Michael Forest Reinoehl, Suspect In Fatal Portland Shooting Of Right-Wing Protester, Killed By Officers During Arrest

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Federal law enforcement agents confirmed that they fatally shot a suspect in the killing of right-wing protester Aaron J. Danielson, a member of a pro-Trump caravan that drove through downtown Portland last weekend and clashed with anti-racism protesters

Federal law enforcement agents confirmed on Thursday that they fatally shot a suspect in the killing of right-wing protester Aaron J. Danielson, a member of a pro-Trump caravan that drove through downtown Portland last weekend and clashed with anti-racism protesters.... [+]Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was shot by law enforcement agents as they attempted to arrest him in Lacey, Washington on Thursday, the U.S.

with the army veteran who was reportedly a longstanding presence at Portland’s Black Lives Matter protests. In it, Reinoehl says he acted in self-defense as he thought he and a friend were about to be stabbed. A statement by the U.S. Marshals Service said that Portland Police Bureau issued an arrest warrant for Reinoehl on Tuesday on a murder charge, while on Thursday, members of the U.S. Marshals Service Pacific Northwest Violent Offender Task Force located him in an apartment in the Olympia, Washington suburb, which he was spotted leaving at around 7:30 p.m.


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Everyone, let bissieness know how you feel about this victim blaming headline.

“Police confirm they arrested suspect who raped Becky. A woman that wore very revealing clothing and had more to drink than she should have that night.”


Do that with all the rest of them!

Federal law enforcement agents confirm that they fatally shot the antifa member who boasted that he murdered Trump-supporter Aaron J. Danielson.

Federal law enforcement agents confirm they fatally shot admitted murderer that killed Aaron J Danielson, an unarmed citizen on a public street who was chased down and shot for his political preference, video shows. There, fixed it for you.

Is this the guy who said he was,”100 per cent Antifa”? It seems you forgot to mention that motivating point. Why would you omit that?

Strange framing.

Oh.. yes white people are bad...got it.

It would’ve been nice to keep him alive and understand why he and hundreds of others have held Portland hostage.

Burning down cities in the name of anti-racism.

Antifa bites the dust.

Best news I heard this year. Good riddance

They shot an antifa thug who was wanted for murder. Trash

“Federal law enforcement agents confirmed that they fatally shot an ANTIFA militant in the killing of a protester Aaron J. Danielson, a member of a pro-Trump caravan that drove through downtown Portland last weekend and clashed with MARXIST protesters.” Fixed

I think Isabel needs a talking to.

ANTIFA The press is a literal enemy of the American people right now. I’d list them right behind China but that would be incorrect as most are one and the same.

You meant to say an Antifa assassin was killed after killing an innocent human being.

Could you spin this any harder?

Get your shit straight you capitalist tools/fools. This guy was a socialist & BLM / ANTIFA acolyte. Why leave that out?

This is very irresponsible. Should read “Antifa thug with BLM tattoo on his neck murders stranger because he didn’t like his conservative hat”

Come on....is it that hard for people to spot FakeNewsMedia?

Yes, the criminal was an ANTIFA/BLM feral animal who needed to be put down by a civilized society to protect innocent protestors exercising their Civil Rights. Think I fixed what you were trying to say?


Clashed with antifa terrorists you mean. He was gunned down in cold blood by a hit squad. The truth isn't malleable, it is what it is regardless of how you frame or spin it. This kind of propaganda is all-pervasive.


100% Antifa. His words. Rule of thumb, if a publication doesn’t mention Antifa,then you can be sure they support them. Forbes supports Antifa.

He said he was Antifa. His sister said he was Antifa. Antifa said he was Antifa. AnTi-RaCiSZM PrOTeSTER

Correction: Antifa terrorist who killed an innocent Trump supporter. “Right-wing” is an opinion. Antifa is a fact.

murders NYS police in fact all police murders

No one in the MSM wants to say it... ANTIFA. Now why is that?

Protecting murderers seem be US media priority these days. From Overseas we’re horrified. You will end up in a civil war with no winners.

No, the dead perp is an AntifaTerrorists propped up by .tedwheeler and .OregonGovBrown. Get your facts right.

There, FIX IT FOR YOU! AntifaTerrorists BLM

Why don’t you mention this guy is a marxist BLM/Antifa militant?

An execution-style killing of an unarmed patriotic American by a drug-using, hate-filled fascist, pushing a divisive, bigoted, destructive, marxist agenda to destabilize the greatest protector of free nations on earth. No Forbes for me ever, thank you.


Forbes do you want to try and be a little truthful?

Say the name: ANTIFA

'anti racism protests'

Say it with me '100% Antifa'

100% ANTIFA his words

ConceptualJames anti-racism protesters?

Sure he committed murder but at least he was anti-racist so it's not that bad

They had to sneak right wing in. I'm surprised they didn't go the NPR route and say far right

Hey! You forgot to say extreme-leftists ANTIFA.

You forgot Anitfa member who shot an innocent man.

He wasn't right wing. God damn can companies stop hiring crazy lunatic left wing nut jobs for once. Everyone is tired of the fake news

Here in PG BC officer's Clark and Clarke along with their supervisor say that Angel Wesley kidnapping our daughter was not a crime. That's how the law works in Prince George BC. She will NOT face any charges for kidnapping. Why?

Wow...so much for unbiased journalism 😂 🤡

100% Antifa

This isn't a biased headline at all. You guys nad you didn't get a chance to interview him as well? It's okay, plenty more criminals and deadbeats you can align yourselves with

He was a terrorist murderer.

Good job trying to spin this like he was a sweet innocent 'anti-racist' being attacked by a 'pro-Trump caravan.' F*cking disgrace. But what does anyone expect from 'journalists' nowadays? We need laws with harsh penalties against dishonesty in journalism, obviously.

the self proclaimed antifa executioner of a trump supporter but since you mangled the rest of the 33 murders during riots why start doing facts now?


You mean the antifa terrorist who assassinated a blue lives matter supporter? Who fired on officers with a rifle? That guy? I’m sure the headline is just an oversight.

I think you spelled antifa domestic terrorist wrong

He was Antifa

The shooting was mostly peaceful

Why do you label the victim of the murder but you won't label the murderer? You know his affiliation We ALL know his affiliation You chip away at your reputation every time you do this, but you are so dedicated to your bias you don't even care

“Antifa goon got knocked down by Fed over his assassination of a Trump supporter” There, I changed the headline for you

100% Antifa. Say it Forbes.

Say it... A-N-T-I-F-A!

You’ll label the victim but not the guy who killed him. How pathetic.

Just tell the part of the story that fits your agenda. That’s why you’re FakeNews.

Really, ? The Antifa member that shot an unarmed Trump supporter was killed by police when he resisted arrest. FixedItForYou

Glad he got what he deserved. Now needs to com clean and admit they’re an anti-American leftist rag. ‘Anti-racist’ protesters? More like anti-American rioters!


Yea!!!!!!!! Good work guys.

Heard it was a mostly peaceful shooting.

Fuck you Forbes. You are honestly trash. Any self respecting business person that doesn’t believe fake pubs like Forbes. boycottforbes

Anti racism protest? It stopped being about race a long time ago. This is anti government protests now

The killer was a left-wing rabbid member of Antifa...who shot an unarmed peaceful protester...

You have no business reporting the news. You are in league with the enemies of the American people.

What’s wrong with your left wing reporting is what realDonaldTrump said again yesterday your lies and deceit does not help Americans And I say screw you !

Why does the political leanings of a murder victim matter but not those of his extreme far left Marxist murderer?

He’s officially a good communist now.

You felt the need to mention the victim’s political leanings but not the shooter?

“Anti-racism protestor” 🤥

That is a whole lot of propaganda in one headline

You guys are disgusting

You missed the word Antifa. And BLM supporter.

Corporate, Gas-lighting from formerly respected publication. I think it's time to ask yourselves why you're actually doing this.

Look at that framing! It’s almost like Forbes has a bias in their reporting!

So, to be clear: if you're simply standing on a street with a Trump hat on , you're a right wing protestor. But, if you walk up and shoot him in cold blood, he's a 'suspect'. It appears that Forbes has decided to join the media fray and pander to America's dumbest.

Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa Antifa / CONFESSED MURDERER

Hope everyone takes the lesson to never trust Forbes again.

You’re so full of it.

Victim is 'right wing' but suspect isn't '100% Antifa' ... interesting

Think you could slant that any more? Antifa’s a paid mobs being housed by Portland city. The killer crossed the street to murder Danielson who was randomly chosen by the killer’s squad. You can hear them telling him to move move move to kill their victim. Good riddance.

You mean, “fatally shot a self-professed Antifa member”, don’t you?

A suspect?

They weren't anti-racism protestors, they were communist insurgent.

He was an Antifa militant!

Federal law enforcement agents confirmed that they fatally shot the AntifaGunman .... PortlandRiots

You are a disgrace in journalism. Right-wing? How about an writing that the victim was American that loved his country and followed the law?

Now share the politics of the killer WhiteLivesDontMatter

ANTIFA say it!

Why are you smearing the character of a man that was ambushed and murdered in cold blood?

Anti Bad Guy Squad


Get your facts straight, he was 100% Antifa terrorist.

Their murderer was Antifa. The deceased was not a right Winger.

Antifa. He was Antifa.

The media is the enemy of the people!

This headline is propaganda bullshit. How many trigger words can you fit in

The killer was antifa- why can’t you say that?

Disgusting. Why are you you so afraid to say antifa? Cowards

Dear Forbes: Your bias is showing. Thank you.

The officer us a trump guy. Here he is in this photo Trump protest holing a gun

Person on the right gets murdered in cold blood - the rights fault. People on the left assault a teenage boy and get killed - the rights fault. No matter what you will never print equal coverage and always have an agenda! F you enemies of the people

Domestic Terrorist Group-ANTIFA. The question is , does Forbes agree with domestic terrorist or are they just scared of them?

I wonder what picture this paints to the average person who doesn't follow politics closely. Forbes knows exactly what picture they're painting.

Disgusting headline. Wtf is wrong with you people

It was an Antifa member... at least try to be honest here...

'anti racism protesters' so much bullshit. glad more and more people see right through these disingenuous headlines.

Forbes with that sweet sweet gaslighting.

Never thought I would see lean so left. Title should be 'Anti-American anarchist who assassinated a Pro-American patriot was fatally shot by federal law enforcement in a gun battle.'

Antifa AntifaTerrorists AntifaBLMDomesticTerrorists ANTIFAscists

You mean they fatally shot one of your antifa thugs after he murdered a man in cold blood

FYI: 'anti racism protesters' = Antifa = who attack and kill black people , Jews, people of color, and gays. Not exactly people you want to protect, Forbes, is it?

Yay!! Justice

Antifa terrorist shoots at federal agents forfeiting his right to life and gets killed... there I fixed it for you.

You forgot to put in leftist extremists Antifa member

A 'mostly peaceful' self-proclaimed antifa member. Your despicable partisan 'journalism' is terrible across every industry you cover. 🤡

You 'forgot' to mention that he was 100% Antifa...

This headline is off the charts gaslighting

You know the shooter was Antifa, don't you? Of course you do. You won't mention it because it goes against your narrative and goal.

He called himself 100% antifa. Say it.

Forbes is racist.

They shot and killed an ANTIFA member. 👍

Media is so disgusting. The guy murdered was a right wing protestor, part of the Trump caravan, but the killer was as anti-racism protester.

On the killers social media 'I am 100% Antifa' Now you do YOUR job Forbes and report ALL the news.

Trash headline.


He had a BLM tattoo. At least make an attempt of accurate reporting.

Revenge Killing.

They killed an Antifa scumbag that had been arrested multiple times with illegal firearms, but somehow kept being released until he finally murdered someone. Now he’s worm food. Good riddance.

A violent repeat offender with a lengthy rapsheet who identifies as '100% antifa' was killed during a shootout with police when they attempted to arrest him for murder.

The suspect was Antifa, which is a violent radical arm of the Democratic Party.

Ohfergawdsakes. He was a lying Antifa Punk who wasn't well liked in Portland because many believed him unstable & brought firearms to protests. Vice interview is garbage. Michael Reinoehl before targeting & executing Jay: 'We've got a couple right here'

He said he was 100% ANTIFA

Pitiful news media. Clear, honest reporting is not part of your repertoire any more. And you wonder why more and more people turn against you everyday. Have respectful standards or get a new job.

You made it a point to note ' ring-wing' protester but failed to include ' left-wing' nutcase ? Got it !

So you can label the victim as a right-wing protester, but you can’t identify the murderer as Antifa, a BLM protester, or in the left-wing? Even the hacks at Forbes run cover for leftist, unbelievable.

The guy shot was part of Antifa. Write it.

They fatally shot an Antifa terrorist who resisted arrest. Thanks comrades.

“Anti-racism protestors” 🤔? Was this guy also an “austere scholar”? more FakeNews


100% member of Antifa. You can do it. Remember .. journalism and being unbiased?

You mean this self proclaimed “100% Antifa” guy who was ready for “war?” Here is a link to his Instagram post:

100% Antifa

Say the name: Antifa.

Left wing Antifa militant murderer you mean

Anti-racism protesters? Uh, no. They are anarchists.

Antifa soy boy met his maker. Rejected I’m sure.

“Anti racism protestors”. Get the fvck outta here. He was a leftist loon militant, ANTIFA member whom committed a HATE crime because of the garbage you PROPAGANDIST fed him. He was NOT a victim. You’re trash. EnemyOfThePeople

Suspect? The 'suspect' called himself, 100% ANTIFA! Made sure to label the man he shot though didn't you!? So dishonest.

He was Antifa. Stop calling this criminal a protester.

I hope the parasite suffered

The world is a better place now. He was a terrorist.

Forbes competing hard for their market share of fakenews

Name the group the gunman was a member of.

You left out “ANTIFA/ BLM activist”.

Antifa Murderer who admitted to it on video. Antifa Murderer Antifa Murderer Antifa Murderer Antifa Murderer Antifa Murderer Antifa Murderer

He was murdered by an ANTIFA thug.

...shot a left wing extremist accused of cold blooded murder....

Not BLM, radicals, Antifa🙄


“The anti-racism” group is called Antifa and they’ve caused havoc, destruction, death and injury in multiple cities. They’re domestic terrorists. Fact.

You mean Antifa rioter! Idiots at Forbes and the MSM are scum!

Trying to find the entrepreneurial angle in this headline.

What pathetic selective wording.

Well, perhaps a slight liberal twist? Could it be that the anti-American thug belonging to Antifa resisted arrest by pulling a gun on police? You people are disgusting.

Time you actually call the felon an Antifa dude. Facts matter to us, maybe not you. Shame

This is suicide by cop. It's always a cowardly act that puts a moral weight on officers. I think the weight might be a little lighter in this instance.

You’re a joke

Lol, it's so important to these media outlets to shape the narrative, that they have no regard for how it makes them look.

A “suspect” who admitted/bragged on camera to a reporter that he did it...but only a “suspect”.

No media bias here!

Antifa 😇

Just can't say far leftist antifa street thug can you?

Antifa you dolts.

Left wing psycho and murderer was killed for resisting the arrest. 👏👏👏👏

When is Antifa season anyway ?

The great uniter. 😌

Tell the truth ! Anti-racism protestor?GMAB! He was an ANTIFA member! What you ppl do 2 cover for these scum bag domestic terrorists is disgraceful! ANTIFA has destroyed cities & terrorized citizens & defends them? Unbelievable! More anti-American wh0res! Pathetic

I hope the family of the victim sues you!

Aaron Jay Danielson lived in Portland and was getting ready to get into a car when he was killed by an Antifa admitted assassin because of the hat he was wearing representing a prayer group that supported the police. There was no protest at the time of the shooting. Fixed it!

He was a armed criminal and Antifa!

Forbes doing its best to lick antifa boots while shitting on journalism.

The murderer was an anarchist hell bent on the destructionof this country. Plus, he admitted he killed a Trump supporter.

We see what you did here, . '...clashed with anti-racism protesters.' Hacks. And amateur jacks at that.

100% that antifa bitch

This guy? Oh yeah, just your average, run of the mill anti-racism protestor.

Antifa. You can do it Forbes. Tell the story without the slant.

Your bias is showing. Another leftist publication.

Say ANTIFA!!!!! Say it!

You mean the 100% Antifa assassin that gunned down an American citizen in cold blood? Fuck your narrative! MichaelReinoehl AntifaTerrorists

Antifa-involved killings & deaths: Charles Landeros: failed shooting of school resource officers in Eugene, Ore. Willem van Spronsen: fatal attack on NW Detention Center Connor Betts: Killed 9 & injured 17 others by gunfire in Dayton Michael F. Reinoehl: Killed 1 in Portland

This is some headline.

It's not working any more guys

The far left media outlet is an enemy of the people.

* Antifa terrorist who murdered an innocent victim in cold blood Notice how you label the victim, but not the murderer, ? Disgusting!

Aka “I’m 100% ‘Anti’fa” violent criminal who was released by Dems then murdered innocent Americans, & continued violence, brandished weapon at law enforcement & thus secured his own demise

Anti racism protesters. 😂🤣 this whole article is to trash the victim and not name the Antifa murderer. Forbes is trash

This is why people hate the media 🤡

Say it - he was ANTIFA

I’m curious, I wonder if these media outlets really think anyone believes their BS?

Fixed it for you Forbes. Police kill Antifa member suspected of executing Jay Danielson for supporting the President and wearing the wrong hat.

'clashed with anti-racism protesters'. They ARE RACIST anarchists. There was no CLASH. The fool came up and shot him in cold blood. Good riddance to this scourge of humanity. In fact some of the most hateful racist people on earth are 'protesters'. Get your story straight.

Antifa shooter...

Let me help you. The murderer was Antifa, a Marxist organization that wants to destroy America

It's amazing that Forbes is trying to shame the victim, who was murdered, and yet can't bring themselves to identify the fact the shooter was a left-wing nut job. Go F yourselves. You will be judged.



Come on , say it with us. In all fairness, 'k? 'fatally shot a LEFT-WING suspect in the killing of RIGHT-WING protester' See? that wasn't so hard, was it?

So , I see you are carrying water for violent anarchist communists once again. The victim did not “clash” with anyone. He was pounced on and murdered, execution-style, by the Antifa lowlife.

Wow, Forbes was one of the few media outlets left that I trusted. They actually think Klantifa is anti-racist? Haha

Pls WDF is Antiracism protester. We're all against racism even though we're not going about shooting n destroying properties cos we got human empathy & know there are more same ways to fight racism. Love is the key not war!

Say it! Antifa member and killer.

You don’t fool us assholes

Antifa. Say it, Forbes.


Wow, what a spin on the actual truth! They are making Danielson the bad right winger guy. I have seen the videos like a lot of ppl have. I guess the figure most ppl don't pay attention.

say what he was: ANTIFA ANTIFA ANTIFA

PEOPLE NEED TRUTH IN JOURNALISM!! He is ANTIFA! He has a BLM FIST tattooed on his neck!!! It wasn’t a “clash with anti-racism protesters,” it was a RIOT. This type of slanted journalism is fueling the chaos!😡😡😡💔🇺🇸 SHAMEFUL.

Sounds like fake news Where's the body? Where's the pictures outside a staged body bag photo?

The Antifa guy

Biden lost another vote.

Wow. Really great journalism here... your bias and partisanship is on a great display...

Tweet almost sounds like you are justifying Antifa's murder of a counter-protester. SCREW IT -- THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOUR TWEET IS DOING! If you mean it say it straight up.

Michael Reinoehl. Self proclaimed “100%ANTIFA” with anarchist fist tattoo on his neck.

I’m voting Trump 100% because of the liberal media writing clear leftist propaganda bullshit like this article. The MSM has done more to elect Donald Trump than they will ever know.

Communist labeled those who opposed their ideology as “fascist” and “imperialist”. Germany’s SED (Socialist Unity Party) builds the Anti-Fascist Rampart Protection (Berlin Wall) in 1961, to protect East Germans from “fascism” and “imperialism” They shoot those who try and flee!

Suspect said himself that he was 100% Antifa. Why do you omit this?

Police shoot self proclaimed Antifa revolutionary, becomes his own casualty! There fixed it~!

He was...AN-TIFA.

Federal law enforcement agents confirmed that they fatally shot a Far-Left Suspect resisting arrest with an automatic weapon in the killing of right-wing protester Aaron J. Danielson, a member of a pro-Trump caravan. FIFY.

What a tweet. This is like blaming a rape victim for her provocative dress. Do you even try to pretend you have any objectivity?

Antifa! Wtf Forbes? You must be getting your hair done with Nancy

💯% Antifa terrorist murderer was justifiably killed by the good guys👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️

Hey, let's see who can re-write this propagandist headline with the most accurate revision to reality. let me try. 'Self admitted murderer-fugitive, shoots at cops while fleeing from accountability for killing a Trump supporter in cold blood while walking back to his house.'

You call yourself the leading voice for entrepreneurial success...you know that doesn’t work under socialism right?

One is “a suspect”, while the other is a “right wing protester”? Who are you trying to appeal to ? You go on to say the pro-Trump caravan went to clash with anti racist protesters? You have zero clues on what is going on, or are a communist front.

You mean the 'left wing' suspect, fanatic, rioter, Antifa, thug that was burnining and looting? Rag.

Vice interviewed him and he actually admitted to murdering the Trump supporter

Oh that’s too bad...one less scum bag the tax payers have to pay for his incarceration....good job USMarshalsHQ BlueLivesMatter

Unbelievable title! Wow. Bias much? Journalism is dead in this country! What a f—king shame!

COME ON MAN, Forbes isn’t saying ‘Antifa’ because they don’t want their buildings to burn.

Fatally shot a “Antifa terrorist.” There. Fixed it for you.

Actually he was 100% antifa, You pathetic excuse for an activist group. And they are not 'anti-racist/facist'. You should hear what they say to any non-white conservative. They are truely evil.


Nice headline, Forbes. So why did you become terrorist fans? Was it the communism, the mindless violence or the skinny jeans?


Taking out terrorists is what the American government does.

He was a self professed ANTIFA member

I do not trust this as true. There is more to this story line.

Are you talking about these 'anti-racism protesters' that attacked this Black American?

Antifa and BLM are Domestic Terrorists but the fake news industry thinks we're stupid and can't read through their bullshit headlines.

Arron Lived in downtown Portland. That’s why he was there. He was just going home. Not what the media is reporting. Why?

Let see if anyone holds a celebration over this killing. Not likely, conservatives to decent.

AaronDanielson say his name!

Ahhhhhh the suspect now dead! was and claimed to be 100% antifa, why don't you mention that !?! JournalismIsDead EnemyOfThePeople

Let me fix it for you. “Far left wing nut member of Antifa was shot by police. He was a fugitive after killing a patriot, who also happened to be a Trump supporter. Both men were white, so nobody cares”

Good job burying that it was a shootout started by the antifa killer.

Suspect - The guy said he is 100% Antifa. Say it you sissies. But you have no problem saying Danielson is 'right-wing'.

Good riddance!

So happy that the left- wing terrorist has been brought to justice. I feel better Forbes knowing that the pro- Antifa terrorist is no longer with us.

Why does Forbes label shooting victim Aaron Danielson as 'right wing' but doesn't label shooter Michael Forest Reinoehl, who described himself on social media as 100% Antifa, as 'left wing'. Why, because Forbes is part of the Democrat Communist Media machine. Totally Disgusting!

The suspect was 100% ANTIFA, and proudly called himself that, why can the victim be a 'right wing protester', but you refuse to call it like it is with the suspect? ANTIFA!!!!!

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