Teen in Lincoln Memorial protest sues Washington Post for $250 million

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A high school student from Covington, Kentucky, at the center of a videotaped in...


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I hope the Washington Post gets nailed. These crazy leftist outlets will report absolutely anything to support their crazy agenda as well as advance hatred for our President.

Aaaaaaand, there he is.

The teen needs a fucking history lesson..... pay the teachers not the ignorant students.


The kid was wrong to whst he had done. Don't expect to be rewarded money for your IGNORANCE KID!!

White, no... stupid , Yes.

He vilified himself by not having respect. His lawyers are banking that the jury would be predominantly TrumpSupporters based on the voting roles and they believe they will vote/reward him for his action. Sandmann was irrelevant currently until this stunt

Only in America

Ever hear of freedom of the press and the First Amendment?

Judge will have a good 😂

Wow , his parents are a piece of work .. let's just sue everyone because they 'allegedly ' hurt his feelings .. they are just painting a larger target on their son .. he is going to be made fun of wherever he goes .. 😁

No, because of his ACTIONS. Playing the race card? really? REALLY?


Something tells me this kid is going to regret having Washington Post (journalists and attorneys) digging into his family’s history of racism in Kentucky. But he asked for it.

Damn he 'vilified' because he was white. Hmm we have a damn list of things that happened to people while black. He and his priviledge assed parents can kick rocks.

Good thing I won't be on this jury.

Justicefornicholas you get em Honey!!!


LiberalHate LiberalHypocrisy WalkAway Blexit


Hope he wins!

Can a minor actually file a lawsuit on his own behalf? This headline (and the story lead) seems like it’s probably a little misleading.

His school must have their tax exempt status overturned immediately.

This cements the name Nicholas Sandmann in the same public disgust league as Brock Turner. Well done. affluenza

The kid and his parents are assholes, $250 million or not.

I don't vilify him for being white. I vilify him for being a disrespectful, mulish, entitled brat.

The boy did his job. ...

The little bastard hasn't considered what will happen when his character is brought out into the light including all his prior behavior, which something tells me isn't going to be so pleasant for him. :)

I agree, but that much wont happen.

Now that he’s overconfident because racists and their protectors cheered for him, he’ll try his racism out on someone who isn’t an elderly man and the public video will be him being smugly racist and getting his head slapped off for it.

SusanVermazen Idiot. Almost forgot about him, and he brought it all back.

My processing on this situation: That kid is a jerk! Maybe there's more to the story Nope, he is a jerk

All this over adults trying to destroy a minor.

washingtonpost no, any vilification was because he came across as smug, disrespectful, arrogant--

Like, I’m fine with being white and all, but sometimes I just hate white people. It’s not like this kid and his friends were well-behaved before this. It’s just another case of white people feeling threatened by civil rights.

Did you even try to read the text of the suit, or did you just stop at the word white? What a disgusting click bait headline. A 16-year old kid, who was found to have engaged in no wrongdoing in an investigation, is suing for defamation over the way his life got destroyed.

For all you people that wanna cut this kid’s steak into tiny bites size pieces and fork feed him....We’ve seen teens better behaved- advocating for their rights marching on Washington. They endured a mass murder at their school in ParklandFlorida lost friends and fam. GTFO

I hope he will donate all the money to charity so that he can show the world he was just an innocent boy standing 12' from a protester, with a huge Smirk on his face, and the crowd cheering him on. Who was vilified ?

No because you have no respect for elders or others specially with the cap you had on

Keeping his name and face out there just ensures he’ll never work for anyone respectable. Covington

Doesn't make this kid look any better. Of course, we remember Jesus saying in Matthew 5: 38-42, If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, sue the pants off of them.'

White, MAGA hat wearing, “I’m not a racist” discrimination suit. So you just have entitlement issues?

He wasn't in a protest, the teens were waiting for their bus to come after being at a March for Life event. You might want to change the title of your piece.

No because he is a racist.

Hope he has lots of money for good lawyers

And that is exactly what happened. This is anti white mentality. IT is not 'racism,' because the only race these people don't like is whites. They are anti white.

$250 million? Fuck, I’ll let the world humiliate me. Let’s go, right now.

I never realized that there were MAGA leeches out there. He will likely not get a penny and be broke with legal fees.

Talk about chilling free speech - the petitioners in this case have attempted to freeze it out by threatening and even filing libel lawsuits against all who cross them

$250 million... Crazy stuff! Damn you Americans are greedy!

Yes,the lunatics have really taken over the asylum. He might sue me for writing that!!!

Cry me a river

Bad take, bro

They didn't vilify him because he's white. He was vilified for being an ass. That's generally a good enough reason to be vilified or chastised. He deserves so much worse for being a racist but this is what we get for his participation trophy of a family.

This piece of 💩 in the news again... I just cant...

Imagine suing the fucking News.

Poor little rich white guy so hard done by in life. 🙄

The school will not enjoy the discovery phase....if this lawsuit even makes it that far.

Impervious to reason and good sense, these Sandmans

I think Giuliani and Sessions are his lawyers.


Good, they should be sued

They vilified him because he was a jerk , no doubt he has the full finances of the Republican Party behind him

To be faaaaaiir...his sneery face had 'my father/lawyer is going to be hearing about this' written all up on it.


Rich spoiled kid whose lawyers came up with a plan.

So. 'Though shall not bear false witness,' is just a fortune cookie statement to you?

He wasn’t vilified for being white. He was vilified for being an entitled little shit wearing his hood out in public.

Get your check book at washingtonpost

Money hungry enablers, aren’t they?

Dang! Whites, especially white males, have it so tough—must be difficult to have all that oppression. Oh no wait, I meant privilege. (¬_¬)

Lame, very very lame.

If being vilified based on race is worth 250 million bucks, turnabout is fair play. Let the lawsuits begin. Reparations, finally.

No. They reported on his immoral, ignorant nazi behavior.

How is his parents are going to sue the Washington Post, when it went viral all over the country. Facts are facts. This man was standing in a peaceful protest, and a white teen stands in my face with a smirk, wearing a MAGA hat. This was racial intentions. Stop the bull---.

They didn’t do that. Do they not teach the kids how to read?

I think the MOST he deserves is a complimentary happy meal at McDonald’s. Then go right back to school to study American history.

“because he is white”

Someone remind us what this kid did that was so terrible? He stood on public land and didn’t touch anyone? Wow sounds horrible!!!

Does the Native American Nathan Phillips get to sue for a quarter of a billion dollars for being equally vilified by news outlets?

Ummmmm, doesn't Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world owns the Washington Post?🤔 Did the Sandmann family not learn anything from AMI/Pecker trying to extort money🙄 Bezos will defend the lawsuit vigorously & I hope he ask for them to pay his legal fees when he wins the case

Peek levels of white privilege right here. When you can be caught on camera staring down a native elder, while your classmates mock him, but you believe somehow that you are both blameless and the victim & should be compensated for it.

Kids of color are demonized on a daily basis -murdered by the state and not even considered children sorrynotsorry

MillennialEdit1 This teenager turns my stomach. What is wrong with his parents? It doesn't get anymore evil than this.

Central Park 5...y'all know what to do..

I can't even believe how garbage this kid continues to be


Sweet Jesus... is this the new “Affluenza?!”

Take a lie detector test before proceeding...

The Reuters Tweeter is lying about Nick Sandman to advance HIS anti Trump agenda. The article says Wapo is being sued because they lied about Sandman to advance their anti Trump agenda. Not because he's white.

I LOVE THIS! It is about time someone stood up to the hate hyping WAPO. CNN can’t be far behind!!

Good luck with that sonny. All you'll be doing is owing the Washington Post every dime your parents own. The first question they'll ask where were your chaperones to steer you away from that protest wearing those hats knowing you and you're classmates would be gaslighting an.

That's nothing compared to Bezos' billions. They'll settle out.



Nathan Phillips, his family and community has already shown no one needed to vilify that smug faced smirking little delinquent, he is great with his own PR. Glad to never meet anyone like him.

Money grubbing.

$250,000,000 that's a lot of self worth

Just the arrogant look on his face, I would have slapped the punk!

What a jerk

YES! Fantastic! I hope he gets every dime. 👏👏👏

Great news!

He goes to a religious school so he deserves nothing. they are taught to take peoples money at a high range. all he deserves is a broken jaw for being too greedy.

Good !

Trying to make some easy money?


...This giving a bad name to catholic schools and sixteen year olds everywhere with common sense...

What. A. Dishonest. “Headline.” His claim is defamation for everyone, including Reuter’s, gaslighting him as some fire breathing racist without basic fact checking. And yes, nearly every headline said “white MAGA hat -wearing teen” What would you call that? Not vilifying someone?

Hope wapo goes bankrupt !!!

Just going on and on, I’ve almost forgotten it. It shows that he can’t just put it aside and move on. It’s his right to get a lawyer to sue anyway, but it’s a jury to decide if he will win or not.

Ugh. Why? Just let it go man. Move on with life. That is the problem for the last 20-25 years. The smallest percieved slight and bang, somwone gets offended and/or someone sues. Even with the tiniest morsel of merit. I cannot stand this litigious society we find ourselves.

Lol! Ok.

Interesting how you are now reporting on this.

Lol have fun paying legal fees kid

The school paid a firm to investigate and they found no wrong doing on one of their own students whose parents pay handsomely for their child to attend said school. nuffsaid fairandimpartial

danpfeiffer TVietor08 wonder if scotus will take this defamation case? It’s like Clarence Thomas saw this coming PodSaveAmerica

Hmmm. Sandmann moved to the position that placed him next to the Elder. Sandmann was higher up the steps.

Just another Christian soldier fighting the good fight for white male privilege, because white male privilege is sooo threatened🤮

Makes us think ... he’s a racist.

Goodness Gracious Me

Man, this kid is being LET DOWN by the grownups in his life. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from that day, exactly NONE of which are “You should sue the Washington Post”.

Excellent! May his lawsuit be successful!

Good days are coming Nicholas

No , it vilified him for being a douchebag.

What if I was white?

He’s a bum.


He was taunting a Native American, he may not of said a word but doesn't deserve to get paid for being disrespectful.

But, how us any of it false?

Best of luck. WaPo is toilet news.


Shouldn’t he sue all the news outlets that reported it, why just this one?

In the end, there will be a quiet cash settlement and a published apology, WaPo will say “regrettable article,” “rush to a conclusion” and “not all the facts were in” etc. etc. And that will be that...


No, actually, he did a pretty good job of vilifying himself.

Lol, this case will easily be thrown out.

Is this a joke? How arrogant! He is a villain!

Wow. And if this were your 16 year old son.... he’s gotten death threats. Just look at the venom in this thread... by adults.



It's called the news. If the kid don't like it he can move to Moscow.

He has no public reputation to damage, he was a complete nobody who was made famous by the Washington post as a Neo Con racist hero of the deplorables, he actually owes the paper for giving an ignorant delinquent notorious fame among his worthless underclass of racist thugs

That is a real MAGA story.

Christian charity in action


Get paid, son!

A lot of angry racists going after a 16 year old here. Wonder how they vote? Good lawsuit.

Much as Nicky vilified the Native American because he wasn’t white?

Doesn't know when to stop.

If he weren’t a POS he wouldn’t have been vilified. My teenage son goes lots of places and is never villified for being white, male, affluent, an athlete, a scholar...you know, because he isn’t a POS.

Waiting for a valid argument against these innocent kids 😂 (But.......they’re Christian....and MAGA...)

Fucking craybaby nicholassandmann

I hope that Nick and his friends bankrupt every last lying presstitute

Lol Yeah. You try that, dude. Remember his first argument was that he was misunderstood. Nope He really is an ahole.

Hope he wins!

Now Nathan Phillips turn to sue this guy! If he already didn't! Lawyers' bonanza! What is new?

That little privileged punk makes me nauseous.

It wasn't because you were 'white,' kid. It wasn't because you're white. You may need to look into what 'vilified' means. You 'vilified yourself.

Sounds like something Trump would do

He deserves every penny. Should have added about four more news organizations and some congressmen


There's been plenty of frivolous lawsuits like this where some far-right activist tries to claim 'anti-white bias' or some such nonsense. They don't have a history of success. This is about getting him more attention in the far-right media circus.

He's like that college Becky that needed the courts to check her privilege - looking fwd to him losing and rcving his reality check

Not just washingtonpost almost half the country committed a hate crime against that poor child. Adults used this child to further their repulsive bigoted agenda. Toxicliberalism

Maybe they will think twice before they file bullshit stories.

Good for him I hope he gets every $$$

Did he get some advice from the President's legal team?

Can he count $250 million

Boy, they're teaching how to grift EARLY now, huh?

The kid just wants an easy paycheck he'll never have to work for. Typical Conservatives he and his parents are.

“Because he is white”..poor boy..😂

Didn't take the paper to make it obvious the kid was a dick. Leave it to the Catholic church that most likely encouraged that one. Investigate itself, exonerate their student. We all know how the Catholic church works to protect itself.

Geez, grow a pair. That’s what’s wrong these days....everyone’s a victim.

They just showed the incident- not their fault the kid acted like an ass.

What a cracker

He vilified himself. Until he offers apologies (for his aggressive behavior towards a veteran) he’ll get what he earned: applause by some few (many of them racists) and disapproval from many (including admission boards).


The ultimate white privilege, suing someone for calling out your outrageous behavior.


Anybody else can't help but sing Minor Threats 'Guilty of Being White' while reading this?

I'm sure his lawyers think it's clever to claim reverse racism. A page right out of the alt-right playbook.

Does SenWarren qualify as a Native American activist or just a tribal elder?


Poor baby.

Yes!!!! Good move!!

Lol good luck with suing the riches man on earth. Going to love the discovery. By the end this kid will wish the adults around him would get on with their own life

He could’ve easily walked away but chose to stand And intimidate that Native man

That’s the only effective justice in America. Going after their money.

Sometimes lawsuits open up cans of worms that folks might prefer stay unopened.

Hope it opens the school up for discovery

Feeling good about that interview now TODAYshow?

Pathetic. 🙄 Telling that he feels entitled to compensation though.

Good luck with that, Nathan.

Awesome, time the biased media get their just desserts

he is right


Yep, all about the money. His snobbish parents raised him just right. 🙄

Just waiting for more laid off journalists lmao

Fake news meets real lawsuit

What a snowflake

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