Macron faces Black Tuesday student protests after Yellow Vest unrest

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Macron faces Black Tuesday protests by students as Yellow Vests slam his 'drop in the ocean' offer


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What does his wife think about all this?

he needs to keep some money back to pay for his coke habit.

This is THE test for Macron and he must not give way.

Macron 's intelligence is stupid as the president of Korea.

Whose going first? May or Macron.....

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 /  🏆 135. in EDUCATÄ°ON

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Yellow Vests demand MORE from Macron after £9bn concession packageYellow Vests vowed to keep demonstrating and were joined by thousands of school students in Paris on a 'black Tuesday' of unrest despite Macron promising a £9billion package of concessions. Caving does seem to have this knock-on effect, yes. Pity he isnt in charge of EU negotiatons as he is just what we need at the moment. he´s so f*cked, will he survive the week, or will his Rothschild handlers get rid of him now, bring back Hollande 😂🤣😂
Source: Daily Mail Online - 🏆 135. / 51 Read more »