Cannabis smokers are 'nearly three times more likely to be violent'

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People who regularly smoke cannabis 'are nearly three times more likely to be violent', study finds

A study of 300,000 teens and young adults found cannabis use alters the brain. Addicts may also suffer withdrawal symptoms that could cause anger problems. Experts say the link between cannabis use and violence is a 'neglected area'.


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The only times I've ever been violent while stoned is when the bag of Doritos is somehow outsmarting me and I can't get in. This article is total BS.

Hi K.. m....... 0.0m90kk0k

White lives matter. Poor guy

implee True.

What bollocks will they come out with next 🤣

also why is there a black person on the left angry and white couple show as happy on the right. the america got some serious issues with racism. disgusting

i just did a study as well that says people who smoke cannabis are always happy. so who is right.

you mean three times more likely to loot a bakery.....

So, maybe the relationship is innate tendencies that draw some to violence and additicion or need for an external calming factor?

How much were you paid?


would explain a lot BrendaVanRiper

Smoking weed is good for the soul 💜

Look at the

Standard racism and lies from the mail. Holding us back hundreds of years.

What a load of bollex!! Only halfwitted Mail readers would fall for that one!



So much for the imbeciles who use it , 'n want it legalized!

You spelled ALCOHOL DRINKERS wrong! Unless you count raiding the fridge as violent 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

People who regularly drink alcohol 'are nearly 100 times more likely to be violent

Oh man what a crock of shit.



ha no

More Lefty experts

What the fu...

said nobody ever.

Up is down and left is right.

Drink is far worse.

Genesis:3.16 To the woman he said, 'I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.' DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE &SHARE

Put the pipe down.

You forgot the ‘say researchers’ generic propaganda stamp. Come on daily mail be better.


Daily Mail made a funny! I think these criminals may have some other traits in common... 🤔

Your high

To be fair ImperatorTruth

Let's hear it for paid for science...

I speak for myself and many other people have PTSD and I assure you weed is what keeps me from being violent. This is propaganda, and you should be ashamed of yourself for misleading the public like this. Evil

The Daily Mail is so out of touch. Did the Alcohol industry lobbied you and and gave you some down payment recently?

Lemme fix that for you 'People prone to violence, stress and high anxiety issues more likely to use cannibis to cope study finds'

Fact check please..



Whoever thought this up ate to many tide-pods in college. Only thing cannabis does is good night sleep n gaining weight.

Wow what a total fabrication and misinformed article!! The kid you wrote about “Femi Nandap” had a history of mental illness. Your publication is filthy garbage aimed at disinformation and sensationalism. unfollowed

Is this not an example of race baiting?

Violent on what brownies and ice cream




Click bait

Utter bullshit.

Go away big pharma. Your lies don't work.


KBtheFirst My experience had brought internal sadness back that I’d forgotten was still strong- this may explain violence as a result of this internal conflict as a outlet of emotions 🤷🏼‍♂️

Only if haven’t confessed you are a smoker

What happened to 'believe the science and scientists'. I doubt most posters here are scientists. Age of user a factor also noted in study. And so many aggessive/violent reactions trying to counter a article on violent behavior. How sweet.

Especially if they're black

What happened to 'believe the science and scientists'. I doubt most posters here are not scientists. And so many aggessive/violent reactions trying to counter a article on violent behavior. How sweet.


People who read the Daily Fail are 3 times more likely to not think for themselves and to pay Fail's bosses wages as they misinform the world on important topics.

I’m 33 and have used weed every day since I was 25. This has never been the case for me. And In fact when I choose to quit for extended periods of time I don’t get any side effects for that either. Weed effects people differently, but I’ve never known a violent stoner.

What a pile of bullshit lol

Alcohol intake increases domestic violence, rape, accidental deaths, and murder. Cannabis increases peaceful attitudes, the consumption of cheap snacks, and movie watching. Whoever wrote this owns a liquor store.

I call bullshit , people on cocaine are more violent!

The problem here is, it’s not cannabis.. the person who did the crime is mentally screwed in the head.. that’s it!! Get your facts straight as many people from all backgrounds smoke and this never happens..

This article is sponsored by tobacco lobbyist.

Well that just ruined every Cheech and Chong movie.

U think 😳😂😂😂

And more than 57% of people in parliament are pedos

RealDoctorMike said : Racism isn't just a Human Right Issue. it's also a Health issue 👌 Full video 👍 BlackLivesMatter

This is purely BS

fake news

I've seriously found them to be more angry, but so are all smokers.

It was believed in some circles that that consuming marijuana made white women fall in love with black men and they want to legally marry. Instead of letting them marry like decent human beings - they made marijuana illegal, followed by all the other drug laws

Probably mental health issues came first. Which led to use to ease that. Gotta love the haters of natural medical vs multiple chemical components. Must be the makers of Xanax that did this study. Get um hooked on big pharma. Detox next. The money trail.

Did the alcohol and Oxy industry sponsor the study?

I do not believe this. Cannabis has been around forever and if this was a problem it would have been noticed long ago.

commonguy123 This is rubbish! Every person I know that smokes is by far the least aggressive. They could not care any less about confrontation, they're busy relaxing. gtfooh with this.

Doctors had me taking 17 pills per day for my different issues. I went back to cannabis after a 35 year hiatus. Now I take 1 pill per day by choice. Cannabis helps my several pain issues, inflammation from diabetes, and anxiety and depression from PTSD. Not violence.

That's got nothing to do with cannabis itself

Talking shit

animals attack and kill the weak 2A

Wtf never seen anyone start a fight after smoking a blunt

Did the white couple kill this black man because they were high?🤔

A lot of people's live have been saved because I didn't kill them cuz I preferred to get stoned. Fn random-effects model studies, suck a lemon.

Now watch the pot heads jump in to defend their addiction. Anti-science when science doesn't support their fixation.

Oh come on this is not news

The Daily Mail is part-funded by alcohol companies.

A single study shows the opposite of millions of lived experiences around the world. The editor says let's run with it.

200 cannabis cafes in Amsterdam. Where is the violence?

Is it 1950 again? A man murdered because of wait for it Marijuana.

Most are simply tobacco users.

33 yrs says no

Not the people I know who smoke cannabis. From what I’ve seen it’s more of a sedative and improves mood, but not in all cases.

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard...and Trump speaks here all the time.


Withdrawal of any drug will make someone irritated. I’ve smoked weed for 10 years and I’ve never lashed out, maybe look at other factors that lead to aggression prior to any drug use.

I think we all know what you're implying by 'cannabis smokers'.


Says the pharmaceutical company’s

What a surprise

What a load of shit,more dribble to feed the masses...coming from a daily cannabis smoker for over 25 years ....I've no criminal record ....I've been with me partner for 17 years with two kids and held a decent job down for 15 years ......your study is nonsense, alcohol however?


Whaaaat? Ha! 😂

People who believe Mail articles are 9 times more likely to be gullible.


England, still terrified if Cannabis & Black people. Grow up.

Drugs have negative side affecting. Potheads 😮

why a black man in there then?

This is the stupidest thing ever written. Do your research. Cannabis would PREVENT people ! What a bunch of garbage. People make their own choices, and there is NO EXCUSE.

Wrong. Violent This is absolutely not true and what's with the pictures?

At least try and make the propaganda sound believable next time 😂

Really, seems to me there is other factors involved, such as tribal mentality, gang violence, drugs, and a good old fight over postcodes.

Natasha_Rossiya Bollocks. We smoked dope in the 70s and 80s, it certainly didn't make us violent unlike the legal drug alcohol, which would be a class A drug if invented now.

I guess the study cannot take ethnicity into account, as some cultures are more violent and tend to be heavy smokers.

Well that’s just a load of bollox.Unlike alcohol I’ve never heard of someone getting glassed in the face for picking up the wrong spliff

Bullshit, most people that smoke pot is mellow and are not violent, not sure where you are getting your info from I strongly disagree. Maybe your thinking about crack


Cool story bro, now pass what you’ve been smokin’


Hahaha bullshit

You don’t see the police out on the streets breaking up fights between stoners every weekend when the pubs and clubs are open. Unless there’s a kebab shop next door and someone’s used the last of the sauce

A meta analysis that cherry picked the studies to get the results they were looking for. We don’t see this result happening in the real world. The vast majority of millions of cannabis users are peaceful people.


1CaliGaL_1968 This is definitely FAKE NEWS!

Fake !

That's why nobody reads 'news' papers anymore. 🤡🤡🤡🤡

Lies ☝🏿. If you are violent, you are violent. Mary Jane have got nothing but love for you ❤️🌹


Absolutely not true!!!!!!

This is just an example! Search for usage of cannabis in different fields and its benefits

According to who the same people who think alcohol doesnt make people violent

80% of cannabis research is about harm. The 20% that's about benefits is then locked behind pharma patents. That's the real story.

Telll that to the Dutch with their super low crime rate.

VonPilsner Absolutely lots of crap Amsterdam has no trouble

Some ridiculous propaganda coming out of the today. They've published inaccurate reports for years. 300,000 people involved in this test, and yet nothing other than cannabis use was taken into account. This study isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Racist wannabe news outlet

Lol y'all ran out of shit to lie about? TF outta here with that BS.

Illegal cannabis sellers are twenty hundreds times more likely to be violent than legal bud tenders in legal countries.

Dont I know.

That’s that Skunk. Marijuana don’t do that to you.


Jhwrr Cannot exactly be violent if you drunk

And I mean.... Most people smoking weed are using it as selfmedication - so of course youd see this tendency. I bet youd see less violence AND less drug use if there were mental health ressources available 🤷‍♀️

Fake news. Alcohol causes violence.

Will there be protests/ riots for this poor man?

No scientific study linked. Unfollow Daily Mail. How hard is it to provide where you got the info?

Cannabis is FAR more likely to make excessively violent people chill the f'ck out 😎

Every single person I know that uses it has a vile temper once the laughing and eating wears off...or maybe their vile temper would be even worse without it so that's why they use it.


Aye cannabis mixed with PCP or some shit.

Talisman48 That is a complete load of bollocks, I was stoned out of my head last night and the only violence that happened was me stubbing my toe in my own house


With all these surveys and polls no one has ever asked me anything and people latch on to these statistics as gospel, best to ask someone in there 60s who smoked weed all there lifes about the repercussions than some survey from bias chemical companies

😂 Lmfao tell my high ass of 15years of smoking. I don't even think us stoner Could be arsed to be violent while blazing up 😅

On the heels of the Lancet and NEJM retraction just days ago you expect people to believe this?

Only when the stash runs dry 💯

Jhwrr You misspelled alcohol

magicdmw But does correlation equal causation?

People who regularly fuel racism ( realDonaldTrump) 'are nearly 100000000 times more likely to be violent', study didn't find yet.

I’ve smoked cannabis for years for arthritis and it’s given me back my quality of life. Not once have I felt violent to anyone. Daily mail talking bollox again.

Normally I'd disagree with DMO, but I've had more cannabis users kick off at me than others who dont. The paranoia and psychosis can be quite extreme. I've called both police and ambulances for them. It doesn't suit everyone, and the young should steer clear.


There is no need for any studies when a lot of people are smokers and know your study is full of shit.

THC3P0 As many as 4/5ths of U.K. adults use alcohol. 'According to the 2014/15 CSEW, there were 592,000 violent incidents where the victim believed the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol, accounting for 47% of violent offences committed that year'

True that

Total hogwash and you realize that, thank you.

Fairly obvious

THC3P0 Spin. Study is saying people prone to violent behaviour..., use more cannabis. No one, not even Police, generally associate cannabis with violent behaviour. You've literally called its users dopes in the past. Today we're violent psychos. It'll be dopes again next week. Zzz

/ When Cannabis Smokers ain’t Puffing away on their Duchy there more likely to be more irritable!!!

Or maybe some violent people just smoke cannabis


What a crab, its the opposite

No shit

Especially when they run out of supply. Saw it first hand with my friends.

These “studies” can be twisted anytime to suit any narrative. This case study was limited to 300k people. We can also do research on another 300k volunteers to prove otherwise. In other news, a new study from the institute of blah blah indicates this research is garbage.

What utter rubbish! More ways to create divide and give the people less of what they want.


Now compare those in the study with people that ONLY smoke cannabis.

Haha what a load of bollox. Pretty sure there are more punch ups in pubs with alcohol involved than in coffee shops selling weed! Who’s got the energy for a fight when ya stoned 🤷🏼‍♂️🥴

When trying to link to your page, it is attacked by something purporting to be a Sky survey so that the article cannot be read - please fix.

Not true. 16:12 Sun, June 07, 2020

Would it explain the high rate of mental illness in our country now?

True its not when you're smoking weed the problem persists, you see with all drugs its like a spectrum, you get really high then you get a comedown, with weed you get chilled out and then when it's leaving your system, which can take 28 days you get really agitated and aggressive

Bullshit it needs to be legal. The government are literally making a cure for illnesses a crime its DISGUSTING

Absolutely Tom F/%$ing Tit.!😂🤣🤣

It's backwards world

“Even when accounting for different life circumstances which might mean cannabis users were more likely to grow up in violent surroundings” Because cannabis users always get to pick their upbringing surroundings Good line to drop in at the end of the article hey

Cannabis or some kind of strong skunk weed? They might as well say Wine and Special Brew are exactly the same....

Causation or correlation?

The Daily Fail is full on racist in its reporting. They have no shame. Trying to point to race with the photos, that black people are generally violent. Disgusted but not shocked. BlackLivesMatter

I've watched alcohol and cigarettes kill more people than weed my entire life, so GTFO of here with that absolute garbage 😂 embarrassing

Ive never felt like twatting anyone after a spliff get a load of drink down u different story a load of bollox im afraid

See? The black man killed this couple.




Hahahahahahahaha this is hilarious, should have seen how violent, angry and suicidal I was before I started smoking it.. this is such a lie I can't believe you're allowed to share this bullshit


Rubbish - 1960's Peace movement

You need a study for everything.

True 🤣🤣🤣

That’s bullshit

Known that for decades

Do we need a study for this?

U want the truth! 😂 Ur newspaper is a hoax as much as corona virus 😂😂😂😂

Bollocks. Giggly, hungry & a bit annoying is what they are.

You fake news, your time is coming to an end you mourons

No news here we all knew that years ago but not e everyone is like it differing chemicals affect people differently psychosis is a regular issue with cannabis smokers

Now we are gonna go backwards in time to reefer madness? You cannot vilify cannabis. This is horse shit reporting. DO BETTER!

Bullshit does it

ClausewitzV People self medicate. Now do all other drugs and alcohol.

Can we break this down by race? Might be some other connection here.


If cannabis was legalised it’s production cld be better regulated. The specific elements that cause mental illness cld be removed or reduced. We cld also charge tax to help pay for treatment of users. That and a very lucrative business wld be taken from criminal hands.

Race-baiting bullshit from the DM



I can believe it

Dog whistle isn't subtle enough

load of bollocks

Don’t smoke the stuff and it stinks but really? Isn’t it supposed to have the opposite affect?

I’m calling bullshit on this one!


That goes against everything I personally know about smoking cannabis.

The people doing the study have never met a stoner

Don’t believe that

This is absolutely ridiculous bs!

A study sponsored by a big pharma company

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