Trump says Department of Education will investigate use of 1619 Project in schools

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

In a Sunday morning tweet, Trump said the US Department of Education would investigate whether California schools are using the New York Times' '1619 Project' in public school curriculum

In a Sunday morning tweet, the President said the US Department of Education would investigate whether California schools are using the New York Times'"1619 Project" in public school curriculum. The Pulitzer-Prize winning collection reframes American history around the date of August 1619, when the first slave ship arrived on America's shores."Department of Education is looking at this.

In his convention acceptance speech, the President said"Americans are exhausted, trying to keep up with the latest lists of approved words and phrases, and the ever more restrictive political decrees. Many things have a different name now, and the rules are constantly changing.""We want our sons and daughters to know the truth," Trump went on."America is the greatest and most exceptional nation in the history of the world.


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Oh so NOW he wants to get involved with states business. I thought we were on our own? Isn’t that what it said when we asked for a federal response to a global gotdamn pandemic?

America did NOT have a monopoly on black slavery. Understand that the entire world practiced slavery. The people who sold Africans to Europeans for sale to the new world were the Black African nations of Benin and other West African tribes. Study your history

Point is White people stole and america was built on Black people's backs for free. We should have a lot of black wealth we invented everything we use now. So what if we ask for our wealth back? Hmmm

So what if they are? Teaching true American history is bad? HenryLouisGates spikelee

Look what the evil Democrats have done to the California environment. Ruined it! Not only ruined California natural environment but city/urban environments as well. BidenPelosicrats work on ruining suburbs too. It's so horrible. You can't imagine what it's like to live here.

1619 project is NOT accurate, to its own detriment.

Drug test that sob.

POTUS is standing up for America against the constant attack from the left. If you hate America’s think it’s a racist nation, get the F out, leave, go see how “equal” the rest of the world is. Ungrateful not welcomed here

Oh God, he is so ignorant! We have a drug addict in the WH.

He don’t know what’s in the “1619 Project” he don’t read.


POTUS realDonaldTrump since when teaching the truth has become a crime? Under your administration. puh puh

Maybe BetsyDeVosED could learn something and if we're really lucky teach realDonaldTrump a few sentences.

1619 project has been debunked by multiple historians, but who cares about history in’s what sounds the “Wokest”


Propaganda 1619

Good. They need to nix that propaganda from the curriculum.

CRASH N BURN trumpybabybunnkerboy

All the more reason to push SCHOOL OF CHOICE. If some schools want to teach this nonsense, parents have the right to say. “I don’t want my child to learn this.” It should NOT be taught in K-12 schools period! If you want to pay for a college course, knock yourself out!

Please shut this insane poisonous doctrine down AsaP

This decision has Stephen Miller written all over it. Trump wouldn’t know what the 1619 Project was if it was presented to him in a coloring book. The Idiot in Chief can’t/doesn’t read. AllOfThenRacists

But he isn't racist, remember?

Good! That ahistorical garbage needs to be banned in schools. 1619Project RealHistoryNotPropaganda

Trump/White nationalist don't want black history to be taught, they don't want the holocaust to be taught. It is all about them and how great they are They need 2 types of people. Smart people to run things and workers to work for them. If you are not healthy you are a liability.

Good. Wildly hysterical people are confusing 1619 Project with legitimate black history in context.

Saved the economy AND ended the Pandemic!! Is There Nothing The Donald can't congratulate Himself for!? Check out the Fake News Headlines for Details on how he Conquered the Pandemic - It Is Over, Didnt You Know!?

So tired of this crap. The GOP, after having started the push for a common curriculum, had a meltdown over common core & screamed “local control” hysterically to ensure it failed. Make up your damn minds.

Good. It’s high time leftist propaganda is eliminated from public schools.

The US wasn't even a country in 1619. Shouldn't you be protesting England for this?

Good. Hope they stop funding all 'critical' studies while they're at it.

Good, the 1619 project is pure propaganda designed to divide America even further.



As he should!

Trump is right on this one. This 'project' is nothing but more propaganda to teach black Americans that our beginning started when we were conquered and sold into slavery. The truth is we were in Africa long before 1619 and we were in America in 1550s, down in St. Augustine, Fl

This just makes me mad. CA schools are excellent and provide content that is real history, not that bs you get in TX. Kids need to know about 1619.


DaRedestElefant Good

1619 project is a wet dream for racists

Can we have a conversation about exactly what federal funds pay for in public schools? Bc it's generally only federal programs (mostly title programs and head start) and not things like curriculum development.

So wait we are installing non-factual history into our schools? I mean we don’t even teach the revolutionary war or civil war anymore but this is ok? What’s next? You can’t re-write history. I mean the moors didn’t sack Rome? Africa no longer had Jewish slaves lol?

He just wants to turn a blind eye to reality

Of course he will. Can’t have the truth taught..

Ummn .. hmmmm.. Anything to distract from the fallout caused from the publication of the Atlantic article. The troops can still see through 45’s crap.

Trump needs to practice running the country and more so worrying about student safety during this pandemic— this, this is just BS his Fox people want to contribute-that’s all they got to offer- offer solutions Fox News, I DARE U!

IndeCardio Smart and decisive move by the Trump Administration. The 1619 Project is Propaganda.

One day America is going to deal with her legacy whether the Trump administration likes it or not. We came to greatness on the broken backs of black men, women and children. I’ve.internalized this as should all Americans.

The 1619 project is revisionist history developed by a lazy writer who hates America!

Why be afraid of young people being educated... unless you have something to hide 😉

No consistency in his ideaology or policy. This is what defines an authoritarian.

Most of the people on this thread have already been brainwashed by the Radical Left, so let me be clear: we live in the best country in the world. For those who want to turn it into a 3rd world country, do yourself a favor & move to one of those(Venezuela). 99.9% LOVE USA!!!

Sweet! Best President EVER!

Do you think the civil servants who get these directives have just reached the point where they sake their heads, and then mentally move on, because they’ve learned these are just Trump distractions.

Obrigado pela Informação, !!! 🧐🌹🇯🇵

And in the meantime 'another 10,000 Americans will have probably died from covid 19, well done el presidentie dictatetor trump well done congratulations on being the biggest parasite ever in the history of parasites

This is America's history,a history filled with slavery and violence,

DONALD TRUMP HATES: Black people Sight of Black people History of Black people Equal rights for Black people Equal justice for Black people Remember the 1960's at the height of civil unrest, Blacks were told to go back to Africa where they belonged? REMEMBER TRUMP STUCK IN 1960

Is anyone surprised? The White Supremacist contaminating OUR White House is trying to extort *anyone* who he deems not pushing his racist agenda with OUR money! Nov. 3rd VOTETRUMPOUT BidenHarrisLandslide2020

It is basically against everything our country stands for to pick and choose what part of our history schools can and cannot teach. This is a slow road to censorship.

Trump 2020. Continues to drain that swamp. My man

Please correct me if I am wrong. Is not curriculum a state level matter?

When you say you’ve done more for blacks than any other president, but don’t want anyone to know their history

I have nothing to say about this piece of 'meat' 🍖

Does he even know what the 1619 Project is about?!?!

Play the songs of Bob Marley! buffalo soldiers brought to america to fight on the frontline and served as shields for the white soldiers!!

You mean the 'IF YOUR WHITE IT AIN'T RIGHT' saga

Good. If CA schools are teaching that crap they should be defunded immediately.

It's really not funny that admitting that your country was built on the backs of slaves is seen as 'un-American'.

DefundTeachersUnions SchoolChoice PublicSchoolsAreTrash

He trying to stop the fulfillment of an unstoppable uprising BrandKaleem

Does this man even have a brain cell left in his head?

Make sure it's a fair investigation. If it's not then you're making yourselves like the CCP censoring everything that hurts the agenda.

El presidentie dictatetor trumps way of bribery for its own gains 'yet again breaking the law of its administration

Just wandering if Trump has vendetta against blacks and servicemen and women of America. Somebody should tell him that he's the leader of every American. And that a good leader should be able to lead both the good and bad people of his or her subjects.

I’m a left leaning Dem- Project 1619 was eye opening!

More of the perverted draft-dodging extemist's stormtrooper attitude for power st sny cost. You've shown a lot of MAGA opinions, of various degrees of credibility but not totally likely.

I hope they are.

Again, Bozo, approving curriculums ARE NOT WITHIN YOUR PURVIEW. THOSE CHOICES BELONG TO THE STATES! realDonaldTrump I wish u wld read the Constitution so you’d find out what u can & can’t do! Let me emphasize YOU ARE NOT A KING AND WE HAVEN’T yet devolved into a Dictatorship!

Always the media involved. This should be taught in any school.

This is just going to increase listens. Hahahahaaaa!

Another example of racist thinking in action!

We’re safe. Trump can’t read, much less investigate. Gaslight central

He was no ts everyone to be a racist just like him.

The 1619 project is a piece of propaganda that perpetuates racism, furthers the belief of victimhood & erases the true historical account of events that shaped the the United States! Historical scholars/experts of American history were not consulted because of it's falsehood!

But that's real history so how is it un-American realDonaldTrump per banning 1619 education when we forces slaves here. It happened. Isnt that history


His so full of it. When will he stop talking!

Omg I LOVE this guy!!!!!!

He doesn’t want to talk about 185k dead Americans on his watch, so he starts a culture-war fight. He’s been doing this all year.

He is the worst (on so many levels)micromanager in the history of the presidency.


Still no time to condemn Russian bounties on American soldiers though, right realDonaldTrump ?

California and the newspaperjjjk are becoming like a 3rd world country. California can’t keep the power on, high crime and want to change everything to be anti-American and NYT can’t report honestly and have zero American pride.

Nazi, fascist just keeps proving he's NOT the 'least racist person' daily.

The “1619 Project” is a racialist falsification of history. It’s been refuted, repudiated, and mocked by almost all real historians as it should be. It has no place in school curricula anywhere. It’s nothing more than a divisive political treatise written by a black supremacist.

1619 I mean.

Trump is petrified that his racist base may find empathy for the American Americans who were brought here in chains in the gallies off ships in 1618 if they teach this in schools.

Thanks tRump for the 1619 heads up. Piss on Christopher Columbus

The 1619 project is based solely on hatred and no facts. it’s a piece of garbage and the people of California should strongly protest. it’s a work of fiction Created by the biased author

And this is a problem? Well I guess maybe for some people

Trump trying to disrupt attention from his hating our military by trying to be the biggest racist possible.

Why can’t he just butt out already.

So does 1619 really tell the whole story? The first African slaves in what would become the present day United States of America arrived August 9, 1526 to accompany Spanish masters. Then came the British captain sailing under a Dutch flag in 1619.

He is such a hater! I will be e so glad when he is gone. Our lives would have been so much better had he never been placed in Office!

That project is communists.

Feds don’t control curriculum🙄

Yes indeed! Tell the whole truth!

Well that explains why the current text books only include 'approved' information, doesn't it?

So what if they are using it? the Department of Education does not get to determine the curriculum in various states.

Will they be teaching the hobbit before this and the hunger games after. You need to keep the fairy tales together

So we expect Devos to conduct a legitimate investigation

He is on a full frontal attack against black people right now and for folks like Paris Dennard, Candace, and other “blacks for Trump” to continue wallowing in their dissonance is stupid! First the fair housing act, no anti racism training, and now THIS!

I would be impressed, if trump is re-elected, that this project goes any further than the “investigative committee” phase

Any black people still making excuses for him f off. November can't come fast enough.

The trending lines at twitter are so fixed its not funny anymore. 1619Project FoxBusiness FoxNewsSunday

Russia puts bounties on our soldiers, he says nothing, instead he calls those who protect our country, suckers and losers. Donald Trump is a TRAITOR who sides with the Russian Armed Forces over American soldiers, don't let him race bait us into turning our backs on our soldiers.



The worst thing to happen to usA and republicans remain SILENT corrupt and silent THEY MUST GO TOO

Trump 2020 ...

1619 project is full of propaganda

Like this is the face of ANYONE WE WANT QUESTIONING EDUCATION! The most ignorant person in the public eye, who doesn’t even understand the job he has,is NOT the person we want questioning what children are taught! Look at his evil children that are brainwashed all the way to hell


lmao he’s just flailing around. what’s his reason for wanting us to elect him again

I hope we do! . The 1619 project is awesome nytimes . TrumpIsATraitor TrumpIsANationalDisgrace TrumpIsUnfitForOffice VoteBidenHarris

ShivM_07 Today is Sunday. JoeBiden spent the morning in church, then paid his respects to his war-veteran son, Beau, at the adjacent cemetery. JoeHasASoul WeStillBelieveInAmerica

Why can’t they teach it? What ever happened to the Republican penchant for states’ rights?

Yo, don't fall for pastor orange distraction move.. he wants breaking news storyline to be directed somewhere else vice his comments on Military Men/Women. many threats have actually had any weight.

hannity donaldjtrump PressSec gop Why does trump not want the truth be told about our country’s past regarding slavery? That is so wrong. He only believe in white privilege. He is a racist! He has done so much harm to our country which is beyond repair!

Best President EVER.


'Interpreters' Transalation... Marxists

He’s just jealous his ancestry is barely American, when those who arrived in 1619 are American through and through. They built this country. He’s robbing it.

Great, go Trump!

U guys are becoming advocates for nonsense! Even we have him lying on camera the moment he denies it y’all run headlines as if he’s not lying! That causes debates and now we have Kellyanne Alternative facts!

Who's rewriting history now?

rwang0 Santayana call your office.

Dear realDonaldTrump I teach US history, government and economics. I use Project 1619 materials. Come at me, bro.

What the hell is he talking about now? Leave our children alone.


hey realdonadtrump, the real stands for really really a racist and been one all his life, thanks for bringing attention again to that wonderful NYT 1619Project

Good, because the 1619 project is horse shit. Literal horse shit.

BRING IT ON. 'Thanks' for spotlighting the issue Mr. tRump. We'll get the history of American slavery & social / civil injustice out there and give voice to scholars, historians and teachers to educate based on facts.

White snowflake POTUS

California pays the Bill's for themselves and the red states. California should stop being a contributing state.

Party's over. UnAmerican indoctrination has no place in public schools... or colleges either. Require K-12 to keep live cams in classrooms and stream classes to parents upon request. BetsyDeVosED

California wants to pass a bill that reads Israel is an apartheid state and should be treated as such Ca. is the most socialist run state in the union! Smiley Nusome is such a phony! Kiss the Presidents ass and get more money for the illegal vote ! We hate him he must be recalled

3 thoughts: - America needs more light shown on how they handled slavery, not just to remember how far we got, but how far we still need to go. - if 1619 is saying the War for Independence was fought for slavery, they’re wrong.

It should be banned as fake news.

Black contributions.



Another Trump side show distraction 🤡🎪🤹🏼‍♂️ Please stay focused! VoteBidenHarris2020 🇺🇸🌊💙

NY Times is a communist paper, with mostly racist employees, who are totally un-American.

As well they should. It ought be mandatory reading in every school in the nation. Children need to know what this nation was so it can be made better. I didn't get ANY of that in school. We must know our history to make America great, a promise you defaulted on. realDonaldTrump

hansonDigby Try fitting that on a bumper sticker or meme without being racist, G🤡P!

He's still working hard to get that African-American vote, huh

Idiot decries restrictive political decrees while issuing a restrictive political decree.

Yet again another distraction from his failures

Black history is black history and him trying to conceal it or hide it isn't going to change it. What a racist axxhole.

AlbaWandering Resources are needed to address educational inequality depending on socioeconomic status not these fool stunts For school lunches. For internet access and tools. For science

Betsy the incompetent c and her corrupt DOE can take a long walk on a very short pier.

How about getting COVID under control trump ? Anything to distract people right ?

Verses his conspiracy theories?

The 1619 project should never be taught in public school.

Wait a minute......don't schools have more important things to do? Like I don't know......protect kids, teachers, staff members, and their families from COVID?

“States’ rights”

If you dont like the history of this country, you can get tf out. We dont need you.

HillBeverlyhill Just sick

Trump's racism is repulsive.

This is yet ANOTHER First Amendment violation, and one of the most egregious type: content. It sure would be nice if you provided your readers with actual context. You know. Like a news service.

“Black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy, and God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men, God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race and in the creation of a society where all men can live together as brothers.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

Good. It’s a joke.

Kids are passing these essays around school like it's the anarchists cookbook.

When the Dept. of Education investigates does anyone know who the head of the department is?

1619 project is garbage propaganda

We, moms are speechless as we watch these non productives during these protests and are running around screaming at others - we dont want these type of kids - with the help of school, we need to bring these kids back to reality - to respect one another's religion - we ALL Matter!

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Like he can. . .

Suppress and deny. Trumps entire platform.

Doesn't he want to talk about how much 'he' loves veterans any more ?

Well you want schools under Fed control

Trump really is the most evil man born since Hitler died.

I've always been under the impression that the best education explores ideas.

This feeding racist hatred is his version of standing in the middle of Pennsylvania Ave and shooting people.

realDonaldTrump Keep your stubby little fingers off the 1619 Project. You don't get to decide what they teach in CA, PutinsPuppet. This is one of the most consequential pieces of the history of slavery that we currently possess. TrumpIsARacist TrumpIgnorance

Should he just be able to go to Cruella Devos for that information?

He's going full on racist.

And his wealthy inexperienced friend DeVos will ban.

After recommending drinking bleach and injecting disinfectant as a 'miracle cure' for COVID, I would not trust the Trump administration to approve a f*cking ASPIRIN! Disinformation Campaign ComradeApricot TrumpIsANationalDisgrace Trump2020 BidenHarrisLandslide2020

I’m wait for the day Chump wants to outlaw books.... what a sham of a leader ....

Pretty soon they will want to write into history all the great inventions and breakthroughs black people have contributed to our society over the years.

realDonaldTrump You don't need to be afraid of the truth.

Stephen Miller's boots are all over this one.

Much of the biased '1619 Project' has been debunked. Considered not worth of being taught. Even real history professors on the left say much of it is CRAP.

Reporters need to start asking him exactly what information contained in the curriculum he thinks is historically inaccurate.

gkanders More bluster. Does Dept Education have excess resources to conduct this “investigation”? They should focus on educational infrastructure. Help get students and teachers reliable internet & PPE. Develop guidelines for remote learning and safe return. Not curriculum witch-hunts.

Good — CA public schools have been rotting for a long time now —finally 👍🇺🇸

When are we going to have a standardized and true history curriculum where actual historians write it

As a CA history teacher, this just makes me want to use 1619 Project curriculum in my classroom more. We need to educate our children on what really happened warts and all.

Wait... What’s wrong with teaching students about slavery? Haven’t they always taught that?

As a retired California university instructor, I urge parents to educate themselves regarding '1619 Project,' Critical Race Theory, & Critical Theory. Make the effort to read & learn it. These divisive theories promote authoritarianism, totalitarianism, & are presented as facts.

dog's barking real loudly what could that mean

Is anyone else sick of hearing about UGLY FAT trump. The day we do not see trumps ugly mug on TV or Twitter is a blessed day indeed. Can’t wait for judgment day for trump.

So tired of this guy and his crap. 🙄

The 1619 project is anti-white revisionist history that lies in trying to label the entire USA racist when only 15 of 35 states following the 13th amendment chose to still practice slavery. Thousands of wealthy blacks and natives owned white & black slaves. Study actual history!!

Right now Trump is trying to do anything to distract & deflect from what he really thinks about our Military. This evil man will continue to divide ppl & use his racist rhetoric & actions to destroy black, brown and Jewish ppl. Since he been in the WH hate crimes have gone way up

America is not a Democracy. Why do people call it a Democracy The US Constitution is a DEFAULT Republic via Article 4 Section 4 If 50 States legalize Marijuana then it is legal across the Nation

The President is quite right. Tax dollars and public administration should never be used to promote ridiculous fake history and anti-American propaganda.

Thank you President Trump

Thank you realDonaldTrump!! This 1619 story isn’t based on facts, and will only confuse kids.

So talking about the horrible things we did in the past is now illegal?

Good, if we are going to tea our kids lies, why not just tell them that Hitler was mostly peaceful like the rioters

Psst he’s distracting you from the news on him calling the troops losers and suckers and you’re taking the bait. He does it every time.

Remember:Trump called Marines who sacrificed their lives “ Losers” “ Suckers”. He knew Russia has bounty on our Afghan based soldiers and did zero to alert. He gave go ahead to Xi to establish Uyghur concentration camps, suggesting Xi hire Eric Prince’s company to build and run

Historians agree. They refer to “matters of verifiable fact” that “cannot be described as interpretation or ‘framing’” and says the project reflected “a displacement of historical understanding by ideology.”

I guess state’s rights are dead?

This garbage has been debunked as patently false. Also, those of you who just can't get over the fact that we CONQUERED the native population and RIGHTLY established this country in order to make a better world can get fucked. The same with slavery. It was a different time.

They used that piece in my school in CT



teachersfortrump 🇺🇸

As they should. The 1619 Project is a grotesque work of anti-American fiction.

It’s pointless to use facts to debate these lefty loonies their minds are already made up. They’re the same people who truly believe a man can be a woman if he feels like one and everyone who disagrees with them politically is just a racist.

And if they are, isn’t it their decision? States rights and all that! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

morgfair And?

I’m confused. Hasn’t the GOP fought for decades to eliminate the Dept of Educarion and leave education in the hands of state and local government? This seems a bit inconsistent. The GOP has no bedrock principles. It has ‘whatever feels right at the moment’ instincts.

Don’t you think history should be taught by historians?

Finally a president fighting this madness!

light up what’s truly up in history

Doesn't Trumps photo's of him at the Serbian Photo shoot look like he is really sick and Old with hair a whiter shade with a Yellow Top

He doesn’t have any say does he in what Ca Schools teach


England was in charge at that time. We d9nt need to teach England's history. If it didn't happen after 1776, it's propaganda and the Republican who thought up the project said so. People believe only the parts that get them something. 🐑

He doesn't have the reach. The state makes the call, not Trump.

Like flies to shit all the mentally ill leftists are drawn to CNN propaganda. 😂

As they should, right?


So he's trying to rewrite history just like Orwell foretold in 1984. Orwell wasn't a fiction writer, he was a predictor like Nostradamus, only Orwell's predictions are scarier!

Not that it was right, but in 1619 slavery was a common practice throughout the world and still was in 1776. It is still practiced today with an estimated 40 million people in slavery not counting the Marxist slave labor camps in China, North Korea, Russia and elsewhere.

If it is on trump, the world is still flat. And he can know, because who can know better than he can?

The 1619Project is doing what it was created to do-disrupting the false narrative of american exceptionalism.

If it is from NYT it does not belong in schools.

tyrasquared God damn it, NOBODY teaches the history of this country with accuracy on MY watch!’

How about we just get rid of the education department entirely.

When I was in school, they threatened to fire my teacher, who was white, for teaching black history outside the month of February. Looks like nothing has changed in America.

The old, white man still desperately gripping to his unchanging, racist views. He’s the example of what’s wrong.

Soooooo the government controlling things is scary to Republicans, right? Like controlling what states should have a say in? Like removing funding from non federally compliant schools? 😂 As an educator this hurts

No truth is Trump truth. Why let Americans know the complete history when it can remain hidden

It's important to learn your own countries history. Especially the bad parts.

It's American history. What's the issue

Amazing when they are so deeply entrenched with the power structure of slavery that they take an attack on--and exegesis of--slavery so personally.

Pushing forward with his censorship of the truth. Waiting for the date of the public burning. Another initiation from Hitler’s playbook.

OMG! Using tax payers' $ to investigate the 'crime' of teaching the truth?! And yet he still won't show us his tax returns . . .

They really don't want us to teach the truth about what America has done to black people. They trying to erase their genocide, torture, and enslavement of black people.

Sounds like a personal attack...

The Dept of Education cannot dictate curriculum and teaching methods to states. Unless federal funds are using they have little to no authority here. Just more Trump thinking he is a king and being ignorant about the Tenth amendment.


Never in my 36 years have I heard the term ‘1619 project’. 🤷‍♂️

Since when is it bad to teach what really happened as opposed to “revisionist history” and making it all sunshine and rainbows? Wake up realDonaldTrump WorstPresidentEver

The idea that the USA fought the Revolutionary War to preserve slavery, and not obtain independence from the crown is a serious issue.

It teaches an ideology not history! Many Historians have pointed out its inaccuracies.

Who betsy's ass?

Trump neither has authority over funding (that's Congress) NOR curriculum

SoSaysCed donnell This...doesn’t seem good. 😳


Nunya 🤬

When countries consider their history it has to take the good with the bad. Totalitarian and nationalistic countries whitewash history to make it rosy, while ignoring minority populations contributions and hardships. Trump is pandering to racist elements and running on division.

This is all Mike Pence. Donnie is not smart enough.

What are you scared of realDonaldTrump Just because you’re a racist doesn’t mean this isn’t part of our American history.

Trump should not be involved in deciding curriculum in schools. Acting more and more like a dictator.

I teach history at an international school The ONLY topic I insist all my students take it Civil Rights... And 1619 Project is at the heart of it You can't stop education, trump

Dictator 45 and his Education Minion. He has no right.

Fucking dangerous.... teachers get your asses back to work.... and Pluto is a damn planet.... lmfao. I proved that shit on my styrofoam project in 1978


Remember though. They are all about 'states rights'

We are. And I dare him to stop us. This is just more red meat to his lunatic base.

Every school, every district, every state should be including this in their curriculum. It’s U.S. history FFS.

Celebrate and teach it but please set the course to educate about the Natives in depths as well.

So just another example of trump using his own cancel culture in the US. Next he will say slavery never existed. Just the virus.

Author of the '1619 Project' is a true racist. She rants that white people are animals. EnoughIsEnough

Good. Get that trash out of the schools.

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