Harry Potter fans tear into JK Rowling following anti-trans tweets

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'Why was Cho Chang the only Asian student at Hogwarts?' one Twitter user asked

“I love how Cho Chang is trending,” reporter Kimmy Yam wrote. “Gotta get that one off my chest. Jk Rowling gave the one Chinese character the name equivalent of Ching Chong. Then that character ended up being a snitching a** square. And did literally nothing in the series but date people.


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PauIRob Listen, I'm a woman and I have all the standard issue bits to prove it. Nothing added, nothing taken away. That's a woman. We don't come in any other form.

She has massive support as well - being pro women is not anti trans you can only menstruate if you’re born female that’s hardly hate speech

Saying that sex is real is not anti trans.

They're not anti-trans. They are FACTUAL with correct terminology. Such a shame people aren't intelligent enough to understand that. I stand with jk_rowling


No, The internet has NOT turned on JK Rowling. most messages are sympathetic to her, but the media always gives the megaphone to the extremists shouting louder.

Women's rights tweets, you mean.

Her comments were Not an anti trans. Full stop.

I dont think the majority of people could careless. Sorry but its true.

The independent up to some shit stirring! There is no anti-trans tweets, she is absolutely right.

Yea to whatever she said. Nobody should be able to change sex. Not right at all. Not what the natural world intended. Should be made illegal worldwide.

For some people it is necessary to get offended everyday. Smh

Why do people care so much what's in your pants but then get pissed if you whip it out... This planet makes no sense...

anti-trans? it's no such thing. that's unfounded editorial content - from a formerly wonderful paper now entirely denuded, functioning as lazy clickbait for over-zealous ideologues

There are 3.8billion women in the world. Are we not allowed to use that word to describe them anymore in case we offend the people that identify as trans women? World has gone fucking mad.

I'm pretty sure 99,99% are with her. No anti-trans comments were spoken by her, rather the opposite

They're not Harry potter fans.. They're far left extremists/ trans activists...

Will they burn her books and threaten her family next as they are the 'good' guys?

Trans has become a battering ram for online idiots. This had nothing to do with trans people.

sprzedawał szmelc o czarownicach Ani jednego tomu tego gówna nie czytałam

s9tmt At the rate shes going on they will be doing a Beatles bonfire soon!!

transpeople will infringe on woman’s rights

TransWomenareWomen or transpeople are not really people are they....she’s made a good point

The problem is beyond the tweets of JK. It's about reality.

It was not transphobic, oh my god...

Not really 'anti-trans' tho...more a difference of opinion on what constitutes a definition of a woman, a definition disputed by trans folk themselves. Maybe better to settle the issue through dialogue, rather than ripping each other to pieces over social media!

Why do you say she's anti trans in every tweet. You really are idiots. No wonder the left is dying.

anladın anladın meshlüman ama genetiğine karışmış

Anti-trans? Her comments were very fair and right. If you don’t agree with her, move on to a different author.

They need to stay strong. Someone voicing a different opinion to their own thoughts must be so hard to deal with.

MaggieBeNice She's not trans so why even comment on it. It's really none of her business. Why is she making it her business? JkRowlingIsOverParty


foalpapers Because of JK Rowling's transphobic tweets, I shall never read Harry Potter nor buy any related merchandise from here on, because putting money in her pocket, is further supporting her bigotry of transpeople. SupportTranspeople BoycottJKRowling

Stating facts. Get over it.

All about Cancel Culture from the most intolerant of leftist people fuelled by the media and Soros dollars!

She doesn’t care. She already has their money. 😂 📖 🧙‍♂️

All I know if someone referred to me as a person who menstruates instead of “woman” they’ll get punched in the face. Sorry not sorry

I couldn't find anything anti-trans in her tweets, but the Independent has delivered a verdict of anti-trans, so it must be true.

What about her tweets was anti-trans? This is such a dishonest tweet! Christ.

I hope she takes you to court for this. She has said nothing which is anti anyone/anything. She refuses to deny science. The VAST majority of us are firmly of the same opinion, methinks.

Sorry JK Rowling is correct. If you want to self identify then create a new set of pronouns and adjectives. Woman, women, female & females are terms which have been interchangeable for millennia. The fault lies in the original text, it was cowardly discussing the biological sex.

Biology is anti trans apparently

Anti trans fat pishflaps3 its_Alot

They're not 'anti-trans tweets'. They're statements of fact and reason. This lunatic extremist gender ideology is unsustainable. I remember a time when the Independent was sensible. Your headline shames you.

She isnt anti-Trans. She merely believes that woman menstruate.... not men. ShockAndHorror

Make sure you include in this story, that most people in the world agree with JKR. Most people on twitter are supporting her. The misogynists are a loud, hateful, aggressive, minority.

Call me stupybut I thought ONLY women menstruate 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️just Sayn

Holy shit! I love JK Rowling now!

Nah, we support her bravery & truth

She's lost over 100,000 followers in the 11 days since she went fully public with her transphobia. A lot of people are realising that their former hero has bought into hateful views (not to mention warped priorities during current events).

“Independent” 😂 More like a gossip magazine 😂

God bless her! Hahaha. People are such babies

Maybe JK should read this.

notCursedE bitch writes a book about wizards but someone who was assigned as a boy at birth identifying as a girl and wanting to be respected as such is too hard for her to understand

The movement will eat itself from the inside.

Is there a Yawn emoji...? Is that ALL that is going on in the World, someone with bollocks thinks they are a woman

*NEWSFLASH* The Independent stirs hate...again JKRowling chochang TheIndipendent

They were not anti-trans tweets, they were calling out the idiocy of referring to women as « people who menstruate ».

You mean.. Male Rights Activists tear into JK Rowling following factual tweets.

nossa que mulher babaca ne

When you have lost your moral compass, then anybody is fair game, including a beautiful person like JK Rowling. Go back into dark dens.

Some alleged fans . But most sane people support her Glinner

She thought it was a mispell... turned into a Demi-muggle

jk_rowling 'women menstruate'

A duck born in a stable is not a horse. She is allowed an opinion, albeit a controversial one. People need to grow up.

Serves the witch right.

Anti women twitter users tear into JK Rowling for standing up with & for women, especially lesbians? The Independent fails to notice the misogyny shown by many of those attacking her.... nor the levels of thanks & support JKR also has Not so independent now is The Independent?

Biological fact is not anti-trans...nowhere has she said anything vile unlike some of the replies... istandwithjkrowling

You do realise that Harry Potter is extremely popular in China? And all around the world. There are many characters in Harry Potter who barely get fleshed out characters because with the stories being set in a school, there is not enough space to give them all a huge life.

Good for her for standing up to the lunatics.

She correct. And it's not controversial.


How were her tweets anti trans? She continually stressed their human rights are inportant. But like me she is sick of the word 'woman' being erased from the vocabulary like it's dirty in a dystopian world.

Her point - it’s not people who menstruate, it’s women. That’s not being transphobic, it’s a biological fact.

NarrativeTheory I'm pretty sure a child getting water from a dirty stream is really annoyed that Harry Potter only gained an Asian character in the third year. Seriously, you call this journalism?

A few Harry Potter fans tear into JK Rowling following anti-trans tweets.

Good..How Elite She has become.. It's a Shame.. RANCID 👇 Old and Very Stale 👉 jk_rowling

Be who you want to be, reject reality as you like, label yourself as you wish, but don't you dare silence people. They have the right to express themselves as you have the right to reject yourself.

She is allowed to have her views on what ever she wants, you don't have to agree with her. End of the day of that's how she feels about the subject that's her choice. Why can't ppl have different view points?

Correction. Harry Potter fans interested in gender identity tear into jk_rowling - others defend her right to a view. Many are too young to understand any of this. Millions don’t give a damn either way.

Disgraceful headline. Pro-women does not mean anti-trans.

People need to get a fucking grip

Is it Anti Trans or Uncle Trans? Gotta be careful nowadays!

Brazil reported 904 coronavirus deaths and 27,075 new cases over the last 24 hours....

What’re they going to do, un-buy her books? 😂

So much so that precisely 0% of her previous twitter followers have unfollowed. Irrevocable proof! Great headline. Evidence based reporting. Reputation. Fearless truth. /sarc

Actually bother to read what she put. ‘I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. ‘ Oh yeah, she sound full of hate 🙄.

Click bait.

No they don’t. I’m a fan, a huge fan, and I applaud her bravery, empathy and honesty. The pile on is making the TRA crowd look more and more like Death Eaters to all normal people with every nasty, slanderous tweet. A is, which one is bloody Voldemort?

Stop ruining our brains at least some big name has spoken the truth. You can't support every other crooked thing in name of freedom of expression

Which of her tweets was anti trans? Must have missed then

'Anti-Trans'?!! Are you sure about that?!!!

Lat time I looked JK had 97k thousand likes and rising fast. Your disingenuous comment needs some context.

jk_rowling they weren’t anti-trans tweets. They were tweets discussing the difficulties & shortcomings of eliminating gender. She clearly states support for the trans community, whilst reiterating that women are mistreated and misrepresented & that still needs to be addressed.

But...Harry Potter 'fans'. So intellectual credibility isn't exactly in abundance.

What the hell is happening in the world 🤦‍♀️ 2020 is ridiculous

Is there really nothing else going on in the UK or the world that this is what you're reporting? Angry people online? How tiring.

Saying that menstruation is a female thing is not 'anti-trans'. Also, why the fuck would you 'install' menstruation when transitioning to female? It's a stupid bug, and women don't want it either. No women ever in history was like 'yay, my period is coming again, so pumped!!'

Truth is truth and falsehood can never be the truth no matter how hard you insist. The truth will always trump falsehood each and every time...

FreakyFwoof Funny nothign was mentioned about Cho Chang when the books were released, not that I saw anyway.

Your bias is showing.

That's ex-fans honey.

This isn't the first she has tweeted some fucked up hurtful shit

It wasn’t anti trans. It was pro women and factual

jokatabs this is what happens when your ideology is based on emotions, not principles. They day you dare evoke principles, they destroy you, no matter how much virtue signaling you've done your whole life 🤣🤣🤣

sbdh59 c’est en anglais mais on en parlait hier

She can pretty much say what she wants as she cannot be cancelled by the mob. A celeb further down the pecking order would be hounded off Twiter or forced into some cringe apology. Haha, love it.

Is it snowing again ❄️

It's amazing how much 'ink' is wasted on what amounts to 'what someone said on Twitter, which someone else didn't like.'

Yet again the self righteous woke generation are up in arms over comments by jk_rowling which are 100% correct!!! Biology doesn't lie!! These trans supporting idiots are nasty intolerant fools. They deserve nothing but contempt.

Fans don't care. Mentally unstable twits do.

Is it not selective reporting, anti, why, counter argument, for balance?

That shows a lot of courage, having in mind that Big Brother Newspapers are watching you.

she’s a terf

Can someone explain how her comments are anti-trans? Am I completely missing something? I scream, for I do not know!

There is something wrong with you if you think supporting women is inherently 'anti-trans'. Are you suggesting that the trans activist movement is a men's rights movement, therefore any support of women is to be shut down?

Around 20 people in my extended family and atleast 40 others I personally know read Harry Potter and all of them agree with her.

When will this woman learn that just because she writes a bunch of wizard books it doesn’t grant her an automatic spot on a social & political podium? Get off your high horse & stick to quidditch & butterbeer. 🙄

... sassy fags!...

If 104k likes and 65k retweets is called 'tearing into' someone, I am sure you guys would love be 'teared into' everyday. You leftist snowflakes.

Why isn’t anti-trans in quotation marks?

If the is against women keeping the LEGAL class of 'woman' you are for the elimination of ALL women's rights. Trans demands should not depend on the elimination of the rights of 50% of the population. Sex is real. Reality isn't trans-phobic. IstandWithJKRowling

The lefty snake continues to consume its own tail

Hey all leftists-Where has tolerance gone?

Saying that biological sex is real...isn’t “anti-trans.” It’s pro-reality.

No they don’t.

It wasnt anti-trans.

Ayn Rand proven right as the left eats its own.

Independent my arse

It wasn't anti-trans, just pro common sense. Stop selling fake news.

'Pro-women' tweets you mean surely?


She already got your money, peasants, and you'll all fall in line to buy her next pile of bollocks 'The Grumbleflangs of Ternaglorf' or 'The Snupaglupatups Soliliquy' or some shit

It wasn't anti-trans, I read it. More fake news

- She was and is factually right, the trans crowd just has a hard time with facts.

I am a fan, my daughters are fans. We support her and agree with what she said.

For telling the truth

Thats some bs! Its totally the opppsite & u know it! FakeNews

There were also a lot of likes and retweets. I'm just sayin'.

as they should

Freedom of speech

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