6 Young People Reflect On What A Black University In The UK Might Look Like

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Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Plans are underway to establish the UK’s first ever Black university. But would Black students consider attending?

movement, too, has reignited fresh calls to decolonise higher education. Statues of colonialists on university campuses are set to be removed – most notably, Cecil Rhodes at the University of Oxford’s Oriel College. Elsewhere, an open letter signed by academics branded UK universities’ support for the movement “tokenistic” and “superficial”.

The Free Black University recognises inequality and discrimination within the education system. Black students are the most under-predicted group yet they seem to over-achieve their predicted grades. [, published in 2011, found that Black students are the group most likely to have their grades under-predicted]. A lot of these individuals have potential, but they aren’t given support. But it’s also important to have safe spaces available in mainstream universities.

“I might have attended the Free Black University. I still can’t put into words what wounds I’ve been left with by academics and fellow white and brown students as a Black attendee. I stress ‘attendee’, as every day you have to prove you’re worthy of the education you’re paying for. You don’t leave feeling you had this happy ‘student experience’. I questioned why my lecturer, as a white woman, felt comfortable being the lead academic of The African Economics module.

Universities must be a space to learn but also to unlearn harmful mistruths as opposed to perpetuate them. But, though universities are complicit, they’re not solely responsible. The entire education system is in need of change.”Read More“I likely wouldn’t attend the Free Black University as it doesn’t align with my professional ambitions in healthcare.


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Fine as long as we get a white university. And the black university is in Africa... and so are the black people

sounds like segregation with extra steps

Why do you need a black university? As whites are the indigenous people of Britain, will there be an exclusively white university?

Please do it. Please. 😂

There’s a historical reason why America has exclusively black schools...why did you guys open one?

Would all lecturers and professers be black as well? Or would they select on the best person for the job?

Good luck with your Wakanda.

This is rediculous.

Yeah right, we have seen when the Islamist whackos have a mono culture education establishment, they teach the teachings of their hardline cult & very little else & end up being shutdown 😉

So segregation?

How did that work out for South Africa 🤔

Black people in the 1960s-- 'Get rid of segregation!' Black people in 2020 'Never mind!'

Intergeneration is what's needed. It's the minority that make shit go down. This is what they want. We can't move on until we do it together

Only the racist ones. Isn't this the very definition of racism? The creation of an institution where you are only eligible if your skin colour is 'right'?

There’s a word for this.... Something we did away with awhile ago... I think it starts with an s? Ah, segregation!

A university just for black people? Is this the 1960s in America, but reversed? What a load of rubbish.

Will there be separate water fountains? Maybe separate toilets in the adjoining areas. Perhaps black at the front, white at the back of the buses in the area? This has NOTHING to do with equality A black person who agrees with this is validating Apartheid

ffs Whenever we Brits copy America, it never ends well


Ironically racist

How is that antiracist That would literally mean bringing back racial segregation, can't you people see that? You are just constantly contradicting yourselves, get it together jeez

Thankfully the comments on this post are mostly rational. Let’s not go backwards please people, we need equality, not segregation.

Just Black? Not BAME? Oh dear.

Well, it's only a single University. The way the racists are bleating, you'd think it was the end of Western civilisation. Though personally I would abolish all universities and make degrees simply available online. Universities merely entrench middle class privilege IMO.

How about a full vegan university. Oh wait, probably need some ones such like full potato-lover university and full cabbage-lover university first, in case of any internal discrimination.

Pointless waste of time! Virtue signalling nonsense!

Wow, are they going to make all their students sit at the back of the bus as well?

Why are we bringing back segregation?

Lmao all y'all in the comments are acting like Brown University doesn't exist.

This is literally just segregation-

identity politics gone mad

Now I understand where all the racism came from that allowed the genocides in Uganda & Rwanda!

How much of a narcissist are you to want to spend your whole life only surrounded by people you perceive to be exactly the same as you, how self centred and narrow minded can one get

As long as black folks live with any other race, they will always be at the bottom due to their limited intelligence. Better for them to segregate

The George Floyd Butterfly effect is absurd

If y'all want to make a race exclusive private college then that's up to you. People would probably lose their bloody fucking minds if white people did it.

Is it in Africa?

And there was me thinking that the watchword for this country was all about diversity, and that it should be made compulsory in everything that is created. Discrimination in reverse is still discrimination at the end of the day.

Will they be lectured by white or black professors . Funny how Chinese and Indian students are happy either the status quo

WTF this is apartheid! This is madness!😠

I think the Nazis tried this with Jewish Ghettos prior to final solution

Wasn’t this type of thing tried in South Africa?

I blcak and rekon I done graight at univarsitee sow why Chang the sistim if it ain't broke... an all blcak skool or univasarittee wud ave made no diffferance to me exulant edicasion

Er would that not discriminate against white people? This is going down the wrong road.

Black only? A black only university? I hope 2021 is better than this toilet of a year. How naive of me to think the pandemic might bring humanity together. What a horrific racist concept. Sun City mentality.

When I was at school we were taught that our character, not skin colour is what matters. Reading what these young people say, it shows how the social media generation have been conditioned to identify as nothing but a skin colour. This is not progress. Fuck identity politics.

La mejor manera de hacer inclucion es haciendo una área exclusivamente para un colectivo... Increíble

This is the opposite of what MLK wanted. This is racial segregation, and it is a step back.

Left-endorsed segregation. I LOVE IT!

I managed to get a sneak peak at the entry exams:

The racist irony of the Cult of Intersectionality. They're literally advocating for racial segregation in the name of 'Progress'...

What’s next? Black only restaurants and water fountains?

This is the maelstrom of stupidity: If the university were 'white only' - you would scream racism at the top of your wheezing lungs. But because it's 'black only', you propose it is... enlightened?

'Diversity is our strength and let's segregate people according to race.' Lol

Wasn't there something like this in the past? What was it called? Rhymes with degradation

This is hilarious. The ACTUAL white supremacists don't have to do anything, the PoC are segregating themselves!

Progressives advocating segregation🤦‍♀️


Will whites be allowed to sit on buses to get there and maybe use the water fountains on campus? blackfragility

Terrible idea.

Only if they were racists.

Will Vogue be eulogising Apartheid, Jim Crow and segregation?

But of course, that is not racist!

Making segregation cool again ?

This is not what Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Wanted.

That’s literally segregation

This is literally segregation all over again lmfao

If white people done this they would be called racist so no white people need apply you're only feeding the fascists

When you're so progressives you do what racist want bring back segregation

this is just giving racists what they want by pushing more black ppl to black only institutions and laving more whites in the other schools also i could give a speech on how this whole idea is retarded

I hope not. I wish to see more Black studens among my fellow ICL alumni.

Segregation? We going backwards ffs

What about water fountains? Can we have black only water fountains too?

This is named aparthaid

You mean segregation? What a disgusting thing to do,causing racial divide . We the people want unity and love 💓 for one another, this is the manipulators, the dark agenda of divide and conquer . GeorgeFloyd was murdered obvious falseflag strategically filmed to create Unrest

Isn't this just racism but without the good music?

Divide not devise

Anybody who thinks this is a good idea has seriously lost their minds, we need to unite not devise you idiots. All the hard word over the past century has been undone by racists on both black and white sides

That's pretty regressive! 😔

Isn’t that racist !!!!!

So we are meant to working together to get away from seeing someone as a colour but this is now being serious looked into?

So woke you bring back segregation.

Se sono TUTTI Neri allora è sicuramente 'antirazzista'! Eppero' le quote Lgbt 🏳️‍🌈? Quanti gay? Quante lesbiche? Quanti/e bisessuali? Quanti/e trans? O siete discriminatori con gli Lgbt?🤔

You have got to be bloody joking !!!! Who's hair brained idea is this?. Lunacy, just total bloody lunacy. 🙈

Stop. That would be bias. We do not have white only Universities, we will not have black only Universities.


So black supremacists wanting racial segregation? Is this progression?

Disgusting. There is one race. The human race. Let's group together and not cause division.

Is it even legal?

BLM was secretly the KKK all along.

Stella13945 I would much rather a colour-blind education system without any recourse to measures like this, but hey, I am always being called an unrealistic dreamer, so what do I know?

And I thought the mobo awards was a bad idea 😂

Imagine the uproar of a whites only university 🙄

That university is going to be a chaos

If they dont its a bit pointless going back in time. When are the black only buses and clubs coming back?

Nice, thanks for bringing segregation back, the only classmates I want to look at are white

Can we do an all white Uni?

This is segregation!

If you do this. It will be the first step to open apartied and split within the UK. You will ruin the very fabric and tradition purr country is based on

Umm, I think that is called segregation? It might be illegal?

Deplorable and Racist, if that happens let's have all White, all Asian, all Muslim, let's see how that works out.

Why have a racist university?


It's amazing there are enough idiots out there to buy into the nonsense put forward by Vogue but I guess there must be. Depressing thought.

What's with this race superiority? Just go uni and everyone can talk about their culture and race equally damn...

Hopefully this will take some extreme left-wing thinkers away from the established universities & redress the philosophical imbalance.

Would they have to have black teachers, Black cleaners, Black canteen staff, Black boards etc

What would happen if there was an all white University? Would it be called racist by any chance ? University are for all so stop the segregation

Absolutely ok with us if we do the same.

Hmmmm if only there were countries they could go to that were already majority black 🤔🤔🤔

What's next segregated buses ?

So we will have a Chinese University , Indian University and a Trans mutant University ?

Back to South Africa in the 60's then. This is going to end well

That's racism. Just so you know.

Pretty racist


You have got to be fucking kidding? This nonsense is doing nothing for anyone. It’s just dragging us back decades. Get a grip!

Stop importing regressive ideas from America - they have historically black colleges over there for their own reasons - we have neither the need nor the obligation to merely copy America like its private little poodle...


Note in my previous tweet I used the term ‘low income’ as oppose to ‘working class’, which is used by socialists to divide the public. The apartheid university will not happen as Labour is dead.

Jim Crow would be proud

Pretty much the exact opposite of British, universalist values, but you racists don't care for that sort of thing.

The plans are only in the head of the current Labour leader. I thought that socialists opposed apartheid. Go into any UK university and you will see plenty of people of all races and colours. Surprisingly the least represented are white males from low income families.

We seem to be going backwards, shouldn’t we be looking to produce a society of integration and all people being equal. This is more segregation disguised as progress if I’m not mistaken. Or at least the way it’s presented is.

CondeNast really? They are destroying the brand. See Gillette for details

So racist it's unreal, but it's ok because racism only goes one way.

Jim Crow Approved

Racism of the worst type

The segregation begins...

I thought the idea was to fight segregation Wtf is going on?

Wrong wrong wrong. Why create division

Hello South Africa

blmuk Marxist apartheid!

Now imagine they did this for White's only..... Yeah exactly wtf 🤦‍♂️🤡

So racial segregation? Haven't we been over this once?

So is Britain now going to bring in the Jim Crow laws, why are we going back in time, this is the 21st century, and this is island is not the USA.

That is racist

Ok. Then we can have white only Universities and see who fairs better.

If this is where we are heading, the students are too stupid to be educated.... has the left now decided that they can't get equality on a level playing field so now seek division

Sigh 😔

So tell me, what exactly is the difference?

FFS is this world real?

What happened to equality? This is blatant racism and against the law. If we had a whites only university how would that go down?

Soon they'll be like 'Back of the bus being reserved for Black people'

Nothing like a bit of segregation to bring people together.

Wasn’t the fight always against segregation. Your fighting the KKK’a battle here

We tried that already in SA. Everybody got real upset.


I really hope this happens. BLM doing a fantastic job. No unity but more segregation. 😂😂😂😂🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

When will the madness end. Next it will be muslim only, gay only, trans, only, women only... you name it. But what will not be tolerated is white British male only University... this is segregation thought, the left wanted intergration, integration, integration.

Because apparently humans with different levels of melanin in their skin should be separated... As Bill Nye said: We’re all one species.

How about having black only and white only institutions, oh wait isn't that racism, it does work both ways u know

BorisJohnson I hope you ban this happening. It does nothing to promote integration.

Then by definition it would not be a university ! It would not be able to be a good uni with such a restriction input! No employer would want to employ it's grads with such a restricted teaching with off course us the opposite to any good university!

So, segregation then ? BLM are to blame for this stupidity

Animal Farm. Orwell should be required reading in all schools.

Separate but equal right?

I would hope this is illegal. If not can I look forward to whites only university.

What utter bloody rubbish! A university should be for learning & studying.

This is a backwards step.

Do a fly-on-the-wall documentary about Edward Enninful at work please, it would be like The Office/Spinal Tap but fashion and race based. The world needs the laughs.

Segregated education? Sorry but isn't this a white supremacist's wet dream?

So who do they blame if their grades are low?

If they want a black-only university why don't they go set it up in a black majority country, rather than try to further erode race-relations in the UK?

Segregation? Are we living in 1970s South Africa?

Friendly advice. This does not end well. * From a South African.

Stupid idea brought by stupid people

Somebody ought to explain to the instigator of this idea just what intergration means

The current drive of progressive's to create black-only spaces is something so jaw-droopingly hilarious that I don't even think SOUTH PARK could have come up with it.

Reviving apartheid well done. 🤯

I think that is the most extreme case of “racist”

What's the point of this kind of segregation and how does it help society and individuals long term?

Why on God's earth bring back segregation and create isolation instead of diversity

As long as they pay for it themselves, why not?

please explain to the world how racial segregation is ok as long as its not whites doing the segregation... we will wait for your response

Why not just go to university in Africa if they want a black-centric and majority black school setting?

Holy ratio, batman.

This country has gone into reverse.

Before reading the article, I'm assuming some black activists in the UK want to create a university that is similar to the HBCUs in the US, like Spelman, Morehouse and Howard. And this has causing 'concern'. and whinging in the Twitter-sphere.

Very weird.

I want an only white university, a TV station with only white presenters, a white only train, a white only shop. Yes, let’s go back to the 1960’s of South Africa and the southern states of America. Get a grip, we’re regressing. Ffs.

This will be interesting 🤡

If they're stupid enough to want segregation, they shouldn't be able to go to uni in the first place.

Are the people who make these decisions Far-Right activists masquerading as Left-wing liberals?

Britain gave the World modern democracy,Law ,Science its Language Chaucer Shakespeare Tolkien the internal steam and jet engines, common law We ended slavery in the west ,invented phone,computer and internet stood alone against Napoleon and Hitler. We apologise for Hugh Grant

Yay! Segregation 🙄

It was nice knowing you Go woke go broke

This is illegal, and ukblm know it

So if a non-black person would want to join that university they would simply get denied for the colour of their skin?

Ag shame

Will Sasha Johnson be the Dean?

So segregation is coming to the UK? Take it from us in the US, it’s a very bad idea and isn’t cool. Don’t. Do. It.

Racists, MLK would be turning in his grave.

Apartheid, in other words.... Hendrik Verwoerd would be so proud

Segregation is back in vogue I see.

One look at the ground breaking, historic ruling; Brown versus the Board of Education (US) and now this... we are regressing

So you want to separate them from other races on purpose? What kind of racist shit is this?!

Hang on isn’t this racist? 🙄. Great way to promote equality, by segregation, let’s take a few more steps backwards shall we!

How inclusive of you🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤪

Ah apartheid, maybe you could get South Afrikaans to advise on running it.

what ?!

This is basically segregation all over again

Imported hyper-racialism. Let's leave it in America.

Zsüsà duì a canét zêsœm

Black people, seriously, we do not need this. You are just isolating yourselves and making it harder for you to get respect . Don’t ignore the past but we have to look to the future.

This would make Rosa Parks turn in her grave.


Ah yes. Segregation. Good to know that all of the fights against it for the past 150+ years mean nothing

Just bring back segregation laws already😩

Got no problem with that..as long as we can have a white only university.

Why on earth would the UK willingly implement APARTHEID style policies in higher education? 🤔 How on earth is this logical or even acceptable?!

😂😂😂 bunch of 🤡

Oooohohohohhoooo... Wow.... What the fuck is this shit ass nonsense?

Fighting racism with racism

Nip this in the bud! This is 2020!

I thought segregation was bad?

Isn’t this just giving racist people exactly what they want? Namely, that people of a different skin colour “go somewhere else”? Makes me think of this parody:

Sounds backward

progress, ladies and gentlemen.

Divide and highlight skin of color ? Doesn’t seem it is good idea

Things are so crazy this year that even segregation is back!

Appeasement policy rarely comes out great.

This is the very definition of racism. Why are we going backwards into division ?

This is literally going back 70 fucking years, but flipping the roles! Seriously, that's beyond fucked, that's blatant racism!

Does a University degree matters anymore?

Wow, an ethnoschool, this is useless.

So segregation is ok now? Riiiiggghhht lol


FFS, but I have no doubt there are substantial numbers that would attend, enough to make it pay, anyway. 'If' this is how it's going and they eventually demand their own 'land', give them Cornwall.

Yay, segregation is coming back! Woohoo! Civil rights movement was for nothing. Generations working together to get rid of racial division, segregation & discrimination was all simply wasted time! Bet you Asians will be left out, and won't get their own university. Standard.

Waiting for white universities too!!!! It seems like multiculturalism is finally dying.

This is the height of racism

At this point, is there really a difference between soke progressives and white supremacists beyond a hate/love for white people as a whole?

When I read and listen to this disgusting, dehumanising shit, I hope that Covid-19, 20,21 .. whatever it takes leaves the statues, the magnificent buildings, the Porsches, Mercs, Airbuses etc for future generations, wipes out 75% of the population and let's start all over again.

and a shithole it is, i used to be proud of my double citizen ship, now this joke a country bring me nothing but shame

We’re literally regressing to racial segregation. What the fuck is wrong with people?

Dear God, how a once-great nation has fallen.

We're literally going backwards...


Segregation? wow, why would anyone think that's a good idea If someone founded a white only university, it would be reported as racist, so why isn't this?

Nope unless they're segregation promoting racists.

Segregation is it, how progressive of you

This is ILLEGAL under equality law.

What about academics and administration staff?

Free indoctrinated uni. I read this artical, & as a white minority having to go to a shit hole college in London where I was treated like a less inportant person for my whiteness, I understand some of what they say, but they want to actually create black power. Racist scum.

Black people: just want to be left alone by the police White people: segregation

Vogue, the anti-human organization.


This is going to sound like a contradiction but.. I don’t agree with it but I think it ought to happen. I’m pretty sure it will turn into something rather like Evergreen in Washington which will allow this social experiment to run its course.

So your bringing back segregation again.

Imagine a straight only university or a white one! How is this equality? What’s the obsession with colour, if folk want equality (which in uk I’m canny sure no laws discriminate against any colour) why bring colour in to it!? All anyone needs if 1st n 2nd name! racist ALM

“Yay segregation!”

Separate but equal education

Did...did progressivism just eat itself? I mean, a University 'for' black people? Being mixed can I go or nah?

Hahahaha stupid stupid people

It is a kind of racial segregation only.


Can Whites and Asians have their own uni too?

That's called racisem and segregation

Martin Luther king would turn in his grave he fort so long for black and white to integrate together and now they want to segregate how wrong is that

Is it even legal to ban entire races from a university over their skin colour? That’s called racism and it’s disgusting.

Remember when segregation was momentarily considered a bad thing?

Ah yes segregation

Can a whole bunch of White Brits go to the African country of their choice and set up a white only university? 🤔😏

Segregation. Cool. When will the White university be opening?


No, they will burn it to the ground before long!

All of the Vogues should ban themselves

Ha Send them home to Africa

'Separate, but equal.' Amirite, comrade?

Stupid idea and won't happen. The woke think tanks that come up with these ideas KNOW this. They only do it to sow division and further polarise the country. Didn't think it would need to be said in 2020 but racial segregation belongs in the past not the future 🙄

Racial segregation 😍

The hope is they all do

Absolutely, do it

Ironically this is exactly what racists want

racist as always they even support the one who killed innocent kids which is isreal

Think I’ll takecyanide! Oh wait, I’m 73 🙄

Segregation! Such progress 🤦‍♀️

As long as it’s not free!! Can we have an all white one then if you don’t want to mix

You are gonna do what America did in the past , when there was RACIAL SEGREGATION, I believe that hate and discrimination are running in the blood of the European murderers !! Shame on them !!

This sounds like segregation. Are we doing that again?

Will they offer a degree in stabography?

والله خبر مضحك😂😂😂 الفعل هذا بزعمكم وش ؟؟ هذي اصلا تعتبر عنصرية وسخافة

They should make black University in Zambia Zimbabwe Sudan nigeria Kenya Uganda these are under developed countries they need this.... anyways it's just a political stunt...

One of the most idiotic things I have heard this year and there have been many. Go ahead and discriminate. Fuckwits

No way do we want that that should not happen this is Britain we don’t want segregation who do these people think they are coming to our country and trying to take over.

So if a white person doesn’t get in, will that be a racist move by this university? Oh no, because only a white person can be racist. Wonder what would happen if a all white uni didn’t let a black person in. uproar joke

Didn't the Nazi's us a formula to decide how Jewish somebody was?

I hope no one applies to this school and it goes away. This is a very bad idea. All ethnicities should thrive together, not separately.

And if we said a white only uni we would be racist

How racist.

So let's have a whites only one or Asian only one then have a white police officers association or a whites only etc etc.

Why? We don’t have all white universities. Institutional racism at work which I thought the people behind such ideas were supposed to be against.

Maybe separate part of the buses and separate water fountains too....... 🙄

So we can assume that anyone attending this University is basically a racist as they do not want to mix with other races?

Then white only universities should be allowed. I’m sure emulating the United States in the 50’s is what we all want, it’s not like it was problematic at all.......

Rosa Parks who risked personal safety to help end segregation would be so proud! What a bunch of planks.

How racist!

So when is the White-only university being established?

No thanks..

This is Shameful...who is doing this. Segregation is back... You want a black university go to Africa!

Will the curriculum be the same as in REAL universities, or with it be 'special' for a higher pass rate?

Sounds very racist.

Be a shame if it got burned.

Am I the only one who thinks this is unbelievably racist? Against whites? Anyone? Because believe you me, if white people were to even CONSIDER doing this there would be riots. Literally, riots. I cannot even begin to say on how many levels I think this is utterly wrong.

Now if anything is racist, this is fucking racist!!

Reverse South Africa. Nelson would be chuffed

Dig that hole you fools. I will stand by and watch this shitshow collapse and laugh.

Yeah that will bring people together... racial segregation.

Cool. Now do a White one.

If true this is too shocking to even contemplate!

Unbelievable stupidity.

I wonder what Nelson Mandela would make of this segregation?

Will they be creating black only seats at the back of the bus as well? Oh dear god! 🤦‍♂️

University comes from the saying unity in diversity. By that standard it would not be a University.

what will this achieve?

Next up: a gay university; a trans university and a disabled university. Come on, this is dumb.

The madness has to stop. This is lunacy.

Isn’t that segregation?

Not only stupid but retarded!

Are the lecturers Black too?

Cool, I’m gonna start a whites only university, since it’s now apparently legal to discriminate based on melanin.

Segregation in education ended 66 years ago in America and 55 years ago in the UK. What absolutely stupid racist idiot came up with the idea of an all black university?

Then what? Return to segregation?..

Is this for real🙃🙃


Whaaaat I thought it would be a better idea to NOT do that, isn’t it a better idea to keep it as it is so everyone can mix together!!

Great idea!! I'll vote for it!! And a white one, of course. In fact let's go the whole hog. And introduce an old fashioned system of apartied. White only. Black only. Men only. Others. I'm in a win win situation with my white male privilege n'all.


Hmm...Purposely excluding someone based on their race. Isn’t there a word for that? 🤔

Racial segregation?

Funded out the black economy doubtless.

Yes. More segregation. As if this what we need 🙄

They’re crowdfunding a free university!

Racist much...

I identify as a black man even though I'm chalk white, would I be entitled to a place ?

How will BLM pay for itself

Why would you want to create apartheid? I thought we were better than that.

So racial segregation is back in fashion, then. Cheers identity politics.

🙄 racists !

That doesn't sound at all racist 🙄

Sounds racist to have an institution based solely on the color of one's skin.

Are you really that racist and support apartheid ? is a disgrace.

Self imposed apartheid what the hell are they thinking?.

I am not saying it would but if this university did fall below national average performances would they then blame systemic racism. I think they’d find an excuse.

Oh cos that's going to help.. said no sane person ever

“I still can’t put into words what wounds I’ve been left with by academics and fellow white and brown students as a Black attendee. I stress ‘attendee’, as every day you have to prove you’re worthy of the education you’re paying for.” These people are racist fkwits.

And supposedly clever people have come up with this?

Repeating history I see

Ah. Funny how segregation and apartheid is suddenly en vogue 😑

Utterly racist.


How utterly backwards.

Isnt this what black people complained and protested against years ago?!

Failure rate at that university is going to be so high it'll shut down after a few years.

You’re kidding how does that make equality by seperating colours? Stupidity 🤦🏽‍♂️ keep that divisive shit up 👎🏽😏

So we are going down the apartheid path; what progress we are making. UK fights for years to promote inclusivity only to end up accepting separation & segregation on basis of colour. So when the first all White Uni appears we are all good, yes? Stupid, divisive & dangerous idea.

Because this is going to help race relations.

So what you mean to say they are discriminating against anyone deemed a different race? So classy

Something else for them to pull down.

Why? Can't black students integrate or don't they want to integrate? Rosa Parks must be turning in her grave.

...sounds like segregation

I'm 1/8 black. Can I join?

Can we make sure that only black people pay for it?

I take it that it will be in a black country and not a diverse one line Britain. Unless of course some african countries are will g to ha e all white unis as well 🤔

How about white only/black only apartment blocks, busses, shops, train carriages, queues, cinemas, theatres.... Undoing segregation and apartheid were progressive steps towards ending racism. Why on earth would any sane person want to go back?

Could establish it in sub Saharan Africa ,white people & other non black people (Priti Patel ,Rishi Sunak,white farmers) have been ethnically cleansed. Why are all those black people ,risking their lives to escape those black governed paradises.?

How do they know if your Black— do you have to include your DNA and ancestry results?

And to think after all that effort to remove their own drinking fountains.

Does that mean that there will be a white only university as well. But surely that would be racist wouldn't it

Yay Racial segregation wooooo yaaaayy......🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️😖😖😖🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ WTAF (checks to see if this is a piece by TheBabylonBee *)

Racism at its worst

That is just so Racist.

I’ll reflect on it-racially divisive!

Do we really want to start segregated education? Could be the thin end of the wedge.


Why not just go to Africa, probably quite a few over there?

How black do they need to be? Can mixed race folk join? Can I identify as African like so many identify as British?

Unbelievably racists plans. These are provocations to get us to fight each other on the basis of skin color while our globalist governments quietly implement their injurious 'great reset.'

Twenty first century segregation and apartied.

And they lived happily ever after.

Racial segregation is progress?

This has to be fake!

Isn't it strange how socially acceptable racism is completely one-sided.

Welcome to 100 more years of racial divide. Thank you Black Lives Matter! Your infantile politics from 1968 has worked! 2+2 will equal 5 on this campus!

Segregation ... 🤡..: what a progressive idea

Are we going the way of South African full apartheid?

Racial segregation, here in the UK, in 2020. How progressive. What the hell is happening to our society?

Howard University in the US is a great successful academic institution - the greater the diversity of academic offers to British students, the better

So you are bringing apartheid to UK, super..

Segregationists in hell are cheering.

Decades of civil rights fighting to end segregation and apartheid and then along comes 2020 and it's all undone.

MLK is spinning in his grave.

Its clickbait and propaganda. commisioned by Edward Enninful under the guise of Empowerment. And a not so subtle undercurrent of trying to win new readers, you know, more $. Ugh. I want equality not segregation.


Ummmm. Isn’t that as pure a definition of rasism as one can get? Asking for a friend.

Errrrrr isn’t that racist I’d love to see an All White Uni being established, think I know what the reaction would be 😡😡😡

Black people are bringing back the segregation their ancestors fought so hard to remove. Makes you wonder why they bothered

The Boer would be happy wid dis!

That's racist

We already have faith schools in this country, so a coloured university isn't that much different

What next seperate toilets?

That's against the law.

Let’s segregate and throw all that hard work away!? Which nonce makes these ‘plans’?!

What a stupid idea. Why purposely introduce racism?

Fake news surely?

It would be a racist institution and probably illegal.

This rings a bell...... 😑

Jim Crow would be proud.

Something like this then?

Is this not apartheid

Segregation then ?

Racism incarnate.


A black university?!!! That’s disgusting. Totally racist!!

It’s a shame those bright people don’ realise that such a venture would be illegal under the 2010 Equality Act.

How black do you need to be? What is black? African / Indian? What about asians?

Ian Smith would be so proud.

Maybe they should open one up for the Chinese as well

Is this a joke?

No white people allowed. Is this what this country is coming too? Absolutely disgraceful, if true!

“Guy segregates Universities! On my birthday!”

Apartheid for the Julia Roberts generation “I say who, I say when...”

Is it going to be funded by white man money or is it going to be funded by black peoples money an you know the answer whites man money

I'd be very interested to read the admissions requirements.

Amelia_Womack Does the Green Party support this?

The future sure is bright for increased racial tensions. Get excited everyone.

Shame on you British Vogue for supporting this! Look at the comments from the commentors in the article; these people have been truly indoctrinated with these lies.

Yay! Segregation is cool again!

Oh and this is in no way racist... Of course not, if black people want apartheid why don't they just say...

This is the illogical endpoint of the completely deranged and race obsessed modern Left. 🤣

MLK (and everyone who fought segregation) must be turning in the tomb.

How do you prove you are black? What are black credentials? God, I do hope I'm black so I can be accepted into this institution.

Pretty sure this is the kind of BS people fought to have abolished and for everybody to have access to the same opportunities?! We’ve gone full circle 🤷‍♂️

I prefer to see what Dr Tony Sewell is doing with his Generating Genius programme.

These people don’t see black people as human beings, they just see tokens to flaunt.

Wth? I thought apartheid was over

That's called segregation. In America we integrated our schools and society.

This is a dumb idea. Segregation is not the answer (not to mention illegal).

What are you doing?

So segregation is okay now?

You'll be giving them their own section at the back of the bus and separate drinking fountains next

This is what physicists call the 'singularity' or 'event horizon' of a black hole. Where reality and the laws of nature break down. In Newspeak, Segregation = anti-racism. Anti-racism = denigrating white folks. Denigrating white folk = virtuous. Avoid newspeak like the plague.

And what I wonder would be the entry requirements- other than skin colour obviously?

Woudn't that be racist?

When you're so woke you bring on segregation

Imagine for a moment, a headline proclaiming Britain's first all white University. Think of how people would react to that. Apartheid is a nasty word. Let's not resurrect it please. Let's not create racial division. JuliaHB1

Black people spent decades fighting segregation. Do they really think bringing it back is the right thing to do?

what a dumb idea. Imagine an english-only or Asian-only or Polish-only university! Abolish this idea, abolish all faith schools too. We need to unite around *values* and *interests* and *skills*. These are psychological/physical and NOT ethnic attributes.

And just how is this progressive...?

I look forward to the UKs first whites only university.

Does that mean there will be a whites only university too?

Apartheid, great, look what BLM has achieved

Wrong decision to have a black university. Normal universities should be a place where they can attend. Segregation to solve racism isn’t right.

Segregation? How regressive.

Black people: 'please god just stop police from killing us' The government: 'Segregation but it's Woke(TM)'

I'm gonna start demanding White only places then. But I won't really because Apartheid was fucking disgusting.

People fought so hard against segregation that we're bringing it back? What the actual hell is going on with Democrats?

Segregated schools... hmm

Well in the history of bad ideas this is certainly up there.....

So black people are pushing for racial division and segregation?

The only way to defeat racism is through segregation?

I don’t think we need worry if the driving force has crowdfunded £100k.

Sad that segregation is being brought back under a progressive guise, after people fought so hard against it in the US and South Africa.

You’re kidding right fuckingstupididea

If this is real it’s one of the worst ideas anyone has ever had 😂🤷‍♂️

They should ALL be forced to attend. You know away from the grasp of the evil whites.

YES! they should have theit own spaces and eventually theyll get back to africa where they belong 😀

from British Vogue whatever

Discriminatory, moronic, and likely a scam.


That is segregation something the MLK fought to get rid of

Martin Luther King: did you die in vain?

Creating their own apartheid. .

Did a truly moronic white guy from the 1950’s think of this?

Despicable, whilst you are at it, get them their own bus, their own shop etc. Let's go back centuries, not racist at all is it?! 😉

So divisive

Yay, segregation!? 👍🏿

So instead of equality which is what the argument is about, people come up with a XXI Century form of apartheid?

This is stupid

What it would look like is an act of discrimination the would not be tolerated if it was a while only university. Hypocrisy of the highest order!

You could call it Neoapartheid University!

Apartide is NOT a good idea however you dress it up. More inclusion is what is imperative for a thriving society. I don’t think it’s the black people who need educating when it comes to race anyway. The white establishment need to have a bit of humility in this situation.

Now we are setting back race relations through educational segregation? Makes sense when trying to make progress as a society!

Stabbing degrees?

how many would they get?

A black-only university?!?!! Stone me!! Is that legal? They’ve crowdfunded and raised £100K so far. I wonder who the money has gone to and what it has been used for? Any expenses records we can see? I smell a rat... Don’t think you can build a university via crowdfunding...

This is the most sly way of enacting apartheid I've ever seen

Racism in all of its glory. Let's fight racism with more racism, because logic. 🙃🤪

Apartheid? Really?

That would be racist and unravel all of the progress we have made so far.

we could set up a reservation for them also

How much of a stink would there be if someone created a White only university?

The right in the 1950’s: “We should segregate black people.” Reaction: Awful and racist. The left in 2020: “We should segregate black people.” Reaction: WOKE

Give it 2 terms and it would be broke and one half would stab the other half ...popcorn ready 👍

Absolutely disgusting 'no whites allowed' where have we seen this type of dangerous, evil racism before?

we don’t have Apartheid in the UK and never have; this would fail at every legal hurdle.

black groups are springing up everywhere racism excluding whites will only increase racial tensions britainstogether BritishLivesMatter

Such a university would be discriminatory and face immediate legal challenge.

They should not be allowed...unless you want white only this and white only that.

What? Are we loosing are minds? So the fight against separation and division has gone full circle? And the black % of population is around 3% in the UK.

Segregation, that's bound to work out ok, right?

So I can support this AND get woke points for not being racist?


Is it April 1st already?

We are going backwards now...

Finally, segregation!

If only there was an entire continent where black people could be free from having to live with evil whitey. But then, you’d have to give up living in first world civilisation.

Apartheid? Really? A little “last century”, don’t you think?

You people are idiots! the success of multicultural Britain has been our unity, separation of people by colour will divide our once mostly harmonious country.

Segregation. Thought as the human race we’d got over that.

Jesus wept.

Maybe we need to make it clear this is a predominantly white country. If they want to segregation then they should go to Africa.

Why would anyone wish to separate people because of skin colour? I dont see how that brings people closer? Each to their own i suppose.

That is surely descrimation against white people. Therefore illegal.

Wow. Actual segregation. In the 21st century.

Totally utterly racist. An institution built on skin colour.


Kehinde Andrews would be interested.


Isn't Warwick basically a black university?

Good idea. Learning from the success of South Africa’s apartheid regime and 50’s America.

Idiots 😩

How about an all white one ?

Next up: homelands and bantustans?

The walk of shame is ready


So they want to create more division as a means to a more equal society? We’re now getting to levels of stupidity not seen before.

South Africa had the black university of Fort Hare under apartheid - but SA was later sensible enough to remove racial segregation of education at all levels.

The plans for a black university in the UK exist in the head of a former Leeds Uni student called Melz Owusu. She is crowdfunding for it, inevitably

Stupid idea! 🙄 Haven’t we had enough of apartheid & segregation!

I didn’t realise we had Jim Crow laws here

This is against everything MLK stood for, segregation is wrong all races are equal.

Wow. British vogue is now promoting racial divide. Applause to you for taking race division back to the 80s.

It would literally breach the equality act 2010 but yeah sure.

I guess this is the logical conclusion of a set of beliefs that foster division and disharmony instead of inclusion and integration. Perhaps segregation is indeed 'vogue' in modern discourse. What a shame.

A racist university, just what this country needs!

Given the demographics of the UK, wouldn't it be fairer to establish a white university for the poor white kids who have the worst life outcomes?

Seems racist...

If I self-identify as black can I go too?

It seems the racists and the wokeists want exactly the same thing.

It would be illegal. Otherwise, perhaps we should have a white only university?

Ahhhhh segregation... The cornerstone of a harmonious and connected society

Would white students consider attending ?

I should hope not. What next? Separate drinking fountains marked black and white? Did some toxin get released into the water and take away everyone's wits?

How do you plan to get around the Equality Act? And exactly how is this supposed to benefit society in any way?

Isn't that apartheid?

In a word, no. That’s not the real world.

They’ll probably want it FOC and paid for by white pound privilege..

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