Head of Nashville school in shooting would 'run to' danger

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

The head of the Christian elementary school in Nashville who was killed in a shooting there on Monday was described by friends as smart, loving and a rare female leader within a male-led religious culture.

By HOLLY MEYER, BEN FINLEY and TRAVIS LOLLERCurtis McDowell, who lives near Covenant School, walks away after placing flowers outside of the school's entrance in Nashville, Tenn., Monday, March 27, 2023.

Multiple children and adults were killed during the school shooting. Curtis McDowell, who lives near Covenant School, walks away after placing flowers outside of the school's entrance in Nashville, Tenn., Monday, March 27, 2023. Multiple children and adults were killed during the school shooting.


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Worthless garbage, propaganda. Shameless fake news, spin maisters

If 🕌 Temple or Black Church..not a peep..media is anti white anti American anti Christian Marxist shitshow.


'rare female leader within a male-led religious culture' is not made up of journalists; it's made up of hateful and shameful activists and Christophobes posing as journalists. Just imagine writing this about a Muslim school.

You people are heartless liars. Just like this administration. What is wrong with you.

'rare', not rare at all.

You people are disgusting liars. Just like this administration. What is wrong with you.

Disgusting You have to insult the victims of a mass murder why? I'm guessing you just hate Christians


This is your take? Not going to talk about the female-led religious cult that is the LBTQIAP?

That's you down there on the right...

The head of the Christian elementary school in Nashville was killed by a shooter who was part of an autogynephilic-male-and-enabling-indoctrinated-female led religious culture. Fixed it.

Wellllllll, it is the Liberal AP!


Is there something wrong with you people? I think there’s something wrong with you people.

Trump was correct about A LOT!!!!!!!!

The casual hatred from the left rears it's head again.

Are you freaking kidding me?!?

No, this is not a biased article at all. Not at all. The grammar and composition sound very junior high school-ish.

Thank you for further validation. With each day that passes, the media’s evident disdain for Christians is illuminated. Sadly, you don’t care. You’re bought and paid for by this administration. You’re untouchable. We know it, but rest assured, your immunity will one day end.

You’re vile. Anti-Christian. Anti-American.

AP are religious BIGOTS!!! How sick you folks are. Shame, Shame, Shame on you.

“within a male-led religious culture” Disgusting and extremely disingenuous! More propaganda from AP!

AP - Annoying Propagandists.

Rare? Female leaders in Christianity are not rare.

Send 👏 journalists 👏 to 👏 gitmo 👏

Start the clown music, the AP is once again unsuccessfully attempting to wag the dog

Two outta three ain't bad ~ Meatloaf

This is just gross. Whoever wrote this needs to be fired.

What are you doing and writing.....terrible motivation for a dig at religion. And I'm agnostic.

What scum you are

‘Killed in a shooting’? Interesting, since all manuals of style advise using the active voice, why would you frame this murder as something that happened, with no agent behind it?

Now do Muslims But you won’t

You can’t stand that Christian’s even exist as they worship God and not the Govt. Our Christian led School has a female head of upper school and lower school plus half the board. This is simply not true

How’s this working out for you AP? Maybe just report news from now. And lay off the backhanded vitriol.

I think I am ready to go without “media.”

Wow, how very low of you.

What's wrong with you AP?. Put leader after loving and delete the rest.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 🙏🏻📿

You continue to prove Trump correct that the media is the enemy of the people. Prove me wrong. I dare you.

has zero reputation. Zero. The shooter was a mentally disturbed transgender that committed the murders out of pure hate. And yet here you are trying to twist the narrative. Journalism is dead.

FAKE news at its worse. YOU REALLY DO SUCK!!!

I have come to expect nothing less from AP

The AP, masquerading as a legitimate news org.

Murdered 9 year olds So loving, so brave

However much you hate journalists writ large, it isn't enough. That someone thought this was both a factually accurate or just an appropriate tweet headline says a lot about their empathy and understanding.

The AP is an abomination.

Were you paid for your integrity or did you give it away for free? Honest question.

Hey you hacks, pray tell us.....what is a 'male led religious culture.' This is why everyone hates the media. Truly pathetic.

I really thought my disdain for the ”news” media had reached its maximum. Thank you for finding yet another level. This is garbage. You are garbage. A true enemy to this country. Go away.

You couldn't just say she was a smart, loving person? You had to drag your woke politics into it? What a bunch of jerks you are

Well, you did something few people can do with this tweet - unify atheists and Christians. Congrats, I guess?

Who are the 410 moral degenerates (as of 3:31 EDST on 3/29) that liked this foul piece of bigotry?

Where is the manifesto?

I'll bet you guys are truly mystified as to why so many despise you.



This is bad, even for the AP, I mean right up there with some ayatollahs opinions bad.

Corporate Press is EnemeyOfThePeople

Trump was right about the media, 100% right.

My catholic school I went to the principal was a nun Her name was Sister Martha

What the F?

Define female.

Do actually employ an journalists there or are you all just propagandists at this point?

Why have you kept the tweet? Delete then take a break from Twitter.

You just can't stop yourselves, can you? A drive-by smear b/c you don't like Christians? If you were capable of shame ... but no, why finish that sentence, you're not.

What. The. Fuck?

Leftist media is the enemy of civilization.

Silly take,

You suck

I see that your 3rd grade education is coming in handy. 😔 Nice hire AP… Absolutely shameful!

Fire Holly, Ben, and Travis.


And you wonder why no one trusts you...

Christian hate is rampant, DC politicians & medias take responsibility for inciting the religion hate.

Holy shot you are truly disgusting

evil evil evil AP

Trash writing.

Absolutely sickening.

Enemy of the people

So you are the enemy of the people seriously how do you live with yourselves

Thank you for proving once again Trump was right when he called our main stream press “the enemy of the people”… …please consider that it’s not necessary for you all to continue to prove that!

You guys would shoe horn a race or gender angle into a story about dirt. You're just parody now.

This 'reporting' is offensive trash.

is Trash!!!

You are disgusting and you have blood on your hands. This communist propaganda outlet needs to be demolished.

The way you're trying to spin this story is disgusting, this is why more and more Americans hold corporate media 'journalists' in contempt

This is you headline? Disgusting. The AP used to be a reliable source not a politician spin machine. Gross.

And you guys wonder why the public hates you. There's a reason the media's favorability rating is at an historic low... it's garbage like this.

Are there no real news agencies anymore

Just disgusting. AP and MSM have no shame. Divide, divide and divide.


You people are just the worst. How do you sleep at night?

By the left wing’s rulebook, this would constitute “stochastic terrorism”

oh my God AP - you seriously wrote this Seriously?

Keep fueling the narrative! The media is despicable

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Tell me you're fakenews without saying 'I am fake news.' Garbage journalism from . Again.

You just revealed some real lack of knowledge about Christian schools and Christianity in general. Try to do some research before you write. Women have been leaders in Christianity since the beginning. They are not rare, they are abundant.

Do you folks not have one normal conscious human left working for your organization?

Get a new job. Your writing is horrible and disgusting.

You are trash


Are you kidding me? You just couldn't help yourself.

HOLLY MEYER, BEN FINLEY and TRAVIS LOLLER should all be fired!!!!

Is that why the violent leftist killed her?

Fire the writer now!

Chapel Town RAG 😡😡😡

You are no longer a news organization!

Liberal scum

Do we have to? Really?

Horrible people wrote this headline. Pathetic. Terrible people.

Corporate journalists aren’t people.

A helluva take away from that event.

Sometimes you wonder if they just post crazy things just to trigger people even when innocent blood was spilled?

You're disgusting. Delete everything.

One look at all the comments on here and I'd say you are well and truly looked at as the garbage media that you are. Everyone sees through you. You are despised! The world would be better off without AP!

PCA ordained women and has women in many leadership positions. Your article is a lie.

FYI most principals at Christian schools are female. And also what's female? An honest press would fix most of this.

Dude. Wtf is wrong with y'all. You're part of the problem in this country. Shameful and disgusting

If you want to know who wrote this garbage, who hates you, and cheering that Christian children were killed, here are their names. HOLLY MEYER, BEN FINLEY and TRAVIS LOLLER

Maintaining the reality created in the minds of the :

Now do Islam.

'was described by friends as'...sounds like their spin, not AP's.

JournalismIsDead ! Disgusting garbage.

You are vile, human garbage.

This was a hate crime against Christians. Call it what it is

Daily reminder that the AP is The Enemy of The People!

oh look - a woke marxist faux journalist spreading more propaganda...you liberals are such disgusting and hateful people.


Imagine if some white supremacist MAGA dude shot up an urban, black, public school &next day the Fox News made white people out to be real victims &portrayed mass-mustering terrorist in a sympathetic light, like their murderous act was in some way justified. MSM would explode

Male led wow I knew you were a propaganda organization now but trying to spin this and dance on dead children is sick even for the media arm of the DNC.

Right on cue with the anti-male, anti-Christian divisive propaganda. The is nothing if not predictable Also, nice ratio

Liberal media is so loathsome

You just can’t help yourselves

AP is for Asinine Political BS . My how far this once reputable organization has fallen

Ugh, you can’t even STOP with the attacks on Christians, even now. What did someone do to you

The AP is vile.

The must be mercy hiring rather than looking for the most talented journalists. Their poor parents…. Imagine all the money they spent for their kid to do sloppy work for the Sad.

They most turn this into a woke war.

Research mockingbird media.

In Roman times these Christians would be called martyrs. You make it clear that the war on Christianity is real and has begun in earnest. Shameful

Smart and loving Actions speak way louder then your rhetoric

Oh, F fffffffffffff s!!!!! Just. stop.

Delete this. And maybe hire more church-going people for your staff.

Her friends did not dishonor her by describing her as such and you know it.

What the hell is this headline?

Explain necessity to say male-led religious culture?

The 'unbiased' constitutional loving stayed funded free AP... I wouldn't wipe my arse with this.


Didn’t know they were Muslims!

Say it loud: The Media is the enemy of the people and the main reason we have terrorists that do what she did. They feed lies, fear, and narratives that stoke hate and misinformation.

I went to Catholic elementary school. You know how many male teachers I had my entire 8 years? 1. It's unbelievable that you sick evil people would degrade a victim's memory this way by trying to squeeze in the idea of misogyny into this horrific event.

What is wrong with you people?!!!

Gasp!!!!!!! AP does it again. Totally fails to understand the tragedy.

AP - enemy of the people personified.

Delete your account

Are we sure you're not really TheOnion in disguise

Six Christians murdered, and you still can't help yourself from taking swipes at Christianity. You're evil.

MSM is not real reporting anymore just a bunch of political hacks!!

The AP is no longer a Press organization.

The ap is pure propaganda shit

What is wrong with you?

This isn’t about the politics of the sexes. Stop it. AP missed the mark so bad again and that’s why no one takes you seriously as a news agency any more.


Our kids went to a Christian school in CA with all female leadership: Principal, teachers, board. It’s like that everywhere. Stop lying.

Hey AP, there were plenty of female teachers and leaders at the very traditional private Christian school I attended years ago. In Nashville.

We are all hurting. This does not serve any purpose but to cause more pain. Please stop.

You guys will do literally ANYTHING to further your agenda, won’t you?

Remarkable. Did an atheist write this Tweet? If a male nurse was slaughtered in a mass shooting, would you note that it’s a female-led profession?

“Journalistic integrity”

Everything has to be propagandized now, even the deaths of innocents. Truly gross.

Continuous attack on Christians. You're an absolute joke AP

'A transgender who committed a deadly hate crime against Christians.' What the cannot bring itself to say.

God, y'all just can't display so much as a modicum of journalistic objectivity or integrity, even when murdered innocents are involved Ghouls, all, and undoubtedly the EnemyofthePeople

This is disgusting. Who writes these headlines?

Just here for the ratio... you guys just can't help yourselves from being grossly divisive, can you?

The lusts of their father the AP will do.

Delete this tweet.

No she s psychopath who only cared about herself… don’t make up excuses for her… imagine looking into a 9 year old face and killing them …evil doesn’t describe it

It’s almost like you’re intentionally destroying your own industry. Enemy of the people indeed.

You people are wretched. Scum of the earth.


Are you HAPPY HANOI JANE? you got your DEATHS!!!!

Male led culture? That’s BS

You want Trump back?

What a sick take on an horrific event.

What is wrong with you people! This is incredibly offensive. How dare you disparage Christians and our faith. You are liars and are no better than tabloid rag.

Gun-loving you mean

The media is so unbelievably disgusting and despicable

AP is fake news.

I’m trying to decide whether the person who had to write this felt shame or elation over such an opportunistic bitch slap.

Ghoulish behaviour.

We hate you.

What a garbage tweet. This was a hate crime against Christians.

War it is.

Hmm. I bet if you try really hard you can think of some other religions that have a male-led culture. You know, the ones you never mock.

Potatoes in the comment section didn’t even read the article. Bunch of 🤡

Wow. Whoever wrote this… Garbage

Principals are quite often female even in religious schools…. Geez! The bias is deep.

Christian schools are filled with women leaders. Nothing new. Anyone ever hear of Nuns?

That church preached anti-gay sentiment and spread around a lot of hate through the Westminster Confession of Faith. You can’t be loving and intolerant at the same time.

GFYS AP! Bastards!

The legacy press wants war

You really need to GFY

Can you not? Thx

The Bolshevic Press

Its as if you dont know how to write this story. 'A trans shot up a religious school Quick...how can we make this about women, minorities, and transphobia?' Throw this on the flaming pile called Why We Dont Trust You Anymore.

Parasitic 'journalism'

The shit headlines just managing to keep writing themselves.

AP a shit

What a pathetic headline. AP = corrupt

What is female? What is male? Are you biologists now?

You should probably delete this, fake news.

You’re somehow trying to pivot from murder to the patriarchy

Thats fine but please remember there are smart and loving leaders within the religious cult that is the trans movement, too

You people are pathetic. Truly the enemy of the people.

Corporate media should just really take a backseat for a couple weeks, you guys aren't going to do very well.

I wouldn’t even wipe my ass with what passes for news from your garbage paper.

Still time to delete this

Wtf is this headline?

Honest to God what the hell is wrong with the people at the ?!

This is a sad attempt to pursue an agenda. There are a lot of women leading the Catholic schools in our area. Disgraceful journalism...

Oh the travesty! A male-led religious culture!

No surprise that Satan’s minions at AP don’t know the first thing about Christians.

Vile! Pure Evil!

Whew…the angry, unforgiving Christians are definitely out tonight.

Good lord, wtf is wrong with y'all?

Terrible tweet and factually inaccurate. Christian & Catholic schools are HEAVILY populated with women in teaching & admin roles.

Further cementing your position as an enemy of the people

Both Catholic schools I attended as a kid had an 80%+ female teaching/admin staff. Both had female principals. And this was mostly during the 80s. It hasn’t changed much, if at all, since then. “Rare” is bullshit. Christians don’t despise strong moral women like the left does.

You are disgusting, bigoted, and misogynistic.

'A rare female leader within a male-led religious culture.' Written by an AP atheist reporter who has never attended a Christian church. AP 'gaslighting.'

you people deserve everything that is coming


You guys just can't help yourselves, can you?

As an atheist, I'm allowed to say this: Fuckin Christ, this headline.

Never miss an opportunity to take a shot at Christianity, do you?

Disgusting tweet. Go better.

Learn to code

Jesus F**king Christ. This shit has to stop.

Wtf kinda word salad 🥗. 🤡’s

Wow you guys are scumbags

There is something pathologically wrong with you. Eat a full bag o richards C bag.

WTF is this

Lol journalism

What the actual fuck lol

You don’t care = layoffs coming for you and yours Coding = much needed 👍

Anyone making a basic effort to research a story, would realize that the one area in which many churches lean on female administration and influence is in student ministry and educational programs.

“killed in a shooting” technically correct ….how about “who was shot by (insert name, any description, etc.) This wording is akin to: “car that ran down people at Waukesha parade”. For some reason, these headlines act like these events are spontaneous & w/o a perpetrator.

Rare female leader? Nonsense

Delete this tweet, and after that, delete yourselves.

Hi HollyAMeyer travisloller Ben_Finley . This article is trash and you people are evil, lying, disingenuous ghoulish 💩heads. Find some humanity and a brain, FFS.

What if the male led were Tran? Would your header be different?

A despicable headline. Glorifying and justifying a monster is acceptable to the ap — if anyone was reading it anymore, I’d suggest they unsubscribe

The corporate press is the enemy of the people

Pathetic. Who’s the editor?

You people are disgusting and nothing but propaganda

scummedia EnemyofthePeople 🖕🏻

Delete this nonsense

You are garbage

Had to slide in some misogyny didn’t ya?

Y'all just keep trying to spin it different ways and it's fucking 🤌

This is why more and more people despise journalists.

Always pushing your agenda no matter how bad the tragedy.

You suck

A rare female leader? Who wrote this garbage for you or did you steal it from the media? 3 children and 3 adults were slain today and you make this kind of remark? GTH and yesterday was not fast enough🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

The ratio on this is gonna SUUUUCK.

You’re making this about gender equality?

Your efforts to demonize Christians are obvious, and it’s this kind of rhetoric that allows and enables terrorists to continue the onslaught against Christians.

Journalism is rotting in the grave.

“A rare female….” WTH You people want us to be divided. You’re sick people.

Crazy how they always need to inject identity politics

The AP promotes the murder of Christians. The AP promotes the murder of children’s identities by saying they’re trans when they’re not. The AP promotes murder because The AP promotes communism. TransTerrorists BanTrans BanTranz WEFpuppets TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica

You need help.

There are tons of female leaders in Christian schools! I never knew AP was that awful and tbh ignorant. live and learn.

Who the living fuck gave the green light to publish this?

Woe. Scary part is no one there thinks this is bad.... time for the meteor... just end all this..... never thought the AP could get to this point....

Activist Press vomits on itself in public

I cannot wait for a general breakdown of law and order. Retribution must be had.

Right wingers will surely RT this saying TrumpWasRightAboutEverything by calling the media enemies of the people. It will embolden them to say TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica and TrumpWon. We can’t let that trend! 🏳️‍🌈✊🏿🇺🇦

This Christian hatred is not acceptable. The AP should be ashamed!

Nice backhanded swipe, AP. You Marxist propagandists..

The corporate press are truly the enemy of the people.

You’re phucking gross, and statements like this prove you’ve no human compassion. Tragedy doesn’t need to have an “angle” of conflict. NashvilleCovenantSchool

So far, the only bad guys in this massacre are Republican lawmakers & leaders of the church & school that was attacked. Heaven forbid anyone say an unkind word about the crazed woman who blew away three 9-year-olds in cold blood. But maybe that’s just me. Y’all do you, .

You guys at AP are truly the embodiment of evil.

AP stokes vile hatred of Christianity and promotes this hideous violence AP IS DISGUSTING


Enemy of the people


HollyAMeyer why didn’t you add this story to your page since you wrote it

Prayer doesn't seem to be getting the job done when it comes to gun violence in America. Maybe pray harder? Longer? Or maybe just introduce some fucking common sense gun legislation.


Whoever allowed this tweet to fly is despicable

You’re garbage

Fixed it.

Everything Trump has said proved to be RIGHT

What the fuck is this headline

You simply can’t help but be terrible people . God help us with the greatest threat we have; our media.


has always been absolute trash in my opinion.

As a professional writer and editor, you at AP are beneath contempt for DELIBERATELY mischaracterizing Christian doctrine about relations between male and female. You are totalitarian shills, you are curs who bark for your masters, you are despicable anti-American LIARS and…

Such garbage

It's not 'male -led' It's not a 'culture', it's called faith. You're not-so-clever attempt to smear the school is disgustingly obvious. Just once try doing journalism versus carrying an ideological torch for your tribe.

AP is nothing but trash.

This is an abhorrent byline. Women were absolutely honored by Jesus—they were the first to see Him raised—and the Samaritan was to first to proclaim Him as the possible Messiah.

AP going hyperbolic, I see. But that is what communists do.

Are you kidding me? You people are disgusting.

tf you even talking about lol

Shame on AP!

What in the hell is the matter with you?

What a nonsense headline

Now do Islam

Trash journalism.

You just gotta try to get a dig in no matter what, don't you? You disgust me.

You call this Journalism? Your company is pathetic. What sick mind wrote this.

You know absolutely no bottom, do you?

It’s a private school of children. In the Christian faith, women are nurturers. Big shock that women work there and lead it too. Your disdain for Christianity is noted.


Whoever wrote that can’t possibly believe that would be a good take on this tragedy You should fire them immediately

No matter how much you hate establishment media, it isn't enough.


What the heck is wrong with you? Kids and adults have been killed and that’s what you write? Who cares whether it’s male or female led now


This is awful! I have no words

Vile, subhuman, sleeze.

You should change your mind about Trump, but it can be for sanity purposes only

This post is shameful.

You are spitting on the graves of children.

Almost to zero trust, keep it going .

You’re absolutely garbage.

NRA - “Thoughts and prayers”


This is why MSM readership is at all time lows.

This is incredibly disrespectful,insensitive and offensive.why are you insulting the faith of one of the innocent people murdered yesterday? What's wrong with you people?

I'm really hoping an AI wrote this tweet. Because this is beyond insensitive. Idgaf what your view of of Christianity is, if you think children dying supports your moral or political beliefs, then you are every bit of a demon as these religious zealots portray. Period.

A garbage organization. A new low, AP.

Just have to squeeze your unbridled hatred for Christianity in somewhere don't you? Oh no, majority male led, the calamity, clearly on a cosmic level this was always their fault ... you people are filth

Women’s rights…..

'Male led religious culture?' Have you attended a Christian church ever? Familiar with the Bible verse about why God chose a rib to create Eve from after first creating Adam? Ever hear of Christian female clergy? Perhaps close up shop if this is your best journalism effort.

Not true at all. Elementary school Catholic education is run by women and has been for 50 years. Do your research

You are vile activists posing as journalists.


This is what propaganda looks like. Naziesqe


You people are sick! You just can’t help your pathetic selves can you

Enemy of the people

Sick twist on a tragedy. Your take used to be worth something.

“Saying “male led” like men aren’t winning all the women’s award this year. 🤣🤣🤣

Your outfit is truly beyond a parody🤡🤡

Never wonder why people hate you

Oh look dragging the victims of trans terrorism and hate crimes

Mainstream media is not handling this situation well. Maybe it's because you've been spreading so much evil and now it's coming home to roost.

You losers in the media will deflect in any way you can, won’t you? You’re pathetic.

Offensive to many Christians.

I'm not even religious and I get the feeling that you're close to saying their skirts were really short.

Just like Reuters. Add NPR too. People are aware of the liberal hatred towards Christianity.

Did you get 5% of the 10% from the big guy for this? Wonder how the author feels about this tonight.

Your bias is showing. Female Christian school principals probably outnumber males 9-1!

You guys should title your article why we hate Christianity 🤮

Jfc you people are garbage.

This is why most Americans call you & the media FakeNews

AP Translation: This is as close to saying something nice about a Christian as we feel comfortable with.

Yikes! Deleted in three, two...

Mentally deranged person of the transgender group falls for anti-Christian rhetoric resulting in the murders of the peaceful and innocent, but please go on about how the patriarchy is the real villain.

The bigotry is so rife that you can’t even celebrate the lives of the victims, without mocking their beliefs in God. So evil

I would love you say that last line about any other faith other than Christianity. A faith that I’m betting has more female leaders than most other religions do. Do it and let’s see how it goes.

Yall literally can't help yourselves to take digs at Christians

You are pure scum. FakeNews EnemyOfThePeople

Delete your account.

elon wtf man

What is this garbage tweet?

The AP drips with joy at the slaughter of Christians.

My hatred for the MSM has reached a new plateau today

Sick people, you are.

Go home AP, you're drunk

You should delete this tweet.

Man y’all are ghouls

= satanic institution

OK, groomers.

What is wrong with you, JuliePace?

What a disgusting way to word this. Liberals never stop inciting and stirring trouble.

Yeah. Female teachers and principals are so very rare. 🙄Did you read that in your style book?

You guys are grifting on children who have not been laid to rest yet. There’s a special place in hell for you clowns.

“Rare female leader”?! You are the same people who berate mothers who speak up about wanting a say in what their children learn in schools. This is utter garbage, and you should be embarrassed.

This is textbook activism. This is not news.

My god this is sick. You people are evil.

MSM really showing their colors the past couple days

Reporting? or Framing a narrative?

: ASSOCIATED PROPAGANDA. Look at these kids and adults ☝️

You people don't know how to stop, do you? This is not journalism- this is just you being gross and worthless.

How very Soviet of you

I think we can discard that theory that shootings happen because God is not allowed in the school.

You people are absolutely disgusting. Just couldn't report the story without throwing in your man hating biased narrative. You are a joke

You might think you hate corporate media, but in reality you don’t hate them enough

Sure…make it about the religion. You are awful human beings

Headlines like this make not only complicit in these politically / religiously charged slaughters, but responsible for them. Intentional breakdown and division of the public.

What is this bullshit? AP used to be an institution, but is now a leftist laughingstock pretend news outlet.

Enemy of the People

What a crass headline.

You really suck at your job

ConceptualJames I'm not touching you. I'm not toughing you.

AP is fking gross

An absolute leading, disingenuous , and shameful headline.


why write this?

FFS, delete this.

Bro, why are journalists so pathologically like this?

You are deadset appalling deadshits

While investigating I wonder if he was described by a majority of others in a different way?

According to the AP woman ussually don’t work or lead Christian schools. So AP staff obviously don’t use Christian schools which are about 90% woman.



Someone needs to intro that reporter to the countless female officers in the Salvation Army.

Why do you engage in hate speech ?

You are evil. You know exactly what you are doing here, and you gladly dance on the graves of six people to attack Christianity. I rebuke you.

Trump sure was right about the media being the enemy of the people. They do nothing but divide, lie and push propaganda.

wow.... u all have at least heard about 'nuns'....'sisters'... sound at all familiar

Pretty sure 'The head' died only after reading a draft of this article.

So a vile murderer then.

Wow....You are Trash

Who is the toxic feminist writing the tweets for the AP articles? This is garbage.

You don’t hate the MSM nearly enough.

You're disgusting

Dinosaur media. This... is why you are dinosaur media. Old school, made-up worry, over the sex of individuals is so last decade. You, AP, are irrelevant.

This is ridiculous, AP. Most principals and teachers at Christian schools are women.

I'm an atheist but even I am disgusted by this framing . Not a single one of her friends would have described her as ' a rare female leader within a male-led religious culture' . You are such liars .

Oh give it a rest already

Wow. Just wow.

Trash Press


The overwhelming majority of principals at private schools are female and have been for decades. AP is and has always been fake news.

You just can’t help attacking the right. You are so bias

Absolute ghouls! You can't report anything without squeezing some activism out of your sphincters

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women, and blessed are the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

I hope this freaks mother is proud of herself for bringing a freak like this into this world. These people deserve no love

Killed by a freak

Reuters is showing their yamaka per usual.

I simply can’t anymore of this… I am broken.

Maybe just stop at she was smart and loving.

Y’all are weird….ap needs an overhaul….

It's time for the AP to close up shop.

Not a Trump fan but it turns out he was right about the media being the enemy of the people

So has anyone at AP ever actually read the Bible? You do know there are multiple women throughout the Bible.

This tweet is very offensive towards the families who lost children. They were nine years old and the older adults, shame on you.

How do you feel this is not offensive Are you kidding right nowLOL This hateful rhetoric is just ONE of the many reasons why MSM will NEVER be trusted again! MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople

Reason 4,585,329 why America hates the media.

She was a real woman.

Well, you certainly put the Ass in Associated.

What a wierd, demeaning headline for a woman who was murdered.

Socialism and the democrat party are only about slavery and death, democrats are still the true and original party of slavery and racism!

Same vibs

Delete your publication

But even if she was dumb, uncaring, and a run-of-the-mill middle-management cog, she didn’t deserve to die.

The victim of this tragic event are all Americans. Each and everyone allow this to happen and continue to happen because a gun is more valuable a person’s life.

You never cease to amaze me. Enemy of the people.

Horrible writing

Showing manipulative bias...in a tragedy. Repulsive

Y'all know about Mary...right?

If you look closely you can spot the religious bigotry here.

AP stirring up and spewing bullshit again...

Ah, bigotry from the left. Never miss an opportunity to insult someone religious beliefs.

What is the point of that last line?

This is an incredibly offensive tweet.

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