Florida students walk out to protest DeSantis race education policies

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Students across Florida walked out of classrooms on Thursday in protest against Gov. Ron DeSantis and his policies concerning higher education.

Critical race theory is a discipline that seeks to understand how racism has shaped U.S. laws and how those laws have continued to impact the lives of non-white people.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks as he announces a proposal for Digital Bill of Rights, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023, at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla.“I think people want to see true academics and they want to get rid of some of the political window dressing that seems to accompany all this," DeSantis said at a January news conference about the effort.


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Maybe the governor wants these students became SCIENTEST in the future.

Why don’t we ask all the parents of these kids & those who disagree with DeSantis if they’d like their kids from K through 12 to be shown a hard core porno flick as part of their health education class. After all according to many of them nothing is age appropriate.

You folks are so afraid of DeSantis it’s really funny.

Are you sure ABC? You do have a tendance to put a spin on stuff.

Ron DeSantis Policies are directed toward Education, College is for your childs Education, Future or Career Not Changing of Gender or Woke, Separating America!!

Another LIE. We expect nothing less.

CRT DOESN'T 'SEEK TO UNDERSTAND' squat!!! It's a marxist, radical, militant agenda indoctrinating students & rewriting history - what the Left is famous for! This is Obama's baby - Bill Ayers' wunderkind. A race war is their goal. Always was. Remember 'Rev' Wright?

DeSantis is Trump 2.0

SMART students!

Great DeSantis! they can all move to New York , California or any blue states.

DeSantis is a pathetic politician criminal! Thousands of Floridians died from COVID-19 with his lies about the disease, for political gain

Guess you all will vote next time huh?

I guess they don’t need educated. They’re all know it alls already. Good luck

Ron has yet to learn what he will be facing as a Presidential Candidate! There will be a larger block of young electorates burdened with student loans unless votes means nothing to him!

Students walked out because they didn't know the facts. They follow a narrative that is full of lies and misinformation. I am blown away by brainwashing in this country

DeSantis is correct!!

They can walk to New York Illinois or California , gtfo of red states and be with your own

Walk 🚶‍♀️ 🚶‍♂️ back in school and learn education. This is a great Governor trying to help you for future life 👏

No child has the right to leave class and protest because they are not of age. We're letting children do whatever the hell they want and that's why our country is going to crap. When they come to what it's supposed to be full maturity they are still children doing whatever .

Perhaps those that are walking out shouldn't. They should stay in class and learn to read more than just bias News or 280 charterers. Its ok. They all get a trophy 🏆 for trying. READ all information before being a TOOL.

Good! DeSantis wants to push a racist and regressive ideology with the changes he's making to these schools. These kids are right to care about what they're being taught/ not taught.

Definition or marginalized: adjective (of a person, group, or concept) treated as insignificant or peripheral. Significance cannot be forced it comes through effort and accomplishment. The best person should win and nothing has ever stood in the way.

Maybe they’re not cut out for adulthood, with all of its disappointments. Good time to start learning and stop breast feeding.

I feel he needs to leave education to the Superintendents and school board members. He’s inserting himself in areas that he should not govern. There are bigger fish to fry, like racism, killings, jobs, homelessness, price, gouging in both real estate and fuel. God help us.

Tell them to get their asses back to class and grow up.


🤣🤣🤣 bye! Those walking out... obviously, don't care about education that much!

Fake news propaganda

Proof the indoctrination is real and needs immediate countermeasures.


Way to go students....never give up or give in..

America is NOT a campus “safe space” and those sheltered from reality need to grow up.

I am dismayed that MLB is playing their normal spring training games like all is fine after these books were banned. $$$$ at all costs.

Yeah more leftist propaganda.

Doing to Florida, what Trump has done to the rest of the country. This is why Hes know as Meat ball Ron. Florida, you voted for it, you got it.

But their parents support it. Meaningless gestures here….solution: Florida will be under water soon, be patient 🤣

This is not a drill. Authoritarianism is on the march and gaining momentum. We must hold the line, drive it back, and defeat it. People, get organized.

There wasn't enough of them to fill a bus. If they don't like it here, take your ass North.

I don't see what the problem is they're not learning anything but left-wing propaganda

no they didn't. a few but not many are in the death cult. FAKE NEWS

Go Desantis! We need more of what you do!

Typical libs- stomp your feet and refuse to go until you get your way. I’d grab my kids by the ears if they tried something like that….but that’s not how libs parent. Most libs allowtheir kids to direct them

Wow hundreds of students, not even thousands, seems like the majority doesn’t care, lol.

Good. Don’t come back.

Way to stand for something. Maybe you’ll get a refund for those classes you paid for. I can see how college degrees get under appreciated. While assuming your getting student loan forgiveness, how’s that going. This isn’t high school!

This is sad because he wants to control what people learn!!

Sad thing is I bet most are white. They scream in outrage about the slightest hint of anti minority racism and also scream in outrage in defense of anti white racism. About as pathetic as it gets. This self hate is the direct result of this propaganda disguised as history.

Having walked out of the classroom, overall student performance against learning outcomes increased.

They should walk out of the state in protest of him being in government

Diversity, equity and inclusion..... just look at the current Vice President Joe Bidens administration, the most diverse and inclusive admin, and tell me how that theory is working out. Qualifications, that's what matters, not skin complexion or sexual orientation.

They all wanted a good reason to ditch....stop blowing this out of context

Students will skip school every chance they get.. Any reason, they don't care what it is.. Your drama is total BS ABC

Go to NY or Chicago for your ideological needs, if you survive.

Age equals Wisdom? Hardly. Morally Outraged Students standing up to DeSantis Fascist Agenda, while many parents are little more than Trumpian Stooges.

“Hundreds”?!? Oh my that’s big news!

You elected him next time make a better choice.

These kids had no clue why they were walking out. I agree with DeSantis, and UNC is following suit. Good to see sanity is alive and well.

I like this governor.

Higher education is no longer “higher”

So what?

How many?

Stick in there Governor. The buses of professionals are planning to provoke some good violence sponsored by the extortionists and woke corporations


The kids’ TEACHERS organized that shit show.

Higher education in his opinion is a mop and a bucket.

Parents are 🤡🤡🤪🤡🤪

Government getting involved into banning books, education and health care.. nazism ?

Just remember....the politics without the people are nobody.....people have the power to decide over a politics!!!

Their teachers should be Fired for lying to these students

This is why so many of our young people are hateful and Unlawful to authority. They needed to study the law and research before they do their walk out. Their governor was a professor

Each one should get a failing grade for every class they miss. Treat them like the juveniles they are.

I support the students!

It's Sunday

Good. Hope it affects there grades and scholarship applications. Then we'll hear more f**king whining from the soft, endocrinated youth.

ABC - No credibility. Go away

Hmmm maybe in the one blue county.

Good for the students standing up for whats right

Viva de Santos!!

Are some people actually surprised by DeSantis’ behavior?

They should walk their liberal asses to Cali.

Literally 8 kids, another 5 professional activists and media. LOL

Time for a course on American History, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...AND WHY WE HAVE AN ELECTORAL COLLEGE...something the pols don't even comprehend

Desatan = New Jim Crow laws

Florida state flag

Lol. 28 students. Tell the truth biased media

Props To You

Lol. So funny.

Upon further review it was discovered 2 walked out. How newsworthy.

I didn’t see any. Non of my children mentioned it. Is this another made up story?

Keep walkin’. Don’t come back. Let’s see if you are dedicated to your cause.

Lmao who cares the university is still getting paid DA

Let them walk.. bug bye 👋🏻

These kids don’t even know what they are walking out for, but I’m sure it sounded exciting for them. Their liberal professors are probably giving them extra credit for going out and feigning outrage. Maybe they’d be better off out of brainwashing classrooms lol

GovRonDeSantis is the Taliban of the West.


It sounds like the students have much to learn and they need to return to classrooms.

Ask any single one and they wouldn't know why. Not one.

Ahhhh they are not getting their way. Should they get a pity party or golf clap. Grow up.

Fail them and send them back to mama's basement.

Wrong for Education: GovRonDeSantis WrongDeathSantis

Small government at its finest 🤣


This is all bullshit there were about 20!!!!!

Yeah, A few hundred confused malcontents with no understanding of nuance and propriety. Big whoop..

I am sure their 'teachers' with the rainbow flags had nothing to do with it SEIU

They were coerced by their teachers.

Three quarter of them illegally here get free education so who really cares

Lol! Nice try with your woke propaganda!

I believe in Governor DeSantis, I think it's the BLM trouble makers that benefit from Kamala Harris that's causing all the problems


So basically they have zero clue what they're mad about!

So. Who cares.


Families with children should leave the state.

Families with children should leave the state.

What group is supporting and grooming these kids to protest something they probably care little about. Yes recognize some changes , but I am sure you will find a hidden agenda and some weasel with a bullhorn

I would too!😖😡🤬👊🏽💪🏾👍🏽

So should teachers

Florida students protesting Governor DeSantis? Only the ones with ACTIVIST worthless teachers.😉

What, did they have a test? Or was that their assignment for the day? Get extra credit for the day maybe?🤔


Education: 'And that is why white people are the cause of all problems within existence.' DeSantis: 'Yeah, you shouldn't be teaching that to kids...' Media: 'DeSantis tells educators they should not educate. DeSantis apparently a racist!'

I don’t understand why DeSantis doesn’t want to acknowledge the greatest quest for freedom and equality the world has ever known…spanning over 500 yrs. By people of color especially black peoples. A quest still going on today.

Isn't this old news? Why the splash now?


Good for them. DeSantis war on minorities is going to cost him his run for presidency and his governor seat.

Did you see the giant beast stomping the Florida teacher? And you want to teach them more hate against others? Good God.

'Critical race theory is a discipline that seeks to understand how racism has shaped U.S. laws and how those laws have continued to impact the lives of non-white people.' This has been fact-checked and has been determined to be misinformation. CRT is Marxist indoctrination.

It looks like someone at ABC should’ve went to school a little longer ….”on in”

Let's take the lead from the most poorly educated generation in American history who get their marching orders from the most corrupt liberal profession ever, public teachers and their unions. Every school should have a standing order, walk out and you get a 5-Day suspension.

Can’t allow this man to become President. America “will” experience another insurrection at the capitol. He’s already dividing Florida

Go Ron!

Where are the parents ?


Who cares that some 'WoKe' kids walked out 😆🤷‍♂️..

They need to stop being activist and get a education. Slavery was never left out even the horrors of it. We learned it I'm 54. Go to School learn how to read and write.

Nonchalantly spinning CRT with a positive connotation 'Critical race theory is a discipline that seeks to understand how racism has shaped U.S. laws and how those laws have continued to impact the lives of non-white people.'

How many times you going to post the same article? 😂😂😂😂

Children had an excuse to skip school. Children are being indoctrinated. It’s the problem. Children have parents that are responsible for them until they are 18. I hope DeSantis listens to parents on these issues. When kids are adults it’s up to them.

And also caution in the education of young children! When will these wake take sanity!

Sounds like teachers are brainwashing the youth...

If you support policies that deny the teaching of our racist history, it's called racism!

Good..walk..not good students anyhow...

Keep it up,don't give up. Let the tyrant know that his Hitler policies will not work.

I cant believe this makes. I was on campus at the time. 15 students show up with signs and chill out. They act like it was some mass large protest

Come on abc! All across Florida! 20 or so 'students'? Or are they just sheep following what their so called teachers told them to do?

Kids today are lost. They have no clue.

I saw the pictures. The 10 people who walked out seemed pretty enthusiastic


These so-called equity and inclusion programs do nothing but divide. The people creating them know exactly what they’re doing and everyone else obviously has their head up there ***.

Wow! There must be dozens.

Uh huh, parents and advocates using children as pawns once again.

Students skip class for whatever reason that won’t get them in trouble.

ABC = fake news

Many many more didn’t

Brainwashed kids being told by liberal teachers what to do.

When does he build 'reeducation' camps?

Good little sheeple! Marx would be proud...

Don't get so excited, most kids will use any excuse to protest and miss school.

I will say, “Good Riddance”! Florida’s governor GovRonDeSantis should be happy to get rid of woke and worthless so called students voluntarily. The state and the country will be better for it!

Who cares, they can move to a blue state

Would be interesting to see the racial breakdown of those who walked out of class

I'd wager a quarter of those students don't understand what's going on, but walked out because their groomer teachers told them to. The other 3/4 walked out because everyone else did.

Waiting for him to form the Gestapo oh wait, maybe the SS. Is he the Imperial Leader? Hey Florida, u voted for him!

Desantis rocks, finally a leader protecting our young children. Everyone that supports children indoctrination are filthy pervs.

Merit based system is the only way to go! Hiring based on quotas is not fair to prospective employees and surely not fair in hiring productive employees! Once hired diversity, Equity, and inclusion must be the business practice of all organizations especially for like employees!

WTG students 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💯👍🏻

Another paid Democrats protest .. these kids need lots of work !! It's our fault, the parents, that we trusted the schools.

Good just change school's and change your address .if you can't get on board with the people of Florida. They don't want you.

Apparently students can decide the curriculum. Math is hard, Im walking out. Brilliant.

Free day!!! Every time i hear kids walk out on anything. Thats all it ever means, nothing more.

Pics or it didn't happen.

DeSantis needs to keep his nose out of the schools and let the Teachers teach!! 🤬


I wonder if anyone actually asked the students their reason for walking out. I’ll bet most if not all HAVE NO CLUE!



Mine didn’t

Good. Teacher Unions here in Florida also need to grow a backbone and fight for proper education and back school staff.

Almost a minuscule protest ..but give it a bull horn !!! MiSInformationNBC

ABC News are one sided news and won't tell the 2 other sides of FACTS and that call jew control new VIA money support them or if told the facts - no money support them. That is all news here in USA being done the same.

LYING JACKASS: Biden buddies-buddies with Zionist jews-for every country the JEWS enter - they destroy that country - look at USA now- US stocks are in 'death zone' and could sink 26%, Morgan Stanley warns -

Educated people are the greatest threat to the New Republican Party.

Yeah but not enough to make the real news. And what students, the usual radical leftist crowd you can count on for all protest

Were their parents funded by George Soros?

Where’s the pictures and videos of said walkout? Cmon your a news source should be easy to find but it’s not there.

Appreciate the work he’s done to stop the indoctrination. Since schools are not values neutral, seems to make sense to push values that help kids and others flourish, not hate and view others by race.

Good. Kids should NOT be subjected to Marxist & Queer Theory in education. They need reading, writing & arithmetic. These are the most important education vehicles that follow you in LIFE.

I wonder how many people know the Irish were also slaves, they called them indentured servants, they were forced to work for free to earn their citizenship, they were often treated worse than blacks because they were considered cheaper labor. Yes whites were slaves too.

He will win

Lol a total of 20 students

It’s a start. He is a full on fascist. Quit voting for Republicans. Vote💙

Governor Deathsantis is well on his way to destroying the education system in the state of Florida.

Fire the teachers that organized this

99.999% of students did NOT walk out.

Shameful races America built on a foundation of lies and deceit when will this ever change? From the truth you can grow with A lie you remain stagnant the same races

Did they tho? I saw several videos that had no more than a dozen people. Stop trying to make this more than it is

Just wondering where are the pictures of these walkouts?

I was there , it was 11 people and not one was under 340 pounds , the teachers were literally telling them what to do !

That’s a parental problem.

This guys gotta be stopped

Article - “At what point are college students going to be considered adults by the state of Florida?' When they stop demanding loan forgiveness would be a good start.

I’m surprised he didn’t have them arrested

Students who have been misled by the media. Students who are still children, and don’t understand the need to be protected from some things. Students who should’ve been in class learning instead of acting on the advice of teachers who are more activist than educator.

I hear California is nice this year. Maybe these students should depart Florida and go to California, or New York, or Illinois.



Higher education is a big problem in the US

Fort Poke Releaf Pary F. R. P R. -----

Fort Poke TX NEW MEXICO Releafe Parties of Privaty Needs Your support with out found just help with charges that need attion in America and Hacking... Homes and Postal work* F.R.P

This is not true

I walked out of school to protest when our minimum day before Thanksgiving was taken away lol

don't walk out - confront him! walking out just ignores the problem - confront it head on.

hacking in socia media outlet address of home address' from e mail detected by this party wired globaly daily .

NO Snap NO SChooling porograms are nighborly comunity outlet ;charges wiil be pressed so no SNAP! ,NO Cooks!

Nice try ABC News…

Like everything you report the exaggerate the headline. I live in Florida and this did not happen‼️‼️‼️‼️

If you don't live in Florida this doesn't concern you move on liberals.

10’s of students across the state. 😂

Florida colleges are screwed! They will be worthless once Hitler takes over.

Good for them. Make sure your stance supports the next election. The Republicans are trying to whitewash everything. They want to rewrite YOUR history. Don’t let them.

ABC campaigning against DeSantis already. ABC is a joke.

Who cares

How many? 20-30 out of Hundreds of Thousands?

CRT is divisive BLM Marxist indoctrination that all Blacks are oppressed & all Whites are oppressors.

All highly coordinated events.

They just wanted some time off… nothing breaks up the day like a walk out…

We know students did not organize this Florida student protest. Which far-left Marxist organization did? Teachers unions? Democrat Party?

More DNC choreographed nonsense

No pics or videos? It was a handful of students.

He. Doesn't. Care.

This guy's more dangerous than Trump. He's fascism without the crazy and with more charisma.

Oh my. Students take a day off. 😂😂😂

Love it.

Lol, hundreds of students, out of almost 3 million students, walked out of school 👇

Oh boy... that's going to make the Tallahassee Taliban mad.

Good for them. Keep it up.

Bravo for the students!

Funny didn't make the news

“Hundreds of students….”

When enough is enough.

And not a single one of them is informed on the issue. Staged poltical bs using children as pawns.

The best way to handle this is - those students and their parents should not vote for DeSantis or any other Republicans. Ousting these rascal GOPs will solve this and other issues.

Thank you for living your beliefs!

I’m not a political nut for the right or the left. I like desantis’ leadership here especially during the natural disaster of a storm that hit. However this is pushing it with this education ban policy.

A trickle of Wokies.

The students were organized and pushed into the walk out by their teachers.

No one cares🙄

As they should. They understand the importance of their education more than he does. He shouldn't have a say in it.

RT to Fla_pol


Cant be indoctrinated by a facists if you’re not there. Good for them

Anyone who has studied the changes made to Germany's educational system in the 1930s can see that Ron is turning FL's education system into a laboratory for the conservative indoctrination of children. A nightmare for parents who want their children to succeed in the real world.

I love my governor

Students need to start standing up to adults. It’s your education and no racist should take away your rights to learn history.

Lol were they real students or just rent-a-mobs?

So brave 😂😂

They'll need to move to another state to be indoctrinated. Florida is a free state. fact

He’s right though.

Good on them, they should be getting home schooled anyway. Get gov't out of our school systems!

Victims of an indoctrination system often defend the system.

The minute results were not uploaded on the INEC portal, I knew the worst would happen... There is no denying that there is evil in this world, but the light will always conquer the darkness. Nigeria election is being rigged by the Nigerian state. APC. This is disastrous.

I don’t think he cares, you know. I know you’ll all be surprised by this, but e doesn’t strike me as a compassionate person.. 🫢 Who could ever levy such slanderous accusations No compassion How dare you! 😡🤥🤣

All 7 of them. What a sight it was, too. Blubber and blue hair and angry piercings. All 'outraged'. Stunning and brave.

The good thing about all of this, unless he passes another state law raisin voting age, they will be voting age soon and they will remember all of his racist actions.

Look at his face. He has Pence face

Not a good sign for him if the kids in Sunday school are walking out

DeSantis is a fascist!

If previous courts and administrations, thought moving religion out of school was correct then they should accept removing The unnecessary woke ideology! It belongs nowhere in K-12, and probably only in worthless political Science Degrees in the higher education.



If you can, move out of Florida. If you own a business and are able to do so, move out of FL and relocate your employees and families. Disney: Yeah, it took years to build the facilities in Orlando, but start looking for land elsewhere. (1/2)

Real history, without the woke agenda . . sounds good.

The guy is Number 1 NAZI

bizarre but not unexpected

Don't send your kids to school in Florida.

Fake news

Yeah sure, ABC News.

Stay strong GovRonDeSantis


It’s a response to the culture the left has created, but ABC news won’t talk about that.

😂😂😂😂😂 move to cali, or DC, or any other shithole democrat run city 😂😂😂

I hope they suspend them.

This is what happens when sensible, sane Democrats don't bother to vote - we end up with hateful, angry, unhinged, mentally unstable, dain bramaged, fumb duck, cupid stunt republithugs. VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

You liberals never cease to amaze how you can spin things lol

Woke goes broke! F for the day. Not a good look for a doctor or even a welder. Oh, that is right these entitled brats don't need a job, Mommy and Daddy buy everything for them. Good luck WOKERS! CRT is evil. Look a Pete Butegege making error after error woke don't work.

tressadora Guess what? They are not voting for you as a Presidential candidate. You have no chance. Fascists are not welcomed in America GovRonDeSantis DeSatan.

Ah, the party of small government and freedom. BULLSHIT.

Come on. We know most of them didn't have a clue why they were walking out. They walked out because others were.

He has my vote for president.

And Monday everyone will be back in class, DeSantis will go on like nothing happen. The end.

Democrats see DeSantis as a threat and will attack him relentlessly like Trump.

Florida hates education. The GOP has been ruining the school system down here for decades. They want an ignorant citizenry. It ensures they'll never be removed from power.

Ya, Black students… but that’s normal

It’s important for the youth to feel their voices are being heard!

Leave it to Conservatives to create a third generation of people that despise them for all they stand for. It’s over 70% for the last two generations, I’m sure I’ll be over 80% with the next one, people don’t realize especially older people. The younger kids are way more informed…

15 outraged gender neutral non binary losers had a hissy fit and went to their safe space because horrible old Ron wont let them learn how to hate their white skin 😭

Tell them to move to California. Iam sure they will come back.

He’s going to virtue-signal and lead Florida into chaos. Then, before America can see the results, he’ll run for prez.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Fake news 87 walked out of a class in Miami

Peace out. I guess you're keeping the job at Starbucks

Only a few . The majority are not fooled

They should be expelled for the rest of the year

LOL no they didn’t . Like 14 did and that included media propagandists

Queer theory isn't useful beyond the 3% of the population who are living it

Wow, the hatred on here is symptomatic of the very vein Desantis has tapped into. They're saying these things about children protesting, which is a Constitutional right. They want to curb any dissent to their own warped view of America that embraces fascism and tyranny.

If he is blocking these books from classrooms he is doing great. Stop grooming children and you media, stop promoting these pedos.

Keep walking to the nearest blue state …

Students of what ? Socialism? Communism ? Walked out on something they pay for ? They expect someone will hire their sorry stupid asses when they graduate with their Degrees in nothing ?

Come on students, fight for your rights, we're right behind you helping you.

The bigger issue though is the legislature that might pass this bill. It is one thing for him to push this, but a legislature could reject the bills. That is the bigger problem that there is a body of legislators that could enact it.

No they used that as an excuse to get out of school

Young, brave people can stop the maniac.

It's not higher education

These liberal kids will protest anything to get out of school

Weird. I was on campus at UF all week and didn't notice this. Didn't even see anything about it on the local news either. The only place I seen this reported is on Twitter.🤣

Dont stop(walking) til you get to California.

Approximately 20.

You need VOTE this wannabe dictator out of office before he turns Florida into another Russia!! And GovRonDeSantis as Putin!!!


Dictator DeSantis for some one that wants to be President sure is not acting like it. Too many worthless Laws. A Road to far! GenZ remember you can stop the craziness when you Vote in 2024.

We've seen the pics and videos. It's like 12 kids.

Ron wants ron style society and complain about socialism and woke,ron does not want you to see communist rons dictatorship until its to late ,he is power hungry and will take all freedoms and tell you how to live ,what to read ,think,say and where your allowed!!Already started!!

So sick of teacher unions pushing their liberal bullshit on our children.

Little Benito Mussolini. The New want to be Fascist Dictator. The Sicilian Connection declaring War on Students. It’s going to Backfire. Very Badly!

Good for them

Kids will do anything to get out of class.

Start the domino affect on ticktock FB, instagram… get the message delivered to all Floridians. And Any red states that support Ron DeSantis

Guess GovRonDeSantis is boycotting ABC next.....

ABC = Fake news

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 good for those kids and their parents...

Reading some of the hypersensitive comments is quite amusing.

What like 20 people? lol

Lol. . 13 freaks

Al bots are as bias as their overlords that program them!!! This is very dangerous for the masses who take everything at face value!!. Will lead to Authoritarianism and totalitarianism! If you like this then keep your blindfolds on the end is near. Genesis 1:26-28 Prophet

Another negative story about a republican 🤔🤔 Do you people ever 'report' on the shit democrats and Liberals do You'd have a lot more to 'report' on if you like negativity. Democrat propaganda pushing pieces of 💩

Crop of crap from biased ABC

Seems like the word “on” shouldn’t be there.

Republicans want freedom of speech until it goes against their ideologies.

Get to the polls and vote the fascist out. He thinks he’s going to be President.

Maybe the rest of us can support student's efforts by organizing our own BlackHistoryTeachins?

Everyone likes a school day off.

I call BS. A few way ward youths who identify as cats and other furries, hardly constitutes across the state.

That kind of students never learn much anyway

Students don't always know what is best for them. They are young.


Sadly, this right-wing nationalist will only understand when students start leaving schools in Florida and the sports teams start losing like the basketball teams this season. Wait until football 🏈season and the people walk away from the teams. Can't Wait for the Fallout.

Keep protesting, that is our right!!! Proud of you all!

Did they read any of the policies or did they listen to biased media?

Keep it up. DeSantis and his twisted authoritarian agenda must be defeated.

Florida is number one in higher education under him…. Wonder if they knew this before they walked out in protest

It doesn't matter how many students walked out of classes or schools. The core issue is that GovRonDeSantis is a racist, dysfunctional, incompetent, little white man who hates himself and especially black people who he thinks he can control through legislation and policies.

OFA is stirring shit. They need to be declared a terrorist organization.

Good to hear!

Down with DeSantis!

A hand full of straw kids walked out of school over this? Yeah OK, anyone believing that let me know because I have a bridge to sell

Hopefully we’ll be seeing them in high school again next year fail

Fat Dukakis is having a hard time getting a positive news cycle, since Trump turned on him.

Yes fight the power 🕯️🖤🤛🤜

This message brought to you by the DNC

If they if they really want to get his attention, with hold thier tuition and fees for a quarter

alexcalabresi He is probably going to throw a fit on national tv like he did yelling at the kid wearing a mask.

It’s amazing how self destructive conservatives are. This will only cause young educated workers to leave the state & benefit other states (likely blue) economies. Not only is this a gross infringement of the 1st amendment, but who is supposed to work certain jobs?

A few students in a group of several thousand students teachers and others walked out under the mind controlled he leftist teachers and journalist, who have continuously implied that parents are teaching their children to hate others be bigiots and racist.

Clearly, those kids weren't correctly informed.

Commies are going to Commie.

Sund like the “writer “ shuld have stayed in class 🤣🤣🤣

Poor Florida

GovRonDeSantis Is just like Putin is in Russia 🇷🇺 threatening teachers and wants girls minstrel cycle and Libraries are under attack and for WHAT! He busy fighting with Mickey Mouse. Does anyone really want this sycophant running for the highest office job as President, NO NO NO

What they won’t tell you, is that only a couple of hundred students, state wide participated… 200 students, out of the 1,300,000 ..hahahaha.. wow what a showing…


I wonder if Christian students walked out of public schools in protests of transgender indoctrination would the mainstream media give them any coverage? Of course not!

I heard it was a crowd the size of a Biden rally

All 5 have found a safe place.

How many? Details... Because you are a horrible news source.

Yawn. Ding them all with a truancy and a fine.

ABC already campaigning against DeSantis ABC IS A JOKE.

If they’d keep walking Florida would be the better for it.

Again, 99.8% of students didn't walk out of class. ABC is a joke !

I live in FL. No they didn’t.

This is not true, no one in Florida has heard this report. This is a hack job, abc , your a dumpster fire!

Employer: Let's talk about your education. Interviewee: Well, I graduated from Florida... Employer: OK. Interviewee: .... Employer... Interviewee:..... Employer: Next!

The Handful of indoctrinated kids Don't know any better. One day when they wake up they will see that DeSantis did what's best for Every Child. Liberalism = MENTAL DISORDER

I Live in Florida, this a total missed fake story.

So what!

Students all over the country should be walking out of classrooms protesting biological males in girls sports and locker rooms.

Lots of others didn’t

Dictator DeSantis better stop messing with these young people. Word of advice DeSantis n Republicans Don’t underestimate them !!!

Good I wish the whole state would walk out.

DeSantis doesn't like higher education. The more educated one is, the less likely they are to vote for him.

Will Florida College Credits be accepted at other State Colleges or Universities?

C’mon kids, take your nazi medicine like your parents

It's really messed up that he is grooming all the kids of Florida to not understand the whole of history so he can manipulate that hole later on towards his own ends. Didn't they say they were against such things?

Good! All staff need to walk out. Don’t hide behind the children

Florida become worldwide nightmare! Shame forever! BoycottFlorida

Can't imagine how college freshmen and sophomores must feel knowing they have this kook to deal with the next few years They'll prbly transfer out of Florida. DeSantis

He’s just making it harder for himself to ever becoming President ! You need the Black Vote too !

Stand your ground Ron! Stop race supremacy!!

Fake news.

ABC joins the war against the GOP.

Students walk out anytime anything gets hyped and it gives them an excuse to leave class.....frig off with that stuff lol. students don't give a rats ass and in a few years will agree. Everything has been pushed to far and into too many peoples faces.

Good Ron has no idea what real education is all he wants to do is push the white race history and take out all the bad stuff white people did and call it CRT

Yes News. Is. Corrupt news

Good for them!

Yeah, there were tens and tens of them!

Republicans always want to keep the young uneducated, it’s how they get voters.

As Trump said DeSantis I’d a demon. He doesn’t want to make the country better. He wants to use a racist ideology that the founders fathers course this country to use as power. But this to break the back of the USA

Man, you guys are in a pickle aren’t you? Biden is your only candidate, and he only stands a chance against Trump. DeSantis would blow Biden out of the water. But if you cheer against him, then you’re kinda cheering for Trump. Haha that sucks

Those willing too learn all of history have spoken. They deserve and have a right too the bare and uncensored TRUTH in class rooms! Keep it up students, do not let a fascist like governor dictate what you are allowed to read about history. Stand strong🙏❤️🙏

like 2 students per school in florida 🤣🤣🤣

Students 🙄10-20

BREAKING: DeSantis putting pressure on Florida Board of Education 2 remove Africa from world maps ...

More like wa wa wa we wanna skip school….😂 Kids…

15 kids across the big ole state of Florida 🤣 so dramatic ABC. PS - put them on the bus and ship them to NYC..

I'm sure they just walked out because they could

It's not brave or heroic if they're not facing academic consequences for walking out.

Good for them. GovRonDeSantis's ego and narcissism may be even bigger than Trump's, and here I was thinking that wasn't possible.

Lmaoooooo 15 kids. Why does suck the balls of democrats so much?


I'm giving $ 5000 to the first (5) lucky people to dm me 'STRUGGLING' cus I feel people are going through hard times God bless y'all

He is a Loser!

Maybe it's time to recognize that the nice, neat history we were taught just doesn't reflect all the history of our country. I've had to confront that truth in my own life and feel I've grown from gaining that knowledge.

Maybe hecwill send them on busses to n y

Weird. Now cancel culture WANTS racism and history taught? 3 years ago they were erasing it.

Good. Hope they never come back. Education is for building self reliance, not pandering to woke nonsense. And to force their believe on someone else? That's a big NO.

How many?

Next thing this goofball will do is arrest these poor kids!

Inclusive is racist . Teaching children to be racist tells me that something is wrong! Kids walking out of the class tells me they are being taught to be racist ! News and media and Govt have created this mess. Politics has divided and rubbing off on the youth!

De Satanic is trying to fall to 50th in education! Bravo to the students !

ABC. The network that is denied election results. Election deniers. The network that interfered with elections The network that convicted the Covington Catholic kids The network that cried when Trump was elected The network that lied about January 6 th

Yeah, who need good policies and a return to sanity. We wanna do anything we want and get supported for it while learning no valuable skills. Way to go 'students'

I bet he has them arrested

Tell them to walk to a shitty democratic state.. We do t need these fucking liberal pieces of shit here

All youth would want to leave their school for protest of any reason. It’s science

Soon the voters will speak and the GOP will be GONE.

Why not fix the real issues! Like banning Trucks from driving down the highway in the middle and left hand lanes! Increase the finest for driving talking and texting on cellphones while driving! Copy the law in Maryland where the fine is up to $1,000.00 and license suspension!

Don't mess around with students. They will be Ron Desantis undoing.

…hahahahaha… hundreds?!?!?…. Wow what a turn out!!lmfao

Let them keep walking, right over the fucking the border and all the way to some blue state, where they can live in delusion, with the other clowns

By bitches

Thank God the ”students” don’t run Florida!


Should have been more than hundreds.

LGBTQ has taken over black culture and DeSantis isn't happy about it

Good for them. Stand!

Welp! No students, no school. PeriodT. He'll see who's in control of their education! 💯

Doing a great job! Toolbox.

Nice move. You are the future.

Good let them go get a job at McDonalds and preach their racist crap to others on their own time

GovRonDeSantis RemoveRon

Who told the kids to get up and leave? Not the teachers, right? Rid America of Teachers Unions! Rid America of public education.

Americans across America are thanking Governor of Florida for his great work fighting for families against this sick and disgusting school boards donate money to the governor of Florida to keep up the great work cross-dressing kids are confused

What students should do, if possible, is to not attend school in Florida. If DeSantis keeps implementing his agenda, having a degree from a Florida school will be less than desirable

Woke has already saturated their brains.

I foresee even DeSantis’ wife leaving him, or opting out of supporting him in ‘24. She HAS to know he had no soul!

Snowflakes walk out….. fix the headline


'Extremely stupid, know nothing students walk out in protest' ....fixed it.

Any school where this happened should be investigated as it appears they are brainwashing our children with woke garbage

He should be the next president!

Awesome. Stand up to this vile tyrant.

Free uncensored intellectual discourse occuring within educational institutions will bring about change. Skipping class for a photo op not so much

Um, it was about 19 kids. Suspend each of them for disrupting class time for others.

These kids are alright!

More fake news,exaggerations and lies from ABC less than a few hundred students in the whole state probably but ABC will do anything to try and make make DeSantis look bad it's their agenda. 99.9% the Florida backs him.

Regardless of your reasoning to have or not have certain teachings included in education, you must consider with this the banning of prayer in school. Just as a persons religion should not be imposed on all the students then too a persons personal views should not be imposed.

Who cares, they want to walk out let them

Ha ha yeah there were tens and tens of students protesting!

The students couldn’t care a rats ass, that was a political stunt by their teachers union!!

A few dozen students at most. Such a strong protest.

There are approximately 1,000,000 college students enrolled in Florida. What is 200/1,000,000? Is the answer even newsworthy?

Then how about a mark on attendance and a F in all missed classes for the day. They are underage, rights don't kick in until voting age.

DeSantis went after Micky Mouse , this week it’s Penguins WTF Not a good way to bring in Tourists Tax Revenue

The adults who guide these children need to be sent to Chinese reeducation camps . It's amazing that some people only want to point out others as their problem when it starts in the home of the students. If at first you don't succeed, blame others first , that's Joe's diplomacy.

Can we please have videos for proof. We know you’re a fake news media

Y'all remember this the man that wants to kill Social Security and Medicare for all retired and seniors!! Money that the government has no authority or control over!!

If they did may be they weren't ready for college. a few years of flipping burgers would straighten them out

Yes that's right, I saw them also all 20 of them!!!!!

lies, it was about CRT WHICH TEACHES HATRED

I really don't think Ron cares about that. What does walking out for one day do?

Good for them, stand strong Gen Z 💪🏼


A teenager takes any excuse to leave school. Not exactly news.

Fake news

DeSantis has banned another network because he didn’t like the question from the reporter. If you’re too weak to cope with Andrea Mitchell, how do you expect to handle Congress? Trump? Putin?

It wasn’t all over Florida .. fake news

Show the photo of the students, there are about 10 of them.

It’s was probably like 25 of them on TicTok so no one cares. Just like the Disney don’t say gay BS. Now look at Disney and the loud family. Absolute disgrace that they so easily fall prey to propagandists. And it’s an absolute disgrace that Disney works for the CCP.

The leftist grooming has worked on some.

Now to just find the filthy communist teacher that is grooming them to do it.

What a whole 20 students?…..

Why not walk out on a Friday? Three day weekend!

He destroyed Disney and the tourism industry . It just hasn’t hit his supporters yet how bad Florida is now .

Good, getting children to leave public schools is a win

Byeee. Enjoy your day off

Don't worry. Florida is leading the way.

Everyone in Florida that doesnt love DeSantis and the freedoms he defends should pack up and move to California or New York. People have just as much right to NOT have that crap from the left shived down our throats

I think some of these high school kids should have got a lesson on respect as younger children. Do we want a country that lacks total civility? That is what we have.

If they don't like it, maybe they can go to drag queen story time at the local library and get it there

I saw a video and didn't see that many students standing outside.

'Hundreds of students...' Enrollment at the University of Florida alone is over 52,000.

Some students did but the majority are 100% for DeSantis!

Good for them! Guess they won’t be telling you about their periods either. Under his eye.

You could count on one hand the amount of people

Vote vote and vote stop protesting.

This is great for the students to do. DeSantis is a bad man.

I saw maybe 10.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Cool 😎

Love America or LEAVE!

Our youth can make a difference! From the 70s lingual “alright🙌!”

About time


I saw a photo, there were tens of them 👍🏼

crybabies are welcome to leave and go to another school.

He’s a loser,he won’t see another term😳

Poor babies

Great! love it!

DeSanctamonius still trying to be mini-me Trump


RonDeSantisFL white supremacist disguised as a governor

Good, now move to California so we can make more room for educated conservatives.

Lol. What a joke

Of course they did. Kids today are privileged brats. God forbid we expect them to meet basic requirements for basic studies.

They need to leave . Go to another state and abandon Florida colleges

Ok … not in south Florida.. this is the MAN

He will never be President!

The governor is right! Wokeness and crt. And any other agenda are out!

ABC fake news failed to mention that they were LIBERAL students, who think they control State Funded Education. NOT!

Their kids. They would rather look at porn in school then do math.

Sounds like they really need to spend more time in the classroom. They obviously don't know as much as they think they do.

only way to put a stop crt,woke,gender affirming leftists,socialists,progressives 👍

F DeSantis

WHO CARES! Get back to class!!!

Yeah cause that’s gonna change a policy.

School choice is needed now. Children before unions and teachers

He needs to be recalled and thrown out of politics forever. He is a racist of the worst kind.

Pretty sure this is fake news like all the rest.

Which is why they are students! Too young to know up from down.

Biscuits? Or the gravy?

Uh. Hundreds. Getting tens of likes.

Hundreds….lol… out of the entire state. Should read .001% of students in Florida wanted the day off school….lol

Students will walk out of classrooms for any reason.


Just the woke misinformed.

I thought we lived in a republic, where the American voter decides policy. I didn't know we lived in a country where .001% of the population can walk out of classes and get the corporate media to give coverage to their walkout and put pressure on 70% of the American people.

This is the result of woke indoctrinated teens.. Following parents woke ideologies…

Expel them,


There were about 20 people. Lol

Just curious? Did the teacher’s sanction the walkout Or the schools okay it? If not it’s called truancy…. But why would teachers be against Republicans like DeSantis? Oh yeah, the union kickbacks 🤷🏻‍♂️

Kudos to Desantis rejecting school programs that cause further grievance, racial division and strife. Also, more kudos for taking schoolteachers out of the loop of gender issues. That should be between parents, child and physician.

Governor DeSantis has lost support by his stance on AP history classes in Florida. Germany’s public schools teach the Nazi era. Their students learn how knowledge of Germany’s darkest era is part of their education; Jewish citizens in particular & African students in America.

And have no idea what any of the bills actually say or do

What….3 of them?

Let them walk! You go DeSantis as you are on the right track! This BLM movement has destroyed most of our country!

6 Kids walked out in favor of CRT indoctrination reports IN OTHER news, took money to advertise the shots that we are NOW seeing are causing injury and death If you have vaccineinjuries or family of someone who DiedSuddenly after the shot Sue them ⏫ vaccinegenocide

They wouldn't if you jokers would actually tell the truth.


If the uhhh, Students care more about Social issues than their own futures, there IS no help for them, education should contain only Academics, not Wokies!

🤣🤣 you mean indoctrinating 🤣🤣🤣

Tell them to keep walking......

Misleading information again…


Fake news as always with ABC

I think dems are coming to realization that it’s going to be Desantis vs Biden, and I don’t think they like their chances

Like 5 students?

Yeah all twenty of them. Try harder to make news out of nothing. Jeez

Students find excuse to organize to not take classes. Shocking.

Good, let the students have a voice, Ron just divides normal to the crazies, normal will win, not crazies, say Gay everybody that goes to Ron’s part of the woods

RonDeSantisFL is trying to turn Florida into his own country were he is king !!! Going to take away your Rights to choose!! He will choose for you if you don't stop him !!!

Not protesting, just wanted out of school

What 20 people?

There are about four million students in Florida. So 0.001% (1 in 10,000) Florida students walked out. That indicates overwhelming support among students for the education policies of Governor DeSantis.

20 kids

Students will walk out for any reason if they could avoid learning. Kind of makes GovRonDeSantis point.

It’s not a cross Florida what did you have David Hogg and his friends sitting outside. Quit being ridiculous..Do you see the antiwar Democrats springing up yelling at Hakeem Jeffries Ocasio-Cortez. Hey do you have a problem

Guarantee it was less than 50 total


God bless DeSantis and Florida

Florida is hard. It's okay for them to go out, take their backpacks and go to California. There they will be happy😊

Too bad they can’t vote yet, because most Floridian parents voted for a ruthless Italian mobster so utterly vile and racist. He won’t see the light of day in The White House‼️🇺🇸‼️


Lol. Petulant brats.

they were really just upset that they don’t get snow days

There were about 15 in the video I saw. About 3 times as many as at a Biden rally.

Meanwhile China has more students learning English and STEM than the entire US population

Sounds contrived.

Naive little liberals.

GovRonDeSantis wants big governments hand in everything huh? MAGATs love being told what to do, what to read, what to think, what to believe.

Good for them! Don’t go back to school! Get a job in another state.

I reside in Florida it is so sad what he is doing

It was like 20 people 🤣

Mark them absent. Move on.

So move to NY

Good. DeSantis is destroying everything good about Florida.

Students walk out of class that they took on debt for and will then complain about the debt they have to pay off after. That’ll show DeSantis 😆 Bunch of clowns

Parents need to talk to there kids about what they need to learn in school,

Well yeah, he’s a vile ghoul that is destroying education.

Good for them. Now, they just need to stand proud and strongly united in what they believe they are protesting for.

Not surprised. They’ve had a pretty good run getting credits from anything but math and science.

Good for them!

DeScumtis needs to go

Let them keep walking.

DeSantis is the best Governor in this country. He will make a great President.

So what?

🤣🤣🤣, best to get your ass back to class, because in the global market you will be left in the unemployment line.

Interesting to see international and west coast comments....

About damn time!

Anything to get out of class.

Just one day wont send the message.

so proud of those guys

Oh well.

RT to Foxnews...Newsmax...OANN

That’s a wapping lie

How many students?

Those that walked out can just keep on walking to the blue state of their desire. They don't have to live in FL. And the average IQ for the state would definitely go up.

NationwideWalkout FukcTheGOP

I don’t care what they walk out too they are children.

He needs to be the president as soon as possible.

Educate, don’t indoctrinate. Only a reasonable person can understand this.

He will use his power to try and silence their voices. Politically he can't have dissent at this time.

I saw 20 students walk out! FAKE NEWS!

They would rather walk out than learn

ABC fake news..

Uh huh…

The students can make a difference by voting him out of office. Get out and vote students 18 and over. You can make a difference!! FLHouseDems

The students can make a difference by voting him out of office. Get out and vote students 28 and over. You can make a difference!!!! FLHouseDems

Need to remove the nazi !

Walking out of education to protest education. 🤣 it’s like the people that protested in person against voting in person

Yeah, lib organized stunt. Let them walk out and STAY out. You want back in? Get behind the agenda.

You are trying your hardest to make this non-event meaningful. Too bad, this 'protest' will have exactly zero effect.

Well that's what kids are going to do after they've been indoctrinated with lies

Mussolini, Peron and Hitler also dictated what should be taught in schools.

The same kids that ate Tide pods.

I think that besides focusing on the currículum we should actually focus on the cost of college … it is outrageous the cost of education and how college kids have to go thru student loans and don’t have a career or a job in their field.

Where r the videos and what policies where they protesting against. I hope it doesn't have to do with sex or gay sex.

He's the worst governor.

He is a Nazi.

Listen up you liberals the government doesn’t not owe you anything. Desantis is correct now grow up!!!


qsteph Good! Well done to those students.

These kids have no idea what they are protesting. They are just looking for an excuse to skip class.

Well gosh then. We clearly have to reverse all the policies that they have been brain washed to “protest”!!

Well, I bet you a Democrat somewhere is behind all these kids walking out to draw attention because you’re scared of DeSantis they want women for president ! Not a man

All 20 of them….. 😊🤡🤡😂😂

DeSantis has a screw loose somewhere ! Imagine what he would as President!

How will he be retaliating against them for voicing their opposing viewpoint?


I guess they believe the media lies about DeSantis. Here are some facts...

The divide in the country isn't possible without ignorance. DeSantis will do everything he can to keep that ignorance going.

RACISM is REAL (even if he's never experienced it ) / SLAVERY happened, people were chained together, slept in their own body waste and Millions thrown into the ocean for games, believe it or not. HOW does it make any sense to attempt to DENY these history, people need to…

The majority of the same students who voted did so in favor of republicans. They are in denial of who they really are.

“Some” students walked out. Fixed it for ya.

The Republican culture war is as stupid as the progressive one.

Which students were they

Too bad walk out and ruin your life !

Desantis is a failure. Remove him.

CLARIFICATION: “hundreds of students walked out” = tens or less each university in the whole state of florida.

Will Punitive DeSantis demand arrest warrants for those rational students who walked out on him?



Which changed absolutely nothing and the Great Governor continued on with his day.

Thank you this generation has not been programmed with as much hate like the previous generations. We might just have a future


It's simple kids; he knows that you're too ambivalent to vote. Prove him wrong.

If public universities offer religious programs, would these students be ok with those? In truth, if there is complete academic freedom, then everything should be on the curriculum table.

Keep on walking… straight to some blue city or state, where you can live a life of mediocrity…

We can’t agree on ideologies to be taught at govt funded schools. Privately funded groups can learn about whatever they want.

Lol all these people cheering racism. Very telling.


Oh no....kids won't get indoctrinated for a day....please......stop........

Good ole liberal indoctrination. Years and years of social engineering have gotten us here.

You walk out of class, DeSantiss will pull school funding since “There aren’t any students” … ju wanna play ruff O’keh!

GovRonDeSantis is really out of touch

Excellent. The tyrant will be humbled when he realizes most of the nation deplores him.

Good for them!

Hey it's 'meet ball Ron'.

VoteBlue GenZ

Denying themselves an educate to own DeSantis. That's some 4d checkers they're playing 🤣

Radical leftists doing radical leftist things. Our universities should be helping create contributing members of society and not a legion of clowns.

Go kids he will dream up some punishment for you. Then you can show him what’s what!

The youth of the world don't deal with BS, they are unfiltered and call it how they see it! In other words your screwed with the younger voters

Good for the students!

Show pics. Guaranteed this was a handful of losers. The state overwhelmingly supports the changes.

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