Texas parent rips mask off teacher’s face, superintendent says

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Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Parents in one Texas district ripped off a teacher's face mask and demanded another educator remove hers, according to the school system's superintendent.

"We have no legal methods to enforce the wearing of masks," Leonard said."We will not make our staff the 'mask police' with no authority to enforce the rule."

"To be clear, we respect the Travis County Order requiring masks and highly encourage masks for all students, staff and visitors to our campuses," Leonard said."He added that the majority of staff and students, especially in elementary schools, are wearing masks. "If adults choose to disagree and fight among themselves please take it outside, off our campuses and out of our schools," Leonard advised parents."The children are watching and learning how we behave, so let’s make the time our students spend in school a joyful and positive experience."


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You can’t spell stupid without saying Texas

So they are for personal choice for themselves but not for others?

Educators Teaching cowardice

Who does she think she it touching another, a teacher no less. Jail time for an assault would be Texas justice!

I'd like to know what happened to that covidiot after.

What the fuck is wrong with these people they may want to keep their freedoms but they don’t have the freedom to get other people sick seems to me if I were a parent I would rather see my child breath through a piece of cloth then on a ventilator!!!

And that would be when I, as a teacher, would have gone bat shit crazy in some parents, too!

vivartist14 She needs to see a mental health practitioner. That is not normal.

Probably a white male who has a condition I hear can’t be fixed.

Fuvking lunatic maga scumbags

Starts with GregAbbott_TX TXGOPCaucus. Selfish incompetence.

The parents ripping off other's face masks must be charged with assault and attempted murder. Until we START holding the anti-mask population accountable, they will continue to escalate.

Why can't they wear a mask. It's funny people forget about stand your ground laws. If you are the aggressor you can be shot. Just remember, if they dont like masks, why are they trying to take someone's mask?


What’s wrong with these folks? Is it the heat? Something in the water?

Reparations for Descendants of Chattel Slaves in the US

I hope they were charged with assault

AungMyayTharzan Tsp Educational Staffs took to the streets in Mandalay to overthrow the Military Dictatorship. NoEscapeFromGenocide Aug26Coup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar

Prosecute for assault with intent to cause death or serious injury

People are now assaulting mask wearers. Bat shit crazy and should be arrested for assault

They should be charged with assault.

The use of a facemask by Red Cross personnel in the United States helps decrease the spread of the disease, circa 1918. (Photo by Paul Thompson/FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) WearAMask GetVaccinated sciencematters

Well, that’s an assault charge. And a lawsuit.

What the f*** is wrong with people?!?!

that's assault...throw their asses in jail

Someone would’ve gotten a broken nose, I don’t care who they were. Do. Not. Touch. Me.

If those teachers do not fight back, then they have lost complete control to people who don't care about anything or anyone else except themselves and their agenda.

The stunning hypocrisy of the anti-vaxxers / anti-maskers disgusting appropriation of “My Body, My Choice” cannot be overstated. But, as usual, rules are only valid if they are their rules, behavior is only acceptable if it models their own, etc, ad nauseam, ad infinitum.

They should be arrested for assault.

What is it with these idiot parents? They make decisions for themselves and their kids but have no right to tell an educator what to do. What a great example they set for their kids. 😑

Pick them up


The school district should kick the kids out of school and home quarantine them. Arrest the parents and home quarantine them too.

I wish somebody would rip off my mask. That’s assault. That would be the last mask they rip off.

I guess msDNC is trying to distract us from Bedridden’s horrible handling of him killing people in Afghanistan and him killing people from his horrible handling of the China Virus.

Sounds like a case of assault…..anyone arrested or is this normal behavior in Texas?

Every day I keep waiting for some immediate unconscious person to try this with me.

That's assault.

Please tell me she is being charged with assault!

This is assault 💪🔥🤬LockHimUp

Trump’s legacy.

I guess pro-choice actually means “if I don’t want it, you can’t have it either.” And pro-life means “I don’t care about your health.”

So parents rather want their children to get sick? Okay go ahead, I couldn’t care less and its not my child 🙄

If you parents don't want your kids wearing masks to protect others. Then are you willing to take full responsibility if your kid infects others & explain to their loves for the harm you caused due to your irresponsibility? For remember it's not about you! It's about others!

People do this shit are a small minority of Trump people..Qanon..and various outliers and fringe cattle past eaters..they should be ignored

If you were vaccinated, the pandemic is over for you. Stop trying to control people

My son is a HS teacher that puts his all into his students. Teaching, band, baseball, 12-16 hour days many days and has to put up with crap like that as he’s watched several staff members succumb to COVID during the pandemic. Thank a teacher for still being there!

Assault charges filed yet?

They should have been arrested. My hope is that someone knows who they are and charges are brought against them ASAP.

Teacher should stay home and let the parents take over the class and let’s see how much will these learn

Attempted murder. Would've been within her rights to execute her on the spot for removal of the 😷 .

That's assault.

I hope that teacher filed assault charges against those parents!

Masks do not work Only a FITTED respirator will block the COVID The mask is equal to keeping a stack of firewood dry in the rain using a chain link fence. If you want to wear one - do so - just don't force people to wear that nasty thing

These wingnuts are too much...

Waaaaaaaay too far, arrest that SOB for assault

I wish it didn't come to this but 'Operation Tackle & Jab' is our only hope of returning this country to normalcy.

Media is to blame for the majority of panic here. CDC data and John's Hopkin's clearly show children are not at risk. In 18 months +/- 354 0-18 year old's have died in a Nation of 340 million. Most had Leukemia. NBC has been Criminal in its handling of the subject.

pricklyeater Sick.


So sad a mask has become political! Thanks Trump...his residue lives on!

it's not about the mask , it's control and revision

So assault charges are being written up as we tweet

Clearly assault charger should be filed

Republicans just don't make sense

That would be a “punch in the nose” moment. Rip off my mask and your ass is way too close to this lion.

Trachael intubation. I know. Is a horrible experience. Imagine choking on and trying to cough-out/expel a small garden hose. 24/7. Why go there if you don't have to? GET VACCINATIONS.

If someone rips off my face mask... I will knock their teeth down their throat... Self defense.

Such behavior is facilitated and encouraged by the outrageous behavior of Greg Abbott Texas Governor.

If this is true it’s disgusting…come on people….

This is 'national news?'

Oh, so it’s not “my body, my choice” then? It’s still, “Your body, my choice.” Got it.

Children aren't the problem. They wear their masks. It's the ignorant, belligerent, self-important exhibitionists who are the problem. If you attack someone, you need some jail time.

If this were mostly black people acting this outta sorts, there would be more outrage.

The parent who did the ripping should be charged with assault. I feel sorry for her kid. He/She must be so embarrassed.

Cause for a well deserved beat down 🤨

And so it begins. What a disgrace.

I hope there were charges filed for assault! What the hell is wrong with people?🤬🤬🤬🤬

Unbelievable Trump and his people turned a health issue into a political stand

Societal Deevolution...

What is wrong with these people?!?!!!

Isn't that assault, technically?

At this point every single teacher just needs to stay home. At least until everything is settled. It's not worth it when you have Governor who clearly does not care if your child gets sick. If he cared he would be moving mountains.

Sue that stupid parent for assault!

Dumbasses going to jail over a mask lol

Sometimes I just can’t with America! Wear a mask don’t wear a mask whatever it’s your choice but don’t be a dick and attack people that want to wear a mask just because you don’t uggggggh

I'd be a fired teacher for beating that lady's ass!

Hussain ThePromisedSaviour الحسین_یجمعنا اللهم_عجل_لوليك_الفرج

What the hell is wrong with these people? Their children's safety is at stake!!! It all stems from poor political leadership, Abbot has really messed things up.

How very sad. Shame on them

Are Texas teachers allowed to carry guns? It just took one punk getting shot to make the January 6 insurrectionists turn tail and run.

And what is being done to protect the educators? This should be looked into as assault by law enforcement.

Gee what happen to 'personal choice'... . /s

And to those unvaccinated… Mask up or end up on a ventilator (if any available)!

Did you miss this one last week? Or do we only care about violence if it comes from one side? This is Australia and where we’re headed if Biden doesn’t stop pouring gas on this particular fire. NBC = News Biden Condones

I know there are better ways of handling this woman but my knee jerk reaction is a slap.

Assault charges please with a topping of persona non grata, and a side of restraining order for the rest of this long school year.

Half a chromosome away from chimpanzees...and in some cases it really shows.

Well, the Governor caught COVID, who is next for not watching the prevention rules?

Anti-vaxxers remind me of Black Mirror, White Bear.

Wearing a mask: It's a health issue NOT a political issue, but some people are making it one, either because they simply don't want to wear one or because they have been misled. Masks are not fun to wear but neither is having COVID19. MaskUp

they should be charged with assault and battery....you can not physically attack people while threatening them with bodily harm

Perfect example of why there are ZERO ICU beds for children in Texas….stupid parents

If anybody touched me or the teacher, I would be on fire


And she would be ripped apart herself👊🏽

Sounds like the parent should be facing Assault charges.

That's assault

Teacher needs to file assault charges against parent. This blatant disrespect for educators has got to stop!

Why do anti-maskers have such a problem with people who choose to wear one

Don’t worry we don’t need masks. The taliban will be supplying us all with hijabs for Christmas. The CDC already approved them.

Could charge parent with assault or attempted murder since Covid kills.

Same type of parents that disrupt kids sports games... It assault - go straight to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200 ....

People are bonkers. I feel bad for the kids that parent is raising. 🤦🏻‍♀️

People expect teachers to take a bullet for their kids so why not get covid too

I'm so so embarrassed 😳 of my effin state and our government

Disgusting. Remember when (we) teachers were celebrated as heroes at the start of the pandemic? My heart hurts.

That's assault & pretty much attempted murder if they were trying to get the teacher sick. If you don't know what someone has been through in this past year & 5 months leave the mask alone & Social Distancing is what you should do.😷Stay Safe out there and Well now & always.😷😷

File assault charges !!

Seems like assault charges may be in order.

Efen coward


How can parents be so STUPID?

I’d press charges and file a lawsuit.

This shit can only happen in the US smh...try it where am from and you would surely end up in the ICU battling for life

My friend of 40yrs left California 6 mos ago for work in Texas he’s now fighting for his life in the icu covid

What a great example to set for your child. What is happening with people lately?

Charge with assault!

Violence is never the way, but I would've knocked the parent out.....

This people are so stupid. Check out about the Texas govern . His got COVID! LOL!!!

I would press assault charges immediately.

I love it “my body my choice” and you better agree with me! Hypocrite


Texas criminal* hopefully charged with assault

WTH is wrong with people?

I don't like violence, but that's one day I would've knock the devil out of that parent...in front of their kid👊

Isn't Texas a stand your ground state?

Clearly an assault and battery, lock them up

That’s assault

Ppl have lost their f-ing minds!!! These extremists are crossing the line. U can’t attack someone for protecting themselves and wearing a mask!!! If they want to die from Covid that’s their own idiotic choice but ripping off a person’s mask should be reckless endangerment!!!

I hope she press charges with that parent for assault.

Sounds like an assault charge to me!

Having worked in schools for over 20 years, what I came to discover then is now true more than ever: it’s the parents, not the kids, who are the most difficult to deal with. I’ve seen some really sweet kids turn nasty under the influence of their parents.

Well that’s an assault charge right there! Have your opinion but physically putting your hands on someone in angry way is never acceptable!!

The lesson here is don't ever go to Texas, don't get caught there for any reason.

They are going to drive educators out of their classrooms and their stare. With the low standing nationally as a state they need all the qualified educators they can get!

I don’t recognize this country at all.

What happened to SECESSION?


I am more convinced I was right not to have kids

These people demand their freedom while disregarding the freedom of others to wear masks to be safe. Appalling!

People are absolutely insane. Counting the days until a teacher, healthcare professional, restaurant worker or retailer shoots one of these imbeciles threatening/assaulting them.

My wife and I get down on our hands and knees every single day and thank God…. that we’re retired from teaching.

Okay. And?

It's just property anyway

Sounds like the American Maga Taliban to me. They are no different than the Taliban in Afghanistan

Should be assault charges. Hmm demanded another remove hers.. sounds like a threat. Are they not armed in TX classrooms?

Teachers, stop the whole school system and let these idiot$ to home school their little monsters! If patenta behave like that I can't imagine how their children are! Go on STRIKE! Fukk them!

Sound like time for teachers to take a stronger stand against this political b.s. mask deniers.

Right now, if some fool tried to touch my mask, one of us might end up in ICU. AND it wouldn't be me.

We are losing our freedom because of covid and the Democrats lust for power. We are adults. We know what to do. Leave us alone! btw, I am vaccinated.

Wacko, TX


Hopefully that person was charged with assault.

Assault. Charge the violator

Charge them with assault!


Please Retweet. It would be great to get the attention. More than 123,000 children in Mauritania will require emergency assistance to prevent and treat acute malnutrition including more than 27,000 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

Those parents can be arrested for assault too.

So sad. If COVID-19 is anywhere, it is potentially everywhere. COVID-19 vaccines will save many lives.

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