History As It Happens: Wars of Soviet Succession

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'The collapse of the USSR unleashed previously bottled-up ethnic and territorial conflicts. Some countries were rocked by revolutions.' HistoryAsItHappens podcast

War has been the rule in the former Soviet domains. The collapse of the USSR unleashed previously bottled-up ethnic and territorial conflicts. Some countries were rocked by revolution. The Russian Federation, meanwhile, sought to dominate slices of the old Soviet empire with the aim of creating Novorossiya, literally"New Russia.

" In this episode, Catholic University historian Michael Kimmage argues Putin's hot wars and frozen conflicts in Moldova, Georgia, Crimea, and the Donbas are part of a larger strategy to reassert Russian dominance in its backyard after the humiliations of the 1990s. The collapse of the USSR was not only an event; it triggered a process still unfolding in violent ways today.This is a podcast for people who want to think historically about current events.


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