Moroccans hold anti-terror vigil for slain Nordic hikers

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Moroccans gathered Saturday in front of the Norwegian and Danish embassies in Rabat in a candlelight vigil to honor two Scandinavian university students killed in a terrorist attack in the Atlas Mountains.


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Those monsters cut off their heads like it was nothing. This evil has infiltrated America. WakeUpAmerica

That’s nice to see that some citizens care about those beautiful girls

An apology? Great! Open the borders, let em all in.

Ban islam !!!

RIP :( xxx

Aaaaannnddd.... this does nothing

Don’t spend your tourism $$ in third world sh*thole. Secondly, don’t believe the media propaganda that all cultures are the same. Third, Islam is NOT the “religion of peace.” Wake up Western Civilization!!!

That'll help...

I believe Muslims are not allowed to leave their religion in Morocco....why anyone wants to visit those shithole countries is beyond me

Islam has been good for candle sales...

LTHlondon In an Islamic terror attack.

msm repeatedly told the world that ‘hopes & prayers’ is weak.

Liers !!! that photo a lie and deceptive as it is not Morocco !! A torch-lit parade was held in Ueland's hometown in Norway on Friday. Gee morocco is cold snow and people White are they - you lot never ever post the truth

All this outpouring of grief may be of some comfort but rather let us cleanse the world of the ideology that promotes such barbaric acts as punishment for infidels

Must be actors.

They care more about lost tourism money.

But, what are they apologising for? What happened in the attack? How ferocious was it? We were told cuts to the neck. So what are they apologising for?

This is the kind of 💩 that the left wants for us in 🇺🇸 😡

They don’t look very Moroccan to me ?

WOW. This is so beautiful. I'm not Norwegian or related to the girls but thank you for the heartwarming gesture Morocco

Very respectful. Don't remember any such gesture for foreigners killed in this country. We could learn a thing or two from them

Morocco isn’t safe. The hotels are nice, staff friendly and wine is palatable but step outside and be prepared for motorbikes trying to run you down in the Soukhs and thieves trying to rob you at every opportunity.

What a massive waste of time and virtue signalling rubbish. Protest Islam and demand action rather than hold meaningless vigils which achieve nothing and ignore the issue.

We'll be satisfied by how elaborately they mangle these swine. Modern leftists will justify this crime


Westerners have no business going into these primitive countries with their medieval mentality...particularly against Western Christian Women who they loathe because they desire them so much. Stay out! Don't support them.

Raped and murdered. Killed is too soft a word here

No more Muslim migrants into Europe please. Just assimilate the families already there. Europeans leaders have sold out their countries, and for what?

Take as shit.

P R O P A G A N D A.

If that were my kid. I would seek revenge on murderers. No question

It wasn’t a terrorist attack what shit - it was perverted sexually depraved men who killed 2 naive women - hiking in morroco what were they thinking

Are they truly repentant? Or hoping to quell anger. Europe has exposed itself through open borders to a culture that liberals do not understand. Islam is 180 degrees from liberal ideology and shares no commonality with the West.

Sponsored by the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism.

That's killed your tourism from Scandinavia. Time to sort the death-cult out that's the problem. The dotrine.

Nah. The savages deserve the nuke tbh

How about they start teaching their sons to respect women, starting from women in their own families, & extending this respect to other women, especially blonde European women, which many Arab males think of as being sluts & prostitutes. Morocco & Turkey prime examples 😤🤬.

Oh my goodness!!! My heart can’t take this 😢😢😢😢😢❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

You mean beheaded.

This means nothing. What these people need to be doing is changing the ridiculous laws in their country that directly and indirectly promote these atrocities to happen.

I have a problem with the muslims living in my country. Let alone visiting shitholes like Morocco infested with them. Never seen the attraction so many “westerners “ see.

10% of the economy depends on tourism for Morocco.

Tiny gathering.

Fake vigil forced by the government. Those people don’t care

Morocco is exporting its violent youth to Europe. Germany bus and train stations are plagued with robbery and assault by them. I can post videos to prove it but I'd get suspended .

Well that makes it all better.

Thoughts and prayers are working again!

That's just great but maybe if they would report their fellow Muslim citizens and refugees that they know are radicalized this revolting mideivel terrorism could be controlled.

You mean sad and sorry that the tourism money will dry up.

No word 😢.

We are all sorry.

I cant even read about this without tears.

Ellysa_Maye Oh i thought ISIS had been defeated

Very very sad story.

1 cell /13 members (New)/ doesn’t say much for safety in Morocco. Seem like they r nice people, but their religion can breed severe extremism. Imagine the stress if you are Gay, Jewish, Atheist, Non-Muslim, White Female/at any time you could be marked. No Muslim countries for me

This wasn't a terrorist attack just everyday life of diversity if your White.

Morocco may not be in a bad a state as Libya, anarchy. But, it is still in the vicinity. Not wise going there.

You would have to be insane to visit the Islamic world these days.

White privilege in action.

This is Judeo-Abramic spiritual wars at worst. Mohammedans don't proselytize. Pedophile's church created 72 unplowed virgins for Vatican, a men's clubhouse. Guilt over Christ. ALLAH=☦️YHWH Hello = Halo My deepest condolences. In Ottoman Empire dress as Romans. Condemn not

Well I guess that makes lt all ok then.

How many Moroccans? 12?

These monsters should be held down and slaughtered the same way. Scum of the earth don’t deserve to live another minute.

If you have blonde hair and blue eyes, you're in danger.

Over confident ladies, who feel empowered these days, there are places in the world that do not respect any of your views, and do not treasure your welfare. The Atlas Mountains in Morocco is one of them.

Sadly many ppl feel the sane about US n part countries today!

Too bad USA didn't have a vigil for exchange students killed in the US. Recall several of those.

Murder then honor. Makes sense.

But it’s the religion of peace, they said Well fuck that! said Pooh In the past, other religions have attributed to all sorts of mass killings and devastation But in today’s 21st century, there is but one that causes such, and we can’t talk about it, cause of PC police 🤦🏻‍♂️

Like they care

And Moroccans cut their heads off. When they prevent this from happening then I will be impressed

Oh, yes. The story should be about how great Morroco is after what happened.

It wasn't a terrorist attack it was an Islamic killing.

Strong move against hate and terrorism which goes hand in hand


It's a nice gesture but much like terror in European cities, it won't do much unless the government start punishing or kicking out Islamists and preaching Imams with anti-west views.

wierdduk Don't worry. As you can see, the King of Morocco is completely focused.

Islamic Terrorism

Yeah sure, like this totally excuses the Religion of Peace

Done pissed off my Vikings huh, welp Thor’s gonna get your ass now lol

Sorry we beheaded you ! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Very respectful gesture.

i guess they can kiss their tourist season goodbye.

These vigils mean nothing. These vigils occur after terrorist incident. They achieve nothing but to satisfy the liberal, millennial generation. It's about time we seriously discussed Islam as an ideology rather than trying to convince ourselves it is a peaceful entity.

How many more before change? Ask their government so Americans know before traveling.

More pathetic virtues!!!

mjohn55 Well that’s a step in the right direction.

Biggest Crocodile tears for tourism TTVWolf_ Eurowoods

KaraBurnham_ I think I’ll skip my next business trip there in March...

A vigil? Gee thanks. Instead why not report to Western authorities your radical neighbors, cousins, siblings and children who plan to do harm. (Don’t hold your breath people, it will never happen.)

🙏🏼💖unspeakable horror😔😔


This could all be faked. Never trust the news media.

too late too little

“Sorry those dudes videoed themselves sawing off your daughters head while they cried and screamed for them mothers 🤷🏼‍♂️ whoopsies”

This is why realDonaldTrump wants a wall to many of our citizens getting killed we want a wall for the safety of our familes

Rather than hold a vigil, have a conversation. What mentality or conditions are giving rise to these types of attacks? If you want to have compassion and respect for these girls, you start by being radically and fearlessly honest. PVE

open casket funeral, ABC News?

Rather than hold a vigil, have a conversation. What mentality or conditions are giving rise to these types of attacks? If you want to have compassion and respect for these girls, you start by being radically and fearlessly honest.

If those girls hadn’t of been so Islamophobic, none of this would have been necessary. Oh well. The prophet is pleased, peace be upon him.

No, they held a vigil for their tourist industry.

Saying they were 'killed' is putting it very lightly. They were brutally raped by multiple men, then beheaded with a dull knife while still alive.

wierdduk If only we could turn back time and bring the girls back to life again 🙏 😔

I will never step foot there. When I lived in Spain I knew many Moroccans who had crossed the water and they themselves told me its never safe for white women to visit there alone away from tourist places. Truly barbaric act of evil i saw the video and wish i hadn't. 💔💔

I have always wanted to visit Morocco and now I am afraid to go. So sad for the victims and the hit to Moroccan tourism. Loss of tourism will hurt the people.

Condolences won’t help their friends and families now. Though I hope in time they can see that world did care. That we know this is a major loss for them. Only time stops the daily tears 😭❤️🙏🏽

More candle light vigils with thoughts and prayers? Yes, that will solve the Islamic extremist problem!

2 Girls have their necks sawed through and the gloating video posted online. Some people hold candles. Even stevens, just forget about it 🤷‍♂️

Nice. And the considerate thing to do. Now for justice!

I hear people are going to Aruba again after Natalie Holloway was butchered there

Who in their right mind would travel to that part of the world?

Muslims are taught in the mosques that their ONLY ALLEGIANCE IS TO ISLAM and not to the country they live, work and spend all their lives in. That’s why all Muslims are anti-semites and hate the Christian world.


Such march won't solve the ONGOING problem, it's considered Taqiyya unless they march against the Quran verses that the beheaders followed & 'cited in their video' to do this horrific crime This is what helps in preventing such terror, not the 'silent/sorry march'

Thank you, for respecting and honoring the lives of these poor, innocent women. Perhaps the ones who look the other way could learn a thing or two about humanity and decency. 💔

Morocco was always the nicest and safest of those North African countries

Very kind gesture, god bless them. 🙏🏼 Morroco 🇲🇦

My heart ❤️

This was carried out by extremists.Their fellow, Innocent countrymen need not apologize.Every nation, religion endures these heretical INDIVIDUALS who decide 2 behave heinously toward other human beings. We can’t change crazy. Not new.Will happen again. Decent humans still reign.

Taqiyyah !!!!!....only reason they doing this is because they see their tourism money disappearing

Backing 2007 my then 21 year old daughter went to Morocco for 4 months as an exchange student. Thankfully she returned without incident. But this event shakes me to the core. I know exactly how these girls parents felt when they left. But cannot fathom their grief now.

Thoughts and prayers until the next Christian is killed....then thoughts and prayers again. 🤤


They weren’t just killed. They were beheaded by radical Muslims. Moroccans should be shamed by this for eternity.

“Sorry” signs Are you kidding mewhats next ... a knife ban Ridiculous!!

Not so different after all, eh?


Savages gonna savage

CampbellVideos Kill those animals in the worst way possible. Have them go the way of the Kashoogi. They deserve nothing less. Then burn the bodies. It's forbidden in Islam.

Much respect to the Moroccan community.

Stay away from Muslim countries people, also no trade or aid for these countries they will soon change when they don't get money from the west.

Morocco is 99% Muslim. Maybe they refused to convert. Surah 47:4: “Therefore strike off their (unbelievers) heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” ReligionOfPeace strikes again.

GET THE STORY STRAIGHT THEY WERE KILLED BY MUSLIM WHO HATE WHITES THEY ARE COMING HERE TOO! They said they won’t stop until they get into the white house. Thanks Democrats you’ve succeeded. ABC ask for the garb for Christmas. You’re going to need it

God Bless Em as That Is Not Going to Solve The Hate Across The Water. 'Would Like To Say God Will See To This But I Think That's Just Yesterday's News.

That is beautiful. Seeing peaceful Muslims coming forward and saying these Sharia law savages do not represent Islam as they practice it.

This is horrible :(

White people: The world is not our oyster anymore. Stop visiting countries that hate us and want us dead. These Moroccans only fear a tourism backlash, if they could hush the story, they would. Stop visiting anti white regions. Stop being stupid w/your lives.

This makes it okay?

No mention of rape! There is forgiveness, justice and punishment.. Oh yes, severe punishment.

'Please don't take our foreign aid'

Screw those Morocco murderers

Bye bye tourism !

Candles always do the trick , problem solved

It’s time for assemetric counter actions against these thugs - the locals know where these animals camp - they should rise up and taken them on with privately-owned arms until this organization is eradicated.

Great doesnt unbhead them tho

Sorry? For what, the loss of tourist $$? These animals are not sorry. rip beautiful angels💔

there is no details in your article describing how these innocent women were killed 🤷‍♂️ Is it because the details of their murders r so horrific they don't fit your narrative🤔 There is only 1 letter between you & my state propaganda News, & that's called the BBCNews

It’s not right what happens to those innocent girls! Innocent civilians should never been involved in whatever revenge plan. I pray for those girls and the millions of brown people killed by thieving power hungry white countries!

concretemilk Where are the pictures fro Rabat ?

If Moroccans want to show some kinda sympathy then EVERYONE of them should perform Seppuku

Thoughts for both families affected by this grotesque act of barbarism.

We need to stop vacationing in third world countries god damn we need a wall for the muslims oh right we in bed with them now right... The Muslin religion is as violent as the Christian religion wanna now why Because it’s all mans word wake up No god would write such crap!

So sad😢💔😢

Time magazines jihadi sympathizer of the Year Kashoogi is killed and liberals call for war. Two woman are terrorized and beheaded and now Thoughts & Prayers are good enough. And they say the deep state is a conspiracy theory.

We do not forgive

This is how foreign countries should act when a foreigner is killed in their country. 🙏

My heart aches for these girls and their loved ones!

'PARDON SORRY (You were decapitated) OUR BAD'

Take your feigned apology and outrage and GTFO Western Civilization.

Horrible murder on those young women.

So awful!! The poor families of these vibrant young women...Sincere sympathy to all family and friends. 😢🙏 Isaiah 25:8 Revelation 21:3.4 Proverbs 2:21,22 Psalms 37:9-29


Sorry for your lost God Bless the family's


71bluflashes The horrible violent death of these young women has shocked the majority of the people of Morocco as well as Europe, Some people have been arrested. If guilty I hope Moroccan justice works swiftly.

Actual actions taken to prevent future acts of violence by peace loving Muslims, none.

That is so awful how they died.


Terrorists in Morocco ?

They got what they deserved for spreading white supremacy subversive colonial ideology in Africa.

Really outrageous. The religion is a travesty... open borders in Scandinavian countries also a freaking disaster. OpenBorders Norway Scandinavian ISIS ExterminateISIS MuslimTerrorists

Not a safe country, remember the Sherton Hotel was bombed in Morocco yrs ago. I was the just a few weeks before the lobby was bombed

Beautiful strong women wewantchange cannabislatinanurseceo cannabis420 cannabislatinanurseceo fulllegalization newmexico YesSheDid

Terrorists SUCK. TY for staying classy Morocco. Good and bad people come in all nationalities and religions. PeaceAndLove

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