Native American man mocked by schoolchildren in Trump 'MAGA' hats

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The school could expel some of the pupils who were filmed laughing and jeering as one of their classmates faced off with the man.


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FakeNews It seems Sky do not investigate stories but rather just repeat the story it hears which often is a porky pie. What exactly do your journalists do? Do they just surf lefty websites and repeat it?

Fake news!

Probably better to wait for the whole story to come out ?

That student has a face you would never get tired of punching.

Students GUILTY of this shameful action is from the Catholic Church diocese-go figure! Ex-deputy to Argentine bishop says Vatican knew of misdeeds!

KY stereotypes/examples are presented! All facts support the actions-KY is rated one of the lowest in education! IGNORANT RACIST COUNTRY BUMPKINS of KY! MAGAT-S(pronounced MAGGOTS)! E.g.-product of their upbringing or lack of...

This is fakenews there is a full video which clearly shows the old man as the instigator. The students behaved perfectly fine.


Native American with history confronts kids trying to get a reaction! Got that wrong Sky

Two sides to ever story. As a news media you should know this. But you fail to report both sides.

Eh. I'd take this down if I was you. New footage has debunked msm take on this. Nice try though 🤣🤣🤣

When kids get politics and respect for others distorted and mixed up in their heads..... Oh! Sorry! Description of a future sociopath

Sky new doing what it does best FU*KING LIE! FakeNewsSkyNews

The truth -

1:06:45 threatening an innocent bystander withviolence 1:07:40 calls the kids incestbabies 1:15:20 calls the kids future schoolshooters 1:24:53 is booed when he lets loosewith homophobic slurs 1:27:00 'there will be no peace until there isbloodshed


We all seen his face why block it now

that's immigration for you? white kid from immigrant mocking indigenous man who was born and bred in his own land and has now become a second class citizen in it this is what happens when they take over by out breeding the indigenous people the same thing will happen to us?

Fact check your story please. Kid did no such thing as video clearly shows!!!!

Fake news

Here you go.

Why not show the worms face

young guy smirks at old fella. Sky news pixilates smirk. NEWS FAIL

Standard far right stupidity... a wall on the border with Mexico won’t keep indigenous Americans out 🤦‍♂️stop being silly.

Try the truth for a change, the Native Americans approached and confronted the students

Connect the Power to Reach Your Dream


This is what those pricks look like - why pixilate 😂

They need to Gem Star all them lil fuckers Buck 50 style

Are you looking for a graphic designer to remove photo background. I will be there to help you. Visit me on fiver:

Perhaps everyone forgot about this video of these liberal teenagers harassment of this 71 year old veteran supporting Kavanaugh. I certainly know that SKY didn’t show it on the news as it didn’t fit it’s liberal agenda.

Once again fake news that’s not what happened

This is Trump's america

More fake news from sky and there anti trump agenda , he approached them banging a drum in their faces , but hey don’t let the truth bother you at all will you theFakestOfNews

No they did not... you are fake news Next time show the whole video

Please get the facts. The students had gather to get on their bus when this small Native American group imposed themselves on the group and initiated a confrontational behaviour on them. Pls report verifiable facts not rumors.

Fake news again. Check out AClementsWKRC’s Tweet:

'mocked'. That is just untrue sky. This is very poor reporting from (you again).

How dumb!

disgusting RacistWall TrumpTowerMoscow

Right Sky, why don’t you say why this man was just stared at by school children? Doesn’t fit your agenda does it? ..... thought not! How do you expect ppl to listen to you when you blatantly twist the truth?

You’re up in sky all right.

Nathan Phillips (Native American) apparently walked up to the students and told them to go back to Europe. So they apparently responded by smiling& laughing - unlike the liberal students who HIT a white Veteran at a rally. This story is distorted!


😢😢😢 These are our future leaders? Ashamed

That report is a lie(fake news) I saw the entire video the old man approached the kids in the red hats

Sky lies

Why you blurring their faces when i must have seen them at least a dozen times scrolling through my feed?

Watch the whole video. Instigated by the drummers.

A complete lie of a headline. The old bloke walks up to the crowd and starts banging his drum in their faces. He’s well known for this sort of thing, accompanied by his own filming publicist.

That doesn't seem to be what I saw. It looks as if they were actually enjoying what he was doing in deriding him. This appears to have happened Friday, why the day delay? What is the real purpose of its edited release?

no. a lie.

Fake news

Do these kids forget who the immigrant is here?

No he wasn’t. The kids were set up by masterful propagandists, and the usual idiot “journalists” and chattering class a-holes fell for it because, hey, what’s the big deal about throwing some Catholic white boys under a bus to appease the idiot lynch mob who reacts w/o all facts?

You don’t need to blur the face of the young White Supremacist! He’s been outed along with his class mates.

Why distort these scums faces? Justice is coming!

The actual article is so rich. It references Trump using the reference Pocahontas. What is does include is that Cherokee Nation denounced Warren for her False claims. Trump and the Nation were alined.

The NI man should be happy the kid showed restraint with a drum being beat in his face. Nope!

Those 'kids' should be expelled and then put into a special class where they can learn American history. To learn that the indigenous people were killed by the British, that they were kicked off their lands, they were lied to and to this day are treated horribly.

You shouldn’t blur out their faces. They are proud of their horrendous actions so the world should know what they look like.

You turn story's to fit your propaganda.

This really demonstrates how divided America is today. The young people there should be told the history of America. It would surprise them who was there first?


Might be want to show entire video and update headline to reflect, “Native American activist approaches students at March for Life event”.

Waste of time hiding the little runts faces they are all over the Web. They need a good slap!

They should hang their heads in shame and be expelled as well since trump has taken power it seems to have spread over other countries he is spokesman of satan with that israelie shit netanyahu both should be hung drawen and quatered and their putrid remains burned.

The elder walks within a group of boys as they shout incoherent shit. A lot of people now think the boys in he Donald trump hats are right? No wonder the elderly in the west get treated so bad no respect at all. If I done that to a elder my nan would knock me the fuck out!

More lies from sky

Don't Blur These Nazis Faces. F Kentucky it's the Florida of the Midwest! MitchMcConell mitchshutdown DC shitkids nazis KanyeWest skynews


Shame 😱🇺🇸

You might want to retract this story and do a better job gathering facts, especially since minors are involved:

Done nothing wrong

Fake news. Unbelievable how you try and spin this. Try watching the full hour and a half video, then delete your account. Media seem to relish being the misinformation of the people.

That’s not what happened

Morons with no respect for anybody..

Not children - teens

Don’t blur his face show the disgrace that he is name and shame him and his parents it is a disgrace that this acceptable anywhere!

Why blurred their faces?

You are Fake news You never checked this out before running this from CNN

Fake news.

Fake news

Nobody's mocking him. He walked up to them to protest against their MAGA hats. It's all over YouTube. This fake news bullshit you keep peddling has completely ruined your credibility.

How was he mocked fakenews . The chap with the drum was provokingly banging a drum in The lads face . The lad was very mature and not responding . What was the provocation ?

Anyone who mocks, racist and degrade any human beings based on the colour of their skin and background doesn’t deserve their faces to be ‘blurred’!

“He walked towards them!” scream racists in denial. Ok, let’s say the old guy did. Guess what? It’s *his country* in every sense of the phrase. He is native. Whitey McMAGAhat is the descended of immigrants. Build a wall my arse.

It's worth emailing their school. I have.

Check out all film of this drummer approached kid and was up in his face boy just stood still never spoke or moved

This is simply not true. Watch the videos and form your own opinions.

The kids are there for an anti-abortion rally from a Catholic school...their actions aren’t very “Christian” are they...As Hitchens said “religion poisons everything”.

Your headline doesn't tell the full story. You know, like the truth (if you know what I mean).

Did any MSM actually watch the video of what really happened ? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

American chavs

Report what actually happened sky news, stop being fake news for once

Is that Elizabeth Warren's dad?

I can’t believe anyone is say this isn’t what happened. Large group of young white men surround and intimidate elderly man chanting “build the wall”. If they had truly been being respectful, they wouldn’t be in his face staring him down laughing. makeamericahateagain


Don’t blur their faces. They wanted to film the whole thing. Shame them publically as they tried to do to that poor man. What’s happened to human decency

People should always remember and understand that kids like this were never born racist but raised and educated to become racist.

This is proven to be just another media lie. There are videos showing the Indian approaching the kids.

Yet another epic fail in propaganda from Sky News and their liberal progressive agenda.

Personally i would have used the kids head as a drum and used my fist to beat it

This guy knows it’s wrong.... but it’s called join the pack due to peer pressure...

Even after this was proven to be bollocks you still went and posted it as news... This is why people are starting to hate the press

Why block his face out? Identify the bastard. This veteran fought so the pig could live!

Those birdbrain students, need more respect for the native American they were there long before, the Europeans settled their 😠😠

Don't worry sky, we've all seen their faces

Sky please stop 🛑 having a go at POTUS it’s really embarrassing for British News and media... you are as bad as the BBCBreaking now !

People are mocked every day if the press didn’t have a political agenda you’d never hear about this!! We are creating a world of spineless insecure minded government controlled sheep! More important things we need to focus are attention to then name calling. Grow up!!

Aren't all people born and bred in the USA native Americans? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

You're blatant liars sly news.. Broadcast the truth, not your version of it

More bullshit from SkyNews

Isn't it sad when everyone but the news investigates the truth!

realDonaldTrump piersmorgan Is this really as good as your news gets This is NOT news!!!!!!

Native Americans were there 1st..


Why on Earth are blurring his face whenever every other news outlet is showing it? Intolerance deserve NO anonymity! Disgusting.

This is why Trump could be re-elected. You don’t mock someone just because of their political beliefs, you talk to them. It’s the same here with Brext

Disgusting!! They need to learn respect for other people

I would LOVE to slap that kid. LOVE.

Fake news

The Race Card trumps the truth again. No one trusts you anymore.

بطل بدك تساهم معنا حضرة النايب

He approached them. They were just standing their ground. Get your facts straight.

Looks like a group of HAPPY Christians provoked by an old native Indian.

What is the point of blurring it out when it was already up with a clear view of their faces. They deserve to be shamed because if they are old enough to behave like this in the public view then they should be seen and taught the error of their disgusting discrimination.

Nop. He harassed them.

do not hide who people are they do it and people should see who they are

I've seen the video and it's disgraceful, they called themselves real Americans what crap the native American are the true American not these snotty little racist brats. These kids learnt this from Somewhere maybe at home or school or even from the orange blow hard

It might be appropriate to share the raw video, it's about 1.30 hours long. Might allow folks to determine what actually happened.


Those teenagers should be ashamed of themselves.

Amerkkka is full of bull s**t

DO NOT BLUR his face out. He wants to make a stand show his face and how ignorant he has been brought up. 😡

Poor educational standards, ignorance, and a lack of respect for the 1st American. Hope they all have to visit reservations, and be made to realise the real History of that great Nation.

That lad & the ones cheering him on should be ashamed of themselves. Trump has destroyed America with his attitude on immigration which has added fuel to individuals who have no respect for diversity and use racism as a means to belittle those whom they should show respect to.

Awkward moment when a kid has a Native American playing a loud drum inches from ears & face It’s like going to a Mexican restaurant as a Adult and the Mariachi won’t go away and ur trying to have a conversation but wanna be polite just smiling

What the hell happened to his face...toolate

Not what it seems if you watch full video typical anti Trump and his supporters Skye news

Seen the faces, happy to snap them.

This guy in the red hat is surely mentally challenged

Absolutely untrue.

There is bad on both right and left. Sky however don't report the bad on the left

Fake news Sky.

Smile, you’re on candid camera

You know what's disgraceful? That SkyNews blurred this kid's face out. Name and shame these animals.

Wait can’t they get sued for this? There harassing FALSE information n tarnishing this kids life over NOT DOING THEIR RESEARCH! This kid was just another bystander being harassed and wasn’t being rude at all! I hope you guys get sued for this cuz isn’t right! GET ur FACTSstraight

No respect taught these days

No respect

I would view the original video if I were you...otherwise people may think you have an agenda rather than being an independent broadcaster...

Fake news

Why hide his face?

Get your facts straight!

Good Morning goodmorning

ICE agents should round these students up as un-American; respect veterans.

Don't call them children try thugs racist thugs. A new generation of supremacists which Trump has actively groomed.

why does sky news always blur out the faces of racists when every other news outlets put it's out there. 🤷‍♂️

Old Native American activist makes a bee line for teens and pushes his way into their group getting in their faces and banging his drum. At first they try to tap along to his beating, then they realize his intentions are to make a scene. I fault the adult here.

How was he mocked ? The lad with hat on didn’t say a word . ( mocked meaning ) tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. Come on sky news .

Why blur their faces when you know what they are doing is wrong..pls teach them to follow the right part of life.

Sky news really is shit

This is all sick. What the hell were an all boys school doing going to an anti-abortion rally in the first place? America has absolutely lost the plot.

Shocking and disrespectful 🤬🤬🤬 my son would never dream of behaving so appalling because if he had things at home would be VERY UNCOMFORTABLE ID LOVE THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME WITH THAT LOUT

It’s shows the little respect this kids has to a dynasty and culture

Sky News must be 'Leftist Propaganda'

Sky outed again.😁😁

Stop lying, that was not what happened.

FALSE. Show video, not a snap.

Who walked up to who?! Looking for a confrontation?!

Fake news? We all know how the left operates. 🤡🤡


Why not show his face?

Fake news

Oh god. This is horrendous. Poor man.

Why hiding their faces? You must be able to see shit to be able to avoid it !!!

That was Fake News! Native America came an harassed to pro-life marchers for chanting “build that wall”. The native America came to produce that very response! The full length Video shows it.

Ummm.. Sky News why blur their faces .. call these a-holes out.. they deserve to be blasted for their ignorance..

Why are you not showing the faces ? the BBC are showing them

The FakeNews creating their own narrative again 🙄 OrangeManBad

Scum. Bring back the birch. Name and shame..

check your headline sky, more like “Native american man forces his way into group of schoolkids banging his drum in their faces” thats in the full video i saw


Fake news!


These so called Christian forced birthers putting an old man to tears... absolutely vile. He was only protesting against the destruction of our earth, he was a voice of reason in a world where our governments unashamedly exploit and wreck our planet 💔😢😢

That kid reminds one of Father John at the local catholic churches.

Fake news.

Their parents must be so proud.

But he went up to them kids beating his drum in their faces first fakenews tellthetruth

It’s already been debunked if you did the least bit of checking. The Indian is a leftist radical who targeted an harassed the boy. There is a long video that exposes it. Quit selling propaganda to your readers because you hate Trump

Watch the whole video. In fact the Native American Vet should apologize to this/these kids . The students did nothing wrong whilst being antagonized, they joined in on the beat but the Vet’s agenda wasn’t the same & now he’s the victim. Sly

Leadership from a great bigot and lying President. What a disgraceful heritage for America’s youth.

Care to share the full video for an actual perspective

That's not what happened

Dear Sky News, in America we don’t infantilize racist teenagers as “schoolchildren.” They’ve grown out of their coloring books.

Strangely reminiscent of what happened to HackneyAbbott on bbcquestiontime . Ever minority person has experienced something similar, hostility, condescension, racism.

Were these children unaccompanied?

You’re well off the mark with this, Sky. Please reconsider your post

FFS, just when you thought sky propaganda couldn't get any lower, i have seen it all now! If it's not bullshit about Brexit being bad then its bullshit about Trump!

Too bad you’ve blocked the faces of these cretins. Their names should be posted in case they forget to post this activity on their college apps or job apps

I’m not buying it!

Didn't the elderly man approach the students first and tell them to go back to Europe? Because they are white? Yep! True fact.

You fell for it. Embarrassing!

Lol it's a bit late to blur their faces isn't it? Story has Been around the world at least 10 times now

more fake news and you know it, you're turning into CNN.

Propaganda news strikes again. If you've got half a brain you'll do your own research and watch the multiple videos which disproves this lazy narritive.

So this was trumps fault. Fake news

FAKENEWS Watch the whole clip people. This is why you are no longer trusted .

A little context

That is a lie get the full story please

Care to cover any other angles on this or does it not suit your agenda! FakeNews

Wow. Actual fake news👀

If only Native Americans could have built a wall in order to keep the white invaders out. Then perhaps, without these such cowards, the wonder & spirit of this great land would still be Brave & Free. They Invaded, killed, abused & stole. Then took slaves to do the hard work.

Oh yeah and this. “White people go back to Europe, this is not your land.”


Try posting the 2 hour video showing what really happened here. This is fake news


Why have you not shown the young SCUMS face !!!

So this video is over an hour long , show black Isrealites telling Native Americans they deserve to loose America because they worshiped false idols, the Native American activists going into the group, nothing racial said apart from the Native American activists telling white 1/2

This is fake news.

Why are their faces blurred? They were proud of themselves when they did it.

Time to retract your story. Fake news debunked.


Trump world .. With more and more people like him !! Doom & gloom for the rest of the world!!

Sky News/Childish Lie News

That man walked up to the kids face, and was playing the drum right on the kid's face and the kid did nothing.. The media should stop spreading hate

You sure that’s what happened - 1:30 min mark - stop reporting fake news

Thousands of bids on YouTube show smug white liberals berrating black Trump supporters calling them thick etc, but that's ok......

Not very nice to see UK youth's would only be shouting on street corners with knives in pockets

No more ridiculous than wearing a blue and gold stared beret, screaming at the top of your vocal range in parliament square

Today's 4am talking point: Fake MAGA mocks Native American! How many FakeNews keywords/phrases can you spot today? (post them below & RT) SundayThoughts MindControl GreatAwakening TalkingPoints MSMExposed MockingbirdMedia 8chan RedPill

I am sorry they don’t know better you need to look to the parents. They brought them up and yes the teenagers are just as bad for not understanding different cultures.


Disgraceful! No respect !

Don't blur their faces, if they are 'man' enough to confront old men then they are man enough to be called out

This vid is all over twitter don't know what u watched but your headline is a lie again

why do you leftist resort in lies to propagate your agendas? Why are you so blinded by irrational hate? I have seen the entire video, the old man walked up to those kids while they sang amongst themselves. He went there with the intention to intimidate them.


Native Americans approached the group of schoolchildren banging drums in their faces. Children awkwardly smiled. Media: “Trump supporters mock native Americans”

Fake News. The kids did nothing wrong. Nathan Phillips approaches at 1 hour 12 minutes. Full Video:


You just couldn't help yourselves could you Sky.... The 'Native American' was the aggressor here. Retraction......correction? Bad week for the globalist media continues.

Why are their faces removed and not the person's who had to stand there and just take this abuse? 🙄 Those kids acted as adults, they should be treated as such! Time we remove kids rights, treat adults and kids the same, especially pigs like that!

If Native tribes unified, built walls and killed every European settler they saw then this would not have happened, nor the millions of deaths attributed to invasion. Defense Death

No he wasn't, he approached them, get your facts straight.

you've NOW BLURRED THEIR FACES why mmmmmmmm not as though they in BRITAIN after all this nowt but yank rubbish the british not interested in

Even a Native American himself is debunking this as fake news. CovingtonCatholic


It's been debunked. They were just standing there you lefty Communist.

Can someone please point out to me where the mocking is?

How sky are riding his face his face is well known all across America. Make America great again 30 million people now Healthcare 50% living below the breadline one in five children in poverty. People go bankrupt paying for Healthcare coming to England soon

So is this the new young American way now? Just because you've been settled for a few generations on native soil, you think the land is yours now? A sense of history repeating itself unfortunately. pêyâhtakêýimowin

Blurring their faces is just allowing them to carry on with such behaviour without being properly punished like an adult They want to be seen like a grown up so treat the little shites like one and show their faces

This is a lie. And you know it.

Actually, the reverse is true. This man has a record of being an activist and claiming bullying...he approached them and got into that kids face while banging his drum...

yes i agree, but we must do more and get fundings to run state wide regular campaigns about native Americans.. Its not enough to receive such little attention.. More needs to be done..

You blur the perpetrator but not the victim?

Can't see what they're doing wrong... Is it suddenly a crime to mock people or do you lot just not like their hats...

Do explain why your blurring the faces?

This is fakenews from the [lying press]. The kid was doing nothing wrong & just standing there. The Left wing are absolute gutter rats who will use any evil weapon they can reach. This innocent boy will now be a fascist for the rest of his life, deus vult!

All he did was smile while some old guy walked up to them staring, chanting and beating his drum forcing his way through them. The kid literally did nothing wrong. None of them did. Wtf are you even talking about?

“White people go back to Europe, it’s not your land” probably started the ruckus.

more left wing meda

Making America great again. Kind of similar to how Hitler started making Germany great again.

That’s funny as I just watched the video and the kid just standing with a smile on his face while the guy beats his drum. Didn’t see any mocking.

So you're actually going to push this false narrative and a clip? As opposed to the full video? Really?!

There is enough evidence of their faces in dozens of other photos

Read comments, as per usual mainstream media (Destroy Trump Media) is at it again. Even the click-bait comment shows hypocrisy. It's like coz the guy is coloured he can't be wrong (& mocked for it).

The way the left has spun this story, just shows the control they have on the mainstream media. Real story: “Teen Assholes disrupt protest.” A local paper story at most .. but now it’s about MAGA hats, Trump, and toxic white patriarchy privilege.

Sky news posting a story already found to be completely false. Shocking! It’s almost as if they don’t do any research...

Perhaps check out the actual evidence which shows the contrary before pimping out fake news. It's no wonder the legacy media like Sky News is not seen as a trusted & credible source. This lad is already being doxxed & his life threatened because of irresponsible shite like this.

Fake. The old man was the one taunting.

Fake news click bait. Sky news in a nutshell.

By standing still and smilinganother “fake news”classic bought to you by sky ✊🏻💦


A MAGA hat is just a modern day white pointed hood.. at least the Klan folks had the shame to hide their faces frequently..

Please show the video of the native American man that's standing next to them who says 'White people go back to Europe'.

Why are you bringing trump into this. Why not criticise there upbringing and the school they are at for allowing this. Sad sad sky.

This is based upon lies and you know it. Turned into a tabloid have you sky? Trash

Why blurring the faces it's all over the web fam

Hey Sky, why protect the faces of those disrespectful MAGAS?😜

Another fake news story. Watched the WHOLE video? The high school students were singing and doing school chants, and a grown man walks over to them, confronts them and starts beating a drum in his face trying to bait and intimidate him. He just stands there smiling.

Uhhh no he wasn’t, Watch the whole video, the kids are Waiting for their bus and being taunted by racist homophobic “black Hebrews”when the native American liberals walk up and start banging drums

Don’t worry people trump won’t be president forever What will these people do then?

This breaks my heart...God, help us.

No point in blurring out the faces, the video has been all over social media this morning without the blur. Little too late on that one.

Sly News again

The old man was the one taunting. More lies from BBC.

Fake news

Watched the video out of curiosity, the kids are are decent young Americans!!


This story has been debunked. Try to keep up.

For those interested in knowing what their caucasity mugs look like. This is America.

How often does Sky News report on people in MAGA hats being mocked by Trump haters

Morons of the highest order

President Trump and his followers are mocked and abused on a daily basis, when do you report this? The answer is you simply don’t.. SLY NEWS STRIKE AGAIN

no, he wasnt though, fake news media!

fakenews There's a two hour video which people keep pulling off youtube that shows the entire event. The kids did jack wrong. The Native Americans being racist and homophobic were only second to the black Israelites being borderline insane pre this event.

Read my thread. I am compiling full videos and accounts that clearly exonerates these kids and shows the real story. Really tired of 'news' outlets that can't do their due diligence. These kids are getting doxxed and harassed because of your fakenews.

Trust Sky News to jump on this...


Why have you blurred the Covington Catholic school pupil?

It's time to justice,Iraqi refugees in Turkey have only one demand;they ask for resettlment in the 3rd country.. It is their right to live in dignity after a long harsh waiting of resettlment StandWithIraqiRefugees ---------------''''JustinTrudeau

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