crime committed here. Haven’t you seen the Trump rallies? Next.

Does the WP support and encourage the fascist left?

Why didn't it enrage the Post?

Hmmm ... maybe because it had something to do with the equal application of law - or some 'silly, patriarchal, white-supremacist, fascistic nonsense' like equal protection.

Ya, I mean god forbid, an actual hate crime, with video evidence of a man being assaulted should generate zero outrage at the WashPo, when your hand wringing over Smollett lasted weeks until it turned out to be a hoax, lol.

If conservatives would just sit back and enjoy it; right WashPo? Sell that to rape victims.

WaPo admits only good, sain people are on the right. Finally, real & factual news.

So if someone punch a reporter from WaPo, WaPo would be enranged too? Right? If not, then you don't give a damn about your people. Common sense is not common at your establishment.

You know why stuff like this doesn't enrage the 'left'? Because of the sheer lack of empathy from conservatives when children and unarmed people are gunned down!

You’ve gone so far left I’m embarrassed for you. Sell your rag to someone who cares about real news. Like the Covington kids. 😂

You misspelled 'Pounce'

WaPo proving daily it's the Propaganda arm of the DNC.

...But not the left. The left was down right ecstatic about it.

Conservatives pounce!

what pathetic and once again biased reporting....Everyone should be outraged, but I know you are not, as it was aimed at a Conservative....tired of your crap

Shouldn’t everyone be enraged by a sucker punch Wtf

Uh..you mean the LACK of response.

You say that like it was wrong of us to be enraged. How would you respond if a liberal person was punched by a conservative for no good reason? No one deserves to be punched simply for having unpopular opinions.

And not you or the left...?

..but not the left. They were cool with it..

Punch back. Man up and defend yourselves.

Should enrage everyone but it’s wapoo. They choose bias and push an agenda.

Can we start fighting back already

I really don’t care, do you? I think the left is so restrained compared to the right and the right is peopled by the obnoxious-est people ever. If this guy was punched, I feel sure he said something that richly deserved it.

Worst headline of the year and its only Feburary....

Aren’t you a little upset about it? I mean, seriously.

All we want is our Nation preserved and protected as founded so that our posterity will know freedom, this fight we don't want it, but if the left and Democrats insist on it,, I know there will come a day we will have to remind the left and Democrats that they started this not us

A guy in black who is extremely pissed off with the guy in dark jacket punches him. I cant ascertain much more. Fox clearly enlisted a psychic to fill in the rest. The police psychic clearly didnt detect that it was a conservative being punched requiring rapid response team.

The response enraged the right? Well considering that this was a hate crime and left is all about pursuing hate crimes (even fabricated ones) it’s a wonder why it’s just the right

MrSmithisready Oh no Post R’s pounce again!! 🤣🤣

Are you fucking serious with this tweet?

Oh. Unlike the left which celebrates their faux victims.

It didn’t take days to jump on a fake hate crime. Wow

How dare anyone object to a leftist punching people in the face....

Are you effing kidding me?!?! Worst. Headline. Ever.

This headline sounds like a movie preview teaser. You guys are a joke

Hitting and name calling is all the left know to do. They only know how to protest in a negative way. I hope the left wing person got what he deserved and got punched right back.

WaPO staff had better hope there's no such thing as karma. If there is, wow, what you guys must have waiting for you.

Berkeley dragged its feet like it always does when conservatives are attacked

have they caught this bastard yet....

I think a person being punched in the face without cause should enrage everyone.

Conservative student punched in face: REPUBLICANSPOUNCE WhoIsMattWalsh

They ever find out who he is? I mean they found the kids from Kentucky pretty fast.

Good right cross!

This is sad

Is this a parody account? Sure looks like one.

Liberalism is a mental disorder

Wow, something seriously fcked up with your headline!!!

Enraged the right? Shouldn't everyone be enraged? Isn't this the 'toxic masculinity' the left has been crying about?

Shouldn’t it enrage everyone?

'Fascist punch an innocent person. Anti-fascists enraged.' Fixed it for you.

Democrats supporting violence against someone who thinks differently than they do. Might as well be the Nazi chronicles

SilverSummerSun This headline is an example of why media no longer matters.

Should this have enraged the Left since this was a hatecrime?

You know how challenged the left feels by the violent way they behave. 8 years of Obama let them lapse into a state where they really believed theirs was the only belief. Hahahahaha, wake up suckers, there’s the other half who think you’re wrong.

Really, gonna use ConservativesPounce for a legit assault

Probably got we he deserved

Neither were students. The University condemned the violence. End of story.

oh no the right was enraged by a brazen act of violence over a political stance whatever shall we do

Enraged the right? Yeah. Seeing a kid getting attacked by a freaken loon from the left because he’s conservative God damn right we are enraged. It’s a fuxken HATE CRIME

The story should enrage EVERYONE.

Don’t know the details, but violence is not a way to solve problems.

The best time to punch a Nazi is when you see one!

Should have enraged you, but you guys are fascists and hypocrites so I can see why it didn’t. Hacks

U people R not journalist. U r not good people at heart. U all R dammed. Right vs left have existed since the 1st man & woman live in earth. But, Right always wins bc the left always brings pain, Lies, treachery defamation, who wants that? You ‘ll are dammed. Now or at the end

That’s all? Where’s the Wapo uproar? Where’s its Social Justice arrow? All spent on Smollett?

It should enrage everyone normal human being.

The response should have enraged *everyone* that values peaceful discourse in a civilized society.

Barnes_Law Here’s a perfect example of MSM bias. Use it in court.

The blinding bias is genuinely astonishing.

At least we dont get 'enraged' over fake crimes.

Yep. Conservatives live under Apartheid rule in blue states.

Sad but it should outrage all. But the media only cares if something happens to the dear old left.

You are fake news

A lady in Texas accuses 3 black men of rape, admits it was a lie. A gay man in Seattle is punched in the face, for being gay. NOTHING from Charlie Kirk or Donald Trump Jr. This way of dealing with things has increased since Trump took office. His hate speech amplifies things!

Liberal faschism is apparently spun quite differently at WaPo still. What happened to the infamous spy on your fellow citizens 'If you see something , say something?'





Kinda like the Smollett story enraged the left? Main difference being... this assault actually happened.

Shouldn’t the response or lack there of enrage the Washington Post?!!!

If no one on the left was enraged it must mean Democrats support such violence. Is that your message, WaPo?

It didn't enrage the middle or left? That's amazing.

Shouldn’t physical assaults enrage everyone? No wonder you’re getting sued by LLinWood Journalism is dead.

Learn to code.

This article is part of “the response” You are literally unable to do a straight story about a liberal behaving badly And never mind if that liberal is a politician. FFS

We’re enraged by HateCrimes .

No inkling of critical thinking skills at the Compost. Apparently one is to take a blast for the team as it were. No wonder why so-called journalists fear for their lives. They're so cognitively detached when it comes to Grievance Industries favorite swan song of 'bullying'.

If people aren't enraged by random violence like this, they have issues.. So I guess this headline is actually saying, the left is full of fascist heartless assholes with many issues?

Post, your stripes are showing... the right is enraged from a beating from a leftist bigot. But your headline is the right is wrong? This is why fakenews is real.

Holy shit this is your actual spin on the situation? The enraged right. EnemyOfThePeople

WTF? It should bother EVERYONE whose part of the human race. Do better WaPo. 🤨

Republicans pounce! Pouncing so much. I mean, a perfectly innocent bystander just happened to swing his arm in an innocuous manner that accidentally connected with the evil conservative person who had the audacity to sign people up to a conservative club.

I'm sure there were very fine people on both sides.


Nice headline. Did the right 'pounce,' too? Are you even aware of what a total joke you are?

Well well well. They don't seem to like getting what they deserve......who would've known.

If this was a liberal that was punched the perpetrator would have been arrested convicted and thrown in jail by now. The outrages is that nothing has been done and minimal coverage by the mainstream propaganda machines

We are also enraged at leftists killing babies. I guess conservatives have moral, cultural and intellectual issues.

Seriously y’all used to try to hide your hate but now it’s out for all to see. Please try to think of America and her people. If anyone gets hurt over their beliefs ITS WRONG

In follow up news: right wingers pounce on news nobody will be arrested for violent assault.

Why shouldn’t we be upset 😡?

Another pounce headline I see

If anyone on the right were recruiting for a prominent Democrat student organization I feel you might have slightly different coverage of this.

Yes forgive me for being very pissed off that my brothers are being assaulted by MFs leftist bastards who think they're tough because we simply want free speech!!!!

Did you make sure to tell your readers the STUDENT was punched by a man who didn’t attend school there & has been arrested for assaulting others, then TEACHERS AT BERKELEY asked students to HIDE the identity of the man if they knew him! TRY REAL JOURNALISM

It’s the fact that the media and authorities jumped on the unsubstantiated Jussie Smollet case while nothing is being done about this fucker with clear video proof of what actually happened

Come on WP, are you kidding me with this headline. At least try to pretend you aren't so biased.

Not even trying to hide it. Bravo.

Typical liberal UC Berkeley censorship attitude. Free speech is dead on liberal colleges

That just about sums up Washington Post and were their bias is. Because Everyone should be upset. No on has the right to attack you. You guys are horrible

Because there was NO RESPONSE! amazing how libs think it’s ok to punch those who don’t agree! You are the most vile,vicious, hateful ppl & it started before trump! The left are the ones who have been doing ALL the attacking, even at trump rallies! You all shld be ashamed

Republicans pounce!

No one cared about this poor guy!

now, are we pouncing or seizing? I always forget which we're supposed to be doing. journalismdiesinWaPo

Wow u r actually covering this? I thought u only cover the democrats left movement. Good job! Proud of u 4 being non- biased in ur reporting!

There was NO response and everyone should be enraged

Could you imagine if a Trump supporter walked up and slugged an obama supporter on video We see you, Clowns

Enraged the right It should've enraged everyone! Are you all on drugs? You should be ashamed of yourselves. This happens all the time and over 70 'hate hoaxes'. You are sick all of you. Will you ever be able to just report the news ever again?

No one deserves to be punched. But the right wing racists and sexists can sure aggravate to the extreme

What bothered me about this(besides the prick in the black tee) is the fact that people just stood there and let it happen. It's different if both guys decided to throw down, but the conservative activist was doing just that. UC Berkeley needs a Good Samaritan class.

UCB is not a conservative place.

You're working pretty hard to justify the 'do nothing and wait for it all to blow over' response to a violent crime.

Does the left ever get enraged? And is that how you report it?


I would like to see the doors chainedto shut with the leftists in it and the buildings burned to the ground thin theliberal herd a little bit

Really WaPost?

Headlines like this the yet the MSM continues to wonder why they are called fakenews

Can you tell us how we are supposed to act........? You know, so we aren’t POUNCING

The Washington Post; not so enraged.

You guys let that story die in darkness... pounce washingtonpost JeffBezos

Seriously, Wapo? Warpo!


Aren't you enraged? I am enraged by all hate crimes.

And... the left applauds

You just can't fix stupid at the Post

Thank you WaPo for admitting it didn't enrage you and how horrible it makes you look.

Are you sure that was a Boy in black all at grabbing like a angry girlfriend

Yes it did. What is more worrisome is that no Dem leaders are calling this out or any of the many attacks on Republicans. Their silence speaks volumes. They have been quick to call out the Covington kids or the MAGA supporters that didn’t do anything to Jussie Smollet though.

They can find a black man robbing a store with a blurry cam photo yet they can't find this guy in High Def?

There are 393 million guns in the US ready to defend free speech

I hope that they find this 'educated moron' who struck the person in the video and take him to court and let the legal system take care of him. I personally feel that he should be incarcerated with the boys in prison where he can practice all he wants ! They may teach him good!

It’s all about the response, not the attack itself WAPO?

As citizens, whether liberal or conservative, we are not adversaries. We each have value to offer the other and solutions are spawned from viewing problems through the eyes of others. Please no wall separating our people. We are better together!!!

Washington Post: A conservative was assaulted. We don’t give a crap.

I can guarantee if a GOP hit a dem on campus, this article would be a bit different right ?

Good God. You have to be trolling at this point. You can't otherwise be serious with that headline

Only the Washington post could turn an attack on a conservative into the conservatives fault!! You Guys are awful at your jobs. Stop spinning and start reporting what’s really going on

You forgot to add, 'Republicans pounce'.

And you would go full court press if the roles were reversed. Where’s your outrage for this act of violence? Hypocrites fakenews

Pounce on literally pouncing?

It enrages all Americans. This is not a right or left thing. Don’t get it twisted.

Thoughts and prayers.

That is the problem - that this should only enrage the Right! This should enrage everybody! This is pure hate. Maybe brought about like comments from you Washington Post where you condone this behaviour! You are the problem encouraging and inciting hate.

Hey post. Your title should state, enraged Americans. But we all know the so called non violent non gun loving liberals celebrated and laughed over the situation. They call R violent and everytime the show their hypocracy

Tell us about how you rushed to judgement to crucify Covington hs kids and vilified MAGA supporters when JussieSmollett filed a fake hate crime report

It was your response, or lack thereof, that enraged the right.

I'm not a conservative and I'm enraged. I think it's okay for people to be enraged at assault.

Defending the attack is what the WaPo has done. They want to see blood before it becomes news.

It is my most sincere wish to see the Washington Post one of the leading sources of fake news get sued into oblivion.

You fall woefully short of treating this honestly, Interestingly, in light of the Jussie Smollet lie-fest vilifying Trump supporters without substance, this video presents more of the same with the mumblings of an idiot as commentary. You're not journalists, you're word carneys.

So the Left wants to make this a physical confrontation thing eh? A show of hands please, from those who thinks this is a good idea. “...every man has got to know his limitations...”

It might be good policy for to wait a week or two before publishing anything. fakenews ?

Keep spending $5 million at a time on virtue signaling Super Bowl ads of “democracy dies in darkness” with shit posts like this.

You guys are getting owned so hard it's almost as if Jeff bezos were posting responses.

It should enrage anyone with a half a brain. That leaves WaPo out apparently.

Wow you just found out great reporting this is why we don’t trust you anymore

I am assuming the people who were outraged, and this attack is outrageous, were also tweeting outrage at Proud Boy attack, Charlottesville etc. we can look at their Twitter history and find those tweets right?

...and any human

Violence is never the answer, unless it is being used in self defense. Here, it was not. Let’s all condemn this.

Your 4 days too late.

Being enraged at the shitstain repeatedly punching someone in the face for a differing opinion was enough for me. No shits to give about 'the reaction,' you nimrods.

FakeNews EnemyofThePeople DemocratShills continues to cover-up for TheFeralLeft Fascist Liberal Nazis ucBerkeley.

No. It enraged all who believe in free speech.

Does that mean that only people on the right should be outraged by someone being punched in the face because of having different political opinions? What a heartless sounding headline.

Why aren’t you and everyone else enraged about the use of violence to silence free speech kemettler

So the left is okay with it I guess then. I would think violence would be frowned upon by everyone but I guess that’s not where we are anymore.

It's bs headlines/articles like this why Republicans HATE the media. I truly wish the worst on you Democratic activists posing as 'objective' 'journalists'

No response you mean!

It ought to enrage everyone who calls themselves American.

Male violence. Whatever.

most folks dgaf

Yeahhhh that second part of your tweet is not news.

This is literally a hate crime, the attacked discriminately targeted the conservative activist based on his relation to a social group.

I know, right? Being enraged by politically motivated violence is so.... wait... it’s totally rational. Why, exactly, are you not enraged?

Wait till the high school kid wind his lawsuit. You'll be out of a job

Here for the “enraged” “pounced” “seized” ratio

The fact that it only enrages the Right shows the deep psychosis that is rampant in the Left.

The right would be enraged if someone did it to a liberal activist. However, that never happens. It is the Left that resorts to violence. The Right just laughs in their face and uses facts to refute their nonsense.

If he knocked him out it would have been on wshh at least

It should enrage everyone. Violence shouldn’t be acceptable. If this was from the right toward anyone it would have quickly been condemned & calls for his identity released so he could be shamed & arrested but it’s no biggie if the violence is coming from them?

And shows its bias by this tweet alone. smh

So someone on the right should punch a leftist in order to cause both sides to become enraged?

The Washington compost, political affiliations should never be a reason to be punched or censored.

Lord help y’all cause you can’t seem to stop yourselves from making an absolute parody of truth. FFS!

Why isn't the left enraged by people being attacked for their political affiliations?

'Republicans Pounce'


It didn’t enrage the left

Whoever gets attacked has the right to defend themselves. I hope that any conservative who gets punched by a liberal goes on such an offensive that the perpetrator would think twice before attacking someone ever again. Liberals make more noise about a fake attack than a real one.

Federal tax dollars must end for Berkley and CA

So the WaPo is okay with political violence then?

...and you wonder why we despise the press?

Does somebody actually read the headlines to ensure they're reasonable?

not important, nor news. Yellow journalism

Yea duh. What exactly are you getting at?

What a headline!

How about “The response should have enraged all sane people”? It’s not just the right that finds fault with this.

did the attacker scream 'THIS IS IM WITH HER COUNTRY' before or after the assault?

just use your usual “conservatives pounce” and be done with it.

Wow. Another ridiculously biased headline. Anyone should find it horrific that someone was punched without provocation and with no appropriate response from the media or UC.

They were too busy trying to justify Jussey to do anything else

I only hope the Covington lawsuit puts you out of business. In meantime I get a daily WP copy to line the rabbit cages

It should have enraged the left as well, but for some reason it didn't.

'pounces' on the right.

The WaPost soon to be $250,000,000 poorer for your libelous, outrageous lies. You're competing with the NYT for most imbecilic, biased reporting ever.

wow - nice 'twist' you put on this - it's bullshit but at least you tried

I’m just shocked. Why would people be enraged at seeing someone get assaulted? Just crazy talk.

POUNCE DefundCal

Crazy to think that conservatives would want to hold someone responsible for attacking an individual specifically because of their conservative political beliefs.

Seriously that’s it DISGUSTING.. how about telling the truth oooo I forgot ur on the list as FAKE NEWS!

Isn't black the color of the fascist's of antifa?

Shouldn't assault enrage anyone? Does the support violence? Do you also support antifa? I'm thinking yes. What say you?

Narrator {it enrages any sensible human being without an agenda}

If we told you the assailant was a MAGA hat- wearing Catholic kid, would that change the headline?

What response? The thug is still on the loose.

Yes! Why would the Right be enraged? Constantly painted as violent sociopaths, evil, etc. Yet all the violence & sociopathy seems to be coming from the left. Also, note that it took WaPo A WEEK to cover this subject. But the Right should just take their lumps! Isn't that right?

Typical conservative response to conflict resolution. Some are not alive. Guess it doesn’t feel so good when you’re the victim. Embrace civil discourse. Look like your teeth are still intact.

vabelle2010 Nice headline. You are FakeNews and the EnemyOfThePeople.

'The response enraged the right.' Ahh, you mean ppl are enraged b/c 'RIGHT from WRONG' as in, assault is a CRIME, is it not? SMH LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

Yes, we know WaPo cheered the assault. After all you are the violent side, and support infanticide as well. RealJamesWoods

You guys are going to need another superbowl ad

Read the passive aggressive and low intelligence exhuming from this article.

And we wonder why garbage media like yours is called fake news.

When is Congressional democrats going to Stop the violence coming from their party of tolerance.

The assault has enraged us all - regardless of left or right side of aisle. Nobody deserves to be punched in the face for having a difference of opinion politically. I hope the attacker is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Violent radical leftists assault a conservative student, and the right is angry for some strange reason.

A man got beaten entirely on account of his political views. Why wasn't everyone enraged? More to the point, did the Post report the matter before this story?

And He didn’t make it up or pay someone to do it

WAPO has no credibility Most MSM has no credibility left anymore

So a guy you don't like politically gets punched and only the right is mad? You are terrible people. Really.

HateCrime Violence Leftist Liberals TheDemocrats

Don't mind me, I'm just here for the ratio

It should enrage people everywhere who believe in civility or basic human interactions, but okay

What spin!!! Holy cow!! Real Headline- Un-hinged liberal punches a person who displays opposing political beliefs. WakeUpAmerica WalkAway

Wake up America

I believe you mean *lack* of response...


Why not the Left? Becausd you're immoral?

Do they care about forced sterilizations of black women, Puerto Rican women, Native women? I am curious are they real conservatives or are they fake conservatives and extremely racist - you know Nazis.


The literally have a close up photo of the guy and the crime and he is a student..... yet nobody can find him. Meanwhile in Chicago, The CPD spent days and hundreds of man hours tracking down leads.

The Left is enraged by fake hate crimes, the right by real hate crimes.

Just a thought... assaulting maga hat wearers May reduce the number of hats and bumper stickers on the street... but it actually may increases the number of Trump supports... you just won’t be able to see them.

WP: EVERYONE is enraged, you liberal rag.

Assult is assult no matter the party. What is a disgrace is that the person committing the assault has not been charged.

thisismagacountry 😂😂😂

Shouldn’t your headline proclaim ‘assault’? Oh, that’s right, a conservative was assaulted so it’s just a punch and now those on the right are upset because, despite a very clear picture, the suspect still hasn’t been arrested or charged. Got it

Journalism is dead.

This headline is comedy gold

Garbage take on the situation as usual

Should enrage everybody, but here we are in Hell.

it doesnt enrage you WP? why is anyone ok with this? geez

They must have pounced

Why wouldn’t it enrage everyone? FakeNews

Katie Mettler is a shitty writer. Good thing she could count on a job at WP

Violence doesn't enrage left wingers if it happens to a conservative.

The Post is disgusting. Fake news garbage and enemy of the people.

Wow a another major political hate crime in a long string of leftist attacks against mainstream Americans and that is your head'lline. Have you even reported on the child, the elderly man, r the couple who were all assaulted this week? How about the hundreds of other attacks?

“Enraged”?!? The people who are enraged are those who hate Trump and who are punching people and committing fake hate crimes by assaulting themselves and burning their own homes down with their pets inside and defacing Jewish graves.

If it was a snowflake getting hit it would have been front page news for weeks. But hey the far left isn't violent there just 'passionate' about there beliefs. And don't disagree with them because they get passionate on you. Go PC culture the future downfall of the Democrats

You’ve sunk below the National Enquirer. Congrats?


But Jussie’s cool, right?

The left is violent.

Enraged no mad yes,using inflammatory language is pushing hatred.Quit the unhinged hatespeak

What should the response be?

Ummm this should enrage everyone. Ppl getting punched isn’t fucking cool


A liberal assaults a conservative. The Washington Post ignores the assault instead focusing on conservatives, surprising no one. WE NEED NEWS HONESTLY AND EVENLY REPORTED.

'Conservative activists facing backlash after becoming frustrated with media's indifference toward newsworthy events.'

The washington post helps fuel a the left wing culture of violence that led to this attack.


I heard they might pounce!

I’m sorry, what? “The response enraged the right.” ? - Meaning it didn’t enrage anyone else that a man was attacked based on his political stance? Congrats on your phenomenal reporting & very tolerant journalist kemettler on this brilliant piece.

The response being that there hasn’t been an arrest of a clearly-identifiable assailant? Have y’all ever wondered why normal people hate the media?

Well he at least punched someone and they lived another day instead of running over an innocent person. ♠️

The response should have enraged everyone but this is how twp phrase the article.

If it didn’t enrage you, then you’re a bad human.

An LGBT activist faked a hate crime attack in Chicago. The response enrages the Left.

It's okay to punch Nazis. They victimize everybody else with their hateful rhetoric. It's self defense to assault them

what a biased piece of crap reporting. Maybe they should take journalism 101.

This should enrage everyone who believes in free speech. This would NEVER be tolerated on the Left, yet because this person is Conservative his assailant, who can be clearly identified, is walking free today. Attacks on Conservatives are increasing and you wonder why we r mad?!

Great low profile reporting, it was an assault with hate behind it. Keep writing dirt and they will keep buying it.

Not exactly the Washington Post of the past huh. Journalism died in the post from the shadow of liberalism long ago

It should!! If this had been the opposite- a right beating the crap out of a lefty it would be on ALL the news channels

Holy crap did you really just tweet something this stupid? “Innocent man punched for no reason and Washington Post thinks it’s ok”

In other words, the 'right' pounced.

It should enrage everybody.

This is the stupidest headline I may have ever read. The Washington Post is complete and utter garbage.

Shouldn’t people being punched in the face for expressing their political views enrage everyone? I’d be mad if it happened to anyone.

Headline baits conservatives with stupid 'reaction' take. Conservatives pounce.

Can't imagine why POTUS gets so much mileage out of 'enemy of the people.' KnowingEmpowersUs DemocracyDiesInDarkness

But not the Left? Hmm...I wonder why.

Time for conservatives to hit back.

It's really fascinating to see WaPo grappling with this concept that it isn't ok to hit someone you disagree with politically. It's like the few rusty gears in their head is squeaking together trying to formulate a normal human reaction... but then losing it at the last moment.

Or Conservative student attacked on campus at UC Berkeley. Police still looking for suspects.

This should enrage everyone. There should never be violence against anyone that is expressing their 1st amendment right. Absolutely ridiculous choice in a headline. Pull it together

The right is always angry.

It should enrage any decent human being.

Thanks You're a 'weak' late

Those damn conservatives and their...(looks through glasses over the tip of the nose)...being outraged that someone was assaulted.

The response enraged decent human beings*

Get ready my conservative friends a war is about to start so sad

Bullshit. There was no delayed response.

That dang right getting enraged - the real scoop obv

If it didn't enrage the 'left' that someone got assaulted because of his/her political views, then what is it that the WP is saying about the left? Good people, irrespective of political views, are enraged by such cowardly assault. Maybe the WP is not a good paper?

Wait... people get mad when attacked? Since when?

Was there...pouncing?

Thanks to this crap I’ve started my conceal classes. It’s Not happening to me without consequences

He needs to be arrested and charged.

See if a black man was attacked by a white man post would dedicate pages each day for weeks to say conservatives are racists Washington post pathetic

Is there a difference if he was sucker punched by a left?

No we are more enraged at your lack of coverage and the angle.

Have guys realized that you are part of the darkness that democracy dies in?

You really are garbage. Journalism is dead in this nation



So I guess The WaPo thinks he was asking for it, how dare a conservative exercise his 1st Amendment Rights in a public space. We need to change those nasty Bill of Rights, so it's legal to assault those people you disagree with.

A breaking news after four days.....

So what you are saying is that it was OK? Media malpractice is everyday apparent on your libelous paper. Dems must be so proud of you 🙄

Seriously? Assault should be condemned by any moral and ethical person. But perhaps you are insinuating the left is not moral or ethical? I would hope all people condemn assault. You need to rethink your post.

Not just the right morons.

ThePatriot006 Did Jussie enrage you

It's all a lie no right wing teabagger was punched it's all a hoax by repugs

Damn right it angered the Republicans. Had the perpetrator been wearing a MAGA hat you would have written that he received his orders from Trump directly and reported on this within minutes of it happening. Your journalism credibility sucks!!!

You would struggle to craft a more deceiving headline

The kid was a victim of a politically motivated hate crime. Are you really going with the “Conservatives Pounce” on this one?


This is why I hope the Washington Post is soon owned by a young man from Florida. You characterize this assault as a punch in the face. Watch the video again. This was a sucker punch. This was a criminal act of violence.

Totally agree that they should find and arrest these guys. BTW, did Sidewalk Sally get arrested yet?

Disgraceful News Paper. Instead of being the News you should actually report All News. Not just what you leftists want to report. The President is 100% right when he talks about Their the Enemy of the People! Hope they keep getting hit with lawsuits!

You think it’s leftie fault? Wrong , what did this activist say on campus ? And since when trump is conservative? Weren’t they white nationalist, Christian faith , mess in the head ? Only Fox News

Is there a way to dislike a tweet? If it doesn't enrage you than holy shit, how corrupt are you as a human being.

OK, y’all are just trolling us now.

I hope it enraged everyone! How can this be tolerated?

Washington Post is good for bird cages.

You are such an EnemyOfThePeople. Wouldn’t anyone be “enraged”?

... but the left was a-ok with it... ?

Hahahahahahahaha. This is you reporting the news? Nice! Democracy dying at the hands of The Washington Post

Good headline, shitskull.

WaPo encouraging actual hate crimes and lauding fake ones? What garbage.

This is an amazing take. A gay black man lied about being attacked and was plastered all over TV and every other medium. This is on video and gets zero coverage. That should enrage everyone. Including you.

Boo hoo

Did you just admit you don't care about violence inflicted on certain people based on their political leanings?

And why the hell shouldn't it have enraged any decent human being - you WaPo slime excluded, of course?

Yes. Shockingly 'the right' is outraged UCBerkeley publicly endorsed a hate crime and the FakeNewsMedia (that's you) covered it up.

Police like to call it assault and battery.

What kind of pathetic pile of garbage unloads a sucker punch and leaves his target (half his size) standing? Is this what crappy razor commercials do to young men? He obviously needs someone to look up to, like Robert Kraft or Jeff Bezos.

Well it shouldn't have, cuz punching people in the face is a nice thing to do. Duuuuuhhhhh. JeffBezos : Is this really what you want to be?

I think it’s more accurate to say the *lack of response* “enraged” the right. To say that someone deserved to be assaulted because they have different political opinions is the ultimate in victim blaming. The hypocrisy of the MSM is astounding.

Bigotry, hatred, assault and physical violence should enrage you as well. That is if you were actually a respected and reputable source for news

Imagine the WAPO ( the one getting sued) would respond in that manner. Everyone should be enraged. Not just the right.

Another winning headline from the Post. 🙄

Ohhh, I see what you did there.....

Is 'enraged' the new 'pounce'?

Washington Post Headline “Hero Leftist injuries hand on evil Right wingers face”

Just the right?

'inraged the right' because attacks like that is ok with

wapo is straight garbage

kemettler Why not post the article on your timeline?

Shouldn’t that be “lack of response”

A kids being punched for political views should have enraged everyone. Heck the left get enraged over fake assaults. The truth dies in darkness of the left fakenews.

And you wonder why you are getting sued.....

Lessons learned before, let's wait 2 days and see full video.

No sh*t Sherlock. If conservatives punched a pussyhat wearer would that enrage the left?

implying it did not 'enrage' anyone not on the right? Washington Compost ... back at it again .... why wouldn't an unprovoked physical hate crime 'enrage' any objective observer?

...and delighted the Left?

good lmao

As it should enrage just about anyone, Right or Left. I have not seen anyone in the Left condemn this act, have you? DLoesch realDonaldTrump

“Republicans pounce on not liking getting punched in the face”

It's almost like people don't like it when they get punched. Isn't that weird. YouAreFakeNews

That it doesn't enrage everyone is what's telling about today's society.

In the real world, this should enrage everyone, regardless of party.

If a conservative punched a liberal for no reason would you have reported that. Sounds like all The WP reports is very hypocrite

I hope the jack wagon that punched that student sees this.... come get some Mongo then the headlines can be Liberal gets his ass handed to him. Cries for his mommy.

Oh it's okay to support Jussie Smollett but when a conservative get's beaten up there isn't one liberal furious about this? OMG, the liberals are just so nasty. Follow their mantra 'do as I say not as I do'. WAPO owes this guy an apology.

Why should it enrage the right? Your headline just reinforces your own caricature....

I guess the only real question is why it doesn't enrage the left? And yes, I'm talking explicitly to you, Washington Post.

Shouldn’t everyone be enraged by this violence?

Washington post is garbage like the rest of the media! Had it been the left it would be all over...conservatives will not be silenced!

So then, what you’re really saying, is that you advocate for violence against conservatives. Because any rational person, especially parents, would have a strong and negative reaction to this type of targeted violence.

'enraged'...……….surprised the corrupt WAPO didn't say pounce!

I can’t anymore 😭🤣😭 You all are a sham

I’m thinking this sort of violence should enrage everyone.

The attacker also threatened to shoot the victim. It's on video when he approached the victim's table.

Can you say WaPo click-bait?

Whether we call it fake news or biased news, your paper still sucks.

this is bad

'not a student or member of faculty/staff' Really, UC Berkeley just has strange men in backpacks unaffiliated with the university running around punching people? Either you didn't even try to find out who the assailant is or you have serious security issues.

Haha, you're a shitty news agency and should feel bad for trying to cause further resentment between political parties.

Are you actually inferring that the right is WRONG to be enraged? EVERYONE should be enraged by this but clearly ur post is meant to infer that they r wrong to be upset. This is why ppl don't trust u & other MSM outlets. U attempt to manipulate what ppl think on a daily basis

Sounds like the post is fine with this type of hate crime. Pathetic

I assume, by your headline, that folks on the left are ok with assault?


Better headline: A conservative activist was punched in the face at UC Berkeley. Why is the left not outraged? Hypocrisy

In defense of the assaulter, I have no doubt the sand in his liberal vagina had to be excruciating and caused his toddler meltdown that has become the common reaction to anything different from a liberal belief.

🖕 enemy of the people. We forgot, hate crime is a subjective term

It's a crime, it's called assault. Uet that's how a pitiful 'news source' captions the assault. Speaks volumes.

It’s almost like WaPo is blinded by their partisanship

Don't be a seditionist in a country full of free ppl and you won't have this problem.

The wonderful thing about conservsatives. Are conservatives are wonderful things! They're pouncy, pouncy, pouncy, pouncy, Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun! But the most wonderful thing about conservatives pouncing is we're the only ones.

but republicans are the racist ? Why do we always hear from the left saying how racist the right is when all they do is spiel hate non stop . every story about the left being racist is true .. majority of the stories of the right being racist are proven hoaxes LiberalIsADisease

WaPo relentlessly making parody impossible.

It should have enraged everyone.

A conservative activist was punched in the face at UC Berkeley. The lack of response should enrage everybody ... I fixed it for you.

You mean you’re not enraged, WaPo?

Lincoln's dead

So much for journalism at WaPo. The story you want people to see isn’t that a conservative got punched by a hate filled liberal but that conservatives were actually upset about this. Like they had no reason to be? liberals would be enraged too if a hate filled bigot punched them!

Those evil rightys amiright - The Washington Post

Just here for the amazing ratio.

Newspapers are supposed to report the news...which is the first sentence of the headline. The second sentence is opinion. If you wonder why the Post has lost all credibility, it’s because there is no distinction between the front page and the opinion page.

The Left-wing thug has yet to be identified, despite clear video footage and images. Somebody is dragging their feet, as Wapo gloats at another violent attack on conservatives...

I've voted for democratic presidential candidates 3 times, republican 2 times, and libertarian 1 time. I was very liberal, but democrats have lost me. Where is the party that supports education, and stands for the middle class? Illegals, Abortions, LGBT, and Anti-Trump? No thanks

wow shitty spin.. cant you pay editors? or are you saving up for the covington kids payout?

You are a disgusting sham of a newspaper. Report it correctly next time!

Precisely why I carry. I would have been more than happy to introduce big boy to one of my best friends. .38

It should enrage any sane human being.

Why didn't it enrage the left?

Just wait until the right pounces on your tweet. And then once you think it’s over... that’s when the seizing begins. Thoughts and prayers WaPo

Methinks if this was a kid in a MAGA hat punching a liberal activist, this story may have been covered a bit differently...

It should enrage anyone, regardless of political persuasion. This headline is an example of the exact problem 'the right' is enraged by.

The real question is why didn't it enrage the left? Is punching people okay now?

But the WaPo was delighted? Or are you saying the Left adores violence? I'm trying to figure out why an American would not be enraged at this behavior at a taxpayer funded institution, but I'm drawing a blank. Mass sociopathy?


So am I to conclude from this tweet and the linked article that no one on the left was enraged that this activist was assaulted or that his assailant hasn't been arrested yet?

Did you really just report something that was a dispicible act on a conservative? WOW! Your continuous failure to do your job, puts real people in harms way. Your’re still a pathetic news organization. You have a long ways to go before I’ll read your bias fish wrap.

Rightly so.

I have a great idea. Redo this story and make it a liberal that got attacked. Make sure you have total outrage regarding the left being enraged. See how that flys.

If the left isn’t enraged also that says a lot about their lack of humanity you assholes. Stop turning everything into a left/right thing.

This headline codifies what we've all known for years. The left is okay with violence as long as it is directed at their political foes. Thanks WaPo!

The buried lead is that the left cheers on violence.

Why aren't you outraged? You didnt have an issue expressing outrage when Jussie Smollett was fake attacked. This is why you're 'garbage journalism'. You are simply a tool of the enemy.

“Conservatives pounce” Your Industry Is Repugnant

The fact that it didn’t enrage you tells us all we need to know.

You know what else enrages the right? Stupid headlines like this.

Another one? Oh wait your’re like a week late to the party🙄

This ratio!

it didn't enrage YOU?! I suppose you support him being assaulted? learntocode b/c your 'reporting' blows

Enraged? The enraged one is the guy throwing the punch. Do try and keep up.

A leftist activist was punched in the face. The response enraged the left. His name is jussie Smollett. The only difference well his story was uncorroborated and full of holes and the left was also much more enraged. See response of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker

So this is how you cover hate crimes now? Apparently, if you don’t like the victim, then it’s justified.

Oh my gosh!!! Ppl get mad when attacked When is the riot planned

It should enrage everyone.

It seems there needs to be more layoffs at the compost

This headline is utterly ridiculous.

so, once again, 'conservatives pounce'? the post is a joke

You guys are tools, I don’t care how many commercials Tom Hanks narrates.

So does allowing a newborn survivor of abortion left to die. But not you Democrat pieces of shit. Not the least bit troubling.

There exists a very blatantly obvious hypocrisy of the leftist liberals. Truth really does matter . . . Of course, except to lying hateful liberals.

Another hate crime against conservatives.

This happened quite a few days ago and has been all over the internet, but you are just now dropping a little teeny tiny headline about it. Typical.

vabelle2010 What reaponse? Lol about time this was news because its been a week

Stop the violence! Jesus!

Who writes these headlines? Unbelievable...I’m appreciative though, slowly the left is going to realize that the media is all in with their biases And they have been brainwashed

What is an acceptable response? And why does someone being physically assaulted for their political beliefs NOT enrage the Washington Post?

Um it enrages anyone who doesn’t want to see someone assaulted.

Should enrage the students and parents of that school..it sounds dangerous there

The WP has made an attempt to Devine people’s emotional response to an assault. They were almost as accurate in devining Middle America’s contempt for elitists.

Obviously it was never news that someone was assaulted on the Berkeley campus because of their politics. Who would care about something like that? Dear , I sincerely admire the effort you put in to pretending you are still an objective news source.

Well it could be worse headline. They probably rewrote it from this - Racist Facist Conservative face hits Inclusive Tolerant Democrat fist. Praise to moloch Democrat not injured.

Ha! The loony right. They get enraged just because nothing is being done to a guy who personally assaulted another person. The right are so weird.

The only thing enraging is the Washington Post calling itself a news organization.

This is like the 654th physical attack on a Republican by an violent leftwing extremist since Trump got elected. A national emergency is in order!

What response were you expecting ?

I'm pretty sure it's the Dems who are 'enraged.' I mean, as the mouthpiece of the Democratic party, are you just naturally this violent, or do you have to be enraged?

Damn right it did, as does all the other 639+ other ones.

This should enrage everyone!!

Clearly titles like this show they do not understand why WalkAway is so big. None of this violence is OK, hopefully, by any sides.

Would journalists pounce if one of them were punched in the face?

Umm the response should enrage everyone, I guess the left likes random violence as long as its against the right... You earn the enemy of the people label every day!!!

And still no charges brought.

You should be enraged too

So you choose to focus on the response, not the act? Wow. If this had happened to me, and I had proceeded to fight back and beat my attacker senseless in self defense, I’m sure you would have focused on how violent conservatives are. fakenews

Most reasonable people are enraged by violent liberal behavior! Only you guys consider it normal!

Violence is not the answer. I certainly understand the rage. But violence is NOT the answer, nor should it ever be encouraged or tolerated

Expecting WaPo to lay off a bunch of staff soon.

Democracy dies in the spin zone

Gee that's too bad.guess that winger chose the wrong school in which to enroll.

Can't wait to watch you all payout $250m to the Sandmann family.

A person got assaulted yeah

It should enrage the right & the left! That’s the problem. Lefties don’t mind violence against their foes. But righties don’t like violence against anyone.

It should enrage all decent human beings. Or are you implying.... 🤔

Telling that it didn’t enrage the left.

Really? You are shocked that the right was enraged? EVERYONE should be enraged at behavior like this.

What you write when you support the person doing the punching.

Such buffoonery 😂

I'm going to pull a Shaun King here and throw the guys name out there. If Shaun King can do it and get away with it why can't I? Not white enough? Michael Hornsby riverside ca

You mean how the left was enraged for weeks over a hate hoax ?

What should the response have been Washington Compost?

Well DUH! The no response from the libs on an assault with evidence just proved their lack of decency to say the least.

You are fake news.

No one takes you seriously.

These violent assaults by leftists don't happen in a vacuum do they? Democracy dies in darkness but leftists thrive on it!

A civil war is brewing and the MSM is fanning the flames. Isn’t it interesting that Democrats are trying to disarm law abiding citizens as they attempt to dismantle the 2A?

One would think that a $250 million lawsuit would cause one to reevaluate the contemptible practice of normalizing violence against private citizens.

Those DAMN Republicans getting mad when there is violence directed towards them! snowflakes

If roles were reversed n the conserv activist punched a lib the media would b in meltdown mode, this is lib hypocrisy

No rage, we will no longer have a country once the rage does come. I, look forward to it.

Actually, it enraged everyone who wasn't a demented, deranged, maniacal liberal.

How long did it take u 2 report this? It was DAYS ago, yet had the attacker worn a MAGA hat & victim was liberal, it would have been front page. You’re ok with violence when it supports your narrative. Won’t patronize your advertisers or visit your haven of AltLeft propaganda.

“The response enraged the right“ Lol, you guys. I’m sure this is the same headline you would use if the political parties were reversed. And you wonder why so many Americans hate the msm.

“The response enraged the right” I think everyone who believes in American ideals should be enraged someone was punched in the face over their political beliefs.

But the left was happy?... You guys aren't even pretending anymore.

what response?

So you are ok with violence against the right...........gotcha. You know that you are just proving the President right. Thank you for that. EnemyOfThePeople

Doesn't the lack of justice enrage you?

The LACK of response... fixed that for you.

not so much conservative outrage at this horrid occurrence huh?

We're pouncing, but this time we're enraged!

Not you?

Didn’t enrage the Post though, that would take blind journalistic integrity. Nobody home there. in fact I’m sure you cheered the asssult and battery.

But the Post cheered the assault.

Yea he was just expressing his opinions with his fist, it’s not like he was assaulting anyone with a smirk.

That was nice.

This was the headline you chose? On purpose?

Who should be enraged? Clearly not this WaPo rag.......change your slogan to “Truth Dies When WaPo ‘Reports’”

WAPO=Propaganda rag

And why wouldn’t it? Your paper is a joke. Hopefully amazon will hire you.

MyPlace4U Punch violence in the face.

Well duh! Juicys Mullet fakes an attack and the MSM & Hollywood went berserk.

kemettler and shouldn’t it enrage EVERYBODY? Wth is the matter with you people?

When a conservative gets punched in the face by a leftist, the right *always* get enraged. That’s how unreasonable they are.

Bout time this was covered. Thanks.

A kid was punched in the face. That should enrage EVERYONE. If you aren't enraged, I have to wonder why not?

The response enraged the right? Here’s the individuals face, a clearer picture of a suspect was never provided in the history of all criminal suspects... and he is still at large? It’s not “the right”, everyone is upset.

Jesse Smollett gets attacked and the liberals cry. A young white conservative man gets attacked and the left is too emotionally sterile to recognize it for the hate crime it was. This left wing payback is a sickness.

assault must enrage everyone left right whatever whomever.

Should it not?

Those dastardly conservatives, getting enraged at political violence. The nerve.

I hope the kid who is suing you wins BIGLY. MAGA WINNING CHOOSEGREATNESS

Oh dear god, my sentiments through this whole hearing today. line em up!

the Left, or the Dems, are following steps of CCCP and PRC to push our country fall in Socialism shit. YOU ARE GUILTY!

It should have enraged everyone

Quick correction: It says 'news' on your bio. I wasn't sure if yall were aware.

The only folks dividing the country is the media with stuff like this

this is a hate crime

He didn't get run over and killed, so there's that.

What response?

He's a white male....the only class WaPo deems acceptable to perpetuate violence against. It's his own fault that he isn't black & gay or MSM would care.

Wow! How is it that only the right is enraged by an act of violence not being acknowledged by the leftist media...who would have gone ballistic had a Democrat been punched!?!

Your bias is showing, again.

does that mean the left was ambivalent or celebratory?

Just following the Trump mantra

You wonder why? You have actual violence against people on the right while AOC is crying about having her picture taken.

So the liberal media's response to this assault is to attack the victims further...

the passive voice is used to downplay an occurence. such as 'mistakes were made.'

The response? Or the punch? Or both? And shouldn’t it enrage everyone? Your headline implies otherwise...

Does this fucked in the head student realize he won't be able to get a good job with a felony convection?

This is what the country has become? A different political view gets you punched in the face. The jackass that threw the punch was much larger. This is more than a political difference, its bullying. Guarantee the coward wouldn't punch someone his size. Cowardice leftist!!!

Please tell us, how is the right supposed to react in a way in which our reactions are not the main object in your headlines?

Your organization is complete trash. I hope your company loses the lawsuit against you. I don't even want your writers to 'Learn to Code' because they will be trash at it. Find another career and do better!

Lol...now do Jussie Smollett.

It is ok to punch people if their speech is offensive. Read 1A, righties! So, don't wear MAGA hats, for example. - - CNN

As if this is irrational anger 🤦‍♂️

Should it enrage anyone else or no because you all are emotionally vacant?

But if it was a liberal or a member of antifa I’m sure you wouldn’t, would you?

Williams is 'a Field Representative for the Leadership Institute'. According to their website, the pay for this protester position is generous.

Consider the source of this article. If this is your main source of media you are grossly under educated on the truth. Possibly completely devoid of truth. Who owns WP? What's their agenda? Think for yourself.

Conservatives when a conservative is punched: 'RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!!1!' Conservatives when a black person is killed by police: 'they probably deserved it'

It's clear that it was the leftist thug who was enraged. The right was justifiably outraged because the leftist media like WaPo either ignored the crime because the victim was conservative, as usual, or, as in this headline, made the right look like the ones who need anger mgmt.

It's about time you mentioned this attack. But THIS headline and article is exactly why you are looked at as fake news and why nobody outside of leftists trusts you or respects you.

I've watched this more than a few times. As a Boxing fan.....He punches like a Bi^ch!

Other way around it would be headlines 24/7

Only the 'right' were enraged? Is this really how the W. Post views the nation? Team politics even for violent assault? You are not reporting the problem, you are the problem.

WaPo... Where truth & objectivity die in the darkness that is propagandist's souls.

Progressives are mentally ill and violent.

Just give in to your id and call it a false flag.

lots of pouncing and seizing going on by the right wing. right?

Pounce on a new job learntocode

I guess the Post hasn’t learned anything about honest and fair reporting since getting sued for $250 million. Unbelievable.

There is no bias here people move along 🤣

I'm not on the right and it enraged me.

Is this The Onion ? Is this real life ? Wth?

No talk of the 81 yr old man that was assaulted yesterday in a grocery store in NJ for wearing a maga hat?

Why don't people trust the media? This. You turned a real assault into a fucking meme about conservatives.

Enraging how you reduce credibility when engaging in trolling. Crap like this headline fuels MAGA-media, and rightly so.

He wasn't punched. The guy was just seeing how long his arm was.

Sad the Washington Post has elected to follow in the footprints of Joseph Goebbels style of Propaganda of the Nazis.

Then, they pounced.

U mean the NONresponse (like urs).

Stop othering people, ya dinguses

If the table was turned and a magat attacked a Dem it would be totally different,biased much

One day one of these libs is going to engage the wrong, heat packing republican.

Jussie Smollett *didn't* get attacked for his political views, 2 week media firestorm Conservative student *does* get assaulted on video, no coverage whatsoever Yeah hard to tell why conservatives are upset.

'Conservative activist's face pounced on Progressive activist's fist'

Correct. Only the right is enraged by physical violence.

Why doesn't this pointless violence enrage everyone?


This is nothing short of a terrorist attack on that young American

Yea, how could anyone possibly be enraged..............

I'm surprised it doesn't say 'conservative activist allegedly assaulted' 😂

Oopsy, WaPo your bias is leaking!

Your flashlight batteries are dead

Guess liberals on the socialist left, Approved of it? Is that what The Washington Post is implying, looks like? Maybe the WAPO approves of politically motivated hate crimes against conservatives?

We are beyond parody

Did I NOT hear that vicious piece of shit threaten to shoot the dude that he had just punched? The media in this country is fucking insane. These CRIMES are apparently NOTHING in comparison to the hoaxes perpetrated by you crazy fucking leftists. You people sicken me.

The response should've angered anyone with a sense of intellectual honesty and an interest in maintaining a civil society. Just saying.

Wouldn't anybody be? If this was reversed it would be another story about the radical right. I see your bias.

They must be in on the joke now!

The left promotes hoaxes.

You have become a meme.

does it not enrage you? It should. If it does not, then you are the problem.

Also the kid was bullied? Where is that story? How about something easy for you. Write about his inability to duck? Anything? Friends don’t let friends read the WaPo!

And you wonder why people think you're fake news.

Why didn’t the response enrage the left? Are you Jackasses at WaPo supporting violence against people right of center? Are you advocating for violence? Why aren’t the “tolerant” leftists decrying this unprovoked assault on free speech?

The 'lack of' response bothers all decent people regardless of political ideology. Try that.

And this is why the Washington Post is a compost heap.

It's the Washington Post. They are too stupid to mock. However, I'm still here for the ratio pile-on pounce.

Baby was named a girl on birth certificate by doctors. The response enraged the left.


Conservatives POUNCE!

I thought the papers laid off all of the opinion writers and hired robots?

passive voice alone deserves a ratio

Why wouldn't it? We're just supposed to sit back and take it?

UCBerkeley UCBerkeleyNews So have you found the culprit yet? I’m sure you have student I.D.’s with photos

Is it as bad as Israeli treatment of Palestinians of which The Washington Post is a big contributor of the the Jewish right wing lobby AIPAC ?

You find every possible way to craft a negative narrative against conservatives. You are the enemy of the American people. Even liberals are not well served by establishment propagandists.

Pretty sure this is just irresponsible journalism. If this kind of behavior doesn't enrage you that someone got punched for having different political views, then you're part of the problem. No wonder you're a part of the FakeNews fakenews networks.

careful there, your bias is showing... remember when people freaked out over a kid because 'there was something aggressive about, just standing there'?

You promote hate!

MSM always reports on the conservative reaction to a hate crime, never on the hate crime itself.

So, you guys support hate crimes if they’re against the right people?

If it didn’t enrage you, you need mental help. Keep on writing such lies and the lawsuits will keep piling up.

BTW hope sandman puts you out of business

Journalism dies in a container of kitty treats!

a kid gets punched in the face and the beozos owned lobbying PR firm thinks only the 'right' should be enraged lol

Democracy stabbed in the heart by wapo

“Republicans pounce.”

Holy shit, you're a joke.

Delete your account

Also, love con activist 'was punched'. Classic, wapo, guys. Never change. You might even get some more Trump.

Someone jumped Smullet and the left pounced....odd isn’t it! Difference is one was actually caught on video....🤫

So, violence in order to suppress free political expression doesn't anger people on the left?

It should enrage everyone!

Just like Trump 'acted with Conservative bias' when he said 'very good people on both sides? Give me a break. Talk about snowflakes!

What response? Are you talking about how after a news blitz on Jussie Smollett and Nathan Phillips, none of you gave a shit?

WaPo....... seriously? This is the best you could come up with? Journalist integrity dies in the darkness.....along with objectivity, reason, standards.... Time to change your bogus motto. I have a suggestion -- 'Objectivity - We don't need no stinking objectivity'...

Your company has no credibility anymore. The great journalist before you are rolling over in their graves.

Liberal activists were told to learn to code. The response enraged the left.

About 1/1000000th as mad as people were with the Jussie and Covington things which were not actual things, but of course the people who are right to be angry are wrong for it. Thanks, WP!


Enraged. Nice. Another version of 'Republicans pounce.' Imagine this equally biased headline: An Leftist LGBT activist was punched in the face at UC Berkeley. The response enraged the Left.


Should read “the LACK OF RESPONSE enraged the right.” And that includes you guys, who love hoaxes with major holes but can’t investigate a video showing the assault.

Pathetic media like yourself convinced small minded people that anybody that supports Donald Trump must be racist therefore you and other anti-Trump media should be the ones that take the blame for this and future occurrences of leftist mob mentality / outrage.

I will not pay for your content

But it's cool with AOC and all the other liberals

This is why I don't climb your pay wall. Walls do, indeed, serve a purpose.

Is this new or is WaPo just that much a joke

Its not that assaulting people based on politics is wrong and must end, its that someone getting assaulted “enraged the right”. No one, no one believes WaPo is news. They are propagandists. Pure garbage.

Remember when leftists and the media tried to destroy a high school student's life for standing still and smiling? Compare that to how the media is handling this case of a leftist assaulting someone.

Um it should enrage all peaceful people who want freedom of speech without being punched by liberal bullies

Umm this attack had video evidence. And is most likely not a hoax.

Really pathetic that a certain group of people are covering for this guy all because of politics and TDS.

Lol wtf

What response? 🤔 Probably the first time you’re mentioning it.... FakeNews

What a surprise - still a new lower low feat of journalistic bias from scum Wapo

A liberal activist wasnt bleached or lynched by MAGA country in Chicago. The response enraged the left.

A conservative stood there with a “smirk” on his face and the left nearly imploded. Enjoy paying out on that lawsuit!

I guess this is the shit you will keep writing until Bezos' checks start bouncing.

Lib dude was pretty enraged when he punched him. That seems more central to the story.

Why wouldn’t it enrage everyone?

Washingcunt compost

Why are leftists so violent?

Did we “pounce” on the poor guy doing the punching!

Clearly, the bad guys here are the right wing for their disappointment with the way it was handled and covered by the press. Got it.

crimes are on the rise against MAGA supporters who wear the hats & the mouthpieces of the DNC mainstream media continue to ignore those cases because it doesn’t feed their narrative or radical leftist base.

Conservatives pounce...

I hope to God y’all go bankrupt lol

Wow democracy dies in.....

What a piss poor article... it’s about someone violently being attacked!!!! No more no less, you had to put a spin on it. Shame on you Washington BS post!!

Ruhpuggiepewklicons Eye See Pounce & SEIZE!! 😂

Folks, this is it. This is the proof of mainstream media bias. Absolutely no doubt. Beyond parody.

Thanks for pouncing on this story!

You guys do it on purpose, right?

That guy still hasn't been caught or charged

Did we pounce? After what you did wit Jussie Smollett and the Covington kids... EnemyOfThePeople

What would your headline be if it were a liberal?

The Washington Poo strikes again

'Conservative activist' ...or Nazi ? There's a difference.

I can only imagine if the rolls were reversed and a MAGA man in a red hat punched a liberal doing the same thing. The leftist at WashingtonPost would be writing about racist Trump supporters & treating this like they did with JussieSmolletHoax & CatholicCovingtonKidsHoax Hate

So the story here is the right is upset?

You're focusing on the rage of conservatives, as if everyone shouldn't be upset that this happened? It's ok for the guy to be enraged and throw a punch at a conservative on campus? Last I checked that's assault. This is why people don't trust the media anymore.

That's a very interesting headline, '...The response enraged the right.' Shouldn't this kind of thing enrage everyone no matter your politics?

How do you turn this into a process story? How? (Also, here for the ratio.)


This is a clear example how mainstream media is no longer a news outlet. They are just opinion makers and attempt to brainwash the citizens. Seems like liberals were not enraged by a person being attacked violently in a college campus. Are leftists clapping this action?

Ridiculous fucking headline

How do you actually go to print with this headline?

You guys are a joke.

Pounced and Enragedpilled

LOL I can't believe people used to take your newspaper seriously. You guys have fully turned into HuffPo.

$20 says they dont see anything even remotely biased in this headline they would pass a polygraph...AND still wonder why no one trusts them

I'm confused. Are you surprised that people are upset that you have helped foster an environment where people think it is ok to use violence against people they disagree with? Or are you surprised that people are reporting on it?

Anyone supporting free speech should be outraged. More importantly, anyone supporting common decency and civil, nonviolent behavior should be outraged.

Your only comment 'enraged the right' does that mean it was right? Does that mean the left is OK with it? I bet u would be upset if it was a family member, I mean, u constantly call the president a bully so, obviously I thought were against bullying. Guess not. The hypocrisy...

Shit like this is why people are starting to truly dispise journalists.

WAPO pays 5 MILLION Dollars for a Superbowl ad attempting to gain credibility,,, then WAPO attempts to shame the 'Right' about violence against the 'Right'. Question: Do the people paying the salaries at WAPO have a clue what journolisming is being published?

Interesting late response compared to what you did to Covington minors and how outraged you were over the Smollett Hoax without doing even a shred of investigation. Shameful.

Because it is yet another example of a story that would certainly have gotten attention were the roles reversed. A person actually being attacked for their views, on camera, assaulted. Violence toward people over their beliefs deserves coverage - regardless which side.

So this doesn’t enrage the left? Hmmm. Interesting

This headline should actually read, “Innocent man assaulted, and everyone looked the other way including the police.” Forget about the politics; this is counter to what our constitution pursues.

Imagine your headline if it was the other way around, you hypocritical arsehats

So violence is acceptable if it's against the correct side of the political spectrum? Got it. Democracy Dies when it drowns in a vat of stupid. Ex: this story.

It should enrage everybody

And you try to claim to be unbiased.

Journalism is an absolute joke.

As well it should.

CORRECTION- the response should be unanimous condemnation (which has nothing to do with right or left). What does the silence from the left say?

Imagine if it was snowflake liberal.

Nah. We just note the hypocrisy of the Left. Going to advocate punching Liberals going forward since the Left has deemed it acceptable form of response. Morons

A gay, black, liberal, Democrat staged a fake hoax and hate attack against White People and Trump supporters. The response enraged the left.

That’s precious, Enraged the right. Violent attacks should enrage everyone, right? Evidently the left doesn’t care

The Liberal newspaper with their headlines 😂😂😂

What are you afraid of? You just can't help yourself from spinning everything can you? Do you get your journalistic ethics from Jussie Smollet? You have lost all credibility.

Yet your not enraged by violence against someone that’s not a authoritarian leftist

Isn't this pretty much the same thing that happens at a Trump rally ?

Ah, tolerance. hypocrisy

The question is why didn't this enrage the left too? If there was a tape with the rolls reversed the right would vilify the perpetrator because this kind of attack is wrong for whatever the reason. OldNews WhereWereYou ? NiceSpin BiasNews

Horribly inaccurate and disgustingly dismissive. If Smollett was a ‘hoax’ UC Berkeley was the ‘reality’ Conservative was ‘publically assaulted’ this wasn’t quick or random he was targeted and the assault was prolonged. Where’s AOC when you need her?

If someone finds the punk that hit the activist and punches him in the face in response of the earlier assault, will the headline read 'The response enrages the left'? I'm sure it would receive much larger coverage in the Post.

Yes, the story here is that 'the right' is upset, not that a violent criminal is walking free.

wow HAHAHAHA Y'all are the worst.

The response enraged the right? That’s your take? Not that enraged law abiding people in general? I guess as a card carrying leftist in good standing you enjoyed this kid being attacked? You people sicken me

Hell yes because you Ass-Clowns aren't going to cover it. Had this been a liberal loon, it would've been on loop.

And apparently elicited a yawn from the Left. 🙄

But that’s ok with a leftist rag that’s going belly up

No wonder no one reads your drivel. Chalk one up for another 'Fake News' twist for WaPo.

Shouldn't EVERYONE at the very least...be upset? Also, NOW you're covering the story?

And the fact that it didn’t enrage the left says a lot.

Should have angered any rational human

Delicious ratio

Telling that some kid getting knocked out because of his politics doesn’t enrage the left.

Hhmmm...so no one on the Left is concerned about acts of violence? Got it! (And not surprised. )Also, shouldn’t the gist of story be how hate crimes are wrong and how UC Berk didn’t act quickly on it-instead of how hate crimes enrage the right? This is why no one trusts MSM.

Lol the offenders were the enraged right right?

This should in enrage anybody who is against hate of all types. And then to add insult to injury The Washington Post adds its own bit of hate to the fray. Can you imagine a whole week to report on a bonafide hate crime.

Well when you and the rest of the media stop using bifurcating headlines and just report the story maybe we could have civility... but that would hurt your narrative wouldn't it lol

It should enrage everybody.

So Conservatives being angered is the story, but being punched in the face for wearing a hat is kind of an afterthought. What a bunch of hacks.

Washington post moral to the story? A violent act from the left is acceptable, not newsworthy.. Yet if a black man gets kicked out a pool for wearing socks, it is national news.

Someone took a photo of AOC. The response engorged the left.

Someone should find a WaPo reporter, smash his mouth in and bloody his lip, all in the name of conservatism. Then swear you saw him get hit by a truck.

Wtf is wrong with you people?

Are we seizing or pouncing on this one?

If the rolls were reversed, and it was a conservative person beating up a liberal student, never in a zillion years would the title of this article end with... “The response enraged the left”

Just now saying something? Hmmm?

As much “ rage “ the post Commented on with Smullett shouldn’t the same be given to this factual attack ? Only an afterthought when this happened serval days ago.

“Conservative attacked by liberal for being conservative. Conservatives have the gall to be angry.” Are you completely unaware of how flagitious your bias has become?

Unlike Jussie he was actually assaulted for his political stance

This is not even funny. Sickening.

what is sad is your lack of outrage that at UC Berkeley free and open speech is not tolerated and that there apparently is no room for thought other than left leaning BS

It should enrage everyone 🙄

When politically motivated violence doesn't enrage everyone its a problem

The story couldn't possibly be 'Delays in Pursuing Berkeley Attacker Cause for Concern' - oh no - can't express any sentiment favorable to Republicans.

and we'd be 'enraged' if a leftist was treated similarly. the difference is you can rarely find an actual case of a conservative treating a leftist like this outside of hoaxes.

For the love of all things good and decent, shut down your presses for good. Holy shit you people are incredulous.

First lack of response, then foot dragging by UC Berkeley of a video clearing showing a violent assault enraged decent people. There fixed it for you.

Tears in my eyes

This is a terrible headline. Left leaning faculty and students were gleeful that this man was assaulted. If the roles were reversed would the righteous outrage of progressives be the story? Or would it be the cries of jolly fromt he right?

Imagine if our media actually was unbiased when it came to physical violence. FakeNewsmedia BiasedAsHell EnemyOfThePeople

Of course if enraged us, all violence enrages us including the murder of babies.

WAPO still protecting the left...

Post:”A conservative activist was punched in the face at UC Berkeley. The response enraged the right.” Why on earth would you print something like this? Every American should be enraged. You continue to show your just a political rag.

I'm pretty sure this means that thinks it's OK to punch their employees if you disagree with their editorial position?

this headline and author are shameful

Democracy is still dead in your darkness.

Lol, assclowns

He was assaulted, but OK

Sweet ratio. Maybe cover this with a little less bias and keep it what it's really about, unnecessary violence against an innocent person.

Everybody should be in a raged. Great reporting as usual. No wonder the post has no credibility

How to prove you’re partisan: Minimize importance of actual story by focusing on reasonable response to said story in such a way to paint it as unreasonable

The assault is what triggered the outrage, the response was expected. Please explain under what circumstances, a punch to the face is warranted, and did this incident rise to that level. Show your work

Just the right? Yikes! America is in worse shape than I thought.

Take out a another super bowl ad, people still think your trash news.

Just the right? Assholes

Wow. Only the right cared? That says a lot about the left if they’re not even flinching at a kid getting punched in the face for his beliefs.

I dont consider myself a conservative. It pissed me off. The dude holding the sign should have whooped his ass. How can people explain away attacks just because they disagree with the politics of the victims. Seems like a slippery slope.

It should enrage everyone in a decent society

It should enrage everyone & the individual should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Liberals prance!

All normal thinking folks should be outraged by any act of violence such as this. Your story does a disservice to all. Implying only conservative were outraged by the assault. I guess all liberal folks cheered the assault or didn’t care? Shame on WaPo!

So, Conservatives pounced and Leftists cheered? Got it.

It should enrage anyone with more than two functioning synapses.

Pathetic journalism

Still waitimg for arrest

Really? 'Man was punched in the face, Republicans pounce!'

Conservatives pounce

Back when I used to picket abortion clinics ~30 years ago, I was assaulted a couple of times, even though I never engaged. There were just no cameras. The fact that someone thinks they are justified in potentially killing someone because of words should concern everyone.

'Crime committed by Liberal on a Conservative, Right enraged' Is that what you got WAPO? WAPO not concerned about Political Persecution as long as it's a Liberal committing the persecution? If this was reversed it would be in the news cycle 24/7 and the person's life ruined?

But it was Ok for the left? Love the way Media spins words that only a certain type of people were / should be enraged. Media clearly showing, they're = The Enemy of the People. [ If you follow and believe their B/S ]

That the 'Left' was not enraged is the actual story....isn't it?

Sucker punched as he sat behind a desk! Enraged? You bet!

And if he ripped the guy who punched him apart, you would be calling it “a modern day lynching.”

WaPo gonna WaPo 😂

This is the type of non-hoax hate crime running rampant across America today.

It should enrage everyone.

Aw yeah.... Gonna get my Pounce on!!

The left is still more upset about the Smollett narrative than an actual proven assault on a conservative. I think that is part of the problem here.

Find them and arrest them — hate crime.

Sourt grapes

This is exactly why the majority of the public despises hack 'news' organizations like the .

It should have enraged EVERYONE regardless of what political side you’re on

Terrible to see those evil conservatives once again pouncing. This time to say... assault is bad? How DARE they? Assault is good. - Washington Post, for all your bullshit to attack the GOP.

Violence is not okay whoever is on the receiving end. Unfortunate and now the event will be weaponized

I look forward to the day this rag goes belly up

'The response enraged the right.' Did it invigorate the left? Or their media colleagues like the WaPo?

They can dish it out but can’t take it.

Bezos better watch it the boogey man mbs is lurking

It’s a hate crime, dumbshits.

“Enraged” the right? Lmfao...You clowns don’t even pretend anymore

You serious with this bullshit?

It should enrage everyone. If I was a figurehead in some ideological ideas and my supporters were acting like shit-throwing monkeys I would implore my followers to disavow them. I used to consider myself a moderate and now I just straight up vote Republican.

You mean lack of response? The mans been identified, wasn't even a student, and still hasn't been arrested. Does literal video evidence of assault not matter to UCPD_Cal ?

Man, what are we at? Like 500 'conservatives pounce' articles and it's not even March yet?

Wapo is pissed that they can't get an enraged conservative to attack anyone...because victim mentality. Leave it to your trash rag to attempt to make conservatives look bad when another liberal nut attacks someone. How many reported & CONFIRMED attacks this week..3?

So much coding to learn, so little time

That’s the real story not that violent unhinged leftists can’t stop attacking people.

still waiting for his interview on Good Morning America.

Perhaps a better second sentence: Police lack of action puzzling.

and the hypocritical media thought it was fantastic and laughed and laughed and laughed.

Two students were shot in the back at Kent State. The response enraged the left.

It's never ok to assault anyone over beliefs. This just weakens your position.

He was the victim of a politically motivated hate crime if this was in the reverse you would be singing a different tune but your a leftist propaganda machine so it fits. Why not try and do some real reporting ! Disgusting

But did they pounce?

While the Left apparently approved.

Political violence should enrage everyone, you woketards.

So conservatives are upset about someone being assaulted? Those bastards.

If only he'd have smirked first you might have actually covered it...hopeugetgawkeredsoucanlearntocode

Well...🤔 at least he wasn’t killed by a car...

Republicans pounce!

A more appropriate headline would’ve been “A conservative activist was punched in the face at UC Berkeley”

Did it enrage the Left? WAPO?

Technically it's ok to punch nazis.

Real hate crimes happen to conservatives. Leftists have to make up hate crimes.

It's clear at this point that WaPo has a policy of focusing its headlines on Conservatives' *responses to* the bad acts of those on the left... rather than the bad acts themselves. Just one more reason trust in the media is at an all time low.

Didn't it enrage anyone, left or right, who opposes violence? Didn't it enrage anyone who supports the freedom of individuals to speak their mind, even when we may disagree with them? Who was *not* outraged by this? Those are the people to be worried about.

It should have enraged everyone that thinks you shouldn’t be assaulted for holding a sign

How does that not upset everybody? Nobody should be physically assaulted for political views. This tweet is horendous

Someone's son was punched in the face Because He was not Democrat liberal Socialist Or communist And nothing has happened To the guy who punched him. True story

Journalists and Democrats (but I repeat myself): We should all be enraged that Smollett was assaulted, even though it was an obvious hoax!! Also Journalists: Who cares if deranged leftists keep committing hate crimes? 🤷‍♀️


And the headline is why journalism is dead in America. What a joke these people are!

Enraged? Really? The attacker wasn’t enraged? Learn to write a headline

But it's ok for the conservatives to hit anyone that disagrees with them? Pot? Kettle?

Dear Washington Post: There have been MANY attacks on Conservatives by the Left which YOU UNDER-REPORT! AND, I refuse to retweet anything you tweet until you start reporting factual news! FakeNewsMedia

How dare they care?

WAPO: How dare anyone get upset a vile Nazi racist was punched by a moral warrior.

Toughen up, snowflakes.

The leftist media was fine with it

Why doesn’t this enrage humans?

violence against someone standing there should enrage everyone

“Conservatives pounce on actual hate crime”

'Journalism' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oh wapo, you always come up w/ the perfect titles😂😂


Conservative assaulted. Conservatives enraged? Is this you media goons admitting the left and the media (but I repeat myself) don’t give two f*cks if the victim of an assault is not a Democrat?

Has this guy been arrested yet?

Soooooo, people shouldn't be upset?

And it didn’t enrage the left? This should have been something which united both sides. I hope that the right will do the correct thing and condemn hooligans who use physical violence against leftists. Wish I could think of instances where someone brutalized a political activist

'The response enraged the right.' Just to be clear. You mean it didn't bother the left or any other reasonable person for that matter?

The kid was a victim of a politically motivated hate-crime

I mean shouldn’t this enrage everyone? You can’t just punch people in the face for having a different political opinion than you.

kemettler, when someone is SLUGGED in the face resulting in swelling around the eye, in which he's unable to open his eyelid fully, the story isn't 'Republicans pounce'. Want to gain more trust & credibility? Stop this framing.


I'm old enough to remember a time when I respected you as a quality newspaper. Good times!

Damn right! We’re sick of you people punching us for our beliefs, we hated Obama, but just accepted it, no punching, no chasing libs out of places, no ripping off Obama clothing....DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica

The fact that it only enraged the right says a lot about the left. They seem to condone and even encourage violence against conservatives.

Are you saying people on the left are fine with violent assault?

And this doesn't enrage you? What a sickening tagline.

If a conservative attacked a Democrat, the story would make front page news. DoubleStandards

'A conservative activist got in the way of a man's arm. Now the right has concerns.'

As it should. Just like fake crimes enrage liberals. Conservatives get enraged by legit crimes...and pounce

How much Bezos shit do you guys shovel everyday?

Fixed headline: The amount of traction this story was getting has forced us to report it.

'the response enraged the right'...DUH

Let's pounce guys

Do all you liberal outlets default to ' Conservatives Pounce' line of thinking no matter what? I mean I think any decent individual would think violence is not the right course of action.

speech has a consequences...1st amendment protects you from the government but thats it.

Conservatives pounce, at 11.

Wut lol

The dumpster children at the really need to stop with these conservatives pounce headlines.

So what you're saying is that *didn't* enrage the left?

The suggestion the turning points USA is entirely grass roots is laughable. It wouldn’t exist without major republican donors and Charlie Kirk would be significantly poorer.

Republicans pounce

Look I'm not a Republican but this type of headline is goddamn ridiculous and speaks very poorly of the entire newsroom that publishes them, as I wrote here

I would say it should enrage everyone, especially a parent of college kids. That is assault

conservatives POUNCE

I support this article. 🙄

Occupy2DeColonize/RunningWolf ELECTED Mayor R U Serious the Wash. Post report on Altercation & NOT Ongoing NUCLEAR Disaster that we (have PROVEN UC B Guilty of Cover up of FUKUSHIMA & Contested Mayor's Race 2 + yrs. UCB Enrolling 9,000 too Many Students

This kid was a victim of a hate crime. Where’s the “outrage” from the national media, celebrities, and pundits? Why the silence on this particular hate crime? Gee whiz, I wonder 🤔.

This should enrage everyone........

Liberals get Health Care taken away and they are crybabies

It's a shame that 'good' people did not get enraged when Heather Heyer was killed at a 'unite the right rally'. This would include being the current POTUS who only condemned it days later. I am not defending a punch in the face. I am saying. It's a far cry from murder.

It’s only appropriate to push and punch nazis. ChangeMyMind

People should just keep their mouths shut, on both sides. All of them deserve to be punched. Their fake outrage depends on it.

So... The right has issues with punches, but doesn't want to do anything about the countless gun deaths... Huh... Weird...

Yes, I get enraged when people punch other people for their beliefs. This is a fascist tack. When they oppose your ideas and political views, physically attack. It's wrong, and so are you.


Why are conservative reactions to abhorrent behavior always the story? I’m 100% sure the media’s tacit, if not outright, approval of this kind of behavior actually encourages more of it. The media creates an environment where this is seen as ok and normal. It’s not.

Wah. Assholes cry babyin when they can’t take what they dish out.

If it didn’t also enrage the left it is judgment of the character of those on the left.

so are you saying the left is not upset about violence happening to conservative?

If conservatives were going around punching liberals/Democrats the left would be in enraged. Look at that I can do journalism also 🙄😉

And yet, the right is supposed to be violent?

This happened DAYS AGO (you were still reporting how Jussie felt justified in his hate crime), and you’re just reporting it NOW? MediaBias LiberalHypocrisy

Its not the assault thats the story, it's the Republicans reaction, to other peoples reaction.

Great, WaPo promotes violence now.

Enquirer 2.0

So, who did the punching?

You mean the lack of response. Like you taking a week to report on it when you had Covington Catholic names in hours. Another indicator of your reputation circling as it goes down the toilet.

Nice try at mitigating the constant violence on the left. It is endless and endorsed

He needs to be 'pounced' in prison now for assault and hate crime. Waiting.....

What the hell is wrong with journalism? Is it stupidity, political bias, or maybe both. Nobody should be punched for political speech. And everyone should understand that. Principle over party. Fuck the Washington post and the fakenews media.

So Republicans pounce again🤔

Are you looking for a Photoshop Editor Hire me and order now on Fiverr

Interesting way you've framed this, WaPo: It 'enraged the Right.' Shouldn't it enrage everyone when someone is physically assaulted merely because of their point of view? Are you not outraged? Or is it only when, say, someone falsely reports that they've been mugged in Chicago?

“Pounced* “ ftfy

It should enrage conservatives. And, anyone else. It’s wrong. PERIOD.

So last week a dude was found with a cache of weapons and detailed plans to kill a bunch of prominent Dems and the Republicans GAVE ZERO FUCKS. I mean, I don't condone punching but the hypocrisy reeks.

Or, try to keep up with me here, it enraged people who don’t enjoy getting punched in the face by strangers for not agreeing with their views. I know that’s a lot to take in, but try. Just try.

It 'enraged the right? And you're not enraged by it?

Go Bears!

If money is speech then so is a closed fist.

It should anger anyone tbh

The response should enrage all free people. Fu Wapo. garbage headline. fakenews. Nobody trusts you any longer and you deserve it.

This is what tRump has encouraged , violence on either side. Separation of the people and in history , anyCountry that doesn’t stand together falls. Is this what we want for our Country

It should upset everyone!

A journalist was brutally murdered by Saudi Arabia and our President does nothing. Give the kid an ice pack he’ll survive.

Oh we're calling these idiots 'activists' now?

Imagine how the WP would act if a reporter was punched at liberty college?

Looks like it hit him high on the left ear. Needs more practice

The response didn't 'enrage' the right. The LACK of response and tacit approval is what 'enraged' the 'right'. As it should enrage EVERYONE with an conscious.

Oh, look! Actual bigotry!

'A man was assaulted at a university campus, apparently for his political views'

As everyone should be enraged. He has a felony warrant!

But not you. The WaPo is only enraged by Left-Wing hoaxes.

What the actual frick is this headline OMG you guys are worse than I originally thought unless your article disputes your headline. I won’t waste my time reading it. Were YOU not “enraged” seeing an innocent person bullied & beaten by a stranger who disagreed with his opinion?

It enraged the left too because they should have punched them again.


New media gets assaulted and it’s trumps fault. Citizens gets assaulted and the left cheers?

The MSM called this attack 'alleged' with video evidence, yet Jussie Smollett with no evidence, is called a hate crime, with ZERO evidence. All on the MSM

What degree of liberalization can make some one a liberal, when the person wouldn't accept other person's opinion.

Weird but a ReySheOwe nonetheless

Shouldn't a viscous assault enrage everyone?

Trumpers love political violence, as long as they are the ones perpetrating it. Their orange god calls for violence every chance he gets. Their sudden outrage is false, immoral, and political.


Enraged logical, sane, good people.

I think it should enrage everyone. Punching people with whom you disagree politically is not what we are about. It is about as un-American as it gets. I hope they catch the guy and prosecute him.

Keep it up, post. Snarky pseudo coverage of real assault is the kind of top notch reporting which has you circling the drain. Are you working for Trump 2020?

A black or Hispanic man is literally gun down on video and conservatives talk about letting the investigation run its course. They ask people not to jump to conclusions. But if someone says a mean thing about a republican, it’s the end of the world if nobody gets punished.

'Enraged the right'. AYFKM!

A gay black actor was allegedly attacked and it enraged the left. Fixed it for u🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

RePUblIcAns pOUnCe

and children in cages being raped. The world did get meaner & uglier after the 2016 election.

Is there some reason this wouldn’t enrage every civilized person?

What happened? I’m not paying $1 to read it.

rEpUbLiCaNs PoUnCe

“Republicans pounce.” So tired of this

Reality check for Republicans: they hate you. 90 percent of the left would pay to watch you suffer a slow death. It’s reality. Time we start recognizing it.

None of these people actually attend Berkeley. This may as well have happened literally anywhere.

Seriously? This is the the tag line? What. A. Joke.

I hope the individual that wrote this headline gets the help that they need.

Articles like this are why more and more of you are out of jobs

Can you at least try to hide your bias?

have you been punched in the face? i think if you were, you would be enraged too. you all went apeshit over covington so take a seat

The fact that this story doesn't enrage the Washington Post and the left is very telling

And if the MAGA kid had fought back? No doubt you'd be reporting this entirely differently. Effing hacks.

When conservatives do wrong, the story is about conservatives. When leftists do wrong, the story is still about conservatives.

This act enraged you guys, too, right WaPo? This IS unacceptable - do you not agree? Or do you justify this behavior? I'll congratulate for at least running the story - but please CONDEMN this hideous behavior regardless of what 'side' it's on. You missed the actual news here


Nice ratio.

Did you guys in the comments pounce too? I know I did.

left DNGAF about hate crimes against their enemies.

I wonder what WaPo's headline would be if this were a 'progressive' or Dem individual being assaulted. 🤔

always the violent left.....pathetic.

The response should enrage everyone, regardless of party. Personally I wouldn't have let him get away with that.

Letter to editor: “A liberal lemming faux-punched himself in the face in the early morning freezing streets of Chicago. The response stimulated leftist tears and resuscitated a dying narrative of racism”

Are you effing kidding me This is how you finally decide to cover the story. Pathetic.

The Amazon Washington Post was more enraged about the JussieSmollettHoax with zero evidence than a politically motivated hate crime on video.

an actual hate crime the media didn't/ wouldn't cover.... enemyofthepeople

Remember when the conservatives even denounced punching Nazis? Seems like conservatives see violence as wrong, regardless of who is on the receiving end.


Punching nazis all day long.

WTF! Damn right were pissed. Hate crime. I hope he goes to jail!

Because its so 2019 to punch conservatives in the face....

So we can punch liberals now?

A brutal triggered Antifa criminal punches Conservative activist at UC Berkeley. Berkeley staffer cheers. - There, fixed it for ya.

I must have missed the “far left communist groups outraged over Jussie Smollett attack” headline

If a Trump supporter punched a Leftists this way, I am sure the reaction from the Left would b outrage as well.

Shouldn’t unnecessary violence enrage all sides? Oh wait that’s right... dems love this and encourage it.

Imagine the headline if say a famous gay actor was attacked by Trump supporters.

Very telling that it didn't enrage the left as well- I guess they are ok with violence against those they politically disagree with.

Probably because he was punched in the face and nothing happened.

Weren't we just lectured by the teabagger MAGA types not to jump to conclusions on initial story reporting (Catholic boy with Indian man at fetus march in DC) and Jussie Smollett. We don't know what the 'conservative' said (hate speech), possibly prompting respose?

What does a conservative have to be an activist over? SJWs ruining video games? Girls won't talk to him? What?

I guess the guy that did the punching isn't really part of the story.

'The response enraged the right.' Ooooo I see what you did there WP.

The right? Really? Everyone should be enraged that assaulting someone with different opinions is now cheered on by the Bezos Post and MAGAphobic left wing fascists.

I can't stand Trump but I do not condone ANY violence at all to either side! Pack it in people!

Oh ya? Enraged? Proof? I didn't think so. Liars

Extreme right wing ENRAGED



Maybe use your resources from 'Republicans pounce' to 'we investigate the leftist thug punches innocent dude'?

Paywall paywall. What bothers me is the term ‘conservative activist’ could mean a lot of things. Is this guy arguing for lower taxes or is he a racist homophobe? The difference is important

Yeah. The LACK of response angered independents as well as conservatives.

Thank heavens no-one smirked, or you'd have been all over it.

It should enrage everyone you dumba$$es.


The real outrage! Where and when is the arrest coming.

Why does this headline reads like the Washington Post condones violence?

That you don’t see any issue with this headline speaks volumes about yourselves.

As it should!


I do not condone any violence on either political side, but who are these right wing nuts to speak out against this, but support violence against journalists as spoken by WorstPresidentEver LiarInChief ?

So you’re saying...

Every terrorist attack in the US in 2018 was perpetrated by Right Wing extremists. Their response: silence. Tells you everything.

You have got to be kidding me!!! The 'response enraged the right'!!! It's VIOLENCE!! it should enrage everyone! dbongino take a look at these joker's!

Oh GFY .

The mainstream media’s glorifying violence again. Nothing new.

That boy need some milk

Your “non-response.”



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