Texas GOP congressman laments 'difficult' nature of predicting 'anomalous' school shootings | CNN Politics

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Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw lamented the 'difficult' nature of predicting American school shootings given their often 'random and unexpected' nature.

Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw on Sunday lamented the “difficult” nature of predicting American school shootings given their often “random and unexpected” nature. “They’re very difficult to build a pattern behind. It’s not like criminal activity, which you can target and prevent through law enforcement. This is harder,” the Texas congressman told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.

What I have long called this is sort of social contagion that’s occurred ever since Columbine,” Crenshaw said Sunday, asserting that, “This never happened before Columbine, but then Columbine happened and it was very famous and it sort of opened the door for very, very disturbed people, whoever they might be, to go in and commit these kind of dramatic, randomized shootings as their outlet for their own evil and crazy.


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He only sees half of the big picture so cut him a break.

If the reporting is accurate, it send that most of them were performed by prior known to their school counselors and policing authorities.

How are they random and unexpected In most of these cases, the shooters have shown signs and have even said what they're going to do before they go on a rampage. Pay attention to the signs and understand that there is a mental health crisis.

They’re not random or unexpected! They’re planned! Get a fucking clue!

91 mass shootings in 89 days ... Gee ... that's so unpredictable! Ridiculous.

wait Russell Crow is American?!

I expect another 10 this year. No idea how any of it can be unexpected at this point


If shootings followed more of a schedule, we could have a coupla armed guards at the venue ahead of time...

This man is what evil & greedy looks like.

Difficult to predict and likely, impossible to completely stop. Need more focus on security, mental health treatment, and removing violent criminals from the streets. Fix the background checks to include mental health issues, but even that won't catch everything.

Metal detectors?

Lol so daily confused him

Metal detectors can predict it

Gun fetishists Party

I would just like to know how this man was converted from an exciting congressman into a Washington swamp creature.

Or, he could just ask the 3 letters.

Did he expects to see it on the news when and where will have the next shooting happens like weather forecast? 🤡🤦‍♂️

Well did he play with his gun once too many?

How often were school shooters the bullied before they shot up schools? Bullying is sth that you can see. But american schools for whatever reason don’t fight it. They are just as at fault for all the dead as the shooter

This fat headed clown called David Goggins soft 😂🤡

The FBI knows when they're about to happen.

He looks cool.

Just predict that they will happen every day and be surprised when they don't. 'What no school shooting today?' 😲

Can I ask you Americans something? Someone please answer me: Why are you trying to ban 'assault rifles'? When any psycho armed with a basic pistol (or 2) could EASILY walk into any school and murder the SAME amount of people, in the SAME period of time?

He needs to employ a team of cognitive psychologist to develop an instrument that would help you screan students for volatility, anger and physical harm.

Just get rid of the flaming guns especially the ones that hit and destroy every organ in a small child's body so there is no hope in saving them, it is wicked and immoral. Not difficult, so flaming obvious.

How about the person or store selling the gun? Do they even ask the buyer why they need an assault rifle? Bar tenders and bars are responsible for not cutting off a person who has had too much to drink?

It happens everywhere, sick people go back to where their problems started and try to avenge their being bullied or simply not helped. Only in one country people with mental illness can buy assault weapons. Guess where?

It's not that Republicans don't know how to stop the mass shootings. It's that they don't want to stop them. Mass shootings are a political tool of Republicans. They benefit financially & politically when children are gunned down in classrooms. DanCrenshawTX BanAssaultWeapons

Less guns, less guns violence.

Deliberate deflection to focus on the symptoms and not the cause. What a wanker.

Know why people do this in America and nowhere else? BECAUSE THEY KNOW YOULL MAKE THEM FAMOUS AND COVER THEIR ENTIRE LIFE STORY. People that do this are trying to prove some kind of point and leave some kind of legacy. In other countries they dont glamorize evil

“We can’t believe this happened!” Says the only country where this regularly happens.

Weekdays ending in “y”. That’s the pattern in the country with more guns than people. Wish we could figure out what’s causing it. Oh well… 🤷‍♂️

what if you had a group of kids that sort of monitored the school. sharpest, cleverest, fastest, given role of perimeter checking, early alert. really like impress upon the seriousness you might never be needed, but if you are: you better be ready. they could sound the alarm eyes

check his patch for guns

95% occur in gun free zones so that is one things that is reliable.

Seems like they all happen in highly regulated gun free zones. 🤔

Did the host remind Rep Crenshaw that our mass shooting aren't limited to schools?

He's basically making the case for much stricter gun control ...

So, the last Congress banned wrist braces for guns. Can we atleast check the numbers of mass school shootings that used wrist braces. I believe it has been none (0) since th ban. Also, 0 before the ban

maybe if he loses another eye his third eye will open and he’ll be able to “predict” more.

The constant factor in all mass murders is AR-15's The GOP is 100% complicit in all these mass murders This is what the GOP did to terrorize school kids in TN

Uniparty rino.

Until we determine why we are producing so many people bent on violance for violance sake with no care for the sanctity of life the killings will continue guns or no guns. They need to stop the BS protect the schools and find answers. My opinion

Well, 'difficult' and unpredictable as long as you don't have a mental health system actively looking for and at potential subjects. How many schools have even ONE school 'nurse' or mental health 'counselor'?

Exactly. Tell us where the next cowadly attack on grade school kids will be and we'll send the cavalry to stop it.

What grooming really looks like

How about involving the ‘gun’? Does that help?

It's the culture, American media are the main cause. Misinformation and division of people that lead to hatered is the cause. No one will address it though. Nothing will happen. Banning guns will save maybe a couple, but the shooting will never stop until the media division does.


One eye McCain being on CNN should give everyone a hint of who he really is. A RINO

This guy is such a choad.

Didn't I see Crenshaw on Wheel?

Not unexpected at all

I would disagree with Dan Crenshaw. The timing of the shootings always seem to revolve around negative news stories regarding Biden and/or the Democrats. If you look at those negative stories may give you a hint as to where they may happen.

This is why the FBI was not needed during the recovery of classified documents from Biden's locations.

The eye patch makes it unintentionally funny

The ultimate turncoat

You know what’s predictable? You won’t do diddly squad to prevent them.

I am going to do it It would be a lot easy to predict and prevent if your were able to open your eyes and see the truth, Danny Dan.

Pirate Crenshaw. 'Arrrrrrgh!'

As far as nobody can remove weapons in communities, yes, school shootings are unpredictable.


Are u sure it is not access to guns?

It one thing you can be sure of….. am high capacity weapon will be used. They are easily available

Correct who would have guessed the latest Psycho was a well known one ! Being a Transgender should have been the first warning sign !

First thing I ask Dan is 'Hey man, did you ever find your eye'? *Cue open laughter at his thin skinned reaction.

Dan KNOWS we aren’t asking law-abiding citizens to disarm or stop defending themselves. Ret Lt Commander Nuance switches to absolutes - & absolute lies - on gun issues. And then says he wants a “real” convo. You’ve talked enuf DanCrenshawTX. It’s time for you to listen.

Yeah, I guess that's why we're the only country where this happens because no other country has figured out how to prevent this.

Is this the Onion doing an April Fools?

It's clear that, given the political response to what have become regular school shootings and given that the electorate has not tried to hold politicians accountable for them, that these shootings are a price the American public are willing to pay for their right to bear arms.

Since it is so hard to predict, why not prevent them from being armed?

Maybe if he lose the other eye, then he will force to use his brain to think more and come out with a solution since he clearly cant see anything with this one eye.

The way he destroyed Dana Bash on Climate and protecting children this morning made my day. She tried to put words in his mouth a couple of times, but he would have none of it. Her narrative got torpedoed.

*Yawn* Republicans---We're not getting rid of AR 15's. We make too much money keeping them in play. We love our NRA bribes. We buy mansions and luxury cars every time your kids die. Oh, and here's another lie about democrats! They're so boring and predictable in their crime.


Was bad people involved in these school shootings?

With as many guns and sick people that are out there, its quite obvious that the schools themselves have to be fortified. Gun laws themselves aren't enough. The schools have to be locked down so children and parents feel safe even If it takes a special police force nationwide.

You give anyone who wants them military style armaments and the odds are sombody who is angry, not having a good day or just nuts is going to use them to vent their frustrations on others. Now which part of that statement could I remove to make it a safer country for kids?


You know what IS predictable about them though? Gun use.

But he is, of course, too beholden to rw gun culture to have it dawn on him that it's the 'random and unexpected' nature of them that requires access to guns' massive lethal force be strictly regulated and inform liability.

Its utterly, patently insane to keep hearing what these pricks have to say about gun violence They’re being PAID to promote guns & excuse their impact It’s like everyone in America is pretending that conservatives have a legitimate, honest contribution to make THEY DON'T WAKE UP

Isn't that why removing access to firearms would be a viable option?

Audrey clearly had not given up using HER name yet and there were reports that she had come out as lesbian, BUT that is frowned upon in Christian families. SO these girls see the answer is to say they are MEN. This is NOT a right wing position to say this. NON BELIEVERS exist

Pretty easy to predict: it’s 99% certain to happen at a school in America and not in any other country.

AUDREY WAS A VICTIM OF QUEER IDEOLOGY!!!! We deserve to know if she was on testosterone THEN discuss what these hormones do to MENTAL HEALTH. We do not have DATA for this use for these ages. We are NOT going to let it be normalized to accept FEMALES as mass shooters.

Scientists who have done massive research found significant evidence of contagion in school shootings they usually occur in clusters and tend to be contagious as intensive media coverage seems to drive the contagion.

'No way to prevent this from happening,' says only developed nation where it happens regularly

Not so difficult. I live in Europe. School shootings are almost completely unheard of. Why is that?🤔

Trump TV = CNN

I predict they will all be armed. I further predict at least 2/3 will have assault rifles.

Stop trying to “predict”, and rather “protect” EndGunFreeZones

How about we take the filth that are committing crimes daily off the streets? Or is that not political enough.

Cool, let’s focus them on what is predictable, like a teenager buying guns legally

No society has found a way to stop terrorism. Thats why its so scary.

We don't need to predict them. We need to protect our children.

He’s so hot🥰

There is nothing random or unexpected about them.

The halls of Congress have security in place so that nothing like that happens to them. There are ~130,930 K-12 schools. For ~$200,000/yr we can harden a school or $26B/yr for all schools. Much much less than we spend yearly securing Ukraine.

I can predict what weapons will be used in the next school shooting, guns. It’s not hard.

Welcome to leftist world

Goofy white folks with guns...lls

Why are people pretending he said something wrong, here? Can CNN or anyone else predict massacres in advance? If they can, why haven’t they?

Are there any correlations between school shootings and gun laws, education, socieoeconomic status, etc. Maybe let the CDC study that?

Remember when society thought there a god and consciousness, no more.

Criminals don't follow gun laws. A population that cannot protect itself is useless. You anti-gun people are absolutely hysterically incorrect consistently. You are abject losers, you have zero critical thinking ability and you are useless. Please leave Earth

We need more gun laws! Right up until you remember we had a war on drugs for decades that was completely useless. It's the people not the weapon. Do you want to treat the symptom?

As a mostly conservative Republican voter, I don't like crenshaw. He's a grifter, he's a globalist and I don't trust him

If only there was as one thing they had in common…

The weapon of choice is quite predictable, however.

Nothing could be less unexpected after flooding America with a quadruple amount of weaponry than the damn Army itself. A disgusting perversion of the 2nd amendment through a true hijacking of the constitution. Innocent casualties are crying from their graves for heads to roll.

Rhino neocon

My idea is to give first time gun buyers rubber bullet or pepper ball guns, less than lethal for 1 year probation period. Because most gun violence happens with in the first few days to a few months after gun purchase. It would be constitutional and prevent social shootings etc

We need to spend more time ensuring that our schools are safe than sending aid to Ukraine. Prioritizing

Of course its difficult for DanCrenshawTX. Might be the patch. Maybe it's cause he is a RINO warmongering puppet.

Yet every single time it comes out that the shooter was “known to the FBI” noticing the patterns here

Liberals don’t care about kids

Lament when him and his colleague 🤡🤡 are in Hell.

More people died in Chicago last year from gun violence than ALL school shootings in History. No one wants anyone to die from violence, especially children, but people are using these kids as promotional ads for their agendas against legal firearms owners.

'Random and unexpected' yet almost always the case that everyone knew they were a lunatic but they still legally sold them a gun anyway because they didn't want to infringe on their 2a rights

Locked security doors work best I hear.

So his suggestion is to schedule them?


its like he can only half-see the future. 💀🏴‍☠️😂

ave not heard of the school bricking, or stone throwing, not even knife mass killing. How about the guns.... Keep selling people about self defence and the 2nd. TOTAL BULLSHIT and the Republican's know it. All about keeping people scared and angry. Keep voting against yourselves.

Pathetic. American journalists suck. FreePressIsDead

The scare quotes imply they are easily predictable if that is the case when where is the next one going to happen. Be specific

Random? I think it's closer to plan and the goal of it is to unarm America

Not even any thoughts. Just empty prayers.

DanCrenshawTX It makes it worse Presence of Armed School Officials and Fatal and Nonfatal Gunshot ...

Its more cutural than guns, just look at the stats....

It’s sad that he’s putting time and though into trying to “predict” school shootings rather than simply preventing them

No wonder he's struggling. Trying to understand school shootings without mentioning guns is like trying to understand alcoholism without mentioning alcohol.

before you joke his response to his own lament is the nra dream that every school must have armed personnel on campus, his solution to this ‘difficulty’ is guns on every school campus, repub mantra- empty thoughts & prayers, let’s get guns in every school

It's not random or unexpected. I bet anything they will always happen until we enact better gun laws. It's not rocket science.

We're never giving up our guns. The proliferation is ever expanding and we're now making them at home. It cannot be contained. It's time to change your focus to the actual problem. Mental health.


It’s very simple, we need to protect our kids with same protection we give our malls, politicians, banks, government buildings and airports, with armed guards, why do these cowards target schools? Because there lacks a deterrent.

Yes, they are so random and unexpected. I mean, who could predict that a country that makes it so easy to get access to guns would result in a shooting?

Yup, and with a media-addicted culture, they won’t stop.

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