A College Student Learned The Hard Way That X-Rays Show Metal...When Her Mom Discovered Her Nipple Piercings

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

'My mom saw my piercings as soon as the X-ray popped up and the doctor and I started laughing hysterically.'


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Sydney_allenn 😂😂

Sydney_allenn I like those pierce nips

Sydney_allenn Takes guts to share that. Your Mom still loves ya :)

Sydney_allenn Heard this story from my local station. Love it!

Sydney_allenn Bro u are famous 😂

Sydney_allenn You also made daily mail!! 😂😂

I’m 100% positive the technician would have ask her to remove all piercings before the X-ray...

Sydney_allenn Here we have to remove al kind of metal items before they take the röntgenfoto

happens more than you think


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