A tribal elder and a high school junior stood face to face, and the world reacted

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A tribal elder and a high school junior stood face to face at the Lincoln Memorial, and the world reacted


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It seemed in this instance, irregardless of the MAGA hat in triggering the tribal elder, the high school junior handled the situation as the elder and the elder acted like a junior still in High school.

Mocking the Native American and Vietnam Veteran is just plain wrong. No justification at all, but this is what the Trump administration has brought. Trump also sided with the killer Nazi from Charlotte. So sure he will side will MAGAT hat mob of disrespectful teens

Washington Post - Please provide the video and timestamp of what you are saying these teenagers did. Also have your fact checkers do the math on Nathan Phillips' reported Vietnam Veteran status. So now we have the truth, you re-couch the complaint?

Just say his race; Native American and a White boy. This P.C. nonsense is killing me. Whites will not be invisible any longer!! MAGA Americafirst. This is provocative because we've been here before. The natives lost btw.

Typical of kids nowadays, they have no respect for anyone, this old man is not only a veteran of war who faught to protect their freedoms buts is also the true American and we all just migrated to his country

These are those same 'angels' from Covington Catholic harassing a Black athlete.....

So now the racist, irresponsible Washington Post is **doubling down** with a headline which is both anti-Semitic, and a demonstrable misinterpretation of children activists. RealDeanCain IngrahamAngle nprpolitics CNNPolitics npr FoxNews CovingtonBoys michellemalkin

The WaPo sucking their own thumb with this story while everyone else rolls their eyes

Wow, still kicking this horse even though this story has no merit.

His he approached me stands clear. They weren't advancing anymore toward the violence that could have occurred. Black Muslims where the instigators.

I can't understand why not one of those students filmed , what they posed as a threat. Thus the smirk, of a young man to one, defusing it.

From what I was told. The placed their set up just outside the perimeter of the womens movement. Just as it was ending. These Catholics were inside the Native permitted space.

Why is it, the black Muslims are never photoed?

You are gradually moving this story toward the actual news of what happened. Almost like a real news organization would. I'm impressed!

Again you spread FAKE story. Get facts straight. Jumped the gun again

NO CORRECTION TO THIS STORY WASH POST?!!! How irresponsible can you people be?!! Go do your jobs and watch the entire video!!!!!

Thank you for sharing. Tagesspiegel danielmack

OK, so apparently their high school fight song involves doing tomahawk chops? Good call school leader for suggesting they do that..

Spreading Left and Left Media Hit Piece. The NA American lied. Fake Media knew it Like last week with bull Trump Buzzfeed fake story impeachment. Lying left propoganda media. This one to deflect women's march racism POTUS realDonaldTrump GOP wisgop

Changing the headline but still not actually reporting what happened I see

The black Israelites got what they wanted. Typical. I can’t, for the life of me, listen to anyone who speaks Ebonics. My stomach just turns. Learn English muthrfks, just like you hiss at everyone else to do the same. Start w/yourself.

The chaperons failed to chaperon. If you are a supporter of Trump, it means you also excuse his failings. And when you embrace his flaws, you give all of his shortcomings credibilty before your children. Hitler's youth also wore bright faces of promise turned toward the future.

'A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.' Matthew 7:18. Trump is an arrogant egoist who has cheated on every wife, a rascist supported by the KKK, a proven liar under oath, and a thief caught stealing from his own charity. Is this your hero Sandman?

Too bad the media are incapable of doing their jobs anymore. Doesn’t fit their narrative.

Our son was raised to respect the elderly. Not to stand in their way or confront. As a teenager, we bumped heads a lot. But at 42 he texted, Thanks for making the hard decisions. For being a dad first, a friend second. He served 13 years in the service and is a very good man.

Young Nick Sandman is lying. I say that based upon raising my own son and the experiences of a wife who committed nearly 20 years to teaching. We have witnessed that face of smug defiance over and over again by children challenging authority believing that they are the adults.

When are you going to issue a retraction?

And by “world reacted” you mean to the BLATANT lies you in the MSM CONTINUE to knowingly promulgate. Please do the right thing and retract this story while issuing an apology to this kid and school.

An absolutely honest question, asked in good faith: Even if events went down exactly as originally reported--and that doesn't seem to be the case--how is this NEWS? Why would the Washington Post cover this at all?

That is a bold faced lie by the media.

There is nothing to question, the world has seen the power of his drum

And as usual the media spread fake news about this.

Where is your integrity Washington post?!

Yeah, a large percentage of people in the united states, are doing stuff like that, we're kind of under attack and they just spend all day long murdering people. It's just another target. Cops are in on the gig so there isn't much we can do as a population, even the prez.

You got hit hard with that egg didnt you 😂😂😂

Another hit piece by Jeff Bozo.

So if the kids are so innocent, why did Sandmann stand there, stare at him and block him from being able to move forward. The mad “red hatters” are the dog whistle in this country and the public had better take notice.

Some one should of kick that kid ass.

As they always do, this far left liberal papers never reports the facts when it interfere with reporting negative things on religion or conservatives.

Which videos show this: 'The Israelites and students exchanged taunts, videos show.' I saw 'Israelites' saying nasty, homophobic, and racist things. Teenagers seemed pretty restrained. CovingtonCatholic

I listened to entire recording. The teens and Black Israelites didn't both hurl insults at each other. The Black Israelites engaged in racist and homophobic rhetoric against teens. Stop trying to equate a moral equivalence. CovingtonCatholic

Students of a Catholic school are bussed in to support Trump, who I guess is the most secret devout Christian! Splendid!!

Here's a 2015 pic of Covington Catholic's fine, outstanding student body.

The tribal elder was the aggressor. Period.

Wrong. You started this story, retract it very publicly and apologize to the school, its students, and these families. Tell them you were reporting a narrative YOU WANTED despite knowing there were other videos. Stop promoting this. JeffBezos I swear no more amazon for me.

....and then the facts came out..

The real story

Fun fact: Donald Trump is the literal cause of racism even though it’s existed for hundreds of years and white people are always racist regardless if there’s evidence against such claim because equality means rich white boys are always wrong and they should be treated like 💩

Tell the truth!!!

Arrest the Native American


Watch the entire video!

Appears we got it wrong


While the confrontation of the MAGA kid is obvious and disrespectful to the man doing his chants- the article illuminated what else took place. This complete report worth reading before we condemn the obvious. And certainly this kid represents ignorance and intolerance.

What is country coming to?

Because the media turned it into fake news. Watch all the different videos out there and you will see the truth. Plus read up on the background of tribal elder.

Does anyone actually care?

And the Washington post (FakeNews) was all over it, pouncing and scurrying right over to demonize these high schoolers, who were the victims of bullying and racism.

What a despicable company to lie about what happened.We've All seen the real video of what really happened. Obviously your distorting this story but We all know, the kids did No wrong. How can you go after kids like this.

You mean the left lied. When will you tell the truth about this story?

Everyone was wrong and leave it at that. This is hardly the worst racial confrontation America has displayed to the world. That would be cop killings and Juries and judges clearing them

The media pushed a lie. The Indian lied.

Oh your lie has .1% truth to it. It got the worlds attention alright. It exposed to the world how eager the media was to throw a linch party. You’re named in the lawsuit scum news. 😂😂😂😂😂

The world? More exaggeration. More manipulation. Media reacted. Social media reacted. Vigilantism. Truth. Perception. Sound bites. Lies. Lazy. Anger. Hate. Fear. What is real is that some people think they should punish others. Like the 'war on drugs' this too shall fail.

S jud is more of an adult than d old guy.

Facts are they proved that man walked up to that boy/young man with the intent to intimidate him and try to instigate and argument with him. NO elder should do that!!! If they do!...it's called bullying...a form of assault on a minor. That elder has no wisdom...just hate.

If you like some sweet clothing from Nathan Philip's clothing line. Here's link. Every article speaks about of much peace and love in intent of his 'prayer drumming' in a teenager's face. Much Blessings. UncededClothing

And the world reacted to see that it was a media lie

Nathan Phillips got in 'that young man's' FACE beating his drum inches away from his face. Now WaPo is trying to frame this as 'we don't know.' This was a planned march. Calling them a 'MOB' is blatantly false and intentionally inflammatory. The young TEENAGER should sue you.

To a false narrative driven by media

Brainless kid, that was not taught morals and values

To the media again. A bunch of racist white boys harassed a Native American and chanted build the wall. The Native American acted with respect. The boys acted like white nationalists


Here let me correct this... The media reacted without knowing the facts. I would say I’m surprised, but you guys are good at forming and forcing your own narrative.


You mean fake news reacted?


Those teens had No real business being anywhere near the Native Americans and they should have walked away but they didn't and now the Catholic Church is finding them self's between a rock and a very hard place it's totally up to them on they handle this matter now.

1. I'm not going to pay a $ to read the article but just going by the caption, you got it wrong the first time and you're wrong again. The Black Anti-White, Homophobic Hebrew Israelites weren't just 'hurling insults' at the kids they were shouting vile disgusting things....

Th kid was the adult in the room

Teens were approached first and hassled, there is footage of the entire event. Why is it being edited down?

I hope you issue a retraction.

BtW tribal elders do not act like this‼️ 1️⃣He’s s fraud 2️⃣He’s trying to monetary gain from this 3️⃣He a known resistor 4️⃣He was in a music video 5️⃣He claimed same lies against another 6️⃣He’s a fraud 7️⃣See where this is going 8️⃣MSM lies FakeNews 9️⃣Dont Be a UsefulIdiot

BTW elders do not act like this. 1️⃣He’s s fraud 2️⃣He’s trying to monetary gain from this 3️⃣He a known resistor 4️⃣He was in a music video 5️⃣He claimed same lies against another 6️⃣He’s a fraud 7️⃣See where this is going 8️⃣MSM lies FakeNews 9️⃣Dont Be a UsefulIdiot

Truth is all in the camera angle😀 and profile pics.

Enough with the lies‼️

Native people lying on white man? Who would have thought LOL

Murdering 90 percent of the native americans wasn't enough. Now we're harassing the survivors of the genocide.

'Reacted' to the lies of Fake News and the tribal elder who outright LIED...

Kid knows NOTHING. He’s an empty shell . The Elder Nathan Phillips is a hero with many stories to share and a true Native American who fought for us . Wonder where the kids family immigrated from? Deplorable behavior

You bet, a high school junior that chose to mock defiantly a tribal elder instead of moving out of the way... the kid behaved as a punk instead of trying to understand something of the experience. Tells much about the school, parents, and what the kid will grow out to be...

Isn't the whole video online anyway?

You should be sued.

And what type of privilege is that, where you can stare down a high school kid on a class field trip and be celebrated for it?

Media bamboozled again. Ouch!

Video is out of context. Tribal leader wasn't blocked, he came to the kid and had a human moment. What happened to You've lost ability to research and find context. Here is the full video footage that shows Black Israelite provacations

The indians started the confrontation.


Oh darn

A guy tried to intimidate a young man who stood his ground. Maga🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Yes they did & the lackeys of Bezos spewed BS through it all, as usual.

He’s a kid 🙄🙄🙄. You know like David Hogg and his friends who bullied that other kid in Florida into shooting all those students . Democrat’s didn’t seem to mind that but your gonna make an issue about this kid . 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

jeameabea Journalism is dead in America. Missing Walter Cronkite.

Correction: A grown man accosted a teenager visiting DC & harassed the boy & his friends.

Mr. Phillips and his group are professional agitators. They went up to those kids. They were the adults in the room. The kid did nothing wrong. Shame on the left wing fake news.

The full video. Unedited. 1 and 1/2 hours long. These boys were targeted!! MSM is lying! via YouTube

Are you really going to legitimize the hateful BHI just to terrorize these kids some more?!?!?! You Hate Trump that much? Just because they were wearing the damn hats? Wtf is wrong with you . Shameful

You interviewed this guy and didn't tell everyone what an extreme homophobe he was?

Elder tries to intimidate student , there, fixed it for you .

After the seeing the full video...... your promotion of a fake narrative is despicable.

A day later, suddenly sees the value in offering something like a neutral view of this event. Don't expect them to have learned their lesson. They'll take sides again next time.

Abhorrent! 😡

Keep changing your story, now it’s all about CYA.. The old man walked directly up to that group and that kid, beating a drum in his face. Those kids were the most adult like people there. washingtonpostisajoke

The world reacted because everyone put him on TV the next day....

The Native American man approached the group and got really close to one of them, not the other way around, people! If you care about not being brainwashed by fake news, find the full 2hr video and watch the moments leading to the confrontation. Find out the truth yourself.

You reacted with a lie and now you're going to be sued. KARMA

“The world”. LOLOLOLOL. I bet 80% of the people within a one block radius of the Washington post if asked, would have no clue about the incident.

Err, the world reacted to the incomplete and biased reporting by organisations such as yourselves masquerading as a reputable media outlet! You were all like blood drunk leeches at a vampire's full moon party!

You won't even write the truth now, you just will not let go of your narrative. There will come a time when nothing you report is believed. At which point your information has zero value, In fact this time may have already passed. Enemy of the people? No. Enemy of humanity.

World reacted due to your partiality. when will you apologise for publishing lies

Fake News

And the press ignored the video of the incident and blew it out of proportion (again)

BORINGGG!! Please stop it. We have moved on🙄🙄🙏

The dude was being a total ss, why was he not smirking at his friends instead

You must retract NOW. Many are admitting they were wrong about the CovingtonCatholic boys. These boys lives are in danger because of this lie. You have the video proving Nathan Phillips is lying. Death threats have been made. Washington Post and JeffBezos can end this now!

Amazing what can happen when you only see part of the story.

And the media and this NA lied

Respect and acceptance of each other is eroding our country and dividing us. Makes me sad. Hate and intolerance is not something we are born with ...it is taught

Shame on you for failing to post the real story

Fake news

The story is slowly coming out ...Black Hebrew Israelites were also protesting and encountered the MAGA cap group. That confrontation of groups was potentially very volatile ..and the indigenous group intervened to stop potential violence.

A bunch of superficial and partisan comments. Here’s a third party description validated by yet others

And the media lied it’s asses off....again.

The world, the washington post and the rest of the treasonous left jumped to bad conclusions and should be ashamed of themselves!

A tribal elder gets into the face of a high school junior at the Lincoln Memorial, and the media was called out for its lies. There, fixed your headline for you.

Who approached who? C'mon, tell the truth.

Stop the fake and hoax

His parents should explain why their son stood so close with a smirk as his elder and Vietnam veteran attempted to exercise his 1st amendment rights. Where are the parents?

JrgLaw All very sad

All misinformation aside. Anyone who proudly wears a maga hat should have nightmares of an Indian beating a drum in their face

and the media lied. EnemyOfThePeople BuzzWapo

A group of adult protesters approached the HS students and spouted racist and homophobic slurs at said students. Then, an adult male who does nothing more than continual protest walks up to kids and starts banging a drum in their faces. Discuss.

Tribal elder my ass, he is a known figure.

As usual, tribal means racism.

Ok, so how about your boss's divorce? What's tje news w that? Would you get your facts distorted as you did with this story?

Maybe Tribal Elders shouldn’t walk up to and bang drums in the faces of school children

The leaders of the Catholic school should be moritified

Lol, wapo,” who are you going to believe; the actual video or our bullshit!?!?!”

The Indian guy now has a gofundme.. go figure!

But the kid didn’t do anything wrong

Old man trying to bully a kid.

Who looks menacing in these videos and pictures ?

Child abuse, arrest this Pedophile

The world reacted to fakenews 🤣🤣

And was wrong as usual

WaPo tries to salvage the narrative but can't if even trying to remain in the same zip code as the truth.

You misspelled “We apologize”

If he wants to beat on his drum at a public assembly fine, & if the Kid in the MAGA hat whats to scream & yell at a public assembly that's fine also. They are both exercising their Constitution rights, the Indian looks like he's old & smart enough to avoid this kind of BS,

This is what pride and prejudice really look like. Oh how I wish I could wipe that silly grin off that kid's face and teach him respect.

And some want to give the boy more credibility than the Native adult. This is trump's view of America.

Point out where the teens mocked the Indian.

You made a fake news and tried to destroy the life of a kid just because of the color of his skin. That's the real headline

you would think with most of us in the world having access to internet.. we’d know wrong from right, & be educated in everything important in life.... and yet here we are.. ignorant, racist, blind, heartless and cruel to one another. Humanity

If only could figure out a way gloss over its previous shoddy reporting on this topic. If only there was a way to verify what was reported in this article; like maybe video. If only . . .

If you've ever wondered why First Nations don't trust us. That smug little twit can help you understand.

Is that what you’re calling it?

MSM is a joke

Old man harassing children. Guess who’s side the liberals are on? The man. Any guess why?

Millions of people in USA owe their lives to Native American Code Talkers WW1, WW2. How are they repaid? Betrayal

Wow! This is at least the 3rd time you've peddled this fabricated bullshit into a different headline. You ARE the EnemyofthePeople FakeNewsHacks

I hope these young men's parents sue the pants off y'all for continuing to slander them!!! fakenews AGAIN!!!

Look I’m a registered Democrat and delegate to the Party, and all of the evidence available suggests that, though anyone who believes the ‘proposals’ of realDonaldTrump enough to wear a hat supporting him is morally reprehensible, the debate isn’t one-sided as my comrades say.

Seeing this story break on the news in public the other day and witnessing the heartbreak and utter disbelief people expressed over the state of our nation and it’s future is something I think I won’t ever forget. NathanPhillips

These antics are staged & a joke.Are we each going to confront everyone we have a problem with?The Gillette commercial just shot down Toxic Masculinity.Which is it,then?BLM?MeToo?Toxic Masculinity?WhitePrivilege?UncleToms?Wake up&just Stop listening to this garbage!Live free!

And you reported falsehoods about it. JournalismIsDead

Received message with thanks

What does it mean to be a tribal elder? Can people help when they were born?

The world reacted based on more media lies....what a disgraceful job!!

I don't even understand why they were chanting 'Build the wall' at the Native Americans. Ironic. Perhaps encouraged by idiot-boy's piss taking of Wounded Knee the other day.

This elder should be the one getting scrutinized.

You guys are just morally bankrupt

The tribal leader got in their face. Not the other way around.

And you still persist in supporting this story despite it having been proven as a hoax. No regard for how you are affecting the lives of these children and their families. Shameful.

What an insulting, disrespectful, smug face on the young man. Little else matters.

Yes we reacted to the undignified way the so-called “tribal elder” Harassed and try to start something with a respectful young man who showed more maturity by standing firm and not reacting

Hi WaPo, I notice you included a racial description in your headline for Nathan Phillips, but not one for the 'high school junior.' White is not the default.


Phillips was only surrounded after walking straight into the crowd and singling out the kid. Try again, liars.

I don’t get how the kid didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t care what the story is, the values they were representing were wrong. This is fundamental racism in more ways than one.

The teens didn't mock anyone.

BS again!

The fakenews media truly is the enemy of the people.

Oh, but Nick’s saying he’s a freshman.

Maybe the same well educated youngsters from this TRMUP rally:

Squi’s dad must be so proud.

Everybody is focused on a Native American man and a 17 year old boy standing face to face with each other when the real assholes in this story seem to be the Black Hebrew Israelites hurling insanely homophobic and sexist comments

And the media leaned left immediately. This is the problem with a 24 hour news cycle. Smh

WaPo lies. Again.

And the elder walked all the way across the mall and got in the kids face pounding a drum in his fact. Stop the fakenews and tell the story. Bad week for msm. Can’t trust them.

Teens are groomed to be brats. Most of the parents, all over the world, are grooming their kids for competition, money, fame and easy route to success. Zero values, infinite arrogance - they preach to kids.

More like the media reacted... with FakeNews! You've been complicit in doxing these students for a narrative that you created! I hope they sue the shit out of every one of you EnemyOfThePeople MSM!

Ignorance .. poor kids.

lol fake as hell and a made up story

If your asking me to believe a war vet or a bunch of spoiled rich high school boys there to protest women’s rights, I’ll choose the vet. He said he tried to intervene.

No, liberals lied... and attacked children for politics

Arrange a non public conversation between them.

I hope the world was watching just how the transformation of America is going, right toward further bigotry, contempt and hate all influenced in part by the actions of the Nations so-called President.

Shamelessly doubling down on already debunked news. Not even in an opinion piece. Shame on you.

Actually, an adult (with a history of other incidents) in the year 2019 got in the face of a teenager unprovoked and began beating a drum and chanting. There is no middle ground here. A teenager was found guilty by the liberal internet mob for being a white male in a MAGA hat.

You’re supposed to promote the real story, not an agenda.

The cowardly Bishop of that diocese has piled on with the Leftist politicians and media against the children. Shame on him for failing every test of a leader.

Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann said in his statement that when he was younger his parents told him Injuns were like clowns, so he couldn't help but laugh!

How embarrassing for the Catholic School. 👈🏼 It’s really embarrassing for America. Respect

RICH KY DEMOCRAT Jewish CONGRESSMAN Yarmuth (D-KY), pushes the FAKE NEWS MEDIA LIES about the KY Catholic teens because he HATES CATHOLICS & President TRUMP. The truth shows the FAKE NEWS MEDIA LIES. PROFESSIONAL INDIAN LIAR.

Anyone who's ever been bullied or tormented or is any kind of “other”, instantly recognizes the malice in that kid's eyes. He’s gotten a taste of the cruel power of superiority & he’s intoxicated by his privilege. I have seen that look on the face of every bully I’ve ever known.

A tribal elder & his group stepped into the space of a young man & the young man did nothing, no violence was involved. Why is this a big news story?

Teens did nothing until Native America Group crossed the plaza and engaged the students. Some teens did 'Chop' which twitter sill serves up as a GIF And look at your picture. Who has the weapon and who is acting calm and controlled

They reacted because of a false premise. Typical these days. When are the assholes that smeared the kids going to apologize?

The narrative was predetermined before all the details could emerge.

News as always overreacted!

You don't disrespect your Elders no matter what.

WP really!! Be journalists do your job not your potical agenda

Liberals tried to smear a child because he had a Trump hat. Shameless

Reading the micro expressions

The media lied, as usual

All these kids just happen to be wearing MAGA hats on a school trip?

Funny how you’ve now changed your headlines from less than 12 hours ago!

EverydayRacism I could never understand racism. To hate another just bc of the color of their skin. When if you think about it its thoses close to us that hurt us the most and they are more likely to be of your own race like family & close friends again of the same race.

One person is an adult trying to provoke a minor. The other is a minor acting like an adult and not taking the bait.

And the MSM selectively edited the video...which has now been debunked.

That Nazi boy's smirk deserves a slap.

Not true.

That tribal elder shames his people with his forked tounge.

Bullshit, the anti Trump media attached the kids because they were wearing MAGA hats which the media has deeemed unacceptable. Unfortunately for you, the truth won and you got played by Phillips. Truly, enemy of the people. Congrats.

And the mob was wrong... Weird, it always seems to go like that- Ask Sarah Good.

you mean jumped to conclusions

And the rich boy with lawyers will try to buy his way out of trouble once again.... The majority of us would have gotten our butts kicked for trying to intimidate an elder. But ok.....

Dig the red MAGA hats. 👍

...and a tribal elder intimidating a teenager and a media trying to create a false narrative.


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