PM to bring low-skilled Fijian workers to Australia | Sky News Australia

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

The Prime Minister ScottMorrisonMP has vowed to make it easier for Fijians to work in Australia, by allowing Fiji to sign up to the Government sponsored Pacific Labour Scheme that has seen several countries send low skilled workers over.


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NetballAust NetballWorldCup Ah,BlessingTheBillfold in Fiji

NetballAust NetballWorldCup What a tool of a are Mr Slomo.

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Neil Prakash citizenship 'non issue' for Fiji | Sky News AustraliaFiji's Director of Immigration has told Sky News that Australia cancelling Neil Prakash is a 'non issue' for Fiji, because he is not a citizen of their country.\n\nPrime Minister Scott Morrison has visited Fiji on Thursday where he is expected to announce an expansion of the Pacific Labour Scheme, as well as a $84 million partnership to provide university education for teachers.\n\nHowever the Priem Minister will also face questions over Australia's attempt to strip terrorist Neil Prakash of his Australian citizenship.\n\nThe Melbourne-born terrorist, who is awaiting trial in Turkey, has a Fijian father but Fiji says Prakash is not one of its citizens.\n\nImage: News Corp Australia \n\n Fiji is a great place (to visit) and Im sure nice people, but seriously, why do we give two hoots what they think?
Source: SkyNewsAust - 🏆 7. / 78 Read more »