Mike Pence says criticism of wife’s job at anti-LGBTQ school ‘deeply offensive’

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VP Pence addressed news coverage and criticism regarding his wife’s decision to return to teaching at a Virginia school that bars LGBTQ employees and students: “To see major news organizations attacking Christian education is deeply offensive to us”


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I'm so tired a 1 or 2% of the population telling us that we need to give them special rights :( same with the perverted muslims :( why does such a small percentage of the population drag the rest of us around :( I got no problems with LBGT. But give us a fucken Break

Leave it to PMS LSD I mean MSNBC for fake news


“Don’t you discriminate against our discrimination, that offends us.”

Well she'll become the bread winner in the household when he's impeached w/ Trump so she's getting a head start

That’s not Christian education. That’s zealot education. It’s schools like that that feed into schools like Covington HS, and produce the vile human beings we saw this week harassing a Native Elder. And THAT is what is deeply offensive.

Well now we are even...

I’m not attacking Christian education, my son goes to a private Christian school. I’m attacking the exclusion of others based on their sexual orientation. I really thought you were different. I’m disappointed Mr. VP

Our VP has every right to practice his faith the way he sees fit. It is LITERALLY what America is all about. It's ironic that many of you ripping him open your arms to muslims which actually torture and kill homosexuals. That's hypocritical.

To see major news organizations attacking cloistered non-inclusion white Nazi education is offensive to us.

It's funny how you have all these comments that are speaking for Jesus, you really think you know what Jesus would do.VP pence wouldn't have liked Lady Gaga either way. she has a big fanbase, most people don't like her.She should stick to what she knows,

Why is it such a shock that a Christian would teach Christianity. Immorality is taught openly by many teachers. Why not morality?

Morality and the right to practice Morality should also be our right as an American. MSNBC can shove immorality at us all day long as they already do. People who believe 'In God We Trust' have the right to live and learn without being attacked by the immoral and the godless.

I think this falls under 'He can dish it out, but he can't take it'.

MikePenceVP VP you are a FuckingBigot Don't dare call yourself a 'Christian' For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. Mathew 7.2

VP You, sir, are deeply offensive to me.

This administration would have taken the baby Jesus from Mary’s arms and called Joseph a terrorist who was pretending to be his father to gain citizenship. They wait in ‘joyful hope for the coming of their Lord’ but fail to consider that they may be a teenager at the boarder.

LOL he thinks he’s a Christian.

Another cry baby. All he does is hurt people, and cry like his master.

just more fake Christians wake up people

christian bigotry no surprise here.

They are both deeply offensive to me.

Well VP you're pretty deeply offensive to me.

VP and his wife are incredibly decent people. Liberals are bullies.

Can’t please liberals.

If what you believe is called Christian Education it is offensive to the rest of us!

And pence is offensive to Americans who support equality for all americans

That is her right. Good for her for choosing to make good use of her time.

They rather you work in one of their totally dysfunctional schools full of lack of discipline, spineless Administrators, and unaccountable Parents. Good for you, Second Lady!

The school where she's teaching doesn't come anywhere close to being Christian.

Does Mr & Mrs Pence feel discriminated against!?! What comes around, goes around Pencie.

NBCNews Bigot..

Poor Pence and mother

Some people find that organization deeply offensive.

Having a bigoted .VP is also deeply offensive.

It is very offensive to the LGBTQ community to have your wife work at a school barring diversity!!!😡😡😡

If he thinks the American people’s backlash is offensive, How in the hell can he work with President Cheeto? He is the most offensive Child Man 5th Grader Bully I’ve ever seen. Yet he sits behind and with him with that sheepish smile.

Outright discrimination by anyone is offensive to me. Pence and mother use their perverse Bible interpretation to justify their holier-than-thou discrimination.

Your offensive and so is your wife... you make me sick.

VP And you are deeply offensive to Christians.

But to discriminate against lgbtq? That's all fine and dandy for the Pences apparently

Well their screwed up religious beliefs are offensive to most of us. So sorry the rest of us aren’t bigots like the both of them! 🙄

You both are offensive

I find her teaching there deeply offensive

Nelsonshowers2 🤔 second thoughts yet? VP SecondLady CovCath WWJD

They’re not attacking Christian schools. You probably know that. You just like to lie and change the narrative.

So VP thinks he’s a CHRISTIAN? Do the Nationalist conservatives think they’re Christians? It’s appalling. By the way they have a president who’s the worst to ever walk the face of the earth. Hitler also used religion in Nazi Germany. It’s not abt Christianity. It’s abt hatred👎🏾

To see our VP attacking our LGBTQ citizens is deeply offensive to me! LoveisLove

The new norm is ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️anti-Christian… And anti-white… ‼️ anti-male‼️‼️ And anti-American…… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 🙏🏽 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽Jesus Christ‼️‼️ ‼️ ‼️‼️ ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

Pence is offended? Hatred and bigotry can't be deemed 'Christian Education' TheGreatestCommandmentIsLove

The words, 'Christian education' is right up there w/deafening silence or blinding light or football bat or my favorite, military intelligence. Oxymorons if I've ever heard one.

Dear VP There’s more offensive stuff that you’ve been quiet about like cheating and paying of to a porn star, a model and grabbing woman’s by their private parts bragging about that. It is deeply offensive!! while your straight face and silence has made you complicit.

vp your racism is offensive to me.

CeciliaCmaida Separation of church and state. This isn’t Saudi Arabia or Iran. Your wife should be teaching in a pub lic school during your term.

CeciliaCmaida Pence you are VP of the American people. All Americans not just the people you choose.

9/ Jesus shut everyone down with man’s sense of morality. If you feel the urge to point the finger, you must point it at yourself. All that should remain therefore, is Grace, Forgiveness, and Unconditional Love.

Please tell us more, Mike & Karen...🌈

8/ This is the greatest problem for Christians, not same sex bathrooms, gays, or even abortion. But rather, Jesus warned believers- he called it “The yeast of the Pharisees”- The poison of this hypocritical moralizing “religiosity”, always heralded by the religiously powerful.

moire7 Hate and bigotry and treason and deeply offensive to me. So are false prophets. PenceKnew

Perhaps, Mr. Pence, you should learn what it means to be a Christian. You don’t tear children away from their parents and lock them in cages and you don’t discriminate people you don’t agree with you and your twisted anti LGBT crap.

7/ Rather, it is true, they pick and choose. Seems to me, any Christian working on the Sabbath, should be stoned. That is what the “Law” says. But of course, somehow, we always manage to have a “religion” that worms our moral lines around, so that we ourselves are “good”.

6/ But somehow, “homosexuality” is the sin du jour. it’s popular with the moralizers, because it’s a sin they can all point to, that they supposedly selfreassuringly, don’t do. But why not pick sins that you violate, if you are looking for sins to point out?

5/ If however, we extend GRACE, out of love, to all, we ourselves will experience GRACE in this world, and the world to come. Humility, wisdom, empathy and emotional intelligence allows us to do this.

VP We have seen the results of Christian education this weekend and the Country and world have decided it’s not all that you crack it up to be.

4/ “For the law came from Moses, GRACE and peace came from Jesus the Christ.” Anyone who imagines they are more legally moral, than the next guy, has actually condemned himself.

“It hurt our feelings you don’t hate like us” - Mike Pence

3/ Lets review...Jesus said that in God’s Kingdom, if you’ve hated anyone, you are guilty of murder. And that, whatever standard of morality you proclaim to others, you will be judged by yourself.

2/ This homosexuality thing with evangelicals, they totally miss the teaching of the Jesus’ Kingdom of God. Quoting the Tanahk’s Leviticus laws Did they miss the Sunday School teachings? Sad

norisgirl VP offensive to you? Since when is it Christian to shut out LGBTQ community Since when does a follower of Jesus act this way

Does anyone ask Pence ? why he keeps getting offended by what other people say, when they point out the Catholism they practice, which teaches love and acceptance, is different than the 1 Pence & wife practice, which seems to focus on exclusion, doesn’t ask what would Jesus do?

I wonder what Christ would say to your statement...It might surprise you.

Your bigotry is offensive to me.

VP, So now stating facts is an attack? Give me a break, snowflake. ProudResister

Not attacking Christian education, VP -In case you aren’t aware, Christians don’t attack others because of their beliefs. Those who aren’t happy with your wife in Christian school are attacking the hatred and hypocrisy that many of those so-called schools espouse

Pence is deeply offensive to our country. Narrow minded, discriminating and ignorant.

moire7 The two most scariest people on the planet

Pence misspelled 'indoctrination'

Of course Pence’s attitude toward LGBTQ persons is not offensive unless one is LGBTQ or non religious zealot

Did those smug faced kids cone from her school?

VP Deeply offensive to me is that you say you're a Christian but judge others. St. Peter is sure to have a good talk with you when you reach the pearly gates. Don't be too surprised if he says you are a little too pius to enter. I am not judging you, just making a statement. 😯

don’t you love the ChristianConservativeValues GoVP

I would like to ask to VP ShitholePenceHypocrite FullOfBS ChristianConservativeBSLies about the WhiteChristiansStudents of CovingtonCatholicHS ATTACKING a Navite American Vietnam War Veteran of their christians values?

cmarinucci .VP Pence supports discrimination ... we don’t.

If I was a federal worker and having to work without pay when I got bills, that would be VERY deeply offensive to me.

Do they accept Divorced Women!!! Karen Pence is Divorced!!! Hypocrites.

Pence your racism is offensive to me and the world.

That’s not Christian education. Jesus never excluded anyone. He also did not screw up on a whole group of individuals. He made us all beautiful in His image. Stop perpetuating hate. Please.

I find VP wife’s choice of jobs rather offensive

MSNBC should make a public statement that they oppose the God of the Bible and all that believe the Bible.

there is nothing wrong with teaching in a Christian school that believes marriage is between one man and one women. Pelosi goes to a church that thinks the same why aren't you going after her, Attacking Christians will back fire on you

Oh, boo hoo. Go cry on mother's bosom.....

I’m a Christian and sir you are the offense to me.

Why are you retweet for this BS as if it’s true?

There is no room in the 21st century for the perversion of religion. Especially Christofascist hypocrites. Yeshua warned the world of these vipers.

Christian education should be FOR Christ, not AGAINST others.

The Pences believing that they can define what 'Christian' means is deeply offensive to me....Christ was not a Nazi....their talking points are contrary to everything that Jesus modeled and preached

VP I’m deeply offended by his obvious anti-gay hate being repackaged as “Christian values”. sexistegotisticallyinghypocriticalbigots


To see any “education” being so offensive is an affront to the concept of education. It is indoctrination. In your face, Pence!

JohnHipps What a freaking liar! Of course Christian education is not being attacked. However, a school with homophobic policies and the Second Lady's decision to disrespect LGBT Americans by teaching there is being criticized. We're still allowed, no matter what the Pences want.

And we’re deeply offended that you support that school’s bigoted policies.

He forgot the word. Bigoted

Think Mike missed the point. Hello

A good Christian Education should teach love not spew more hate.

WHY do these CHRISTIANS think the are so special,,,Jesus Christ, himself, would offer love and friendship to all people, that is what JESUS was all about, no hatred, just love.

No. What is offensive is Pence and Mother cloaking their bigotry and intolerance in the Bible.

Bigotry is not offensive to a good Christian like Pence.

The Devil in Christian Clothing ! ! !

You see VP Pence, those who are Christian Pharisees, better known as hypocrites, bring any and all criticism on themselves; those who follow Jesus, does as He commands - “Love your neighbor, (that is everyone), as yourself”. VP

They weren't attacking Christian education, they were attacking the un-Christian policies of that school.


Ironic he claims Christian anything, while sitting in rooms listening to constant lies! Say something then!

Please site where Jesus said God I hate homosexuals.

It never ceases to astound me how followers of this ideology claim to value their church’s teachings often select portions that fit their own values/beliefs and dismiss the ones that do not fit their own narrative.

This is NOT Christian education - and note to Pence's - many of us find you and your beliefs deeply offensive. There is supposed to be a separation of church and state - this is America - and we are tired of you calling yourself 'Christian'...

What’s offensive is you & your wife’s crazy evangelical views on ppl that don’t look like you or have differences in their gender dispositions. Shame on both of you!

Leave her the hell alone. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. It's a private school period. Deal with it.


Good move from a GREAT Christian couple

Christian education in most cases is just a form of brain washing. It didn’t take much to wash Pence’s brain. A very simple man. Definitely not one of the three wisemen.

Wow so blatant bigotry towards people in the name of religion? Utterly disgusting. IlhanMN is this even legal? shaunking do you see this nonsense?

The modern day media elitist are just as disgusted with Jesus’ teachings as the religious Pharisees of his day. These self appointed knowers of all don’t need a wooden cross to facilitate pain and ridicule on those who challenge their presumed authority, Romans chapter 1.

Yea! Glad he is offended by something!!

VP - it’s love one another as long as they are just like us. Hypocrite! Racists! You are silent about tRump because you want him impeached so you can be president!

To see VP attack the LGBTQ community is deeply offensive to equal rights.

Yeah how did that work after the MAGA boys from the Christian school harassed a native veteran. Taxpayers money should never go to find private schools!

When we see true education that Jesus would have endorsed, we'll discontinue criticizing. Fair enough?

Wanting LGBT people to not exist is more offensive.

Also, AMarch4OurLives was claiming the same thing when their supporters were abusing a Native American elder. I think the far right has reached the point that they actually believe they have the right to starve children, be racist, kill and abuse everyone else and god oks it.

VP This is the same Christian education that discriminates, ostracizes and condemns large groups of human beings. The same education that gifted us with the disrespectful behaviour of Catholic young men at the march for life.

Having to listen to both of these lying sacks of crap is very offensive to the American people so put your big boy pants on and deal with it.

they definitely aren't the definition of Christianity. Jesus was inclusive he rejected no one. so the reality is that this school is not a Christian school it is in fact acting as the judge & jury of their fellow man.

No what you two are doing is what is offensive

They are offensive.

vp she can teach wherever she wants. But we can also say that in 2019 the teachings at this school are offensive to many. Your represent all the people not just the white ones you like!

So this school declares that Jesus is Lord, then cites Lev. 20:13 in order to validate their position of exclusion. To that Jesus would say, if any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone.

What’s offensive is this govt prosecuting a selfless act such as leaving water for the thirsty... a totally Christian act. You need to get behind me satan!!!!

If Trump when to speak at this school and wasn’t allowed to because of his problems with adultery, VP would be singing a different tune.

Well claiming to be Christian and excluding and persecuting LBGT folks is deeply offensive. FakeChristians JesusDidntHate

Weird that you haven't said a word about the persecution of native American Indians by catholic cult teenagers

Your disdain for freedom is offensive to us.

Pence wouldn’t know what true Christianity was if God himself tried to explain it to him.

Are they attacking a Christian education or is it because what it teaches through its policies seems to not be Christian at all?

This isn’t Christian education... it’s child abuse!

Then get out of public office. Problem solved.

Pence supporting putting children into cages is offensive to humanity. Bigotry and hatred of people that are different than him is offensive to humanity. He is offensive. He is a religious nut job and shouldn’t hold the office he is in because of his racist tendencies.

Maybe they should when your 'Christian' school is hiding bigotry and holding on to archaic beliefs about homosexuality and sound like they may even be breaking the law.

I don't care about his Religion, buf I do care about Discrimination against the LGBTQ Community. Pence is Anti-christian and Anti-American!!!!!


I mean, seeing Republicans attempt to strip LGBT people from anti lynching bill was pretty offensive to me.

That means he’s going to stop attacking Muslims? Well, Mike?

Discrimination, Nationalism, and bigotry is offensive, too.

Sadly, the school’s teachings and regulations are deeply offensive to many of us. You work for us. Maybe your wife should not have a “second “ job at the present time.

After seeing what “Christian education “ allows, this week end in Washington, Pence’s complaint is pretty weak.

You were handpicked for your job by Paul Manafort. Stop speaking.

VP is deeply offensive to me

Yeah well, VP, you are offensive to us so....

“To see major ‘Christians’ attacking the LGBTQ/minorities/women/Native Americans/insert any group not male & white is deeply offensive to US” karenpenceveep MikePenceVP

So we’re just continuing to repeat their white supremacist propaganda verbatim? It’s like journalists are incapable of learning.

Yes, the bigot wants to practice bigotry and not be called a bigot. VP Poor, picked on baby.

Why I hate fundamentalist Christians.

Your bigotry and hate is what's offensive!

I find discrimination against and hatred toward LGBTQ people deeply offensive. And it is terrifying to see leaders such as Pence - somebody extremely close to the presidency - hold those views. Under no circumstance should Pence be any kind of leader in our country.

Christian education is deeply offensive to me. vp CovingtonCatholic

Hey VP you know what is OFFENSIVE to real Christians.... YOU and your Religion of Hate & Bigotry. You and your heinous wife are the one’s who need *conversion therapy*! FakeChristian

With Pence in charge, there will be no separation of church and state. Indiana learned. Horrible team.

VP Taking defenseless children from their parents is deeply offensive to me. Denying anyone in the LBGTQ community their rights is deeply offensive to me. Your lack of compassion is deeply offensive to me. You are public figures, get over it. pence

Pence wld be a great weapon in war : just let him talk & he’ll bore everyone to death. Death. He is like walking death. Must wave bye bye to him too when his puppeteer is ousted. Praise the day & may it come soon.

moire7 Shedding light on the discriminatory practices of any institution isn't offensive it's necessary.

'Christian' education? What a blasphemous statement!

Christian education isn't being attacked. Christian bigotry is.

Refusal to pay federal workers is offensive to most Americans.

The lgbtq community needs to see the truth in religion. It rejects you and will never accept any of you.

Tell that to Mathew Sheperds family...

To have Christians who are taught that God loves all attacking me for the simple fact of who I love is deeply offensive to me. To advocate for policy that strips me of my equal rights when there is liberty & justice for all is beyond offensive, it has an actual effect on my life

VP as VP you should represent all US citizens including LGBT. If you can’t accept them & represent them, then you’re not qualified - resign

vp News flash: you are deeply offensive to all good Christians trying to clean up after you and your ilk who s**t all over this country.

Pence uses his “Christianity” selectively. Nothing Christ like about this man.

NO ONE IS ATTACKING CHRISTIAN EDUCATION you phony!! They're attacking discrimination!

MikePenceVP studies say that men who rail agnst LGBTQ the most, r likely to be closeted gays themselves. Just too cowardly to come out! You, your wife & xtians all r hating on ppl 4 how they're born. I dbt if you really believe the crap u are shoveling, It's self preservation!


Your boss holding the lives of federal employees hostage financially over a jive-ass wall, now that is what I find offensive!

Him as VP is deeply offensive to us

Hatred and ignorance is deeply offensive. VP

To see intolerant people in high places calling themselves “Christians” while throwing stones at others for existing is offensive.

No cohabitation before marriage either, how fucking weird to base employment and enrollment on what you do in your free time? 🙄

Christian education is not education. It’s brainwashing

mike_pence Like the Christian Education they teach at CovingtonCatholicHigh ?

She has done absolutely nothing! Girl bye!

She’s great. The lefty media is garbage.

VP , your version of crackpot Christianity is deeply offensive to all of the people you exclude from your club due to your misguided intolerance...

I’ve never seen such a bunch of grown men that whine as much as this republican administration. Get over it Pence, sit the hell down!

100,000 Supporters Turn Out For Annual March For Life — USA Today Reports ‘More Than A Thousand,’ CNN And MSNBC Completely Ignore. Media Libtards or Communist? Hard to tell the dif.

So sensitive, these FakeChristians

Pence needs to reread the Gospels. I missed the part where Christ admonished the LGBT community

I attended 15 years of Catholic school. They made rather a big deal about loving one’s neighbor and treating others the way we want to be treated. In other words, education in Christ’s actual teaching, which was all about acceptance

I was raised, and still am, a christian. In old teachings, they did target LGBTQ people as needing to be converted, but modern christianity, especially under Pope Francis, is more accepting of the LGBTQ community and he wants Christians to apologize for past behaviors.

Ha! Imagine how the LGBTQ community feels about being excluded from the Anti-Lynching legislation

As a former born again Christian and happy lesbian woman I have come to the conclusion that Christian fundamentalists are enemies of all the good and worthy things Jesus Christ stands for. They represent the exact opposite.

It's deeply offensive to me that anyone, much less the VP, thinks that discriminating against LGBTQ people differently is okay. It's definitely no okay and never will be. It's not Christian if this is the school's policy.

She has a responsibility to ensure all people feel inclusive. You are entitled to your views but not to push publicaly. An embarrassed Straight Christian Hoosier. Treat all alike.

You believe what you want to, And I'll beleive what I want to. Thats what freedom is all about. Thats why the whole world wants to come here. Don't try and take away MY freedom to fit into YOUR belief of freedom.

Honestly, karen CANNOT JUDGE people’s choices! It is NONE of Karen’s sh**ting business!

Repub Nazis LOVE pretending to be victims in public and one doesn't even want to imagine how that affects their perverted sex lives TieMeUpMommy

Hard line christianity is as much of a danger to this nation as hardline Islam.

Maybe he should watch the video of the catholic boys harassing the Native Americans who were peacefully protesting yesterday...he’d probably still miss the irony in the situation But miracles are known to happen

No, Pence, it’s you & your wife’s decisions that are offensive.

There is a lot about the current administration which is deeply offensive.

Right back atcha, Veep & Mother.

Clearly you don't know what Christ preached and stood for, Hypocrite Dence

How is the has been and his has been wife Vice President and why is anyone giving them a platform? They are so so ignorant.

VP 🖕🏾

You offend America with your lies and obfuscation of this train wreck administration. Walk away Pence. Your legacy is in tatters. At least try to save your soul.

You and your “religion” are deeply offensive VP. Christ would be appalled at how the evangelicals use Christianity to hate and oppress. He was about loving everyone not just those you deem worthy.

You're offensive and clearly a hypocrite.

Mr. Vice President: you are deeply offensive to most of America.

Anyone who says Christ would be ok with the GOP and the way Evangelical Christians behave whould be deeply offensive to biblical Christ.

To see our vice president embrace bigotry is deeply offensive to me!!

Using your religion to justify hate and bigotry seems pretty offensive too VP

They are attacking Pence and his wife for the hypocrisy!!!! Look who he's working for That's not offensive!!

VP. No worries. CovingtonCatholicSchool dud more to tell us about Christian views than the press ever could. You and mother need to chill out.

Christian Madrassas like this school are attacking a whole group of Americans in the name of Jesus. HOW DARE THEY!

SecondLady you are shameful!! That school and you are NOT Christian! Christianity teaches love, acceptance, forgiveness. You teach hate, bigotry, malice. The only reason why realDonaldTrump isn’t getting impeached is that your husband VP will then sit in the Oval Office.

Hahaaha, VP. It gets me every time someone says, 'X-tian' and 'education', in the same sentence.

What’s he saying about those Catholic school students harassing a Native American elder Just curious.

“Bigotry” is now called “Christian Education”? Pence dehumanizes God’s children and claims to do it in His name. Very twisted. 👹 FakeChristians PenceBigots

I'd like to see the VP criticize the behavior of the Kentucky Catholic school boy mob,marching for Life while attacking elderly Native Americans.Grand Evangelical Wizard Pence & Senator McConnell are good role models of 'Christian' values for the next generation of MAGA Nazis

That's nothing compared to how many people they offend.

You want offensive? Tear gassing children is offensive - locking them in cages is offensive - separating families is offensive - bigotry wrapped in theology is still bigotry - no hate is worse than Christian 'love'...

God bless the Pence family.

No Mike. They are reporting the facts. WE are attacking you and Mother for your homophobia.

I live in pence’s hometown of Columbus, IN. My daughter attends a Christian school here that is open and affirming to ALL. They picked the school they did for a reason, it wasn’t an accident.

VP seeing you, your wife and her employer attack the LGTBQ community is deeply offensive to me.

People like VP Pence want an evangelical Christian theocracy. The message sent by his wife’s behavior is loud and clear. They want integration of their version of Christianity rather than separation of church and State. That we cannot abide.

Not nearly as offensive as using education to train children and young adults to not accept people as they are, even if they differ from yourself.

And yet you work for a boy who belittles women. Oh and by the way a persons personal life is non of your wife’s business. Not everyone thinks the way you two do. forlgbtrights. rainbowpower

No problem with Christian education that teaches love rather than hate.

I’m religiously conservative but barring children from education is ridiculous!! If a parent chose to enroll their child in a Christian school, hopefully they want their child taught the principles of the Bible.

This is America freedom rings true. If you want to be different it’s ok shut up and do it. No one cares. Do not think for a minute your ways are the only one though. She has the right to exercise her beliefs and take whatever job she wants. It none of your business. 🥰

I don’t think anyone was attacking Christian education but they are attacking education that encourages hate for a specific individuals.

And a school that bars LGBTQ employees and students is deeply offensive to normal people including REAL Christians. What’s your point?

'Deeply offensive' THAT's what you find deeply offensive? Wow.

Pence quoted Leviticus 20:13 as their reason for their hatred. So does he also believe Leviticus 20:9 For anyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother; his blood is upon him. VP what is your answer to this one?

To see Mike Pence and Mother in positions to influence policy is deeply offensive to us.

To see an VP attacking lgbtq Americans is equally offensive. Deal with it like we all do, or resign.

Ted, you simply try to sensationalize something. I’m gay, went to private Christian school, and have no issue with Ms. Pence working at that school as she has done for years. You should be ashamed. And why don’t you actually work for a compromise to open the government.

Your pathetic administration is offense the people MikePenceVP !!!! It’s extremely rare to hear you speak up when “important” issues arise! Man up buddy!

This is the same “Christian” who is a senior member of a government whose policies support separating children from their parents and building walls. Lots and lots of problems with this brand of “Christianity”.

Of course he does, that’s just the kind of hater he is.

I’ve barely heard a peep out of V.P. Pence through two years of trauma inflicted on so many communities and when he finally takes a stand it’s to defend the indefensible?

Has to do with hate...but then again, more hate and murder and harm has been done in the name of Christianity than actual war.

That couple is just plain evil.

And your brand of Christianity is deeply offensive to a lot of us, VP. YOU AND MOTHER ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO MATTER.

If they are teaching about Christ they got the game messed up. This same scripture mess was forced upon slaves to remain subservient. That is why I cannot follow this mess.

The behavior of the wife of a “public servant,” and his complete ignorance on the subject are repulsive.

To see the VP of the USA be so clearly anti-LGBTQ is deeply offensive to everyone.

So know we know pence abd his wife are racist just like the trump family pence will never be president

Someone might want to tell him Jesus loves everyone

That's the schools fault, not hers.

It’s not Christian education it’s right wing indoctrination

A WALL+2 Supreme Court appointments, gt economy, unemployment, new trade agreements, success with N Korea/China/foreign affairs, exposes Fake News n socialist/liberal media, shakes up our political status quo an PC/snowflake ridden America, turn USA away from Socialism. MAGA🇺🇸

They didn't attack Christian education. They described bigotry.

'And we don't want to mix with the coloreds, either.' - Mike Pence

What is harming Christianity is Pence’s version of PseudoChristianity based on hatred of others, not Love as Christ taught. Love your enemies, turn the other cheek, forgive each other, do not judge. These principles are neglected by Pence & others thinking like him. God is love!

Seeing a religious fanatic as the second in power of our nation, is offensive to over 54% of the US. I hope God sends you to Hell to burn with Trump, Huckabee, and the rest of you false Christians.

And to me also!

VP you’re offensive as is your wife. Nice thing to teach your children that to discriminate is ok.

She’s supposed to represent America and America is known for being accepting of gay people. Get her out before she makes some child suffer bec of her belief!!!

Womp womp

Sounds like education based in hatred.

This is not teaching a Christian inclusive for accepting everyone which I believe accept everyone

VP you know what’s deeply offensive to the rest of us? You and Mother. Maybe try cracking open your New Testament.

They’re not attacking Christian education. They’re disgusted by Christian education that ignores the tolerance Jesus preaches in favor of discrimination and hate. Pence has always been a proponent of racist, sexist views in his time in office. He’s the attacker.


Your values are despicable to me!

And you Mike are offensive to me.

That school ain't Christian. Right wing extremism indoctrination

VP Maybe the Pence's should look at what Covington Catholic High School students did to an American Indian and Vietnam Veteran in D.C. - where is their statement on that 'deeply offensive' behavior? You hear nothing. You can be offended - but you have to be consistent too!

They’re not Christian. They’re part of a doomsday cult. Exactly the reason many Americans left Europe was because of fanatics like this. No different than the Taliban. FuqTheVP FuqKaren

All for show

does anyone really care what he says? his head is so far up trump’s butt, he hasn’t seen daylight since 2016.

robinnewusernam So, hmm, he doesn’t get how deeply offensive he and his wife are?

Guess what VP , your homophobia and intolerance of all people in the name of Christianity deeply offend the citizens of this country.

VP your hateful rhetoric is offensive to us!


What is offensive is a school that teaches discrimination. What happened to Love thy neighbor?

The actions of students from religious based schools is offensive! I saw the MAGA hat on the latest offenses! And what about the rigging of polling?

VP, this is what happens when you support, teach and promote discrimination.

It's just so frustrating. This is such a provocative, unnecessary move on the part of the Pences and does nothing but spit in the face of LGBTQ Americans and send a divisive message. How stupid!! How shameful!! Is the country not divided enough? Shameful Shameful Shameful

He’s offended?! Weirdo, I couldn’t care less how you feel. His time is almost up. Say Hello to obscurity.

Shame on Pence for allowing this. How does this send a message of unity, tolerance, and working for ALL Americans regardless of party, gender, race, sexual orientation, etc? Trump is a divider and it looks like Pence is, too. What a stupid, shameful thing to do. Shameful Stupid


Mike Pence’s Hateful Christianity is Offensive to Me. JANUARY 20, 2019 / JOHN PAVLOVITZ

There is nothing Christian about a school that does not accept all people. True Christians are sinners who recognize their weaknesses, thank God for grace, & love all His children.

VP and his policies are deeply offensive to hundreds of millions of Americans.

What he means is,”attacking hateful bigotry”. That’s what Pence stands for. No Christianity in that pig.

I didn’t see anyone attacking Christian Education. I saw people attacking HYPOCRISY!! There IS a difference Mr Pence!!

Of course there are those attacking Christian Schools. They outperform our failing public schools and they teach truth. Evil hates good. ExposeChristianSchools SundayThoughts SundayMorning SundayBrunch

Not as deeply offensive as your hypocritical Christian teaching.

Throwing gas at children is deeply offensive, children in cages is deeply offensive, your stand on LGBTQ is deeply offensive, mocking the handicap and saying nothing, deeply offensive and the list goes on. Your plastic personality and behavior is deeply offensive. 🤨

Why was he given air time for this? Is he using vacation time?

Christian Educación?

Guess what VP , your homophobia and intolerance of all people in the name of Christianity deeply offend the citizens off this country.

Your so called Christian education is offensive to us

They are not attacking Christian education but expressing concern. Pence, as VP, is influential and to denigrate a large number of US citizens indicates to all citizens that the views of his family are sanctioned by our government. This perception is anathema to a democracy.

Sends such a sad and backwards thinking message.

Let's get something straight here VP and his wife Delores Umbridge (Harry Potter and Voldemort followers) are not Christian. They are followers who belong to Satan who is their father, so let's be very clear.

For this jackass to hold a rally attacking Roe v Wade ~ settled law ~ is deeply offensive to us. He takes an oath to uphold our laws, not overturn them.

Did he happen to watch the video from Covington Catholic yesterday?

Pearls are being clutched.

No one is attacking education, we are attacking bigotry and hatred.

Bigotry is deeply offensive to Americans VP . Lose the self righteous indignation. It is Conduct unbecoming and violates the Constitution.

It's hypocritical to be a 'Christian' school while also being anti-LGBTQ. Jesus preached LOVE.

Mr. Pence (vp), it is not Christian Education that people attack. It is the perverted version of Christian teachings that your cultish sect is teaching. Jesus taught inclusiveness for all. I hope you will pray for understanding as I will pray for your enlightenment.

If that’s your idea of Christianity, VP , it is deeply offensive to me.

If you, Mr. Pence, don't get it then you certainly don't know or understand, 'What Jesus would do.' This is another example of how disconnected the whole WH is from the majority of citizens. The overt and repeated marginalization of others is offensive to me sir!

Hey Mikey, stuff it up your version of Christianity.

It doesn't sound very Christian to me. At best, it's fake-dogma-based discrimination. At worst, it's hate/fear-based elitism.

VP is offensive to decent people everywhere.

MIKE PENCE STILL IN THE CLOSET! It’s okay pency, you can come out now- Jesus will still love you!

Obviously you weren't paying attention when you were learning about Christian education. You do not believe in the teachings of Christianity. It's your interpretation of Christianity. The Jesus Christ I learned about wouldn't turn away or shun anyone. A horrible statement. VP

It’s deeply offensive to me when I see the VP and 2nd Lady of the US endorsing a version of Christianity that excludes people from teaching and learning because of who they love.

Ask him ..”how about those CHS students?” ARE THEY Offensive? 😡🇺🇸

VP is Deeply offensive

This is America we have individual choices. If Mrs.Pence who’s a private citizen wants to work at a private or public school that’s her decision. Liberals constantly scream what happens between my doctor and myself is my business certainly should take note and mind their business

It ain't Christian, it's bigoted. There is a difference sweet cheeks

No they are not attacking a Christian church they are questioning why your wife would work for a place that discriminates against people! You trump and your wives are supposed to support and represent EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY!That is your job you can not select who to represent!

but this is fine right?

That the 2nd lady of the US chooses to work at a place that openly discriminates against people in the LGBTQ community is offensive to me VP.

Oh yes, “playing the victim” Is always an ole favorite to go to. Unfortunately for Pence, he doesn’t realize that it’s not about HIM but about decency and respect for others. But people do have a right to make choices. His words could have been better than petty.

But Christian education attacking elderly, veteran indigenous people is all good, yes?

CNN Hate in any form is unchristian. VP Pence & his wife do not carry Christian values in their hearts. Discrimination is hate, as a Lesbian Christian that has raised a strong intelligent & kind young daughter I find the Pence’s shameful, disgusting & ignorant. Jesus was love!

Waiting for the media to attack Islam like they feel free to do with Christianity.

To think there is a person that might be dumber than tRump. Those are totally principles that are direct opposites of the teachings of Jesus. A**holes using the Bible to rationalize actions, like justification of slavery.

And so can his bigoted wife

Dear MikePenceVP How do you think my gay nephew feels. This Catholic woman adores her gay nephew. Your rhetoric makes me terrified for his safety. I believe Jesus loves all people.

Criticism of Karen Pence is Outrageous. She's 2nd Lady but she's also a Christian. She took a position at a Christian School that adheres to Christian Doctrine a big part of her life. From the Bible to the Quran Homosexuality is rejected. 74 Countries Criminalize Homosexuality.

Lame ass religious fanatics. Why cant they live their own lives without pushing their beliefs on others? ignorance

This potus isn't offering any new protections for daca they didnt already have before his election, that's not going to fly

It is deeply offensive to me that the VP of the USA is a Christian bigot. I have to live with it... He will have to, too!

Is this still America ? Can we not work and live the way our personal convictions lead

It’s offensive to most Americans, and certainly REAL Christians, that you call a school that discriminated against ANYONE, “Christian”.

Did you not get the memo? Separation of church and state.

Guess Mother is trying to earn some money cause she knows VP mikey is going to the pokey w/realDonaldTrump! Her & her in the closet hubby can both go kick rocks for their stance on the LGBTQ community!

To call that Christian education is deeply offensive to Christians!

Welp, religions hiding behind their bible in order to further their bigoted beliefs is offensive to US.

So to everyone who believes m children of the corn as a adult pence is NOT as bad as 🍊👐🤡 EXHIBIT A

It’s too bad your idea of Christian education is bigoted and exclusionary.

Always some libs attacking Christian schools. Where is the outrage at the Muslim schools in US. Do you think they allow LGBTQ students?

VP To see you as our vice president is deeply offensive to us too

The Pences are deeply offensive to myself and millions of other Americans. There is something known as freedom of thought in this country. It is offered to all, not just religious fanatics.

Hey VP it’s not a Christian school when they are anti-anybody, in particular the LBGT community. Love not hate!

Thoughts and prayers Mike

His wife can teach a Christian education but we’re not going to support someone who thinks either us or our family members should die. I mean, DUH!

Pious Penis Pence sure has his Christian principles in order, excuse a sexual predator who has 5 children by three wives, pays off porn stars and makes policies that are racist! What will Jesus say?

Your so-called “respect for life” and your Christian charity only extends to those who look like you and live their lives like you. You and Mother make a joke of Christianity.

I’m offended

I attended Catholic school and have much to be grateful for in some of the teachings. However, it also greatly contributed to my own homophobia and pain of living closeted for years. Maybe you should reconsider your complete defense VP , especially now ...

We saw yesterday in Kentucky with Covington High School students what intolerance a “christian education” can create. VP and his wife should be setting an example of tolerance not hate. CovingtonCatholicHigh mikepence

Your “Christian” education is not Christian. I don’t recall Jesus banning anyone from access to him. You and your wife are deeply offensive to Christians. Please cease from mislabeling your reprehensible beliefs.

To see all these fake christians, like you, who seem to think they are superior to anyone else and that reject 'the least of these' flies in the face of the unconditional love that was HIS message. THAT is offensive you bigot! VP

...wondering how calling out a school and MOTHER for discriminating is an attack on Christian values.......also wondering why you and your wife are filled with such hatred ? I feel sorry for both of you.

VP Seeing Christian educated teens w/ their sponsor attack a native Vietnam Vet is appalling & NOT what Jesus would do. It IS, however, what trump did with racist remarks about native people two weeks ago. You & your wife need to climb down off the cross, someone needs the wood.

He and Trump are always the victims.

I don’t think it’s that bad VP Mike Pence. Just look at what a Christian education did for those fine Covington Catholic High School boys trying to MAGA on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Showing those native Americans the benefits of a private school Christian education

That is ok Mike. You are deeply offensive to me and a great many Americans.

Not Christian not Christ’s teachings. U are offensive

Christians are much worse than Muslims.

You are deeply offensive!!!

StormieJenny Mike&KarenPence made targets out of children of LGBTQ comm. It's hard to get people to be tolerant of others & we need to spare children the Pences' bs of setting a standard others will follow to bully, show hatred & abuse LGBTQ children. HateCrime AnitaBryant

Not enough work for her as second lady? No one cares about what work she wanted to do as second lady? Good!

Covington High School showed exactly what happens when you mix Republican Jesus with “Christian education” - you get hate. CovingtonShame

could SecondLadyoffensive is my 🏳️‍🌈 child seeing this “Christian” ideology Hearing the second most “important” “mother” feels the same about my kid is Not only offensive but deeply tragic your tone deaf bigotry is simply disgusting

To see bigots and separatists parading around as Christians is deeply offensive to us, too

What If next president by default Scary

Sorry Mikey, but YOU'RE what's offensive in this country and the sooner you and your boss are locked up the better off we'll all be.

Not as offensive as the administrations attack on everything American

VP has abandoned his values to satisfy his thirst for greed and power. That is grotesquely offensive to Christians. Pence’s chance for entry into purgatory has closed.

I am thankful for the Christian schools who hold values and teachings that keep our children safe and where life is not so confusing.

Not attacking Christian education only IGNORANT, DISCRIMINATORY, HATEFUL Christian Education.

and using religion to justify prejudice and hate is even more offensive

Mother Pence, wife of the VP of the US, working at a school which discriminates is a sad commentary on where our country has gone in the last 2 years. To think Pence COULD be POTUS when Trump is impeached is = scary to Trump.

Perhaps Mr. and Mrs. Mother should subject themselves to some form of conversion therapy to deal with their hurt feelings. VP GOP

Not good enough

It's so impressive how VP can twist the truth like that with his tongue.

Here’s the thing. It’s a private school so that’s how it works. The LGBTQ community is just going to have to accept the fact that not everybody is into them.

The creepy way you look at trump is pretty offensive ...

Oh, get off your cross, we need the wood.

Well, it is good to see Commander Pence admit that Christianity (at least his version) is actively hostile to anyone who doesn't fit narrow sexual/gender definitions. Not every Christian entity has restrictions like this school, so this is not a general observation.

Who cares if you’re offended, Mikey?

Then VP and ‘Mother’ are going to hate the American public attacking them for their deeply offensive, Anti-Christian beliefs?

If they have the right to be lgbtq don’t other people have a right to believe it’s wrong?

VP you don’t work for only the Xn right. You represent ALL Americans in this country. You also have zero credibility bc of your utter silence next to POTUS, which looks to be complicity. We might b more able 2 respect, or at least tolerate, u if u seemed as moral as you purport

Christian education is deeply offensive when it excludes people. VP. Shame on you and your wife.

They're not attacking Christian education, phlegm wad, they're attacking you both as a disgrace to the mere mention of Christianity... Christians worldwide and Jesus himself are offended by your comparison & hypocrisy...

He is deeply offensive to the human race.

I think mr and mrs pence missed the part of Christ's education that says it's really not ok to hate people... he must be 1 of those twice a year Christians

calling out bigotry is not an attack. WWJD?

Attacking Christian education? Trumpers put every truth through a meat grinder. They lie and deceive so effortlessly.....

He is deeply offensive .

The voices told him what to do. His wife keeps him in check 24/7 for what reason we don't know. The no tolerance couple.

Skeletor says what?

Did Mother tell you that?

I guess those snots from Covington blew his theory about good Catholic schools and what they produce.

She is disgraceful

Perhaps VP Pence would like to address the Christian education those young men exhibited in mocking a Native American hero...oh yeah, and BeBest


Someone tell Mikey we are deeply offended by his looney tune religiosity. I’m not looking for the “Rapture”

He needs to stop being offended and tell his bloated overload to open the government!

“To see major news organizations attacking Christian (sic) education is deeply offensive to us.” Fixed it

Pence gets a taste of how we feel about his fake man of God act.

If you pull down your pants/dress and do not know what your gender is you can file yourself under Liberals.....

Deeply offensive is the rhetoric about discrimination coming from the vp disguised as Christian Values. Jesus wouldn’t work at that school.

Jesus would have no problems with gays, sir😡🇺🇸

Fake Christianity is a cancer on this country. GOPCesspool TrumpSwamp FakeChristians

Christian is being the corner stone for America greatness!

Sorry VP...the media is not attacking 'christian education' just this particular school who's policies are one of hate and exclusion. A school that the second lady SHOULD NOT be working at. She represents the country, not religion.

Leave it to one of the crime bosses to obfuscate- It’s the blatant hypocrisy, numb nuts. Christianity is now unrecognizable. There is no love - no mercy - just hatred, lies, abuse, fear and racism. Makes me want to puke - certainly not go to church

Pence is offensive to any true Christian.

You Mikey and Mother are deeply offensive to us.

VP to see an elected person embrace hate while supposedly representing ALL of this country is deeply disturbing to us all...

VP let’s be clear, true religion or Christianity does not exclude anyone! Only the bigoted interpretation of religion results in organization practicing hurtful exclusion / discrimination practices and defense of these organizations shows your bigotry! resignpence

Just seeing or having to listen to the pences is offensive to most Americans

Good! I’m happy VP was offended! We’re offended that he would embrace discrimination!

VP SecondLady 'The freedom of religion is enshrined in our Constitution'. I hate to inform you that freedom of discrimination is not. All religions are bullshit.

Mike Pence is deeply offensive to me.

Pence is in public life and has to deal with what people say. What about his position on women’s rights to control their own future? What about equal protection under the law for EVERYONE which is a sworn oath the God Pence has taken?

Not half offencive as you people trampling on basic human rights specially women’s rights in regard to their body!!!

You both are greatly offensive to us! Bigotry and fear mongering personified.

More bigots hiding behind religion. Would Jesus force children to denounce homosexuality before he taught a thing? Own your bigotry Pences.

A school that bars, or in anyway discriminates, anyone or group is not Christian by virtue of its actions. Christ did not turn away anyone whatever their thoughts or beliefs. Consider the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4)

Those major MSM news organizations don’t attack Farrakhan? What’s wrong with this picture?

Smirking privileged white “Pro-Life” MAGA kid taunting Native American Elder is perfect visual metaphor for this evil TrumpGOP., VP

The Pence’s will need a 2nd income when Mike is either in prison or unemployable

Got some nerve.

Mike Pence is a fake Christian.

Your brand of Christian (?), education (?) is grossly offensive. And your Christian charitable concern for refugees from our brutal anti-democratic policies in Central America (Reagan, Bush 1) is a fraud. The humanitarian crisis you face is one of conscience and morality.

To watch Christian-educated boys attack native Americans in a mob is far more deeply offensive to us. Lack of tolerance is lack of tolerance and that’s what you and your wife are fostering vp

Well, this is America. They can choose to follow, endorse and participate in a form of Christianity that foments hatred of some groups, and others can call it out. You're free to be offensive, and offended, in America.

Why would people care that SecondLady a Christian, works at a a Christian school? She’s not demanding every person in the country share her beliefs! If you’re offended so be it!

News flash!! Your offensive to us!!!

Covington is a fine example of your Christian education



Didn't know there was such a thing? Hating? Discrimination? Christain education? Wow. Truth is. People that go to these measures ALWAYS hiding something. Well almost always🤔

You and your wife are deeply offensive to the American people

When you have to lie, you know you are on the wrong side of it.

Everything about everything YOU call 'christian' is offensive to me. Just a good ole homphob hiding behind the cross. Id love to see your internet search history. 🙄

The Trump is excellent at doing what loses votes. AND I LOVE IT! Keep up the good work Pence!

After these people, who wants to be a Christian?

Criticizing the way someone is born is deeply offensive too!

VP and his mother are deeply offensive to a majority of Americans. Homophobic assholes. And most likely in on the whole traitor thing too. MuellerInvestigation

To hear so called “Christians” pushing hateful rhetoric is unchristian. Love the neighbor as thyself.

Nice gas light

But Trump claiming to 'grab them by the 'p' doesn't bother him'?

To see you attack everyone that is not Christian is truly offensive to me. YOU were elected to represent ALL Americans, not just the ones You personally agree with.

FYI mike_pence we're attacking the hatred & bigotry at your wife's school. Not the educational value, which is a different argument. 🤪

He needs to say to himself 'WHAT WOULD JESUS DO'!!! Not what he, his wife and the yellow haired man are doing!

To see homophobia from politicians in America is terribly offensive ; not your Christianity that preaches to not judge and exclude ppl.

What's offensive is hearing the VP call bigotry and hatred 'Christian.' I'm praying for you.

Attacking Christian school policy. No one is attacking how the teach math or English...we're attacking their school policy which promotes hate and discrimination.

Pence continuing to spread his brand of hatred, immorality and bigotry is offensive to me ans most of america!!!

Bigotry and discrimination while hiding behind 'christian education' is still bigotry and discrimination.

Not her working there?! Puhleeze🤢

Christian education = delusional based bigotry.

Why does this joke of a “news story” keep coming to the top of my feed? If you want to send me old news, push stories of the good old days, when the media criticized and held Presidents, and wanna-be Presidents, accountable for their words and deeds.

Yeah, I wonder why anyone would ever think that.... 🙄

VP & SecondLady

Mrs. Pence's support of a bigoted homophobic school is deeply offensive to me. Teaching hatred to another generation of humans is deeply offensive.

Because Christian teaching is racist, homophobic and offensive....

Christian Education aka white supremacy education. Pence is as much Christian as I am a model.

By that measure we should quietly accept those Covington students harassing the Native American Veteran. Because what people do in the name of religion always right.

PenceChristian zealot fundamentalist bent is not very Christian at all I guess Trump’s bigotry, hate adultery and enmity is ok with your fundamentalist views must make you feel better re: treating your neighbors (lgbtq) different than yourself Hypocrite Sad

It's offensive to me that there's ED institutions w/restrictions such as this. Is he intimating that the LGBTQ community isn't deserving of attending a Christian education based school?If the VP wants people to think he live a Christian life, you don't get the prize,don't judge.

The “tolerant” liberals show their true colors in these comments. A hateful group.

It's not Christian education. It's bible-thumping intolerance.

BrianGrNotABot Know what's deeply offensive to me? Pence calling that 'Christian Education'. I think Jesus might disagree.

Frankly Mother, “I don’t give a damn!”

Not just news organizations pence. Evangelicals do not have a god given right to say who is acceptable and who isn’t! Bigoted.

Not nearly as offensive as they are to us.

Thoughts and prayers.

As a Catholic, what I find deeply offensive is fellow christians thinking it is okay to discriminate against someone based on something that is none of our business.

No one's attacking christian education....we're attacking any education that discriminates against anyone!

Funny thing is if he were a muslim the Democrats would defend him. Lol, theyre so stupid.

He and his wife and their unkind unloving unwelcoming “Christianity” are offensive to me.

But targeting certain groups of people is soooo filled with christian values, huh!

To see the vice president's wife openly discriminate against the gay community is extremely offensive to the rest of the world. Christian privilege/hate needs to end.

Don't we still have that choice in American, or did the Liberals take that away?

His outrage at our outrage outrages me. It sounds funny, but it's not. He's drifted so far from humanity he believes in inequality. You're awful, VP. If hell existed, your wife would be teaching there, too.

Leave them alone, it is their right to practice their religeon.

Job? Mother has a job? I thought that was against Christian values? She should be at home cleaning and cooking for you!!

You are pretty deeply offensive to many of us.

Those two are disgusting.

Is this school teaching the same Christian values as Covington ?

Supporting an organization that discriminates against the very people you were hired to represent is offensive to me.

Like those Catholic Kids in the MAGA hats!

I know many schools that are religiously based. None of them have such discriminatory rules.

He’s deeply offensive to normal people.

We ARE PAYING YOU! Separation of CHURCH and STATE! Stop hiding behind FAKE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS in order to Discriminate and spread HATRED and IGNORANCE!

It’s not Cristian education, it’s the indoctrination of white supremacy under the guise of Christianity. NOTHING Christ like about that.

There's something wrong if you can't accept people for who they are. Some people use religion to hide their prejudices. Just saying!

If Jesus was gay Pence would have been first in line at the crucifixion. It would have been a disqualifying trait for the savior.

Seeing you lie for and protect a lying commander in chief is disturbing and deeply offensive to us to but that hasn't stopped you either.

VP -Ya either get it, or ya don’t. Obtuse Homophobe JesusFreak

No...being a racist...a bigot and homophobic is offensive. Doesn't the bible say NOT to discriminate?

To see educational institutions attacking human beings for something they don't have any control over is deeply offensive to the rest of us.

I'm so proud of you both! Way to go! My prayers are for you both!

It is a private school and they have their rights. She also has the right to teach there. She doesn’t have to conform to every liberal idea like there are 15 genders?

this isnt Christian education this is right wing delusional teaching using the church as cover

Christians worshipping a golden idol in the Oval Office is offensive. Lying thru your teeth is offensive. Staring longingly at the *president* when he speaks is offensive and downright creepy.

Hypocrite! Hate, racism, discrimination is not Christian!

WWJD Mikey?

May be that school and their worker doesn't know the love of God the only love they know Is the love for money

And them passing laws according to their religion Is not only unsettling but deeply offensive to me

The Bible says homosexuality is wrong. It’s their right & others to hold the same opinion of God. If you don’t want us in your business stay out of ours.

Funny how he left out the philosophy they espouse!

Ummmm no. That's not even what they are doing. They are telling you to stop being homophobic.


Mike Pence if you do the crime, you do the time.

Probes of, because that is NOT Christian education!

Well your wife taking a job that looks down on, excludes or threatens HELL because of sexual orientation OFFENDS THE REST OF US! What happened to you as a child anyway? VP mike_pence SecondLady

That school does not practice Christianity. Neither do the Pences. They practice some form of exceptionalism that is exclusions land harmful to real faith and human values.

I could make a list of things he offends me on

May I repeat...schools that exclude on the basis of gender, race, or sexual orientation are offensive to me.

People have no right to criticize, discrimination and hatred is a part of their heritage.

Pence, you are deeply offensive to Americans!

The same number of American’s that didn’t vote for trump also didn’t vote for pence.

Stop using Christianity to promote your Racist agenda Pence. Your hypocrisy has no bounds and is incased in hate for accepted lifestyles and religions you are failing miserably and have no meaningful future thank God for that.

I hope you never get the chance to run for president, grown up with very religious people that have good faith but that's not what we're talking about here and you know it, hopefully you and Trump will fade away

God loves all people regardless of their choices and when you don’t do the same you are not being godly

Two things: 1) Christianity doesn’t teach hate or exclusion. 2) Everything about Mike Pence is offensive. CreepyMike PresidentPelosi

He shouldn't even be Vice President with his views. It's just HORRIBLE. He took an oath. He is suppose to be for ALL PEOPLE .

It is not Christian! It may say that on the school advertising flyer, but it's not. What would Jesus say?

Do you suppose that your god isn't offended by YOUR rejection of human beings that your god made? Would the son of your god do what YOU and YOUR WIFE do what you are doing? And, you think you'll get into your heaven! HAHAHA!

How dare you presume to speak for Christians! Nothing you do remotely resembles the teachings of Jesus who was inclusive. Jesus crossed borders not create them. Your hypocrisy is harmful, your rhetoric hateful & your cruelty is criminal.

Hate is not Christian education.

VP no one is saying anything about “Christian” part,the smug Holier then Thou evangelical ideals that you think you’re chosen by God to be the standard bearer and everyone different then you is inferior. You sir and rest of your “administration” are least Christian people in USA

Seeing a man who supposedly is a Christian suck up to Trump twenty four seven and dewfend his evil racist policies is offensive to many of us Americans

Uhhhhh because it's a private Christian school and criticism of Christianity is not new.🙄

Womp womp

They’re not attacking Christian education, they’re attacking “Christians” lack of concern and compassion for the LGBTQ/transgender people and others.

What’s offensive is our political leaders endorsing cults.

The Vice President and his mommy wife being homophobes is extremely offensive to many Americans

Jill Biden did the same without this scrutiny. Gee, you'd almost think this admin are being treated differently by the media.

Pence is deeply offensive.

Do you stand for this and Do you associate yourself with Westboro VP

Karen Pence should work at Covington Catholic. These boys seem like very fine people

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

To see the VP and his wife actively support anti-LGBTQ education, bigotry, and hate in the name of religion is deeply disturbing to us.

The fact that your so called religion persecutes other human beings (Gods creatures) because of their choice of who to love, is deeply offensive to all of us real Christians. Who the hell do you people think you are to pass judgement on anyone else. It is not your job!!!!!

Trump lived his entire life in a bubble. I'd never heard of any of his admin/cabinet until he allegedly hired the best people. Flynn was fired by 44. Tillerson, Manafort, Devos, McMahon, Mnuchin, Price, Scott, et al were all presented to him by Bannon/Miller. Game recognize game.

What it is Pence is Racism and your part of it!

Pence, you are not a Christian. You hide behind your brand of religious hubris to appear to the public as honorable. Your love of self, your attachment to others, who betray humility, honesty and love of thy neighbor, are sure signs that you lack Christian values.

what the media is attacking is the blatant bigotry. calling intolerance & hate 'christian education' doesn't make it any less despicable.

This man lives in his own reality, much like his boss.

Everything about vp is offensive to us, especially mother..

Nasty people

vp Mr and Mrs Pence - does your form of Christian education include humility? You need some - you are so plainly arrogant, ignorant, closed-minded, and completely full of yourselves.

There’s no excuse for bigotry, especially from a public official.

Mike Pence is deeply offensive to me for more reasons than 280 characters will allow.

So HE obviously doesn't get the point. LOVE it when bigots turn crap around and make themselves the victim. SMDH

Discrimination is not a part of your job VP You are to support all people. White/black/LGBT/Straight/Disabledall Americans. Your wife's choice of employment does not support that.

That’s no Christian

No one is attacking Christian education. They are pointing out this particular schools anti-Christian, discriminatory rules & your approval of them at the expense of people that don’t live up to your myopic views.

When Mike Pence was elected with Trump, his wife told him he got what he wanted and to leave her alone. I wonder why. Marriage made in heaven?

“It’s deeply offensive to Christians when others call out our deeply offensive behavior.”

No, nobody is attacking a “Christian education.” They are correctly pointing out the bigotry of the school’s policy.

Homophobia is deeply offensive to the majority of Americans VP

Does the word “christian” have two different meanings now?

Make no mistake America. This is what Christianity in America basically is now. A hateful and oppressive organization

That same school proudly displays excerpts from the bible of murdering gays, that should be offensive as well. No?

VP is a ❄️

They are attacking homophobia. Everyone knows that. Homophobia is not inherently christian. It is extremism.

vp to see you and SecondLady dismiss thousands of American citizens rights because they are lgbtq is deeply disturbing to us. hypochristian

Pence lying to the American people and covering up for Trump is offensive to all Americans. I also think he’s entangled in the Russia Investigation somehow.

Your unChristian attitude is offensive to the rest of us, Mr. VP.

What kind of secret service detail is involved in this choice? How much does her job cost tax payers?

gardengirlove Oh i think the recent and historic bullying behavior documented by covington catholic high school and religious education's lessons of hate, misogyny and intolerance are all we need to show what a complete and utter failure 'christian' education is. VP should be offended at that

That is Christian education? Here all these years, I thought I was brought up Christian but the teachings in my Lutheran church never taught hate or discrimination. We were taught love, giving, forgiveness and acceptance.

I guess he doesn’t understand true Christians and true educators support the LGBTQ community and anything less is discrimination. That’s offensive.

As a person who believes in God I don’t believe God wants you to behave the kids from Covington Catholic behaved if Christian values they are not very good Christians. If this is Mike Pence way it doesn’t seem to be Christian lecture some more Mike Pence Is not a good example

What’s Christian about banning LGBQT students & employees? That’s exclusive, judgemental, & prejudicial....none are tenets of Christianity. ..disgraceful VP

Ok.... I saw no attack, just info on what the school does... Does the school have in place what was reported on? It's either; Yes, No, or not all correct...

What should be offensive to VP and his wife is d fact that they claim to be christians but act like they belong to the devil cause they be hating LGBT community. Jesus will never judge, he love & accepted everyone. Love, & sexual preference is ones prerogative, is not religion.

VP calling himself a Christian is offensive.

God loves all sinners and forgives them; It is very sad that Pence does not!

Mrs. Pence - adults bullying gay and trans kids aren't behaving 'Christian'

How Christian of the school!

Maybe vp and his bigoted wife SecondLady should take a look at CovingtonCatholic for an example of why the majority of Americans have a problem with “Christian” schools.

It's a free country and Mrs. Pence may teach where ever she wants. What's your problem, NBC? JesusLoves

😂😂😂 Christian education boy is that one a joke coming from VP doesn't he broke the Thou shalt not lie He just finished lying about ISIS etc I mean we know without a doubt trump has done every sin in the bible many times over he ain't ever acted like a saint but vp is worse

homosexualmafia on the attack AGAIN!! SHE CAN WORK WHEREVER SHE WANTS TO WORK!! These DEMON possessed homosexuals need to step off!!

Mike Pence, everything you and your wife stand for, do, lie about and look like offends me and makes my skin crawl.


VP calling his wife mother is deeply offensive to 70 percent Americans

VP get over it we are all watched Christian education in action this weekend in DC & more offensive is your approval of Christian discrimination against the LGBTQ community. 💙❤️🧡💚💜

You are no longer a new station it's come to a point where you're just making stuff up might as well be Fox News light

And the bigotry intolerance homophobia and beliefs they teach in these places is pathetic.This really doesn’t bode well for these children’s future of ours!

'Born again' Christians love to feel persecuted. It's part of their Gospel identity. Trouble is, they usually commit some offensive public act, people say 'holy shit' and they cry 'defamation'! ClangingGongs

They r fake Christians as far as I’m concerned

Hey Karen (aka 'Mother'), When did Christ tell us to exclude, judge and hate? I'll wait.

And seeing hatred and bigotry taught to children in the name of Jesus is deeply offensive to all of us.

Who cares

Much like the the LGBTQ community is offended ?

All religions provide a hiding place for radical people. ISIS suicide bombers and anti-LGBTQ think alike. Intolerance. More people have died in the name of god than for any other reason. I believe in death after life. The other way makes no sense.

Just going to leave this here .....

Things that don’t offend Pence: locking kids in cages, not paying government workers, colluding with a hostile foreign government and blatant racism

VP welp truth hurts....

vp secondlady they did not criticize it, they reported on it. if it was supposed to be hidden from the public, then you're the one embarrassed by it.

Mike Pence,Your Wife And The School Are Bigots!!!

As I was reading all the comments it seems you all that are against him are all bigots and racist for what His beliefs, his religion I think when your f'n perfect then maybe you might have the right to judge.

But imagine the fit he'd pitch about someone working at an Islamic school that banned Christian kids.

Faux-Christians don’t deserve tax-exempt non profit status. Strip it.

Please, ask VP is this his mother's disciple.

VP that you all have such disregard for the USA is more offensive. Hope you enjoy prison. PutinsPuppets

Yes, what you people say about iChristians is more offensive to us than what we do to them gay people. Gay people have a choice to be gay we don’t have a choice to be Christian because we are born this way.

What’s deeply offensive to us is the administration you work for. An administration that has divided this country with it’s hateful rhetoric and has an amoral leader that chooses deception over truth. Live your faith hypocrite. CNN nytimes washingtonpost

Not a Christian education—indoctrination by a “Christian” cult. Mrs. Pence can do what she wants, but she should not pretend to be Christian in the real sense.

VP “Offensive to us”? Shame you use such language as US & THEM, idiot? He tweeted an authoritarian “MUST STOP criticising Christian schools”. Really?

Homophobia is deeply offensive to me.

Who am I to judge LGBTQ, but who tf are you mf to judge him also, its their life, and the can choose however they want to live, the problem I have with lgbtq community is their double standard, they want support, but can't support you, bunch of crazy shitholes.

Pence you missed the point it’s racism that is being criticized

VP That’s not Christian education. That’s old fashioned bigotry. GOP

That your wife, as the 2nd lady, works where she does is highly offensive.

Isn’t that SPECIAL?

They are not Christian with those beliefs. THEY are offensive.

They're both deeply disgusting. I don't know how to express the terror of their ignorance.

No, Mikey, what's offensive is the homophobic hate in your hypocritical heart.

And this is why we were so glad to get rid of him in Indiana. Hypocrites...all of them.

AGAIN...I’m sure the HYPOCRITE would be SILENT had a school opened up that say VP’s wife JILL BIDEN worked at they ONLY EXCLUDED CHRISTIANS! ..... So PENCE Wynette A-OK with that! Riiiiiiiiight? /s

What’s offensive is bigots claiming their bigotry has anything to do with Christianity.

Stop commenting on every move VP Pence’s wife is making. STOP! Our Country is in a crisis with Dems wanting open borders. Think for one minute...how this will affect your life & our lives in the US ! THINK ABOUT IT !

Mikeymgm1701 Maybe we’ll just keep the criminal Trump. The VP is part of a doomsday cult.

You need to Re-Evaluate your Values!

It’s the ppl whole not news orgs. The ppl think it’s a shame. Just like whole admin.

What is in you, is in you. It’s hard to unearth deeply embedments of evil.

Methinks Mike Pence likes anal

Using your christianity to discriminate against others is deeply offensive to me.

Who gives a flying fuk what VP says. He’s as irrelevant as it gets.

Dear Mike_Pence: I'm a follower of Christ. You know what Jesus said about homosexuality? NOTHING. But he did talk a lot about love. I will pray for you & hope that your hate of LGBTQ employees and students will one day dissipate. Also, please tell POTUS to reopen government.

There is a difference between reporting and attacking. Pence might want to learn the difference.

Oof. CNN and MSNBC are 80% LGBQT, this won’t bode well for former Veep.

VP and his “mother “ are offensive to 3/4 of the country

jncbooks Well that’s ok VP because your fake piety is very disturbing to us. You’ve been caught in lies and that doesn’t seem like a Christian value. Is it not an oxymoron that a Christian school , meaning teaching in ways of Jesus, would be so intolerant of folks who are different?

Your definition of Christian is different than mine.

The Religion has ZERO to do with the Criticism of her Job! It’s the Fact that the school Discriminates Against LGBTQ People Mr VP which is offensive to a lot of people!

He, Trump & Catholic white punks wearing red baseball caps that block an Indian and mock/taunt him are deeply offensive. I hope they're all expelled and parents lose right to their kids. Send them into the system, lose their names and parents like they do to ppl at the border.

VP mike_pence how would jesus feel about you discriminating against lgbt people?

At a school that practices separation of church and state

He should pray about it thoughtsandprayers

Congratulations! She can work where she wants to and can have the values she holds dear to her.

Karen Pence is deeply disturbing.

NB The following artists have no place in Mrs VP 's course. I trust she will avoid even mentioning them:

❤️❤️Please support my GoFundMe campaign: gofundme GMA CREWcrew Crowd_LOC ❤️❤️ I’m not proud of this action! We are 29 days & will not receive any monies when pawning and doors open to our jobs! ❤️❤️😢😢 BET

It's funny how all religious nut jobs, and this covers all religions, justify their hatred by hiding behind their skewed messed up extream version of it, Pence and people like him are really no different from an isis member, just different extreams but ultimately the same.

Your beliefs are deeply offensive to me!

You’re deeply offensive to us.

Vpeepee miKKKie peepee a $talini$t_ru$$ian KKKhri$tian of the $atan_ je$u$ KKKult!!

I’ll tell you what’s offensive Mr VP, is that your wife would teach at a school that is clearly full of bigotry.

Vp To see so-called Christians attacking a Native American hero while their Christian school administrators look away is deeply disturbing. John:8 Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Doesn’t he call his wife “mom” or something?

So funny to see Pence hide behind his wife & beliefs when he's sooooo gay.

Oh blah blah no one attacked they just informed you must feel guilty

God will judge the Pence's and hell is their destiny! VP So sick of this current administration and the bottom feeders who are running this country into the ground!! Whoever voted for these as$holes should be ashamed!! This country needs changing!! ImpeachTrump ImpeachPence

They’re not attacking Christian education. They’re attacking hatred and bigotry, which by the way are not Christian values.

Mikeymgm1701 His sanctimonious demand that we privilege his perversion of Christ so he can rain judgement on the marginalized is DEEPLY OFFENSIVE

Christian education is a bit of a misnomer

VPenis flacciddly dribbles offensively on crazed USA

bfm4440 Christian education?These people wouldn’t know Christ if He took off His crown of thorns & made them eat it!Are they familiar with Corporal Works of Mercy, teachings of Jesus & given us as a model for how we should treat ALL others, as if they were Christ in disguise. ALL OTHERS!

Pretty much everything about the Pences are offensive to me, so IDGAF.

What VP fails to realize it's not the Christian School (most) people object to. What people are rightly angry about is the school's anti-LGBTQ policies. Discrimination has no place in America or religious entities.

eversollae The pence's would probably have no objections if this were happening here too:

Go read the constitution. It would do you a world of good.

His position as Vice President saddens me.

You be offended Mikey & Karen.. It dont seem to bother you who you offend or how deeply. Good news is this guy is waiting on both of you. RotInHell DevilsGonnaDrillYa

eversollae the pence's need to stop using their so-called christian beliefs to excuse their bigotry- it is unacceptable for anyone in our society to promote such hateful and discrimatory ideas with no repercussions and then hide behind the 'religion' shield.

When he decided to follow Trump as VP, He promised to stand with all Americans, not a selected group, He swore this, what he followed before and after he finishes this job is his business, this also reflects on his family, if he does not understand/respect this he should resign.

At what point did that become 'Christian Education' VP ?

Christian Education has ZERO room for prejudice. Yet right in Mrs Spence’s contract is a “No Room in the Inn” message for LGBT kids and teachers. Remember WWJD? If you think Christ would have turned *anyone* away, your version of Christianity isn’t based on Christ!

Hahahahaha Christians in name only.

If Pence thinks that's offensive, just wait until he hears about the white haired guy that attempts to claim moral superiority over the LGBT community while supporting a sexual assaulting lying racist traitor robbing the country while destroying democracy.

Christian are suppose to love everybody

Should never be able to teach

Pence is deeply offensive.

If you don’t like the school don’t send your kids there pretty simple. But Christians have every right to follow their teachings.

It’s not Christian education, it’s white privileged education.

Ask me if I care?

Religion in general is offensive to me. “Religion, giving human beings an excuse to oppress other human beings since forever”

Pence & his mommy are so offensive

Yeah, where have we heard that before. FYI Gays were sent to Auschwitz in 1940.

Hey Pence... What is offensive? You and mother ignoring... All people are created EQUAL!!!

As the wife of the Vice President of the US, she should not be working at a school with a policy against students and staff who are gay. She is not a private citizen now. She has a responsibility to set an example of tolerance toward others. Work at another school.

The hatred of this kind of education was exposed again this weekend. CovingtonCatholicHighSchool

NBCNews we find this administration's attacks on immigrants, blacks,Muslims, women & children offensive, but here we are

This entire admin is deeply offensive to me.

When ‘ religious’ bigotary begins it ends up with Catholic school boys intimidating elderly man and not a single adult intervenes. Mrs pence should go and teach the poorest of children who need her help regardless of their religion and sexuality. This isn’t Christianity

Well then maybe he should want to be a real Christian the same way he wants to become a real boy one day !

We hate you Mike!


Pence is just another pathetic excuse of a bigot. He claims him and his wife were offended, by criticism! Now he knows what it feels like to be treated with stigma! LGBQT have had endure decades and a lifetime to find peace & acceptance, even by law! He can't hide behind a bible!

Oh boohoo, pence your so-called christian values are offensive to me!

No one is attacking Christian education. The problem is with blatant discrimination cloaking itself AS “Christian education.”

Qualifying homophobia as Christian is deeply offensive.

... and you VP and what you stand for are deeply offensive to us.

Probably because there is such a thing as freedom of religion......or is MSNBC going to try & rewrite the Constitution. By the way, are there any Christians at MSNBC? Just curious.

The fact that your Vice President is offensive to us!

Locking up innocent kids is wrong, severe, and inhumane!

The Trump Administration using American politics to discriminate and marginalize people is deeply offensive.


Christianity,the bible, and organized religion dont have anytbing to do with God. They are man-made. The bible is a flawed man made book. And religion is the bible's man made fan club. None of it truly represents the true spirit of divine light and love. compassion loveforall

To see students, parents and teachers of ChristianEducation private schools harassing Native Americans and war vets is just a tad offensive too Mother VP Pence hypocrisy gtfo

Well pence you’re offensive to the entire country! You know what they say about people who hate the LGBTQ...maybe you need to come out the closet bro

We are in the UNITED States of America, your beliefs disunites us. Welcome the criticism,then.

They are suppose to think of all Americans and just shows they do not.

Deeply offensive? Why I find deeply offensive is bigots like VP attacking people like me just because of who we are.

Lol. Lol.

He seems to be unaware that even Christians can't agree on ONE doctrine, one way to educate Christians. Love seems fairly prominent in all of them though,so that seems like a good place to start. Get educated Pence family.

Trouble is that’s not Christian education. That’s a version of indoctrination and it’s not Christian.

See homophobia, intolerance and fascism offend me.

values VP MAGAyouth

pence attacking news media is deeply offensive to me. he is an effing coward, to put it charitably

Well I guess everyone has the right to choose what they want to do. Just like we all do. And everyone does whatever we like it or not.

Why is it that what people hate the most, the more they avoid, the more that happen to them and the more they are punished. Be careful, Pence, you have daughters and you will have grandchildren, and that is where you will pay for all your sins,may be already you doing.🤣

VP It is disturbing that any employment, parents and students are denied welcome in God's name. You aren't being attacked or demeaned. No one stops you from attending, working, or worshipping. The news media fairly reported facts not sins. I find your moral compass to be broken.

Oh I’ll bet Mother’s art class will be so popular.

If Mrs Pence wants to do something that really helps with her talent why did she pick a school that may teach the bible but we also have to live what we believe and teaching children n public schools could give a child with talent & encouragement belief in themselves 2 go further

Hate & bigotry are NOT Christian...nor are they education.

Your and mother's narrow mindedness and bigotry are deeply offensive to me.


Um what? You find that offensive? 🤦🏼‍♀️

SecondLady is offensive.

I don't know what they mean by 'Christian education'. But it is not being hateful to another human being, casting someone out etc. These are not Christian values.

These are cruel people hiding under the cover of Christianity. No better than the Taliban committing atrocities.

Words are not needed. The same shit, different packaging. For VP, his mother and those insipid & blatantly tragic schools:

I laugh watching him trying to display a little backbone.

Referring to your wife as 'mother' offends the hell out of me...

Christians of intolerance and selective with their love? What would Jesus say to you Mike?

The Pences, selective Christians. I find that deeply offensive!! FakeChristians

Hmm, and I find the products of 'Christian education' to be not only deeply offensive, but actual menaces to society and human decency CovingtonCatholic homophobiaistaught christislovenothate

Well, you’re deeply offensive to us, Mike.

We all find the news coverage deeply offensive 👍

If that institution is anti-LGBTQ, I will attack it till my last breath!

Pence says it is offensive 4 major news organizations attacking Christian education. Well it is offensive not just 2 other Christians who Believe the Bible saying only God will Judge,It is a sin 4 us 2 judge just because u disagree w/lifestyle, & prevent them from a Christian ed.

It's deeply offensive that they are such bigots, so there is that....

.TheDemocrats Call McConnell at: 202-224-2499 207-442-4554 606-864-2026 859-578-0188 859-224-8286 502-582-6304 DEMAND THAT HE STOP PROTECTING realDonaldTrump AND BRING THE HOUSE BILLS TO THE FLOOR FOR A VOTE. STOP THIS PHONY EMERGENCY!

Do what your heart tells and leads you to do SecondLady

My pastors a Christian and he’s gay

Mentally abusing children by teaching them that if they do something against god they will burn in Hell forever!!! Your religion and the hypocrisy of your actions related to it is disturbing to me!

That hypocrite is more offensive, smh.

“We bigots are the true victims here!”

VP is offended because people don’t agree that a large group of people shouldn’t be ostracized and shamed because of how they are born? Get a grip and stop hiding your hate behind “oh it’s my religion “

If 'Christian education' is embodied by Covington Catholic High School, it deserves to be attacked and attacked and attacked and attacked.

Anti-human beings is offensive to me.

Pence is the best Vice President America could have. Such a great match with Trump.

After reading what Jesus presched, I'm certain that Pence and his 'mother' are deeply offensive to Christ MAGAidiots

They don’t care what you think and she will be at that school

That's not Christian education

It’s your right to live believe what ever tickles your whatever. Than it’s however doesn’t believe in gay lifestyle. Why is so difficult to comprehend or expect. You have no other rights that permit you to force your abnormal lifestyle on anyone or religion

To see racist Christians in this world is highly offensive to JESUS who gave his life for the sins of others. Your sins against people that don't look or live like you can't be forgiven. The result is purgatory for your sins. HYPOCRITES HELL IS IN YOUR FUTURES

This 'man' VP also refused to meet with a woman without having his wife present. WTF? He is disguises discrimination as religious devotion. He supports moving on her like a bitch.

Christian education does not include hate, intolerance or exclusion. But then “evangelicals” are not really Christians, but modern day Pharisees in sheep’s clothing.😡

I noticed that the words 'moral purity' were used in the schools employment contract. Am I the only one that finds that totally hypocritical? There is nothing 'moral' pure or otherwise, in promoting hate and division under the guise of religious freedom.

....ummm, stop teaching stupid hate shit in your schools? Oh, and evolution happens. Ask the drug industry who is and has been bailing on the antibiotic industry. The days of having to amputate your leg from a simple cut are coming back....

Yes. Attacking any group is deeply offensive Mike.

Wait! Isn’t VP closeted?

To be racist is deeply offensive to me

Please let us be bigoted in peace!

Fuck Mayonnaise Mike and his backwards beliefs.

This is the United States of America, VP GovPenceIN, not Gilead. If you are a bigot and can't even be alone in a room with another woman, you're more like the Taliban than an American. Resign, Mike. Resist Impeach45 MikePence KarenPence

Monumental hypocrisy.

What are the odds that when the host told people to “kneel” and pray, Pence thought that was his que that he had to run out of the venue?

Y r so many people surprised 😲 by this Pence has never approved of gays he is homophobia. That y I was surprised they voted for him n trump they hate lgbtq people.

Here you go with your 'education' ... Who but the students in this are attacking it? Or owning it as bigotry, and racism, in action?

.VP believes that unless you believe the way he does you will not be allowed to enter the kingdom of god when you die and you will be damned to hell. It’s kinda like Sharia Law for Evangelical Christians.

I wonder if he finds it as offensive as Christian youths from an elite Christian school abusing an elderly war veteran without reprimand or intervention of any kind from their attendant Christian teachers?

Try Buddhism instead.

That is not christian education. Christ did not bar anyome, on the contrary. This is racist education.

Speaks volumes

Snowflakes melt so easy!

VP SecondLady you don’t have the choice to ”pick and choose” certain parts of the Bible to justify your actions, inactions, and decisions.

They just do not get it and that is what is so disturbing about them. It is their hypocrisy that is so offensive. I hope he is indicted along with the rest of the con team. He needs a lesson in humility, accountability and real Christian inclusion.

Two kingdoms: 'We can do whatever we want here as long as we follow the word of the lord in heaven.' Definition: 'We can use religion to gain wealth and live in excess because it doesn't matter. Why should we care about the poor and sick, when this life doesn't matter?'

Whatever happened to « love thy neighbor as thy self »? Narrow mindedness and Christian are not synonymous. Pence perversely confuses the issue.

Remember, this is the man who cannot sit across from a woman without having impure thoughts.

Someone needs to explain to VP that the hating of and discrimination against LGBTQ cummunity is about as far away from Christianity as it gets. If he is self-hating & closeted, then'love thy neighbor like thyself' the hating of LGBTQ makes sense to him and his wife?

LOL good one hypocracy

Go stand before your God & explain how you have opted to ‘hate the sinner’ when His charge is the opposite! Your ‘Christian Heart’ needs a heart transplant so you can love your neighbour & be the eyes, voice & hands of God to those who will not experience it but through you!

VP SecondLady are snails, scum, slugs. They resemble a couple graduated “gay conversion therapy” than love like I see in my parents’ eyes. VP stands next to a philanderer, abuser of women, & amoral sleaze with pride. Christian? A TITLE! like VPOTUS 🤬🤯

VP. To see Christian School kids taunting and mocking a Vietnam vet and Elder is deeply offensive to me.

Ah yes. The real victims.

Barring LGBTQ is not Christian. Shari'a law disguised as Christianity.

VP Pence and his mommy are deeply offensive to me and my values.

Pence is offensive to me

VP I find it hugely offensive that you have ignored THE story of the day - MAGA hat wearing students from a religious school harassing and taunting a Native American elder and US Veteran.

Christian education that allows harrassment of not only an Anerican Native, the people us white people quasi enslaved by reason of christianity, but also an american veteran.

A few things, VP : • No one is attacking (actual) Christian Education. • Christian Education is not held in facilities that discriminate, bc Jesus Christ did not discriminate, nor did he bring that idea to the people of his time. • What’s being attacked is discrimination.

so letme get this str8...Pence is upset that his wife is getting negative push back from her alignment w/ a school that discriminates against Gay ppl & that should be ok?

TarotBuster Ok Mike. Cut the crap. Your boss does things that are reprehensible & you support him.

The title should have read, 'Mike Pence clutches his pearls in a fake outburst of male hysteria'.

VP do you know what is deeply offensive to me as a practicing Christian? The fact that you support and encourage trump even though he is a misogynistic, wife beating, serial adulterer, who has, throughout his life shown nothing that espouses the Christian virtues I hold dear

Hate is not Christian or any other religion. Hate is evil

VP You criticize those who are critical of your religious beliefs and say that you are deeply offended. Well, I’m deeply offended that you are a Traitor and bow down to a crook like Donald Trump. Hypocrite

Paul Manafort handpicked Mike Pence to be Trump's VP.

Well then we're even then... I am disgusted by 'Christian 'Education'' Pence...

Merri__Magic Their existance is offensive to me ..and others Im sure

Can they go away? Worst example of values this close to the presidency.

VP GOP SenateDems SenateGOP PressSec To see students of a Catholic school mocking a native American and veteran is deeply offensive to me and a lot of persons, but since we haven't heard a peep from you about that, I guess you're OK with that disgusting behaviour?..

And to have Pence as our Vice President is deeply offensive to *US*. His wife, 'Mother', is just an added insult to injury. They both need to go away. Penceisuseless notmyvp

What is deeply offensive to many Americans is VP and his wife promote hatred , bigotry, and unacceptance. The largest offense is that they are teaching this to CHILDREN. These are not the teachings of Christ - Jesus promoted love not hatred.

Message to VP, enabler of a traitor RussianAsset & CHINO:

It's not about religion or education. It's about elitism and exclusion, regardless of the rationale. It's like the way people used to use religion to justify slavery.

She is entitled to her beliefs just as gay people are. Maybe she could get a job teaching ethics at Covington Catholic. She might fit in well.

She has a right She has a right to believe as we all should a man and women

Because, if you were to believe VP Race Bannon, it would seem the number 1 function of ANY 'Christian' school is to discriminate against ANY LGBTQ individual! He might not say that but that's clearly what they believe! Such hypocrisy in the name of religion!

It's all about timing, How weird is that...

Cry me a river VP.

Please. Spare us.

The idea of schools that promote hate and intolerance are deeply objectionable to the majority of Americans.

Just the bigoted education.

This guy is a bigot. That’s why he’s where he is. Wake up, America.

Because, if you were to believe VP Race Bannon, it would seem the number 1 function of ANY 'Christian' school is to discriminate against ANY LGBTQ individual! He might not say that but that's clearly what they believe! Such hypocrisy in the name of religion!

Leave the woman alone

It's offensive that the hateful Pence's are in office

If Vice-Traitor Pence gets any more Phony than he already is, somebody will need to stake him out a spot in the Wax Museum.🤨

It’s not Christian education VP it’s called being bigots!

VP see how you are complicit of keeping /men/women/children/babies in cages like animals it’s offensive for us and for true Christians.

He supports and took the VP position from a guy he knew is a racist, adulterer, liar, bully, who hasn't an ounce of empathy or concern for anyone but himself. Plus his rocker is broken.Pence is a fraud

news flash: you, your wife & your hateful 'christian' views on the world are deeply offensive to most of us.

That evangelical religion is not catholic or Christian it is about the same ideology as extreme Islamist Almost identical in thinking

They are not attacking your religion but the fact that gay students and teachers can’t go there

To see the 2nd Lady of the United States participating in out right discrimination is far more offensive. As a reminder to VP mike_pence both he & the 2nd Lady are to be representative & inclusive of ALL Americans - regardless of their personal beliefs. Stop discriminating!

Ah, but to see “Christians” discriminating against LGBTQ people is deeply offensive to US.

Their fcked up value system is offensive to us.

Had it been a private Islamic school as apposed to the private Christian school there would have been NO mention.

Let’s talk about what’s offensive, shall we?

Pence is offensive to us.

Not you. You have your own demons to face on a daily basis. I suggest you truly get religion and repent for all if this nonsense you are enabling and condoning!2/2

VP refusing to accept all people is deeply offensive to most Americans!

Who cares VP you are not the chosen one! I see walls and lots of locked doors in your future endeavors. Those who play to pay always end up paying. So I suppose if you must enjoy your fall this way you must.

Which Christian sect you talking about

To see so-called Christians teaching hate and intolerance to children is deeply offensive.

Did he say that with his infamous 'caring, thoughtful' mask on?

To the people who actually follow the Christian religion, it's deeply offensive, at least to me, that he calls what he is 'Christian'. As matter of fact, it would be pretty hard to be a Republican and be a Christian with the present policies they follow RepentPences Resist

I'm all gay and it's ok 55 and still alive You are a bore, nothing more Without a clue...that would be you. I answer to the one in Control. And trust me it's not your boss! When I go I will be in front of that Supreme One answering what good I have done. That is me there, 1/2

Do you think they will draw on these feelings of being 'ostracized' for who they are and develop a sense of empathy towards the plight of people with various sexual orientations and gender identities...yeah, I don't think so either.

VP Pence: Indoctrinating children in a cult that promotes hatred towards others is deeply offense to me.

StewieJones3 Well, to be honest, YOUR 'CHRISTIAN' hypocracy is deeply offensive too.

VP Mr. Pence your blatant hatred and homophobia are offensive to me. I guess we're even.

More misdirection and distraction. Ask Pence about Flynn.

And Christian education is deeply offensive to me.

Poor persecuted Christians, always the victim. What happened to the Golden Rule 'Treat others how you wish to be treated.' paraphrased from your pal Jesus. It's not nice when people do and say things that you find offensive is it?

Have you seen what the creatures did at the native march, from a Christian school? Bunch of as*holes.

Religious education is deeply offensive when it Teaches hate

VP Mother’s decision to choose to work for such an abhorrent organization is deeply offensive to me.

His rhetoric is in line with terrorist groups like ISIS etc. Call it for what it is RADICALIZED CHRISTIAN TERRORISM.

Isn’t it always the way. The most un-Christian people are usually the ones who proclaim their “faith” the longest and loudest. FakeChristians

Being a good christian is oxymoronic.

Huh... forgot about Pence ImpeachTrump PresidentPelosi PenceResign

Is he that clueless too..❤️🙏🇺🇸

Don't you dare blame that on 'christian education'! Blame it on white evangelical racist hate! There is nothing 'Christian' about your beliefs! Fear is ignorance! And you are one scared m-f-er! You want to right a wrong? Start with articles of impeachment

Like THIS Christian education?

Looks like 'Christian education' is deeply offensive. Right, Covington Catholic High?

But he doesn't complain about 'Christians' saying that LGBT men and women are pedophiles and perverts.

Christian education is not being attacked at all but the un-Christian interpretations of the Bible that leads to unwarranted bigotry & bias. Don't make excuses Mr. Pence for lack of conscience.

These two nutjobs, Mr. Gay and his Beard, are as Christian as I'm an Italian vogue cover model. VP we know what you've done, and you will not get away with it.

VP Pence is offended that people aren’t tolerant of his wife’s intolerance.

Lighten up mike. Dont be so sensitive. Damn this pc culture, right?

Behind Mike Pence's fake smile and non-assuming 'Christian' manner beats the heart of man who has made a career out of belittling the LGBTQ community and jeopardizing our rights and safety

Yeah? Well shock therapy is deeply offensive to me, so…

Don't recall Jesus in the bible preaching on the mount about ostracising, demonizing and hurting whole groups of society. Pence and his mother are poor excuses for Christians.

vp offends me. He’s a snake oil selling, sleazy fake Christian. I actually think he might be the anti-Christ if there is such a thing. I know he thinks he’s going to Heaven, but he’s going straight to Hell.

Respect begets respect. The pences don't have respect for their fellow man, so we're not gonna respect the pences

He knew what he signed up for

Think like Jesus. Think like God. Think . Peace

Out of touch much?

And... we think religious schools with political agendas should be taxed.

He’s a robot

All religions are messed up! Still don’t get why in this century people still believe in something based on a book written a very long time ago. Hasn’t anyone heard of Chinese whispers? It doesn’t take very long to change the original message

Please excuse Mr and Mrs Pence, they’re from Indiana. Their “faith” is hating others of other beliefs.

What you think is 'Christian education' is not Christ-like, so it's not Christian education. Hate will never win in the end.

Exclusion of any good person is offensive to the teachings of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And to come from a man who condones divisive and corrosive rhetoric at HIS work place is simply hypocritical.

Mike Pence’s concept of “Christian education” must include exclusion, bigotry, and hate.

Did this clown not watch the behavior of those catholic dumbos?

lots of things are offensive to mike pence

.VP When Christian educated youth act like they did on Friday (and that’s just what was caught on video), I’m offended by Christian Education, and I’m a product of grades 1-8 parochial schooling.

VP Mother wanting to teach at a school that bars LGBTQ employees and students is deeply offensive.

Pence is a Fake Christian

You are both deeply offensive to me

The idea of creepy Pence being a VP is even 'MORE' offensive, but as a President OH NO I DON'T THINK SO!

You are a hypocrite.

Like that Christian educated kids from Covington, Ky? When are you going to denounce their behavior?

Good!! 'Freedom of Association' Bitches!

to a certain sort of dishonest malicious FakeChristian , religious liberty means the 'liberty' to oppress other people's genuine God-given liberty: their own bodies and their own sexuality

VP and his wife have offended approximately 9,000,000 Americans, who belong to the LGBTQ Community. Coming from an elected leader, that is hurtful and hateful.

And THESE are the type of people who embolden kids at Covington Catholic High Schools and like schools!

Well you and your wife’s prejudice is offensive to me.

stating facts is not an attack dummy

Christians to Pence: 'To see you call yourself Christian is deeply offensive to us'

There's no such thing as a Christian education. There's just an education.

I never did like that MFr

Wake up mother! You are married to one!

It's not Christian education that's attacked. It's sad that vp Pence h his wife don't understand the difference between Christian education & bigotry.

Tone deaf is what they are. It's a really, really bad look and message they are sending.

That is not Christian Mr. Pence.

To see a “Fake Christian” use God as a political prop, is offensive to us, Mike.

What is deeply offensive is you two !!! Show the emails that you have protected in court ! What are you hidden? ?

The fact Pence is the V.P. (chosen by Manafort & the Russians) is DEEPLY offensive to me and millions of other Americans. Ass hat.

VP and others are giving God a bad rap. What ever happened to 'We are all God's Children'? What became of separation of Church n State? They are forcing their Bias and Bigotry on our children. Trying to raise a new group of Racist Religious Dogmatic Society. Sad

VP & MrsPence = Fake Christians You 👉🏽 two are not judge & jury, that’s God’s job AND you are not God hypocrites

Allowing children to be torn from their parents and put in cages is deeply offensive to me. Discriminating against the LGBT community is deeply offensive to me. Trying to control women's bodies is deeply offensive to me.

I guess VP Pence has no idea how deeply offensive he and his wife are to all but (maybe) 37% of the population.

He has a right to his religious beliefs

So, tell me again who the “snowflakes” are...?


Calling what you offer education is offensive and damaging to America.

...says the man who tried to legalize hate towards gay people in Indiana. F**k him and his bigoted wife.

I don’t know why you keep reporting on this. It’s not news and it’s really stupid. Who cares?


YOU are offensive to us



Hearing any of the shit that comes out of his mouth is deeply offensive to me.

Seeing public officials involved in Christian education is offensive to me

Leftist want him as President... let that sink in

they really hate experiencing the same they just love to dish out on “others” ...

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