Hate mail may persuade new trustees to vote against mask mandate, trustee fears

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A newly elected Ottawa-Carleton District School Board trustee says she and her colleagues are receiving hate mail over a planned motion to instate a new mask mandate and those letters may persuade some of them to vote against it. ottnews

A newly elected Ottawa-Carleton District School Board trustee says she and her colleagues are receiving hate mail over a planned motion to instate a new mask mandate and those letters may persuade some of them to vote against it.

Kaplan-Myrth says the letters include comments referring to children as "political pawns" or comments saying a mask mandate is "criminal" or a "human rights violation." She says she has forwarded at least one threatening email to Ottawa police. OCDSB staff reached out to some principals to get a sense on masking of students and staff ahead of an emergency school board meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, when trustees are set to debate Dr. Kaplan-Myrth's motion to make masks mandatory for all students, teachers and staff in schools.

In the motion, Dr. Kaplan-Myrth notes there has been a "significant increase" in COVID-19, influenza and RSV cases across the city of Ottawa. "This is time for everyone to do what we know works to help stop the spread of all these viruses and to keep our kids' health," said CHEO Chief of Staff Dr. Lindy Samson when asked on Friday about mandatory masking in schools.

"Children who are ending up in the emergency departments and sadly who are ending up in the ICU requiring resuscitation because of respiratory viruses that we could have prevented with such simple measures as wearing a mask," she told CTV News on Monday.


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Boo hoo

If people wanted masks in schools they would be wearing them in the streets and office buildings of downtown Ottawa. I’m seeing less than 5% masked on a daily basis. The majority has spoken, and in a democracy, majority rules!

Wear a mask if you want, why make the same rule for everyone? It’s not a one size fits all approach here….. clearly it’s causing more divide

Some good news for a change!

This could be a reason why. I mean it's evidence from the NYtimes. So it's legit right.

Maybe they should listen to WHAT THE PARENTS WANT for their kids instead of what the elected trusties want.

Hate mail? really? or simply voicing their opposition to the idea?

Anti-maskers showing who they again. Freedumbers FreeDumbConvoy

Cry me a fxcking river. We hate deranged tyrants, and are vocal in our distaste.

No masks!!!!! Keep kids in hospitals!!!!! That'll teach Trudeau a lesson!!!!!

Be a bully..act like a victim..oh Nili, gonna be a long year

While I don't condone hate mail, what did they expect? They're behaving like tyrants. Stop trying to force our children to wear masks. If you want to mask your child, then do so. I won't mask mine!

Not hate mail Concerned parents embarrassed by Nili

Good !!! Maybe she can read the room … leave kids alone !!!! Period

whackyinflatab1 Leave the kids alone. Enough is enough!

Who the heck are they to say if masks should be used anyway . We can make our own decisions thank you,and don’t blame the mail your receiving

Couldn't imagine why...

I consider masking my kid and cutting off their air abuse. . Anyone see died suddenly yet?

Inventing excuses ahead of time lmao. She just can't lose....

DEFUND ctv!!!!

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects - LifeSite

Good. Masks are ineffective and I won’t be surprised when data comes in to show that they are unsafe. Like the 💉

File this under 'any communicated opposition to this is hate mail'

If she wasn't so arrogant, perhaps more would take her seriously.

“Hate mail” = parents voicing their concern for their own kids.

If 'hate mail' = angry parents who don't want the mandates expressing their frustration with that proposal, then GOOD.

Is it unexpected given that quack doctor going off on everyone?

Liars DefundTheMedia DefundCTV WEFPuppets TrudeauIsTheNewHitler LiberalPartyMustGo Pierre4PM

Not hate, it's anger

“Hate mail” or mail that she doesn’t care for? Sounds like many people can’t tell the difference these days. And to be fair the most dangerous place to stand is between a parent and their child

Countless 'angry letters' with legitimate concerns, but you imply it's all hate, where actually *ONE* letter was reported to police. Your obfuscations and propaganda are endless. KCNA & SovietPravda-like news.🖕

BRAVO!!! BRAVO!! STAND UP! Those masks DONT STOP COVID. Touching mutual things in the school is a much greater risk of contraction annnnnd if you do you all better set up home schooling again because I'm not sending my kids at this start of your next BS agenda.

She should be fired.

Il also remember this hate.

So concerned parents expressing their concerns is now considered hate mail eh ctv?

Good! Glad to see the public making their point clear so that a few privileged adults don’t take away from what’s left of education. Did you know Nili sends her own kids to private school?

Nili is at it again.

She injected children with vaccines that were not approved. She needs to go to jail.

She’s disgusting and should be in prison.

Please provide mailing address.

So hate mail works? Good to know.

Hate mail ..it's called people see through your bullshit

Seriously? ‘Hate mail’?😂 Could it possibly be…the fed up parents who have had enough of this psy-op garbage?🙄

Useless mask don’t work they will not keep you from catching anything! But I’m sure you know this already!so why are you forcing people to give up their rights to choose? Would you like to give up your rights to choose and have to NOT wear a mask?

Hate mail=anyone who disagrees with her.

I'm sure she means anyone who disagrees with her!

Oh. Tell the whole story.. just try that for once.


Oh you mean Nili the perpetual victim?

The radical left trying to force their ideologies on EVERYONE ...

Stop whining.

You mean super freak Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth?

I think it's time to mute CTV. I can't stomach the shit disturbing that this rag puts put.

Gee I wonder why You would receive hate mail when pushing an agenda that's been proven to be false but your local MSM continues to exploit it


Masking and avoiding germs for us into this mess and won’t get us out of it.

I'd be willing to bet it's mostly angry people voicing opposition. These days opposition is upgraded to hate if it has an exclamation mark.

Lol no need to make excuses, we all know nobody wants masks back

Liberal funded propaganda


Masking makes you sick 😫 Unobstructed fresh air is always better ☺️

Good. Masks don’t belong anywhere near a child’s face.

Yep, sounds right. Maybe stay out of everyone else's personal decisions and you don't get hate mail.

Define hate mail CTV?

Cry more, Nili!

Nili is a radical extremist quack! Stay away from our children!

Nice...almost like the public has spoken. Quit with the narrative already ctv...get with the real facts...not the politically edited 'facts'. stopthepropaganda stopbillC11


Masking children is child abuse.

It is difficult to be patient with people who harm children.

It’s due to the fact that nobody wants to wear them. Might want to take the hint losers.


Good to see parents fighting back against medical fascists like Nili.

She delivers hate mail in every interview I’ve heard her in.

If they are being persuaded by 'hate' mail than I would question the validity of of what they were standing on before. If they truly agreed they would not change. Perhaps they are being persuaded with some new facts?

Stop giving her a fkn platform

Stop abusing kids. They shouldn't have to suffer because of some Covidiot warriors who don't understand the ineffectiveness and harm of masks.


ELECTED Ottawa-Carleton District School Board trustee Aren’t they required to follow their mandate which got them elected?

Yes. I hope it persuades them to vote against it. Come on. It’s been THREE years of this complete garbage. 😡😡😡

PaulChampLaw Same happened to Durham region trustees from oshawa

Um, perhaps listen to the parents and your constituents?!

Good - just try and mask my kids and you will see trucker protest X10! bctf VSB39

You mean this trustee?

Should be an interesting debate tonight given nilikm’s radio performance today. She is likely to lose it and go for the jugular of any of her OCDSB board colleagues who dare to question her proposed mandate. She is certifiable and not fit to serve on any decision making board.

How did a child abuse enthusiast wind up on the school board?

Healthy kids should never wear masks. Kids should be exposed to all the respiratory pathogens!

Doesn’t her child go to a private school? Do they wear masks there?

For the love of God, leave the children alone NoMasks NoMaskMandate

These people that think they have a say what parents do with their children is delusional.. every parent should pull their children out of any school that trys to enforce masks or anything else.

Oh, so sad.

I wonder why, pushing a debunked narrative parents have had enough

Good! They deserve every nasty word directed at them. & that witch nili in particular deserves jail time and to lose her medical licence for ignoring the laws set forth by her governing body. Leave the kids alone FFS!

Hate mail? More like 'get lost Nili' mail. This woman needs to be reigned in.

5 year olds forcibly masking for entire school days in N95’s after 2.5 years is extreme. She needs to step down.

Or ... not being unhinged hypochondriacs might also lead them to vote against it...

Willy Nili is a narcissist with a very apparent god complex who will not be told she is wrong, does not listen to anything but her own voice and should not be in the position she's in

My children will never wear a mask again. Just stop.

Lefties think everything is 'hate' based if someone disagrees with them. Just listen to Nili go off the rails during her interview with Bill Carroll this morning.

Newly elected. Vulnerable and innocent. Is that your take CTV?

Perhaps they should learn to listen. Clearly people don't want this slammed on them any longer. They work for the public. Listen to the public!

I am thankful I don’t live in that school district - but I would not make my kids mask even if the trustees mandated it.

People are done with the mask nonsense. Read the room!

So your saying it works Time to double down on the hate mail folx.

COVID is airborne and has long-term consequences. I'd rather my children not catch it or any other airborne illnesses. Hospitals are over capacity Meanwhile masking works very well in children. Imagine what mandated (provided) KN95s could do

Is this about crazy eyes?

This is what it has to come to. Be abrasive and sound threatening. Hands of the kids.

Nili is a crackpot

Stop giving this basket case an amplified voice.

Nili is a loon !!!

This woman need to catch up on some science.

Good. Masks are awful and worse and shouldn’t be anywhere near a child’s face

They voted for her

There is a job opening for people like her with the Taliban.

Crazy eyes is getting hate mail? I am SHOCKED

She is pushing full steam ahead on a very consequential, controversial and divisive policy. What did she expect?


This school board deserves all the heat and pressure they get. Stop abusing our children. The people do not consent. Start serving the people and not our ridiculously evil and authoritarian government and corrupt propaganda media establishment.

Stop the child abuse! CAS needs to be called in on these trustees who support gagging children.

That's because people hate the mandate. Don't make fun of people wearing masks, but also force them to wear a mask. Clown show.

Of course people are upset! She is trying to muzzle children with uncontrolled NPIs without any risk/benefit analysis! Mask-supporters are not writing letters because they already have the right to wear one. No one has threatened to take it away.

If she wasn’t so filled with hate, love that a radio host hung up on her… she needs to be cancelled!

By hate mail she means anyone who disagrees with her, as evidenced by Bill Carroll hanging up on her today during her rant, or blocking half of Twitter, or to her behaviour as a guest on The Agenda. She’s arrogant & intolerant & has no place on a school board or in a Dr’s office.


Excellent. Kids are not to be used as pawns or to indulge in your hypochondria.

We don’t coparent with Nili. Why does she act like she does?

Hate mail? Or mail expressing disagreement? Why is this extreme doc allowed to try to impose her fanatic view on our kids? Why don’t you do some honest reporting and point out that masks in schools didn’t work? Why don’t you talk about outcomes in places that never masked?

That control freak Dr. Should never have been elected. Parents are done with the covid theatre

Decisions he consequences.

I wonder why they'd receive hate mail ...hmmmm Almost as if they want to abuse and dehumanize our children further

nilikm needs to stay away from the children. Maybe, just maybe, what she is proposing is incorrect if she is getting so much hate?! Leave the kids alone.

Lmao what a nut

Why, yes, parents would like this hysterical person to direct her uncontrolled anxiety at someone her own size. Not children.


How did she even get elected?

Nili needs to get over herself and leave kids alone.

Please remember that people opposing your ideas isn’t all ‘hate’. There will always be some people that take their anger too far. This is life as a politician. You all know this is a hot button issue.

What is her problem?!! She is sooo aggressive and mean.. totally on some egoistic power trip


She’s an extremist to the highest degree.. far too emotionally charged to sit on a board.

Name her in your tweet. Tag the loser nilikm

The charade is over if masks worked then no one would have gotten sick last year. Masks impede communication. Teaching and learning are based on communication


Yes, the point of democracy is to represent- not dictate- the will of the people. Does CTV news have a problem with that? Ps- masks don't work...

Sounds like that newly elected official doesn't like or understand how politics works.

Parent are fed-up of that unhinged control freak? Define 'hate'; is telling her to leave kids alone considered hate?

In other news: Parents have had enough

Ate they from zpeepees people?

Without having to read the crap article, are we talking about crazy eyes here?


Can't let these violent ppl win. They'll feel emboldened and their threats will only get worse

Because she is to busy 'speaking' and not listening. She has blocked, ridiculed or shut down any person who questions her. It has to be her way or no way. Also, this isn't the role of a trustee. She's violating the education act and her fiduciary duty

Kkkonvoy in the replies. It’s airborne wear a mask. Infection starts a disease process. Repeated will cause death. Terrorists no one cares about your cult, you’re wrong, don’t make sense and the EA was accurate per CSIS. We’re sick of your terrorist bs grow up. Get off Facebook.

Keep it up!

Hear her unhinged rant on the Bill Carroll show.

Parents are done! Leave our kids alone, Nili!

They don't have the authority to enforce masks

KrankyKanuck Can’t believe the amount of privileged babies whining about having to wear a mask. If you can’t for medical reasons, fine! Otherwise stop whining, it’s embarrassing.

While I will always say my position is never a mandate but allow each to choose their own. I do not support hate, but when mandates are forced, it is a reaction, more than a real issue, I think.


I agree with Dr. Kaplan-Myrth, we need kids to protect each other by wearing mask at school. Ford shouldn’t leave it up to schools to take this decision. But the house is on fire, just saying so and wishing for miracles doesn’t help.

We have allowed the most unhinged cultists to be centered at the table of this pandemic. I'm sick of it, we're sick FROM it and it is past time to correct this mistake and turn this ship around.

U trustee are bringing the heat on to urselfs and parents are not on side with trustee.

Soooo, she doesn’t want to listen to the people of Ottawa, only push her agenda? Democracy at work.

PaulChampLaw And how many of these ‘people’ don’t have kids? And how many don’t have kids in this school board? Probably almost all.

I was just drafting my letter. Mines not hate mail. It’s basic my kids have ADHD auditory processing disorder they need to see lips moving in order to hear very common with ADHD. I don’t need a doctors note I know my kids they will never wear a mask again.

Nili considers anyone who disagrees with her “hateful”. The word has lost it’s meani

The people have spoken! Fuck masks 🖕🏼 EnoughIsEnough

I vote AGAINST any new mask mandate.

Nonsense, they just don't have the votes. Will these ideologues ever get on with life?

nilikm is not a victim. She starts it and then cries when she doesn’t like the backlash.

Please do the right thing for children. Wear a mask. It’s like a filter for your furnace filter and clean. bringbackmask

Masks don’t work

Thr article cited angry letters with no examples of 'hate'. The only useful thing in this article is this 'While the Education Act does not clearly grant boards the authority to implement mandatory masking mandates'

For Nili hate mail = voicing a differing opinion

Parents attend tonight's meeting and let's show them we are far from a fringe

I hope so

So what your saying is, most people don't want mask mandates?

More gaslighting by you media hypocrites. Just because Trudeau owns you doesn't mean you have to gaslighting this WEF aggenda. DefundCTV DefundMSM

Dear CTV, it’s your fault that you gave Nili a platform in the first place, she deserves all of the criticism directed towards her! Why can’t you interview doctors who think mandates are no benefit to the general public?

If the interview I heard this morning between billcarrolltalk and nilikm is any indication of what's really going on. I'd say the trustees are getting bullied on both sides to make a decision. Scary. They have a mandate to listen to the parents. No one else. nomasks

I’m sure she is. She leads with hate. Nili Kaplan Myrth is unhinged. DoNotComply

Sooo, My kids have to wear a bacteria-filled mask that does nothing to make you feel comfortable? Nah, I am good but thanks for asking. Can i wear a goalie mask? It does have more protection from errand pucks?

Trying to spin things again I see.

Some of the trustees are bullying our children. Instead of crying victim when parents speak out they need to self-reflect. We can't allow anti-science, anti-freedom ideologues to force harmful measures onto our children. Their alarming rhetoric is bad enough.

So are masks because of 'science' or making people feel comfortable?

Show her this …

Why do people listen to this woman ? She has only fear in her heart. She sent her own kids to private - not public school. She blocks anyone who disagrees with her. She’s of one mind.

Parents demanding their child’s right to choose to mask or not is not hate mail! Masks must remain a choice, especially for our children.

This article is clearly written by someone who wants masks. Can we have a counter article written by someone who is against masks and compare?


Yes anti-maskers-anti-vaxxers-anti-mandaters are bullies but we have to confront bullies. So sorry trustees are having to put up w/them. As we can see on this thread they're a nightmare of selfishness & disinfo thanks to a fascist op to sabotage our health/economy/democracy.🙂


Veganmakeup3 Yeah why listen to a doctor when there's all these whiny windbags on here whose greatest challenge in life was to wear a mask.

No mandates only choice

There is a case to be made for the current influx of viruses being due to high levels of masking and sanitizing for the past 3 seasons. Letting healthy people build back up their own immunities could be a way to avoid perpetuating this issue.

Masks DO NOT WORK. I will NEVER put one on my kids EVER again. Last year it was masks to save Grandma, this year it’s masks to save the children … JUST. STOP.

Hate mail? We hate mandates. We hate being told what to do by a small minority of exteme outliers. We can and will make our own choices. Wear your mask. Leave others alone. Bullies.

Good government listening to the people they govern.

Extremism seems to be the delight of the season... Nature doesn't care, it's revenge has always consequences whatever we choose or believe. Because of perpetual evolution we need to adapt. Nuances are required or welcomed...

Homeschool you're kids everyone

Well, when the board introduces a hateful policy, they should expect a hateful response. Pretty simple.

Isn't this the same person that gets hate 'mail' everyday on social media.... that I blocked cause I got tired of listening to the whining about masks....like what did she complain about before the pandemic, she's obsessed with masks.

Trying to play the victim card really 🤣 you're trying to push you're bullshit. Parent's are fighting back and you don't fucking like it tough shit

She’s a bully and spews more hate than anyone in this city. When you disagree with her, she starts to cry wolf and play the antisemitism card.

She couldn’t be bothered to attend her first school council meeting last week and only informed the staff 30 mins into said meeting. She isn’t there for the kids. She’s there for her agenda. A twisted one at that.

I wonder why…

If they'd ask parents they would learn that kids still got sick while wearing masks. I had to get my kid tested for Covid three times while school mandates were still up. 🙄

you continue to be an absolute embarrassment and the fact you continue to give Nili a platform is bonkers while never giving the other side any press. Just brutal

Also no one is going to follow thier bullshit mandate anyways , they are not even allowed to enforce it


Common sense should be enough to vote against it!

May you should read for yourself and learn that masks won’t protect you from anything including from your fears.

Dr. Hyphen has been WRONG about EVERYTHING since the year Gimmel. She wants our kids to wear USELESS bacteria traps on their faces all day IN PERPETUITY. Everyone should be writing her nasty letters. Mine says: “PFO TYRANT.” You can cut and paste it if you like.

She blocks anyone who questions or disagrees with her. She is not open to any other points of view when it comes to COVID or masking. She said schools were never safe enough to open. She is advocating for long term masking.

Nobody is teaching, apparently they’re just monitoring. Half the classes are substitute teachers. Its disgraceful. It’s day care for those under 18. OCDSB RidgemontHS

The news outlets that keep giving her a platform need to recognize the fear and division that they are helping to perpetuate. Be better CTV and stop giving her a platform

If you have a kid in school, apparently you should expect a substitute teacher at least 20% of the time. It’s a shitshow, total deliction of duty, at OCDSB. The janitors might as well be teaching because at least they show up to work. RidgemontHS

gee you think i wonder why? hmmmm oh yes the rest of the world has moved on....

Sounds convoy

I guess she thought there would be no pushback....School board trustees would be best to get media attention on what is the plan to improve education...and what are the results so far...

You mean Kaplan. And I'm surprised she got elected with all the S.A history in her family. Btw burn in hell CTV

Nili Kaplan is a radical twit

I would gladly share the letter I wrote to our trustee. And I would love to share it with the trustee quoted in this article, but she has locked her account and clearly isn’t open to hearing how Ottawa parents feel. No one should receive hate, but opposition and anger =/= hate.

Mask if you want. Let people have freedom. This is the true Canadian way.

Every time I heard about this doctor all she was doing was looking to make a name for herself. In every interview it was “Look at how great I am” She looking for the spot light.

downeybaxter The Americanization of Canada. Next we’ll fire teachers for helping students get library cards.

I lvoe how the 'journalist' appears not to have actually investigated any of the claims of 'threats'. From what we can tell, these clowns are receiving negative feedback and and wanting to weaponize the cops against their political opponents.

Why is a school trustee making mask rules for students? Isn’t this up to the board, gov or Drs?

Zero hate here. Strong desire to let parents make their own choice about their children’s choices. The board of trustees first act of a 4 yr tenure cannot be to make ocdsb the only school board in CANADA mandating masks. Its bonkers.


Pointing out that somebody is a pawn, or even an idiot, doesn't constitute hate mail. If she's voting based on the feedback she's received from her constituents, that's called: DOING HER DAMN JOB. Good on her and shame on YOU for making it sound wrong.

The mask averse just want to kill children.

Come come are we starting to behave like our neighbours down south? Is anyone watching rising cases of RSV, flu, covid and overwhelmed health system? Lack of meds? Follow the science, follow common sense. Grow UP!


It’s a simple personal choice….. leave it at that.

Good for them. They're not supposed to make up nonsence. They have no right to tell children what to put on their faces.😡 It makes sense not to let sick children go to school!

Bad reporting by CBC once again. Pathetic.

Yeah... My practice in response to hate mail is merely to double down. People who send hate mail are tiny little people with fragile egos who were never told no as a child and now have emotional issues with an inability to control their temper.

Who cares? Implement it anyway. Forward all complaints to my spam folder.

No hate! My comment to OCDSB simply stated that I disagree with coerced masking for K-12 children and teens. They deserve quality education.

Good! Her anxiety disorder is not our problem

Hmmm I wonder which one it is?

Interesting. I’ve talked to several trustees who are considering voting against this motion, because they are seeing the harm it does to certain student populations. Hate mail is terrible. It’s also NOT why they would vote against this motion.

I don't think this is legal.

When you are an elected politician (which she is now) and put forward policy ideas it is to be expected to receive opposition/criticism. Do you know which political systems have no opposition? Tyrannical ones, like China & Russia.

Masks for kids who despise them, have anxiety and fear is not good for mental health. My kids have instant anxiety with masks news. Oh BTW... Kids don't wear them in music. Gym. At lunch and snack. C19 and the flu don't pause during lunch, exposure is max

There is a reason only 10% kids are masking. The parents are their decision makers not Dr. Kaplan! I can't even fathom why people voted for her!

Mask mandates should be illegal. The school board has no right.

About time! Masking is not a way of life! Open your eyes people. Do not go backwards. Do not make yourselves weak and vulnerable to immunity! I feel sorry for those kids whose parents tell them to wear mask 8 hours a day. You are killing your children slowly!

Actually, the fact that these illogical, politically motivated mandates are still being discussed should be enough to vote against it. Trudeau never wore one visiting the eldery Queen, but healthy kids who aren't at risk should be forced to do so, mmmokay.

criticism and opposite isn't hate mail, just FYI

It's been said many times it's not enforceable without backing from public health. What they gonna deny kids an education and send them home?

No need to read the article to know who the publicity seeking trustee is.

Hate mail sucks but so does child abuse. It's time for people to call it out for what it is. CHILD ABUSE. As a teacher, I’ve seen first hand how masking negatively affects children and should NEVER be normalized.

Another story from CTV making Nili the star. Unbelievable. (Could you stop running with all her husband's press releases?)

Poor Nili. The crazy-eyed Covidian who wants to make children mask for over half the school year, forever.

10% of students. There is nothing to stop the other 90% from doing so, they just don't want to. Dr. Nili Nut is not is about to realize that she is elected by the people, and not a dictator.

Why don't you report that this school board is an extreme outlier in this action? Why do you keep handing the megaphone to this individual?

Awwwww pffft

No more masking!!!

I'd hate her too if she was trying to force my kids to wear a mask all day.

I'd like any report that you give related to a new mandate to also include the punishment for noncompliance. That would form a complete news report. Maybe suspension is on the table OR maybe there is no enforceable saction? I'm looking for all the details.

Good 👌

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